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Symbiodinium-like dinoflagellates have been shown to be a diverse group of endosymbionts that associate mutualistically with many kinds of coral reef dwellers, including cnidarians, molluscs, and protists. A high number of genetically ITS types of symbionts have been reported to date. However, whether these recently identified Symbiodinium ITS types indeed represent independent evolutionary lineages is still unsettled. Here I tested the null hypothesis that certain group of symbionts sampled from different geographical locations are derived from a single evolutionary lineage using a nested clade analysis (NCA). I analyzed a total of 174 ITS1 sequences from GenBank and pooled them into 74 ITS1 distinct haplotypes. Using these haplotypes, the statistical parsimony criterion produced 23 independent network trees, each one corresponding to a genetically independent evolving lineage. Some of these lineages revealed certain degree of specificity with some host groups at least at the phylum level. Within the previously described 28S-rDNA phylotype A, five ITS1 lineages were resolved. Phylotypes B and C resolved each in two ITS1 lineages. The highest ITS1 symbiont diversity was observed within the phylotype F, in which 11 lineages were resolved. Moreover, most of these lineages were associated uniquely with protist hosts from the group of foraminiferans. Here it is suggested that this high genetic diversity of endosymbionts associated with foraminiferans is linked with the evolution of soritacean foraminifera, which seems to have been driven by endosymbiosis. Lastly, the absence of genetic recombination presented in this study, suggest a lack of hybridisation at least among the major 28S-rDNA phylotypes within Symbiodinium-like dinoflagellates. This supports highly the idea that these phylotypes are indeed independent evolutionary units, which should be considered at least as different species. Whether they belong to the same genus or to different higher taxa still needs to be revised.  相似文献   

The idea of ‘besides the MU properties and depending on the recording techniques, MUAPs can have unique pattern’ was adopted. The aim of this work was to recognise whether a Laplacian-detected MUAP is isolated or overlapped basing on novel morphological features using fuzzy classifier. Training data set was constructed to elaborate and test the ‘if-then’ fuzzy rules using signals provided by three muscles: the abductor pollicis brevis (APB), the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and the biceps brachii (BB) muscles of 11 healthy subjects. The proposed fuzzy classier recognized automatically the isolated MUAPs with a performance of 95.03% which was improved to 97.8% by adjusting the certainty grades of rules using genetic algorithms (GA). Synthetic signals were used as reference to further evaluate the performance of the elaborated classifier. The recognition of the isolated MUAPs depends largely on noise level and is acceptable down to the signal to noise ratio of 20 dB with a detection probability of 0.96. The recognition of overlapped MUAPs depends slightly on the noise level with a detection probability of about 0.8. The corresponding misrecognition is caused principally by the synchronisation and the small overlapping degree.  相似文献   

Travel time is an important measurement used to evaluate the extent of congestion within road networks. This paper presents a new method to estimate the travel time based on an evolving fuzzy neural inference system. The input variables in the system are traffic flow data (volume, occupancy, and speed) collected from loop detectors located at points both upstream and downstream of a given link, and the output variable is the link travel time. A first order Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy rule set is used to complete the inference. For training the evolving fuzzy neural network (EFNN), two learning processes are proposed: (1) a K-means method is employed to partition input samples into different clusters, and a Gaussian fuzzy membership function is designed for each cluster to measure the membership degree of samples to the cluster centers. As the number of input samples increases, the cluster centers are modified and membership functions are also updated; (2) a weighted recursive least squares estimator is used to optimize the parameters of the linear functions in the Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy rules. Testing datasets consisting of actual and simulated data are used to test the proposed method. Three common criteria including mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute relative error (MARE) are utilized to evaluate the estimation performance. Estimation results demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the EFNN method through comparison with existing methods including: multiple linear regression (MLR), instantaneous model (IM), linear model (LM), neural network (NN), and cumulative plots (CP).  相似文献   

Wong KK  Abbott D 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e25621
Automatic target recognition that relies on rapid feature extraction of real-time target from photo-realistic imaging will enable efficient identification of target patterns. To achieve this objective, Cross-plots of binary patterns are explored as potential signatures for the observed target by high-speed capture of the crucial spatial features using minimal computational resources. Target recognition was implemented based on the proposed pattern recognition concept and tested rigorously for its precision and recall performance. We conclude that Cross-plotting is able to produce a digital fingerprint of a target that correlates efficiently and effectively to signatures of patterns having its identity in a target repository.  相似文献   

个体识别是动物行为学与生态学研究工作的基础,也是制定珍稀野生动物保护政策的重要依据。为了丰富大熊猫个体识别和种群数量调查的方法,我们于2017年7月分别在四川省雅安市碧峰峡大熊猫基地和四川省汶川县耿达镇的中华大熊猫苑共计拍摄18只大熊猫个体,每只大熊猫拍摄6~13张高质量面部照片(共计131张),利用发育网络(Developmental Network)建立大熊猫面部识别模型。利用此模型对存在部分背景的大熊猫面部照片进行识别检测,得到的个体识别率为79.41%,对完全去除背景的大熊猫面部照片进行识别检测,得到的个体识别率为58.82%。研究表明,发育网络具有足够的大熊猫个体识别能力,不同背景比例的照片对大熊猫个体识别的实际结果具有较大的影响。随着发育网络识别模型的发展,我们建议更多的野生动物保护研究者结合这一技术深入地开展珍稀野生动物(如大熊猫)个体识别研究,逐步提高识别准确度,并应用到关键区域大规模的动物调查中。  相似文献   

