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Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68) infection of mice provides a tractable small-animal model system for assessing the requirements for the establishment and maintenance of gammaherpesvirus latency within the lymphoid compartment. The M2 gene product of gammaHV68 is a latency-associated antigen with no discernible homology to any known proteins. Here we focus on the requirement for the M2 gene in splenic B-cell latency. Our analyses showed the following. (i) Low-dose (100 PFU) inoculation administered via the intranasal route resulted in a failure to establish splenic B-cell latency at day 16 postinfection. (ii) Increasing the inoculation dose to 4 x 10(5) PFU administered via the intranasal route partially restored the establishment of B-cell latency at day 16, but no virus reactivation was detected upon explant into tissue cultures. (iii) Although previous data failed to detect a phenotype of the M2 mutant upon high-dose intraperitoneal inoculation, decreasing the inoculation dose to 100 PFU administered intraperitoneally revealed a splenic B-cell latency phenotype at day 16 that was very similar to the phenotype observed upon high-dose intranasal inoculation. (iv) After low-dose intraperitoneal inoculation, fractionated B-cell populations showed that the M2 mutant virus was able to establish latency in surface immunoglobulin D-negative (sIgD(-)) B cells; by 6 months postinfection, equivalent frequencies of M2 mutant and marker rescue viral genome-positive sIgD(-) B cells were detected. (v) Like the marker rescue virus, the M2 mutant virus also established latency in splenic naive B cells upon low-dose intraperitoneal inoculation, but there was a significant lag in the decay of this latently infected reservoir compared to that seen with the marker rescue virus. (vi) After low-dose intranasal inoculation, by day 42 postinfection, latency was observed in the spleen, although at a frequency significantly lower than that in the marker rescue virus-infected mice; by 3 months postinfection, nearly equivalent levels of viral genome-positive cells were observed in the spleens of marker rescue virus- and M2 mutant virus-infected mice, and these cells were exclusively sIgD(-) B cells. Taken together, these data convincingly demonstrate a role for the M2 gene product in reactivation from splenic B cells and also suggest that disruption of the M2 gene leads to dose- and route-specific defects in the efficient establishment of splenic B-cell latency.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68 [also known as gammaHV-68]) is distinguished by its ability to replicate to high titers in cultured cells, making it an excellent candidate for studying gammaherpesvirus virion composition. Extracellular MHV68 virions were isolated, and abundant virion-associated proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. Five nucleocapsid protein homologues, the tegument protein homologue encoded by open reading frame (ORF) 75c, and envelope glycoproteins B and H were detected. In addition, gene products from MHV68 ORF20, ORF24, ORF28, ORF45, ORF48, and ORF52 were identified in association with virions, suggesting that these gammaherpesvirus genes are involved in the early phase of infection or virion assembly and egress.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) infection of inbred mice represents a genetically tractable small-animal model for assessing the requirements for the establishment of latency, as well as reactivation from latency, within the lymphoid compartment. By day 16 postinfection, MHV68 latency in the spleen is found in B cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages. However, as with Epstein-Barr virus, by 3 months postinfection MHV68 latency is predominantly found in isotype-switched memory B cells. The MHV68 M2 gene product is a latency-associated antigen with no discernible homology to any known cellular or viral proteins. However, depending on experimental conditions, the M2 protein has been shown to play a critical role in both the efficient establishment of latency in splenic B cells and reactivation from latently infected splenic B cells. Inspection of the sequence of the M2 protein reveals several hallmarks of a signaling molecule, including multiple PXXP motifs and two potential tyrosine phosphorylation sites. Here, we report the generation of a panel of recombinant MHV68 viruses harboring mutations in the M2 gene that disrupt putative functional motifs. Subsequent analyses of the panel of M2 mutant viruses revealed a functionally important cluster of PXXP motifs in the C-terminal region of M2, which have previously been implicated in binding Vav proteins (P. A. Madureira, P. Matos, I. Soeiro, L. K. Dixon, J. P. Simas, and E. W. Lam, J. Biol. Chem. 280:37310-37318, 2005; L. Rodrigues, M. Pires de Miranda, M. J. Caloca, X. R. Bustelo, and J. P. Simas, J. Virol. 80:6123-6135, 2006). Further characterization of two adjacent PXXP motifs in the C terminus of the M2 protein revealed differences in the functions of these domains in M2-driven expansion of primary murine B cells in culture. Finally, we show that tyrosine residues 120 and 129 play a critical role in both the establishment of splenic latency and reactivation from latency upon explant of splenocytes into tissue culture. Taken together, these analyses will aide future studies for identifying M2 interacting partners and B-cell signaling pathways that are manipulated by the M2 protein.  相似文献   

