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Two monoclonal antibodies specific for smooth muscle myosin (designated SM-E7 and SM-A9) and one monoclonal anti-(human platelet myosin) antibody (designated NM-G2) have been used to study myosin heavy chain composition of smooth muscle cells in adult and in developing rabbit aorta. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting experiments revealed that adult aortic muscle consisted of two myosin heavy chains (MCH) of smooth muscle type, named MHC-1 (205 kDa), and MHC-2 (200 kDa). In the fetal/neonatal stage of development, vascular smooth muscle was found to contain only MHC-1 but not MHC-2. Non-muscle myosin heavy chain, which showed the same electrophoretic mobility as the slower migrating MHC, was expressed in an inverse manner with respect to MHC-2, i.e. it was detectable only in the early stages of development. The distinct pattern of smooth and non-muscle myosin isoform expression during development may be related to the different functional properties of smooth muscle cells during vascular myogenesis.  相似文献   

Both smooth muscle (SM) and nonmuscle class II myosin molecules are expressed in SM tissues comprising hollow organ systems. Individual SM cells may express one or more of multiple myosin II isoforms that differ in myosin heavy chain (MHC) and myosin light chain (MLC) subunits. Although much has been learned, the expression profiles, organization within contractile filaments, localization within cells, and precise roles in various contractile functions of these different myosin molecules are still not well understood. However, data supporting unique physiological roles for certain isoforms continues to build. Isoform differences located in the S1 head region of the MHC can alter actin binding and rates of ATP hydrolysis. Differences located in the MHC tail can alter the formation, stability, and size of the myosin thick filament. In these distinct ways, both head and tail isoform differences can alter force generation and muscle shortening velocities. The MLCs that are associated with the lever arm of the S1 head can affect the flexibility and range of motion of this domain and possibly the motion of the S2 and motor domains. Phosphorylation of MLC(20) has been associated with conformational changes in the S1 and/or S2 fragments regulating enzymatic activity of the entire myosin molecule. A challenge for the future will be delineation of the physiological significance of the heterogeneous expression of these isoforms in developmental, tissue-specific, and species-specific patterns and or the intra- and intercellular heterogeneity of myosin isoform expression in SM cells of a given organ.  相似文献   

Myosin heavy-chain isoforms in human smooth muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The myosin heavy-chain composition of human smooth muscle has been investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, enzyme immunoassay, and enzyme-immunoblotting procedures. A polyclonal and a monoclonal antibody specific for smooth muscle myosin heavy chains were used in this study. The two antibodies were unreactive with sarcomeric myosin heavy chains and with platelet myosin heavy chain on enzyme immunoassay and immunoblots, and stained smooth muscle cells but not non-muscle cells in cryosections and cultures processed for indirect immunofluorescence. Two myosin heavy-chain isoforms, designated MHC-1 and MHC-2 (205 kDa and 200 kDa, respectively) were reactive with both antibodies on immunoblots of pyrophosphate extracts from different smooth muscles (arteries, veins, intestinal wall, myometrium) electrophoresed in 4% polyacrylamide gels. In the pulmonary artery, a third myosin heavy-chain isoform (MHC-3, 190 kDa) electrophoretically and antigenically distinguishable from human platelet myosin heavy chain, was specifically recognized by the monoclonal antibody. Analysis of muscle samples, directly solubilized in a sodium dodecyl sulfate solution, and degradation experiments performed on pyrophosphate extracts ruled out the possibility that MHC-3 is a proteolytic artefact. Polypeptides of identical electrophoretic mobility were also present in the other smooth muscle preparations, but were unreactive with this antibody. The presence of three myosin heavy-chain isoforms in the pulmonary artery may be related to the unique physiological properties displayed by the smooth muscle of this artery.  相似文献   

