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Lpg0189 is a type II secretion system-dependent extracellular protein with unknown function from Legionella pneumophila. Herein, we determined the crystal structure of Lpg0189 at 1.98 Å resolution by using single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD). Lpg0189 folds into a novel chair-shaped architecture, with two sheets roughly perpendicular to each other. Bioinformatics analysis suggests Lpg0189 and its homologues are unique to Legionellales and evolved divergently. The interlinking structural and bioinformatics studies provide a better understanding of this hypothetical protein.  相似文献   

The Archaeoglobus fulgidis gene RS27_ARCFU encodes the 30S ribosomal protein S27e. Here, we present the high-quality NMR solution structure of this archaeal protein, which comprises a C4 zinc finger motif of the CX(2)CX(14-16)CX(2)C class. S27e was selected as a target of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (target ID: GR2), and its three-dimensional structure is the first representative of a family of more than 116 homologous proteins occurring in eukaryotic and archaeal cells. As a salient feature of its molecular architecture, S27e exhibits a beta-sandwich consisting of two three-stranded sheets with topology B(decreasing), A(increasing), F(decreasing), and C(increasing), D(decreasing), E(increasing). Due to the uniqueness of the arrangement of the strands, the resulting fold was found to be novel. Residues that are highly conserved among the S27 proteins allowed identification of a structural motif of putative functional importance; a conserved hydrophobic patch may well play a pivotal role for functioning of S27 proteins, be it in archaeal or eukaryotic cells. The structure of human S27, which possesses a 26-residue amino-terminal extension when compared with the archaeal S27e, was modeled on the basis of two structural templates, S27e for the carboxy-terminal core and the amino-terminal segment of the archaeal ribosomal protein L37Ae for the extension. Remarkably, the electrostatic surface properties of archaeal and human proteins are predicted to be entirely different, pointing at either functional variations among archaeal and eukaryotic S27 proteins, or, assuming that the function remained invariant, to a concerted evolutionary change of the surface potential of proteins interacting with S27.  相似文献   

Solution structure of the ribosome recycling factor from Aquifex aeolicus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The solution structure of ribosome recycling factor (RRF) from hyperthermophilic bacterium, Aquifex aeolicus, was determined by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Fifteen structures were calculated using restraints derived from NOE, J-coupling, and T1/T2 anisotropies. The resulting structure has an overall L-shaped conformation with two domains and is similar to that of a tRNA molecule. The domain I (corresponding to the anticodon stem of tRNA) is a rigid three alpha-helix bundle. Being slightly different from usual coiled-coil arrangements, each helix of domain I is not twisted but straight and parallel to the main axis. The domain II (corresponding to the portion with the CCA end of tRNA) is an alpha/beta domain with an alpha-helix and two beta-sheets, that has some flexible regions. The backbone atomic root-mean-square deviation (rmsd) values of both domains were 0.7 A when calculated separately, which is smaller than that of the molecule as a whole (1.4 A). Measurement of 15N-[1H] NOE values show that the residues in the corner of the L-shaped molecule are undergoing fast internal motion. These results indicate that the joint region between two domains contributes to the fluctuation in the orientation of two domains. Thus, it was shown that RRF remains the tRNA mimicry in solution where it functions.  相似文献   

