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The traditional shade cacao plantations (cabrucas) of southern Bahia, Brazil, are biologically rich habitats, encompassing many forest-dwelling species. However, a critical question for the conservation management of this specific region, and the highly fragmented Atlantic forest in general, is to what extent the conservation value of cabrucas relies on the presence of primary forest habitat in the landscape. We investigated the relative importance of cabrucas and forests for the conservation of five diverse biological groups (ferns, frogs, lizards, birds and bats) in two contrasting landscapes in southern Bahia, one dominated by forest with some interspersed cabrucas, and one dominated by cabrucas with interspersed forest fragments. The community structure (richness, abundance and diversity) of all biological groups differed between cabrucas and forests, although these differences varied among groups. A high number of forest species was found in the cabrucas. However, there were pronounced differences between the two landscapes with regard to the ability of cabrucas to maintain species richness. Irrespective of the biological group considered, cabrucas located in the landscape with few and small forest fragments supported impoverished assemblages compared to cabrucas located in the landscape with high forest cover. This suggests that a greater extent of native forest in the landscape positively influences the species richness of cabrucas. In the landscape with few small forest fragments interspersed into extensive areas of shade cacao plantations, the beta diversity of birds was higher than in the more forested landscape, suggesting that forest specialist species that rarely ventured into cabrucas were randomly lost from the fragments. These results stress both the importance and the vulnerability of the small forest patches remaining in landscapes dominated by shade plantations. They also point to the need to preserve sufficient areas of primary habitat even in landscapes where land use practices are generally favorable to the conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Cacao agroforestry have been considered as biodiversity‐friendly farming practices by maintaining habitats for a high diversity of species in tropical landscapes. However, little information is available to evaluate whether this agrosystem can maintain functional diversity, given that agricultural changes can affect the functional components, but not the taxonomic one (e.g., species richness). Thus, considering functional traits improve the understanding of the agricultural impacts on biodiversity. Here, we measured functional diversity (functional richness‐FD, functional evenness‐FEve, and functional divergence‐Rao) and taxonomic diversity (species richness and Simpson index) to evaluate changes of bird diversity in cacao agroforestry in comparison with nearby mature forests (old‐growth forests) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We used data from two landscapes with constraining areas of mature forest (49% Una and 4.8% Ilhéus) and cacao agroforestry cover (6% and 82%, respectively). To remove any bias of species richness and to evaluate assembly processes (functional overdispersion or clustering), all functional indices were adjusted using null models. Our analyses considered the entire community, as well as separately for forest specialists, habitat generalists, and birds that contribute to seed dispersal (frugivores/granivores) or invertebrate removal (insectivores). Our findings showed that small cacao agroforestry in the forested landscape sustains functional diversity (FD and FEve) as diverse as nearby forests when considering the entire community, forest specialist, and habitat generalists. However, we observed declines for frugivores/granivores and insectivores (FD and Rao). These responses of bird communities differed from those observed by taxonomic diversity, suggesting that even species‐rich communities in agroforestry may capture lower functional diversity. Furthermore, communities in both landscapes showed either functional clustering or neutral processes as the main driver of functional assembly. Functional clustering may indicate that local conditions and resources were changed or lost, while neutral assemblies may reveal high functional redundancy at the landscape scale. In Ilhéus, the neutral assembly predominance suggests an effect of functional homogenization between habitats. Thus, the conservation value of cacao agroforestry to harbor species‐rich communities and ecosystem functions relies on smallholder production with reduced farm management in a forested landscape. Finally, we emphasize that seed dispersers and insectivores should be the priority conservation targets in cacao systems.  相似文献   

