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In light of recent work implicating profilin from human platelets as a possible regulator of both cytoskeletal dynamics and inositol phospholipid-mediated signaling, we have further characterized the interaction of platelet profilin and the two isoforms of Acanthamoeba profilin with inositol phospholipids. Profilin from human platelets binds to phosphatidylinositol-4-monophosphate (PIP) and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) with relatively high affinity (Kd approximately 1 microM for PIP2 by equilibrium gel filtration), but interacts only weakly (if at all) with phosphatidylinositol (PI) or inositol trisphosphate IP3) in small-zone gel-filtration assays. The two isoforms of Acanthamoeba profilin both have a lower affinity for PIP2 than does human platelet profilin, but the more basic profilin isoform from Acanthamoeba (profilin-II) has a much higher (approximately 10-microM Kd) affinity than the acidic isoform (profilin-I, 100 to 500-microM Kd). None of the profilins bind to phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphatidylcholine (PC) in small-zone gel-filtration experiments. The differences in affinity for PIP2 parallel the ability of these three profilins to inhibit PIP2 hydrolysis by soluble phospholipase C (PLC). The results show that the interaction of profilins with PIP2 is specific with respect to both the lipid and the proteins. In Acanthamoeba, the two isoforms of profilin may have specialized functions on the basis of their identical (approximately 10 microM) affinities for actin monomers and different affinities for PIP2.  相似文献   

Palladin is an actin-associated protein that has been suggested to play critical roles in establishing cell morphology and maintaining cytoskeletal organization in a wide variety of cell types. Palladin has been shown previously to bind directly to three different actin-binding proteins vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP), alpha-actinin and ezrin, suggesting that it functions as an organizing unit that recruits actin-regulatory proteins to specific subcellular sites. Palladin contains sequences resembling a motif known to bind profilin. Here, we demonstrate that palladin is a binding partner for profilin, interacting with profilin via a poly proline-containing sequence in the amino-terminal half of palladin. Double-label immunofluorescence staining shows that palladin and profilin partially colocalize in actin-rich structures in cultured astrocytes. Our results suggest that palladin may play an important role in recruiting profilin to sites of actin dynamics.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that beta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) interacts with type I and type II collagen, and this property has been linked to the tissue specificity of the beta2-m amyloid deposits that target the osteo-articular system. The binding parameters of the interaction between collagen and beta2-m were determined by band shift electrophoresis and surface plasma resonance by using bovine collagen of type I and type II and various isoforms of beta2-m. Wild-type beta2-m binds collagen type I with a Kd of 4.1 x 10(-4) M and type II with 2.3 x 10(-3) M. By the BIAcore system we monitored the binding properties of the conformers of the slow phase of folding of beta2-m. The folding intermediates during the slow phase of folding do not display any significant difference with respect to the binding properties of the fully folded molecule. The affinity of beta2-m truncated at the third N-terminal residue does not differ from that reported for the wild-type protein. Increased affinity for collagen type I is found in the case of N-terminal truncated species lacking of six residues. The Kd of this species is 3.4 x 10 (-5) M at pH 7.4 and its affinity increases to 4.9 x 10(-6) M at pH 6.4. Fluctuations of the affinity caused by beta2-m truncation and pH change can cause modifications of protein concentration in the solvent that surrounds the collagen, and could contribute to generate locally a critical protein concentration able to prime the protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Profilins are small proteins capable of binding actin, poly-l-proline and other proline-rich sequences, and phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate. A number of proline-rich ligands for profilin have been characterised, including proteins of the Ena/VASP and formin families. We have determined the high-resolution crystal structures of mouse profilin 2a in complex with peptides from two functionally important ligands from different families, VASP and mDia1. The structures show that the binding mode of the peptide ligand is strongly affected by the non-proline residues in the sequence, and the peptides from VASP and mDia1 bind to profilin 2a in distinct modes. The high resolution of the crystallographic data allowed us to detect conserved CH-π hydrogen bonds between the peptide and profilin in both complexes. Furthermore, both peptides, which are shown to have micromolar affinity, induced the dimerisation of profilin, potentially leading to functionally different ligand-profilin-actin complexes. The peptides did not significantly affect actin polymerisation kinetics in the presence or in the absence of profilin 2a. Mutant profilins were tested for binding to poly-l-proline and the VASP and mDia1 peptides, and the F139A mutant bound proline-rich ligands with near-native affinity. Peptide blotting using a series of designed peptides with profilins 1 and 2a indicates differences between the two profilins towards proline-rich peptides from mDia1 and VASP. Our data provide structural insights into the mechanisms of mDia1 and VASP regulated actin polymerisation.  相似文献   

