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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae pheromone a-factor is produced by a cells and interacts with alpha cells to cause cell cycle arrest and other physiological responses associated with mating. Two a-factor structural genes, MFA1 and MFA2, have been previously cloned with synthetic probes based on the a-factor amino acid sequence (A. Brake, C. Brenner, R. Najarian, P. Laybourn, and J. Merryweather, cited in M.-J. Gething [ed.], Protein transport and secretion, 1985). We have examined the function of these genes in a-factor production and mating by construction and analysis of chromosomal null mutations. mfa1 and mfa2 single mutants each exhibited approximately half the wild-type level of a-factor activity and were proficient in mating, whereas the mfa1 mfa2 double mutant produced no a-factor and was unable to mate. These results demonstrate that both genes are functional, that each gene makes an equivalent contribution to the a-factor activity and mating capacity of a cells, and that a-factor plays an essential role in mating. Strikingly, exogenous a-factor did not alleviate the mating defect of the double mutant, suggesting that an a cell must be producing a-factor to be an effective mating partner.  相似文献   

Autophagocytosis is a starvation-induced process responsible for transport of cytoplasmic proteins to the vacuole. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, autophagy is characterized by the phenotypic appearance of autophagic vesicles inside the vacuole of strains deficient in proteinase yscB. The AUT1 gene, essential for autophagy, was isolated by complementation of the sporulation deficiency of a diploid aut1-1 mutant strain by a yeast genomic library and characterized. AUT1 is located on the right arm of chromosome XIV, 10 kb from the centromere, and encodes a protein of 310 amino acids, with an estimated molecular weight of 36 kDa. Cells carrying a chromosomal deletion of AUT1 are defective in the starvation-induced bulk flow transport of cytoplasmic proteins to the vacuole. aut1 null mutant strains are completely viable but show decreased survival rates during starvation. Homozygous delta aut1 diploid cells fail to sporulate. The selective cytoplasm-to-vacuole transport of aminopeptidase I is blocked in logarithmically growing and in starved delta autl cells. Deletion of the AUT1 gene had no obvious influence on secretion, fluid phase endocytosis, or vacuolar protein sorting. This supports the idea of autophagocytosis as being a novel route transporting proteins from the cytoplasm to the vacuole.  相似文献   

The role of cis- and trans-acting elements in the expression of HIS4 has been examined by using HIS4-lacZ fusions in which lacZ expression is dependent upon the HIS4 5' noncoding region. The cis-acting sequences involved in regulation were defined by studying the effects of the wild-type and various deletions and their revertants on regulation via the general control of amino acid biosynthesis. The role of trans-acting genes was analyzed by studying the regulation of the HIS4-lacZ fusions in strains carrying mutations in the GCN (AAS) or GCD (TRA) genes and in strains carrying the GCN genes on high-copy-number plasmids. These studies have led to the following conclusions. (i) HIS4 is positively regulated by the general control. (ii) At least one copy of the 5'TGACTC3' repeat at -136 is required in cis for this regulation. (iii) Both the GCN4 gene and at least one copy of the repeated sequence are required for expression at the repressed level. (iv) The open reading frames in the 5' noncoding region are not required in either cis or trans for the regulation of HIS4.  相似文献   

