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Summary The spectral sensitivity of the peripheral retinular cells R1–6 in nine species of intact flies was determined using non-invasive, optical measurements of the increase in reflectance that accompanies the pupillary response. Our technique is to chronically illuminate a localized region of the eye with a long wavelength beam, adjusted to bring pupillary scattering above threshold, then, after stabilization, to stimulate with monochromatic flashes. A criterion increase in scattering is achieved at each wavelength by adjusting flash intensity. Univariance of the pupillary response is demonstrated by Fig. 3.Action spectra measured with this optical method are essentially the same as the published spectral sensitivity functions measured with intracellular electrophysiological methods (Fig. 4 forCalliphora, Fig. 5 forDrosophila, Fig. 7 forEristalis, and Fig. 8 forMusca). This holds for both the long wavelength peak and the high sensitivity in the UV as was consistently found in all investigated fly species.Spectral sensitivity functions for R1–6 of hover flies (family Syrphidae) are quite different in different regions of the same eye. There can also be substantial differences between the two sexes of the same species. The ventral pole of the eye of femaleAllograpta (Fig. 10) contains receptors with a major peak at 450 nm, similar to those ofEristalis. However, the dorsal pole of the same eye contains receptors with a major peak at 495 nm, similar to those ofCalliphom. Both dorsal and ventral regions of the maleToxomerus eye, and the ventral region of the female eye, contain only the 450 nm type of R1-6 (see Fig. 12). However, the dorsal region of the female eye also contains another spectral type of receptor that is maximally sensitive at long wavelength. Eyes of both sexes ofAllograpta (Figs. 10 and 11) contain a mixture of spectral types of receptors R1-6.We thank Dr. Chris Maier of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, for determination of the Syrphidae. This work was supported by grants EY01140 and EY00785 from the National Eye Institute, U.S.P.H.S., (to GDB), by the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation (to GDB), and by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.), (to DGS).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Live cell fluorescence microscopy experiments often require visualization of the nucleus and the chromatin to determine the nuclear morphology or the localization of nuclear compartments. METHODS: We compared five different DNA dyes, TOPRO-3, TOTO-3, propidium iodide, Hoechst 33258, and DRAQ5, to test their usefulness in live cell experiments with continuous imaging and photobleaching in widefield epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy. In addition, we compared the DNA stainings with fluorescent histones as an independent fluorescent label to mark chromatin. RESULTS: From the dyes tested, only Hoechst and DRAQ5 could be used to stain DNA in living cells. However, DRAQ5 had several advantages, namely low photobleaching, labeling of the chromatin compartments comparable to that of H2B-GFP fusion proteins, and deep red excitation/emission compatible with available genetically encoded fluorescent proteins such as C/G/YFP or mRFP. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA dye DRAQ5 is well suited for chromatin visualization in living cells and can easily be combined with other fluorophores with blue to orange emission.  相似文献   

Spectral absorption of prodigiosin in intact cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

