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Galectin‐9 (Gal‐9) exerts immunosuppressive effects by inducing apoptosis in T cells that produce interferon‐γ and interleukin (IL)‐17. However, Gal‐9 can be pro‐inflammatory in lipopolysaccharide‐stimulated monocytes. Using microarray analysis, we observed that Gal‐9 was up‐regulated in human dendritic cells (DCs) after dengue virus (DV) infection. The investigation into the immunomodulatory effects and mechanisms of Gal‐9 in DCs exposed to DV revealed that DV infection specifically increased mRNA and protein levels of Gal‐9 but not those of Gal‐1 or Gal‐3. Blocking p38, but not c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase or extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (ERK), inhibited DV‐induced expression of Gal‐9. Reduction in Gal‐9 by small interference RNA treatment suppressed DV‐stimulated migration of DCs towards the chemoattractants CCL19 and CCL21. In addition, DV‐induced IL‐12p40 production was reduced after knockdown of Gal‐9 in DCs. Furthermore, Gal‐9 deficiency suppressed DV‐induced activation of nuclear factor‐κB. Inhibition of DV‐induced DC migration under conditions of Gal‐9 deficiency was mediated through suppressing ERK activation but not by regulating the expression of CCR7, the receptor for CCL19 and CCL21. Both the reduction in IL‐12 production and the suppression of ERK activity might account for the inhibition of DV‐induced DC migration after knockdown of Gal‐9. In summary, this study reveals the roles of Gal‐9 in DV‐induced migration of DCs. The findings indicate that Gal‐9 might be a therapeutic target for preventing immunopathogenesis induced by DV infection.  相似文献   

Dengue is an important threat for world-wide public health. Different vaccines are under development, which are currently assessed using a battery of in vitro and in vivo assays before moving on to humans. It is also important to assess vaccine characteristics on human primary cells; among them, dendritic cells, the most efficient antigen-presenting cells, are the first targets of dengue virus infection. In this study, we used flow cytometry to compare the consequences of such an infection by dengue serotype 2 live-attenuated vaccine (LAV2) or its parental strain DEN2 16681 (DEN2). Optimal conditions of infection have first been defined by a mathematical approach, and flow cytometry allowed studying modifications induced in both infected and noninfected dendritic cell populations after surface and intracellular labeling. Both DEN2 and LAV2 increased the expression of the phenotypic markers CD80, CD86, CD40, CD1a, HLA ABC and CD83, demonstrating cellular activation. Stimulated dendritic cells produced tumor necrosis factor-alpha in particular, and, to a lower extent, interleukin 6. Of importance, whereas DEN2 induced cytokine production both in the infected and noninfected populations, LAV2-induced cytokine production was restricted to the infected population. This limited activation triggered by LAV2 would be in agreement with its attenuation. In conclusion, these in vitro experiments using primary human dendritic cells may participate, in combination with other assays, to the evaluation of the immunogenicity and safety of dengue vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The sensing of nucleic acids by receptors of the innate immune system is a key component of antimicrobial immunity. RNA:DNA hybrids, as essential intracellular replication intermediates generated during infection, could therefore represent a class of previously uncharacterised pathogen‐associated molecular patterns sensed by pattern recognition receptors. Here we establish that RNA:DNA hybrids containing viral‐derived sequences efficiently induce pro‐inflammatory cytokine and antiviral type I interferon production in dendritic cells. We demonstrate that MyD88‐dependent signalling is essential for this cytokine response and identify TLR9 as a specific sensor of RNA:DNA hybrids. Hybrids therefore represent a novel molecular pattern sensed by the innate immune system and so could play an important role in host response to viruses and the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

为探讨TLR9激动剂对疟疾体液免疫记忆的影响,用非致死型约氏疟原虫感染BALB/c小鼠,感染前2 d注射TLR9激动剂CpGl826,90 d后进行二次感染。薄血膜染色法观察红细胞感染率,流式细胞术检测脾细胞悬液中记忆性和活化性B细胞百分比,双夹心ELISA法检测特异性抗体水平。结果显示,二次感染前,TLR9激动剂处理鼠记忆性和活化性B细胞以及抗体水平略高于对照组;二次感染后,其再感染发生率和虫血症水平均略低于对照组;活化性B细胞和抗体以及记忆性B细胞也分别于二次感染后1 d和3 d出现了有意义的升高,且升高幅度均略高于对照组。表明TLR9激动剂对约氏疟原虫感染后体液免疫记忆的建立和维持有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

