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Processes of spreading of the pulsed current from spherical electrodes and an electric breakdown in the quartz sand are studied experimentally. When the current density on the electrode exceeds the critical value, a nonlinear reduction occurs in the grounding resistance as a result of sparking in the soil. The critical electric field strengths for ionization and breakdown are determined. The ionization-overheating instability is shown to develop on the electrode, which leads to the current contraction and formation of plasma channels.  相似文献   

Incoherent scattering of a probing wave by Langmuir fluctuations trapped and enhanced near a local minimum of the electron density (plasma density well) in plasma with a parabolic density profile is considered. Steady-state amplitudes of fluctuations are calculated for arbitrary velocity distribution functions of plasma particles with allowance for electron collisions. It is shown that quasi-periodic oscillations with two characteristic scales can be present in the spectrum of the plasma line. The smaller scale is due to the wellknown effect of discretization of the spectrum of Langmuir fluctuations in a plasma density well. The larger scale is associated with the generation of scattered waves in two spatial regions and subsequent interference of these waves at the exit from the density well. Oscillations with this scale are more stable under unsteady plasma conditions and can be more often observed in experiments. The results of this work can be used to experimentally determine the plasma parameters, such as the electron collision frequency and the size and lifetime of the plasma density well.  相似文献   

Electrical breakdown of erythrocytes induces hemoglobin release which increases markedly with decreasing conductivity of the pulse medium. This effect presumably results from the transient, conductivity-dependent deformation forces (elongation or compression) on the cell caused by Maxwell stress. The deformation force is exerted on the plasma membrane of the cell, which can be viewed as a transient dipole induced by an applied DC electric field pulse. The induced dipole arises from the free charges that accumulate at the cell interfaces via the Maxwell-Wagner polarization mechanism. The polarization response of erythrocytes to a DC field pulse was estimated from the experimental data obtained by using two complementary frequency-domain techniques. The response is very rapid, due to the highly conductive cytosol. Measurements of the electrorotation and electrodeformation spectra over a wide conductivity range yielded the information and data required for the calculation of the deformation force as a function of frequency and external conductivity and for the calculation of the transient development of the deformation forces during the application of a DC-field pulse. These calculations showed that (i) electric force precedes and accompanies membrane charging (up to the breakdown voltage) and (ii) that under low-conductivity conditions, the electric stretching force contributes significantly to the enlargement of ``electroleaks' in the plasma membrane generated by electric breakdown. Received: 12 December 1997/Revised: 13 March 1998  相似文献   

The possibility of steady-state multivalued solutions to transport equations in stellarators is considered. It is shown that the ambipolarity condition is necessary but not sufficient to find the ambipolar electric field, because the functions entering into it (the plasma density and temperature, as well as their spatial derivatives) depend on the ambipolar field. To do this correctly, it is necessary to solve the full set of time-independent transport equations (including diffusion and heat conduction equations). The possible existence of multivalued solutions to this set of equations is analyzed numerically. It is shown that, under certain conditions that depend on the form and magnitude of particle and heat sources, such solutions can exist. Their form is determined by the initial value of the ambipolar field, the source magnitudes, and the boundary conditions. Discontinuous solutions in which the radial profile of the ambipolar field undergoes jumps are found. In this case, however, the particle and energy fluxes remain continuous, because the discontinuities of the electric field are balanced by the discontinuities of the density and temperature gradients.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector in the form of a spherical conducting body in a space plasma is considered. An equation describing the radial evolution of a steady electron beam with a self-similar density profile in the electric field of the injector is formulated. A method for calculating the radial evolution of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector is developed. The method is based on the numerical integration of a set of ordinary differential equations for the beam radius and field potential in the space charge region under the relevant boundary conditions at the injector surface. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the radial dynamics of an electron beam in the vicinity of a spherical screen system for neutralizing the electric charge carried away by the beam. The numerical results show that the electric field of the injector hastens the beam expansion.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of subnanosecond electrical breakdown in a strong electric field observed in an open discharge in helium at pressures of 6–20 Torr can be used to create ultrafast plasma switches triggering into a conducting state for a time shorter than 1 ns. To evaluate the possible repetition rate of such a subnanosecond switch, it is interesting to study the decay dynamics of the plasma remaining in the discharge gap after ultrafast breakdown. In this paper, a kinetic model based on the particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision method is used to study the dynamics of the plasma afterglow in the discharge gap of a subnanosecond switch operating with helium at a pressure of 6 Torr. The simulation results show that the radiative, collisional-radiative, and three-body collision recombination mechanisms significantly contribute to the afterglow decay only while the plasma density remains higher than 1012 cm?3; the main mechanism of the further plasma decay is diffusion of plasma particles onto the wall. Therefore, the effect of recombination in the plasma bulk is observed only during the first 10–20 μs of the afterglow. Over nearly the same time, plasma electrons become thermalized. The afterglow time can be substantially reduced by applying a positive voltage Uc to the cathode. Since diffusive losses are limited by the ion mobility, the additional ion drift toward the wall significantly accelerates plasma decay. As Uc increases from 0 to +500 V, the characteristic time of plasma decay is reduced from 35 to 10 μs.  相似文献   

