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Histones are the major structural proteins in eukaryotic chromosomes. This group of small very basic proteins consists of the H1 linker histones and the core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. Despite their small size, the nuclear import of histones occurs by an active transport mechanism and not simply by diffusion. Histones contain several nuclear localisation signals (NLS) that can be subdivided into two different types of signal structures. We have previously shown that H1 histones are transported by a heterodimeric import receptor complex consisting of importin beta and importin 7, and we now describe the receptors required for the import of the core histones. Competition experiments using the in vitro transport assay indicate that the import pathway of the core histones differs from that of the linker histones and of nuclear proteins with classical NLS. In vitro binding assays show that each of the import receptors importin beta, importin 5, importin 7 and transportin, has the capacity to bind to any of the four core histones. Reconstitution experiments with recombinant factors indicate that each of these factors can independently serve as an import receptor for each of the core histones.  相似文献   

Chromatin fiber folding: requirement for the histone H4 N-terminal tail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have developed a self-assembly system for nucleosome arrays in which recombinant, post-translationally unmodified histone proteins are combined with DNA of defined-sequence to form chromatin higher-order structure. The nucleosome arrays obtained are highly homogeneous and sediment at 53S when maximally folded in 1mM or 100mM MgCl(2). The folding properties are comparable to established systems. Analytical ultracentrifugation is used to determine the consequence of individual histone tail domain deletions on array folding. Fully compacted chromatin fibers are obtained with any one of the histone tails deleted with the exception of the H4 N terminus. The region of the H4 tail, which mediates compaction, resides in the stretch of amino acids 14-19.  相似文献   

The growing list of mutations implicated in monogenic disorders of the developing brain includes at least seven genes (ARX, CUL4B, KDM5A, KDM5C, KMT2A, KMT2C, KMT2D) with loss-of-function mutations affecting proper regulation of histone H3 lysine 4 methylation, a chromatin mark which on a genome-wide scale is broadly associated with active gene expression, with its mono-, di- and trimethylated forms differentially enriched at promoter and enhancer and other regulatory sequences. In addition to these rare genetic syndromes, dysregulated H3K4 methylation could also play a role in the pathophysiology of some cases diagnosed with autism or schizophrenia, two conditions which on a genome-wide scale are associated with H3K4 methylation changes at hundreds of loci in a subject-specific manner. Importantly, the reported alterations for some of the diseased brain specimens included a widespread broadening of H3K4 methylation profiles at gene promoters, a process that could be regulated by the UpSET(KMT2E/MLL5)-histone deacetylase complex. Furthermore, preclinical studies identified maternal immune activation, parental care and monoaminergic drugs as environmental determinants for brain-specific H3K4 methylation. These novel insights into the epigenetic risk architectures of neurodevelopmental disease will be highly relevant for efforts aimed at improved prevention and treatment of autism and psychosis spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Karyopherins and nuclear import   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Proteins of the karyopherin alpha and karyopherin beta families play a central role in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Recently, crystal structures of karyopherin alpha and its complexes with nuclear localization signal peptides, a karyopherin beta2-Ran complex and complexes of full-length and fragments of karyopherin beta1 with import substrates, Ran and nucleoporins have been solved. These karyopherin structures provide valuable insights into understanding the molecular mechanism of nuclear import, especially substrate recognition, substrate release by GTPase and interactions with the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Isw1a and Isw2 ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes have important roles in vivo in the regulation of nucleosome positioning and modulation of gene activity. We studied the ability of the Isw1a- and Isw2-remodeling enzymes to reposition nucleosomes in mono- and dinucleosomes templates with variably positioned histone octamers (in the center or at the ends of the DNA fragment). To compare the Isw1a and Isw2 nucleosome-mobilizing activities, we utilized mono- and dinucleosome templates reconstituted with purified HeLa cell histones and DNA containing one or two copies of the “601” nucleosome high-affinity sequence used to specifically position nucleosomes on the DNA. The obtained data suggest that Isw1a is able to mobilize HeLa cell histone-assembled mononucleosomes with long (more than 30?bp) extranucleosomal DNAs protruding from both sides, which contrasts to the previously reported inability of Isw1 to mobilize similar nucleosomes assembled with recombinant yeast histones. The results also suggest that Isw1a and Isw2 can mobilize nucleosomes with unfavorably short linker DNA lengths, and the presence of internucleosomal interactions promotes mobilization of nucleosomes even when the linkers are short.  相似文献   