登革病毒对人树突状细胞感染性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨登革病毒对人树突状细胞(DC)的感染性。人外周新鲜血常规分离单核细胞,经细胞因子GMCSF、IL4诱导培养成DC,通过形态学特征、细胞表型和淋巴细胞刺激能力鉴定。用登革病毒2型(DV2)感染DC,于作用后6h、24h、48h、72h、96h分别收集上清液和细胞,甲基纤维素微量空斑试验测定病毒滴度,间接免疫荧光法检测细胞上病毒抗原表达,透射电镜观察病毒在细胞内的定位。病毒感染后6h即可在培养上清中测出病毒,病毒滴度在48h达到高峰,以后逐渐下降。间接免疫荧光法证明感染的DC胞浆及胞膜上携带病毒抗原。透射电镜下在病毒感染48h后DC胞浆内可见大量病毒颗粒。树突状细胞是登革病毒感染的靶细胞,病毒可感染DC并产生大量病毒颗粒,可能在其发病机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), also known as type I interferon (IFN)-producing cells, are specialized immune cells characterized by their extraordinary capabilities of mounting rapid and massive type I IFN response to nucleic acids derived from virus, bacteria or dead cells. PDCs selectively express endosomal Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 and TLR9, which sense viral RNA and DNA respectively. Following type I IFN and cytokine responses, pDCs differentiate into antigen presenting cells and acquire the ability to regulate T cell-mediated adaptive immunity. The functions of pDCs have been implicated not only in antiviral innate immunity but also in immune tolerance, inflammation and tumor microenvironments. In this review, we will focus on TLR7/9 signaling and their regulation by pDC-specific receptors.  相似文献   

为了研究RNA干扰(RNAi)对Ⅰ型登革病毒(DENV-1)在白纹伊蚊C6/36细胞内复制的影响,本研究设计并合成针对I型登革病毒Pr M基因的小干扰RNA,以脂质体法转染入C6/36细胞后,用DENV-1感染已转染的细胞,观察细胞病变效应,MTT法检测细胞存活率,荧光定量RT-PCR检测登革病毒RNA含量。结果表明:转染siRNA的C6/36细胞在受登革病毒攻击7天后仍无明显细胞病变效应,细胞存活率比对照组提高2.26倍,细胞内登革病毒RNA拷贝数比对照组降低约97.54%。说明利用RNA干扰技术能有效抑制登革病毒核酸在C6/36细胞内复制,并对细胞具有一定保护作用,为登革热的防治提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Dengue viruses are mosquito-borne flaviviruses and may cause the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Its envelope protein is responsible mainly for the virus attachment and entry to host cells. To identify the human cellular proteins interacting with the envelope protein of dengue virus serotype 2 inside host cells, we have performed a screening with the yeast-two-hybrid-based “Functional Yeast Array”. Interestingly, the small ubiquitin-like modifier-1 conjugating enzyme 9 protein, modulating cellular processes such as those regulating signal transduction and cell growth, was one of the candidates interacting with the dengue virus envelope protein. With co-precipitation assay, we have demonstrated that it indeed could interact directly with the Ubc9 protein. Site-directed mutagenesis has demonstrated that Ubc9 might interact with the E protein via amino acid residues K51 and K241. Furthermore, immunofluorescence microscopy has shown that the DV2E-EGFP proteins tended to progress toward the nuclear membrane and co-localized with Flag-Ubc9 proteins around the nuclear membrane in the cytoplasmic side, and DV2E-EGFP also shifted the distribution of Flag-Ubc9 from evenly in the nucleus toward concentrating around the nuclear membrane in the nucleic side. In addition, over-expression of Ubc9 could reduce the plaque formation of the dengue virus in mammalian cells. This is the first report that DV envelope proteins can interact with the protein of sumoylation system and Ubc9 may involve in the host defense system to prevent virus propagation.  相似文献   