Human DNA sequences complementary to the small nuclear RNA U2.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Clones containing sequences complementary to the small nuclear RNA U2 were isolated from a human DNA library (1). Three clones, designated U2/4, U2/6 and U2/7 were purified and characterized by restriction enzyme cleavage, hybridization and heteroduplex analysis. Hybridization showed that the three clones each contained one single region which is complementary to U2 RNA. Restriction enzyme cleavage revealed furthermore that the inserted fragments in the three recombinants are different. Heteroduplex analysis identified a 240-380 bp long duplex region in each heteroduplex which includes sequences complementary to U2 RNA. Heteroduplexes between clones U2/4 and U2/7 as well as between U2/4 and U2/6 revealed two additional approximately 200 bp long homologies. The remainder of the inserts were found to lack measurable sequence homology. Two fragments from clone U2/4 were subcloned in the pBR322 vector and the subclones were used to determine the nucleotide sequence of a region in clone U2/4 which is complementary to U2 RNA. A comparison between the established sequence and the sequence for rat U2 RNA (2) reveals several discrepancies.  相似文献   

The NKG2x/CD94 family of C-type lectin-like immunoreceptors (x = A, B, C, E, and H) mediates surveillance of MHC class Ia cell surface expression, often dysregulated during infection or tumorigenesis, by recognizing the MHC class Ib protein HLA-E that specifically presents peptides derived from class Ia leader sequences. In this study, we determine the affinities and interaction thermodynamics between three NKG2x/CD94 receptors (NKG2A, NKG2C, and NKG2E) and complexes of HLA-E with four representative peptides. Inhibitory NKG2A/CD94 and activating NKG2E/CD94 receptors bind HLA-E with indistinguishable affinities, but with significantly higher affinities than the activating NKG2C/CD94 receptor. Despite minor sequence differences, the peptide presented by HLA-E significantly influenced the affinities; HLA-E allelic differences had no effect. These results reveal important constraints on the integration of opposing activating and inhibitory signals driving NK cell effector functions.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 (formerly casein kinase II) exhibits elevated expression in a variety of cancers, induces lymphocyte transformation in transgenic mice, and collaborates with Ha-Ras in fibroblast transformation. To systematically examine the cellular functions of CK2, human osteosarcoma U2-OS cells constitutively expressing a tetracycline-regulated transactivator were stably transfected with a bidirectional plasmid encoding either catalytic isoform of CK2 (i.e. CK2alpha or CK2alpha') together with the regulatory CK2beta subunit in order to increase the cellular levels of either CK2 isoform. To interfere with either CK2 isoform, cells were also transfected with kinase-inactive CK2alpha or CK2alpha' (i. e. GK2alpha (K68M) or CK2alpha'(K69M)) together with CK2beta. In these cells, removal of tetracycline from the growth medium stimulated coordinate expression of catalytic and regulatory CK2 subunits. Increased expression of active forms of CK2alpha or CK2alpha' resulted in modest decreases in cell proliferation, suggesting that optimal levels of CK2 are required for optimal proliferation. By comparison, the effects of induced expression of kinase-inactive CK2alpha differed significantly from the effects of induced expression of kinase-inactive CK2alpha'. Of particular interest is the dramatic attenuation of proliferation that is observed following induction of CK2alpha'(K69M), but not following induction of CK2alpha(K68M). These results provide evidence for functional specialization of CK2 isoforms in mammalian cells. Moreover, cell lines exhibiting regulatable expression of CK2 will facilitate efforts to systematically elucidate its cellular functions.  相似文献   

Three basic peptides with extremely high proline contents were isolated from human whole saliva. The amino acid sequences of two of these proline-rich peptides comprising 57 and 38 residues were determined by conventional methods. The sequence suggested that the smaller peptide was derived from the larger one and also revealed the occurrence of characteristic repeating units within the molecules. The present study is the first to describe this structural feature of proline-rich proteins or peptides.  相似文献   

磷脂酰肌醇-4,5-二磷酸(phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate,PIP2)是一种分布在细胞膜内侧面的微量磷脂。虽然含量很低,但PIP2在细胞信号转导以及膜蛋白功能调节等方面却起着十分重要的作用。细胞膜中PIP2的含量水平呈动态平衡,在其代谢调节改变时,PIP2局部浓度的变化可影响特定蛋白的功能。该文就近二十年来针对PIP2信号和PIP2代谢调节相关的研究作一综述。  相似文献   