Histones are abundant cellular proteins but, if not incorporated into chromatin, they are usually bound by histone chaperones. Here, we identify Arabidopsis NASP as a chaperone for histones H3.1 and H3.3. NASP interacts in vitro with monomeric H3.1 and H3.3 as well as with histone H3.1–H4 and H3.3–H4 dimers. However, NASP does not bind to monomeric H4. NASP shifts the equilibrium between histone dimers and tetramers towards tetramers but does not interact with tetramers in vitro. Arabidopsis NASP promotes [H3–H4]2 tetrasome formation, possibly by providing preassembled histone tetramers. However, NASP does not promote disassembly of in vitro preassembled tetrasomes. In contrast to its mammalian homolog, Arabidopsis NASP is a predominantly nuclear protein. In vivo, NASP binds mainly monomeric H3.1 and H3.3. Pulldown experiments indicated that NASP may also interact with the histone chaperone MSI1 and a HSC70 heat shock protein.  相似文献   

Adenoviruses target their double-stranded DNA genome and its associated core proteins to the interphase nucleus; this core structure then enters through the nuclear pore complex. We have used digitonin permeabilized cell import assays to study the cellular import factors involved in nuclear entry of virus DNA and the core proteins, protein V and protein VII. We show that inhibition of transportin results in aberrant localization of protein V and that transportin is necessary for protein V to accumulate in the nucleolus. Furthermore, inhibition of transportin results in inhibition of protein VII and DNA import, whereas disruption of the classical importin alpha-importin beta import pathway has little effect. We show that mature protein VII has different import preferences from the precursor protein, preVII from which it is derived by proteolytic processing. While bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase (GST)-preVII primarily utilizes the pathway mediated by importin alpha-importin beta, bacterially expressed GST-VII favours the transportin pathway. This is significant because while preVII is important during viral replication and assembly only mature VII is available during viral DNA import to a newly infected cell. Our results implicate transportin as a key import receptor for the nuclear localization of adenovirus core.  相似文献   

Recently, Pérez-Montero and colleagues (Developmental cell, 26: 578–590, 2013) described the occurrence of a new histone H1 variant (dBigH1) in Drosophila. The presence of unusual acidic amino acid patches at the N-terminal end of dBigH1 is in contrast to the arginine patches that exist at the N- and C-terminal domains of other histone H1-related proteins found in the sperm of some organisms. This departure from the strictly lysine-rich composition of the somatic histone H1 raises a question about the true definition of its protein members. Their minimal essential requirements appear to be the presence of a lysine- and alanine–rich, intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain, with a highly helicogenic potential upon binding to the linker DNA regions of chromatin. In metazoans, specific targeting of these regions is further achieved by a linker histone fold domain (LHFD), distinctively different from the characteristic core histone fold domain (CHFD) of the nucleosome core histones.  相似文献   

Recently, Pérez-Montero and colleagues (Developmental cell, 26: 578–590, 2013) described the occurrence of a new histone H1 variant (dBigH1) in Drosophila. The presence of unusual acidic amino acid patches at the N-terminal end of dBigH1 is in contrast to the arginine patches that exist at the N- and C-terminal domains of other histone H1-related proteins found in the sperm of some organisms. This departure from the strictly lysine-rich composition of the somatic histone H1 raises a question about the true definition of its protein members. Their minimal essential requirements appear to be the presence of a lysine- and alanine–rich, intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain, with a highly helicogenic potential upon binding to the linker DNA regions of chromatin. In metazoans, specific targeting of these regions is further achieved by a linker histone fold domain (LHFD), distinctively different from the characteristic core histone fold domain (CHFD) of the nucleosome core histones.  相似文献   

