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Summary Labeled probes carrying the Anabaena PCC 7120 nitrogenase (nifK and nifD) and nitrogenase reductase (nifH) genes were hybridized to Southern blots of DNA from diverse N2-fixing cyanobacteria in order to test a previous observation of different nif gene organization in nonheterocystous and heterocystous strains. The nif probes showed no significant hybridization to DNA from a unicellular cyanobacterium incapable of N2 fixation. All nonheterocystous cyanobacteria examined (unicellular and filamentous) had a contiguous nifKDH gene cluster whereas all of the heterocystous strains showed separation of nifK from contiguous nifDH genes. These findings suggest that nonheterocystous and heterocystous cyanobacteria have characteristic and fundamentally different nif gene arrangements. The noncontiguous nif gene pattern, as shown with two Het- mutants, is independent of phenotypic expression of heterocyst differentiation and aerobic N2-fixation. Thus nif arrangement could be a useful taxonomic marker to distinguish between phenotypically Het- heterocystous cyanobacteria and phylogenetically unrelated nonheterocystous strains.  相似文献   

In the vegetative cells of heterocystous cyanobacteria, such asAnabaena, two Operons harbouring the nitrogen fixaton (nif) genes contain two separate intervening DNA elements resulting in the dispersion of genes and impaired gene expression. A 11 kb element disrupts thenifD gene in thenifH, D-K operon. It contains a 11 bp sequence (GGATTACTCCG) directly repeated at its ends and harbours a gene,xisA, which encodes a site-specific recombinase. A large 55 kb element interrupts thefdxN gene in thenifB fdxN-nifS-nifU operon. It contains two 5 bp direct repeats (TATTC) at its ends and accommodates at least one gene,xisF, which encodes another site-specific recombinase. During heterocyst differentiation both the discontinuities are precisely excised by two distinct site-specific recombination events. One of them is brought about by the XisA protein between the 11 bp direct repeats. The second one is caused by the XisF protein and occurs between the 5 bp direct repeats. As a consequence the 11kb and 55 kb elements are removed from the chromosome as circles and functionalnif Operons are created. Nitrogenase proteins are then expressed from the rearranged genes in heterocysts and aerobic nitrogen fixation ensues. How these elements intruded thenif genes and how and why are they maintained in heterocystous cyanobacteria are exciting puzzles engaging considerable research effort currently. The unique developmental regulation of these gene rearrangements in heterocystous cyanobacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The occurrence activity and localization of calmodulin in three heterocystous cyanobacteria of the genus Anabaena were studied. Boiled crude extracts caused a Ca2+-dependent stimulation of NAD kinase. Such a stimulation was blocked by EGTA and chlorpromazine. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using antiserum against eukaryotic spinach calmodulin, revealed a polypeptide of about 17 kDa. Immunogold localization of calmodulin gave a dense gold label both vegetative cells and heterocysts. The label was mainly confined to the centroplasm in vegetative cells, while it was evenly distributed in the cytoplasm of mature heterocysts.  相似文献   

The abilities of four models to describe nitrogenase light-response curves were compared, using the heterocystous cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena and a cyanobacterial bloom from the Baltic Sea as examples. All tested models gave a good fit of the data, and the rectangular hyperbola model is recommended for fitting nitrogenase-light response curves. This model describes an enzymatic process, while the others are empirical. It was possible to convert the process parameters between the four models and compare N(2) fixation with photosynthesis. The physiological meanings of the process parameters are discussed and compared to those of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Taxonomic affiliations and molecular diversity of 41 heterocystous cyanobacteria representing 12 genera have been assessed on an evolutionary landscape using rbcl gene sequence data-based phylogenomics and evogenomics approaches. Phylogenetic affiliations have clearly demonstrated the polyphyly of the true branching cyanobacteria, along with a frequent intermixing amongst the heterocystous cyanobacteria. The monophyletic origin of the heterocystous cyanobacteria was also quite evident from maximum parsimony and neighbor joining analyses. Incongruency with the traditional scheme of cyanobacterial taxonomy was frequently observed, thus advocating towards some re-amendments in the cyanobacterial classificatory schemes. Evogenomics analyses of gene sequence data gave a clear indication about the greater evolutionary pace of the unbranched cyanobacteria as compared to the branched forms. It was evident that the order Nostocales would be controlling the future pace of evolution of heterocystous cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria Nostoc was found to have the greatest genetic heterogeneity amongst the studied genera, along with some evidence towards events of lateral gene transfer amongst the heterocystous cyanobacteria in case of the rbcl gene. Thus, heterocystous cyanobacteria were found to be a fast evolving group, with estimates of gene conversion tracts pointing towards the unbranched heterocystous cyanobacteria being at the base of evolutionary diversifications of the complete heterocystous lineage.  相似文献   