A pulsed time-of-flight refractometer was developed and tested to determine the mean plasma density in the T-11M tokamak by measuring the propagation time of nanosecond microwave pulses in plasma. Later, it was also proposed to use such an instrument to measure and control the mean plasma density in the ITER tokamak by probing the plasma with an extraordinary wave, the electric field of which is perpendicular to the magnetic field in plasma, in the transparency window at frequencies of 50–100 GHz. To avoid the effect of the density profile shape on the measurement results in the nonlinear mode of refractometer operation (near the cutoff), a system operating at two different probing frequencies was developed and tested. Such a system provides two values of the time delay, which can be used to estimate the peaking factor of the density distribution α and correctly determine the linear density 〈Nl〉, regardless of the density profile (assuming a smooth density profile of the form of N(ρ) = N(0)(1 − ρ2)α, where N(0) is the central plasma density and ρ = r/a is the normalized plasma radius). The first experiments on density measurements in the FTU tokamak performed with this refractometer are described, and results from these experiments are presented. The formation of a thin dense plasma layer in the zone of a strong magnetic field (the so-called MARFE layer) at a relatively low (for FTU) plasma density of ∼6 × 1019 m−3 was detected. The thickness of this layer, determined from the refractometry data, agrees well with the data obtained using a digital camera.  相似文献   

It was shown earlier that, in the range of rare collisions, transport equations for stellarators allow steady discontinuous solutions for the ambipolar electric field and for the plasma density and temperature gradients. Moreover, such solutions are non-single-valued; that is, their explicit form depends on the initial values of the ambipolar electric field. The time-independent transport equations are derived under the conventional quasineutrality condition; i.e., it is assumed that the electron and ion densities, N e and N i , are related by the relationship N e = ZN i (where Z is the ion charge number). In other words, the plasma charge density is assumed to be much less than the product e i N i . Under typical conditions, the corresponding inequality is satisfied by a large margin. However, if the electric field E has discontinuities, then it can be seen from the equation ▿·E = 4πρ that, at the discontinuity points, the charge density becomes infinite and the relationship N e = ZN i fails to hold, so it is necessary to replace it with N e = ZN i + ρ/e e . In the transport equations, this latter replacement produces additional terms, proportional to the second radial derivative of the field E. With these additional terms, the steady solutions are modified substantially. First, the ambipolar field and the derivatives of the density and temperatures all become continuous functions of the coordinates, a result that seems to be quite obvious. The second, not-so-obvious result is that the steady solutions become single-valued, i.e., independent of the initial values of the ambipolar electric field. It turns out that, in this case, two regimes are possible, depending on the values of the plasma parameters. In the first regime, the solution is unique and is independent of the initial conditions. In the second regime, two steady solutions can exist, depending on the initial conditions. One of the solution is similar to that obtained in the first regime, and the other differs from the first one both in the ambipolar field profile and in the dependence of the density and temperatures on the minor plasma radius. It cannot be excluded that different plasma confinement modes revealed in experiments are associated with the existence of such solutions.  相似文献   

