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Middendorf et al. (Middendorf, T.R., R.W. Aldrich, and D.A. Baylor. 2000. J. Gen. Physiol. 116:227-252) showed that ultraviolet light decreases the current through cloned cyclic nucleotide-gated channels from bovine retina activated by high concentrations of cGMP. Here we probe the mechanism of the current reduction. The channels' open probability before irradiation, P(o)(0), determined the sign of the change in current amplitude that occurred upon irradiation. UV always decreased the current through channels with high initial open probabilities [P(o)(0) > 0.3]. Manipulations that promoted channel opening antagonized the current reduction by UV. In contrast, UV always increased the current through channels with low initial open probabilities [P(o)(0) < or = 0.02], and the magnitude of the current increase varied inversely with P(o)(0). The dual effects of UV on channel currents and the correlation of both effects with P(o)(0) suggest that the channels contain two distinct classes of UV target residues whose photochemical modification exerts opposing effects on channel gating. We present a simple model based on this idea that accounts quantitatively for the UV effects on the currents and provides estimates for the photochemical quantum yields and free energy costs of modifying the UV targets. Simulations indicate that UV modification may be used to produce and quantify large changes in channel gating energetics in regimes where the associated changes in open probability are not measurable by existing techniques.  相似文献   

Activation of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels involves a conformational change in the channel protein referred to as the allosteric transition. The amino terminal region and the carboxyl terminal cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of CNG channels have been shown to be involved in the allosteric transition, but the sequence of molecular events occurring during the allosteric transition is unknown. We recorded single-channel currents from bovine rod CNG channels in which mutations had been introduced in the binding domain at position 604 and/or the rat olfactory CNG channel amino terminal region had been substituted for the bovine rod amino terminal region. Using a hidden Markov modeling approach, we analyzed the kinetics of these channels activated by saturating concentrations of cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. We used thermodynamic mutant cycles to reveal an interaction during the allosteric transition between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotides and the amino acid at position 604 in the binding site. We found that mutations at position 604 in the binding domain alter both the opening and closing rate constants for the allosteric transition, indicating that the interactions between the cyclic nucleotide and this amino acid are partially formed at the time of the transition state. In contrast, the amino terminal region affects primarily the closing rate constant for the allosteric transition, suggesting that the state-dependent stabilizing interactions between amino and carboxyl terminal regions are not formed at the time of the transition state for the allosteric transition. We propose that the sequence of events that occurs during the allosteric transition involves the formation of stabilizing interactions between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the amino acid at position 604 in the binding domain followed by the formation of stabilizing interdomain interactions.  相似文献   

环核苷酸门控离子通道门控的分子机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环核苷酸门控离子通道(CNG)最广泛地分布于神经细胞。近年来关于 CNG 通道门控的分子机制的研究取得了很大的进步。研究表明, CNG 通道的组成及组装影响通道的特性及门控。近年来有关 CNG 突变体的研究及半胱氨酸残基亲和性的分析表明, 环核苷酸首先结合到 CNG 通道 C 端的环核苷酸结合域(CNBD)上引起 CNBD 空间构像改变, 然后 4 个亚单元发生空间构像的协调改变, CNG 通道开放。本文详细讨论了 CNG 通道的门控机制、各亚单元之间的相互作用、组装的过程及其空间构想的变化, 为 CNG 通道的进一步研究, 尤其是离子通道疾病方面提供理论指导。  相似文献   

The cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel of retinal rod photoreceptor cells is an allosteric protein whose activation is coupled to a conformational change in the ligand-binding site. The bovine rod CNG channel can be activated by a number of different agonists, including cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. These agonists span three orders of magnitude in their equilibrium constants for the allosteric transition. We recorded single-channel currents at saturating cyclic nucleotide concentrations from the bovine rod CNG channel expressed in Xenopus oocytes as homomultimers of alpha subunits. The median open probability was 0.93 for cGMP, 0.47 for cIMP, and 0.01 for cAMP. The channels opened to a single conductance level of 26-30 pS at +80 mV. Using signal processing methods based on hidden Markov models, we determined that two closed and one open states are required to explain the gating at saturating ligand concentrations. We determined the maximum likelihood rate constants for two gating schemes containing two closed (denoted C) and one open (denoted O) states. For the C left and right arrow C left and right arrow O scheme, all rate constants were dependent on cyclic nucleotide. For the C left and right arrow O left and right arrow C scheme, the rate constants for only one of the transitions were cyclic nucleotide dependent. The opening rate constant was fastest for cGMP, intermediate for cIMP, and slowest for cAMP, while the closing rate constant was fastest for cAMP, intermediate for cIMP, and slowest for cGMP. We propose that interactions between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the binding domain are partially formed at the time of the transition state for the allosteric transition and serve to reduce the transition state energy and stabilize the activated conformation of the channel. When 1 microM Ni2+ was applied in addition to cyclic nucleotide, the open time increased markedly, and the closed time decreased slightly. The interactions between H420 and Ni2+ occur primarily after the transition state for the allosteric transition.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels belong to the P-loop-containing family of ion channels that also includes KcsA, MthK, and Shaker channels. In this study, we investigated the structure and rearrangement of the CNGA1 channel pore using cysteine mutations and cysteine-specific modification. We constructed 16 mutant channels, each one containing a cysteine mutation at one of the positions between 384 and 399 in the S6 region of the pore. By measuring currents activated by saturating concentrations of the full agonist cGMP and the partial agonists cIMP and cAMP, we show that mutating S6 residues to cysteine caused both favorable and unfavorable changes in the free energy of channel opening. The time course of cysteine modification with 2-aminoethylmethane thiosulfonate hydrochloride (MTSEA) was complex. For many positions we observed decreases in current activated by cGMP and concomitant increases in current activated by cIMP and cAMP. A model where modification affected both gating and permeation successfully reproduced the complex time course of modification for most of the mutant channels. From the model fits to the time course of modification for each mutant channel, we quantified the following: (a) the bimolecular rate constant of modification in the open state, (b) the change in conductance, and (c) the change in the free energy of channel opening for modification of each cysteine. At many S6 cysteines, modification by MTSEA caused a decrease in conductance and a favorable change in the free energy of channel opening. Our results are interpreted within the structural framework of the known structures of KcsA and MthK. We conclude that: (a) MTSEA modification affects both gating and permeation, (b) the open configuration of the pore of CNGA1 channels is consistent with the structure of MthK, and (c) the modification of S6 residues disrupts the helical packing of the closed channel, making it easier for channels to open.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are nonselective cation channels that are activated by the direct binding of the cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP. The region linking the last membrane-spanning region (S6) to the cyclic nucleotide binding domain in the COOH terminus, termed the C-linker, has been shown to play an important role in coupling cyclic nucleotide binding to opening of the pore. In this study, we explored the intersubunit proximity between the A' helices of the C-linker regions of CNGA1 in functional channels using site-specific cysteine substitution. We found that intersubunit disulfide bonds can be formed between the A' helices in open channels, and that inducing disulfide bonds in most of the studied constructs resulted in potentiation of channel activation. This suggests that the A' helices of the C-linker regions are in close proximity when the channel is in the open state. Our finding is not compatible with a homology model of the CNGA1 C-linker made from the recently published X-ray crystallographic structure of the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channel COOH terminus, and leads us to suggest that the C-linker region depicted in the crystal structure may represent the structure of the closed state. The opening conformational change would then involve a movement of the A' helices from a position parallel to the axis of the membrane to one perpendicular to the axis of the membrane.  相似文献   

We irradiated cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels in situ with ultraviolet light to probe the role of aromatic residues in ion channel function. UV light reduced the current through excised membrane patches from Xenopus oocytes expressing the alpha subunit of bovine retinal cyclic nucleotide-gated channels irreversibly, a result consistent with permanent covalent modification of channel amino acids by UV light. The magnitude of the current reduction depended only on the total photon dose delivered to the patches, and not on the intensity of the exciting light, indicating that the functionally important photochemical modification(s) occurred from an excited state reached by a one-photon absorption process. The wavelength dependence of the channels' UV light sensitivity (the action spectrum) was quantitatively consistent with the absorption spectrum of tryptophan, with a small component at long wavelengths, possibly due to cystine absorption. This spectral analysis suggests that UV light reduced the currents at most wavelengths studied by modifying one or more "target" tryptophans in the channels. Comparison of the channels' action spectrum to the absorption spectrum of tryptophan in various solvents suggests that the UV light targets are in a water-like chemical environment. Experiments on mutant channels indicated that the UV light sensitivity of wild-type channels was not conferred exclusively by any one of the 10 tryptophan residues in a subunit. The similarity in the dose dependences of channel current reduction and tryptophan photolysis in solution suggests that photochemical modification of a small number of tryptophan targets in the channels is sufficient to decrease the currents.  相似文献   