In order to assess phylogeny, population genetics, and approximation of future course of cyanobacterial evolution based on nifH gene sequences, 41 heterocystous cyanobacterial strains collected from all over India have been used in the present study. NifH gene sequence analysis data confirm that the heterocystous cyanobacteria are monophyletic while the stigonematales show polyphyletic origin with grave intermixing. Further, analysis of nifH gene sequence data using intricate mathematical extrapolations revealed that the nucleotide diversity and recombination frequency is much greater in Nostocales than the Stigonematales. Similarly, DNA divergence studies showed significant values of divergence with greater gene conversion tracts in the unbranched (Nostocales) than the branched (Stigonematales) strains. Our data strongly support the origin of true branching cyanobacterial strains from the unbranched strains.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation by Klebsiella grown in the presence of oxygen   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The organization of the three structural nitrogen fixation (nif) genes that encode nitrogenase (nif K and nif D) and nitrogenase reductase (nif H) have been examined in a number of cyanobacteria. Hybridization of Anabaena 7120 nif gene probes to restriction endonuclease-digested genomic DNA has shown (a) that cyanobacteria incapable of N2 fixation have no regions of DNA with significant homology to the three nif probes, (b) that Pseudanabaena sp., a nonheterocystous cyanobacterium, has a contiguous nif KDH gene cluster, and (c) that in contrast with other heterocystous cyanobacteria, Fischerella sp. has a contiguous nif KDH gene cluster.  相似文献   

N2 fixation, measured as acetylene reduction, was studied in laboratory cultures and in natural assemblages (both as a mixed population and as individually picked colonies) of the heterocystous cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon sp. and Nodularia spp. from the Baltic Sea. During a diurnal cycle of alternating light and darkness, these organisms reduced acetylene predominantly during the period of illumination, although considerable activity was also observed during the dark period. In both laboratory cultures and natural populations N2 fixation was saturated below a photon flux density of 600 μm−2 s−1. In cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea, nitrogenase activity was mostly confined to the surface layers. Samples collected from greater depths did not possess the same capacity for acetylene reduction as samples from the surface itself, even when incubated at the photon flux density prevailing in surface waters. This suggests that, with respect to N2 fixation, Baltic cyanobacteria are adapted to the intensity of illumination that they are currently experiencing.  相似文献   

Nitrogen control in cyanobacteria   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  

There was no discernible effect after incubating recombinant Anabaena Rubisco and carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate with the product of the Anabaena rca gene. Since the unactivated cyanobacterial Rubisco is not readily inhibited by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate and fallover is not observed, a genetic basis for the function of the Rubisco activase-like gene (rca) was sought. The monocistronic rca gene was inactivated in vivo and resulting mutant strains of A. variabilis were found to be incapable of synthesizing immunologically detected RCA protein. The requirement for the product of the rca gene in the light was further examined by measuring Rubisco activity in permeabilized whole cells of wild-type and rca mutant strains at different light intensities. In a 1% CO2-air atmosphere, inactivation of rca reduced the ability of A. variabilis to elevate Rubisco activity under high light (73 mol quanta m–2 s–1), but had little effect under low light (8 mol m–2 s–1). For air-grown cultures, differences in the rates exhibited by the wild-type and rca mutant to fully activate Rubisco during a whole-cell assay were enhanced by increases in light intensity. The significance of the rca mutation was underlined by effects on growth as, unlike the wild-type, growth rates did not increase after cells transferred from low to high light intensities. Higher exogenous CO2 concentrations (1%) were required to sustain a normal growth rate for the A. variabilis rca mutant. When grown in air levels of CO2, the rca mutant not only needed longer times to double in cell density but also exhibited greatly diminished Rubisco activity compared with the wild-type strain. Despite the unusual properties of cyanobacterial Rubisco, these results suggest a physiological role for the product of the rca gene in maximizing the activity of Rubisco in heterocystous cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Earth's atmospheric composition has changed significantly over geologic time. Many redox active atmospheric constituents have left evidence of their presence, while inert constituents such as dinitrogen gas (N2) are more elusive. In this study, we examine two potential biological indicators of atmospheric N2: the morphological and isotopic signatures of heterocystous cyanobacteria. Biological nitrogen fixation constitutes the primary source of fixed nitrogen to the global biosphere and is catalyzed by the oxygen‐sensitive enzyme nitrogenase. To protect this enzyme, some filamentous cyanobacteria restrict nitrogen fixation to microoxic cells (heterocysts) while carrying out oxygenic photosynthesis in vegetative cells. Heterocysts terminally differentiate in a pattern that is maintained as the filaments grow, and nitrogen fixation imparts a measurable isotope effect, creating two biosignatures that have previously been interrogated under modern N2 partial pressure (pN2) conditions. Here, we examine the effect of variable pN2 on these biosignatures for two species of the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena. We provide the first in vivo estimate of the intrinsic isotope fractionation factor of Mo‐nitrogenase (εfix = ?2.71 ± 0.09‰) and show that, with decreasing pN2, the net nitrogen isotope fractionation decreases for both species, while the heterocyst spacing decreases for Anabaena cylindrica and remains unchanged for Anabaena variabilis. These results are consistent with the nitrogen fixation mechanisms available in the two species. Application of these quantifiable effects to the geologic record may lead to new paleobarometric measurements for pN2, ultimately contributing to a better understanding of Earth's atmospheric evolution.  相似文献   