We analyzed the nuclear import and regulation of the yeast histone variant Htz1 (H2A.Z), and the role of histone chaperones Nap1 and Chz1 in this process. Copurification suggested that Htz1 and H2B dimerized in the cytoplasm prior to import. Like H2B, Htz1 contained a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in its N‐terminus that is recognized by multiple karyopherins (also called importins), indicating multiple transport pathways into the nucleus. However, Kap114 and Kap123 appeared to play the major role in Htz1 import. We also identified a role for Nap1 in the import of Htz1/H2B heterodimers, and Nap1 formed a RanGTP‐insensitive import complex with Htz1/H2B and Kap114. Nap1 was necessary for maintaining a soluble pool of Htz1, indicating that its chaperone function may be important for the dynamic exchange of histones within nucleosomes. In contrast, Chz1 was imported by a distinct import pathway, and Chz1 did not appear to interact with Htz1 in the cytoplasm. Genetic analysis indicated that NAP1 has a function in the absence of HTZ1 that is not shared with CHZ1. This provides further evidence that the histone chaperones Nap1 and Chz1 have separate Htz1‐dependent and ‐independent functions.  相似文献   

Nap1 is a histone chaperone involved in the nuclear import of H2A–H2B and nucleosome assembly. Here, we report the crystal structure of Nap1 bound to H2A–H2B together with in vitro and in vivo functional studies that elucidate the principles underlying Nap1‐mediated H2A–H2B chaperoning and nucleosome assembly. A Nap1 dimer provides an acidic binding surface and asymmetrically engages a single H2A–H2B heterodimer. Oligomerization of the Nap1–H2A–H2B complex results in burial of surfaces required for deposition of H2A–H2B into nucleosomes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation‐exonuclease (ChIP‐exo) analysis shows that Nap1 is required for H2A–H2B deposition across the genome. Mutants that interfere with Nap1 oligomerization exhibit severe nucleosome assembly defects showing that oligomerization is essential for the chaperone function. These findings establish the molecular basis for Nap1‐mediated H2A–H2B deposition and nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

Sequence requirements for plasmid nuclear import   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The nuclear envelope is a major barrier for nuclear uptake of plasmids and represents one of the most significant unsolved problems of nonviral gene delivery. We have previously shown that the nuclear entry of plasmid DNA is sequence-specific, requiring a 366-bp fragment containing the SV40 origin of replication and early promoter. In this report, we show that, although fragments throughout this region can support varying degrees of nuclear import, the 72-bp repeats of the SV40 enhancer facilitate maximal transport. The functions of the promoter and the origin of replication are not needed for nuclear localization of plasmid DNA. In contrast to the import activity of the SV40 enhancer, two other strong promoter and enhancer sequences, the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate-early promoter and the Rous sarcoma virus LTR, were unable to direct nuclear localization of plasmids. The inability of the CMV promoter to mediate plasmid nuclear import was confirmed by measurement of the CMV promoter-driven expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in microinjected cells. At times before cell division, as few as 3 to 10 copies per cell of cytoplasmically injected plasmids containing the SV40 enhancer gave significant GFP expression, while no expression was obtained with more than 1000 copies per cell of plasmids lacking the SV40 sequence. However, the levels of expression were the same for both plasmids after cell division in cytoplasmically injected cells and at all times in nuclear injected cells. Thus, the inclusion this SV40 sequence in nonviral vectors may greatly increase their ability to be transported into the nucleus, especially in nondividing cells.  相似文献   

The correct assembly of chromatin is necessary for the maintenance of genomic stability in eukaryotic cells. A critical step in the assembly of new chromatin is the cell cycle-regulated synthesis and nuclear import of core histones. Here we demonstrate that the nuclear import pathway of histones H3 and H4 is mediated by at least two karyopherins/importins, Kap123p and Kap121p. Cytosolic H4 is found associated with Kap123p and H3. Kap121p is also present in the H4-PrA-associated fractions, albeit in lesser amounts than Kap123p, suggesting that this Kap serves as an additional import receptor. We further demonstrate that cytosolic Kap123p is associated with acetylated H3 and H4. H3 and H4 each contain a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in their amino-terminal domains. These amino-terminal domains were found to be essential for the nuclear accumulation of H3 and H4-green fluorescent protein reporters. Each NLS mediated direct binding to Kap123p and Kap121p, and decreased nuclear accumulation of H3 and H4 NLS-green fluorescent protein reporters was observed in specific kap mutant strains. H3 and H4 are the first histones to be assembled onto DNA, and these results show that their import is mediated by at least two import pathways.  相似文献   

