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Vitis vinifera L. berries are non-climacteric fruits that exhibit a double-sigmoid growth pattern, and at the point known as 'veraison', which is just before the beginning of the second period of rapid fruit growth, these berries undergo several abrupt physiological changes. Cell pressure probe was used to examine the in situ turgor (P) of cells in the mesocarp during berry development and in response to plant water deficits. Initial tests comparing attached and detached berries demonstrated that cell P was stable for up to 48 h after detachment from the vine, provided that water loss from the berry was prevented. Cell P at pre-dawn was on the order of 0.25 MPa pre-veraison (PreV) and was reduced by an order of magnitude to 0.02 MPa post veraison (PostV). Cell P declined slightly but significantly with depth from the berry surface PreV, but not PostV. When water was withheld from potted vines, cell P declined about 0.2 Mpa, as pre-dawn vine water potential declined about 0.6 MPa over 12 d, whereas cell P was completely insensitive to a 1.10 MPa decrease in pre-dawn vine water potential after veraison. Rewatering of stressed plants also resulted in a 24 h recovery of cell P before, but not after veraison. The substantial decline in cell P around veraison is consistent with the decline in berry firmness that is known to occur at this time, and the PostV insensitivity of P to changes in vine water status is consistent with current hypotheses that the PostV berry is hydraulically isolated from the vine. The fact that a measurable P of about 0.02 MPa and typical cell hydraulic/osmotic behaviour were exhibited in PostV berries, however, indicates that cell membranes remain intact after veraison, contrary to many current hypotheses that veraison is associated with a general loss of membrane function and cellular compartmentation in the grape berry. We hypothesize that cell P is low in the PostV berry, and possibly other fleshy fruits, because of the presence of regulated quantities of apoplastic solutes.  相似文献   

The evidence of light, electronic, and confocal microscopy collected within the 30-year period is reviewed to revise the concept of assimilate loading in phloem. It is the starting point located in mesophyll cells, which determines the route of assimilate export from mesophyll to phloem, rather than its final segment located in the terminal phloem. Plastids, photosynthesis, and the primary pool of photosynthates are localized in the vacuome of mesophyll cells. All chemicals applied to leaf surface are loaded to phloem via apoplast, even in the symplastic plants. It follows that photoassimilates are not loaded via apoplast because they cannot leave mesophyll and not due to the lack of pumps and transporters in the terminal phloem cells. Of two membranes separating vacuome and apoplast, the tonoplast confers the barrier function. The impossibility to overcome this barrier raises the hydrostatic pressure in the vacuome to the level that induces plasmodesma development between the cells. With the loss of tonoplast barrier function for assimilates, the latter leave for apoplast, this process is incompatible with building the vacuolar loading route. Two alternative mechanisms of phloem loading diverge initially because of different barrier functions of tonoplast. The radical change in these functions makes up the crucial advantage of the young group of apoplastic dicot plants (about 20 000 species), whose evolution is associated with expansion of meadow-steppe vegetation 5–7 million years ago. Such change would evolve due to the climate differentiation in the late myocene period, when heat and moisture were lacking at vast territories. A large group of temperate herbs evolved and expanded because of these changes in the assimilate compartmentalization.  相似文献   

Cell is the functional unit of life.To study the complex interactions of systems of biological molecules,it is crucial to dissect these molecules at the cell level.In recent years,major progresses have been made by plant biologists to profile gene expression in specific cell types at the genome-wide level.Approaches based on the isolation of cells,polysomes or nuclei have been developed and successfully used for studying the cell types from distinct organs of several plant species.These cell-level data sets revealed previously unrecognized cellular properties,such as cell-specific gene expression modules and hormone response centers,and should serve as essential resources for functional genomic analyses.Newly developed technologies are more affordable to many laboratories and should help to provide new insights at the cellular resolution in the near future.  相似文献   

Cell sheet engineering has been progressing rapidly during the past few years and has emerged as a novel approach for cell based therapy. Cell sheet harvest technology enables fabrication of viable, transplantable cell sheets for various tissue engineering applications. Currently, the majority of cell sheet studies use thermo-responsive systems for cell sheet detachment. However, other responsive systems began showing their potentials for cell sheet harvest. This review provides an overview of current techniques in creating cell sheets using different types of responsive systems including thermo-responsive, electro-responsive, photo-responsive, pH-responsive and magnetic systems. Their mechanism, approach, as well as applications for cell detachment have been introduced. Further development of these responsive systems will allow efficient cell sheet harvesting and patterning of cells to reconstruct complex tissue for broad clinical applications.  相似文献   