We describe DAGGER, an ab initio gene recognition program which combines the output of high dimensional signal sensors in an intuitive gene model based on directed acyclic graphs. In the first stage, candidate start, donor, acceptor, and stop sites are scored using the SNoW learning architecture. These sites are then used to generate a directed acyclic graph in which each source-sink path represents a possible gene structure. Training sequences are used to optimize an edge weighting function so that the shortest source-sink path maximizes exon-level prediction accuracy. Experimental evaluation of prediction accuracy on two benchmark data sets demonstrates that DAGGERis competitive with ab initio gene finding programs based on Hidden Markov Models.  相似文献   

项和雨  邹斌  唐亮  陈维国  饶凯锋  刘勇  马梅  杨艳 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6883-6892
浮游植物作为水生态系统中最重要的生物组成部分之一,对水环境敏感,在水环境监测中得到了广泛的关注。然而水生环境复杂多样,准确高效地识别浮游植物是监测工作中的一大挑战。当前浮游植物识别方法可分为经典形态学分类、分子标记和人工智能图像识别三类。前两种方法已被广泛采用,但费时费力,不利于监测机构的大规模应用和推广。同样,利用图像进行自动化分类难以在高准确率与高效率上达到平衡。深度学习技术的发展为此提供了新思路。本文提出一种新的深度卷积神经网络RAN-11。该网络以残差注意力网络Attention-56和Attention-92为基础,凭借通道对齐融合主干上的底层特征与顶层特征,通过调整注意力模块和残差快个数以精简结构,并引入了Leaky ReLU激活函数代替ReLU。以太湖11个优势属共计1036张图像为数据来源进行对比验证。除星杆藻外,RAN-11对单一优势属的的查准率都在90%以上,并且有5个优势属达到100%的查准率。RAN-11的识别准确率为95.67%,推理速率为41.5帧/s,不仅比Attention-92(95.19%的准确率,23.6帧/s)更准确,而且比Attention-56(94.71%的准确率,41.2帧/s)更快,真正兼顾了准确率与效率。研究结果表明:(1)RAN-11在查准率、准确率和推理速率上优于原始残差注意力网络,更优于以词包模型为代表的传统图像识别方法;(2)融合多尺度特征、精简网络结构和优化激活函数是提高卷积神经网络性能的有力手段。建立在经典分类基础之上,本文提出新的残差注意力网络来提升浮游植物鉴定技术,并构建出浮游植物自动化识别系统,识别准确率高、易于推广,对于实现水体中浮游植物的自动化监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Most of current neural network architectures are not suited to recognize a pattern at various displaced positions. This lack seems due to the prevailing neuron model which reduces a neuron's information transmission to its firing rate. With this information code, a neuronal assembly cannot distinguish between different combinations of its entities and therefore fails to represent the fine structure within a pattern. In our approach, the main idea of the correlation theory is accepted that spatial relationships in a pattern should be coded by temporal relations in the timing of action potentials. However, we do not assume that synchronized spikes are a sign for strong synapses between the neurons concerned. Instead, the synchronization of Synfire chains can be exploited to produce the relevant timing relationships between the neuronal signals. Therefore, we do not require fast synaptic plasticity to account for the precise timing of action potentials. In order to illustrate this claim, we propose a model for translation-invariant pattern recognition which does not depend on any changes in synaptic efficacies. Received: 14 June 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 9 January 1999  相似文献   

The automatic place recognition problem is one of the key challenges in SLAM approaches for loop closure detection. Most of the appearance-based solutions to this problem share the idea of image feature extraction, memorization, and matching search. The weakness of these solutions is the storage and computational costs which increase drastically with the environment size. In this regard, the major constraints to overcome are the required visual information storage and the complexity of similarity computation. In this paper, a novel formulation is proposed that allows the computation time reduction while no visual information are stored and matched explicitly. The proposed solution relies on the incremental building of a bio-inspired visual memory using a Fuzzy ART network. This network considers the properties discovered in primate brain. The performance evaluation of the proposed method has been conducted using two datasets representing different large scale outdoor environments. The method has been compared with RatSLAM and FAB-MAP approaches and has demonstrated a decreased time and storage costs with broadly comparable precision recall performance.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA) patterns have been successfully fabricated for the deposition of lipid bilayer, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sglycerophosphate (DMPA), by making use of the micro-contact printing (microCP) technique and liposome fusion. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) results indicate that lipid bilayer has been assembled in HSA patterns with a good stability. Such well-defined lipid patterns formed on HSA surface create possibility to incorporate specific components like channels or receptors for specific recognition. In view of this, microspheres coated with lipid membranes were immobilized in HSA-supported lipid patterns via the hybridization of complementary ss-DNAs. This procedure enables to transfer solid materials to a soft surface through a specific recognition.  相似文献   

RNA structural motifs are recurrent structural elements occurring in RNA molecules. RNA structural motif recognition aims to find RNA substructures that are similar to a query motif, and it is important for RNA structure analysis and RNA function prediction. In view of this, we propose a new method known as RNA Structural Motif Recognition based on Least-Squares distance (LS-RSMR) to effectively recognize RNA structural motifs. A test set consisting of five types of RNA structural motifs occurring in Escherichia coli ribosomal RNA is compiled by us. Experiments are conducted for recognizing these five types of motifs. The experimental results fully reveal the superiority of the proposed LS-RSMR compared with four other state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Cell recognition based on natural morphological nuclear markers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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