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Cbl, a negative regulator of immune signaling, has recently been shown to act as a ubiquitin-protein ligase. Further, two new papers describing Cbl-b-deficient mice suggest that Cbl-b sets the threshold of signaling in T and B cells and prevents the development of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are grouped into two classes based on the structure of their variable loop. In Escherichia coli, tRNAs from three isoaccepting groups are classified as type II. Leucine tRNAs comprise one such group. We used both in vivo and in vitro approaches to determine the nucleotides that are required for tRNA(Leu) function. In addition, to investigate the role of the tRNA fold, we compared the in vivo and in vitro characteristics of type I tRNA(Leu) variants with their type II counterparts.A minimum of six conserved tRNA(Leu) nucleotides were required to change the amino acid identity and recognition of a type II tRNA(Ser) amber suppressor from a serine to a leucine residue. Five of these nucleotides affect tRNA tertiary structure; the G15-C48 tertiary "Levitt base-pair" in tRNA(Ser) was changed to A15-U48; the number of nucleotides in the alpha and beta regions of the D-loop was changed to achieve the positioning of G18 and G19 that is found in all tRNA(Leu); a base was inserted at position 47n between the base-paired extra stem and the T-stem; in addition the G73 "discriminator" base of tRNA(Ser) was changed to A73. This minimally altered tRNA(Ser) exclusively inserted leucine residues and was an excellent in vitro substrate for LeuRS. In a parallel experiment, nucleotide substitutions were made in a glutamine-inserting type I tRNA (RNA(SerDelta); an amber suppressor in which the tRNA(Ser) type II extra-stem-loop is replaced by a consensus type I loop). This "type I" swap experiment was successful both in vivo and in vitro but required more nucleotide substitutions than did the type II swap. The type I and II swaps revealed differences in the contributions of the tRNA(Leu) acceptor stem base-pairs to tRNA(Leu) function: in the type I, but not the type II fold, leucine specificity was contingent on the presence of the tRNA(Leu) acceptor stem sequence. The type I and II tRNAs used in this study differed only in the sequence and structure of the variable loop. By altering this loop, and thereby possibly introducing subtle changes into the overall tRNA fold, it became possible to detect otherwise cryptic contributions of the acceptor stem sequence to recognition by LeuRS. Possible reasons for this effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteria and archaea have 2-lysylcytidine (L or lysidine) and 2-agmatinylcytidine (agm2C or agmatidine), respectively, at the first (wobble) position of the anticodon of the AUA codon-specific tRNAIle. These lysine- or agmatine-conjugated cytidine derivatives are crucial for the precise decoding of the genetic code. L is synthesized by tRNAIle-lysidine synthetase (TilS), which uses l-lysine and ATP as substrates. Agm2C formation is catalyzed by tRNAIle-agm2C synthetase (TiaS), which uses agmatine and ATP for the reaction. Despite the fact that TilS and TiaS synthesize structurally similar cytidine derivatives, these enzymes belong to non-related protein families. Therefore, these enzymes modify the wobble cytidine by distinct catalytic mechanisms, in which TilS activates the C2 carbon of the wobble cytidine by adenylation, while TiaS activates it by phosphorylation. In contrast, TilS and TiaS share similar tRNA recognition mechanisms, in which the enzymes recognize the tRNA acceptor stem to discriminate tRNAIle and tRNAMet.  相似文献   

Translocation is an essential step in the elongation cycle of the protein synthesis that allows for the continual incorporation of new amino acids to the growing polypeptide. Movement of mRNA and tRNAs within the ribosome is catalyzed by EF-G binding and GTP hydrolysis. The 30S subunit decoding center is crucial for the selection of the cognate tRNA. However, it is not clear whether the decoding center participates in translocation. We disrupted the interactions in the decoding center by mutating the universally conserved 16S rRNA bases G530, A1492, and A1493, and the effects of these mutations on translocation were studied. Our results show that point mutation of any of these 16S rRNA bases inhibits EF-G-dependent translocation. Furthermore, the mutant ribosomes showed increased puromycin reactivity in the pretranslocation complexes, indicating that the dynamic equilibrium of the peptidyl tRNA between the classical and hybrid-state configurations is influenced by contacts in the decoding center.  相似文献   

The plastid (chloroplast) genomes of seed plants typically encode 30 tRNAs. Employing wobble and superwobble mechanisms, most codon boxes are read by only one or two tRNA species. The reduced set of plastid tRNAs follows the evolutionary trend of organellar genomes to shrink in size and coding capacity. A notable exception is the AUN codon box specifying methionine and isoleucine, which is decoded by four tRNA species in nearly all seed plants. However, three of these four tRNA genes were lost from the genomes of some parasitic plastid-containing lineages, possibly suggesting that less than four tRNA species could be sufficient to decode the triplets in the AUN box. To test this hypothesis, we have performed knockout experiments for the four AUN-decoding tRNAs in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plastids. We find that all four tRNA genes are essential under both autotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions, possibly suggesting tRNA import into plastids of parasitic plastid-bearing species. Phylogenetic analysis of the four plastid tRNA genes reveals striking conservation of all those bacterial features that are involved in discrimination between the different tRNA species containing CAU anticodons.  相似文献   

