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Quality and regulatory controls in hybrid nuclear medicine, layout and installations constraints, Diagnostic Reference values and regulatory and mandatory information in the medical report are presented in that part.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):361-368
Since many years, the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy plays a leading role in the management of coronary artery disease because of its excellent performance for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia. This exam has also a value widely recognized for risk stratification, assessment of the effectiveness of treatments and research of myocardial viability. The realization of this review is composite with many steps and persons which can potentially provide artefacts. The advent of semiconductor cameras significantly reduce some artefacts, but was not accompanied by a complete removal of these latters, which for some of them may be exacerbated. The use of such cameras will therefore require a learning curve to understand these evolutions. In this article, we propose a clinical illustration of centering artefacts specific of semiconductor cameras, examples of motion artefacts (respiratory and patient motion) and apical artefacts. These abnormalities are commonly encountered during daily practice of myocardial scintigraphy.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):355-360
In PET imaging, quantification of the acquired data can be achieved by using a series of correction techniques to minimize the effects inherent in the imaging process of emission tomography. Quantitative images can be reconstructed after correcting the detected emission data for the presence of random and scattered coincidences, attenuation effects, effects associated with the variable detectors sensitivity, effects related to the geometry of the device and the effects of dead-time. All these effects are well accounted for in the PET imaging market. However, other effects can degrade the quality of the PET images, such as the finite spatial resolution generating partial volume effects, or the patient movements including respiratory and cardiac physiological movements. In the thoracic field, the effects of respiratory motion on PET images are characterized by a loss of detection sensitivity due to the associated blur. Several methods have been developed to correct for these effects, but still without a wide acceptance in clinical routine. These research areas are therefore still very active.  相似文献   

Iodinated Contrast Agent (ICA) may be used in nuclear medicine for level 3 and 4 CT level. The use of ICA in SPECT/CT or PET/CT is driven, for each patient, by the clinical context, the benefit/risk ratio and the availability and the date of the previous injected CT. The improvement in diagnostic performance of the exam is the main goal of the ICA injection during a hybrid NM procedure.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):342-354
The PET-CT with 18F-FDG is a complex technique imaging combining the acquisition of scintigraphic and CT images. CT is often performed with the addition of product oral or intravenous contrast (PDCI) to facilitate localization and characterization of the lesion. All these steps can be a source of artifacts. Furthermore, 18F-FDG is a non-specific tracer and may accumulate in malignant cells but also inflammatory, benign tumor or just in certain physiologically consuming glucose areas. All these elements are important to consider in order to optimize the interpretation of PET-CT and in this article, we will try to illustrate potential pitfalls and artifacts that could lead to misinterpretation in abdominal and pelvic imaging.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):325-341
PET/CT with 18F-FDG is a test widely used in the evaluation of chest diseases as diverse as oncology indications and in particular the evaluation of pulmonary nodules, mediastinal disorders of the chest wall, breast lesions or even heart diseases including those of infectious valves. Despite the many precautions taken to the successful completion of the examination, a caution of the interpretation of the exam is required, given the pitfalls and artifacts inherent to the technique, respiratory and cardiac movements, the misrepresentation lesions (false positives of false negatives) or altered by the treatment. Their knowledge can minimize their impact on the interpretations and avoid the use of supplements investigations, sometimes invasive, or worse, administering a noxious or inappropriate treatment. The purpose of this paper is to describe the pitfalls and artifacts of PET/CT with 18F-FDG commonly found in the thoracic region but also to expose the various precautions that can help the conduct of the exam, the interpretation and even the optimal patient management.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):311-324
The PET/CT imaging with 18F-FDG is an essential diagnostic tool in the management of many diseases today. However, because of its functional and metabolic nature, it requires for its realization the respect of certain precautions to avoid abnormal images or false negative tests. Moreover, in the context of head and neck diseases, knowledge of anatomy and physiological uptakes appears essential for quality interpretation. In this paper, we illustrate with several personal circumstances or particular clinical situations from literature, the potential pitfalls and artifacts that could lead to misinterpretation.  相似文献   