We have studied the nuclear transport of H1 histones using the digitonin permeabilization assay system in order to establish the transport requirements for H1 translocation to the nucleus. Using HeLa cells and fluorescence-labeled calf thymus H1, we show that the H1 nuclear transport in permeabilized cells requires the addition of cytoplasmic extract. Furthermore, it can be blocked by energy depletion and by chilling or by addition of wheat germ agglutinin or by nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs. Thus, the import of H1 histones follows the criteria established for nuclear import mediated by nuclear localization signals (NLS). The distribution of basic amino acids in average H1 sequences, however, does not allow the assignment of a specific element as a classical NLS. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:573–578. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Replication of the RNAs of influenza virus occurs in the nucleus of infected cells. The nucleoprotein (NP) has been shown to be important for the import of the viral RNA into the nucleus and has been proposed to contain at least three different nuclear localization signals (NLSs). Here, an import assay in digitonin-permeabilized cells was used to further define the contribution of these NLSs. Mutation of the unconventional NLS impaired the nuclear import of the NP. A peptide bearing the unconventional NLS could inhibit the nuclear import of the NP in this import assay and prevent the NP-karyopherin alpha interaction in a binding assay confirming the crucial role of this signal. Interestingly, a peptide containing the SV40 T antigen NLS was unable to inhibit the nuclear import of NP or the NP-karyopherin alpha interaction, suggesting that the NP and the SV40 T antigen do not share a common binding site on karyopherin alpha. We also investigated the question of which NLS(s) is/are necessary for the viral ribonucleoprotein complex to enter the nucleus. We found that the peptide containing the unconventional NLS efficiently inhibited the nuclear import of the ribonucleoprotein complexes. This finding suggests that the unconventional NLS is the major signal necessary not only for the nuclear transport of free NP but also for the import of the ribonucleoprotein complexes. Finally, viral replication could be specifically inhibited by a membrane-permeable peptide containing the unconventional NLS, confirming the crucial role of this signal during the replicative cycle of the virus.  相似文献   

Histone variant Htz1 substitution for H2A plays important roles in diverse DNA transactions. Histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) are important for the deposition Htz1 into nucleosomes. In literatures, it was suggested that Chz1 is a Htz1–H2B-specific chaperone, and it is relatively unstructured in solution but it becomes structured in complex with the Htz1–H2B histone dimer. Nap1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) can bind (H3–H4)2 tetramers, H2A–H2B dimers and Htz1–H2B dimers. Nap1 can bind H2A–H2B dimer in the cytoplasm and shuttles the dimer into the nucleus. Moreover, Nap1 functions in nucleosome assembly by competitively interacting with non-nucleosomal histone–DNA. However, the exact roles of these chaperones in assembling Htz1-containing nucleosome remain largely unknown. In this paper, we revealed that Chz1 does not show a physical interaction with chromatin. In contrast, Nap1 binds exactly at the genomic DNA that contains Htz1. Nap1 and Htz1 show a preferential interaction with AG-rich DNA sequences. Deletion of chz1 results in a significantly decreased binding of Htz1 in chromatin, whereas deletion of nap1 dramatically increases the association of Htz1 with chromatin. Furthermore, genome-wide nucleosome-mapping analysis revealed that nucleosome occupancy for Htz1p-bound genes decreases upon deleting htz1 or chz1, suggesting that Htz1 is required for nucleosome structure at the specific genome loci. All together, these results define the distinct roles for histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 to regulate Htz1 incorporation into chromatin.  相似文献   

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