Since the threshold electric field required for breakdown of air is much higher than the maximum field strength measured in thunderstorm clouds, the problem of lightning initiation still remains unsolved. According to the popular hypothesis, lightning can be initiated by a streamer discharge in the field enhanced near a hydrometeor. To verify the adequacy of this hypothesis, the development of a positive streamer propagating along the thunderstorm electric field in the vicinity of an ice needle at an air pressure corresponding to an altitude of 5 km (which is typical of the lightning initiation conditions) was simulated numerically. The hydrometeor dimensions are determined at which streamers can be initiated at different strengths of the thunderstorm electric field.  相似文献   

Particle-in-cell simulations show that the inhomogeneity scale of the plasma produced in the interaction of high-power laser radiation with gas targets is of fundamental importance for ion acceleration. In a plasma slab with sharp boundaries, the quasistatic magnetic field and the associated electron vortex structure produced by fast electron beams both expand along the slab boundary in a direction perpendicular to the plasma density gradient, forming an extended region with a quasistatic electric field, in which the ions are accelerated. In a plasma with a smooth density distribution, the dipole magnetic field can propagate toward the lower plasma density in the propagation direction of the laser pulse. In this case, the electron density in an electric current filament at the axis of the magnetic dipole decreases to values at which the charge quasineutrality condition fails to hold. In electric fields generated by this process, the ions are accelerated to energies substantially higher than those characteristic of plasma configurations with sharp boundaries.  相似文献   

The radial density profile of fast ions with a mean energy of 10 keV is measured in experiments with a two-component high-β plasma in the GDT device. Fast ions are produced by injecting neutral beams into a warm plasma. The measured fast-ion density profile is found to be narrower than that calculated with allowance for the neutral beam trapping and Coulomb scattering. Special experiments with a movable limiter have indicated that the formation of a narrow fast-ion density profile in GDT cannot be attributed to the loss of fast ions. Possible mechanisms responsible for this effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawbacks of the conventional model of electric breakdown in high-pressure gases are discussed. A new model that associates the propagation of a breakdown wave with the propagation of a traveling electromagnetic wave in a plasma waveguide is proposed. Based on the new model, the main physical parameters of a medium are estimated.  相似文献   

A study is made of electromagnetic waves localized in the region where the radial plasma density profile has an extremum between two local Alfvén resonances. Analytic expressions for the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes are obtained. It is shown that kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves can propagate in the vicinity of a maximum and a minimum in the density profile, respectively. Passage to the limiting case in which the plasma density is nonuniform and has a parabolic profile is considered.  相似文献   

A complete self-consistent electrodynamic model of a pulsed gas discharge excited by surface waves is developed. The model allows one to calculate both the initial phase of the discharge front propagation and the parameters of the produced plasma. The spatiotemporal evolution of the electromagnetic field and plasma parameters at the discharge front is investigated for the first time. It is shown that discharge propagation is mainly governed by a breakdown wave in an inhomogeneous electric field at the leading edge of the ionization front. It is found that the effect of the electric field enhancement in the plasma resonance region significantly affects the velocity of the breakdown wave. The results of calculations agree well with experimental data.  相似文献   

A study is made of the excitation of waves in the whistler frequency range by a given ring electric current in a collisional magnetoplasma in the presence of a cylindrical duct with enhanced density. It is shown that, under certain conditions, dissipative losses due to electron collisions in plasma can lead to a substantial redistribution of the source radiation power over the spatial spectrum of the modes guided by the duct, as compared to the case of a collisionless plasma. Numerical results are presented that illustrate these changes in the excitation efficiency of whistler modes.  相似文献   