BACKGROUND: The multiparameter fluorometric analysis of intact and fixed cells often requires the use of a nuclear DNA discrimination signal with spectral separation from visible range fluorochromes. We have developed a novel deep red fluorescing bisalkylaminoanthraquinone, DRAQ5 (Ex(lambdamax) 646 nm; Em(lambdamax) 681 nm; Em(lambdarange) 665->800 nm), with high affinity for DNA and a high capacity to enter living cells. We describe here the spectral characteristics and applications of this synthetic compound, particularly in relation to cytometric analysis of the cell cycle. METHODS: Cultured human tumor cells were examined for the ability to nuclear locate DRAQ5 using single and multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (LSM) and multiparameter flow cytometry. RESULTS: Multiparameter flow cytometry shows that the dye can rapidly report the cellular DNA content of live and fixed cells at a resolution level adequate for cell cycle analysis and the cycle-specific expression of cellular proteins (e.g., cyclin B1). The preferential excitation of DRAQ5 by laser red lines (633/647 nm) was found to offer a means of fluorescence signal discrimination by selective excitation, with greatly reduced emission overlap with UV-excitable and visible range fluophors as compared with propidium iodide. LSM reveals nuclear architecture and clearly defines chromosomal elements in live cells. DRAQ5 was found to permit multiphoton imaging of nuclei using a 1,047-nm emitting mode-locked YLF laser. The unusual spectral properties of DRAQ5 also permit live cell DNA analysis using conventional 488 nm excitation and the single-photon imaging of nuclear fluorescence using laser excitation between 488 nm and low infrared (IR; 780 nm) wavelengths. Single and multiphoton microscopy studies revealed the ability of DRAQ5 to report three-dimensional nuclear structure and location in live cells expressing endoplasmic reticulum targeted-GFP, MitoTracker-stained mitochondria, or a vital cell probe for free zinc (Zinquin). CONCLUSION: The fluorescence excitation and emission characteristics of DRAQ5 in living and fixed cells permit the incorporation of the measurement of cellular DNA content into a variety of multiparameter cytometric analyses.  相似文献   

A strategy was developed to label specified sites in living cells with a wide selection of fluorescent or other probes and applied to study pH regulation in Golgi. cDNA transfection was used to target a single-chain antibody to a specified site such as an organelle lumen. The targeted antibody functioned as a high affinity receptor to trap cell-permeable hapten-fluorophore conjugates. Synthesized conjugates of a hapten (4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-2-oxazolin-5-one, phOx) and fluorescent probes (Bodipy Fl, tetramethylrhodamine, fluorescein) were bound with high affinity (approximately 5 nM) and specific localization to the single-chain antibody expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and plasma membrane of living Chinese hamster ovary cells. Using the pH-sensitive phOx-fluorescein conjugate and ratio imaging microscopy, pH was measured in the lumen of Golgi (pH 6.25 +/- 0.06). Measurements of pH-dependent vacuolar H+/ATPase pump activity and H+ leak in Golgi provided direct evidence that resting Golgi pH is determined by balanced leak-pump kinetics rather than the inability of the H+/ATPase to pump against an electrochemical gradient. Like expression of the green fluorescent protein, the receptor-mediated fluorophore targeting approach permits specific intracellular fluorescence labeling. A significant advantage of the new approach is the ability to target chemical probes with custom-designed spectral and indicator properties.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The linking of intracellular metabolism of anticancer drugs with cellular response is problematic. We describe a new probe for cellular integrity, based upon a structure which has the additional potential to act as a substrate for cytochrome P450-dependent bioreductive metabolism. DRAQ5NO is an N-oxide modified anthraquinone with optimal fluorescence excitation maxima compatible with He-Ne (633 nm) and Kr-Ar (647 nm) lasers. METHODS: DRAQ5NO-loading and Annexin V binding was monitored using dual-laser flow cytometry (488 nm/633 nm wavelengths) in human lymphoma cultures undergoing anticancer drug- (etoposide; VP-16) induced apoptosis. RESULTS: DRAQ5NO gave an Em(lambdamax) of 700.5 nm but retains DNA binding potential with an emission wavelength red-shift of approximately 12 nm. The agent showed reduced cytotoxicity and a limited capacity to accumulate within cells compared with the non-N-oxide form that shows a high nuclear targeting capacity in intact cells. DRAQ5NO/Annexin V provides for a positive discrimination between intact cells, membrane-compromised cells, cellular debris, and early stage apoptotic cells. CONCLUSIONS: The spectral properties of DRAQ5NO allow for the use of visible range fluorochromes and differential excitation in multilaser systems for tracking apoptotic populations with implications for the measurement of bioreductive potential in complex tumour populations simultaneously undergoing physiologically or drug-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Peptides carrying different fluorophores can be designed to incorporate spontaneously into living cells when added to the medium. By incorporating the peroxisome-targeting sequence PTS1, the peptide is recognized by the protein-import machinery of peroxisomes and, as a result, can accumulate in these organelles. Depending on the cell type, an inhibitor of the multidrug-resistance protein might be required to ensure strong accumulation. In this update, we discuss the potential of these peptide-linked fluorophores in solving issues related to organelle function and dynamics.  相似文献   

