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陈一心 《昆虫学报》1992,35(1):92-94
本文记述夜蛾科3新种。模式标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 1.白点风夜蛾Anartomor Pha albistigma新种 翅展33—36mm,雄蛾触角线形,复眼有纤毛,头部与胸部黑褐色杂有少许白色,颈板大部红棕色,下胸褐色,足外侧大部黑褐色,有小白点,前足胫节无刺,中、后足胫节具刺;腹部黄褐色,背面大部带黑色;前翅黑褐色,前缘区、后缘区、端区及亚中褶基部有明显的红棕色,基线双线黑色,波浪形,只达1脉,线间有少许白色,内线双线黑色,波浪形,剑纹  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术在北京百花山地区夜蛾科物种鉴定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨DNA条形码技术在夜蛾物种鉴定中的可行性, 本研究利用条形码通用引物扩增了北京百花山地区43种夜蛾75个样本的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI)基因序列, 以Kimura双参数模型进行种内种间遗传距离分析、 使用邻接法(neighbor-joining, NJ)和最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)分别构建系统发育树, 并利用分子序列差异阈值对样本进行分子可操作分类单元(molecular defined operational taxonomic units, MOTU)划分。结果表明: 所有夜蛾种类通过系统发育树可以成功区分; 种内平均遗传距离(0.03%)远远小于种间平均遗传距离(11.29%); 采用较为保守的1%的序列差异阈值将75个夜蛾样本分为42个MOTU, 正确率为95%, 除了MOTU04包含2个物种外, 剩余41个MOTU与形态种呈现一一对应的关系。结果显示, 基于COI基因的DNA条形码对于本研究中所涉及的夜蛾具有较好的区分, 可以作为一种有效的工具在夜蛾科昆虫物种鉴定中进行应用。  相似文献   

果园三种天蛾的DNA条形码鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)可以利用一段通用基因短片段对物种(包括不同生活史阶段)进行区分。本文尝试应用该技术对深色白眉天蛾Hyles gallii(Rottemburg)、构月天蛾Parum colligata(Walker)、桃红六点天蛾Marumba gaschkewitschi(Bremer et Grey)等3种天蛾进行了鉴别。测定了3种天蛾的COⅠ基因序列,并在BOLD(Barcode of Life Data Systems)及GenBank中进行了检索。结果发现BOLD系统比GenBank更能帮助准确鉴定到物种,而在GenBank中只有1种能鉴定到种。将实验室获得序列与GenBank中下载的474条同源序列整合后,利用MEGA4.0的Kimura-2-Parameter模型进行了遗传距离分析,利用MEGA4.0及PAUP4.0进行了系统发育树的构建,结果发现待鉴定标本序列在各个系统发育树的位置基本一致,并能准确鉴定出一种天蛾。本研究表明,随着BOLD系统、GenBank等公共数据库的不断完善,DNA条形码将有助于更加有效地鉴定特定类群物种。  相似文献   

陈一心 《昆虫学报》1989,32(3):355-356
本文记述狭翅夜蛾属一新种,新种的模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所 大狭翅夜Hermonassa gigantea新种(图1) 翅展38毫米。头部与胸、部棕色,颈板近基部有一白弧线,其下有黑点,颈板中部另有一白弧线;腹部褐色;前翅红褐色,大部带有黑色,基线双线黑色,直线内斜,线间浅黄色,内线双线黑色,在亚前缘脉处成一齿,线间浅黄色,剑纹长,梭形,黑色黄边,环纹大,近三角形,内、外端尖,肾纹大,黑色黄边,外线双线黑色,不规则波浪  相似文献   

陈一心 《昆虫学报》1991,34(3):352-355
本文记述狭翅夜蛾属4新种,全部采自西藏。新种的模式标本存中国科学院动物研究所。 1.明狭翅夜蛾 Hermonassa nitella 新种 翅展35mm。头部与胸部黄褐色,颈板基部杂有黑色;腹部褐色;前翅黄褐色,基线双线黑色,二齿形自前缘至1脉,内线双线黑色,波浪形,剑纹黑色,淡黄边,外端尖,环纹大扁圆形,黑色黄边,内外侧另有黑色弧形纹,肾纹短肥,半圆形,黑色黄边,内侧另有黑色弧  相似文献   