Cellular motility is a fundamental process essential for embryonic development, wound healing, immune responses, and tissues development. Cells are mostly moving by crawling on external, or inside, substrates which can differ in their surface composition, geometry, and dimensionality. Cells can adopt different migration phenotypes, e.g., bleb-based and protrusion-based, depending on myosin contractility, surface adhesion, and cell confinement. In the few past decades, research on cell motility has focused on uncovering the major molecular players and their order of events. Despite major progresses, our ability to infer on the collective behavior from the molecular properties remains a major challenge, especially because cell migration integrates numerous chemical and mechanical processes that are coupled via feedbacks that span over large range of time and length scales. For this reason, reconstituted model systems were developed. These systems allow for full control of the molecular constituents and various system parameters, thereby providing insight into their individual roles and functions. In this review we describe the various reconstituted model systems that were developed in the past decades. Because of the multiple steps involved in cell motility and the complexity of the overall process, most of the model systems focus on very specific aspects of the individual steps of cell motility. Here we describe the main advancement in cell motility reconstitution and discuss the main challenges toward the realization of a synthetic motile cell.  相似文献   

Systems biology is all about networks. A recent trend has been to associate systems biology exclusively with the study of gene regulatory or protein-interaction networks. However, systems biology approaches can be applied at many other scales, from the subatomic to the ecosystem scales. In this review, we describe studies at the sub-cellular, tissue, whole plant and crop scales and highlight how these studies can be related to systems biology. We discuss the properties of system approaches at each scale as well as their current limits, and pinpoint in each case advances unique to the considered scale but representing potential for the other scales. We conclude by examining plant models bridging different scales and considering the future prospects of plant systems biology.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of mating system variation (e.g. inbreeding) have been studied for at least 200 years, yet the ecological consequences of this variation remain poorly understood. Most plants are capable of inbreeding, and also exhibit a remarkable suite of adaptive phenotypic responses to ecological stresses such as herbivory. We tested the consequences of experimental inbreeding on phenotypic plasticity in resistance and growth (tolerance) traits in Solanum carolinense (Solanaceae). Inbreeding reduced the ability of plants to up‐regulate resistance traits following damage. Moreover, inbreeding disrupted growth trait responses to damage, indicating the presence of deleterious mutations at loci regulating growth under stress. Production of the phytohormones abscisic and indole acetic acid, and wounding‐induced up‐regulation of the defence signalling phytohormone jasmonic acid were all significantly reduced under inbreeding, indicating a phytohormonal basis for inbreeding effects on growth and defence trait regulation. We conclude that the plasticity of induced responses is negatively affected by inbreeding, with implications for fragmented populations facing mate limitation and stress as a consequence of environmental change.  相似文献   

Degradation of benzene by a Rhodococcus sp. using immobilized cell systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The continuous degradation of benzene by a Rhodococcus sp. using free and immobilized cell systems was compared. Cell entrapment in calcium and strontium alginate beads and adhesion on support materials such as glass beads were found to be unsatisfactory. Degradation of benzene by cells immobilized in either ceramic or cellulose carriers proved to be more efficient than its non-immobilized counterpart. A retention time of 36 h was required to effect a 97% degradation of benzene using suspended free cells while cells immobilized on cellulose or ceramic carriers effected 97% degradation at 24 and 18 h, respectively. Recycling of the ceramic carriers was also possible and resulted in an even shorter retention time of 12h to effect a 97% degradation of benzene. Cell adhesion on the support materials was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Flowering plants are characterized by striking variation in reproductive systems, and the evolutionary lability of their sexual traits is often considered a major driver of lineage diversification. But, evolutionary transitions in reproductive form and function are never entirely unconstrained and many changes exhibit strong directionality. Here, I consider why this occurs by examining transitions in pollination, mating and sexual systems, some of which have been considered irreversible. Among pollination systems, shifts from bee to hummingbird pollination are rarely reversible, whereas transitions from animal to wind pollination are occasionally reversed. Specialized pollination systems can become destabilized through a loss of pollinator service resulting in a return to generalized pollination, or more commonly a reliance on self-pollination. Homomorphic and heteromorphic self-incompatibility systems have multiple origins but breakdown to self-compatibility occurs much more frequently with little evidence for subsequent gains, at least over short time-spans. Similarly, numerous examples of the shift from outcrossing to predominant self-fertilization are known, but cases of reversal are very limited supporting the view that autogamy usually represents an evolutionary dead-end. The evolution of dioecy from hermaphroditism has also been considered irreversible, although recent evidence indicates that the occurrence of sex inconstancy and hybridization can lead to the origin of derived sexual systems from dioecy. The directionality of many transitions clearly refutes the notion of unconstrained reproductive flexibility, but novel adaptive solutions generally do not retrace earlier patterns of trait evolution.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the cultivation of Lavandula vera MM cell suspensions in different culture systems for the release of extracellular rosmarinic acid (RA). It was established that during cultivation with Amberlite XAD-4 as a second phase, 6.4% of the total content of RA was adsorbed. When L. vera MM cell suspension was cultivated in an aqueous two-phase system formed by adding 4% polyethylene glycol (MW 20,000) and 7.5% dextran (MW 70,000), 11.8% of the total RA content was released into the top polyethylene glycol phase.  相似文献   