DNA sequences normally flanking the highly expressed yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) gene have been placed adjacent to heterologous mammalian genes on high copy number plasmid vectors and used for expression experiments in yeast. For many genes thus far expressed with this system, expression has been 15-50 times lower than the expression of the natural homologous PGK gene on the same plasmid. We have extensively investigated this dramatic difference and have found that in most cases it is directly proportional to the steady-state levels of mRNAs. We demonstrate this phenomenon and suggest possible causes for this effect on mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins and thioredoxins are small heat-stable oxidoreductases that have been conserved throughout evolution. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two gene pairs encoding cytoplasmic glutaredoxins (GRX1, GRX2) and thioredoxins (TRX1, TRX2). We report here that the quadruple trx1 trx2 grx1 grx2 mutant is inviable and that either a single glutaredoxin or a single thioredoxin (i.e. grx1 grx2 trx1, grx1 grx2 trx2, grx1 trx1 trx2, grx2 trx1 trx2) is essential for viability. Loss of both thioredoxins has been reported previously to lead to methionine auxotrophy consistent with thioredoxins being the sole reductants for 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate reductase (PAPS) in yeast. However, we present evidence for the existence of a novel yeast hydrogen donor for PAPS reductase, as strains lacking both thioredoxins assimilated sulphate under conditions that minimized the generation of reactive oxygen species (low aeration and absence of functional mitochondria). In addition, the assimilation of [35S]-sulphate was approximately 60-fold higher in the trx1 trx2 grx1 and trx1 trx2 grx2 mutants compared with the trx1 trx2 mutant. Furthermore, in contrast to the trx1 trx2 mutant, the trx1 trx2 grx2 mutant grew on minimal agar plates, and the trx1 trx2 grx1 mutant grew on minimal agar plates under anaerobic conditions. We propose a model in which the novel reductase activity normally functions in the repair of oxidant-mediated protein damage but, under conditions that minimize the generation of reactive oxygen species, it can serve as a hydrogen donor for PAPS reductase.  相似文献   

F J Lee  L W Lin    J A Smith 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(11):5795-5802
Acetylation is the most frequently occurring chemical modification of the alpha-NH2 group of eucaryotic proteins and is catalyzed by N alpha-acetyltransferase. The yeast enzyme is encoded by the AAA1 (amino-terminal alpha-amino acetyltransferase) gene. A null mutation (aaa1-1) created by gene replacement, while not lethal, slows cell growth and results in heterogeneous colony morphology. In comparison with wild-type cells, aaa1-1/aaa1-1 diploids cannot enter stationary phase, are sporulation defective, and are sensitive to heat shock. In addition, the aaa1-1 mutation specifically reduces mating functions of MATa cells. These results indicate that N alpha acetylation plays a crucial role in yeast cell growth and mating.  相似文献   

We have identified a composite element, Ty4, in S. cerevisiae that is ca 6.3 kb in length and contains two tau sequences as long terminal repeats. According to hybridization analyses, Ty4 occurs in low but varying copy number (one to four copies) in different yeast strains. By several criteria, Ty4 is a novel type of retroelement which is similar but not related to the other Ty elements in yeast. Two cosmid clones from strain C836 (c90 and c476) carrying individual copies of Ty4 were isolated. By restriction analysis and nucleotide sequence we show that c476 derives from the 'transposition right arm hot spot' of chromosome III [1]. The analysis of c476 revealed that an initiator tRNA(Met) gene is present at this locus and that an unusual concentration of different Ty elements has occurred: in addition to the Ty4, a Ty1 and a Ty2 element were detected in this region, confirming its highly polymorphic character.  相似文献   

H Barth  M Thumm 《Gene》2001,274(1-2):151-156
Autophagy is a starvation-induced transport pathway delivering parts of the cytosol into the lysosome (vacuole) for degradation. Autophagy significantly differs from other transport pathways by using double membrane layered transport intermediates. Based on the identification of autophagy genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which served as a pacemaker for higher cells, our mechanistic knowledge of autophagy notably increased over the past few years. We here identify AUT8 as a novel gene essential for autophagy by screening a collection of approximately 5000 yeast deletion strains, each containing a defined deletion in an individual gene. This collection is a result of the world-wide Saccharomyces deletion project and covers the non-essential genes of the whole yeast genome. Homozygous aut8 Delta cells are impaired in maturation of proaminopeptidase I, and they fail to undergo the cell differentiation process of sporulation. The essential function of AUT8 for autophagy is further demonstrated by the lack of accumulation of autophagic vesicles in the vacuoles of aut8 Delta cells starved of nitrogen in the presence of the proteinase B inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.  相似文献   

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