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Particulate enzymic preparations obtained from homogenates of differentiated xylem cells isolated from sycamore trees, catalyzed the formation of a radioactive xylan in the presence of UDP-D-[U-14C]xylose as substrate. The synthesized xylan was not dialyzable through Visking cellophane tubing. Successive extraction with cold water, hot water and 5% NaOH dissolved respectively 15, 5 and 80% of the radioactive polymer. Complete acid hydrolysis of the water-insoluble polysaccharide synthesized from UDP-D-[U-14C]xylose released all the radioactivity as xylose. -1,4-Xylodextrins, degree of polymerization 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, were obtained by partial acid hydrolysis (fuming HCl or 0.1 M HCl) of radioactive xylan. The polymer was hydrolysed to xylose, xylobiose and xylotriose by Driselase which contains 1,4- xylanase activities. Methylation and then hydrolysis of the xylan released two methylated sugars which were identified as di-O-methyl[14C]xylose and tri-O-methyl-[14C]xylose, suggesting a 14-linked polymer. The linkage was confirmed by periodate oxidation studies. The apparent Km value of the synthetase for UDP-D-xylose was 0.4 mM. Xylan synthetase activity was not potentiated in the presence of a detergent. The enzymic activity was stimulated by Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions, although EDTA in the range of concentrations between 0.01 and 1 mM did not affect the reaction rate. It appears that the xylan synthetase system associated with membranes obtained from differentiated xylem cells of sycamore trees may serve for catalyzing the in vivo synthesis of the xylan main chain during the biogenesis of the plant cell wall.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium distribution and pectin esterification patterns in the cambial zone of poplar branches were studied with ionic microscopy and immunological tools respectively. Dynamic changes correlating with cell growth and cell differentiation were observed both on the xylem and on the phloem sides. In expanding cell walls of xylem derivatives, unesterified pectins were restricted to cell junctions and middle lamellae, occasionally accompanied by calcium ions. In contrast, in differentiating and mature phloem cells, acidic pectins and Ca2+ were present all over the walls leading to early stiffening of the polysaccharide network. Significant labelling was detected with JIM5 antibodies in some dictyosomes suggesting exocytosis of low methylated polymers towards the cell walls. At cell junctions, unesterified pectins might originate from the activity of pectinmethylesterases localized in these areas. Thus un- and deesterified pectins might be located in different cell wall domains whose distribution, varying with cell type, will confer specific extensibility to the wall matrix.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DM degree of methylation - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HM highly methylated pectins - LM low methylated pectins - PME pectin methylesterase - SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry - TBS tris-buffered saline  相似文献   

Observation was made on early ontogeny of vascular cambium in the developing root ofGinkgo biloba L. After completion of root elongation, the vascular meristem gradually acquires cambial characteristics. Strips of the periclinal division of cells in transverse section are observed on the inner side of phloem when the primary xylem and phloem in the stele have been established. The strips are united into a continuous layer between phloem and xylem. In tangenital section, the procambium shows a homogeneous structure, which is initially composed of short cells with transverse end walls and subsequently, of long cells with tapering ends. Then, the procambium is organized into two systems of cells; axial strands of short cells with transverse end walls resulting from the sporadic transverse divisions of long cells, and long cells with tapering ends. Still later, the short cells are divided frequently in a trasverse plane exhibiting one or a few cells in width and several decades of cells in height, while the long cells are elongated. The frequency of transverse divisions of the short cells decreases in subsequent stages. Eventually, the short cells in axial strands are vertically separated from one another by the elongation of neighboring long cells and by the decrease in the frequency of transverse divisions of short cells themselves. Cambial initials occur in two forms; ray initials a few cells in height and one cell in width derived from the short cells, and fusiform initials with tapering ends derived from the long cells.  相似文献   

