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Two partial cleanout methods were compared with complete cleanouts in replicate caged-layer houses for effects on manure characteristics and subsequent dynamics in populations of manure-breeding house fly (Musca domestica L.), lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus [Panzer]), and associated natural enemies. Absolute densities of adult house flies increased by approximately two to four times within 3 wk after cleanouts of all kinds, and then remained stable over the next 3 mo. Increases were least in barns where residual pads were formed with manure that had been selectively retained from valleys between older piles. Compared with complete cleanouts, partial cleanouts reduced water content of subsequent manure piles. Partial cleanouts also conserved more pteromalid fly parasites, more predatory Xylocoris bugs, and more predatory Carcinops beetles, but not more macrochelid mites. Lesser mealworm populations were reduced by cleanouts of all kinds, but complete cleanouts reduced populations the most. Results suggest choice of cleanout method will depend on whether house flies or lesser mealworms are of primary concern.  相似文献   

Evelyn Blackwood 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):32-56
The big house is a potent symbol of rural Minangkabau life, embodying the centrality of Minangkabau women to the continuity and reproduction of the matrilineage. But big houses are not simply sites of social reproduction. Mothers and daughters negotiate and contest the ties of kinship embodied in the big house. Where big houses represented mother's power to control their daughters, national discourses of domesticity have reoriented daughters’ desires toward a house of their own. Daughters assert the importance of their own nuclear households as a way to resist their mother's control. Yet daughters have not become the housewives and mothers of national fantasy. They are reworking matrilineal ideology to gain the right to control their own small houses, ultimately reconstituting big houses in new forms.  相似文献   

Human and bovine group B streptococci: two distinct populations   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Group B streptococci ( Streptococcus agalactiae ) from humans and animals were compared for cultural, biochemical, serological and bacteriocin sensitivity properties. Each isolate possessed the group B carbohydrate antigen, hydrolysed hippurate, and was CAMP test positive. Most human isolates were characterized as bacitracin resistant, pigment producing, haemolytic, and salicin but not lactose utilizing. In contrast bovine isolates were usually bacitracin sensitive, non-pigment producing, non-haemolytic, salicin and lactose utilizing. Isolates from other animals behaved similarly to those from humans. Whereas human isolates belonged to a variety of serotypes and were uniformly sensitive to bacteriocins, bovine isolates showed varying sensitivity to bacteriocins and most belonged to serotype II or were non-typable. We believe these results support the belief that Strep. agalactiae from humans and cattle are separate populations sharing the same group B carbohydrate antigen.  相似文献   

Integrated fly -control program for caged-poultry houses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Several features make Alu insertions a powerful tool used in population genetic studies: the polymorphic nature of many Alu insertions, the stability of an Alu insertion event and, furthermore, the ancestral state of an Alu insertion is known to be the absence of the Alu element at a particular locus and the presence of an Alu insertion at the site that forward mutational change. This study analyses seven Alu insertion polymorphisms in a sample of 297 individuals from the autochthonous population of Tunisia (Thala, Smar, Zarzis, and Bou Salem) and Libya with the aim of studying their genetic structure with respect to the populations of North Africa, Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The comparative analyses carried out using the MDS and AMOVA methods reveal the existence of spatial heterogeneity, and identify four population groups. Study populations (Libya, Smar, Zarzis, and Bou Salem) are closest to North African populations whereas Thala is isolated and is closest to Western European populations. In conclusion, Results of the present study support the important role that migratory movements have played in the North African gene pool, at least since the Neolithic period.  相似文献   

Previous studies of genetic and craniometric traits have found higher levels of within-population diversity in sub-Saharan Africa compared to other geographic regions. This study examines regional differences in within-population diversity of human skin color. Published data on skin reflectance were collected for 98 male samples from eight geographic regions: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Europe, West Asia, Southwest Asia, South Asia, Australasia, and the New World. Regional differences in local within-population diversity were examined using two measures of variability: the sample variance and the sample coefficient of variation. For both measures, the average level of within-population diversity is higher in sub-Saharan Africa than in other geographic regions. This difference persists even after adjusting for a correlation between within-population diversity and distance from the equator. Though affected by natural selection, skin color variation shows the same pattern of higher African diversity as found with other traits.  相似文献   