Peptide-based targeting of fluorophores to organelles in living cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peptides carrying organelle-specific import or retention sequences can target the fluorophore BODIPY(581/591) to the nucleus, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), or the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The peroxisomal peptide contains the PTS1 sequence AKL. For targeting to the ER or TGN, the peptides carry the retention sequences KDEL and SDYQRL, respectively. A peptide carrying the nuclear leader sequence of the simian virus SV40 large tumor antigen, KKKRK, was used to direct the fluorophore to the nucleus. The fluorescent peptides for peroxisomes, ER, and the TGN spontaneously incorporate into living fibroblasts at 37 degrees C and accumulate in their target organelles within minutes. The uptake is still significant at 4 degrees C, indicating that endocytosis is not required for internalization. The highly charged nuclear peptide (net charge +4) does not spontaneously internalize. However, by transient permeabilization of the plasma membrane, this fluorescent peptide was found to rapidly accumulate in the nucleus. These fluorescent peptides open new opportunities to follow various aspects of specific organelles such as their morphology, biogenesis, dynamics, degradation, and their internal parameters (pH, redox).  相似文献   

A 12 nucleotide oligodeoxyribopurine tract in the gene for the chemokine receptor CCR5 has been targeted and covalently modified in intact cells by a 12mer triplex forming oligonucleotide (TFO) bearing a reactive group. A nitrogen mustard placed on the 5'-end of the purine motif TFO modified a guanine on the DNA target with high efficiency and selectivity. A new use of a guanine analog in these TFOs significantly enhanced triplex formation and efficiency of modification, as did the use of the triplex-stabilizing intercalator coralyne. This site-directed modification of a native chromosomal gene in intact human cells under conditions where many limitations of triplex formation have been partially addressed underscores the potential of this approach for gene control via site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of 5-fluorouracil (FUra) on DNA elongation was assessed in intact bone marrow cells that had been pulsed for 1 hr with [3H]-dThd in the absence or presence of FUra, chased in fresh media from 0 to 3 hr, and then analyzed on alkaline sucrose gradients. While DNA from control cells elongated at an average rate of 86 nucleotides per sec over a 3 hr interval, DNA from FUra-treated cells did not elongate and in contrast decreased in size over the same interval. In a parallel study to examine what happens to the FUra that was incorporated into DNA, bone marrow cells were pulsed for 1 hr with 50 microM [3H]-FUra, and then chased in fresh media from 0 to 2 hr. An aliquot of cells from each time point was lysed on an alkaline sucrose gradient to assess the size of [3H]-FUra-containing DNA, while another aliquot of cells from each time point was analyzed for radioactivity remaining in total DNA. The percentage of replicon-size DNA (greater than or equal to 100S) containing radiolabel decreased over the 2 hr chase while the percentage of small molecular weight DNA (greater than or equal to 7.2S) increased over the same interval. These changes in DNA size were accompanied by a decrease in radioactivity in total DNA. These studies suggest that excision of FUra from nascent DNA chains may prevent further elongation of DNA.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) phosphorylates diacylglycerol to phosphatidic acid, modifying the cellular levels of these two lipid mediators. Ten DGK isoforms, grouped into five subtypes, are found in higher organisms. All contain a conserved C-terminal domain and at least two cysteine-rich motifs of unknown function. DGKalpha is a type I enzyme that acts as a negative modulator of diacylglycerol-based signals during T cell activation. Here we studied the functional role of the DGKalpha domains using mutational analysis to investigate membrane binding in intact cells. We show that the two atypical C1 domains are essential for plasma membrane targeting of the protein in intact cells but unnecessary for catalytic activity. We also identify the C-terminal sequence of the protein as essential for membrane binding in a phosphatidic acid-dependent manner. Finally we demonstrate that, in the absence of the calcium binding domain, receptor-dependent translocation of the truncated protein is regulated by phosphorylation of Tyr(335). This functional study provides new insight into the role of the so-called conserved domains of this lipid kinase family and demonstrates the existence of additional domains that confer specific plasma membrane localization to this particular isoform.  相似文献   