DNA条形码在鳞翅目昆虫中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003年,Hebert等提出DNA条形码后,快速而精确的特点使它在物种鉴定中得到了广泛的应用。鳞翅目是昆虫纲中第二大目,其物种鉴定任务复杂而艰巨,因此DNA条形码具有广阔的应用前景。该文主要针对DNA条形码概况以及近年来它在鳞翅目昆虫中的研究情况予以综述。  相似文献   

基于芸香科的植物通用DNA条形码研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
植物DNA条形码研究是近10年来进展最迅速的学科之一,其通用序列的筛选一直是该领域研究的热点问题.2009年,生命条形码联盟植物工作组推荐rbcL+matK组成复合序列作为植物通用条形码,但其研究对象中近缘属、种较少,且物种水平鉴定成功率仅为72%,所以仍在进行验证和新序列的研究工作.本研究选取nrDNAITS2序列,利用其具有Ⅱ级结构的特性、通过不同物种类型模型判定全长,将其和目前热点候选序列(matK,rbcL,psbA-trnH,rpoC1,ycf5)及nrDNAITS序列针对芸香科72属192种300个样本进行比较,试图在同一科属下更多近缘种存在时,真实判定候选序列的鉴定能力.结果表明,自行设计引物的ITS2序列具有较好的PCR扩增和测序成功率,在所考察的候选序列中具有最大的种间变异和较小的种内变异,且两者存在极显著差异,同时物种鉴定成功率最高,各评价指标均优于其他候选序列.证实ITS2序列在单一科属内的"高效性",故推荐其作为植物DNA条形码通用序列之一.  相似文献   

夜蛾科卵的数值分类研究(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以34种卵作为分类单元,对41个性状了数值分类研究。结果表明卵的形态特征可以作为夜蛾科分属的重要依据,并支持把黄地老虎归入Agrotis属的观点。  相似文献   

为了探究基于DNA条形码方法量化物种多样性指标的可行性, 本研究以江苏省宿迁地区蛾类群落为例, 基于DNA条形码方法估计群落物种丰富度并绘制等级多度分布曲线(rank-abundance curves), 同时与基于传统形态学的对应指标进行比较。结果表明: (1)基于DNA条形码的物种丰富度估计与基于形态的物种丰富度估计之间没有显著差异; (2)基于形态和DNA条形码的等级多度分布曲线趋势一致, 通过K-S检测发现二者之间没有显著性差异(P > 0.05)。结果显示, 基于DNA条形码的物种丰富度估计能够在一定程度上补充基于形态学的方法, 可以尝试将其应用于蛾类群落生态学调查研究中。  相似文献   

【背景】鳞翅目夜蛾科昆虫种类繁多,目前已经超过3.5万种,绝大多数是农林生产的主要害虫。由于多数近缘属种形态相似,难以鉴定,给农林害虫的防治工作带了很大的困难。DNA条形码技术是一种快速、准确鉴定物种的方法。支持向量机作为一种新的机器学习方法,自1995年被提出以来已经在数据分类和高维模式识别等领域取得不错的效果。【方法】将北京妙峰山采集的58种夜蛾101个样品的COI序列分成3套数据集,分别通过邻接法和支持向量机对其进行验证。【结果】通过对DNA条形码物种鉴定结果的验证表明,邻接法优于支持向量机。但DNA条形码在鉴定夜蛾科的一些近缘种上,效果不佳,如棉铃虫和烟青虫。【结论与意义】DNA条形码作为一种新兴的物种鉴定方法,在分类学上具有很高的应用价值。通过邻接法和支持向量机的比较,虽然支持向量机的成功率低于邻接法,但是其在DNA条形码中的应用是对数据问询方式的一种探索。  相似文献   

