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DNA fragmentation, a hallmark of apoptosis, is regulated by a specific nuclease called caspase-activated DNase (CAD) and its inhibitor (ICAD). When cell lysates from Drosophila S2 cells were chemically denatured and the denatured proteins were removed after dialysis, the supernatant inhibited Drosophila CAD (dCAD). To identify the inhibitor, we tested recombinant DREP-1, which was previously identified using the Drosophila EST data base and found it also inhibited dCAD DNase. An antibody against DREP-1 inhibited the ICAD activity in the S2 cell extracts, confirming the identification of DREP-1 as a Drosophila homolog of ICAD (dICAD). The recombinant DREP-1/dICAD was cleaved at a specific site by human caspase 3 as well as by extracts prepared from S2 cells undergoing apoptosis. Biochemical fractionation and immunoprecipitation of dICAD from S2 cell extracts indicated that dICAD is complexed with dCAD in proliferating cells. The expression of the caspase-resistant form of dICAD/DREP-1 in a Drosophila neuronal cell line prevented the apoptotic DNA fragmentation. Northern hybridization and the immunohistochemical analyses revealed that the expression of the dICAD gene is developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Caspase-activated DNase (CAD) is the enzyme that causes DNA fragmentation during apoptosis. CAD forms aggregates when it is synthesized in the absence of an inhibitor of CAD (ICAD). Here, using renaturation systems of chemically denatured CAD, we report that ICAD-L, a long form of ICAD, has a chaperone-like activity specific for CAD. Murine CAD carries 14 cysteines, most of which were found to be in reduced form. Reducing agents enhanced the production of the functional CAD in an in vitro translation system. The denatured CAD could be efficiently renatured under highly reducing conditions only in the presence of ICAD-L. This process was ATP-independent. In contrast, reticulocyte lysates stimulated ICAD-L- and ATP-dependent renaturation of denatured CAD without requiring a high concentration of reducing agents. These results indicate that ICAD-L works not only as a specific inhibitor but also as a specific chaperone for CAD.  相似文献   

An acid DNase was purified from Drosophila melanogaster till apparent homogeneity by six consecutive chromatographic steps. The enzyme is a lysosomal DNase, because it is glycosylated and carries 1.8-2.4 mol of mannose-6-phosphate/mol of enzyme. The enzyme is fully active without any divalent cation and introduces single stranded nicks into a supercoiled DNA.  相似文献   

CAD (caspase-activated DNase) that causes chromosomal DNA fragmentation during apoptosis exists as a complex with ICAD (inhibitor of CAD) in proliferating cells. Here, we report that denatured CAD is functionally refolded with Hsc70-Hsp40 and ICAD. Hsc70-Hsp40 suppresses the aggregation of the denatured CAD, but cannot restore its enzymatic activity. In contrast, ICAD could not suppress the aggregation of CAD, but supported the CAD's renaturation with Hsc70-Hsp40, indicating that ICAD recognizes the quasi-native folding state of CAD that is conferred by Hsc70-Hsp40. Using an in vitro translation system, we then showed that during CAD translation, Hsc70-Hsp40 as well as ICAD bind to the nascent CAD polypeptide, while on ribosomes. These results indicate that ICAD together with Hsc70-Hsp40 assists the folding of CAD during its synthesis, and that the CAD*ICAD heterodimer is formed co-translationally.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation is one of the most characteristic features of apoptotic cells and caspase-activated DNase (CAD) is considered to be a major nuclease responsible for DNA fragmentation. CAD forms a complex with its inhibitor (ICAD), which is also required for the functional folding of CAD, leading to CAD stabilization in cells. In this paper, we investigated the involvement of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in CAD stability. The expression and ubiquitination of CAD was remarkably increased by MG132 treatment in the absence of ICAD. These results suggest that CAD protein may be preferentially degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the absence of ICAD to maintain protein quality control.  相似文献   

