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[目的] 马铃薯甲虫是我国已公布的全国农业植物检疫性有害生物名单中的害虫,自新疆传入后对我国马铃薯产业造成了巨大的损失,研究蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫的捕食能力,可为利用天敌防治马铃薯甲虫提供理论依据。[方法] 采用室内饲养观察研究方法,并用Holling Ⅱ型圆盘方程对研究结果进行拟合,计算寻找效应。[结果] 蠋蝽成虫能够捕食马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫,且捕食功能反应均符合Holling Ⅱ型圆盘方程,蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫的功能反应方程分别为Na=0.2862N/(1+0.0198N)和Na=0.8400N/(1+0.0709N);在一定范围内,蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫捕食量在理论上随密度的增加而增加,当马铃薯甲虫的卵和低龄幼虫的密度分别达到20粒和20头时,蠋蝽成虫的捕食量最高;蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和幼虫的最大日捕食量是14粒和12头,瞬时攻击率是0.2862和0.8400;蠋蝽对马铃薯甲虫卵的控制能力(4.1299)小于对低龄幼虫的控制能力(9.9526)。[结论] 蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫有较好的捕食能力,但控制能力不同。  相似文献   

大草蛉Chrysopa pallens(Rambur)是重要的捕食性草蛉种类之一,可捕食蚜虫、叶螨、粉虱、蓟马、鳞翅目卵及幼虫等多种害虫。本文综合分析了国内外近几十年对大草蛉的研究成果,对其生物学、生态学特性进行了归纳,尤其梳理了大草蛉嗅觉趋性行为、滞育特性、人工饲养、田间控害能力等研究热点,并对大草蛉的田间应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

蠋蝽抗寒性对快速冷驯化的响应及其生理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速冷驯化可以提高某些昆虫的耐寒性.为了探讨不同冷驯化诱导温度对蝎蝽抗寒性的影响及其生理机制,以室内人工饲养的第3代蝎蝽成虫为对象,利用热电偶、液相色谱分析等技术手段,测定了经15、10、4℃冷驯化4h和梯度降温(依次在15、10、4℃各驯化4h)冷驯化后,蠋蝽成虫过冷却点、虫体含水率及小分子碳水化合物、甘油和氨基酸含量,及其在不同暴露温度(0、-5、-10℃)下的耐寒性.结果表明:处理后暴露在-10℃时,梯度处理组和4℃冷驯化处理组的蝎蝽成虫存活率为58.3%,其他处理组及对照组(室温饲养)的存活率显著降低,平均为8.9%;梯度处理组与4℃冷驯化处理组蠋蝽成虫过冷却点平均为-15.6℃,比其他处理平均降低1.3℃;各处理虫体含水率无显著差异,平均为61.8%;与其他各组相比,梯度处理组和4℃冷驯化组蠋蝽成虫的葡萄糖、山梨醇和甘油含量分别增加2.82、2.65和3.49倍,丙氨酸和谷氨酸含量分别增加51.3%和80.2%,海藻糖、甘露糖和脯氨酸含量分别下降68.4%、52.2%和30.2%,而果糖含量各组间无显著差异.快速冷驯化对蠋蝽成虫具有临界诱导温度值,梯度降温驯化不能在快速冷驯化的基础上提高蠋蝽成虫的抗寒性.  相似文献   

【目的】明确蠋蝽对茄二十八星瓢虫的捕食能力。【方法】在实验室条件下测定蠋蝽5龄若虫对茄二十八星瓢虫2和4龄幼虫的捕食功能反应及搜寻效应。【结果】蠋蝽5龄若虫对茄二十八星瓢虫2和4龄幼虫的捕食行为均符合Ⅱ型功能反应;随着茄二十八星瓢虫密度的增加,蠋蝽的搜寻效应逐渐降低,蠋蝽5龄若虫对茄二十八星瓢虫2龄幼虫的搜寻效应明显大于4龄幼虫;蠋蝽5龄若虫对茄二十八星瓢虫2和4龄幼虫的实际最大捕食量分别为15和10头。【结论】蠋蝽5龄若虫对茄二十八星瓢虫幼虫具有较好的捕食作用。  相似文献   

盲蝽象抗药性治理的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
主要综述了国外关于盲蝽象的化学防治和抗药性的研究成果,结合国内发生情况,分别从盲蝽象的分布、危害、化学防治史、抗药性测定方法、抗药性产生和发展、抗药性机理以及抗药性治理措施等方面进行综述并进行展望。  相似文献   

