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本文用双标记免疫细胞化学和双标记免疫电镜技术观察了环磷酰胺处理的BALB/c小鼠及乳鼠实验感染肾综合征出血热病毒后的发病和病毒定位情况,结果发现,免疫功能不成熟或有缺陷的小鼠感染后发病并有规律地死亡,而免疫功能正常鼠只呈隐性感染。在发病的和隐性感染的小鼠之间,病毒定位主要差别在于HFRSV是否感染免疫器官,即HFRSV抗原可见于发病鼠外周血,牌和胸腺的单个核细胞中,而在隐性感染小鼠的这些免疫器官中则为阴性,HFRS病毒颗粒及病毒抗原广泛见于发病鼠的T细胞亚群中,在Thy-1,L3T4和Lyt-2亚群中,双标记阳性细胞百分比分别为24.6+—15.3%,7.5%+—6.1%和17.7+—6.1%。对HFRSV在T细胞中分布的差异还作了动态比较。结果提示:细胞免疫可受HFRSV的直接影响,病毒对宿主免疫系统的感染是HFRSV感染发病的一个关键因素。  相似文献   

Viral microRNAs (miRNAs), most of which are characterized in cell lines, have been found to play important roles in the virus life cycle to avoid attack by the host immune system or to keep virus in the latency state. Viral miRNAs targeting virus genes can inhibit virus infection. In this study, in vivo findings in Marsupenaeus japonicus shrimp revealed that the viral miRNAs could target virus genes and further promote the virus infection. The results showed that white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)-encoded miRNAs WSSV-miR-66 and WSSV-miR-68 were transcribed at the early stage of WSSV infection. When the expression of WSSV-miR-66 and WSSV-miR-68 was silenced with sequence-specific anti-miRNA oligonucleotides (AMOs), the number of copies of WSSV and the WSSV-infected shrimp mortality were significantly decreased, indicating that the two viral miRNAs had a great effect on virus infection. It was revealed that the WSSV wsv094 and wsv177 genes were the targets of WSSV-miR-66 and that the wsv248 and wsv309 genes were the targets of WSSV-miR-68. The data demonstrate that the four target genes play negative roles in the WSSV infection. The targeting of the four virus genes by WSSV-miR-66 and WSSV-miR-68 led to the promotion of virus infection. Therefore, our in vivo findings show a novel aspect of viral miRNAs in virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to identify nutritional additives that influence the replication of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus in suspension cultures grown in a defined serum-free medium. Proline, serine, and choline enhanced titers of the virulent PES strain; the progeny population, however, possessed a virulence character that was somewhat different from that of the PES inocula. These nutritional supplements did not appreciably influence the titers of the attenuated 9t and 20t viral strains. When both the PES and 20t strains were employed as a mixed inoculum in culture, the presence of the latter strain appeared to interfere with the growth of the PES strain and reduced its response to the medium supplements.  相似文献   

Though the compromised blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a pathological hallmark of Japanese encephalitis-associated neurological sequelae, the underlying mechanisms and the specific cell types involved are not understood. BBB characteristics are induced and maintained by cross talk between brain microvascular endothelial cells and neighboring elements of the neurovascular unit. In this study, we show a potential mechanism of disruption of endothelial barrier integrity during the course of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection through the activation of neighboring pericytes. We found that cultured brain pericytes were susceptible to JEV infection but were without signs of remarkable cytotoxicity. JEV-infected pericytes were found to release biologically active molecules which activated ubiquitin proteasome, degraded zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), and disrupted endothelial barrier integrity in cultured brain microvascular endothelial cells. Infection of pericytes with JEV was found to elicit elevated production of interleukin-6 (IL-6), which contributed to the aforementioned endothelial changes. We further demonstrated that ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 component n-recognin-1 (Ubr 1) was a key upstream regulator which caused proteasomal degradation of ZO-1 downstream of IL-6 signaling. During JEV central nervous system trafficking, endothelial cells rather than pericytes are directly exposed to cell-free viruses in the peripheral bloodstream. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that subsequent to primary infection of endothelial cells, JEV infection of pericytes might contribute to the initiation and/or augmentation of Japanese encephalitis-associated BBB breakdown in concerted action with other unidentified barrier disrupting factors.  相似文献   

Induction of the 70-kDa heat shock protein, hsp70, was evaluated in cultured cerebellar astrocytes and granule cell neurons subjected to a hyperthermic stress, using a monoclonal antibody and an oligonucleotide probe that selectively recognize stress-inducible species of hsp70-related proteins and RNAs, respectively. Immunoblots of cultures enriched in either granule cells or astrocytes, and immunocytochemical localization studies in cocultures of these cell types, demonstrated that hsp70 induction was restricted to the astrocyte population. Amino acid incorporation experiments showed little difference in the loss and recovery of overall protein synthesis activity in these two cell types following transient hyperthermic stress. RNA blot hybridizations confirmed the preferential glial induction of hsp70. In vivo immunocytochemical studies in brains of adult rats following hyperthermia were consistent with earlier observations that suggested a primarily glial and vascular localization of the heat shock response in most brain regions, although the intense immunoreactivity in the cerebellar granule cell layer suggests that there is induction of hsp70 in these neurons under in vivo conditions. These results suggest the potential value of such defined cell cultures in identifying mechanisms responsible for differences in the heat shock response of various cell types in vitro, and in revealing factors that may account for the apparent absence of the stress response in cultured cerebellar granule cell neurons.  相似文献   

