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Recent work in motor control demonstrates that humans take their own motor uncertainty into account, adjusting the timing and goals of movement so as to maximize expected gain. Visual sensitivity varies dramatically with retinal location and target, and models of optimal visual search typically assume that the visual system takes retinal inhomogeneity into account in planning eye movements. Such models can then use the entire retina rather than just the fovea to speed search. Using a simple decision task, we evaluated human ability to compensate for retinal inhomogeneity. We first measured observers'' sensitivity for targets, varying contrast and eccentricity. Observers then repeatedly chose between targets differing in eccentricity and contrast, selecting the one they would prefer to attempt: e.g., a low contrast target at 2° versus a high contrast target at 10°. Observers knew they would later attempt some of their chosen targets and receive rewards for correct classifications. We evaluated performance in three ways. Equivalence: Do observers'' judgments agree with their actual performance? Do they correctly trade off eccentricity and contrast and select the more discriminable target in each pair? Transitivity: Are observers'' choices self-consistent? Dominance: Do observers understand that increased contrast improves performance? Decreased eccentricity? All observers exhibited patterned failures of equivalence, and seven out of eight observers failed transitivity. There were significant but small failures of dominance. All these failures together reduced their winnings by 10%–18%.  相似文献   

Researchers have conjectured that eye movements during visual search are selected to minimize the number of saccades. The optimal Bayesian eye movement strategy minimizing saccades does not simply direct the eye to whichever location is judged most likely to contain the target but makes use of the entire retina as an information gathering device during each fixation. Here we show that human observers do not minimize the expected number of saccades in planning saccades in a simple visual search task composed of three tokens. In this task, the optimal eye movement strategy varied, depending on the spacing between tokens (in the first experiment) or the size of tokens (in the second experiment), and changed abruptly once the separation or size surpassed a critical value. None of our observers changed strategy as a function of separation or size. Human performance fell far short of ideal, both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

The neural basis of selective spatial attention presents a significant challenge to cognitive neuroscience. Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that regions of the parietal and temporal cortex constitute a "supramodal" network that mediates goal-directed attention in multiple sensory modalities. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to determine which cortical subregions control strategic attention in vision and touch. Healthy observers undertook an orienting task in which a central arrow cue predicted the location of a subsequent visual or somatosensory target. To determine the attentional role of cortical subregions at different stages of processing, TMS was delivered to the right hemisphere during cue or target events. Results indicated a critical role of the inferior parietal cortex in strategic orienting to visual events, but not to somatosensory events. These findings are inconsistent with the existence of a supramodal attentional network and instead provide direct evidence for modality-specific attentional processing in parietal cortex.  相似文献   

Probability matching is a classic theory of decision making that was first developed in models of cognition. Posterior probability matching, a variant in which observers match their response probabilities to the posterior probability of each response being correct, is being used increasingly often in models of perception. However, little is known about whether posterior probability matching is consistent with the vast literature on vision and hearing that has developed within signal detection theory. Here we test posterior probability matching models using two tools from detection theory. First, we examine the models’ performance in a two-pass experiment, where each block of trials is presented twice, and we measure the proportion of times that the model gives the same response twice to repeated stimuli. We show that at low performance levels, posterior probability matching models give highly inconsistent responses across repeated presentations of identical trials. We find that practised human observers are more consistent across repeated trials than these models predict, and we find some evidence that less practised observers more consistent as well. Second, we compare the performance of posterior probability matching models on a discrimination task to the performance of a theoretical ideal observer that achieves the best possible performance. We find that posterior probability matching is very inefficient at low-to-moderate performance levels, and that human observers can be more efficient than is ever possible according to posterior probability matching models. These findings support classic signal detection models, and rule out a broad class of posterior probability matching models for expert performance on perceptual tasks that range in complexity from contrast discrimination to symmetry detection. However, our findings leave open the possibility that inexperienced observers may show posterior probability matching behaviour, and our methods provide new tools for testing for such a strategy.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of the preparation of reach movements on visual perception by simultaneously quantifying both an objective measure of visual sensitivity and the subjective experience of apparent contrast. Using a two-by-two alternative forced choice task, observers compared the orientation (clockwise or counterclockwise) and the contrast (higher or lower) of a Standard Gabor and a Test Gabor, the latter of which was presented during reach preparation, at the reach target location or the opposite location. Discrimination performance was better overall at the reach target than at the opposite location. Perceived contrast increased continuously at the target relative to the opposite location during reach preparation, that is, after the onset of the cue indicating the reach target. The finding that performance and appearance do not evolve in parallel during reach preparation points to a distinction with saccade preparation, for which we have shown previously there is a parallel temporal evolution of performance and appearance. Yet akin to saccade preparation, this study reveals that overall reach preparation enhances both visual performance and appearance.  相似文献   

