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A method for disintegration of cells of group A streptococcus on the Edebeau extrusion press was developed. The level of disintegration was controlled by cell count in stained preparations, Coultier electronic counter and electron microscope. The streptococcus cell disintegration in the Edebeau extrusion press at a temperature of --40 degrees, a pressure of 3200 kg/cm2 and two cycles of the process was completed by 96-98%.  相似文献   

It was shown in the gel precipitation tests that absorption of human and rabbit IgG or Fc-fragments obtained from human IgG group A streptococcal cultures results in inhibition of the reactions of these preparations with immunoglobulin sera. The reactions of F(ab')2-fragments with the corresponding sera are not inhibited during their absorption by the same cultures. The results obtained support the presence in a number of group A streptococcal cultures of immunoglobulin receptors (Ig-receptors) capable of reacting with Fc-parts of human and rabbit IgG. Pepsin treatment destroys Ig-receptors. These receptors could not be found by the method used in hydrochloric acid extracts prepared from streptococci containing the receptors. The method can be applied for determination of Ig-receptors in streptococcal cultures.  相似文献   

The data on physiological conditions of the bacteriolytic enzyme formulation of actinomycetes, the population structure of producing cultures, the search of producers of enzymes able to hydrolyze the peptidoglycan of cellular walls of bacteria are reviewed. The fields of application of lytic enzymes in fundamental and applied microbiological investigations are pointed out. These enzymes are of considerable interest as potentially useful chemotherapeutics and food preservatives. They may be successfully used in biochemical and genetic investigation, in the study of peptidoglycan structure. The ability of bacteriolytic enzymes to cause the lysis of microorganisms resistant to the lysozyme action is of special importance. The application of these enzymes allows to work out gentle methods of lysis of bacterial cells used in various fields of microbiology.  相似文献   

The biochemical and morphological characteristics of polysaccharides synthesized from sucrose by extracellular enzymes from D-glucose-grown Streptococcus mutans representing serotypes a-g were compared. The polysaccharides synthesized by the enzymes from serotypes a, d, and g formed visible aggregates and firmly adhered to glass surfaces, whereas those formed by the enzymes from serotypes b, c, e, and f floated homogeneously and were poorly adherent. The enzymes of serotypes a, d, and g produced large amounts of water-insoluble polysaccharides (IPs, D-glucans), and those of serotypes b, c, e, and f water-soluble polysaccharides (SPs, D-glucans and D- fructans ). As compared with the IPs of serotypes b, c, e, and f, the IPs of serotypes a, d, and g (a) contained a higher proportion of (1----3)-alpha-D-glucosidic linkages and alpha-D-(1----3,6) branch linkages; (b) showed higher susceptibility to (1----3)-alpha-D-glucanase (serotype a excepted) and lower (1----6)-alpha-D-glucanase sensitivity; (c) contained larger amounts of high-molecular-weight fractions; (d) showed higher intrinsic viscosities (serotype b excepted); and (e) had lower S. mutans cell-agglutination activities. On electron-microscope observation, the IPs of all serotypes showed two fibrillar components; a double-stranded fibril, with short, fluffy protrusions extending out of its periphery, and a fine, single-stranded fibril. Thus, the serotypes could be divided into two major groups: a, d, and g; and b, c, e, and f. No similar grouping of serotypes was indicated by the chemical and morphological properties of SPs.  相似文献   

This review is devoted to the bacteriolytic enzymes produced by many actinomycetes, mainly by Streptomyces genus. The bacteriolytic enzymes hydrolyse the specific bonds in bacterial peptidoglycans and cause the solubilization of the cellular walls and the disintegration of the bacterial cells. Many of the enzymes are purified to the electrophoretic homogeneity. The actinomycetes form the endo-N-acetylmuramidases more often, then the endopeptidases follow according to the frequency of occurrence, while the amidases and endo-N-acetylglucosaminidases are met rather seldom among the streptomycete-producers. The known amidases and exo-enzymes which are also produced by some species of actinomycetes are not related to the lytic enzymes proper. Almost all known endopeptidases from streptomyces hydrolyse the bridge peptide bonds in which the carboxyl group of terminal D-alanyl of peptide chain is involved. The bacteriolytic spectra of the different muramidases differ from each other and essentially differ from the spectrum of the egg-white lysozyme. Some endomuramidases from streptomyces are able to hydrolyse streptococci and some other important from the practical point of view microorganisms resistant to the action of lysozyme.  相似文献   