流行性出血热病毒感染乳小白鼠的病理组织学与病毒抗原定位研究郭广松,肖红,程丽,文莉,杨占秋(湖北医科大学病理学教研室,武汉430071)(湖北医科大学病毒研究所,武汉430071)关键词病毒抗原,流行性出血热,乳小白鼠,病理变化Huggirls(19...  相似文献   

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is a demyelinating disease of the human central nervous system that results from lytic infection of oligodendrocytes by the polyomavirus JC (JCV). Originally, JCV was thought to replicate exclusively in human glial cells, specifically oligodendrocytes. However, we have recently shown that JCV can replicate in cells of lymphoid origin such as hematopoietic precursor cells, B lymphocytes, and tonsillar stromal cells. To determine whether tonsils harbor JCV, we tested a total of 54 tonsils, 38 from children and 16 from adult donors. Nested PCRs with primer sets specific for the viral T protein and regulatory regions were used for the detection of JCV DNA. JCV DNA was detected in 21 of 54 tonsil tissues, or 39% (15 of 38 children and 6 of 16 adults) by using regulatory-region primers and in 19 of 54 tonsil tissues, or 35% (13 of 38 children and 6 of 16 adults) by using the T-protein primers. The DNA extracted from children’s nondissected tonsil tissue, isolated tonsillar lymphocytes, and isolated stromal cells that demonstrated PCR amplification of the JCV regulatory region underwent cloning and nucleotide sequencing. Of the regulatory-region sequences obtained, nearly all contained tandem repeat arrangements. Clones originating from nondissected tonsil tissue and tonsillar lymphocytes were found to have sequences predominantly of the Mad-1 prototype strain, whereas the majority of clones from the DNA of tonsillar stromal cells had sequences characteristic of the Mad-8br strain of JCV. A few clones demonstrated structures other than tandem repeats but were isolated only from tonsillar lymphocytes. These data provide the first evidence of the JCV genome in tonsil tissue and suggest that tonsils may serve as an initial site of viral infection.  相似文献   

The development of measles virus in cultures of both primary human amnion cells and H.Ep.-2 cells has been followed by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody technic and concurrent light and electron microscope observations. The immunofluorescence studies revealed that there is a latent period for development of demonstrable measles virus antigen. In amnion cells the latent period lasted for at least 3 days. In contrast, virus antigen could be detected in H.Ep.-2 cells as early as 12 hours following inoculation. In each cell system virus antigen was seen in either nucleus or cytoplasm of infected cells, or both. Early localization tended to be perinuclear. Intranuclear fluorescence was generally less bright and less widespread than cytoplasmic fluorescence. Giant cells and long cytoplasmic spindle-shaped processes appeared regularly in infected cultures. Infectious virus was liberated into the nutrient fluid but when extracellular virus was inhibited by antibody, spread of infection from cell to cell in the monolayer still continued. Results obtained in concurrent electron microscope studies will be presented separately. Correlation of the results of the immunofluorescence and electron microscope studies suggests the possibility that much of the immunofluorescence observed might be due to antigen in virus precursors or components.  相似文献   

The neuroexcitotoxin kainate has been used as a selective lesioning agent to model the etiology of a number of neurodegenerative disorders. Although excitotoxins cause susceptible neurons to undergo prolonged or repeated depolarization, the proximate metabolic pathology responsible for neuronal necrosis has remained elusive. We report here that kainate-induced death of cerebellar neurons in culture is prevented by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase, a cellular source of cytotoxic superoxide radicals (O2-.). Moreover, neurons are also protected from excitotoxin-induced death by the addition to the culture medium of either superoxide dismutase or mannitol, which scavenge superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, respectively, or serine protease inhibitor, which forestalls formation of xanthine oxidase. These findings indicate that excitotoxin-induced neuronal degeneration is mediated by superoxide radicals generated by xanthine oxidase, a mechanism partially analogous to that proposed for tissue damage seen upon reperfusion of ischemic tissues.  相似文献   