To document and update the mosquito species of Tabasco, Mexico, field collection trips were conducted in the two physiographic regions of Tabasco: the coastal plain of the southern gulf and the mountains of Chiapas and Guatemala. Mosquitoes were collected as immature and adult stages during the dry and rainy seasons from 2014 through 2015. Additionally, the Reference Collection of Arthropods of Medical Importance (CAIM‐InDRE) containing mosquitoes of Tabasco was re‐examined. In total, 4,913 specimens were collected and examined, which are divided into seven tribes, 18 genera, 27 subgenera, and 104 species. Of these, one genus (Shannoniana Lane and Cerqueira), two subgenera (Georgecraigius Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, and Carrollia Lutz), and 21 species are new records for the mosquito fauna of Tabasco. Culex metempsytus Dyar is a new record for Mexico and Wyeomyia jocosa (Dyar and Knab) is removed from the Mexican mosquito fauna. Seventeen species historically reported were not found in the field collections conducted here. Taxonomic notes, new distribution limits, and comments about the medical importance of species of mosquitoes of Tabasco are discussed. Tabasco is the second state in Mexico with the largest mosquito richness (104 species), followed by Veracruz with 139 species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sand dune vegetation along the coast of the Mexican states of Tabasco and Campeche was sampled by means of 1501 releves and the data were analyzed with classification and ordination programs. 36 community types were distinguished, which were grouped into 10 higher-order groups. The communities are described in a sequence reflecting the main vegetation zonation. Beach, embryo dune and foredune community groups include 12 community types, the sheltered zone includes 16 types and the fixed dunes 8 types. The ordination results reveal one main vegetation gradient corresponding to the increase in mean distance from the shoreline and elevation, and being covariant with species richness, mean vegetation cover and mean vegetation height. Additional differences are related to the geographical transition between the Gulf and Caribbean coastal vegetation and environmental conditions, mainly type of sand, occurring in the study area. Siliceous sand and a Gulf climate are characteristic for most of Tabasco, and calcareous sand and a Caribbean-type climate are characteristic for Campeche. Disturbance caused by coconut plantations, cattle grazing and tourism favours the invasion of ruderal species from waste places behind the dunes, which attain local dominance in the dunes described here. Consequently some separate community types had to be distinguished. The distribution of community types is analyzed in the context of the transitions between calcareous and siliceous substrates in the study area.  相似文献   

The gradual increase in reforested areas worldwide, as a strategy for mitigating native forest loss, has stressed the need of assessing their real value as habitat for native species. Forest plantations, particularly those based on native species, could be valuable for conservation purposes, especially in heavily fragmented and disturbed ecosystems. We evaluated the value of a monoculture of a native tree species, the Andean alder (Alnus acuminata), for the conservation of avifauna in the Central Andes region, which is considered a bird species diversity hotspot but also suffers from high anthropogenic disturbance levels. Our results suggest that alder plantations are valuable for conservation from three points of view: (1) they have similar or greater bird species richness and abundance than secondary native forests; (2) low community similarities are found between this type of forest compared to secondary forest stands (with 27 species exclusive to alder plantations); and (3) three near threatened species (Odontophorus hyperythrus, Eriocnemis derbyi, and Cyanolyca viridicyanus). Further, 27 out of the 85 species found at the alder plantations were of least concern but showing decreasing population trends. While forest plantations do not replace native forests, they offer habitat for many bird species, some of them being of conservation concern (i.e., included in an IUCN threat category) or with decreasing populations. Hence establishing native species plantations among native forest remnants – especially in heavily fragmented landscapes – could have a positive effect in the conservation of threatened avifauna.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that primate populations may persist in neotropical fragmented landscapes by using arboreal agroecosystems, which may provide temporary habitats, increased areas of vegetation, and connectivity, among other benefits. However, limited data are available on how primates are able to sustain themselves in such manmade habitats. We report the results of a 9-month-long investigation of the feeding ecology of a troop of howler monkeys (n = 24) that have lived for the past 25 years in a 12-ha cacao plantation in the lowlands of Tabasco, Mexico. A vegetation census indicated the presence of 630 trees (> or =20 cm diameter at breast height (DBH)) of 32 shade species in the plantation. The howlers used 16 plant species (13 of which were trees) as sources of leaves, fruits, and flowers. Five shade tree species (Ficus cotinifolia, Pithecellobium saman, Gliricidia sepium, F. obtusifolia, and Ficus sp.) accounted for slightly over 80% of the total feeding time and 78% of the total number trees (n = 139) used by the howlers, and were consistently used by the howlers from month to month. The howlers spent an average of 51% of their monthly feeding time exploiting young leaves, 29% exploiting mature fruit, and 20% exploiting flowers and other plant items. Monthly consumption of young leaves varied from 23% to 67%, and monthly consumption of ripe fruit varied from 12% to 64%. Differences in the protein-to-fiber ratio of young vs. mature leaves influenced diet selection by the monkeys. The howlers used 8.3 ha of the plantation area, and on average traveled 388 m per day in each month. The howlers preferred tree species whose contribution to the total tree biomass and density was above average for the shade-tree population in the plantation. Given the right conditions of management and protection, shaded arboreal plantations in fragmented landscapes can sustain segments of howler monkey populations for many decades.  相似文献   