A variety of contractile stimuli increases actin polymerization, which is essential for smooth muscle contraction. However, the mechanism(s) of actin polymerization associated with smooth muscle contraction is not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that phosphorylated myosin triggers actin polymerization. The present study was conducted in isolated intact or beta-escin-permeabilized rat small mesenteric arteries. Reductions in the 20-kDa myosin regulatory light chain (MLC20) phosphorylation were achieved by inhibiting MLC kinase with ML-7. Increases in MLC20 phosphorylation were achieved by inhibiting myosin light chain phosphatase with microcystin. Isometric force, the degree of actin polymerization as indicated by the F-actin-to-G-actin ratio, and MLC20 phosphorylation were determined. Reductions in MLC20 phosphorylation were associated with a decreased force development and actin polymerization. Increased MLC20 phosphorylation was associated with an increased force generation and actin polymerization. We also found that a heptapeptide that mimics the actin-binding motif of myosin II enhanced microcystin-induced force generation and actin polymerization without affecting MLC20 phosphorylation in beta-escin-permeabilized vessels. Collectively, our data demonstrate that MLC20 phosphorylation is capable of triggering actin polymerization. We further suggest that the binding of myosin to actin triggers actin polymerization and enhances the force development in arterial smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Nonmuscle and smooth muscle myosin isoforms in bovine endothelial cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A panel of monoclonal antibodies, specific for human platelet (NM-A9, NM-F6, and NM-G2) and for bovine smooth muscle (SM-E7) myosin heavy chains (MHC), were used to study the composition and the distribution of myosin isoforms in bovine endothelial cells (EC), in vivo and in vitro. Using indirect and double immunofluorescence techniques, we have found that in the intact aortic endothelium there is expression of nonmuscle MHC (NM-MHC), exclusively. By contrast, hepatic sinusoidal endothelium as well as cultured bovine aortic EC (BAEC) in the subconfluent phase of growth show coexistence of NM- and smooth muscle MHC (SM-MHC) isoforms. SM myosin immunoreactivity disappears when cultured BAEC become confluent. In this phase of cell growth, NM-MHC isoforms are localized differently within the cells, i.e., in the cytoplasm around the nucleus or in the cortical, submembranous region of EC cytoplasm. A third type of intracellular distribution of NM-MHC immunoreactivity was evident in the cell periphery of binucleated, confluent BAEC. These data indicate that (1) several myosin isoforms are differently distributed in bovine endothelia; and (2) SM myosin expression and the specific subcellular localization of NM myosin isoforms within EC might be regulated by cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Myosin isoforms in mammalian skeletal muscle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The phospholipase C (PLC) isoform most important during agonist-activated IP(3) production in vascular smooth muscle is still unknown. When PLC activity in rat tail artery homogenate was determined, this activity was shown to be inhibited by an antibody directed against PLCbeta2. Antibodies directed against the gamma1, beta1, beta3 and delta1 isoforms of PLC failed to inhibit PLC activity in this tissue. Both PLCbeta2 and PLCgamma1 were isolated from rat tail artery by DEAE column chromatography and PLCbeta2 activity was shown to be 3-fold greater than PLCgamma1 activity. When rat tail artery was treated with norepinephrine (10 mM), PLCbeta2 was shown to translocate from cytosol to membranes. When subcellular fractions of rat tail artery were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, including nuclei, plasma membrane, and cytosol, PLCbeta2 was detected in the plasma membrane and the cytosol but not in the nuclei. PLCdelta1 and PLCgamma1 were found only in cytosol. This evidence is consistent with the model wherein an agonist such as norepinephrine can activate smooth muscle contraction via interaction with a plasma membrane receptor which can easily interact with a plasma membrane-associated isoform of PLC, such as PLCbeta2.  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies indicate that the neointima of injured rat arteries is composed of a subpopulation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) distinct from medial smooth muscle cells. However, SMC diversity in normal adult aorta has remained elusive. This study characterizes two morphologically and functionally distinct SMC types isolated from different anatomic regions of the normal rat aorta. Rat aortic medial smooth muscle cells (MSMCs) were isolated from the media after removal of the intimal and adventitial cells. Rat aortic intimal smooth muscle cells (ISMCs) were isolated from the intimal aspect of everted rat aortas. The two cell types were characterized morphologically and immunohistochemically and were compared for their capacity to contract collagen gels in response to endothelin-1. MSMCs were spindle-shaped and grew in hills and valleys showing features previously described for vascular SMCs. Conversely, ISMCs displayed a polygonal and epithelioid shape, grew mainly as a monolayer, and had a higher proliferative rate. Both cell types expressed alpha-smooth muscle actin and were negative for Factor VIII-RAg. ISMCs produced large amounts of a laminin and type IV collagen-rich extracellular matrix which had a characteristic pericellular distribution. ISMCs, but not MSMCs, rapidly contracted collagen gels in response to endothelin-1. This study indicates that the normal rat aorta contains two types of SMCs located in anatomically distinct regions of the vessel wall. Because of their functional characteristics, the SMCs isolated from the intimal aspect of the aorta may play an important role in physiologic as well as pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

