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Background and Aims: Plant evolution is well known to be frequently associated withremarkable changes in genome size and composition; however,the knowledge of long-term evolutionary dynamics of these processesstill remains very limited. Here a study is made of the finedynamics of quantitative genome evolution in Festuca (fescue),the largest genus in Poaceae (grasses). Methods: Using flow cytometry (PI, DAPI), measurements were made of DNAcontent (2C-value), monoploid genome size (Cx-value), averagechromosome size (C/n-value) and cytosine + guanine (GC) contentof 101 Festuca taxa and 14 of their close relatives. The resultswere compared with the existing phylogeny based on ITS and trnL-Fsequences. Key Results: The divergence of the fescue lineage from related Poeae waspredated by about a 2-fold monoploid genome and chromosome sizeenlargement, and apparent GC content enrichment. The backwardreduction of these parameters, running parallel in both mainevolutionary lineages of fine-leaved and broad-leaved fescues,appears to diverge among the existing species groups. The mostdramatic reductions are associated with the most recently andrapidly evolving groups which, in combination with recent intraspecificgenome size variability, indicate that the reduction processis probably ongoing and evolutionarily young. This dynamicsmay be a consequence of GC-rich retrotransposon proliferationand removal. Polyploids derived from parents with a large genomesize and high GC content (mostly allopolyploids) had smallerCx- and C/n-values and only slightly deviated from parentalGC content, whereas polyploids derived from parents with smallgenome and low GC content (mostly autopolyploids) generallyhad a markedly increased GC content and slightly higher Cx-and C/n-values. Conclusions: The present study indicates the high potential of general quantitativecharacters of the genome for understanding the long-term processesof genome evolution, testing evolutionary hypotheses and theirusefulness for large-scale genomic projects. Taken together,the results suggest that there is an evolutionary advantagefor small genomes in Festuca.  相似文献   

Several contributing factors have been implicated in evolutionary rate heterogeneity among proteins, but their evolutionary mechanisms remain poorly characterized. The recently sequenced 12 Drosophila genomes provide a unique opportunity to shed light on these unresolved issues. Here, we focus on the role of natural selection in shaping evolutionary rates. We use the Drosophila genomic data to distinguish between factors that increase the strength of purifying selection on proteins and factors that affect the amount of positive selection experienced by proteins. We confirm the importance of translational selection in shaping protein evolution in Drosophila and show that factors such as tissue bias in expression, gene essentiality, intron number, and recombination rate also contribute to evolutionary rate variation among proteins.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The study of rapid evolution in invasive species has highlighted the fundamental role played by founder events, emergence of genetic novelties through recombination and rapid response to new selective pressures. However, whether rapid adaptation of introduced species can be driven by punctual changes in genome organization has received little attention. In plants, variation in genome size, i.e. variation in the amount of DNA per monoploid set of chromosomes through loss or gain of repeated DNA sequences, is known to influence a number of physiological, phenological and life-history features. The present study investigated whether change in genome size has contributed to the evolution of greater potential of vegetative growth in invasive populations of an introduced grass.


The study was based on the recent demonstration that invasive genotypes of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) occurring in North America have emerged from recombination between introduced European strains. The genome sizes of more than 200 invasive and native genotypes were measured and their genome size was related to their phenotypic traits measured in a common glasshouse environment. Population genetics data were used to infer phylogeographical relationships between study populations, and the evolutionary history of genome size within the study species was inferred.

Key Results

Invasive genotypes had a smaller genome than European native genotypes from which they are derived. This smaller genome size had phenotypic effects that increased the species'' invasive potential, including a higher early growth rate, due to a negative relationship between genome size and rate of stem elongation. Based on inferred phylogeographical relationships of invasive and native populations, evolutionary models were consistent with a scenario of genome reduction by natural selection during the invasion process, rather than a scenario of stochastic change.


Punctual reduction in genome size could cause rapid changes in key phenotypic traits that enhance invasive ability. Although the generality of genome size variation leading to phenotypic evolution and the specific genomic mechanisms involved are not known, change in genome size may constitute an important but previously under-appreciated mechanism of rapid evolutionary change that may promote evolutionary novelties over short time scales.Key words: Biological invasion, evolutionary models, genome size, Phalaris arundinacea, quantile regression, relative growth rate, rapid evolution  相似文献   