HERG encodes an inwardly-rectifying potassium channel that plays an important role in repolarization of the cardiac action potential. Inward rectification of HERG channels results from rapid and voltage-dependent inactivation gating, combined with very slow activation gating. We asked whether the voltage sensor is implicated in the unusual properties of HERG gating: does the voltage sensor move slowly to account for slow activation and deactivation, or could the voltage sensor move rapidly to account for the rapid kinetics and intrinsic voltage dependence of inactivation? To probe voltage sensor movement, we used a fluorescence technique to examine conformational changes near the positively charged S4 region. Fluorescent probes attached to three different residues on the NH2-terminal end of the S4 region (E518C, E519C, and L520C) reported both fast and slow voltage-dependent changes in fluorescence. The slow changes in fluorescence correlated strongly with activation gating, suggesting that the slow activation gating of HERG results from slow voltage sensor movement. The fast changes in fluorescence showed voltage dependence and kinetics similar to inactivation gating, though these fluorescence signals were not affected by external tetraethylammonium blockade or mutations that alter inactivation. A working model with two types of voltage sensor movement is proposed as a framework for understanding HERG channel gating and the fluorescence signals.  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels can be activated by membrane voltage in the absence of Ca(2+) binding, indicating that these channels contain an intrinsic voltage sensor. The properties of this voltage sensor and its relationship to channel activation were examined by studying gating charge movement from mSlo Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels in the virtual absence of Ca(2+) (<1 nM). Charge movement was measured in response to voltage steps or sinusoidal voltage commands. The charge-voltage relationship (Q-V) is shallower and shifted to more negative voltages than the voltage-dependent open probability (G-V). Both ON and OFF gating currents evoked by brief (0.5-ms) voltage pulses appear to decay rapidly (tau(ON) = 60 microseconds at +200 mV, tau(OFF) = 16 microseconds at -80 mV). However, Q(OFF) increases slowly with pulse duration, indicating that a large fraction of ON charge develops with a time course comparable to that of I(K) activation. The slow onset of this gating charge prevents its detection as a component of I(gON), although it represents approximately 40% of the total charge moved at +140 mV. The decay of I(gOFF) is slowed after depolarizations that open mSlo channels. Yet, the majority of open channel charge relaxation is too rapid to be limited by channel closing. These results can be understood in terms of the allosteric voltage-gating scheme developed in the preceding paper (Horrigan, F.T., J. Cui, and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:277-304). The model contains five open (O) and five closed (C) states arranged in parallel, and the kinetic and steady-state properties of mSlo gating currents exhibit multiple components associated with C-C, O-O, and C-O transitions.  相似文献   

The fundamental mechanisms of functioning of the potassium channels (molecular structures providing the potassium current through the plasma membrane) are discussed in the review. These channels have been identified in practically all types of cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; they are involved in a number of crucially important vital processes.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 322–329, July–August, 2004.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