Rustic coffee plantations are characterised by the use of numerous wild and cultivated tree species for providing shade to the coffee shrubs. This paper analyses the role of these plantations in wild tree conservation through the examination of their patterns of floristic variation in southern Mexico. The studied plantations included a total of 45 plant species, most of which were wild tree species, including both mature forest and pioneer taxa. An extrapolation of the species accumulation curve among stands indicated that the whole system, composed of more than 100 coffee plantations, may harbour as many as 34 species of wild trees. The floristic structure of rustic coffee plantations was highly variable. This variation is a result of a combination of factors such as human management, original stand cover and the asynchrony in development stage of different plantations. This promotes a large -diversity in the system. Thus, although a single plantation may have a limited potential to preserve wild tree species, it is the whole ensemble of floristically heterogeneous plantations which renders this agroforestry system valuable for plant diversity conservation, particularly in a region where native forest vegetation has almost disappeared.  相似文献   

Conservation of biodiversity on forest landscapes dominated by plantations has become an increasingly important topic, and opportunities to maintain or enhance biodiversity within these forests need to be recognized and applied. Riparian buffers of mature forest retained along streams in managed forest landscapes offer an opportunity to enhance biodiversity across these landscapes. However, influence of buffer width and structure of adjacent plantations on habitat use by birds is not well understood. We modeled probability of occupancy, while accounting for variable detection probabilities, for 16 bird species of regional conservation importance in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas, USA. We examined occurrence of breeding birds in streamside management zone (SMZ) buffers embedded in three structural classes of pine plantation: young open-canopy, closed-canopy, and older thinned plantations. Our occupancy models included a positive association with SMZ width for nine bird species associated with mature forests. Models for three early successional species (prairie warbler [Dendroica discolor], white-eyed vireo [Vireo griseus], and northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus]) included a negative association with SMZ width. Occupancy models for Acadian flycatcher (Empidonax virescens), summer tanager (Piranga rubra), pine warbler (Dendroica pinus), prairie warbler, and northern bobwhite also included structural condition of adjacent plantations, but most species did not appear affected by condition of surrounding plantations. We found diverse responses among species to width of retained SMZs and structure of adjacent plantations; some species apparently benefitted from SMZs >100 m wide, while others benefitted from narrow buffers. Furthermore, most species traditionally associated with mature forests were common in narrow SMZs, regardless of width. Thus, optimal width of SMZs relative to avian conservation depends on the species of greatest conservation interest.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the area of the Plan Chontalpa in Tabasco have greatly reduced the production of subsistence crops by rural families, resulting in decreased crop diversity and a concomitant increase in the degree of dependence on outside sources of food. Results from a nutrition survey of 149 families demonstrate that dietary diversity, dietary quality, and nutritional status of preschool children are negatively associated with lower crop diversity and increased dependence on purchased foods. Dietary deterioration is illustrated by the negative relationship found between nutritional status and increased sugar consumption. The assumption that a rise in income accompanying the adoption of commercial production will automatically lead to improved nutrition is challenged: income levels were not found to be consistently related to nutritional status. Children of families that have converted to cattle production, despite greater land availability and family incomes, do not have improved nutritional status. In the study area, where wages are low and food prices are very high, the value of a higher degree of self-sufficiency in food is recognized, yet families continue to switch to cash crops due to the environmental, economic, and time constraints imposed by the system of commercial agriculture in which they participate. The solution is not to return to traditional subsistence farming, however, but to determine under what conditions a more progressive form of agricultural change can occur.  相似文献   