M. Potts 《Oecologia》1979,39(3):359-373
Summary High rates of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) are associated with communities of heterocystous and non-heterocystous blue-green algae, which are widespread and abundant in the coastal mangrove forests of the Sinai Peninsula.Heterocystous forms, particularly representatives of the Rivulariaceae, grow in aerobic environments, where nitrogenase activity may be limited by the availability of nutrients such as Fe and PO4–P. Desiccated communities of Scytonema sp. reduce acetylene within ten minutes of wetting by tidal sea water. Communities dominated by the non-heterocystous Hydrocoleus sp., Hyella balani, Lyngbya aestuarii, Phormidium sp. and Schizothrix sp., occur in close contact with anaerobic sediments and reduce acetylene in the dark as well as in the light.Nitrogen fixation in all these communities is light dependant and may be supplemented by an alternative source of reductant in the dark. The indications are that nitrogen fixation by these communities of blue-green algae, makes a significant contribution to the overall nitrogen input of the mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

The positions of the cleavage sites of several restriction endonucleases were mapped in DNA isolated from the cyanophages A-1L, A-4L, AN-10, AN-13 and AN-23, which were replicated in Anabaena PCC 7120. Similarities within the maps show AN-13 and AN-23 to be closely related strains. A-1L and AN-10 also appear to be related, but show more divergence. The maps of A-1L and AN-10 are circular, apparently as the result of circular permutation of sequences. The maps of the other cyanophages are linear.  相似文献   

The segregation of Nostoc and Anabaena into separate genera has been debated for some time. The nitrogen fixation gene nifD was completely sequenced from representatives of these genera and analyzed phylogenetically, by using the representatives of other genera of the heterocystous cyanobacteria as outgroups. We were clearly able to differentiate between Nostoc and Anabaena in all analyses used. Our data suggest that Nostoc and Anabaena should remain as separate genera. Received: 16 November 2001 / Accepted: 14 December 2001  相似文献   

Boeckella, the dominant calanoid in many Southern Hemispherelakes, can survive, grow and reproduce to varying extents onmonocultures of cyanobacteria. In this study, we determinedthe effects of algal and cyanobacterial foods of different nutritionalvalue and concentration on food preferences of adult femaleBoeckella trianiculata and Boeckella hamata. Four species ofcyanobacteria (Anabaena flos-aquae, Nostoc sp. 2, OscillatoriatenuisandMicrocystis aeruginosa) were offered alone and mixedwith equal biomasses of Cryptomonas sp., Choricystis or a cyanobacterium.Food preferences were calculated as ratios of the rates at whichthe copepods removed each food at high and low food concentrations.In high-concentration mixtures with cyanobacteria, Cryptomonaswas consistently preferred by both Boeckella spp. In low-concentrationmixtures, both Boeckella spp. preferred Anabaena and Nostoc,which they removed at high rates(81–142 ml mg–1h–1), although Cryptomonas was selected in preferenceto Oscillatoria and Microcystis. When fed mixtures of filamentouscyanobacteria, both species of Boeckella showed invariant discriminationagainst Nostoc, andshifts in preference between Anabaena andOscillatoria that were related to food concentration. Microcystis,the least favouredfood, appeared to have a toxic effect on B.triarticulata. 1Present address: Nursing and Midwifery Department, Otago Polytechnic,Forth Street, Dunedin, New Zealand  相似文献   

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