To determine how intracellular Ca(2+) and membrane voltage regulate the gating of large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels, we examined the steady-state and kinetic properties of mSlo1 ionic and gating currents in the presence and absence of Ca(2+) over a wide range of voltage. The activation of unliganded mSlo1 channels can be accounted for by allosteric coupling between voltage sensor activation and the closed (C) to open (O) conformational change (Horrigan, F.T., and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:305-336; Horrigan, F.T., J. Cui, and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:277-304). In 0 Ca(2+), the steady-state gating charge-voltage (Q(SS)-V) relationship is shallower and shifted to more negative voltages than the conductance-voltage (G(K)-V) relationship. Calcium alters the relationship between Q-V and G-V, shifting both to more negative voltages such that they almost superimpose in 70 microM Ca(2+). This change reflects a differential effect of Ca(2+) on voltage sensor activation and channel opening. Ca(2+) has only a small effect on the fast component of ON gating current, indicating that Ca(2+) binding has little effect on voltage sensor activation when channels are closed. In contrast, open probability measured at very negative voltages (less than -80 mV) increases more than 1,000-fold in 70 microM Ca(2+), demonstrating that Ca(2+) increases the C-O equilibrium constant under conditions where voltage sensors are not activated. Thus, Ca(2+) binding and voltage sensor activation act almost independently, to enhance channel opening. This dual-allosteric mechanism can reproduce the steady-state behavior of mSlo1 over a wide range of conditions, with the assumption that activation of individual Ca(2+) sensors or voltage sensors additively affect the energy of the C-O transition and that a weak interaction between Ca(2+) sensors and voltage sensors occurs independent of channel opening. By contrast, macroscopic I(K) kinetics indicate that Ca(2+) and voltage dependencies of C-O transition rates are complex, leading us to propose that the C-O conformational change may be described by a complex energy landscape.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels are nonselective cation channels with a high permeability for Ca(2+). Not surprisingly, they are blocked by a number of Ca(2+) channel blockers including tetracaine, pimozide, and diltiazem. We studied the effects of dequalinium, an extracellular blocker of the small conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel. We previously noted that dequalinium is a high-affinity blocker of CNGA1 channels from the intracellular side, with little or no state dependence at 0 mV. Here we examined block by dequalinium at a broad range of voltages in both CNGA1 and CNGA2 channels. We found that dequalinium block was mildly state dependent for both channels, with the affinity for closed channels 3-5 times higher than that for open channels. Mutations in the S4-S5 linker did not alter the affinity of open channels for dequalinium, but increased the affinity of closed channels by 10-20-fold. The state-specific effect of these mutations raises the question of whether/how the S4-S5 linker alters the binding of a blocker within the ion permeation pathway.  相似文献   

We used the chimeric Arabidopsis cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel AtCNGC11/12 to conduct a structure-function study of plant cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels (CNGCs). AtCNGC11/12 induces multiple pathogen resistance responses in the Arabidopsis mutant constitutive expresser of PR genes 22 (cpr22). A genetic screen for mutants that suppress cpr22-conferred phenotypes identified an intragenic mutant, #73, which has a glutamate to lysine substitution (E519K) at the beginning of the eighth beta-sheet of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain in AtCNGC11/12. The #73 mutant is morphologically identical to wild-type plants and has lost cpr22-related phenotypes including spontaneous cell death and enhanced pathogen resistance. Heterologous expression analysis using a K(+)-uptake-deficient yeast mutant revealed that this Glu519 is important for AtCNGC11/12 channel function, proving that the occurrence of cpr22 phenotypes requires active channel function of AtCNGC11/12. Additionally, Glu519 was also found to be important for the function of the wild-type channel AtCNGC12. Computational structural modeling and in vitro cAMP-binding assays suggest that Glu519 is a key residue for the structural stability of AtCNGCs and contributes to the interaction of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain and the C-linker domain, rather than the binding of cAMP. Furthermore, a mutation in the alpha-subunit of the human cone receptor CNGA3 that causes total color blindness aligned well to the position of Glu519 in AtCNGC11/12. This suggests that AtCNGC11/12 suppressors could be a useful tool for discovering important residues not only for plant CNGCs but also for CNGCs in general.  相似文献   

Punta M  Cavalli A  Torre V  Carloni P 《Proteins》2003,52(3):332-338
A dimeric model of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of the all-alpha homomeric cyclic nucleotide-gated channel from bovine retinal rod is constructed. The model, based on the structure of the fairly homologous catabolite gene activator protein (Weber and Steitz, J Mol Biol 1987;198:311-326), is obtained by use of comparative modeling and molecular dynamics simulations. Our model provides a structural basis for the experimentally measured difference in activity between cAMP and cGMP, as well as the different solvent accessibilities of GLY597 in the complex with cGMP, with cAMP and in the protein in free state. In addition, it provides support for the rearrangement of the domain C helix on ligand binding and releasing proposed by Matulef et al. (Neuron 1999;24:443-452).  相似文献   