Thompson M 《Biomacromolecules》2007,8(11):3628-3633
The molecular recognition features of a DNA-sensitive fluorescent bioconjugate capable of targeting a specific DNA sequence with high efficiency are described. The bioconjugate combines a polypeptide from the Tc3 transposase DNA-binding domain with the dsDNA-sensitive fluorophore thiazole orange. Fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism reveal that the polypeptide moiety determines the DNA sequence specificity as the intercalating dye makes nonspecific contributions to binding affinity. The conjugated thiazole orange is able to intercalate and fluoresce when the peptide binds at concentrations where little fluorescence is observed from either the bioconjugate alone or the bioconjugate mixed with DNA lacking the target sequence. Fluorescence studies indicate this molecular probe is sequence specific, binds the native Tc3 DNA target sequence with nanomolar affinity (KD approximately 15 nM), and is able to discriminate multiple point mutations in the cognate DNA site. The attachment of a sequence-specific binding peptide onto a functional probe provides a viable strategy for construction of synthetic enzymes and repressors, and facilitates dynamic studies of protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA replication factories in living cells   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
DNA replication occurs in microscopically visible complexes at discrete sites (replication foci) in the nucleus. These foci consist of DNA associated with replication machineries, i.e., large protein complexes involved in DNA replication. To study the dynamics of these nuclear replication foci in living cells, we fused proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a central component of the replication machinery, with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Imaging of stable cell lines expressing low levels of GFP-PCNA showed that replication foci are heterogeneous in size and lifetime. Time-lapse studies revealed that replication foci clearly differ from nuclear speckles and coiled bodies as they neither show directional movements, nor do they seem to merge or divide. These four dimensional analyses suggested that replication factories are stably anchored in the nucleus and that changes in the pattern occur through gradual, coordinated, but asynchronous, assembly and disassembly throughout S phase.  相似文献   

Three types of b cytochromes are demonstrated in Candida utilis mitochondria. One of these b cytochromes has a symmetrical -band at 561.5 nm at room temperature. This b cytochrome is readily reduced either by anaerobiosis or by cyanide treatment in the presence of glycerol 1-phosphate or succinate both in coupled and uncoupled mitochondria. The second b cytochrome has a double -band at 565 nm and 558 nm. This b cytochrome is readily reduced either by anaerobiosis or by cyanide treatment in the presence of glycerol 1-phosphate or succinate in coupled mitochondria, but in uncoupled mitochondria it is slowly reduced after anaerobiosis and this reduction rate is enhanced by antimycin A addition. Thus the oxidation-reduction state of this cytochrome is energy dependent. The first cytochrome is spectroscopically identified as cytochrome bK and the second as cytochrome bT. The third b cytochrome has an -band around 563 nm (b563) and is reduced slowly after anaerobiosis in uncoupled mitochondria but faster than the bT. Further properties of this component are not known. Midpoint potentials of cytochromes bT, b563 and bK are approximately −50 mV, +5 mV, and +65 mV, respectively.

In intact cells, cytochrome bT is reduced immediately after anaerobiosis or cyanide treatment, and rapidly oxidized when uncoupler is added. Addition of antimycin A instead of uncoupler to the anaerobic cells causes oxidation of mainly cytochrome bT while addition of antimycin A to the aerobic cells results in a reduction of the cytochrome bT.  相似文献   

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