Sometimes, valuable lessons from history are forgotten, remain unknown, or worse, are ignored. This article reminds us of the pioneering work of Angelo Celli at the end of the 19th century, who demonstrated that people could be protected from malaria by screening their homes against mosquitoes. Since then, public health scientists have continued to show that simple changes in house design have the potential for protecting people against this life-threatening disease. Yet today, this type of intervention remains virtually ignored. The literature reviewed here demonstrates the enormous potential of these methods to reduce malaria, in the hope that it will stimulate scientific debate and further research.  相似文献   

Human peritoneal macrophages possess two populations of IgG Fc receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To characterize the binding properties of the Fc receptors on human macrophages, the binding of radiolabeled human IgG1 to peritoneal macrophages was assessed. Cells were obtained at the time of diagnostic laparoscopy from women undergoing evaluation of infertility. Macrophages bound on the average more IgG1 monomer than monocytes but the avidity with which both types of cells bound IgG1 monomer was comparable. By contrast, macrophages bound much more IgG1 dimers than monocytes. Scatchard plots of the binding of dimer to monocytes were linear, but plots of binding to macrophages were markedly curvilinear. This curvilinearity was not an artifact of extensive ligand internalization or catabolism by cells, since 80% of binding was reversible and there was very little catabolism of ligand in the medium. Assuming that the observed curvilinearity was due to the presence of two independent subpopulations of receptors, an objective estimate for the number of receptors per cell and of the avidity with which each subpopulation bound IgG1 dimer was obtained using a previously described computer program (Scatfit). The analysis of the binding of dimer to macrophages from six donors suggested the presence of 42,000 +/- 33,000 high avidity receptors per cell which bind IgG1 dimer with a mean Ka of 2.7 X 10(9) M-1 and 218,000 +/- 127,000 low avidity receptors which bind the same ligand with a Ka of 1.1 X 10(7) M-1. ADCC of IgG antibody-coated sheep red blood cells mediated by macrophages was less readily inhibited by soluble IgG1 monomer than ADCC mediated by peripheral blood monocytes. This provides further evidence for the presence of low avidity receptors which bind monomeric IgG1 poorly and also suggests that these sites are functionally active in triggering antibody-dependent immune clearance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In many parts of continental Africa house construction does not appear to impede entry of malaria vectors and, given their generally late biting cycle, the great majority of transmission takes place indoors. In contrast, many houses in S?o Tomé, 140 km off the coast of Gabon, are raised on stilts and built of wooden planks. Building on stilts is a time-honoured, but largely untested, way of avoiding mosquito bites. Exposure may also be affected by mosquito activity times and age composition of host-seeking females. A study was therefore undertaken on the island of S?o Tomé to determine if exposure to Anopheles gambiae, the only vector on the island, varied with house construction or time of the night. METHODS: A series of all-night landing collections were undertaken out of doors at ground level, inside houses at ground level, on the verandas of, and inside houses built on stilts. The gonotrophic age of an unselected sample of insects from the first three hours of landing collection (18:00-21:00) was determined by dissection. In addition, 1,149 miniature light-trap collections were obtained from 125 houses in the study area. Numbers collected were related to house construction. RESULTS: Biting of An. gambiae took place primarily outside at ground level. Less than one third of biting occurred inside houses. Houses built on stilts had half the number of An. gambiae in them compared to those built at ground level. Conversely houses with an eaves gap had more An. gambiae in them than houses without such a gap. Gonotrophic age did not affect house entry rates in An. gambiae. House construction affected Culex quinquefasciatus less than An. gambiae. Mean density per house, derived from a series of 1,490 randomly assigned light-trap collections, was over-dispersed with 18% of houses having 70% of the vectors. CONCLUSION: House construction plays an important role in determining exposure to malaria vectors in S?o Tomé. Neighbours can have very different exposure levels. Recommendations for improvement in control are given.  相似文献   

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