When relaxed striated muscle cells are stretched, a resting tension is produced which is thought to arise from stretching long, elastic filaments composed of titin (also called connectin). Here, I show that single skinned rabbit soleus muscle fibers produce resting tension that is several-fold lower than that found in rabbit psoas fibers. At sarcomere lengths where the slope of the resting tension-sarcomere length relation is low, electron microscopy of skinned fibers indicates that thick filaments move from the center to the side of the sarcomere during prolonged activation. As sarcomeres are stretched and the resting tension sarcomere length relation becomes steeper, this movement is decreased. The sarcomere length range over which thick filament movement decreases is higher in soleus than in psoas fibers, paralleling the different lengths at which the slope of the resting tension-sarcomere length relations increase. These results indicate that the large differences in resting tension between single psoas and soleus fibers are due to different tensions exerted by the elastic elements linking the end of each thick filament to the nearest Z-disc, i.e., the titin filaments. Quantitative gel electrophoresis of proteins from single muscle fibers excludes the possibility that resting tension is less in soleus than in psoas fibers simply because they have fewer titin filaments. A small difference in the electrophoretic mobility of titin between psoas and soleus fibers suggests the alternate possibility that mammalian muscle cells use at least two titin isoforms with differing elastic properties to produce variations in resting tension.  相似文献   

After the annealing of pre-mRNA at high Cot values, up to 20% of the material becomes resistant to the action of ribonuclease. This has been attributed to the presence of self-complementary sequences (scRNA) in the pre-mRNA. The most important properties of scRNA, which was isolated in preparative amounts, have been studied. The approximate dimensions of the complementary segments are 45-50 nucleotides. Hybridization experiments have shown that scRNA is transcribed from repeated segments of the genome. It may be postulated that the rapidly hybridizing pre-mRNA fraction consists mainly of self-complementary sequences.  相似文献   

A new approach to the reconstruction of the RNA secondary structure is suggested on the basis of the method of contextual analysis of polynucleotide sequences. The coding gene regions of beta-, beta'-, sigma-subunits of E. coli RNA polymerase and of phage T7 RNA polymerase were analysed. The clusters of non-random inverted repeats were found in all these genes. The mRNA coded by them can be folded into compact secondary structures. The latter are formed by quite long helices with a few cases of mispairing.  相似文献   

P-glycoproteins, encoded by families of evolutionarily conserved genes, can confer a multidrug-resistant phenotype to mammalian tumor cells. To obtain more information on their functions in normal cells we have cloned genomic and complementary DNA sequences of four P-glycoprotein gene homologs of the genetically well-characterized nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, termed pgp-1, pgp-2, pgp-3 and pgp-4, respectively. The genes were physically mapped on chromosome IV (pgp-1), I (pgp-2) and X (pgp-3 and pgp-4). Phenotypic mutants corresponding to these loci have not yet been described. Two of the genes, pgp-1 and pgp-3, were analyzed in detail. They are predicted to encode ATP-binding membrane-spanning proteins of 1321 and 1254 amino acid residues, respectively, with the characteristic features shared by most P-glycoproteins described thus far. Intra-species divergence of P-glycoprotein genes is more pronounced in C. elegans than in mammals. Only 40% of the amino acids of pgp-1 and pgp-3 are identical, in contrast to 77% identity between human MDR1 and MDR3. pgp-1 consists of 14 exons, pgp-3 of 13. The two genes share only one intron position, whereas they share four (pgp-1) and five (pgp-3) intron positions with mammalian P-glycoprotein genes. pgp-1, pgp-2, and pgp-3 are transcribed into low abundance mRNAs in wild-type nematodes. pgp-1 and pgp-3 mRNAs have the trans-spliced leader SL1 at their 5' ends. Arsenite, emetine and actinomycin D drugs did not increase the steady state levels of pgp mRNA, unlike in some mammalian cell types. Heat shock disturbed trans as well as cis-splicing of pgp-1 and led to the accumulation of partially processed pgp-1 RNA. Thus, in C. elegans these genes are not induced in the context of a general stress response, as has been proposed for mammalian P-glycoprotein genes in certain tissues.  相似文献   

T cell activation through the CD2 cell surface receptor is transmitted by proline-rich sequences within its cytoplasmic tail. A membrane-proximal proline-rich tandem repeat, involved in cytokine production, is recognized by the intracellular CD2 binding protein CD2BP2. We solved the solution structure of the CD2 binding domain of CD2BP2, which we name the glycine-tyrosine-phenylalanine (GYF) domain. The GYF sequence is part of a structurally unique bulge-helix-bulge motif that constitutes the major binding site for the CD2 tail. A hydrophobic surface patch is created by motif residues that are highly conserved among a variety of proteins from diverse eukaryotic species. Thus, the architecture of the GYF domain may be widely used in protein-protein associations.  相似文献   

