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The fear that human consumption is causing climate change, biodiversity loss, and mineral scarcity has recently prompted interest in reuse because of the intuitive belief that it reduces new production and waste. The environmental impacts of reuse have, however, received little attention—the benefits typically assumed rather than understood—and consequently the overall effects remain unclear. In this article, we structure the current work on the topic, reviewing the potential benefits and pitfalls described in the literature and providing a framework for future research. Many products’ use‐phase energy requirements are decreasing. The relative importance of the embodied impacts from initial production is therefore growing and the prominence of reuse as an abatement strategy is likely to increase in the future. Many examples are found in the literature of beneficial reuse of standardized, unpowered products and components, and repairing an item is always found to be less energy intensive than new production. However, reusing a product does not guarantee an environmental benefit. Attention must be paid to restoring and upgrading old product efficiencies, minimizing overspecification in the new application, and considering whether more efficient, new products exist that would be more suitable. Cheap, reused goods can allow many consumers access to products they would otherwise have been unable to afford. Though socially valuable, these sales, which may help minimize landfill in the short term, can represent additional consumption rather than a net environmental benefit compared to the status quo.  相似文献   

Since the early studies on the genetic effects of chemical and physical agents, species and clones of Tradescantia have been used as experimental subjects, by virtue of a series of favorable genetic characteristics. Bearing just six pairs (2n = 12) of large, easily observable chromosomes, cells from almost every part of the plant, from the root tips to the developing pollen tube, yield excellent material for cytogenetic studies.

As a consequence of the intensive use of Tradescantia in genetic studies, a series of genetic characteristics have been found that offer opportunities for the detection of agents affecting the stability of the genome. At least five such characteristics have been selected as endpoints for the establishment of assays to evaluate mutagenesis. Three of these, root-tip mitosis, pollen-tube, and microspore mitosis are essentially chromosome aberration assays, wherein one observes and evaluates the visible damage in the chromosomes. A fourth, the stamen-hair mutation assay (Trad-SHM), is a point mutation mitotic assay based on the expression of a recessive gene for flower color in heterozygous plants. The fifth assay is a cytogenetic test based on the formation of micronuclei (Trad-MCN) that result from chromosome breakage in the meiotic pollen mother cells.

This article examines the characteristics and fundamentals of the Trad-MCN and the Trad-SHM assays and reviews the results obtained to date with these systems in the assessment of environmental mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Decades of research have produced substantial data on elk (Cervus elaphus) diets in winter, when foraging conditions are most likely to affect population dynamics. Using data from 72 studies conducted in western North America between 1938 and 2002, we collated data on elk diets and environmental variables. We used these data to quantify diet selection by elk and to test whether variation in elk diets is associated with habitat type, winter severity, period of winter, human hunting, and study method. Graminoids (grasses and grass-like plants such as sedges) dominated elk diets and consistently occurred at a higher proportion in the diet than in elk foraging habitats, indicating preference. Forbs commonly made up ≤5% of the diet, with no evidence for preference; we conclude that forb use is largely incidental to grazing for graminoids. Browse was consumed in proportion to its availability, implying that the amount of browse in the diet was primarily determined by habitat use rather than selection. Comparing the diets of elk and sympatric ruminants, elk consistently selected graminoids more strongly than sympatric ruminants with the exception of bison (Bison bison), suggesting that elk are not environmentally forced to adopt the graminoid-biased diet that they normally select. The proportion of open meadows and grasslands on winter ranges was strongly and positively associated with graminoid consumption by elk. The proportion of graminoids in the diet was significantly lower in elk experiencing severe winter conditions or predation risk from human hunting. The period of winter (early, middle, and late) had only small effects on elk diets, as did the method by which the diet was determined. Overall, variation in elk diets is well-explained by a consistent tendency to select graminoids if available, modified by winter habitat type, predation risk, and winter severity, which can constrain habitat selection and access to grazing opportunities. To fully understand variation in foraging behavior, biologists should recognize these broad patterns when interpreting resource selection data. Managers should recognize that inconspicuous behavioral responses to environmental stimuli can alter the diet in ways that probably carry nutritional consequences.  相似文献   