HIV‐1 traffics through dendritic cells (DCs) en route to establishing a productive infection in T lymphocytes but fails to induce an innate immune response. Within DC endosomes, HIV‐1 somehow evades detection by the pattern‐recognition receptor (PRR) Toll‐like receptor 8 (TLR8). Using a phosphoproteomic approach, we identified a robust and diverse signaling cascade triggered by HIV‐1 upon entry into human DCs. A secondary siRNA screen of the identified signaling factors revealed several new mediators of HIV‐1 trans‐infection of CD4+ T cells in DCs, including the dynein motor protein Snapin. Inhibition of Snapin enhanced localization of HIV‐1 with TLR8+ early endosomes, triggered a pro‐inflammatory response, and inhibited trans‐infection of CD4+ T cells. Snapin inhibited TLR8 signaling in the absence of HIV‐1 and is a general regulator of endosomal maturation. Thus, we identify a new mechanism of innate immune sensing by TLR8 in DCs, which is exploited by HIV‐1 to promote transmission.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) triggering is a promising novel strategy to combat cancer as it induces innate and adaptive immunity responses. B-cell lymphoma is unique in this context as tumor cells express TLR9 and may harbor latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a gamma-herpesvirus with remarkable oncogenic potential when latent. Latent EBV may be promoted by TLR9 triggering via suppression of lytic EBV. Here, we elaborated an initial assessment of the impact of TLR9 triggering on EBV-positive and EBV-negative B-cell lymphoma using Burkitt''s lymphoma (BL) cell lines as an in vitro model. We show that, independent of the presence of EBV, the TLR9 ligand oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) CpG-2006 may or may not induce caspase-dependent cell death in BL cells. Moreover, ODN CpG-2006-induced cell death responses of BL cells were associated with TLR9 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs5743836 or rs352140, which we detected in primary BL tumors and in peripheral blood from healthy individuals at similar frequencies. Thus, our findings suggest that the effect of TLR9 agonists on BL cells should be tested in vitro before installment of therapy and TLR9 SNPs in BL patients should be determined as potential biological markers for the therapeutic response to treatment targeting innate immunity.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that after stimulation immature DCs turn into mature DCs, which present exogenous antigens together with their MHC class I molecules and then activate the antigen-specific CTLs. Although both TLR and CD40 stimulation appeared to provide the same effects on DC maturation, CD40-dependent CTL activation is much more potent than CTL activation through LPS stimulation. Despite their different outcomes, the factors that lead mature DCs to different functions remain largely undefined. In this study, we defined the transient maturation and subsequent deactivation of DCs by TLR stimuli, including those by LPS and CpG-ODN. In contrast, CD40 stimulation induced stable mature DCs that elicited sufficient CTL proliferation. The deactivated DCs, which we defined as "expired DCs," were phenotypically similar to immature DCs, except for their phenotype stability, MHC class I expression level and IL-10 production. Moreover, the functions of expired DCs were comparable to those of immature DCs in terms of CTL induction and tolerogenicity. These results may provide an explanation for the role of CD40 stimulation in antigen-specific CTL induction.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus Ag (HBsAg), a major antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBV), is also a vaccine component for prevention of HBV infection. Dendritic cells (DCs) of HBV carriers reportedly exhibit functional impairment. In this study, the aim was to investigate the effect of HBsAg on activation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MD-DCs), and the subsequent signal transduction pathway. Treatment of MD-DCs with HBsAg resulted in enhanced cell surface expression of cluster of differentiation 80, CD83, CD86 and major histocompatibility complex class II, and increased interleukin (IL)-12 p40, IL-12p70, and IL-10 production. Furthermore, HBsAg treatment of MD-DCs with HBsAg resulted in enhanced T cell-stimulatory capacity and increased T cell secretion of interferon and IL-10. The pathway of MD-DCs activation by HBsAg was further investigated in the present study. Inhibition of nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B (κB) by helenalin and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by SB203580 prevented production of IL-12 p40, IL-12 p70, and IL-10. HBsAg also augmented MAPK phosphorylation. Thus, cytokine secretion of human MD-DCs by HBsAg is blocked by inhibition of the NF-κB and p38 MAPK pathways. Likewise, decreased inhibition of kappa B alpha concentrations and MAPK phosphorylation are critical for MD-DC maturation by HBsAg. These findings may provide a strategy for improving the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of vaccines and tumor therapies that utilize these pathways.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) represent a unique and crucial immune cell population capable of producing large amounts of type I interferons (IFNs) in response to viral infection. The function of pDCs as the professional type I IFN-producing cells is linked to their selective expression of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and TLR9, which sense viral nucleic acids within the endosomal compartments. Type I IFNs produced by pDCs not only directly inhibit viral replication but also play an essential role in linking the innate and adaptive immune system. The aberrant activation of pDCs by self nucleic acids through TLR signaling and the ongoing production of type I IFNs do occur in some autoimmune diseases. Therefore, pDC may serve as an attractive target for therapeutic manipulations of the immune system to treat viral infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are involved in the production of inflammatory mediators upon specific ligands stimuli. Chemokines are important inflammatory mediators capable of chemoattracting diverse immune cells. In addition to normal immune cells, the expression of TLRs and chemokines has been detected in various tumor cells. However, the roles of TLRs and chemokines expressed by tumor cells in the processes of tumor progression and immune escape have not been fully elucidated. Here we report that TLR4 ligation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) significantly promotes CT-26 colon cancer cells to produce chemokine CCL20 via activation of TLR4 signaling pathways. We find that LPS treatment of CT-26 cells can significantly increase the chemoattraction of immature dendritic cells (DC) by the autocrine CCL20. Our studies suggest that TLR4 expressed by tumor cells may be involved in the induction of chemokines like CCL20, providing a potential linkage between chronic inflammation and tumor immune escape.  相似文献   