Gigantonoclea guizhouensis Gu et Zhi 的叶部解剖研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
一、材料来源和研究方法解剖研究所用的D-1标本是笔者于1984年5月在贵州水城大河边煤矿二采区新开辟的运输巷侧壁砂岩中采到的,其层位经对比与田宝霖和张连武(1980)描述的水城汪家寨矿区综合地层柱中龙潭组下部第8分层的中部砂岩相当。该叶片沉积时受水流冲击,以中脉为对称轴向远轴侧对折成约20°角状(图版Ⅰ,图2)。  相似文献   

吴乃琴 《古生物学报》1992,31(3):346-349
对Brachyspira asperella Yu et Zhang的40个个体的测量统计表明,此种在生长发育过程中可以区分出3个生长阶段:幼年期壳体生长速度缓慢,壳形卵圆形,胎壳乳突状,壳口圆形;成年期生长迅速,壳高显著大于壳宽的增长率,壳形卵圆形-长卵圆形,壳口卵圆形;老年期生长速度缓慢,壳形长卵圆形,壳饰强烈。这3个生长期代表了此种的个体发育过程。研究化石腹足类种的个体发育过程不仅能了解这一类群的系统发生史、生物演化过程及生物间的亲缘关系,而且能提高物种研究程度,避免分类上的错误。  相似文献   

关于Trigonioides yunnanensis  Ku et Ma的归属*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言Trigonioides yunnanensis Ku et Ma是我国白垩纪地层中最早报道的类三角蚌类化石,1962年由顾知微教授描述。六十年代后期,“云南红层队”于标准产地云南楚雄朱洗冲又发现了更丰富的标本,由马其鸿记述于《云南中生代化石》(上册)(马其鸿等,1976),鉴定为Trigonioides(Wakinoa), yunnanensis Ku et Ma(图版15,图4—13),T. (W.?)  相似文献   

王向东 《古生物学报》1993,32(3):346-354
新疆早二叠世 Kepingophyllum aksuense Wu et Zhou的内生长线发育良好,它们是由年季节温度的变化而形成的.据内生长线,可推算出k. aksuense Wu et Zhou的平均生长率为5mm/年.运用珊瑚的生长率及年龄可计算出沉积事件发生的频率.  相似文献   

一、前言椭圆楔叶(Sphenophyllum oblongifolium(Germ.et Kaulf.)Unger)是北半球石炭、二叠纪广泛分布的重要植物之一。它的叶为长楔形至长椭圆形,六枚组成一轮,呈三对型排列,上两对等大,向两侧伸展,下一对较小,沿轴下垂或斜伸;叶端平截,具细齿;叶脉二歧分叉,直达前缘齿内。这些特征是古植物学家所熟知的,并以此很容易与Sphenophyllum的其它各种相区别。自该种在我国正式描述(Halle,1927;斯行健,1934,1953,1954;Stockmans和Math-ieu,1939,1957;Asama,1970;黄本宏,1976,  相似文献   

Conclusion En 1959, dans une note (2) à l'Académie des Sciences, nous écrivions, en conclusion d'un travail préliminaire sur l'étude immunoélectrophorétique desCandida: Si l'avenir apportait la démonstration de résultats similaires obtenus avec d'autres champignons que les levures du genreCandida, on disposerait en mycologie d'une méthode générale d'analyse des fractions antigéniques...; de plus, les connaissances acquises dans ce domaine auraient vraisemblablement d'heureuses répercussions pratiques sur les problèmes taxonomiques en suspens et sur le diagnostic sérologique des mycoses. Six ans plus tard, il nous semble que l'application de l'immunoélectrophorèse à la mycologie ait tenu ses promesses. Sans se substituer à d'autres techniques, ne fut-ce que parce que son objet est limité à l'étude des fractions antigéniques solubles ou à celle des anticorps précipitants, et parce que sa mise en oeuvre est souvent longue et délicate, elle complète heureusement ces techniques, apportant effectivement, dans bien des cas, un argument nouveau, analytique et élégant, à la taxonomie des champignons et ouvrant une voie nouvelle au diagnostic sérologique de certaines mycoses.(avec la collaboration technique deM. Brugge)Communication présentée à l' International Society for human and animal mycology, Third meeting. Edinburgh, July 31st-August 2nd, 1964.  相似文献   