Rubella complement-fixing (CF) antigen and infectious virus were produced continuously and concurrently for as long as 63 days in suspension cultures of BHK-21 cells prepared from uncloned monolayer stock cultures. CF titers ranged from 1:4 to 1:32, and the peak infectivity titer was greater than 8.0 (TCID(50) log(10)) per ml. Suspension cultures could be recultivated after prolonged storage in liquid nitrogen. The resulting monolayer or suspension cultures also produced CF antigen. Suspension cultures provide an effective system for the long-term continuous and concurrent production of rubella virus diagnostic reagents.  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses are enveloped, segmented negative single-stranded RNA viruses, capable of causing severe human respiratory infections. Currently, only two types of drugs are used to treat influenza A infections, the M2 H+ ion channel blockers (amantadine and rimantadine) and the neuraminidase inhibitors (NAI) (oseltamivir and zanamivir). Moreover, the emergence of drug-resistant influenza A virus strains has emphasized the need to develop new antiviral agents to complement or replace the existing drugs. Influenza A virus has on the surface a glycoprotein named hemagglutinin (HA) which due to its important role in the initial stage of infection: receptor binding and fusion activities of viral and endosomal membranes, is a potential target for new antiviral drugs. In this work we designed nine peptides using several bioinformatics tools. These peptides were derived from the HA1 and HA2 subunits of influenza A HA with the aim to inhibit influenza A virus infection. The peptides were synthetized and their antiviral activity was tested in vitro against several influenza A viral strains: Puerto Rico/916/34 (H1N1), (H1N1)pdm09, swine (H1N1) and avian (H5N2). We found these peptides were able to inhibit the influenza A viral strains tested, without showing any cytotoxic effect. By docking studies we found evidence that all the peptides were capable to bind to the viral HA, principally to important regions on the viral HA stalk, thus could prevent the HA conformational changes required to carry out its membranes fusion activity.  相似文献   

Of the physical parameters tested for in vitro baculovirus infection, multiplicity of infection was most important in governing percent cell infection. Most plaques formed within the first 5 min of incubation. Efficiency of infection, however, was low, and the virus titer did not diminish during prolonged incubation. Efficiency of infection improved markedly when cells or virus were preincubated with selected polyanions and polycations. Precise regulation of the pH, osmotic pressure, and ionic composition of the cell culture medium also promoted maximum in vivo infection.  相似文献   

: The distribution of hexokinase (ATP:d -hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC in the rat cerebellar cortex has been studied at the electron microscopic level using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure. Extensive staining of cytoplasmic regions, with some increased staining at mitochondrial profiles, was seen in the cell bodies of both neurons (basket, stellate, Lugaro, Golgi, and granule cells) and astrocytes. Oligodendrocytes showed little or no detectable staining. Purkinje cell perikarya were much less intensely stained than were the perikarya of other neurons. The initial portion of the Purkinje dendrite was, like the perikaryon from which it emerged, lightly stained. More intense staining was seen in the secondary and tertiary branches of the Purkinje dendrite, but the terminal branches were devoid of stain. Granule cell dendrites were well stained in their initial portions but devoid of stain in their terminal dendritic digits which form part of the cerebellar glomeruli. In contrast to the unstained granule cell dendritic digits, the central mossy fiber nerve terminal of the glomerulus exhibited intense staining of the mitochondrial profiles and of synaptic vesicles adjacent to the mitochondria. Axons of basket cells showed intense staining in the segments adjacent to the Purkinje cell soma, while terminal twigs of the basket axons in the pinceau surrounding the (unstained) initial segment of the Purkinje axon showed markedly decreased staining intensity. These results indicate that there may be substantial variation in hexokinase levels between the various regions of neuronal processes. Hexokinase was seen at both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial locations in a variety of cells. It does not appear likely that location of hexokinase can be directly correlated with cell type, i.e., with neurons versus glia.  相似文献   

Myxoma virus (MYXV) is a well-established oncolytic agent against different types of tumors. MYXV is also known for its immunomodulatory properties in down-regulating major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I surface expression (via the M153R gene product, a viral E3-ubiquitin ligase) and suppressing T cell killing of infected target cells. MHC I down-regulation, however, favors NK cell activation. Brain tumors including gliomas are characterized by high MHC I expression with impaired NK activity. We thus hypothesized that MYXV infection of glioma cells will promote NK cell-mediated recognition and killing of gliomas. We infected human gliomas with MYXV and evaluated their susceptibility to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. MYXV enhanced NK cell-mediated killing of glioma cells (U87 cells, MYXV vs. Mock: 51.73% vs. 28.63%, P = .0001, t test; U251 cells, MYXV vs. Mock: 40.4% vs. 20.03%, P .0007, t test). Using MYXV M153R targeted knockout (designated vMyx-M153KO) to infect gliomas, we demonstrate that M153R was responsible for reduced expression of MHC I on gliomas and enhanced NK cell-mediated antiglioma activity (U87 cells, MYXV vs. vMyx-M153KO: 51.73% vs. 25.17%, P = .0002, t test; U251 cells, MYXV vs. vMyx-M153KO: 40.4% vs. 19.27, P = .0013, t test). Consequently, NK cell-mediated lysis of established human glioma tumors in CB-17 SCID mice was accelerated with improved mouse survival (log-rank P = .0072). These results demonstrate the potential for combining MYXV with NK cells to effectively kill malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

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