Aorta smooth muscle myosin contains two kinds of 17-kDa essential light chain, LC17nm (nonmuscle-type) and LC17gi (gizzard-type) [Hasegawa, Y., Ueda, Y., Watanabe, M., & Morita, F. (1992) J. Biochem. 111, 798-803]. The LC17 isoforms were released from porcine aorta myosin by incubation at 46 degrees C. The rate of release was 1.5 to 2 times higher with LC17gi than with LC17nm. Aorta myosins containing the two LC17 isoforms in various ratios could be reconstituted. The actin-activated ATPase activity was measured as a function of LC17nm content. The Vm value was lower with myosin which contained more LC17nm. The apparent dissociation constant for F-actin, Km, was 20-fold less with myosin which contained 81% LC17nm than myosin which contained 23% LC17nm. A similar difference in the dissociation constants of myosin for F-actin was observed in the presence of adenylyl imidodiphosphate. The role of LC17nm appears to be to make aorta myosin suitable for maintaining the muscle tension with a low expenditure of energy. The isoform-dependent difference in the F-actin-binding affinities of myosin seems partly due to the difference in the affinities of LC17 isoforms themselves for F-actin. We found that the isolated LC17nm itself could bind with F-actin with a dissociation constant of 64 microM, but LC17gi could not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

血管平滑肌细胞外的Ca~(2+)通过多种通道进入细胞内。Ca~(2+)通道的本质是镶嵌在膜脂质双分子层中的糖蛋白,神经介质和药物可影响Ca~(2+)通道的功能。靠近胞膜的肌质网和胞膜内侧面的高亲和性Ca~(2+)结合位点是血管平滑肌细胞内储存和释放Ca~(2+)的主要部位。胞浆[Ca~(2+)]增高后在钙调蛋白的介导下引起血管收缩。高血压等血管性疾病的发生与其平滑肌细胞的钙动力学异常有关。  相似文献   

Summary— The distribution of smooth muscle (SM)-type myosin heavy chain isoforms in several bovine muscular and non-muscular (NM) tissues was evaluated by immunofluorescence tests using monoclonal antibodies SM-E7, reactive with 204 (SM1) and 200 (SM2) kDa isoforms, and SM-F11, specific for SM2 isoform. SM-E7 reacted equally with vascular, respiratory and intestinal SM tissues, whereas SM-F11 stained heterogeneously SM cells in the various muscular systems examined and in some peculiar tissues was unreactive (perisinusoidal cells of hepatic lobule, pulmonary interstitial cells and intestinal muscularis mucosae) or uniquely reactive (nerve cells). On the whole, our findings indicate that SM1 and SM2 isoforms are unequally distributed at the cellular level in various SM and NM tissues and support previous results obtained with tissue extracts and electrophoretic procedures.  相似文献   

We have examined the intermediate filament (IF) protein content of vascular smooth muscle (SM) cells from several arteries and veins in rabbits and quantitated the changes which occur in SM cell expression of these proteins in response to cholesterol feeding. Cells from control rabbit arteries expressed 30% of their IF protein as desmin, while veins expressed 50% as desmin. During development of diet-induced atherosclerosis, morphological changes in arterial SM cells in the intima correlate with changes in IF expression. There is a significant increase in total IF protein content, vimentin increased differentially in thoracic aorta and desmin in pulmonary artery. In abdominal aorta both increase equally. Cholesterol feeding also resulted in changes in the expression of subspecies of desmin, vimentin, and actin in the thoracic arch. Although cholesterol feeding did not produce obvious morphological changes in the veins examined, venous SM IF protein expression was also altered. In the vena cava of cholesterol-fed rabbits there was an increase in vimentin expression without the parallel increase in desmin that occurred in the arterial system. These studies show that cholesterol feeding of rabbits induces measurable changes in the amounts of IF proteins in both arterial atherosclerotic lesions and venous SM cells.  相似文献   