The DNA fragmentation factor is a heterodimeric complex that consists of caspase-activated DNase (CAD) and its inhibitor (ICAD). As only partial structural information on this nuclease/inhibitor complex is available, understanding of how its subunits interact on the molecular level remains largely elusive, particularly how CAD inhibition is achieved by ICAD. In this study, we used the SPOT (peptide array) method to identify protein-protein interaction sites in the DNA fragmentation factor complex, focusing on those possibly involved in CAD inhibition. We observed a particularly strong interaction of ICAD with the dimerization (C2) domain of CAD. Additional interactions with the Zn(2+) -binding site close to the catalytic centre and the catalytic centre itself in the C3 domain of CAD were detected, suggesting that prevention of CAD homodimerization and local structural perturbation or blocking of the active site together constitute a dual inhibitory mechanism to effectively inhibit CAD. The results obtained by the SPOT method were validated by performing inhibition assays employing selected soluble ICAD-derived peptides. In these assays, two ICAD-derived peptides were identified that are capable of efficiently and specifically inhibiting CAD activity in solution.  相似文献   

Large complex formation of the inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase (ICAD) is required for correctly folding of CAD and inhibits nuclease activity of CAD in non-apoptotic cells. From proteomic analysis of the ICAD binding proteins, we revealed that over-expressed flag-ICAD bound other ICAD molecules}. Purified recombinant ICAD protein showed three bands, 66 KDa, 132 KDa and 450 KDa, by native-PAGE. ICAD fused with glutathione-S-transferase (GST) was immunoprecipitated with anti-flag antibody from Jurkat cell lysates cotransfected with ICAD fused with either GST or flag expression vectors. When purified recombinant ICAD protein was separated by gel chromatography, the molecular weight of ICAD was detected at 440 and 45 K. ICAD in extracts of wild type Jurkat cells also existed at 440 and 45 K as measured by gel chromatography; so that fractions of CAD coincided with fractions of 440 K of ICAD. These results indicate that ICAD and/or CAD appeared to form large complexes in Jurkat cells.  相似文献   

We have assessed the contribution of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase (ICAD) to the nuclear morphology and DNA degradation pattern in staurosporine-induced apoptosis. Expression of D117E ICAD, a mutant that is resistant to caspase cleavage at residue 117, prevented low molecular weight (LMW) DNA fragmentation, stage II nuclear morphology, and detection of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase staining. However, high molecular weight (HMW) DNA fragmentation and stage I nuclear morphology remained unaffected. On the other hand, expression of either D224E or wild type ICAD had no effect on DNA fragmentation or nuclear morphology. In addition, both HMW and LMW DNA degradation required functional executor caspases. Interestingly, silencing of endogenous AIF abolished type I nuclear morphology without any effect on HMW or LMW DNA fragmentation. Together, these results demonstrate that AIF is responsible for stage I nuclear morphology and suggest that HMW DNA degradation is a caspase-activated DNase and AIF-independent process.  相似文献   

As a step to further understand the role of adenylate kinase (AK) in the energy metabolism network, we identified, purified, and characterized a previously undescribed adenylate kinase in Drosophila melanogaster. The cDNA encodes a 175-amino acid protein, which shows 47.85% identity in 163 amino acids to human AK6. The recombinant protein was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) strain. Characterization of this protein by enzyme activity assay showed adenylate kinase activity. AMP and CMP were the preferred substrates, and UMP can also be phosphorylated to some extent, with ATP as the best phosphate donor. Subcellular localization study showed a predominantly nuclear localization. Therefore, based on the substrate specificity, the specific nuclear localization in the cell, and the sequence similarity with human AK6, we named this novel adenylate kinase identified from the fly DAK6.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster thioredoxin reductase-1 (DmTrxR-1) is a key flavoenzyme in dipteran insects, where it substitutes for glutathione reductase. DmTrxR-1 belongs to the family of dimeric, high Mr thioredoxin reductases, which catalyze reduction of thioredoxin by NADPH. Thioredoxin reductase has an N-terminal redox-active disulfide (Cys57-Cys62) adjacent to the flavin and a redox-active C-terminal cysteine pair (Cys489'-Cys490' in the other subunit) that transfer electrons from Cys57-Cys62 to the substrate thioredoxin. Cys489'-Cys490' functions similarly to Cys495-Sec496 (Sec = selenocysteine) and Cys535-XXXX-Cys540 in human and parasite Plasmodium falciparum enzymes, but a catalytic redox center formed by adjacent Cys residues, as observed in DmTrxR-1, is unprecedented. Our data show, for the first time in a high Mr TrxR, that DmTrxR-1 oscillates between the 2-electron reduced state, EH2, and the 4-electron state, EH4, in catalysis, after the initial priming reduction of the oxidized enzyme (Eox) to EH2. The reductive half-reaction consumes 2 eq of NADPH in two observable steps to produce EH4. The first equivalent yields a FADH--NADP+ charge-transfer complex that reduces the adjacent disulfide to form a thiolate-flavin charge-transfer complex. EH4 reacts with thioredoxin rapidly to produce EH2. In contrast, Eox formation is slow and incomplete; thus, EH2 of wild-type cannot reduce thioredoxin at catalytically competent rates. Mutants lacking the C-terminal redox center, C489S, C490S, and C489S/C490S, are incapable of reducing thioredoxin and can only be reduced to EH2 forms. Additional data suggest that Cys57 attacks Cys490' in the interchange reaction between the N-terminal dithiol and the C-terminal disulfide.  相似文献   