Oenococcus oeni exhibited extracellular β (1→3) glucanase activity. This activity increased when cells were cultivated with glycosidic cell-wall macromolecules. In addition, the culture supernatant of the organism effectively lysed viable or dead cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This lytic activity appeared in the early stationary phase of bacterial growth. Yeast cells at the end of the log phase of growth were the most sensitive. The optimum temperature for lysis of viable yeast cells was 40°C, which is very different from the temperatures observed in enological conditions (15–20°C). Moreover, the rate of the lytic activity was significantly lower in comparison with yeast cell wall-degrading activities previously measured in various other microorganisms. Therefore, yeast cell death that is sometimes observed during the alcoholic fermentation could hardly be attributed to the lytic activity of O. oeni. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 193–197. Received 27 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 14 July 2000  相似文献   

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) are pathogenic bacteria of the genus Streptococcus and cause severe invasive infections that comprise a wide range of diverse diseases, including acute respiratory distress syndrome, renal failure, toxic shock‐like syndrome, sepsis, cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis. The essential virulence, infected host and external environmental factors required for invasive GAS infections have not yet been determined. Superinfection with influenza virus and GAS induced invasive GAS infections was demonstrated by our team in a mouse model, after which clinical cases of invasive GAS infections secondary to influenza virus infection were reported by other investigators in Japan, USA, Canada, UK China, and other countries. However, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying influenza virus‐GAS superinfection are not yet fully understood. The present review describes the current knowledge about invasive GAS infections by superinfection. Topics addressed include the bacteriological, virological and immunological mechanisms impacting invasion upon superinfection on top of underlying influenza virus infection by GAS and other bacteria (i.e., Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus). Future prospects are also discussed.

Although cholesterol esterase (CHE; EC is widespread in nature, CHEs from Streptomyces lavendulae and Streptomyces sp. X9 are the only known CHEs produced by actinomycetes. We purified CHEs from S. avermitilis JCM5070, and S. griseus IFO13350 and identified four new CHEs from actinomycetes. The enzymic properties of the CHEs from Streptomyces sp. X9, S. avermitilis, and S. griseus including substrate specificity, sensitivity to inhibitors and optimal conditions for catalysis were similar. We identified genes for the CHEs from Streptomyces sp. X9 and S. avermitilis and the encoded predicted sequences comprised 217 and 214 amino acid residues, respectively, with 64% similarity. The CHEs from Streptomyces sp. X9 and S. avermitilis were also 54 and 57% similar, respectively, to S. lavendulae CHE, indicating that these CHEs are orthologs. Phylogenetic analysis showed that they are distantly related to the conventional lipase/esterase type CHEs from mammals, yeasts and other bacteria. The actinomycetes CHEs did not have the Gly-Xaa-Ser-Xaa-Gly sequence that is conserved in the lipase/esterase family. A database search showed that orthologs of this type of CHE were restricted to actinomycetes. These findings imply that the actinomycetes CHEs constitute a novel family of cholesterol esterases.  相似文献   

Products obtained from lysis in the cell wall of group A streptococcus have been studied in different growth phases: at the end of the exponential phase and in the stationary one. Endo-beta-N-acetylmuramidase extracted from the culture liquid of Streptomyces levoris 96 has been used for lysis of streptococcus. It is stated that streptococcus cell walls isolated at different growth stages differ in the protein and polysaccharide content. High content of protein in the cell wall of a young culture makes lower the initial rate of the walls' hydrolysis by endo-beta-N-acetylmuramidase. However, with the enzyme penetration into peptidoglycan the rate of hydrolysis of cell walls gets higher and after four-hour incubation the lysis degree of walls of the 16- and 8-hour cultures reaches the equal value (63%). Studies in the protein composition of lysates of the streptococcus cell walls have shown that they contain at least 12 proteins most of which are acid and neutral ones.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and presence of immunogenic components in the lysates of the cell walls of group A Streptococcus, type M29, were studied. The lysates were prepared with the use of muramidase. Fc-Receptors were detected in the lysates. Within the first 30 minutes of cell wall lysis by muramidase, 4 times higher amounts of the protein reacting with fibrinogen excreted than in the subsequent 4 hours. The lysates contained immunogenic proteins. Fraction III isolated by chromatography of the 30-minute lysate on DEAE-trisacryl formed a single precipitation band with lysate antiserum. The lysate Fraction IV forming three precipitation bands contained a protein not specific of the type. The protein was identical to the protein antigen from Triton X-100 extracts of group A Streptococcus, types M1, M12 and M29. The group-specific polysaccharide was detected in the lysate Fraction I and Fraction II of the 4-hour lysate.  相似文献   