All herpesviruses encode a homolog of glycoprotein M (gM), which appears to function in virion morphogenesis. Despite its conservation, gM is inessential for the lytic replication of alphaherpesviruses. In order to address the importance of gM in gammaherpesviruses, we disrupted it in the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68). The mutant virus completely failed to propagate in normally permissive fibroblasts. The defective genome was rescued by either homologous recombination to restore the wild-type gM in situ or the insertion of an ectopic, intergenic expression cassette encoding gM into the viral genome. Thus, gM was essential for the lytic replication of MHV-68.  相似文献   


The authors regret having omitted grant attributions in the original publication, and the acknowledgments are herewith updated.“This work was supported by grants to IU from the European Research Council (lncImpact project number 863589), the Abisch‐Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences, and the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics.”The authors apologize for this oversight and any confusion it may have caused.  相似文献   

Open reading frame 73 (ORF 73) is conserved among the gamma-2-herpesviruses (rhadinoviruses) and, in Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and herpesvirus saimiri (HVS), has been shown to encode a latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA). The KSHV and HVS LANAs have also been shown to be required for maintenance of the viral genome as an episome during latency. LANA binds both the viral latency-associated origin of replication and the host cell chromosome, thereby ensuring efficient partitioning of viral genomes to daughter cells during mitosis of a latently infected cell. In gammaherpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68), the role of the LANA homolog in viral infection has not been analyzed. Here we report the construction of a gammaHV68 mutant containing a translation termination codon in the LANA ORF (73.STOP). The 73.STOP mutant virus replicated normally in vitro, in both proliferating and quiescent murine fibroblasts. In addition, there was no difference between wild-type (WT) and 73.STOP virus in the kinetics of induction of lethality in mice lacking B and T cells (Rag 1(-/-)) infected with 1000 PFU of virus. However, compared to WT virus, the 73.STOP mutant exhibited delayed kinetics of replication in the lungs of immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice. In addition, the 73.STOP mutant exhibited a severe defect in the establishment of latency in the spleen of C57BL/6 mice. Increasing the inoculum of 73.STOP virus partially overcame the acute replication defected observed in the lungs at day 4 postinfection but did not ameliorate the severe defect in the establishment of splenic latency. Thus, consistent with its proposed role in replication of the latent viral episome, LANA appears to be a critical determinant in the establishment of gammaHV68 latency in the spleen post-intranasal infection.  相似文献   

The murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68 or gammaHV-68) model provides many advantages for studying virus-host interactions involved in gammaherpesvirus replication, including the role of cellular responses to infection. We examined the effects of cellular cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and its by-product prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) on MHV-68 gene expression and protein production following de novo infection of cultured cells. Western blot analyses revealed an induction of COX-2 protein in MHV-68-infected cells but not in cells infected with UV-irradiated MHV-68. Luciferase reporter assays demonstrated activation of the COX-2 promoter during MHV-68 replication. Two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a COX-2-specific inhibitor (NS-398) and a COX-1-COX-2 inhibitor (indomethacin), substantially reduced MHV-68 protein production in infected cells. Inhibition of viral protein expression and virion production by NS-398 was reversed in the presence of exogenous PGE(2). Global gene expression analysis using an MHV-68 DNA array showed that PGE(2) increased production of multiple viral gene products, and NS-398 inhibited production of many of the same genes. These studies suggest that COX-2 activity and PGE(2) production may play significant roles during MHV-68 de novo infection.  相似文献   