盲蝽科昆虫的食性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
盲蝽科是半翅目最大的科 ,该科昆虫既有植食性和肉食性类群 ,又有杂食性类群 ,有很大的经济价值。作者综述了盲蝽科昆虫各食性类群中重要种类的寄主范围 ,指出在杂食性盲蝽中作为害虫的天敌作用远远大于对植物的危害 ,同时探讨了盲蝽科昆虫与植物的关系类型及食性的进化。  相似文献   

首次发现中华微刺盲蝽Campylomma chinensis Schwh捕食节瓜蓟马Thrips palmi Kamy且对田间节瓜蓟马种群数量的减少起重要作用.本文研究了该虫的形态特征、捕食过程和取食范围.结果表明中华微刺盲蝽为多食性昆虫,能取食多种小型昆虫及多种昆虫的卵:在田间,中华微刺盲蝽与节瓜蓟马数量的跟随现象明显;通过释放盲蝽,能使节瓜蓟马种群数量减少.  相似文献   

盲蝽科昆虫的分类系统概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐宝瑛  郑哲民 《昆虫知识》2003,40(2):101-107
依据目前已有的资料 ,概述了盲蝽科昆虫的分类系统。盲蝽科隶属于半翅目异翅亚目臭虫型的盲蝽总科 ,这在半翅目学者中意见一致。但关于盲蝽科亚科及族级水平的分类系统观点不一。最合理的为 6亚科及 8亚科的分类系统。8亚科分类系统是目前最被接受和应用的系统。  相似文献   

土蝽——善于土栖生活的半翅目昆虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土蝽是半翅目异翅亚目蝽总科中多数适应于地栖生活的蝽类。文章简要描述该类昆虫的形态特征、分类历史以及生物学,同时对该类昆虫目前的生物学和系统学研究进展也给予简要介绍。文中还提供形态特征图6幅,臭腺特征扫描电镜照片6幅。  相似文献   

我国棉花盲蝽生物学特性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆宴辉  吴孔明 《昆虫知识》2012,49(3):578-584
近10年来,盲蝽在我国由次要害虫上升为了主要害虫,在棉花、枣、葡萄等多种作物生产上造成了严重危害。自2008年以来,在公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目的支持下,对盲蝽人工饲养技术、个体发育与繁殖、食性、寄主选择行为、取食行为、性信息素通讯行为、交配与产卵行为、飞行与扩散能力、滞育与越冬习性、年生活史等生物学特性进行了系统研究,为研发盲蝽预测预报和综合防治技术提供了必要的科学依据。  相似文献   

Insects cannot synthesize sterols and must obtain them from plants. Therefore, reducing plant sterol content or changing sterol type might be an effective pest control strategy. However, the impacts of these changes on pests’ natural predators remain unknown. Here, we fed artificial diets with reduced sterol content to Mythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and investigated the effects on its natural predator, Arma chinensis (Fallou) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Reduced sterol content in M. separata (MS1, MS2, and MS5) was achieved by feeding them artificial diets prepared from a feed base subjected to one, two, or five cycles of sterol extractions, respectively. The content of most substances increased in A. chinensis (AC) groups feeding on MS2 and MS5. The content of eight substances (alanine, betaine, dimethylamine, fumarate, glutamine, glycine, methylamine, and sarcosine) differed significantly between the control (AC0) and treated (AC1, AC2, and AC5) groups. Metabolic profiling revealed that only AC5 was significantly distinct from AC0; the major substances contributing to this difference were maltose, glucose, tyrosine, proline, O‐phosphocholine, glutamine, allantoin, lysine, valine, and glutamate. Furthermore, only two metabolic pathways, that is, nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism and ubiquinone and other terpenoid‐quinone biosynthesis, differed significantly between AC1 and AC5 and the control, albeit with an impact value of zero. Thus, the sterol content in the artificial diet fed to M. separata only minimally affected the metabolites and metabolic pathways of its predator A. chinensis, suggesting that A. chinensis has good metabolic self‐regulation with high resistance to sterol content changes.  相似文献   