During the transition from primary wall formation to secondary thickening there is a marked shift in the synthesis of pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose. The activities of the enzymes [UDP-D-galactose 4-epimerase (EC UDP-l-arabinose 4-epimerase (EC, UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenase (EC and UDP-D--glucuronate decarboxylase (EC] were measured in cambial cells, differentiating xylem cells and differentiated xylem cells isolated from sycamore and poplar trees, and phloem cells from poplar. At the final stage of the differentiation of cambium to xylem there was a decrease in activity of the enzymes directly involved in producing the soluble precursors of pectin (DUP-D-galactose 4-epimerase and UDP-L-arabinose 4-epimerase and an increase in those producing the precursors of hemicellulose (UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenase and UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase). These results strongly suggest ahat the changes were correlated with the differences observed in the chemical composition of the wall during development. The changes found in the catalytic activity of the enzymes of nucleoside diphosphate sugar interconversion exert a coarse control over the synthesis of pectin and hemicelluloses. The tissues at all stages of development contained the necessary enzyme activities to produce all the precursors of pectin and hemicellulose, even at the final stage of differentiation when no pectin was formed.  相似文献   

Summary The development of pit-pairs between differentiating xylem cells has been examined by transmission electron microscopy in young shoots ofSorbus torminalis. In some vessel-to-tracheid pits, as well as in previously studied intertracheid pits, a thickening of the pit membrane containing branched plasmodesmata was observed. A secondary wall-like cap was deposited over the thickening prior to cytoplasmic autolysis; some plasmodesmata, parallel to the plane of section, appeared to perforate the cap. At the end of the cell maturation stage, the central part of the primary wall thickening was hydrolysed, while the cap, including plasmodesmata remnants, appeared unaltered. In half-bordered pit-pairs between a parenchyma cell and a vessel or a tracheid, similar structures could be observed beside the conducting elements. When the vessel or tracheid matured, sealing of the pit membrane plasmodesmata resulted from the formation of a protective layer on the parenchyma-side rather than from the deposition of a cap on the conducting cell-side. These observations provide the first information on the presence of symplasmic connections in pits between differentiating vessels and neighbouring xylem cells. InS. torminalis, xylem differentiation is probably highly coordinated within a symplasmic domain; the persistence of such connections may account for the lack of specialization ofSorbus wood.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of xylem ray cells inPopulus was studied in conjunction with their content of individual sugars and of starch. They differ considerably in structure and in carbohydrate content at the three chosen stages,i.e., of starch deposition (August), of starch maximum (November), and of starch dissolution (January). The transition from the summer to winter stage was also induced experimentally by storage of tissue at 0°C. Both in nature and after cold-storage, sucrose and its galactosides raffinose and stachyose were accumulated to a great extent, contributing up to 69.7 and 57.3% of total sugar content, respectively. They originated parallel to the breakdown of starch and to the appearance of abundant vesicular and dilated ER cisternae. Results indicating that they are the specific sites of sucrose accumulation, and/or its galactosides, are discussed. The occurrence of phytoferritin-like crystalloids in amyloplasts and of vacuolar flocculent material, which condenses into electron-dense bodies of suspectedly proteinaceous nature, is described.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Wilhelm Halbsguth on the occasion of his 75th birthday.  相似文献   