Changes or innovations in gene regulatory networks for the developmental program in the ancestral chordate genome appear to be a major component in the evolutionary process in which tadpole-type larvae, a unique characteristic of chordates, arose. These alterations may include new genetic interactions as well as the acquisition of new regulatory genes. Previous analyses of the Ciona genome revealed that many genes may have emerged after the divergence of the tunicate and vertebrate lineages. In this paper, we examined this possibility by examining a second non-vertebrate chordate genome. We conclude from this analysis that the ancient chordate included almost the same repertory of regulatory genes, but less redundancy than extant vertebrates, and that approximately 10% of vertebrate regulatory genes were innovated after the emergence of vertebrates. Thus, refined regulatory networks arose during vertebrate evolution mainly as preexisting regulatory genes multiplied rather than by generating new regulatory genes. The inferred regulatory gene sets of the ancestral chordate would be an important foundation for understanding how tadpole-type larvae, a unique characteristic of chordates, evolved.  相似文献   

李光奇  孙从佼  吴桂琴  石凤英  刘爱巧  孙皓  杨宁 《遗传》2017,39(11):1102-1111
褐壳鸡蛋在许多国家深受消费者喜爱,消费者通常把蛋壳褐色深浅作为评价鸡蛋品质的重要指标。褐壳鸡蛋蛋壳颜色形成受多基因共同调控,但是具体候选基因及调控机理尚未明确。因此,本研究以纯系褐壳蛋鸡为实验材料,筛选调控褐壳鸡蛋颜色深浅的候选基因。采用转录组测序技术对产深褐壳鸡蛋和浅褐壳鸡蛋的母鸡蛋壳腺组织进行分析,结果显示,共计有8461个基因在蛋壳腺组织表达,其中34个基因在两组之间差异表达。功能分析发现,卵转铁蛋白(ovotransferrin, TF)基因、热休克蛋白70 (heat shock protein, HSP70)基因以及氧化磷酸化通路均与原卟啉Ⅸ合成通路相关,可能影响褐壳鸡蛋蛋壳色素原卟啉Ⅸ的合成和积累。  相似文献   

Several protein-coding genes from land plant chloroplasts have been shown to contain introns. The majority of these introns resemble the fungal mitochondrial group II introns due to considerable nucleotide sequence homology at their 5 and 3 ends and they can readily be folded to form six hairpins characteristic of the predicted secondary structure of the mitochondrial group II introns. Recently it has been demonstrated that some mitochondrial group II introns are capable of self-splicing in vitro in the absence of protein co-factors. However evidence presented in this overview suggests that this is probably not the case for chloroplast introns and that trans-acting factors are almost certainly involved in their processing reactions.Abbreviations kop kilobase pairs - ORF Open Reading Frame - pre-RNA precursor ribonucleic acid  相似文献   

More than 20 alpha-proteobacterial genomes are currently available. These range in size from 1-9 Mb and represent excellent model systems for evolutionary studies of the organizational features of bacterial genomes. Computational inferences have shown that genome reductions have occurred independently in lineages such as Rickettsia and Bartonella that are associated with intracellular lifestyles. Analyses of these reduced genomes have provided insights into the evolution of vector-borne transmission pathways. Further research into the population biology of bacteria, arthropods and vertebrate hosts will help to refine the biology of host-pathogen interactions and will facilitate the design of vaccines and vector-control programs.  相似文献   

Background and AimsModern sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp.) are high polyploids, aneuploids (2n = ~12x = ~120) derived from interspecific hybridizations between the domesticated sweet species Saccharum officinarum and the wild species S. spontaneum.MethodsTo analyse the architecture and origin of such a complex genome, we analysed the sequences of all 12 hom(oe)ologous haplotypes (BAC clones) from two distinct genomic regions of a typical modern cultivar, as well as the corresponding sequence in Miscanthus sinense and Sorghum bicolor, and monitored their distribution among representatives of the Saccharum genus.Key ResultsThe diversity observed among haplotypes suggested the existence of three founding genomes (A, B, C) in modern cultivars, which diverged between 0.8 and 1.3 Mya. Two genomes (A, B) were contributed by S. officinarum; these were also found in its wild presumed ancestor S. robustum, and one genome (C) was contributed by S. spontaneum. These results suggest that S. officinarum and S. robustum are derived from interspecific hybridization between two unknown ancestors (A and B genomes). The A genome contributed most haplotypes (nine or ten) while the B and C genomes contributed one or two haplotypes in the regions analysed of this typical modern cultivar. Interspecific hybridizations likely involved accessions or gametes with distinct ploidy levels and/or were followed by a series of backcrosses with the A genome. The three founding genomes were found in all S. barberi, S. sinense and modern cultivars analysed. None of the analysed accessions contained only the A genome or the B genome, suggesting that representatives of these founding genomes remain to be discovered.ConclusionsThis evolutionary model, which combines interspecificity and high polyploidy, can explain the variable chromosome pairing affinity observed in Saccharum. It represents a major revision of the understanding of Saccharum diversity.  相似文献   

The evolution of the endosymbiont Buchnera during its adaptation to intracellular life involved a massive reduction in its genome. By comparing the orthologous genes of Buchnera, Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae, we show that the minimal genome size of Buchnera arose from multiple events of gene disintegration dispersed over the whole genome. The elimination of the genes was a continuous process that began with gene inactivation and progressed until the DNA corresponding to the pseudogenes were completely deleted.  相似文献   

