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中国蓝浆果生产现状   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
全面报道了蓝浆果(Vaccinium L.spp.)在中国的生产情况,共分为南、北两大区域.北区是指以吉林省为主的东北地区,南区指长江以南广阔的酸性红壤土地区.果用野生种只分布在东北地区.自20世纪80年代起开始引种欧美栽培品种,共达60余个.在北区以吉林农业大学为主,在南区以江苏省·中国科学院植物研究所为主,采用组培和扦插方法繁殖,南、北两区均各有年产百万株以上苗木的能力.在南、北两区的适宜地区,如吉林、江苏和贵州等省,都已选出各自的适栽品种,栽培后的产量和果实质量分别均可达到国外优良水平,显示了蓝浆果在中国发展的巨大前景.  相似文献   

兔眼蓝浆果花青素HPLC分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
蓝浆果又名越桔 ,是世界 4种新兴小果树之一。蓝浆果果皮色素鲜艳 ,可作为食品添加剂 ;由于其主要成分花青素有良好的生理活性 ,欧洲把花青素含量≥ 2 4%的色素提取物作为药用。其中欧洲越桔 (VacciniummyrtillusL .)色素的提取物 (Myrtocyan)已被意大利、德国等国家的药典收载[1] 。色素作为蓝浆果重要成分 ,除可作为营养指标外 ,还可作为分类特征成分[2 ,3 ] 。不同的种以及不同的品种间 ,不仅花青素含量差异很大 ,而且色素成分的比例也不相同 ,因而可以用不同花青素比例区分染色体倍性不同的蓝浆果[2 ] 。花…  相似文献   

福建越桔属野生浆果资源与民间利用状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
初步调查了福建越桔属(Vaccinum)主要种类的野生资源、分布和民间利用情况,结果表明,该属野生资源贮量以福建中西部山区较大;民间对越桔属利用方式主要为食用乌饭树(Vaccinum bracteatum)、米饭花(V. mandarinorum)、黄背越桔(V. iteophyllum)的野生浆果,德化、霞浦等地民间还有酿酒习惯,主要用"白曲室温发酵"的方法。提出福建省发展以乌饭树为主的蓝莓产业生态区划。  相似文献   

美国蓝浆果的引种   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
1988年由美国引入12个兔眼蓝浆果(VaciniumasheiReade)品种,在江苏南京和溧水两地试种。10年来生长结果正常,产量和品质与原产地无显著差异,引种获得成功,证明兔眼蓝浆果能适应本地区自然条件。单株产量平均7.51kg,品种间差异显著,最高9.86kg,最低134kg。单位投影面积产量3.10kg/m2,最高4.06kg/m2,最低1.13kg/m2。高于或至少不低于原产区产量记录。据此预测,栽植距离适宜时,在本地区亩产量可达1500~2000kg以上。大多数品种果实糖酸比很高,鲜食风味好,氨基酸含量中等,矿质元素Zn和Se含量高。兔眼蓝浆果可在江苏南部丘陵地区发展;此外,还应将试验扩大到南方红黄壤地区;并对本国野生资源开展研究和利用。  相似文献   

兔眼蓝浆果品种果实养分测定   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对南京地区引自美国的12个兔眼蓝浆果品种果实主要营养成分包括可溶性固形物、糖、酸、水溶性维生素、氨基酸、矿质元素进行了测定,并与原产地进行了比较。大多数品种果实糖分含量高而酸度低,糖酸比高,风味甜而微酸。B族维生素含量明显高于苹果、柑橘和黑莓。氨基酸含量品种间差异大,Delite、Woodard、Centurion和Gardenblue含量最高。Gardenblue大部分矿质元素,特别是Ca、Fe、Zn、K的含量较高,Premier和Woodard的Se含量高,Climax的Zn含量高。考虑到品种的适应性,特别是丰产性表现,认为Gardenblue和Tifblue二品种在南京地区发展前途较大。  相似文献   

黑龙江省野生浆果资源——笃斯越桔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省野生浆果资源——笃斯越桔张欣(黑龙江省农科院园艺所,哈尔滨150069)笃斯越桔(VaciniumuliginosumL.)别名:甸果、地果、笃斯、都柿为杜鹃花科(Eri-caceae)越桔属(VacciniumL.)亚灌木野生植物。分布于中...  相似文献   