Acute respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection causes airway inflammation and exacerbates asthma, but the mechanism of inflammation is poorly understood. The role of the STAT-signaling pathway in RSV infection in epithelial cells was examined in this study. DNA microarray analyses of RSV-infected human alveolar type II (A549) epithelial cells identified several genes whose expression was altered from -5.5 to +56.4-fold. Four of the highly expressed genes contained STAT-binding elements. In A549 and normal human bronchial epithelial cells (NHBE), RSV induced phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of STAT-1alpha that was abrogated when RSV attachment was blocked. Treatment with a JAK-2 inhibitor or transfection with dominant-negative STAT-1alpha blocked STAT-1alpha activation and RSV infection. RSV also activated STAT-3 and IL-6 specific antibodies blocked this activation. Thus, activation of the STAT-1alpha and STAT-3 pathways play a role in RSV infection.  相似文献   

Inflammatory response plays an important role in ischaemia reperfusion injury (IRI) through a variety of inflammatory cells. Apart from neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes, the role of dendritic cells (DCs) in IRI has been noticed. The study was aimed at investigating whether the high‐mobility group protein box‐1/toll like receptor 4 (HMGB1/TLR4) signalling pathway regulate the migration, adhesion and aggregation of DCs to the myocardium, induce DCs activation and maturation, stimulate the expression of surface costimulatory molecules and participate in myocardial IRI. In vivo, migration, adhesion, and aggregation of DCs was enhanced; the expression of peripheral blood DCs CD80 and CD86, myocardial adhesion molecules were increased; and the infarct size was increased during myocardial ischaemia reperfusion injury myocardial ischemic/reperfusion injury (MI/RI). These responses induced by MI/RI were significantly inhibited by HMGB1 specific neutralizing antibody treatment. Cellular experiments confirmed that HMGB1 promoted the release of inflammatory cytokines through TLR4/MyD88/NF‐κB, upregulated CD80 and CD86 expression, mediated the damage of cardiomyocytes and accelerated the apoptosis. Our results indicate that DCs activation and maturation, stimulate the expression of surface costimulatory molecules by promoting the release of inflammatory factors through NF‐κB pathway and participate in myocardial IRI.  相似文献   

Dengue has been well recognized as a global public health threat,but only sporadic epidemics and imported cases were reported in recent decades in China.Since July 2014,an unexpected large dengue outbreak has occurred in Guangdong province,China,resulting in more than 40000 patients including six deaths.To clarify and characterize the causative agent of this outbreak,the acute phase serum from a patient diagnosed with severe dengue was subjected to virus isolation and high-throughput sequencing(HTS).Traditional real-time RT-PCR and HTS with Ion Torrent PGM detected the presence of dengue virus serotype 2(DENV-2).A clinical DENV-2 isolate GZ05/2014 was obtained by culturing the patient serum in mosquito C6/36 cells.The complete genome of GZ05/2014 was determined and deposited in Gen Bank under the access number KP012546.Phylogenetic analysis based on the complete envelope gene showed that the newly DENV-2 isolate belonged to Cosmopolitan genotype and clustered closely with other Guangdong strains isolated in the past decade.No amino acid mutations that are obviously known to increase virulence or replication were identified throughout the genome of GZ05/2014.The high homology of Guangdong DENV-2 strains indicated the possibility of establishment of local DENV-2 circulation in Guangdong,China.These results help clarify the origin of this epidemic and predict the future status of dengue in China.  相似文献   

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