Tail lesions caused by tail biting are a widespread welfare issue in pig husbandry. Determining their prevalence currently involves labour intensive, subjective scoring methods. Increased societal interest in tail lesions requires fast, reliable and cheap systems for assessing tail status. In the present study, we aimed to test the reliability of neural networks for assessing tail pictures from carcasses against trained human observers. Three trained observers scored tail lesions from automatically recorded pictures of 13 124 pigs. Nearly all pigs had been tail docked. Tail lesions were classified using a 4-point score (0=no lesion, to 3=severe lesion). In addition, total tail loss was recorded. Agreement between observers was tested prior and during the assessment in a total of seven inter-observer tests with 80 pictures each. We calculated agreement between observer pairs as exact agreement (%) and prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted κ (PABAK; value 1=optimal agreement). Out of the 13 124 scored pictures, we used 80% for training and 20% for validating our neural networks. As the position of the tail in the pictures varied (high, low, left, right), we first trained a part detection network to find the tail in the picture and select a rectangular part of the picture which includes the tail. We then trained a classification network to categorise tail lesion severity using pictures scored by human observers whereby the classification network only analysed the selected picture parts. Median exact agreement between the three observers was 80% for tail lesions and 94% for tail loss. Median PABAK for tail lesions and loss were 0.75 and 0.87, respectively. The agreement between classification by the neural network and human observers was 74% for tail lesions and 95% for tail loss. In other words, the agreement between the networks and human observers were very similar to the agreement between human observers. The main reason for disagreement between observers and thereby higher variation in network training material were picture quality issues. Therefore, we expect even better results for neural network application to tail lesions if training is based on high quality pictures. Very reliable and repeatable tail lesion assessment from pictures would allow automated tail classification of all pigs slaughtered, which is something that some animal welfare labels would like to do.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparison between two tasks of visual search. Two observers carried out, in separate blocks, a saccade-to-target task and a manual-target-detection task. The displays, which were identical for the two tasks, consisted of a ring of eight equally spaced Gabor patches. The target could be defined by a difference from the distractors along four possible dimensions: orientation, spatial frequency, contrast or size. These four dimensions were used as variables in separate experiments. In each experiment, performance was measured over an extensive range of values of the particular dimension. Thresholds were thus obtained for the saccade and the manual response tasks. The nature of the response was found to modify the relative visual sensitivity. For orientation differences, manual response performance was better than saccade-to-target performance. The reverse was true for spatial frequency and contrast differences, where saccade-to-target performance was better than manual response performance. We conclude that saccade-selection in a search task draws on different visual information from that used for manual responding in the equivalent task. The two tasks thus differ in more than the different response systems used: the results suggest the action of different underlying neural visual mechanisms as well as different neural motor mechanisms.  相似文献   

The question of which strategy is employed in human decision making has been studied extensively in the context of cognitive tasks; however, this question has not been investigated systematically in the context of perceptual tasks. The goal of this study was to gain insight into the decision-making strategy used by human observers in a low-level perceptual task. Data from more than 100 individuals who participated in an auditory-visual spatial localization task was evaluated to examine which of three plausible strategies could account for each observer''s behavior the best. This task is very suitable for exploring this question because it involves an implicit inference about whether the auditory and visual stimuli were caused by the same object or independent objects, and provides different strategies of how using the inference about causes can lead to distinctly different spatial estimates and response patterns. For example, employing the commonly used cost function of minimizing the mean squared error of spatial estimates would result in a weighted averaging of estimates corresponding to different causal structures. A strategy that would minimize the error in the inferred causal structure would result in the selection of the most likely causal structure and sticking with it in the subsequent inference of location—“model selection.” A third strategy is one that selects a causal structure in proportion to its probability, thus attempting to match the probability of the inferred causal structure. This type of probability matching strategy has been reported to be used by participants predominantly in cognitive tasks. Comparing these three strategies, the behavior of the vast majority of observers in this perceptual task was most consistent with probability matching. While this appears to be a suboptimal strategy and hence a surprising choice for the perceptual system to adopt, we discuss potential advantages of such a strategy for perception.  相似文献   