Caspase-activated DNase (CAD) is a key protein in the process of apoptosis that degrades DNA through the action of caspases. Its N-terminal region, the CAD domain (CAD-CD), is highly conserved among CAD family proteins and is responsible for the interaction with its inhibitor. We report here that CAD-CD spontaneously aggregates to form amyloid fibrils, without a lag time, under the conditions of low pH (below 4) and the presence of anions. Interestingly, the secondary structure of CAD-CD in the fibril state comprised not only beta-sheet but also alpha-helix, as found in CD, FTIR, and x-ray fiber diffraction experiments. Aromatic side chains have a defined orientation and are in the hydrophobic environment occurring with the CAD-CD fibrillogenesis. These findings provide new insights into the architecture of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster EST database led to the characterization of a novel acylphosphatase (AcPDro2). This is coded by the CG18505 (Acyp2) gene and is clearly distinct from a previously described AcPDro coded by the CG16870 (Acyp) gene from D. melanogaster. The two proteins show a 60% homology with both vertebrate isoenzymes. All the residues involved in the catalytic mechanism are conserved. AcPDro2 is a stable enzyme with a correct globular folded structure. Its activity on benzoylphosphate shows higher K(cat) but lower K(m) with respect to AcPDro. It is possible that AcPDro and AcPDro2 genes are not the direct ancestor of MT and CT vertebrate isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) catalyzes the reduction of thioredoxin (Trx) by NADPH. Like other members of the pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase enzyme family, the enzyme from Drosophila melanogaster is a homodimer, and each catalytically active unit consists of three redox centers: FAD and an N-terminal Cys-57/Cys-62 redox-active disulfide from one monomer and a Cys-489'/Cys-490' C-terminal redox-active disulfide from the second monomer. Because dipteran insects such as D. melanogaster lack glutathione reductase, thioredoxin reductase (DmTrxR) is particularly important; in addition to its normal functions, it also reduces GSSG for antioxidant protection. DmTrxR, used as a model for the enzyme from the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, has been shown to cycle in catalysis between the two-electron and four-electron reduced states, EH2 and EH4 [Bauer, H. et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 33020-33028]. His-464' acts as an acid-base catalyst of the dithiol-disulfide interchange reactions required in catalysis. The H464'Q enzyme has only 2% of the wild-type activity, emphasizing the importance of this residue. The pH dependence of Vmax for wild-type DmTrxR has pKa values of 6.4 and 9.3 on the DmTrxR-DmTrx-2 complex, whereas H464'Q DmTrxR only has an observable pKa at 6.4, indicating that the pKa at pH 9.3 is contributed mainly by His-464'. The pKa at pH 6.4 has been assigned to Cys-57 and Cys-490'; the thiolate on Cys-490' is the nucleophile in the reduction of Trx. In contrast to wild-type DmTrxR, H464'Q DmTrxR does not stabilize a thiolate-FAD charge-transfer complex in the presence of excess NADPH. The rates of steps in both the reductive and the oxidative half-reactions are markedly diminished in H464'Q DmTrxR as compared to those of wild-type enzyme, indicating that His-464' is involved in both half-reactions.  相似文献   