Environmental Impacts of Products: A Detailed Review of Studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Environmental effects of economic activities are ultimately driven by consumption, via impacts of the production, use, and waste management phases of products and services ultimately consumed. Integrated product policy (IPP) addressing the life‐cycle impacts of products forms an innovative new generation of environmental policy. Yet this policy requires insight into the final consumption expenditures and related products that have the greatest life‐cycle environmental impacts. This review article brings together the conclusions of 11 studies that analyze the life‐cycle impacts of total societal consumption and the relative importance of different final consumption categories. This review addresses in general studies that were included in the project Environmental Impacts of Products (EIPRO) of the European Union (EU), which form the basis of this special issue. Unlike most studies done in the past 25 years on similar topics, the studies reviewed here covered a broad set of environmental impacts beyond just energy use or carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The studies differed greatly in basic approach (extrapolating LCA data to impacts of consumption categories versus approaches based on environmentally extended input‐output (EEIO) tables), geographical region, disaggregation of final demand, data inventory used, and method of impact assessment. Nevertheless, across all studies a limited number of priorities emerged. The three main priorities, housing, transport, and food, are responsible for 70% of the environmental impacts in most categories, although covering only 55% of the final expenditure in the 25 countries that currently make up the EU. At a more detailed level, priorities are car and most probably air travel within transport, meat and dairy within food, and building structures, heating, and (electrical) energy‐using products within housing. Expenditures on clothing, communication, health care, and education are considerably less important. Given the very different approaches followed in each of the sources reviewed, this result hence must be regarded as extremely robust. Recommendations are given to harmonize and improve the methodological approaches of such analyses, for instance, with regard to modeling of imports, inclusion of capital goods, and making an explicit distinction between household and government expenditure.  相似文献   

Cocktail effects and synergistic interactions of chemicals in mixtures are an area of great concern to both the public and regulatory authorities. The main concern is whether some chemicals can enhance the effect of other chemicals, so that they jointly exert a larger effect than predicted. This phenomenon is called synergy. Here we present a review of the scientific literature on three main groups of environmentally relevant chemical toxicants: pesticides, metal ions and antifouling compounds. The aim of the review is to determine 1) the frequency of synergy, 2) the extent of synergy, 3) whether any particular groups or classes of chemicals tend to induce synergy, and 4) which physiological mechanisms might be responsible for this synergy. Synergy is here defined as mixtures with minimum two-fold difference between observed and predicted effect concentrations using Concentration Addition (CA) as a reference model and including both lethal and sub-lethal endpoints. The results showed that synergy occurred in 7%, 3% and 26% of the 194, 21 and 136 binary pesticide, metal and antifoulants mixtures included in the data compilation on frequency. The difference between observed and predicted effect concentrations was rarely more than 10-fold. For pesticides, synergistic mixtures included cholinesterase inhibitors or azole fungicides in 95% of 69 described cases. Both groups of pesticides are known to interfere with metabolic degradation of other xenobiotics. For the four synergistic metal and 47 synergistic antifoulant mixtures the pattern in terms of chemical groups inducing synergy was less clear. Hypotheses in terms of mechanisms governing these interactions are discussed. It was concluded that true synergistic interactions between chemicals are rare and often occur at high concentrations. Addressing the cumulative rather than synergistic effect of co-occurring chemicals, using standard models as CA, is therefore regarded as the most important step in the risk assessment of chemical cocktails.  相似文献   

The relationships between dietary and environmental factors and obesity are reviewed. Findings from selected population studies of diet and body weight are presented. In general, the results from population studies of diet and obesity have been inconsistent and marked with methodological weaknesses, especially the use of cross-sectional study design. Apart from the diet, several social and economic factors appear to be important correlates of obesity in the population. However, most studies have focused on the socioeconomic status as abroad, composite measure. The relationships between income, education, occupation, place of residence, and obesity are reviewed here, with emphasis on the developing countries. In many developing countries, the changing dietary pattern, along with rising life expectancy and changing socioeconomic environment, has contributed to the increasing problems of obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases that will have an enormous impact on the health and health care resource of these countries in the near future.  相似文献   