Lysis of modified walls from Lactobacillus fermentum.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The N and O substitution in wall peptidoglycan from Lactobacillus fermentum was studied in relation to growth phase, as well as the lytic activities and the effect of trypsin on them. The N-nonsubstituted sites were determined by dinitrophenylation techniques. The results indicate that an extensive substitution at the O groups takes place as cells go into the stationary growth phase, concomitant with a decrease in their lysozyme sensitivity. N-nonsubstituted residues, mainly glucosamine, occurred in both exponential-phase and stationary-phase walls but not in the corresponding peptidoglycans. Small amounts of N-nonsubstituted muramic acid were detected in walls and peptidoglycan from cells in the stationary growth phase only. N acetylation of isolated walls did not increase their lysozyme sensitivity but rather decreased it. Autolysis of walls was completely inhibited by the chemical modifications used. Trypsin stimulates the lysozyme sensitivity of native walls but has no effect on walls that had been O deacetylated and N acetylated. It is suggested that the effect of trypsin is due to its action as an esterase removing the O acetylation in lysozyme-resistant walls.  相似文献   

The cellulases that strains of Streptomyces albogriseolus, S. nitrosporeus, and Micromonospora melanosporea produce when grown on untreated ballmilled bagasse were investigated. Optimum conditions for extracellular cellulase production and activity were determined to be growth at pH 6.7-7.4 and 25-35 degrees C for 4-5 days and assay at pH 5.0-6.0 and 45-55 degrees C, respectively. The endoglucanases were thermally stable at 50 degrees C, but the Avicelases had a half-life of approximately 24 h at this temperature. Nearly half of the endoglucanases and almost all of the Avicelases were absorbed on ballmilled bagasse after 15 min incubation at 50 degrees C. The beta-glucosidases were found to be mainly intracellular or cell wall bound. These mesophilic actinomycetes concomitantly produced xylanases and beta-xylosidases with cellulases that, apart from cellobiose and glucose, also release xylose from bagasse. This feature may be advantageous in the commerical application of the enzymes of mesophilic actinomycetes for the saccharification of natural cellulosic substrates.  相似文献   

Mouse toxicity induced by lipids and cell walls isolated from actinomycetes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possibility was examined that the toxicity induced in mice by Actinomadura madurae, 'Streptomyces pelletieri' and Nocardia brasiliensis was due to lipid and cell-wall constituents. Mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with heat-killed bacteria, lipid extracts and cell-wall preparations emulsified in mineral oil: toxicity was evaluated by recording weight loss and deaths. Killed cells and cell-wall preparations of all three actinomycetes produced a pronounced loss of body weight, tissue necrosis, splenomegaly, a granulomatous inflammation and sometimes death. Mice inoculated with lipid extracts from A. madurae and 'S. pelletieri' neither died nor showed toxic effects, but mice injected with lipids isolated from N. brasiliensis did suffer toxic effects. They showed more marked wasting symptoms than observed after inoculation of heat-killed bacteria or of the cell-wall preparation.  相似文献   

Mercury volatilization (Hg2+ reductase) activity has been found with Hg2+-resistant isolates of three Streptomyces species and with three Hg2+-resistant strains of group B Streptococcus from clinical sources in Japan. Hg2+ reductase activities in crude cell extracts showed the temperature sensitivity, the requirement for an added thiol compound and the characteristic dependence on NAD(P)H cofactors of similar enzymes isolated from other bacteria.  相似文献   

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