To explain the surprisingly high frequency of congenital red-green colour blindness, the suggestion has been made that dichromats might be at an advantage in breaking certain kinds of colour camouflage. We have compared the performance of dichromats and normal observers in a task in which texture is camouflaged by colour. The texture elements in a target area differed in either orientation or size from the background elements. In one condition, the texture elements were all of the same colour; in the camouflage condition they were randomly coloured red or green. For trichromats, it proved to be more difficult to detect the target region in the camouflage condition, even though colour was completely irrelevant to the task. Dichromats (n = 7) did not show this effect, and indeed performed better than trichromats in the camouflage condition. We conclude that colour can interfere with segregation based upon texture, and that dichromats are less susceptible to such interference.  相似文献   

Vernier acuity for short horizontal, vertical and oblique target lines was measured in many locations in the periphery of the visual field in normal human observers. In the 10 deg periphery, the average alignment threshold with oblique vernier lines in eight locations for three observers was 2.29 times higher than that with vertical and horizontal target lines. This oblique effect was found everywhere in the visual field. Similar conclusions are drawn for configurations in which the lines were replaced by just their distal endpoints, but here, additionally, performance was distinctly better when the dot pair was collinear with the fixation point, i.e. oriented radially, than when it was oriented tangentially. Both for vernier lines and for dot pairs, in all observers, horizontal configurations showed somewhat better thresholds than vertical ones. These results suggest an inherent pattern of connectivity throughout the visual field favoring processing in the cardinal orientations over the obliques, the radial over the tangential and, to a limited extent, the horizontal over the vertical.  相似文献   

Fishery monitoring programs are essential for effective management of marine resources, as they provide scientists and managers with the necessary data for both the preparation of scientific advice and fisheries control and surveillance. The monitoring is generally done by human observers, both in port and onboard, with a high cost involved. Consequently, some Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO) are opting for electronic monitoring (EM) as an alternative or complement to human observers in certain fisheries. This is the case of the tropical tuna purse seine fishery operating in the Indian and Atlantic oceans, which started an EM program on a voluntary basis in 2017. However, even when the monitoring is conducted though EM, the image analysis is a tedious task manually performed by experts. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective methodology for the automatic processing of the images already being collected by cameras onboard tropical tuna purse seiners. Firstly, the images are preprocessed to homogenize them across all vessels and facilitate subsequent steps. Secondly, the fish are individually segmented using a deep neural network (Mask R-CNN). Then, all segments are passed through other deep neural network (ResNet50V2) to classify them by species and estimate their size distribution. For the classification of fish, we achieved an accuracy for all species of over 70%, i.e., about 3 out of 4 individuals are correctly classified to their corresponding species. The size distribution estimates are aligned with official port measurements but calculated using a larger number of individuals. Finally, we also propose improvements to the current image capture systems which can facilitate the work of the proposed automation methodology.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated task-related changes in brain activation and inter-regional connectivity but the temporal dynamics of functional properties of the brain during task execution is still unclear. In the present study, we investigated task-related changes in functional properties of the human brain network by applying graph-theoretical analysis to magnetoencephalography (MEG). Subjects performed a cue-target attention task in which a visual cue informed them of the direction of focus for incoming auditory or tactile target stimuli, but not the sensory modality. We analyzed the MEG signal in the cue-target interval to examine network properties during attentional control. Cluster-based non-parametric permutation tests with the Monte-Carlo method showed that in the cue-target interval, beta activity was desynchronized in the sensori-motor region including premotor and posterior parietal regions in the hemisphere contralateral to the attended side. Graph-theoretical analysis revealed that, in beta frequency, global hubs were found around the sensori-motor and prefrontal regions, and functional segregation over the entire network was decreased during attentional control compared to the baseline. Thus, network measures revealed task-related temporal changes in functional properties of the human brain network, leading to the understanding of how the brain dynamically responds to task execution as a network.  相似文献   