Myosin filament structure in vertebrate smooth muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The in vivo structure of the myosin filaments in vertebrate smooth muscle is unknown. Evidence from purified smooth muscle myosin and from some studies of intact smooth muscle suggests that they may have a nonhelical, side-polar arrangement of crossbridges. However, the bipolar, helical structure characteristic of myosin filaments in striated muscle has not been disproved for smooth muscle. We have used EM to investigate this question in a functionally diverse group of smooth muscles (from the vascular, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and visual systems) from mammalian, amphibian, and avian species. Intact muscle under physiological conditions, rapidly frozen and then freeze substituted, shows many myosin filaments with a square backbone in transverse profile. Transverse sections of fixed, chemically skinned muscles also show square backbones and, in addition, reveal projections (crossbridges) on only two opposite sides of the square. Filaments gently isolated from skinned smooth muscles and observed by negative staining show crossbridges with a 14.5-nm repeat projecting in opposite directions on opposite sides of the filament. Such filaments subjected to low ionic strength conditions show bare filament ends and an antiparallel arrangement of myosin tails along the length of the filament. All of these observations are consistent with a side-polar structure and argue against a bipolar, helical crossbridge arrangement. We conclude that myosin filaments in all smooth muscles, regardless of function, are likely to be side-polar. Such a structure could be an important factor in the ability of smooth muscles to contract by large amounts.  相似文献   

The presence of a specific receptor for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) was investigated in a cell line A7r5 derived from fetal aorta. 1,25(OH)2[3H]D3 binding to cytosol was saturated at 0.6-1 nM, and Scatchard analysis yielded dissociation constant and binding sites, (3.02 +/- 0.4) X 10(-11) M and 33.9 +/- 5.8 fmol/mg protein, respectively. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed the sedimentation constant 3.2 S. Furthermore, the receptor protein had affinity for DNA-cellulose column and eluted with 0.2 M KCl. These data suggest that vascular smooth muscle cell may be a target tissue of vitamin D.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclases present a potential focal point for signal integration in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) influencing contractile state and cellular responses to vessel wall injury. In the present study, we examined the influence of the vasoactive peptide arginine vasopressin (AVP) on cAMP regulation in primary cultures of rat aortic VSMC and in the A7r5 arterial smooth muscle cell line. In cultured VSMC and A7r5 cells, AVP had no effect on basal cAMP but differentially affected beta-adrenergic receptor-induced activation of adenylyl cyclase. AVP synergistically increased (twofold) isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production in VSMC but inhibited the effect of isoproterenol (50%) in the A7r5 cell line. The effects of AVP in both preparations were blocked when cells were pretreated with a selective V(1) vasopressin receptor antagonist. Moreover, the actions of AVP in both models were dependent on release of intracellular Ca(2+) and were mimicked by elevation of Ca(2+) with the ionophore A23187, suggesting that the responses to AVP involve Ca(2+)-mediated regulation of adenylyl cyclase stimulation. Adenylyl cyclase types I, III, and VIII are stimulated by Ca(2+)/calmodulin, whereas types V and VI are directly inhibited by Ca(2+). RNA blot analysis for effector isotypes indicated that both VSMC and A7r5 cells expressed types III, V, and VI. VSMC also expressed mRNA for type IV and VIII effectors, which could account for the cell-specific responses to peptide hormone and Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Two types of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, SM1 and SM2, were recently identified to have different carboxyl termini (Nagai, R., Kuro-o, M., Babij, P., and Periasamy, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 9734-9737). SM1 and SM2 are considered to be generated from a single gene through alternative RNA splicing. In this study we investigated expression of vascular MHC isoforms during development in rabbits at the mRNA, protein, and histological levels. In adults, all smooth muscle cells reacted with both anti-SM1 and anti-SM2 antibodies on immunofluorescence, suggesting the coexpression of SM1 and SM2 in a single cell. In fetal and perinatal rabbits, however, only anti-SM1 antibody consistently reacted with smooth muscles. Reactivity with anti-SM2 antibody was negative in the fetal and neonatal blood vessels and gradually increased during 30 days after birth. These developmental changes in SM1 and SM2 expression at the histological level coincided with mRNA expression of each MHC isoform as determined by S1 nuclease mapping, indicating that expression of SM1 and SM2 is controlled at the level of RNA splicing. However, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myosin from fetal and perinatal aortas revealed the presence of large amount of SM2. Interestingly, fetal SM2 did not cross-react with our anti-SM2 antibody on immunoblotting. We conclude that expression of SM1 and SM2 are differentially regulated during development and that a third type of MHC isoform may exist in embryonic and perinatal vascular smooth muscles.  相似文献   