通过建立网室近自然实验种群,结合野生个体观察记述了云南玉溪九香虫Coridius chinensis (Dallas)种群的各虫期形态特征、在云南玉溪红塔区的年生活史、寄主范围、取食偏好、成虫及若虫的行为习性,为该虫的保育和规模化养殖提供依据。结果显示,九香虫卵有绿色和粉色两种生态型,若虫有5个龄期;在云南玉溪红塔区1年仅发生1代,仅以成虫态越冬;红塔区九香虫野生个体主要以佛手瓜和南瓜等葫芦科植物为食;取食偏好选择试验表明该虫最喜取食葫芦,冬瓜和南瓜次之;雌雄成虫可多次交配多次产卵,单雌单次平均产卵量为16.3±6.0粒。研究表明,云南玉溪红塔区的九香虫种群为典型的一化性昆虫,休眠期可达8个月;该虫食性较广,可取食多科植物,但以葫芦科瓜类为主;羽化成虫每年9月中旬至10月上旬陆续从佛手瓜、南瓜等寄主植物上迁至枯树皮下、柴堆等隐蔽场所越冬,翌年4月下旬陆续解除休眠,迁至佛手瓜、南瓜等作物上取食繁殖。  相似文献   

美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)是国家林业和草原局的重点防控对象,也是我国重大外来林业检疫性有害生物.现阶段美国白蛾在我国的种群密度持续增加和扩散,缺乏有效天敌的控制应该是重要的原因之一.本文综述了国内、外美国白蛾的捕食性和寄生性天敌的种类.捕食性天敌主要包括昆虫、蜘蛛、两栖类和鸟类,整理出国外报道的捕食性天敌名录119种,国内捕食性天敌名录29种;寄生性天敌主要包括寄生蜂和寄生蝇类,整理出国外报道的寄生性天敌名录47种,国内寄生性天敌名录53种.本文回顾了我国在美国白蛾天敌利用方面取得的阶段成果,并针对将来天敌复合体的应用和原产地天敌的引进提出了展望.  相似文献   

The green shield bug, Palomena prasina (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is a pest of deciduous trees and shrubs throughout Turkey and is found in a large variety of habitats, including gardens. We investigated the facultative cultivable bacterial flora of 10 healthy and 5 dead green shield bugs, collected from the vicinity of Trabzon, Turkey, and tested them for insecticidal activity. Based on the conventional and molecular tests, 12 different bacteria were isolated and identified as Curtobacterium sp., Rhodococcus sp., Arthrobacter nicotinovorans, Arthrobacter oxydans, Agrococcus jejuensis, Pseudomonas poae, Raoultella terrigena, Serratia sp., Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Stenotrophomonas rhizophila, Bacillus thuringiensis and Microbacterium oxydans. Mortalities due to the application of 0.5 mL of L. sphaericus, B. thuringiensis and R. terrigena at a density of OD600 1.89 were 60%, 70% and 60%, respectively, on adult P. prasina. This indicates that facultative cultivable bacterial flora isolated from P. prasina have potential for microbial control of this pest.  相似文献   

In this research work, the susceptibility of egg and four larval instars of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Col.: Chrysomelidae) to Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) compounds (lufenuron 25% EC and fenoxycarb 25% WP) was determined. Different larval instar groups were separated by measuring the head capsule width and were used in all bioassays. The data were analysed with log-probit transformation using the SPSS software. The LC50 for egg was determined by dipping egg masses in different concentration of either compound for 10 s, and LC50 values for each group of larvae was estimated by using treated potato plants. The LC50 values of lufenuron on egg, first, second and third instars of larvae were 682.65, 40.58, 47.83 and 261.38 ppm, respectively, and for fenoxycarb, these were estimated as 897.50, 35.60, 57.91 and 355.23 ppm, respectively. The LD50 values of lufenuron and fenoxycarb on second instar larvae were 139.56 and 228.42 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

Colorado potato beetle (CPB) is the important pest of potato throughout the world. The study showed the effects of vermicompost on nutritional indices, digestive enzyme activities and intermediary metabolism of the larvae and the adults of CPB. Vermicompost affected significantly the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) in addition to activities of carbohydrases and proteases in both larvae and adults. Amount of total phenol compounds increased in the leaves of the potatoes grown on the soil containing 30% of vermicompost compared to control and it were amended by 15% of vermicompost. In case of intermediary metabolism, activities of aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl transferase showed no significant differences in the control and the treated larvae, but those were fluctuated upper and lower when 15% of vermicompost was added into growth plots. The amount of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the larvae of CPB showed no significant differences among treatments. However, the amounts of LDL, HDL, glycogen and protein of the adults significantly increased using 30% of vermicompost. Results of the current study clearly revealed significant effects on some physiological processes in CPB fed on the plants grown in the different vermicompost treatments.  相似文献   

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