When plated at high cell density in a microwell culture system, freshly dissociated embryonic mouse cerebellar cells assemble into reproducible, 3-dimensional patterns. The addition of the dimeric lectin Succinyl Concanavalin A blocks reversibly the formation of the microwell pattern, suggesting that cell surface carbohydrates affect the reassociation behavior of embryonic mouse cerebellar cells. Agglutination studes of dissociated cell populations harvested from different regions of the embryonic brain reveal that different lectins agglutinate cell populations from different embryonic brain regions. Cells from E13 cerebellum are agglutinated with Concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin, mol wt 60,000, Ricinus communis agglutinin, mol wt 120,000, and Lens culinaris, but not by soybean agglutinin or a fucose-binding protein. Cells from the midbrain are agglutinated only with Concanavalin A, Ricinus communis agglutinin, mol wt 60,000 and Ricinus communis agglutinin, mol wt 120,000; those from the cerebral cortex are agglutinated only with Lens culinaris; and those from the medulla are agglutinated only with Ricinus communis agglutinin, mol wt 60,000, and Ricinus communis agglutinin, mol wt 120,000. In addition, agglutination of cerebellar cells with Concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, and Ricinus communis agglutinin is diminished over the course of development from embryonic day 13 to postnatal day 7. These studies suggest regional differences in the cell surfaces of the developling brain that are further modulated during the differentiation of the tissues. On a poly(D-lysine) treated substrate in microwell cultures, cell migration is unique to the cerebellum of the 4 brain regions studied. Surfaces treated with carbohydrate-derivatized poly(D-lysine) are currently being tested for their efficacy as substrates for differential cell migration.  相似文献   

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Summary This paper presents the findings of an engineering style systems analysis performed on the cell in an effort to understand how specialized cell dynamics can be described in an end-to-end manner. Of unique interest is the projection of additional internal cell functions, beyond the many recent discoveries, for facilitating precision growth. Potential cell mechanisms for fulfilling the projected functions are then deduced through comparative systems techniques ANSER is a not-for-profit public service research institute. This paper does not reflect the official opinion of ANSER and the U.S. government.  相似文献   

A dynamic model for plant cell metabolism was used as a basis for a rational analysis of plant production potential in in vitro cultures. The model was calibrated with data from 3-L bioreactor cultures. A dynamic sensitivity analysis framework was developed to analyse the response curves of secondary metabolite production to metabolic and medium perturbations. Simulation results suggest that a straightforward engineering of cell metabolism or medium composition might only have a limited effect on productivity. To circumvent the problem of the dynamic allocation of resources between growth and production pathways, the sensitivity analysis framework was used to assess the effect of stabilizing intracellular nutrient concentrations. Simulations showed that a stabilization of intracellular glucose and nitrogen reserves could lead to a 116% increase in the specific production of secondary metabolites compared with standard culture protocol. This culture strategy was implemented experimentally using a perfusion bioreactor. To stabilize intracellular concentrations, adaptive medium feeding was performed using model mass balances and estimations. This allowed for a completely automated culture, with controlled conditions and pre-defined decision making algorithm. The proposed culture strategy leads to a 73% increase in specific production and a 129% increase in total production, as compared with a standard batch culture protocol. The sensitivity analysis on a mathematical model of plant metabolism thus allowed producing new insights on the links between intracellular nutritional management and cell productivity. The experimental implementation was also a significant improvement on current plant bioprocess strategies.  相似文献   

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