Secondary growth in the stem of Dolichos lablab is achieved by the formation of eccentric successive rings of vascular bundles. The stem is composed of parenchymatous ground tissue and xylem and phloem confined to portions of small cambial segments. However, development of new cambial segments can be observed from the obliterating ray parenchyma, the outermost phloem parenchyma and the secondary cortical parenchyma. Initially cambium develops as small segments, which latter become joined to form a complete cylinder of vascular cambium. Each cambial ring is functionally divided into two distinct regions. The one segment of cambium produces thick-walled lignified xylem derivatives in centripetal direction and phloem elements centrifugally. The other segment produces only thin-walled parenchyma on both xylem and phloem side. In mature stems, some of the axial parenchyma embedded deep inside the xylem acquires meristematic activity and leads to the formation of thick-walled xylem derivatives centrifugally and phloem elements centripetally. The secondary xylem comprises vessel elements, tracheids, fibres and axial parenchyma. Rays are uni-multiseriate in the region of cambium that produces xylem and phloem derivatives, while in some of the regions of cambium large multiseriate, compound, aggregate and polycentric rays can be noticed.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes of xylem pressure in the lianaTetrastigma voinierianum have been measured under greenhouse conditions by means of the recently developed xylem pressure probe. During the early morning hours, tensions in the vessels developed more or less rapidly with time, depending on light intensity. On sunny days, absolute negative pressures down to about -0.4 MPa (atmospheric = 0.1 MPa) were recorded around noon in petiolar or stem xylem vessels, whereas on rainy or cloudy days the xylem pressure remained in the positive sub-atmospheric or slightly negative pressure range. Towards the evening the tension in the vessels always decreased, i.e. the xylem pressure shifted to about atmospheric, or even above-atmospheric, values during the night. Simultaneous xylem pressure recordings at heights of 1 and 5 m frequently yielded either no gradient in tension at all, or far less than expected from the Cohesion Theory. Occasionally, tension gradients were even opposite to those predicted by this theory. Stem-toleaves pressure gradients in accord with the Cohesion Theory were recorded only when tension had been developed during sunny days in the upper branches of the liana, because increases in tension were not immediately propagated to the xylem of the leaves at ground level, as would be expected from a strictly coupled hydraulic system. Parallel recordings of the xylem tension using the pressure chamber yielded rather variable values ranging from 0.1 to 1 MPa; diurnal pressure changes could not be detected at all. The data are discussed on the basis of the equation for the chemical activity of water. They strongly suggest that the xylem tension induced by transpiration is not the sole force for water ascent. Other forces, such as osmotic pressure or convectional and interfacial forces, which to a remarkable extent have already been postulated for decades, seem to be equally important.Abbreviation R.H. relative humidity The authors are very grateful to Professor D. Fürnkranz, Institut für Botanik der Universität Salzburg, for his interest and help with the greenhouse facility, to Walter Gigerl for expert technical assistance, to Heike Schneider and Notburga Gierlinger for the petiolestaining experiments. This work was supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to U.Z. (NMR-Graduiertenkolleg Ha 1232/8-1).  相似文献   

Summary Microscopic examination of the vascular cambium of Eucalyptus globulus, from four trees, at nine height levels, revealed a non-storied cambial structure with both ray and fusiform initials. Average fusiform initial length increased from 443 m at 70% of tree height from the base to a maximum of 484 m at 10% of tree height. At 2.5% of tree height average fusiform initial length sharply declined to 438 m. A strong positive correlation (r = 0.757, df = 7, P <0.05) existed between average fusiform initial length and average fibre length at each height, giving quantitative support to the notion that variation in fusiform initial length is an important mechanism influencing fibre length in hardwoods. However, 62% of the longitudinal variation in average fibre length was explained by the extent of elongation during differentiation, which increased linearly down the stem. At 70% of tree height, the average length of fibres was 1.84 times that of the fusiform initials, compared to 2.11 times at 2.5% of tree height. Concomitant with this longitudinal gradient of elongation was a gradient of increasing tangential area of the cambium occupied by cambial rays. This was accounted for by dimensional increases in the ray initial cells with decreasing height. Possible mechanisms that regulate the elongation of developing fibres and the proportion of cambial rays are discussed.  相似文献   