The structure of Aq_328, an uncharacterized protein from hyperthermophilic bacteria Aquifex aeolicus, has been determined to 1.9 A by using multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) phasing. Although the amino acid sequence analysis shows that Aq_328 has no significant similarity to proteins with a known structure and function, the structure comparison by using the Dali server reveals that it: (1) assumes a histone-like fold, and (2) is similar to an ancestral nuclear histone protein (PDB code 1F1E) with z-score 8.1 and RMSD 3.6 A over 124 residues. A sedimentation equilibrium experiment indicates that Aq_328 is a monomer in solution, with an average sedimentation coefficient of 2.4 and an apparent molecular weight of about 20 kDa. The overall architecture of Aq_328 consists of two noncanonical histone domains in tandem repeat within a single chain, and is similar to eukaryotic heterodimer (H2A/H2B and H3/H4) and an archaeal histone heterodimer (HMfA/HMfB). The sequence comparisons between the two histone domains of Aq_328 and six eukaryotic/archaeal histones demonstrate that most of the conserved residues that underlie the Aq_328 architecture are used to build and stabilize the two cross-shaped antiparallel histone domains. The high percentage of salt bridges in the structure could be a factor in the protein's thermostability. The structural similarities to other histone-like proteins, molecular properties, and potential function of Aq_328 are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Dihydroorotases (EC catalyze the reversible cyclization of carbamoyl aspartate to form dihydroorotate in de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. The X-ray structures of Aquifex aeolicus dihydroorotase in two space groups, C222(1) and C2, were determined at a resolution of 1.7A. These are the first structures of a type I dihydroorotase, a class of molecules that includes the dihydroorotase domain of mammalian CAD. The type I enzymes are more ancient and larger, at 45 kDa, than the type II enzymes exemplified by the 38 kDa Escherichia coli dihydroorotase. Both dihydroorotases are members of the metallo-dependent hydrolase superfamily, whose members have a distorted "TIM barrel" domain containing the active site. However, A.aeolicus dihydroorotase has a second, composite domain, which the E.coli enzyme lacks and has only one of the two zinc atoms present in the E.coli enzyme. A.aeolicus dihydroorotase is unique in exhibiting significant activity only when complexed with aspartate transcarbamoylase, whereas the E.coli dihydroorotase and the CAD dihydroorotase domain are active as free proteins. The latency of A.aeolicus dihydroorotase can be related to two differences between its structure and that of E.coli dihydroorotase: (1) the monoclinic structure has a novel cysteine ligand to the zinc that blocks the active site and possibly functions as a "cysteine switch"; and (2) active site residues that bind the substrate in E.coli dihydroorotase are located in disordered loops in both crystal structures of A.aeolicus dihydroorotase and may function as a disorder-to-order "entropy switch".  相似文献   

We have produced and characterized two new copper-transporting ATPases, CtrA2 and CtrA3 from Aquifex aeolicus, that belong to the family of heavy metal ion-transporting PIB-type ATPases. CtrA2 has a CPC metal-binding sequence in TM6 and a CxxC metal-binding N-terminal domain, while CtrA3 has a CPH metal-binding motif in TM6 and a histidine-rich N-terminal metal-binding domain. We have cloned both copper pumps, expressed them in Escherichia coli and characterized them functionally. CtrA2 is activated by Ag+ and Cu+ and presumably transports reduced Cu+, while CtrA3 is activated by, and presumably transports, the oxidized copper ion. Both CtrA2 and CtrA3 are thermophilic proteins with an activity maximum at 75 °C. Electron cryomicroscopy of two-dimensional crystals of CtrA3 yielded a projection map at ∼7 Å resolution with density peaks, indicating eight membrane-spanning α-helices per monomer. A fit of the Ca-ATPase structure to the projection map indicates that the arrangement of the six central helices surrounding the ion-binding site in the membrane is conserved, and suggests the position of the two additional N-terminal transmembrane helices that are characteristic of the heavy metal, eight-helix P1B-type ATPases.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of methanogen chromosomal protein 1 (MC1), a chromosomal protein extracted from the archaebacterium Methanosarcina sp. CHTI55, has been solved using (1)H NMR spectroscopy. The small basic protein MC1 contains 93 amino acids (24 basic residues against 12 acidic residues). The main elements of secondary structures are an alpha helix and five beta strands, arranged as two antiparallel beta sheets (a double one and a triple one) packed in an orthogonal manner forming a barrel. The protein displays a largely hydrophilic surface and a very compact hydrophobic core made up by side chains at the interface of the two beta sheets and the helix side facing the interior of the protein. The MC1 solution structure shows a globular protein with overall dimensions in the range of 34-40 A, which potentially corresponds to a DNA-binding site of 10-12 base pairs. The presumed DNA-binding site is located on the sequence comprising residues K62-P82, which is formed by a part of strands II2 and II3 belonging to the triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet and a loop flanked by prolines P68 and P76. The tryptophan W74 that is expected to play a key role in the DNA-binding according to photocross-linking experiments was found completely exposed to the solvent, in a good position to interact with DNA. The overall fold of MC1, characterized by its linking beta-beta-alpha-beta-beta-loop-beta, is different from other known DNA-binding proteins. Its structure suggests a different DNA-binding mode than those of the histone-like proteins HU or HMGB. Thus, MC1 may be classified as a member of a new family.  相似文献   