A critical event in protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum is the structural transition between the closed and open conformations of Sec61, the eukaryotic translocation channel. Channel opening allows signal sequence insertion into a gap between the N- and C-terminal halves of Sec61. We have identified a gating motif that regulates the transition between the closed and open channel conformations. Polar amino acid substitutions in the gating motif cause a gain-of-function phenotype that permits translocation of precursors with marginally hydrophobic signal sequences. In contrast, hydrophobic substitutions at certain residues in the gating motif cause a protein translocation defect. We conclude that the gating motif establishes the hydrophobicity threshold for functional insertion of a signal sequence into the Sec61 complex, thereby allowing the wild-type translocation channel to discriminate between authentic signal sequences and the less hydrophobic amino acid segments in cytosolic proteins. Bioinformatic analysis indicates that the gating motif is conserved between eubacterial and archaebacterial SecY and eukaryotic Sec61.  相似文献   

SECIS elements recode UGA codons from "stop" to "sense." These RNA secondary structures, present in eukaryotic selenoprotein mRNA 3' untranslated regions, recruit a SECIS binding protein, which recruits a selenocysteine-specific elongation factor-tRNA complex. Elucidation of the assembly of this multicomponent complex is crucial to understanding the mechanism of selenocysteine incorporation. Coprecipitation studies identified the C-terminal 64 amino acids of the elongation factor as sufficient for interaction with the SECIS binding protein. Selenocysteyl-tRNA is required for this interaction; the two factors do not coprecipitate in its absence. Finally, through promoting this interaction, selenocysteyl-tRNA stabilizes the C-terminal domain of the elongation factor. We suggest that the coupling effect is critical to preventing nonproductive decoding attempts and hence forms a basis for effective selenoprotein synthesis.  相似文献   

The possible effect of transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) concentrations on codons decoding time is a fundamental biomedical research question; however, due to a large number of variables affecting this process and the non-direct relation between them, a conclusive answer to this question has eluded so far researchers in the field. In this study, we perform a novel analysis of the ribosome profiling data of four organisms which enables ranking the decoding times of different codons while filtering translational phenomena such as experimental biases, extreme ribosomal pauses and ribosome traffic jams. Based on this filtering, we show for the first time that there is a significant correlation between tRNA concentrations and the codons estimated decoding time both in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes in natural conditions (−0.38 to −0.66, all P values <0.006); in addition, we show that when considering tRNA concentrations, codons decoding times are not correlated with aminoacyl-tRNA levels. The reported results support the conjecture that translation efficiency is directly influenced by the tRNA levels in the cell. Thus, they should help to understand the evolution of synonymous aspects of coding sequences via the adaptation of their codons to the tRNA pool.  相似文献   

The ribosome undergoes pronounced periodic conformational changes during protein synthesis. Of particular importance are those occurring around the decoding site, the region of the 16 S rRNA interacting with the mRNA-(tRNA)(2) complex. We have incorporated structural information from X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance into cryo-electron microscopic maps of ribosomal complexes designed to capture structural changes at the translocation step of the polypeptide elongation cycle. The A-site region of the decoding site actively participates in the translocation of the tRNA from the A to the P-site upon GTP hydrolysis by elongation factor G, shifting approximately 8 A toward the P-site. This implies that elongation factor G actively pushes both the decoding site and the mRNA/tRNA complex during translocation.  相似文献   

Selenocysteine insertion during decoding of eukaryotic selenoprotein mRNA requires several trans-acting factors and a cis-acting selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) usually located in the 3' UTR. A second cis-acting selenocysteine codon redefinition element (SRE) has recently been described that resides near the UGA-Sec codon of selenoprotein N (SEPN1). Similar phylogenetically conserved elements can be predicted in a subset of eukaryotic selenoprotein mRNAs. Previous experimental analysis of the SEPN1 SRE revealed it to have a stimulatory effect on readthrough of the UGA-Sec codon, which was not dependent upon the presence of a SECIS element in the 3' UTR; although, as expected, readthrough efficiency was further elevated by inclusion of a SECIS. In order to examine the nature of the redefinition event stimulated by the SEPN1 SRE, we have modified an experimentally tractable in vitro translation system that recapitulates efficient selenocysteine insertion. The results presented here illustrate that the SRE element has a stimulatory effect on decoding of the UGA-Sec codon by both the methylated and unmethylated isoforms of Sec tRNA([Ser]Sec), and confirm that efficient selenocysteine insertion is dependent on the presence of a 3'-UTR SECIS. The variation in recoding elements predicted near UGA-Sec codons implies that these elements may play a differential role in determining the amount of selenoprotein produced by acting as controllers of UGA decoding efficiency.  相似文献   