The Atlantic forests of southern Bahia in Brazil present great species richness and a high degree of endemism. A large part of these native forests were transformed into cacao plantations in an agroforestry system known locally as cabrucas, where native trees were culled and cacao was planted under the shade of remaining trees. The present study analyzed the influence of time of implantation (age) and time of abandonment of management practices on tree species diversity of cabruca plantations to evaluate the capacity for conservation and recovery of species richness of native Atlantic Forest trees in cabrucas. Phytosociological surveys were conducted in five cabrucas with different conditions of age and state of abandonment. All trees, including hemiepiphytes and excluding the cacao plants, with a minimum stem diameter of 10 cm at breast height, were surveyed within a 3-ha sampling area in each plantation. A total of 2514 individual trees belonging to 293 species and 52 families were recorded in the five cabrucas. The Shannon diversity index varied from 3.31 to 4.22 among the cabrucas and was positively correlated with the time of abandonment (r = 0.97). The new cabrucas showed the highest values of estimated total richness (Chao) and the highest proportion of late successional species than the old ones. All areas preserved a very high proportion of native forest species while the three old cabrucas showed a higher proportion of exotic species than the two new ones. Thus the exotic species seem to replace more of the native species in the long run because of management practices and local preferences. The cabrucas presented also a high capacity for the regeneration of tree species richness after abandonment. Simple alterations in management practices could improve the recruitment of late successional species in these areas. Economic incentives may be necessary for the farmers to adopt management practices to retain native species which bring no economic returns.  相似文献   

A total of 8 helminth species were recorded in an examination of 43 tropical gar, Atractosteus tropicus Gill, collected at the Pantanos de Centla Biosphere Reserve, Tabasco, Mexico. The parasite species included 1 adult trematode, 3 metacercariae, 1 cestode, 1 adult nematode, and 2 nematode larvae. Six of these 8 species were rare, with low prevalence (< 17%) and abundance (< 1.0 helminths per examined fish). The larvae of Contracaecum sp. were the most abundant in the sample, constituting 60% of the total helminths (64% prevalence, 3.8 +/- 5.2 abundance), followed by the cestode Proteocephalus singularis, constituting 18% of the worms (30.5% prevalence, 1.1 +/- 3.0 abundance). Species richness, individual parasite abundance, and diversity were low in the infracommunities. The recording of 3 specialist species in the tropical gar confirms that the helminth fauna of gar has an appreciable degree of specificity. This study indicates the importance of ecological determinants of richness in helminth communities of the tropical gar.  相似文献   

 Neotropical tree crops are affected by a combination of biological and human factors that complicate the study of genetic diversity and crop evolution. Genetic diversity and relationships among southern Mexican populations and horticultural collections of Theobroma cacao (chocolate, cocoa, cacao) are examined in light of the agricultural practices of the Maya. Collections of cacao were obtained from the extremes of its geographic range including archeological sites in southern Mexico where cacao was first domesticated. Genetic diversity was assayed by 57 informative random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker loci. A unique sample of the total diversity found in this study exists in the southern Mexican populations. These populations are significantly different from all other cacao with regards to their profile of RAPD bands, including the ‘criollo’ variety, their morphological and geographical group. A population of cacao found in a sinkhole (cenote) in northern Yucatan with genetic affinities to populations in Chiapas suggests the Maya maintained plants far away from their native habitat. This finding concurs with known agroforestry practices of the Maya. Modern efforts to increase germplasm of tropical tree crops such as cacao should carefully examine archeological sites where genetic diversity, either deliberately or by chance, was collected and maintained by ancient cultures. Received: 21 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