Sagittopteris  belemnopteroides gen.et sp.nov.在山西的发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山西晚古生代植物自赫勒(Halle,1927)研究以来向为世人瞩目。解放后,李星学(1963)又对华北广大地区月门沟群的化石进行了详细研究,补充了前人的不足。近年来,山西省区域地质调查队在1/20万区域地质调查和一系列的专题研究中,采集了大量化石标本。笔者在鉴定中发现不少有意义的分子,本文报道的即系其中之一。化石为作者之一肖素珍于1976年在晋东南参加剖面测制时采集的。本种在山西其他地区亦有出现。如太原西山、沁水杏峪、柳林、沁  相似文献   

An integrated study of the lithological, micropaleontoligical, sedimentological and statistical data has been done on samples taken from four geological sections (El Gaaga, Tighanimine and El Kantara) spread in different sea areas. This allowed to redefine the stratigraphy of the studied area to provide information about the benefits of some kinds of foraminifera, planktonic and ostracods in knowing the palaeoenvironment and identifying the types referring to the latter during the late cretaceous. The late creataceous appeared in Aures in a form of two hills separated by a light lowness. This morphology corresponds generally to the tripartite composition of the Campanian-Manstrichtian with lower member of limestone-marl (Haraoua Member), a median marl member (Akhdar Member) and an upper member of massive limestones (Ncham member). The regularity of this trilogy changed in the anticline of Dj. El Azereg through a reduction, visibly affecting the tree members. The study of the foraminifera in the late cretaceous (Campanian-Manstrichtian) in the Aures proved the existence of 141 species (48 planktonic and 93 benthic foraminifera). Applying the concepts of biostratigraphy mainly on the foraminifera allowed to distinguish different bizones, ranging from lower Campanian of El Gaaga and El Kantara cuts (Globotruncanita elevata biozone) and Maastrichtian (Contusotruncana contusa biozone). The biostratigraphical framework is thus relatively precise and helps precising for instance the position of some inconsistent boundaries.  相似文献   

12-day cultures of the diatom Chaetoceros simplex calcitrans Paulsen in sea water have been analysed under different conditions of light. With a 12 h24 h photophase the primary production is 106 % higher than under continuous light but the unsaponifiable fraction is lower (?42 %) and the sterols increase by 100 %. When ultra-violet irradiation is added to the 12 h24 h photophase the primary production is lowered (?56 %) but the unsaponifiable fraction increases by 191 %, and the sterols by 110 %. When ultra-violet irradiation is added to the continuous light there is an increase in primary production (+30 %) and a decrease in the unsaponifiable fraction (?16%).Modifications of the sterol composition are reported. C26 sterols have never been detected in these experiments.  相似文献   

叠饰伪转叶肢介(Difalsisca)的特征是初生壳大,背缘末端的后背角反弯曲,装饰为小针网状,在壳的后腹部生长带上有叠网状装饰。新属与伪转叶肢介属(Falsisca)的区别就是具有叠网状装饰,其他特征均相似。叠饰叶肢介科(Diestheriidae Zhang et Chen)是1976年建立的。主要特征是在壳表面原有的网、线和线网状装饰之上又叠覆一层更大的网状物,称为“叠网状装饰”,它主要分布在壳的后腹部生长带上。本科包括叠饰叶肢介属(Di-estheria Chen,1976),新叠饰叶肢介属(Neod-  相似文献   

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