Complementary strand-specific adenovirus DNA, either full length or from restriction enzyme cleavage fragments, was used to estimate the fractional representation and abundance of viral sequences in two adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-transformed rat cell lines, A2F19 and A2T2C4. The reassociation method introduced is based on the linear relationship, after exhaustive hybridization, between the inverted fraction of hybrid DNA and the molar ratio of probe to cellular DNA in the reaction mixture. The amount of viral DNA in A2F19 cells represents 12 to 14% of the viral genome at a level of around seven copies per diploid cell equivalent. For the cell line A2T2C4, the pattern of integrated viral DNA sequences is more complex. With full-length Ad2 DNA strands as a probe, about 56% of the probe was represented in cellular DNA. When each of the four BamHI fragment strands of Ad2 DNA was used as a probe, the fraction of the viral DNA present also amounted to around 56% with one to five copies from different regions of the viral genome. The results demonstrate the advantage of using strand-specific viral DNA as a probe in reassociation analysis with denatured cell DNA. The method should be useful in any system in which complementary strand separation of viral DNA sequences can be achieved.  相似文献   

Translocation to the nucleus of diacylglycerol kinase (DGK)– ζ is dependent on a sequence homologous to the effector domain of Myristoylated Alanine Rich C-Kinase Substrate (MARCKS). These data would suggest that MARCKS could also localize to the nucleus. A single report demonstrated immunofluorescence staining of MARCKS in the nucleus; however, further experimental evidence confirming the specific domain responsible for this localization has not been reported. Here, we report that MARCKS is present in the nucleus in GBM cell lines. We then over-expressed wild-type MARCKS (WT) and MARCKS with the effector domain deleted (ΔED), both tagged with V5-epitope in a GBM cell line with low endogenous MARCKS expression (U87). We found that MARCKS-WT localized to the nucleus, while the MARCKS construct without the effector domain remained in the cytoplasm. We also found that over-expression of MARCKS-WT resulted in a significant increase in total cellular phosphatidyl-inositol (4,5) bisphosphate (PIP2) levels, consistent with prior evidence that MARCKS can regulate PIP2 levels. We also found increased staining for PIP2 in the nucleus with MARCKS-WT over-expression compared to MARCKS ΔED by immunofluorescence. Interestingly, we observed MARCKS and PIP2 co-localization in the nucleus. Lastly, we found changes in gene expression when MARCKS was not present in the nucleus (MARCKS ΔED). These data indicate that the MARCKS effector domain can function as a nuclear localization signal and that this sequence is critical for the ability of MARCKS to regulate PIP2 levels, nuclear localization, and gene expression. These data suggests a novel role for MARCKS in regulating nuclear functions such as gene expression.  相似文献   

Affinities of the catalytic subunit (C1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cAMP-dependent protein kinase and of mammalian cGMP-dependent protein kinase were determined for the protein kinase inhibitor (PKI) peptide PKI(6-22)amide and seven analogues. These analogues contained structural alterations in the N-terminal alpha-helix, the C-terminal pseudosubstrate portion, or the central connecting region of the PKI peptide. In all cases, the PKI peptides were appreciably less active as inhibitors of yeast C1 than of mammalian C alpha subunit. Ki values ranged from 5- to 290-fold higher for the yeast enzyme than for its mammalian counterpart. Consistent with these results, yeast C1 exhibited a higher Km for the peptide substrate Kemptide. All of the PKI peptides were even less active against the mammalian cGMP-dependent protein kinase than toward yeast cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and Kemptide was a poorer substrate for the former enzyme. Alignment of amino acid sequences of these homologous protein kinases around residues in the active site of mammalian C alpha subunit known to interact with determinants in the PKI peptide [Knighton, D. R., Zheng, J., Ten Eyck, L. F., Xuong, N-h, Taylor, S. S., & Sowadski, J. M. (1991) Science 253, 414-420] provides a structural basis for the inherently lower affinities of yeast C1 and cGMP-dependent protein kinase for binding peptide inhibitors and substrates. Both yeast cAMP-dependent and mammalian cGMP-dependent protein kinases are missing two of the three acidic residues that interact with arginine-18 in the pseudosubstrate portion of PKI. Further, the cGMP-dependent protein kinase appears to completely lack the hydrophobic/aromatic pocket that recognizes the important phenylalanine-10 residue in the N-terminus of the PKI peptide, and binding of the inhibitor by the yeast protein kinase at this site appears to be partially compromised.  相似文献   

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