The effects of habitat loss and fragmentation in tropical forests are difficult to separate, as they usually occur concurrently. In the state park La Sierra, in Tabasco, Mexico, the rainforest is being cleared for pasture, and fragments are being used by local inhabitants. This study examined the response of bird feeding guilds to habitat characteristics, including human disturbance, in five fragments of different sizes (1 ∼ 4,500 ha, 2 ∼ 150 ha, and 2 ∼ 80 ha). Using point count observations, 125 species were recorded and were grouped into 11 feeding guilds. As expected, the largest fragment had higher species richness and abundances than the smaller fragments. However, five habitat features differed significantly among fragment sizes, including tree density, the number of tree stumps and the number of trails. Thus the larger fragment was also less disturbed. Fragment size alone was significant only for scavenger species richness, and for the abundance of bark gleaning insectivores and insectivore/nectarivores. Raptors were more diverse and abundant in the large fragment and less disturbed sites. Arboreal frugivores and bark or foliage gleaning insectivores, depended on higher trees and less disturbed sites. A better understanding of the mechanisms that affect persistence is essential for the planning of conservation actions.  相似文献   

Ceratozamia becerrae sp. nov. is described and illustrated. This species from Tabasco and Chiapas has affinity with C. miqueliana H. Wendl. from Veracruz and Chiapas, but differs in morphology and habit of leaves, leaflets, male and female strobili and trunk. Ceratozamia becerrae is considered part of the C. miqueliana species complex that includes C. miqueliana, C. euryphyllidia Vázq.Torres, Sabato & Stevenson and C. zoquorum Pérez-Farrera, Vovides & Iglesias. The geographical range of this species complex is southern Veracruz, Tabasco and northern Chiapas in tropical rain forests.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 123–128.  相似文献   

Human gnathostomiasis is a food-born parasitic disease of relative importance in many countries in Southeast Asia. It is caused by several species of nematodes of the genus Gnathostoma. In Mexico is an emerging public health problem since 1970, when first cases were reported. Until today, larval morphometric characters that have been proposed to differentiate between the three species of Gnathostoma present in this country, are not satisfactory. Recently, the presence of advanced third-stage larvae AdvL3 (infective form for humans) in freshwater fishes from Pantanos de Centla, Tabasco. was recorded but their specific identity was not clarified . Examination of four species of freshwater fishes from the same locality revealed that three of them: Petenia splendida (n=58), Cichlasoma managuense (n=35) and Gobiomorus dormitor (n=9) were infected by 15 AdvL3 of Gnathostoma binucleatum. Specific identity was obtained comparing the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA with sequences reported in Genbank. This is the first record of G. binucleatum in P. splendida and G. dormitor from Tabasco and the first specific determination of the parasite in the locality.  相似文献   

The poeciliid fish Poecilia mexicana successfully colonised a sulfur cave in Tabasco, Mexico. The eye size, melanin pigmentation and scale tuberances as well as aggressive and schooling behaviour are reduced in the cave fish. Besides these regressive characters some constructive ones have been found. The genital region of the female is enlarged to a genital pad and in both sexes the number of taste buds is considerably increased on the upper side of the head. The cephalic lateral line shows a hyperdevelopment with an incomplete covering of some channels. Nearly all of these characters studied form a genetically based gradient from the beginning to the end of the cave, which seems to be the result of gene flow from the outside to the inner part of the cave. A special behavioural adaptation was found among females which prefer bigger males during courtship. In darkness, only the cave females show this preference.  相似文献   

Priority conservation areas for birds in El Salvador   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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