Intra-annual wood formation in healthy and affected Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) street trees in the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia, was studied by the micro-coring method. Samples were taken with a Trephor instrument at weekly intervals during the 2005 growing season. The beginning of wood formation corresponded to the initiation of cambial activity in the middle of April in all investigated Norway maple trees. In healthy trees, the period of wood formation was finished in mid-September, persisting 7 weeks longer than in affected ones. Small destructivity and sufficient quality of micro-cores confirmed that sampling with a Trephor is a convenient method for the study of wood formation in diffuse-porous hardwoods, growing in the harsh conditions of an urban environment.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern in starch, various sugars, protein, and fat, and their interrelationship, has been followed in 3-year-old branch wood of poplar trees (Populus x canadensis Moench robusta) under natural site conditions. The deposition of starch, protein and fat proceeds at different times. Starch accumulates from May until October, fat mainly during the summer months, and protein when the leaves are yellowing in September and October. The maximum concentrations in the branch wood were 15–18 g starch, 6–9 g protein, 4–8 g fat, 10–15 g sucrose, and up to 30 g total sugars per milligram dry weight (DW). During starch deposition periods no increased sucrose level is found in the tissue. The maximum daily starch deposition rate was 0.2–0.4 g starch/day/mg DW of wood. During starch hydrolysis in late autumn and winter, a dramatic increase in sucrose and its galactosides is measured (up to 15–27 g/mg DW in total). In early spring, before budbreak, the concentrations of these sugars diminishes sharply. In contrast to this clear-cut starch-to-sugar conversion in autumn no significant starch-to-fat conversion is detected. An elevated content of free glycerol, however, is found in winter. In spring, starch and storage protein are mobilized completely, or almost completely, in poplar twig wood. A noteworthy pool of maltose is found transiently during autumn (up to 8 g/mg DW) and again in spring. The results demonstrate that the individual storage materials, e.g. starch, protein, and fat, are accumulated fairly independently in the wood storage parenchyma. Tissue sugar levels, in contrast, appear to be closely related to the seasonal variations in starch content, on the one hand, and to the acclimation and deacclimation of the cells, on the other. The interrelations of the storage materials and sugars are discussed.  相似文献   

C. Grand  F. Sarni  A. M. Boudet 《Planta》1985,163(2):232-237
Two organic compounds, N-(O-hydroxyphenul)-and N-(O-aminophenyl)sulfinamoyltertiobutyl acetate (OHPAS and NH2PAS, respectively) have been designed for inhibiting cinnamylalcohol dehydrogenase (EC, a zinc metalloenzyme involved specifically in lignification. This paper describes their effects in vitro on the activity of the enzyme isolated from poplar and in vivo on the lignification of poplar tissues. The enzyme inhibition was time- and dose-dependent and pseudoirreversible indicating that these compounds could act as suicide inhibitors. Neither OHPAS nor NH2PAS exhibited affinity towards other plant zinc metalloenzymes or phenolic enzymes tested. Only NH2PAS exerted an effect on cinnamoyl: CoA reductase, another specific enzyme of lignification. In addition, these inhibitors, at the concentration of 80 M, reduced the fluxes of lignin synthesis in poplar stems by 45%. These results show that OHPAS and NH2PAS could become useful tools for reducing lignification in plants.Abbreviations CDH cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase - NH2PAS N (O-aminophenyl) sulfinamoyltertiobutyl acetate - OHPAS N(O-hydroxyphenyl) sulfinamoyltertiobutyl acetate  相似文献   

Decapitation or red light irradiation (R) inhibited growth and Golgi-localized glucan synthetase (GS I) activity in the mesocotyl of intact maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Applied auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) prevented the effects of R and of decapitation on both growth and GS I. Auxin applied several hours after irradiation prevented any further decline in GS I but did not restore it. Mesocotyl segments incubated in solution elongated in response to auxin but lost GS I with time regardless of the presence of exogenous auxin. An attached seed was necessary for maintenance of GS I in the dark-grown mesocotyl.Abbreviations GS glucan synthetase - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - R red light  相似文献   

Barbara van Cleve  Klaus Apel 《Planta》1993,189(1):157-160
The synthesis of storage proteins in trees of poplar (Populus x canadensis Moench) could not only be induced by a shift from long-day to short-day conditions but also by either a low-temperature treatment or by nitrogen feeding under continuous long-day conditions. The synthesis of the protein did not depend on the cessation of growth and the formation of a terminal bud. The accumulation of the storage protein was in all cases preceded by a drastic increase in the level of the corresponding mRNA.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - kDA kilodalton  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1) is a Ca2+-permeable channel primarily expressed in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Besides its function in thermogenic nociception and neurogenic inflammation, TRPV1 is involved in cell migration, cytoskeleton re-organisation and in neuronal guidance. To explore the TRPV1 level and activity during conditions for neuronal maturation, TRPV1-expressing SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells were differentiated into a neuronal phenotype using all-trans-retinoic acid (RA). We show that RA highly up-regulated the total and cell surface TRPV1 protein expression but the TRPV1 mRNA level was unaffected. The up-regulated receptors were localised to the cell bodies and the developed neurites. Furthermore, RA increased both the basal intracellular free Ca2+ concentration by 30% as well as the relative capsaicin-induced Ca2+ influx. The results show that TRPV1 protein expression increases during RA-induced differentiation in vitro, which generates an altered intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Roni Aloni  Tal Plotkin 《Planta》1985,163(1):126-132
The regenerative differentiation of xylem, both around a wound in the stem and at the root junction was studied in seedlings of maize. The regeneration of vessels around a wound was very small, being limited to the very young internodes and sharply declining basipetally. There were more regenerative vessel elements and they differentiated faster above the wound than below it. The regenerative vessel elements around the wound were characterized by helical or annular pattern of secondary wall thickenings. Wounding also resulted in the development of additional vascular anastomoses in the leaf immediately above the wound, and in differentiation of discontinuous vessels in adjacent bundles. Regenerative vessel elements were very common where the adventitious roots connected with the stem internodes, and exhibited pitted or reticulated secondary wall thickenings.  相似文献   