环境条件对植物稳定碳同位素组成的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
植物稳定碳同位素技术是近年兴起的一项快速、可靠的技术。利用稳定碳同位素技术可以揭示碳同化的过程的许多方面的信息。1 3C和1 2 C同位素效应 ,使它们在进行碳循环时发生稳定碳同位素的分馏。植物光合作用过程中CO2 经气孔扩散分差和RUBPCase及PEPCase羧化分馏是造成植物稳定碳同位素比率 (R =1 3C/ 1 2 C)不同于源CO2 中碳同位素比率的主要原因。遗传因素和环境因子同时决定植物碳同位素组成。植物稳定碳同位素技术同时还是古气候重建和预测未来环境变化的理论基础。本文综述了光照、温度、水分、二氧化碳、矿质营养、盐分和大气污染物等环境因素对植物稳定碳同位素组成影响方面的研究进展。  相似文献   



Burkholderia pseudomallei, a Tier 1 Select Agent and the cause of melioidosis, is a Gram-negative bacillus present in the environment in many tropical countries. Defining the global pattern of B. pseudomallei distribution underpins efforts to prevent infection, and is dependent upon robust environmental sampling methodology. Our objective was to review the literature on the detection of environmental B. pseudomallei, update the risk map for melioidosis, and propose international consensus guidelines for soil sampling.

Methods/Principal Findings

An international working party (Detection of Environmental Burkholderia pseudomallei Working Party (DEBWorP)) was formed during the VIth World Melioidosis Congress in 2010. PubMed (January 1912 to December 2011) was searched using the following MeSH terms: pseudomallei or melioidosis. Bibliographies were hand-searched for secondary references. The reported geographical distribution of B. pseudomallei in the environment was mapped and categorized as definite, probable, or possible. The methodology used for detecting environmental B. pseudomallei was extracted and collated. We found that global coverage was patchy, with a lack of studies in many areas where melioidosis is suspected to occur. The sampling strategies and bacterial identification methods used were highly variable, and not all were robust. We developed consensus guidelines with the goals of reducing the probability of false-negative results, and the provision of affordable and ‘low-tech’ methodology that is applicable in both developed and developing countries.


The proposed consensus guidelines provide the basis for the development of an accurate and comprehensive global map of environmental B. pseudomallei.  相似文献   

This article deals with the advances and implication of phytoremediation technologies with emphasis on remediation of toxic heavy metals from contaminated soil. Most of the conventional remedial technologies are expensive and inhibit the soil fertility and cause negative impacts on various ecosystem services. However, phytoremediation is a cost effective and ecofriendly approach, which does not adversely affect soil properties and ecosystem services. In recent years, major progresses have been made in understanding the physiological mechanisms of metal uptake and transport in hyper accumulators. However, the molecular mechanisms of metal uptake, translocation, accumulation and detoxification in plants and their further implication in transgenic development for efficient phytoremediation are not well understood. In view of above, present review article brings together existing bits of information to create a new direction for future research, critical gap in knowledge and a new perspective on remediation of toxic pollutants.  相似文献   

Medicinal plants, a source of different phytochemical compounds, are now subjected to a variety of environmental stresses during their growth and development. Different ecologically limiting factors including temperature, carbon dioxide, lighting, ozone, soil water, soil salinity and soil fertility has significant impact on medicinal plants′ physiological and biochemical responses, as well as the secondary metabolic process. Secondary metabolites (SMs) are useful for assessing the quality of therapeutic ingredients and nowadays, these are used as important natural derived drugs such as immune suppressant, antibiotics, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer. Plants have the ability to synthesize a variety of secondary metabolites to cope with the negative effects of stress. Here, we focus on how individual environmental variables influence the accumulation of plant secondary metabolites. A total of 48 articles were found to be relevant to the review topic during our systematic review. The review showed the influence of different environmental variables on SMs production and accumulation is complex suggesting the relationship are not only species-specific but also related to increases and decline in SMs by up to 50 %. Therefore, this review improves our understanding of plant SMs ability to adapt to key environmental factors. This can aid in the efficient and long-term optimization of cultivation techniques under ambient environmental conditions in order to maximize the quality and quantity of SMs in plants.  相似文献   