Deng H  Chu JT  Park NH  Sun R 《Journal of virology》2004,78(17):9123-9131
Human gammaherpesviruses are associated with lymphomas and other malignancies. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) infection of mice has emerged as a model for understanding gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in vivo. In contrast to human gammaherpesviruses, MHV-68 replicates in permissive cell lines in a robust manner, presenting an efficient model to study the basic mechanisms for DNA replication and recombination processes. In addition, MHV-68 also infects a broad range of cells of different tissue types and from different host species, and the viral genome persists as an episome in infected cells. These features make MHV-68 an attractive system on which to build gene delivery vectors. We have therefore undertaken a study to identify the cis elements required for MHV-68 genome replication and packaging. Here we report that an 8.4-kb MHV-68 genomic fragment between ORF66 and ORF73 conferred on the plasmid the ability to replicate; replication required the presence of either de novo viral infection or viral reactivation from latency. We further mapped the origin of lytic replication (oriLyt) to a 1.25-kb region. Moreover, we demonstrated that the terminal repeat of the viral genome is sufficient for packaging of the replicated oriLyt plasmid into mature viral particles. Functional identification of the MHV-68 oriLyt and packaging signal has laid a foundation for investigating the mechanisms controlling gammaherpesvirus DNA replication during the viral lytic phase and will also serve as a base on which to design gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Upton JW  Speck SH 《Journal of virology》2006,80(24):11946-11959
Gamma-2 herpesviruses encode homologues of mammalian D-type cyclins (v-cyclins), which likely function to manipulate the cell cycle, thereby providing a cellular environment conducive to virus replication and/or reactivation from latency. We have previously shown that the v-cyclin of murine gammaherpesvirus 68 is an oncogene that binds and activates cellular cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and is required for efficient reactivation from latency. To determine the contribution of v-cyclin-mediated cell cycle regulation to the viral life cycle, recombinant viruses in which specific point mutations (E133V or K104E) were introduced into the v-cyclin open reading frame were generated, resulting in the disruption of CDK binding and activation. While in vitro growth of these mutant viruses was unaffected, lytic replication in the lungs following low-dose intranasal inoculation was attenuated for both mutants deficient in CDK binding as well as virus in which the entire v-cyclin open reading frame was disrupted by the insertion of a translation termination codon. This replication defect was not apparent in spleens of mice following intraperitoneal inoculation, suggesting a cell type- and/or route-specific dependence on v-cyclin-CDK interactions during the acute phase of virus infection. Notably, although a v-cyclin-null virus was highly attenuated for reactivation from latency, the E133V v-cyclin CDK-binding mutant exhibited only a modest defect in virus reactivation from splenocytes, and neither the E133V nor K104E v-cyclin mutants were compromised in reactivation from peritoneal exudate cells. Taken together, these data suggest that lytic replication and reactivation in vivo are differentially regulated by CDK-dependent and CDK-independent functions of v-cyclin, respectively.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) is a naturally occurring virus of murid rodents which displays pathobiological characteristics similar to those of other gammaherpesviruses, including Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). However, unlike EBV and many other gammaherpesviruses, MHV-68 replicates in epithelial cells in vitro and infects laboratory strains of mice and therefore provides a good model for the study of gammaherpesviruses. Studies of sequences around the center of the MHV-68 genome identified a gene (designated BPRF1 for BamHI P fragment rightward open reading frame 1) whose putative product had motifs reminiscent of a transmembrane glycoprotein. All other gammaherpesviruses have a glycoprotein in this genomic position, but the BPRF1 gene showed sequence homology with only the EBV membrane antigen gp340/220. Biochemical analysis showed that the product of BPRF1 was a glycoprotein present on the surface of infected cells, and immunoelectron microscopy showed that it was present in the virus particle. In addition, antibodies to the BPRF1 product raised by using a bacterial fusion protein neutralized the virus in the absence of complement. The predominant molecular weights of the protein were 150,000 and 130,000. Pulse-chase analysis and endoglycosidase-H digestion showed that the 130,000-molecular-weight form was a precursor of the 150,000-molecular-weight form, and cell surface labelling showed that the 150,000-molecular-weight form alone was on the cell surface. We therefore named the protein gp150. Since gp150 is the first virion-associated glycoprotein and neutralizing determinant of MHV-68 to be characterized, it provides a valuable tool for the future study of virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68, or MHV-68) is a genetically tractable, small animal model for the analysis of gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis. The gammaHV68 genome is colinear with the genomes of other sequence gammaherpesviruses, containing large blocks of conserved genes interspersed by a number of putative genes without clear homologs in the other gammaherpesviruses. One of these putative unique genes, the M1 open reading frame (ORF), exhibits sequence homology to a poxvirus serine protease inhibitor, SPI-1, as well as to another gammaHV68 gene, M3, which we have recently shown encodes an abundantly secreted chemokine binding protein. To assess the contribution of the M1 ORF to gammaHV68 pathogenesis, we have generated a recombinant gammaHV68 in which the M1 ORF has been disrupted through targeted insertion of a lacZ expression cassette (M1.LacZ). Although M1.LacZ replicated normally in tissue culture, it exhibited decreased splenic titers at days 4 and 9 postinfection in both immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice. Despite decreased levels of acute virus replication, M1.LacZ established a latent infection comparable to wild-type (wt) gammaHV68, but exhibited an approximately fivefold increase in efficiency of reactivation from latency. M1.LacZ also caused severe vasculitis of the great elastic arteries in gamma interferon receptor (IFN-gammaR)-deficient mice with a frequency comparable to wt gammaHV68, but did not cause the mortality or splenic pathology observed with wt gammaHV68 infection of IFN-gammaR-deficient mice. Restoration of M1 ORF sequences into M1.LacZ (M1 marker rescue, or M1.MR) demonstrated that M1.LacZ phenotypic alterations in growth in vivo and latency were not due to the presence of additional mutations located elsewhere in the M1. LacZ genome. Generation of a second M1 mutant virus containing a deletion at the 5' end of the M1 ORF (M1Delta511), but lacking the LacZ expression cassette, revealed the same latency phenotype observed with the M1.LacZ mutant. However, M1Delta511 was not attenuated for acute virus replication in the spleen. We conclude that (i) the induction of arteritis in gammaHV68-infected IFN-gammaR-deficient mice can occur in the absence of splenic pathology and mortality, (ii) replication during acute infection is not the primary determinant for the establishment of latent infection, and (iii) the M1 ORF, or a closely linked gene, encodes a gene product that functions to suppress virus reactivation.  相似文献   

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