Annotation of the complete genome of the extreme halophilic archaeon Haloarcula marismortui does not include a tRNA for translation of AUA, the rare codon for isoleucine. This is a situation typical for most archaeal genomes sequenced to date. Based on computational analysis, it has been proposed recently that a single intron-containing tRNA gene produces two very similar but functionally different tRNAs by means of alternative splicing; a UGG-decoding tRNA(TrpCCA) and an AUA-decoding tRNA(IleUAU). Through analysis of tRNAs from H. marismortui, we have confirmed the presence of tRNA(TrpCCA), but found no evidence for the presence of tRNA(IleUAU). Instead, we have shown that a tRNA, currently annotated as elongator methionine tRNA and containing CAU as the anticodon, is aminoacylated with isoleucine in vivo and that this tRNA represents the missing isoleucine tRNA. Interestingly, this tRNA carries a base modification of C34 in the anticodon different from the well-known lysidine found in eubacteria, which switches the amino acid identity of the tRNA from methionine to isoleucine and its decoding specificity from AUG to AUA. The methods described in this work for the identification of individual tRNAs present in H. marismortui provide the tools necessary for experimentally confirming the presence of any tRNA in a cell and, thereby, to test computational predictions of tRNA genes.  相似文献   

Base insertion mutations in the anticodons of two different Escherichia coli tRNAs have been isolated that allow suppression of a series of +1 frameshift mutations. Insertion of a U between positions 34 and 35 of tRNAGln1 or addition of a G between positions 36 and 37 of tRNA(Lys) expand the anticodons of both tRNAs similarly to 3'-GUUU(-5') and allow decoding of complementary 5'-CAAA(-3') quadruplets. Analysis of the suppressed mRNA sequences suggests that suppression occurs by pairing of the expanded anticodons to all four bases of the complementary, quadruplet codon. The tRNA Gln mutants are identical to the sufG class of frameshift suppressors isolated both in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and E. coli by Kohno and Roth and previously thought to affect tRNA(Lys).  相似文献   

The involvement of nucleotides adjacent to the termination codons in tRNA during the suppression of termination has been formulated as the 'context theory' by Bossi and Roth (1980) [Nature (Lond.) 286, 123-127]. The finding that U-U-G functions as an initiator codon has revived the discussion on the participation of the nucleotides flanking the initiator triplet in the decoding of initiator tRNA (context theory of initiation by the ribosome). We compared the capacity of oligonucleotides cognate to the anticodon loop of formylmethionine tRNA, such as A-U-G, A-U-G-A and U-A-U-G-A, to enhance the formation of the 30-S and 70-S ribosomal initiation complexes. Three different methods were used to determine the apparent binding constants and the stoichiometries of the respective complexes: adsorption of the complexes to nitrocellulose filters, equilibrium dialysis, and velocity sedimentation. We found that in the 30-S ribosomal initiation complex and in the presence of initiation factor 2 and GTP, formylmethionyl-tRNA is preferentially decoded by more than three mRNA bases. With the 70-S ribosome, however, once initiation factor 2 had been released, A-U-G represented the most effective codon to direct the formylmethionyl-tRNA to the peptidyl site. An extended initiator sequence may either give additional stability to the 30-S initiation complex or may allow for an ambiguity by one base pair in the decoding of the initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

The selection of cognate tRNAs during translation is specified by a kinetic discrimination mechanism driven by distinct structural states of the ribosome. While the biochemical steps that drive the tRNA selection process have been carefully documented, it remains unclear how recognition of matched codon:anticodon helices in the small subunit facilitate global rearrangements in the ribosome complex that efficiently promote tRNA decoding. Here we use an in vitro selection approach to isolate tRNATrp miscoding variants that exhibit a globally perturbed tRNA tertiary structure. Interestingly, the most substantial distortions are positioned in the elbow region of the tRNA that closely approaches helix 69 (H69) of the large ribosomal subunit. The importance of these specific interactions to tRNA selection is underscored by our kinetic analysis of both tRNA and rRNA variants that perturb the integrity of this interaction.  相似文献   

Entry into mitosis is initiated by synthesis of cyclins, which bind and activate cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1). Cyclin synthesis is gradual, yet activation of Cdk1 occurs in a stepwise manner: a low level of Cdk1 activity is initially generated that triggers early mitotic events, which is followed by full activation of Cdk1. Little is known about how stepwise activation of Cdk1 is achieved. A key regulator of Cdk1 is the Wee1 kinase, which phosphorylates and inhibits Cdk1. Wee1 and Cdk1 show mutual regulation: Cdk1 phosphorylates Wee1, which activates Wee1 to inhibit Cdk1. Further phosphorylation events inactivate Wee1. We discovered that a specific form of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A(Cdc55)) opposes the initial phosphorylation of Wee1 by Cdk1. In vivo analysis, in vitro reconstitution, and mathematical modeling suggest that PP2A(Cdc55) sets a threshold that limits activation of Wee1, thereby allowing a low constant level of Cdk1 activity to escape Wee1 inhibition in early mitosis. These results define a new role for PP2A(Cdc55) and reveal a systems-level mechanism by which dynamically opposed kinase and phosphatase activities can modulate signal strength.  相似文献   

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