The diagnostic performance of six human observers with various degrees of experience was tested against the diagnosis developed by consensus and by an automated, computer-generated cell-classification system. The study was based on randomly selected photographs of 200 urothelial cells, classified in groups of 50 as negative, atypical, suspicious and malignant, from smears of urine sediment. The performance of the human observers was tested in three separate sessions at suitable time intervals and evaluated by two analytical statistical techniques: the weighted kappa proposed by Cohen, to evaluate the degree of disagreement, and the log-linear analysis of association. The results indicated considerable interobserver and intraobserver differences, which appeared to be more closely related to the individual's perception of the visual targets than to the degree of experience or the target itself. The performance of the programmed computer was well within the midrange of the human diagnostic performance. This study indicated that under the experimental circumstances described in this paper, the diagnostic perception of cell images is highly subjective. The study implies that similar differences may exist elsewhere in diagnostic microscopy and suggests that the development of objective approaches to the morphologic classification of human disease may prove to be of clinical value.  相似文献   

Previous studies on prospective memory (PM), defined as memory for future intentions, suggest that psychological stress enhances successful PM retrieval. However, the mechanisms underlying this notion remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that PM retrieval is achieved through interaction with autonomic nervous activity, which is mediated by the individual accuracy of interoceptive awareness, as measured by the heartbeat detection task. In this study, the relationship between cardiac reactivity and retrieval of delayed intentions was evaluated using the event-based PM task. Participants were required to detect PM target letters while engaged in an ongoing 2-back working memory task. The results demonstrated that individuals with higher PM task performance had a greater increase in heart rate on PM target presentation. Also, higher interoceptive perceivers showed better PM task performance. This pattern was not observed for working memory task performance. These findings suggest that cardiac afferent signals enhance PM retrieval, which is mediated by individual levels of interoceptive accuracy.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Interoception beyond homeostasis: affect, cognition and mental health’.  相似文献   

Perceived depth is conveyed by multiple cues, including binocular disparity and luminance shading. Depth perception from luminance shading information depends on the perceptual assumption for the incident light, which has been shown to default to a diffuse illumination assumption. We focus on the case of sinusoidally corrugated surfaces to ask how shading and disparity cues combine defined by the joint luminance gradients and intrinsic disparity modulation that would occur in viewing the physical corrugation of a uniform surface under diffuse illumination. Such surfaces were simulated with a sinusoidal luminance modulation (0.26 or 1.8 cy/deg, contrast 20%-80%) modulated either in-phase or in opposite phase with a sinusoidal disparity of the same corrugation frequency, with disparity amplitudes ranging from 0’-20’. The observers’ task was to adjust the binocular disparity of a comparison random-dot stereogram surface to match the perceived depth of the joint luminance/disparity-modulated corrugation target. Regardless of target spatial frequency, the perceived target depth increased with the luminance contrast and depended on luminance phase but was largely unaffected by the luminance disparity modulation. These results validate the idea that human observers can use the diffuse illumination assumption to perceive depth from luminance gradients alone without making an assumption of light direction. For depth judgments with combined cues, the observers gave much greater weighting to the luminance shading than to the disparity modulation of the targets. The results were not well-fit by a Bayesian cue-combination model weighted in proportion to the variance of the measurements for each cue in isolation. Instead, they suggest that the visual system uses disjunctive mechanisms to process these two types of information rather than combining them according to their likelihood ratios.  相似文献   

Salient distractors draw our attention spontaneously, even when we intentionally want to ignore them. When this occurs, the real targets close to or overlapping with the distractors benefit from attention capture and thus are detected and discriminated more quickly. However, a puzzling opposite effect was observed in a search display with a column of vertical collinear bars presented as a task-irrelevant distractor [6]. In this case, it was harder to discriminate the targets overlapping with the salient distractor. Here we examined whether this effect originated from factors known to modulate attentional capture: (a) low probability—the probability occurrence of target location at the collinear column was much less (14%) than the rest of the display (86%), and observers might strategically direct their attention away from the collinear distractor; (b) attentional control setting—the distractor and target task interfered with each other because they shared the same continuity set in attentional task; and/or (c) lack of time to establish the optional strategy. We tested these hypotheses by (a) increasing to 60% the trials in which targets overlapped with the same collinear distractor columns, (b) replacing the target task to be connectivity-irrelevant (i.e., luminance discrimination), and (c) having our observers practice the same search task for 10 days. Our results speak against all these hypotheses and lead us to conclude that a collinear distractor impairs search at a level that is unaffected by probabilistic information, attentional setting, and learning.  相似文献   