Seven major plastid protein encoding genes were positioned on the soybean chloroplast DNA by heterologous hybridization. These include the genes for the alpha, beta and epsilon subunits of the CF1 component of ATP synthase (atpA, atpB and atpE respectively), for subunit III of the CF0 component of ATP synthase (atpH), for the cytochrome f (cytF), for the ‘32 Kd’ thylakoid protein (psbA), and for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (rbcL), all of which map in the large single copy region. The atpB, atpE and rbcL genes are located in the region adjacent to one of the segments of the inverted repeat. The genetic organization of the soybean chloroplast DNA is compared to that of other plastid genomes.  相似文献   

Reductions in genome size and complexity are a hallmark of obligate symbioses. The mitochondrial genome displays clear examples of these reductions, with the ancestral alpha‐proteobacterial genome size and gene number having been reduced by orders of magnitude in most descendent modern mitochondrial genomes. Here, we examine patterns of mitochondrial evolution specifically looking at intron size, number, and position across 58 species from 21 genera of lichenized Ascomycete fungi, representing a broad range of fungal diversity and niches. Our results show that the cox1gene always contained the highest number of introns out of all the mitochondrial protein‐coding genes, that high intron sequence similarity (>90%) can be maintained between different genera, and that lichens have undergone at least two instances of complete, genome‐wide intron loss consistent with evidence for genome streamlining via loss of parasitic, noncoding DNA, in Phlyctis boliviensisand Graphis lineola. Notably, however, lichenized fungi have not only undergone intron loss but in some instances have expanded considerably in size due to intron proliferation (e.g., Alectoria fallacina and Parmotrema neotropicum), even between closely related sister species (e.g., Cladonia). These results shed light on the highly dynamic mitochondrial evolution that is occurring in lichens and suggest that these obligate symbiotic organisms are in some cases undergoing recent, broad‐scale genome streamlining via loss of protein‐coding genes as well as noncoding, parasitic DNA elements.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial recombination in yeast is well recognized, yet the underlying genetic mechanisms are not well understood. Recent progress has suggested that mobile introns in mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) can facilitate the recombination of their corresponding intron-containing genes through a mechanism known as intron homing. As many mitochondrial genes lack introns, there is a critical need to determine the extent of recombination and underlying mechanism of intron-lacking genes. This study leverages yeast mitogenomes to address these questions. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the 3′-end sequences of at least three intron-lacking mitochondrial genes exhibit elevated nucleotide diversity and recombination hotspots. Each of these 3′-end sequences is immediately adjacent to or even fused as overlapping genes with a stand-alone endonuclease. Our findings suggest that SAEs are responsible for recombination and elevated diversity of adjacent intron-lacking genes. SAEs were also evident to drive recombination of intron-lacking genes in Lachancea kluyveri, a yeast species that diverged from S. cerevisiae more than 100 million years ago. These results suggest SAEs as a common driver in recombination of intron-lacking genes during mitogenome evolution. We postulate that the linkage between intron-lacking gene and its adjacent endonuclease gene is the result of co-evolution.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of all protein-coding genes of 11 neodermatan mitochondrial genomes to recover the phylogeny of their combination. We subsampled randomly selected lengths (1–6000 bp) of contiguous sequence to consider the effect of length (100–6000 bp) on performance. All genes performed as well as randomly selected regions except ND2 (better) and ND5 (worse). All expected nodes were recovered (> 90% bootstrap) when 4.0 Kb had been sampled; 40 samples of 100 performed as well as four samples of 1000.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition and the evolutionary rates of protein-coding genes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary Based on the rates of amino acid substitution for 60 mammalian genes of 50 codons or more, it is shown that the rate of amino acid substitution of a protein is correlated with its amino acid composition. In particular, the content of glycine residues is negatively correlated with the rate of amino acid substitution, and this content alone explains about 38% of the total variation in amino acid substitution rates among different protein families. The propensity of a polypeptide to evolve fast or slowly may be predicted from an index or indices of protein mutability directly derivable from the amino acid composition. The propensity of an amino acid to remain conserved during evolutionary times depends not so much on its being features prominently in active sites, but on its stability index, defined as the mean chemical distance [R. Grantham (1974) Science 185862–864] between the amino acid and its mutational derivatives produced by single-nucleotide substitutions. Functional constraints related to active and binding sites of proteins play only a minor role in determining the overall rate of amino acid substitution. The importance of amino acid composition in determining rates of substitution is illustrated with examples involving cytochrome c, cytochrome b5,ras-related genes, the calmodulin protein family, and fibrinopeptides.  相似文献   

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