Identification of the juveniles of economically important thrips species on imports by morphology alone can be challenging and culturing is usually required. In the case of EU quarantine species such as Thrips palmi, rapid and accurate identification is essential. DNA barcoding using the Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene has become a popular technique for species identification; however, in some invertebrate genera COI has been shown to provide insufficient variability for species discrimination. This study presents a comparison of five different loci to investigate their ability to discriminate a small number of Thrips species. All five loci discriminated the species by neighbour-joining tree and varying degrees of discrimination were determined upon further investigation of the intraspecific and interspecific distances. Two distinct COI clades were observed for T. Palmi and judged to be COI haplotypes when data from the other four additional loci and geographical collection data were taken into consideration. COI was shown to provide sufficient variation to be used in future DNA barcoding efforts within the genus Thrips.  相似文献   

Recent DNA barcoding of generalist insect herbivores has revealed complexes of cryptic species within named species. We evaluated the species concept for a common generalist moth occurring in New Guinea and Australia, Homona mermerodes, in light of host plant records and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I haplotype diversity. Genetic divergence among H. mermerodes moths feeding on different host tree species was much lower than among several Homona species. Genetic divergence between haplotypes from New Guinea and Australia was also less than interspecific divergence. Whereas molecular species identification methods may reveal cryptic species in some generalist herbivores, these same methods may confirm polyphagy when identical haplotypes are reared from multiple host plant families. A lectotype for the species is designated, and a summarized bibliography and illustrations including male genitalia are provided for the first time.  相似文献   

DNA-based identifications have been employed across broad taxonomic ranges and provide an especially useful tool in cases where external identification may be problematic. This study explored the utility of DNA barcoding in resolving skate species found in Atlantic Canadian waters. Most species were clearly resolved, expanding the utility for such identification on a taxonomically problematic group. Notably, one genus (Amblyraja) contained three of four species whose distributions do not overlap that could not be readily identified with this method. On the other hand, two common and partially sympatric species (Little and Winter skates) were readily identifiable. There were several instances of inconsistency between the voucher identification and the DNA sequence data. In some cases, these were at the intrageneric level among species acknowledged to be prone to misidentification. However, several instances of intergeneric discrepancies were also identified, suggesting either evidence of past introgressive hybridization or misidentification of vouchered specimens across broader taxonomic ranges. Such occurrences highlight the importance of retaining vouchered specimens for subsequent re-examination in the light of conflicting DNA evidence.  相似文献   

Four DNA barcoding loci,chloroplast loci rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,and nuclear locus internal transcribed spacer (ITS),were tested for the accurate discrimination of the Chinese species of Gaultheria by using intraspecific and interspecific pairwise P-distance,Wilcoxon signed rank test,and tree-based analyses.This study included 186 individuals from 89 populations representing 30 species.For all individuals,single locus markers showed high levels of sequencing universality but were ineffective for species resolvability.Polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing were successful for all four loci.Both ITS and matK showed significantly higher levels of interspecific species delimitation than rbcL and trnH-psbA.A combination ofmatK and ITS was the most efficient DNA barcode among all studied regions,however,they do not represent an appropriate candidate barcode for Chinese Gaultheria,by which only 11 out of 30 species can be separated.Loci rbcL,matK,and trnH-psbA,which were recently proposed as universal plant barcodes,have a very poor capacity for species separation for Chinese Gaultheria.DNA barcodes may be reliable tools to identify the evolutionary units of this group,so further studies are needed to develop more efficient DNA barcodes for Gaultheria and other genera with complicated evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Dracunculus insignis is a nematode parasite that infects the subcutaneous tissues of mammals such as raccoon (Procyon lotor), mink (Neovison vison) and fisher (Martes pennanti). D. lutrae, a morphologically similar species, has only been recovered from the otter (Lontra canadensis). Species identification of these two North American guinea worms has only been achieved by morphology of males and host identity. As a result, where only female specimens are present, accurate identifications are not possible. To date, specimens recovered from otter have been assumed to be D. lutrae, while those from all other hosts are assumed to be D. insignis. This study uses DNA barcoding to differentiate between these two North American dracunculoids. Our results show that D. insignis is a 'true' generalist, showing little sequence divergence regardless of host association, although our studies did validate its occurrence in a new host - the otter. Interestingly, specimens of the host specialist, D. lutrae, showed some sequence divergence, although it was low. The finding of D. insignis in otter substantiates the need to supplement morphology-based methods in providing species identifications for certain dracunculoids.  相似文献   

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