The effects of the centrifugal force and finite Larmor radius on plasma stability in the gas-dynamic trap are considered. Estimates show that the stability is governed by the strong effect of the finite Larmor radius of fast particles. If this stabilizing mechanism does not operate, then the instability ceases to be exponential when the sheared plasma rotation becomes sufficiently intense. In this case, the potential perturbation amplitude increases according to a power law, and the instability threshold remains unchanged. These effects do not influence the stability of the first azimuthal perturbation mode in a plasma with a free boundary. But when the plasma is in good electrical contact with the conducting wall of the device and when the plasma density profile is not too peaked at the axis, the first mode is stabilized by the finite Larmor radius effect because of the radial variation of the perturbed electric field.  相似文献   

The problem of the stability of a charged plasma cylinder in crossed longitudinal magnetic and radial electric fields is considered under the assumption that the plasma electrons are magnetized and distributed uniformly in space and that the plasma ions have a low density and move without collisions. By using the Vlasov and Poisson equations for the electric and magnetic fields of arbitrary strengths and by expanding the radial eigenfunctions in Bessel functions, a dispersion relation is obtained for the modified ion cyclotron frequencies. The dispersion relation obtained is solved for the case of hot plasma electrons. At low ion densities, the oscillation spectra are stable and are described by the families of dispersion curves lying closely around the harmonics of the modified cyclotron frequency (including the zeroth harmonic). At higher ion densities, the dispersion curves for the frequencies of the lowest radial oscillation modes in neighboring families can intersect, leading to instability. The maximum instability growth rate can be several tenths of the modified ion cyclotron frequency.  相似文献   

One of the key problems of the Baikal project, intended to create a superpower pulsed generator for ICF experiments, is that of matching a multimodule plasma opening switch (POS) to a liner load. An intermediate inductance or a separating discharger is proposed to be used as a matching element between the POS and the load. An analysis is made of the effect of both versions of the matching system on the synchronization of the POS modules and the energy transfer from the inductive storage to the load. Methods for optimizing the matching element are examined. It is shown that the POS modules can be synchronized and the inductive storage energy can be efficiently transferred to a low-impedance load. A multigap vacuum discharger with a point anode and plane cathode is to be used as a separating discharger. Such an electrode system make it possible to concentrate the electric field at the point anode and to substantially enhance the electric strength of the inter-electrode gap. Results are presented from experimental studies of vacuum breakdown in such an electrode system with a gap length of about 1 mm.  相似文献   

Exact steady-state analytic solutions describing kinetic processes in a low-density plasma layer near a dielectric surface are found in a time-dependent one-dimensional model with allowance for secondary electron emission. It is shown that, at low electron temperatures, both the electric potential and electron density monotonically decrease toward the dielectric surface (Debye layer). As the electron temperature increases, an anti-Debye layer first forms, in which the potential monotonically increases toward the wall, and regimes with a nonmonotonic potential profile then arise.  相似文献   

An analytical solution to the nonlinear set of equations describing the electron dynamics and electric field structure in the vicinity of the critical density in a nonuniform plasma is constructed using the renormalization group approach with allowance for relativistic effects of electron motion. It is demonstrated that the obtained solution describes two regimes of plasma oscillations in the vicinity of the plasma resonance— stationary and nonstationary. For the stationary regime, the spatiotemporal and spectral characteristics of the resonantly enhanced electric field are investigated in detail and the effect of the relativistic nonlinearity on the spatial localization of the energy of the plasma relativistic field is considered. The applicability limits of the obtained solution, which are determined by the conditions of plasma wave breaking in the vicinity of the resonance, are established and analyzed in detail for typical laser and plasma parameters. The applicability limits of the earlier developed nonrelativistic theories are refined.  相似文献   

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