蓝浆果叶片高效再生体系的建立   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以高丛蓝浆果(V accin ium corym bosum)叶片为外植体,研究了影响离体再生的多个因素,建立了高效的再生体系。结果表明:改良1/2 M S ZR 5 m g.L-1培养基最适合不定芽分化,再生率达100%。不同节位叶片对蓝浆果叶片不定芽的分化具显著效应,以幼嫩的1~2节位的叶片比较容易分化不定芽;叶片远轴面接触培养基、叶片创造伤口和不经暗处理或短时间处理有利于不定芽分化。低浓度IBA有利于叶片再生茎段的生根,在改良1/2 M S IBA 0.1 m g.L-1培养基上蓝丰(B luecrop)生根率为66.7%,而伯克利(B erk ly)仅为33.3%。  相似文献   

贵州引种美国兔眼蓝浆果的初步试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2000年3月从江苏植物研究所引进美国兔眼蓝浆果6个品种在贵州麻江县酸性黄壤上试种,2001年试花结实,2002年全部单株挂果。单果重0.5~2.0g,果实总糖8.9%~9.4%,总酸0.06%~0.19%,钙、钾、磷、铁、锌等矿质元素和维生素A、E、C含量较高,属高钙、高锌果品。各品种均表现出良好的适应性和抗逆性,适宜在贵州低山丘陵酸性黄红壤地区种植。  相似文献   

兔眼蓝浆果在南京地区的生长和结实情况   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
从美国引入的12个兔眼蓝浆果(VacciniumasheiReade)品种在南京地区的生长和开花结果情况表明,大部分品种与原产地无明显差别。树冠略小于原产地。除个别品种外,单株产量一般高于或与原产地相近。说明兔眼蓝浆果对南京地区自然条件比较适应。但各品种适应程度有差异。适应性最强的品种有Brightwel、Bluebele、Climax和Gardenblue,最差的是Delite,其他品种一般。花期早晚与倒春寒危害有关,值得注意。  相似文献   

大豆优异种质资源的利用与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

贵州省悬钩子属种质资源考察   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对贵州省东北、东南、西南和西北4个地区悬钩子属(RubrsL.)野生种类的分布、生长习性等进行了调查。共采集55种7个变种,其中R.grayanus,R.mallotifolius,R.tsangvrus,R.faberi,R.henryi为贵州省新记录种。R.setchuenensisR.coreanus,R.corchorifolius,R.lambertianus,R.niveus,R.mullibracteatus,R.tephrodes分布最广。除R.setchuenensis,R.tephrodes外均有驯化利用价值。调查发现,具红、黄、黑三种不同果色的插田泡,秋季结果的小柱悬钩子、红泡刺藤和大乌泡。基本查清了贵州省悬钩子属植物的种类和分布,为进一步引种、保存和发掘利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

悬钩子种质评价标准   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
九十年代初在南京建立了悬钩子属田间基因库。考虑到国内外尚未发表悬钩子属种质评价标准,特拟定此标准供田间基因库使用。内容包括登记数据、引种数据、栽植数据、繁殖保存数据、植株数据、病虫害敏感性、同工酶酶谱、染色体计数和备注等9部分。在植株数据中有:1.植株类型;2.植株大小;3.生长势;4.刺;5.萌蘖;6.顶端生根习性;7.枝蔓寿命;8.叶(包括叶成分等共10项);9.花序;10.花;11.果(包括果实成分等共18项);12.适应性;13.丰产性  相似文献   

Population levels of Scaphytopius spp., possible sharpnosed leafhopper vectors of blueberry stunt disease (BBSD), were monitored during 1989,1990 and 1991, using yellow sticky traps and a D-Vac power aspirator. Scaphytopius magdalensis (Prov.), S. frontalis (Van D.) and 5. acutus (Say) had two population peaks, one after the petal fall stage and a larger second peak in late Summer to early Autumn. Healthy cv. Bluecrop highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) plants were placed under stunt-diseased bushes in the field for 2-wk periods during 1989 and 1990. These plants and some of the leafhoppers trapped during 1990 and 1991 were tested for mycoplasma-like organism (MLO) infection with a DNA probe that detected BBSD-associated MLO. The percentage of plants and the number of Scaphytopius spp. that were MLO-positive tended to follow the same bimodal distribution found in the population studies. BBSD transmission tests were performed with Scaphytopius spp. collected from the field. Stunt-related MLO transmission was achieved with S. magdalensis, S. acutus and 5. frontalis.  相似文献   

广西龙眼种质资源研究及品种选育   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文概述广西龙眼种质资源的特点,综述广西龙眼种质资源调查、亲缘关系研究和引种、品种选育进展,并提出进一步开展研究利用的建议.  相似文献   