The structure of Mth677, a hypothetical protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Mth), has been determined by using heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods on a double-labeled (15)N-(13)C sample. Mth677 adopts a novel alpha+beta fold, consisting of two alpha-helices (one N terminal and one C terminal) packed on the same side of a central beta-hairpin. This structure is likely shared by its three orthologs, detected in three other Archaebacteria. There are no clear features in the sequences of these proteins or in the genome organization of Mth to make a reliable functional assignment to this protein. However, the structural similarity to Escherichia coli MinE, the protein which controls that division occurs at the midcell site, lends support to the proposal that Mth677 might be, in Mth, the counterpart of the topological specificity domain of MinE in E. coli.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 154-residue conserved hypothetical protein HI0004 has been determined using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. HI0004 has sequence homologs in many organisms ranging from bacteria to humans and is believed to be essential in Haemophilus influenzae, although an exact function has yet to be defined. It has a alpha-beta-alpha sandwich architecture consisting of a central four-stranded beta-sheet with the alpha2-helix packed against one side of the beta-sheet and four alpha-helices (alpha1, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5) on the other side. There is structural homology with the eukaryotic matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), but little sequence similarity except for a conserved region containing three histidines that appears in both the MMPs and throughout the HI0004 family of proteins. The solution structure of HI0004 is compared with the X-ray structure of an Aquifex aeolicus homolog, AQ_1354, which has 36% sequence identity over 148 residues. Despite this level of sequence homology, significant differences exist between the two structures. These differences are described along with possible functional implications of the structures.  相似文献   

RNase PH is one of the exoribonucleases that catalyze the 3' end processing of tRNA in bacteria. RNase PH removes nucleotides following the CCA sequence of tRNA precursors by phosphorolysis and generates mature tRNAs with amino acid acceptor activity. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of Aquifex aeolicus RNase PH bound with a phosphate, a co-substrate, in the active site at 2.3-A resolution. RNase PH has the typical alpha/beta fold, which forms a hexameric ring structure as a trimer of dimers. This ring structure resembles that of the polynucleotide phosphorylase core domain homotrimer, another phosphorolytic exoribonuclease. Four amino acid residues, Arg-86, Gly-124, Thr-125, and Arg-126, of RNase PH are involved in the phosphate-binding site. Mutational analyses of these residues showed their importance in the phosphorolysis reaction. A docking model with the tRNA acceptor stem suggests how RNase PH accommodates substrate RNAs.  相似文献   

IscA belongs to an ancient family of proteins responsible for iron-sulfur cluster assembly in essential metabolic pathways preserved throughout evolution. We report here the 2.3 A resolution crystal structure of Escherichia coli IscA, a novel fold in which mixed beta-sheets form a compact alpha-beta sandwich domain. In contrast to the highly mobile secondary structural elements within the bacterial Fe-S scaffold protein IscU, a protein which is thought to have a similar function, the great majority of the amino acids that are conserved in IscA homologues are located in elements that constitute a well-ordered fold. However, the 10-residue C-terminal tail segment that contains two invariant cysteines critical for the Fe-S-binding function of a cyanobacterial (Synechocystis PCC) IscA homologue is not ordered in our structure. In addition, the crystal packing reveals a helical assembly that is constructed from two possible tetrameric oligomers of IscA.  相似文献   

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