Concentrations and total amounts of Cd and Zn in individual annual xylem increments of 5-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies) were investigated after one growing season in contaminated soils. The plants had been potted in soils amended with different concentrations of Cd and Zn and kept in open air conditions. In the outer xylem rings formed during the treatment period lowest concentrations of Cd and Zn were found. In inner rings concentrations of both elements increased and were highest at the pith. Total amounts of both elements showed reversed distribution patterns with highest values in the outermost rings. The observed increase of total dry matter of the rings from pith towards the outer rings was stronger than the parallel increase in total element amounts in the rings. Thus, concentrations dropped in younger rings. The time of the soil contamination event cannot be inferred from element concentrations in annual rings. The results challenge the concept of monitoring historical trends in trace element pollution using analytical data of tree rings of conifers.  相似文献   

Roni Aloni  John R. Barnett 《Planta》1996,198(4):595-603
The differentiation of phloem anastomoses linking the longitudinal vascular bundles has been studied in stem internodes of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne, C. pepo L. and Dahlia pinnata Cav. These anastomoses comprise naturally occurring regenerative sieve tubes which redifferentiate from interfascicular parenchyma cells in the young internodes. In all three species, severing a vascular bundle in a young internode resulted in regeneration of xylem to form a curved by-pass immediately around the wound. The numerous phloem anastomoses in these young internodes were not involved in this process, the regenerated vessels originating from interfascicular parenchyma alone. Conversely, in mature internodes of Dahlia, the regenerated vessels originated from initials of the interfascicular cambia, and their phloem anastomoses did not influence the pattern of xylogenesis. On the other hand, in old internodes of Cucurbita, in which an interfascicular cambium was not yet developed, the parenchyma cells between the bundles had lost the ability to redifferentiate into vessel elements, and instead, regenerated vessels were produced in the phloem anastomoses. Thus, the wounded region of the vascular bundle was not bypassed via the shortest, curved pathway, but by more circuitous routes further away from the wound. Some of the regenerated vessels produced in the phloem anastomoses were extremely wide, and presumably efficient conductors of water. It is proposed that the dense network of phloem anastomoses developed during evolution as a mechanism of adaptation to possible damage in mature internodes by providing flexible alternative pathways for efficient xylem regeneration in plants with limited or no interfascicular cambium.This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Isaac Blachmann (deceased 19 November 1995), father-in-law of the senior author, for encouragement and advice throughout the yearsThis research was supported by an International Scientific Exchange Award to R.A. from the Israel Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) is the primary NH4 + assimilating enzyme of cyanobacteria. The specific activities and cellular protein concentration of GS in symbiotic cyanobacteria associated with the water fern Azolla caroliniana were determined and compared to free-living cultures of Nostoc sp. strain 7801, a strain originally isolated from symbiotic association with the bryophyte Anthoceros punctatus. Both the in vitro specific activity and concentration of GS in symbiotic cyanobacteria separated from A. caroliniana were approximately 3-fold lower than the free-living Nostoc sp. strain 7801 culture. These results imply depressed synthesis of GS by the symbiont associated with A. caroliniana.  相似文献   

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