Introduction – Blueberries (genus Vaccinium) have gained worldwide focus because of the high anthocyanin content of their fruits. In contrast, the leaves of blueberry have not attracted any attention, even though they contain large quantities of chlorogenic acid, a strong antioxidant compound. Objective – The aim of this investigation was the quantification and preparative isolation of chlorogenic acid (5‐caffeoylquinic acid, 5‐CQA) from blueberry leaves using a new separation scheme, centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC). Methodology – A water fraction containing a high concentration of 5‐CQA (14.5% of dry weight extract) was obtained by defatting a crude methanol extract from blueberry leaves. CPC was applied to isolate 5‐CQA from this water fraction using a two‐phase solvent system of ethyl acetate–ethanol–water at a volume ratio 4:1:5 (v/v/v). The flow‐rate of mobile phase was 2 mL/min with the ascending mode while rotating at 1200 rpm. The eluate was monitored at 330 nm. The structure of chlorogenic acid in the CPC fraction was confirmed with HPLC, UV, ESI/MS and NMR spectra. Results – The HPLC chromatogram showed that the fractions collected by CPC contained chlorogenic acid with 96% purity based on peak area percentage. The total amount of chlorogenic acid isolated from 0.5 g of a water fraction was 52.9 mg, corresponding to 10.6% of the water fraction. The isolated compound was identified successively as 5‐CQA with MS (parent ion at m/z 355.1 [M + H]+) and 1H NMR spectra [caffeoyl moiety in the down field (δ 6.0–8.0 ppm) and quinic acid moiety in the up field (δ 2.0–5.5 ppm)]. Conclusion – 5‐CQA was successfully isolated from blueberry leaves by the CPC method in a one‐step procedure, indicating a further potential use for blueberry leaves. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of light on in vitro proliferation and subsequent in vivo rooting and acclimatisation of Vaccinium corymbosum were investigated. The shoots were exposed in vitro to different irradiances (total radiation ranging from 55 to 240 μmol m−2 s−1) for 7 to 60 days. In vitro growth and proliferation and the possible consequences on in vivo rooting were observed.
As compared to the control treatment (55 μmol m−2 s−1), higher irradiances improved proliferation and rooting ratios only with short applications (7 days). Short but high (210 μmol m−2 s−1) exposures applied at the end of the proliferation phase increased in vivo growth and rooting of the shoots. The shoots treated with strong light for longer times (14 and 28 days) showed both inhibition of growth and red colour of leaves and sprouts, and were less vigorous when transferred in vivo.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to develop a mathematical model to predict the effect of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on mean rooting (%) and mean root growth of northern highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). The best estimating equations for the rooting (%) and root growth are formulized as: RG = (5.672183) + [0.002851 × (IBA)] − [2.0E−6 × (IBA)2] + (−0.27211 × Cv.) and R = (82.00649) + [0.030801 × (IBA)] − [2,4E−5 × (IBA)2] − [2.36218 × (Cv.)] where RG is root growth, R is rooting, IBA is indole-3-butyric acid (ppm) and Cv. is cultivar. Cultivars are Ivanhoe [1], Jersey [2], Rekord [3], Northland [4], Berkeley [5] and Bluejay [6]. The numbers given in square brackets represent the blueberry cultivars for the equations. Multiple regression analysis was carried out until the least sum of squares (R2) was obtained. R 2 value 0.90 for rooting and 0.95 for root growth. Standard errors were found to be significant at the p < 0.001 level. The actual rooting differed to the blueberry cultivars and it was between 57.76 and 83.23% while estimated rooting percentage calculated by the produced mathematical model was between 59.04 and 83.80%.  相似文献   

红花为长日照植物,在长日照条件下,莲座期显著缩短,植株变矮,整个生育期明显变短,但也有些品种如墨西哥矮,对日照长度的反应不甚敏感。多数红花品种在高温、长日照条件下,莲座期显著缩短,植株变矮,种子产量下降,但我国秋播红花产区北部的一些红花品种如BJ-240在高温、长日照条件下莲座期不是缩短,反而无限延长,植株根本不能正常生长、开花结果。实验表明,将这些品种的种子萌发后置于0℃的冰箱中处理15天后再播  相似文献   

木薯是热带、亚热带地区的重要粮食作物和经济作物。培育出生产性状更加优良的木薯品种,是推进木薯产业更快更好发展的重要基础。分子育种技术在培育优良木薯品种方面具有传统育种技术不可比拟的优势。该文介绍了近年来在提高植物抗寒性与病虫害抗性、降低氰苷含量、提高淀粉含量及组成、改变储存物种类、防止木薯收获后变质等方面的研究进展,以便在这些研究进展的基础上,利用植物分子育种技术加快获得具有抗逆能力提高、品质改良、产量增加、耐储藏等优良特性的木薯新品种。  相似文献   

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