A novel family of dispersed repeat sequences from Drosophila melanogaster is described. Sequence analysis of two members of this family show them to contain greater than 75% GC bases. These are comprised of multiple repeats of GGX triplets interspersed occasionally with CGPy and TTPy. Southern blotting shows that these repeats are not transposable elements. Twenty four homologous recombinants have been localised by in situ hybridization to seven sites in the Drosophila genome. Polyadenylated RNAs homologous to this repeat family are expressed in a complex pattern which is developmentally regulated. We suggest that this family encodes a set of glycine-rich domains in Drosophila proteins.  相似文献   

Goto SG 《Gene》2001,270(1-2):259-264
Gene expression during recovery at 25°C (rearing temperature) after cold shock (0°C) was studied in Drosophila melanogaster using a subtraction technique. A novel gene (Frost, abbreviated as Fst) was considerably up-regulated during recovery after cold shock. In addition, a prolongation of cold shock was more effective for induction. In contrast to cold shock, Fst gene did not respond to heat shock. This gene is apparently the same as the unidentified gene, CG9434. Fst has high internal repeats not only in nucleotide but also in amino acid sequences. In addition, FST protein has a proline-rich region. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed a modular structure; i.e., a signal peptide in the N-terminal region followed by a long hydrophilic region. Therefore, this protein is likely to be directed into ER and secreted into extracellular space.  相似文献   

A novel endo-exonuclease, DmGEN (Drosophila Melanogaster XPG-like endonuclease), was identified in D.melanogaster. DmGEN is composed of five exons and four introns, and the open reading frame encodes a predicted product of 726 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 82.5 kDa and a pI of 5.36. The gene locus on Drosophila polytene chromosomes was detected at 64C9 on the left arm of chromosome 3 as a single site. The encoded protein showed a relatively high degree of sequence homology with the RAD2 nucleases, especially XPG. Although the XPG-N- and XPG-I-domains are highly conserved in sequence, locations of the domains are similar to those of FEN-1 and EXO-1, and the molecular weight of the protein is close to that of EXO-1. In vitro, DmGEN showed endonuclease and 3'-5' exonuclease activities with both single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), but the endonuclease action with dsDNA was quite specific: 5'-3' exonuclease activity was found to occur with nicked DNA, while dsDNA was endonucleolytically cut at 3-4 bp from the 5' end. Homologs are widely found in mammals and higher plants. The data suggest that DmGEN belongs to a new class of RAD2 nuclease.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) acting via a G protein-coupled receptor has been shown to induce apoptosis in the corpus luteum of many species. Studies were carried out to characterize changes in the apoptotic signaling cascade(s) culminating in luteal tissue apoptosis during PGF(2alpha)-induced luteolysis in the bovine species in which initiation of apoptosis was demonstrable at 18 h after exogenous PGF(2alpha) treatment. An analysis of intrinsic arm of apoptotic signaling cascade elements revealed that PGF(2alpha) injection triggered increased ratio of Bax to Bcl-2 in the luteal tissue as early as 4 h posttreatment that remained elevated until 18 h. This increase was associated with the elevation in the active caspase-9 and -3 protein levels and activity (p < 0.05) at 4-12 h, but a spurt in the activity was seen only at 18 h posttreatment that could not be accounted for by the changes in the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio or changes in translocation of Bax to mitochondria. Examination of luteal tissue for FasL/Fas death receptor cascade revealed increased expression of FasL and Fas at 18 h accompanied by a significant (p < 0.05) induction in the caspase-8 activity and truncated Bid levels. Furthermore, intrabursal administration of specific caspase inhibitors, downstream to the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic signaling cascades, in a pseudopregnant rat model revealed a greater importance of extrinsic apoptotic signaling cascade in mediating luteal tissue apoptosis during PGF(2alpha) treatment. The DNase responsible for PGF(2alpha)-induced apoptotic DNA fragmentation was found to be Ca(2+)/Mg(2+)-dependent, temperature-sensitive DNase, and optimally active at neutral pH conditions. This putative DNase was inhibited by the recombinant inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase, and immunodepletion of caspase-activated DNase from luteal lysates abolished the observed DNA fragmentation activity. Together, these data demonstrate for the first time temporal and spatial changes in the apoptotic signaling cascades during PGF(2alpha)-in-duced apoptosis in the corpus luteum.  相似文献   

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