BK channels modulate neurotransmitter release due to their activation by voltage and Ca(2+). Intracellular Mg(2+) also modulates BK channels in multiple ways with opposite effects on channel function. Previous single-channel studies have shown that Mg(2+) blocks the pore of BK channels in a voltage-dependent manner. We have confirmed this result by studying macroscopic currents of the mslo1 channel. We find that Mg(2+) activates mslo1 BK channels independently of Ca(2+) and voltage by preferentially binding to their open conformation. The mslo3 channel, which lacks Ca(2+) binding sites in the tail, is not activated by Mg(2+). However, coexpression of the mslo1 core and mslo3 tail produces channels with Mg(2+) sensitivity similar to mslo1 channels, indicating that Mg(2+) sites differ from Ca(2+) sites. We discovered that Mg(2+) also binds to Ca(2+) sites and competitively inhibits Ca(2+)-dependent activation. Quantitative computation of these effects reveals that the overall effect of Mg(2+) under physiological conditions is to enhance BK channel function.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels are responsible for inward movement of sodium and calcium during electrical signals in cell membranes. Their principal subunits are members of a gene family and can function as voltage-gated ion channels by themselves. They are expressed in association with one or more auxiliary subunits which increase functional expression and modify the functional properties of the principal subunits. Structural elements which are required for voltage-dependent activation, selective ion conductance, and inactivation have been identified, and their mechanisms of action are being explored through mutagenesis, expression in heterologous cells, and functional analysis. These experiments reveal that these two channels are built on a common structural theme with variations appropriate for functional specialization of each channel type.  相似文献   

The physiologically indispensable chloride channel (CLC) family is split into two classes of membrane proteins: chloride channels and chloride/proton antiporters. In this article we focus on the relationship between these two groups and specifically review the role of protons in chloride-channel gating. Moreover, we discuss the evidence for proton transport through the chloride channels and explore the possible pathways that the protons could take through the chloride channels. We present results of a mutagenesis study, suggesting the feasibility of one of the pathways, which is closely related to the proton pathway proposed previously for the chloride/proton antiporters. We conclude that the two groups of CLC proteins, although in principle very different, employ similar mechanisms and pathways for ion transport.  相似文献   

We have studied two aspects of calcium channel activation. First, we investigated the molecular regions that are important in determining differences in activation between low- and high-voltage activated channels. For this, we made chimeras between the low-voltage activating CaV3.1 channel and the high-voltage activating CaV1.2 channel. Chimeras were expressed in oocytes, and calcium channel currents recorded by voltage clamp. For domain I, we found that the molecular region that is important in determining the voltage dependence of activation comprises the pore regions S5-P as well as P-S6, but surprisingly not the voltage sensor S1–S4 region, which might have been expected to play a major part. By contrast, the smaller, but still significant, modulating effects of domain II on activation properties were due to effects involving both S1–S4 and S5–S6 but not the I/II linker. Second, during channel activation we studied movement of the S4 segment in domain I of one of the chimeras, using cysteine-scanning mutagenesis. The reagent parachloromercuribenzensulfonate inhibited currents for mutants V263, A265, L266 and A268, but not for F269 and V271, and voltage dependence of inhibition for residue V263 indicated S4 movement, which occurred before channel opening. The data indicate movement outwards upon depolarisation so as to expose amino acids up to residue 268 in S4.Junying Li and Louisa Stevens contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The pore properties and the reciprocal interactions between permeant ions and the gating of KCNQ channels are poorly understood. Here we used external barium to investigate the permeation characteristics of homomeric KCNQ1 channels. We assessed the Ba(2+) binding kinetics and the concentration and voltage dependence of Ba(2+) steady-state block. Our results indicate that extracellular Ba(2+) exerts a series of complex effects, including a voltage-dependent pore blockade as well as unique gating alterations. External barium interacts with the permeation pathway of KCNQ1 at two discrete and nonsequential sites. (a) A slow deep Ba(2+) site that occludes the channel pore and could be simulated by a model of voltage-dependent block. (b) A fast superficial Ba(2+) site that barely contributes to channel block and mostly affects channel gating by shifting rightward the voltage dependence of activation, slowing activation, speeding up deactivation kinetics, and inhibiting channel inactivation. A model of voltage-dependent block cannot predict the complex impact of Ba(2+) on channel gating in low external K(+) solutions. Ba(2+) binding to this superficial site likely modifies the gating transitions states of KCNQ1. Both sites appear to reside in the permeation pathway as high external K(+) attenuates Ba(2+) inhibition of channel conductance and abolishes its impact on channel gating. Our data suggest that despite the high degree of homology of the pore region among the various K(+) channels, KCNQ1 channels display significant structural and functional uniqueness.  相似文献   

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