Single neurons in auditory cortex display highly selective spectrotemporal properties: their receptive fields modulate over small fractions of an octave and integrate across temporal windows of 100–200?ms. We investigated how these characteristics impact auditory behavior. Human observers were asked to detect a specific sound frequency masked by broadband noise; we adopted an experimental design which required the engagement of frequency-selective mechanisms to perform above chance. We then applied psychophysical reverse correlation to derive spectrotemporal perceptual filters for the assigned task. We were able to expose signatures of neuronal-like spectrotemporal tuning on a scale of 1/10 octave and 50–100?ms, but detailed modeling of our results showed that observers were not able to rely on the explicit output of these channels. Instead, human observers pooled from a large bank of highly selective channels via a weighting envelope poorly tuned for frequency (on a scale of 1.5 octave) with sluggish temporal dynamics, followed by a highly nonlinear max-like operation. We conclude that human detection of specific frequencies embedded within complex sounds suffers from a high degree of intrinsic spectrotemporal uncertainty, resulting in low efficiency values (<?1?%) for this perceptual ability. Signatures of the underlying neural circuitry can be exposed, but there does not appear to be a direct line for accessing individual neural channels on a fine scale.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that human motor behavior can be successfully described using optimal control theory, which describes behavior by optimizing the trade-off between the subject's effort and performance. This approach predicts that subjects reach the goal exactly at the final time. However, another strategy might be that subjects try to reach the target position well before the final time to avoid the risk of missing the target. To test this, we have investigated whether minimizing the control effort and maximizing the performance is sufficient to describe human motor behavior in time-constrained motor tasks. In addition to the standard model, we postulate a new model which includes an additional cost criterion which penalizes deviations between the position of the effector and the target throughout the trial, forcing arrival on target before the final time. To investigate which model gives the best fit to the data and to see whether that model is generic, we tested both models in two different tasks where subjects used a joystick to steer a ball on a screen to hit a target (first task) or one of two targets (second task) before a final time. Noise of different amplitudes was superimposed on the ball position to investigate the ability of the models to predict motor behavior for different levels of uncertainty. The results show that a cost function representing only a trade-off between effort and accuracy at the end time is insufficient to describe the observed behavior. The new model correctly predicts that subjects steer the ball to the target position well before the final time is reached, which is in agreement with the observed behavior. This result is consistent for all noise amplitudes and for both tasks.  相似文献   



Faces are arguably one of the most important object categories encountered by human observers, yet they present one of the most difficult challenges to both the human and artificial visual systems. A variety of experimental paradigms have been developed to study how faces are represented and recognized, among which is the part-spacing paradigm. This paradigm is presumed to characterize the processing of both the featural and configural information of faces, and it has become increasingly popular for testing hypotheses on face specificity and in the diagnosis of face perception in cognitive disorders.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In two experiments we questioned the validity of the part task of this paradigm by showing that, in this task, measuring pure information about face parts is confounded by the effect of face configuration on the perception of those parts. First, we eliminated or reduced contributions from face configuration by either rearranging face parts into a non-face configuration or by removing the low spatial frequencies of face images. We found that face parts were no longer sensitive to inversion, suggesting that the previously reported inversion effect observed in the part task was due in fact to the presence of face configuration. Second, self-reported prosopagnosic patients who were selectively impaired in the holistic processing of faces failed to detect part changes when face configurations were presented. When face configurations were scrambled, however, their performance was as good as that of normal controls.


In sum, consistent evidence from testing both normal and prosopagnosic subjects suggests the part task of the part-spacing paradigm is not an appropriate task for either measuring how face parts alone are processed or for providing a valid contrast to the spacing task. Therefore, conclusions from previous studies using the part-spacing paradigm may need re-evaluation with proper paradigms.  相似文献   

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