Contraction of vascular smooth muscle in cell culture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The use of cultured vascular smooth muscle cells for the study of events related to excitation and contraction of smooth muscle has been limited by the inability to reliably induce contractile responses after subculturing of the cells. This limitation has been overcome by the cell culture preparation described herein. We demonstrate that appropriate responses to both smooth muscle agonists and vasodilators were preserved in cells that were serially subcultured. Fetal bovine pulmonary artery and aortic cell cultures were established following enzymatic dispersion of the medial portion of freshly harvested vessels. At various times after isolation, cells were transferred to microscope coverslips coated with a polymerized silicone preparation (polydimethyl siloxane). Tension forces generated by the cells were manifested as wrinkles and distortions of this flexible growth surface. Visual evidence of cell contraction in the form of increased wrinkling was documented for cells exposed to angiotensin II, carbachol, and KCl. Decreases in cell tension occurred following treatment with isoproterenol, and those relaxing effects were overcome by subsequent treatment with the agonist carbachol. The contractile responses did not diminish with prolonged maintenance in culture or repeated subculturing. Phosphorylation of the light chains on the contractile protein myosin was also measured as a biochemical index of agonist-induced contraction. Cells depolarized with KCl or exposed to carbachol showed increased myosin phosphorylation when analyzed by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The responses remained intact through 7 passages and 9 weeks in culture. These results show that cultured vascular smooth muscle cells do not necessarily undergo a phenotypic modulation with loss of contractility under prolonged maintenance in culture.  相似文献   

Ouabain-induced signaling and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The hypothesis of this study is that the sodium pump complex acts as an intracellular signal-transducing molecule in canine vascular smooth muscle cells through its interaction with other membrane and cytoskeletal proteins. We have demonstrated that 1 nm ouabain induced transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), resulting in increased proliferation and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) uptake. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting showed that the EGFR and Src were phosphorylated within 5 min of 10(-9) m ouabain stimulation. Both ouabain-induced DNA synthesis (BrdUrd uptake) and MAPK42/44 phosphorylation were inhibited by the Src inhibitor PP2, the EGFR kinase inhibitor AG1478, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein, and the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059. Ouabain concentrations higher than 1 nm had little or no stimulating effect on proliferation or BrdUrd uptake but did minimally activate ERK1/2. Thus, low concentrations of ouabain, which do not inhibit the sodium pump sufficiently to perturb the resting cellular ionic milieu, initiate a transactivational signaling cascade leading to vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has previously reported that the exposure of smooth muscle cells (SMC) to the cyclic strain results in significant stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) activity by translocating the enzyme from the cytosol to the particulate fraction. We now sought to examine the strain-induced translocation of individual PKC isoforms in SMC. Confluent bovine aortic SMC grown on collagen type I-coated plates were exposed to cyclic strain for up to 100 s at average 10% strain with 60 cycles/min. Immunoblotting analysis demonstrates that SMC express PKC-alpha, -beta and -zeta in both cytosolic and particulate fractions. Especially, PKC-alpha and -zeta were predominantly expressed in the cytosolic fraction. However, cyclic strain significantly (P < 0.05) increased PKC-alpha and -zeta in the particulate fraction and decreased in the cytosolic fraction. Thus, the cyclic strain-mediated stimulation of PKC activity in SMC may be due to the translocation of PKC-alpha and -zeta from the cytosolic to the particulate fraction. These results demonstrate that mechanical deformation causes rapid translocation of PKC isoforms, which may initiate a cascade of proliferation responses of SMC since NF-kappaB, which is involved in the cellular proliferation has been known to be activated by these PKC isoforms.  相似文献   

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