An up-to-date and reliable map of podoconiosis is needed to design geographically targeted and cost-effective intervention in Ethiopia. Identifying the ecological correlates of the distribution of podoconiosis is the first step for distribution and risk maps. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial distribution and ecological correlates of podoconiosis using historical and contemporary survey data.


Data on the observed prevalence of podoconiosis were abstracted from published and unpublished literature into a standardized database, according to strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. In total, 10 studies conducted between 1969 and 2012 were included, and data were available for 401,674 individuals older than 15 years of age from 229 locations. A range of high resolution environmental factors were investigated to determine their association with podoconiosis prevalence, using logistic regression.


The prevalence of podoconiosis in Ethiopia was estimated at 3.4% (95% CI 3.3%–3.4%) with marked regional variation. We identified significant associations between mean annual Land Surface Temperature (LST), mean annual precipitation, topography of the land and fine soil texture and high prevalence of podoconiosis. The derived maps indicate both widespread occurrence of podoconiosis and a marked variability in prevalence of podoconiosis, with prevalence typically highest at altitudes >1500 m above sea level (masl), with >1500 mm annual rainfall and mean annual LST of 19–21°C. No (or very little) podoconiosis occurred at altitudes <1225 masl, with annual rainfall <900 mm, and mean annual LST of >24°C.


Podoconiosis remains a public health problem in Ethiopia over considerable areas of the country, but exhibits marked geographical variation associated in part with key environmental factors. This is work in progress and the results presented here will be refined in future work.  相似文献   

The definition of vegetation types at different hierarchical levels, both to study the vegetation processes and for practical cartographic representation, is still considered a critical issue in many circles of plant ecologists. The problems are mainly related to the misleading idea that classification of the vegetation system, as developed by European phytosociologists during the last century within the discipline called syntaxonomy, would imply the assumption of the organismic concept of the plant community. After a short discussion on the role of Braun-Blanquet approach in plant ecology and in landscape ecology, the methods to detect multispecies responses along environmental gradients are briefly reviewed. In the main part of this article, we intend to stress that concepts considered critical, such as plant association and its ecological niche, are just operational tools that have nothing to do with the individualistic or organismic interpretation of plant communities in vegetation studies. Important to our views on vegetation, we believe that plant associations as well as the higher syntaxa can be regarded as fuzzy sets in an operational context for describing vegetation along ecological gradients in synthetic ways and can further the understanding of vegetation variation.  相似文献   

A Nitrite Microsensor for Profiling Environmental Biofilms   总被引:9,自引:12,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A highly selective liquid membrane nitrite microsensor based on the hydrophobic ion-carrier aquocyanocobalt(III)-hepta(2-phenylethyl)-cobrynate is described. The sensor has a tip diameter of 10 to 15 (mu)m. The response is log-linear in freshwater down to 1 (mu)M NO(inf2)(sup-) and in seawater to 10 (mu)M NO(inf2)(sup-). A method is described for preparation of relatively large polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-gelled liquid membrane microsensors with a tip diameter of 5 to 15 (mu)m, having a hydrophilic coating on the tip. The coating and increased tip diameter resulted in more sturdy sensors, with a lower detection limit and a more stable signal than uncoated nitrite sensors with a tip diameter of 1 to 3 (mu)m. The coating protects the sensor membrane from detrimental direct contact with biomass and can be used for all PVC-gelled liquid membrane sensors meant for profiling microbial mats, biofilms, and sediments. Thanks to these improvements, liquid membrane sensors can now be used in complex environmental samples and in situ, e.g., in operating bioreactors. Examples of measurements in denitrifying, nitrifying, and nitrifying/denitrifying biofilms from wastewater treatment plants are shown. In all of these biofilms high nitrite concentrations were found in narrow zones of less than 1 mm.  相似文献   

Oxygen free radical formation has been implicated in lesions caused by the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and iron. Although MPTP produces a parkinsonian syndrome after its conversion to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+) by type B monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the brain, the etiology of this disease remains obscure. This review focuses on the role of an environmental neurotoxin chemically related to MPP+-induced free radical generation in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Environmental-like chemicals, such as para-nonylphenol or bisphenol A, significantly stimulated hydroxyl radical (OH) formation in the striatum. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, prevents para-nonylphenol and MPP+-induced OH generation. Tamoxifen, a synthetic nonsteroidal antiestrogen, suppressed the OH generation via dopamine efflux induced by MPP+. These results confirm that free radical production might make a major contribution at certain stages in the progression of the injury. Such findings may be useful in elucidating the actual mechanism of free radical formation in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative brain disorders, including Parkinson's disease and traumatic brain injuries.  相似文献   

多胺与环境胁迫关系研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
多胺是植物对胁迫响应的重要物质,可以抵消胁迫引起的负效应.多胺预处理可缓解胁迫引起的伤害,通过转基因技术过量表达多胺可提高植物胁迫耐性.本文综述了生物胁迫和非生物胁迫条件下,多胺的合成、代谢、功能及其作为抗氧化剂减少胁迫诱导氧化损伤的研究现状.重点综述了病虫胁迫、盐胁迫、重金属胁迫、渗透胁迫,也简要的综述了其它胁迫如低氧胁迫、冷胁迫、酸胁迫、辐射胁迫等条件下植物体内多胺合成的变化及功能.  相似文献   

原核启动子识别研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原核启动子识别是研究原核基因转录调控的重要环节。该文以大肠杆菌为例,首先介绍原核启动子的基本特征,再对已有的各种识别方法进行具体分析,最后探讨可能的改进方向。  相似文献   

Several future applications have been suggested for the nanomaterial graphene, and its production is increasing dramatically. This study is a review of risk-related information on graphene with the purpose of outlining potential environmental and health risks and guide future risk-related research. Available information is presented regarding emissions, environmental fate, and toxicity of graphene. The results from this study indicate that graphene could exert a considerable toxicity and that considerable emission of graphene from electronic devices and composites are possible in the future. It is also suggested that graphene is both persistent and hydrophobic. Although these results indicate that graphene may cause adverse environmental and health effects, the results foremost show that there are many risk-related knowledge gaps to be filled and that the emissions of graphene, the fate of graphene in the environment, and the toxicity of graphene should be further studied.  相似文献   

Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) programs in Canada have been developed for the pulp and paper and metal mining industries, and require a cyclical evaluation of the receiving environment to determine whether effects exist when the facilities are in compliance with existing regulations. Identifying the cause of environmental effects is a specific, identified stage in this monitoring program, but as yet there has not been a synthesis of what is meant by “identification of cause”. We propose a multitiered guidance framework for the identification of the cause of environmental effects after they have been detected, confirmed, and their extent and magnitude documented. As part of point source confirmation, the framework includes levels to define whether there is an effect, whether it is related to the effluent discharge facility, and whether response patterns in the receiver are characteristic of a particular stressor type. The next tier involves investigating individual process wastes within the facility to determine the components that are contributing to effects caused by exposure to the final effluent. The last three tiers of the framework relate to characterizing the chemical classes involved in the effect and, ultimately, to identifying the specific chemicals associated with the responses. Although there is increasing knowledge of specific causes of environmental effects gained as one progresses through the levels of investigation, there is a concomitant increase in effort and costs required. Stakeholder input is critical in determining the depth of the investigation as well as how to proceed once the environmental effects information is available.  相似文献   

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