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害虫的遗传与行为调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了昆虫的行为遗传机制、昆虫的发育与变态、昆虫对主要环境因子变化的响应、害虫与寄主植物的化学通讯和多营养级信息网及其对昆虫行为调控等国内外研究进展,提出了害虫治理要从杀灭防治转变为行为调控的新思路和新理念,认为未来的研究将围绕害虫暴发成灾的遗传与行为机理等科学问题,通过深入研究害虫发育变态、行为遗传,及其对关键生态因子和食物网内信号物质适应机制,揭示影响害虫发生的内外关键因素,寻找基于基因和生态调控行为治理害虫的新技术和新方法,为有效开展害虫治理、减少化学农药做出贡献。  相似文献   

稻田昆虫群落是农业昆虫群落总体的重要组成部分,也是稻田生态系统的重要结构。本文综述了我国稻田昆虫群落多样性及生态调控功能研究进展。显示,我国的稻田昆虫群落研究,主要围绕天敌资源利用与水稻害虫防治两个方面,且基于水稻害虫防治中心目标开展。而且,稻田昆虫群落常被分为捕食性昆虫、寄生性昆虫、中性昆虫、水稻害虫等亚群落或功能团被研究,且昆虫群落中重要天敌昆虫种群与重要水稻害虫种群密切联系。为此,本文主要就我国稻田昆虫群落与组成、稻田昆虫多样性与资源、水稻害虫发生动态、防治方法策略与害虫生态调控、食物网营养关系与能流、采样技术方法、稻田生态安全性评价指示生物等进展进行了介绍,并指出了未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

基于服务功能的昆虫生态调控理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于昆虫在植物传粉授精、害虫生物控制、土壤有机物分解中提供多种生态系统服务功能,本文在害虫生态调控、区域性害虫生态调控与生境管理的基础上,进一步提出基于多种生态服务功能的农田景观昆虫生态调控理论、方法与实践。认为:昆虫管理不仅仅是害虫的管理,还应包括有益昆虫(如传粉昆虫、天敌昆虫、分解昆虫)的管理,这种管理应从单一农田生态系统扩展到农田景观生态系统,充分考虑农田景观中昆虫的传粉功能、生物控害功能和分解功能,通过对功能植物、作物与非作物生境的空间布局以及时间序列上的生态设计,从空间上明确昆虫(包括害虫、天敌、传粉昆虫、分解昆虫)在不同生境中的转移扩散动态,从时间上掌握昆虫在不同寄主植物与非作物生境上的演替过程,从技术上着重发挥有利于昆虫的传粉功能、生物控害功能和分解功能的综合措施,在研究方法上突出使用稳定同位素、生态能量学、化学生态学等定量分析手段,研究景观区域内中"植物-昆虫"互作过程及其生态调控措施的作用,寻求不同时空条件下控害保益的关键措施,设计和组装出维持多功能的农田景观昆虫生态调控技术体系,创造有利于天敌控害、蜜蜂传粉、土壤分解的环境条件,以发挥昆虫类群在农田景观中最大的生态服务功能。  相似文献   

基于生态调控的小麦害虫综合治理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是小麦种植面积最大的国家。近年来,受全球气候变化、农业产业结构调整等因素的影响,小麦虫害问题趋于严重。而目前化学农药是小麦害虫防治的主要手段,过度依赖化学农药带来了环境污染、害虫抗性等一系列问题。针对这些问题,我国科学家在阐明小麦害虫区域性灾变规律和机理的基础上,发展了小麦害虫生态调控技术,并构建了基于农田景观设计的生态调控工程。本文综述了我国小麦害虫治理的新进展,并基于国际上小麦害虫治理的发展趋势,展望了我国小麦害虫治理的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

植物挥发物作为生态系统中各生物间信息传递的载体在影响生物进化及生物群落组成中发挥着重要作用。剖析植物挥发物的主要化学组分及其生态学功能,不仅能从一个侧面揭示生物间的协同进化,而且可为害虫的可持续治理提供有效的绿色防控技术。为此,本文围绕水稻挥发物主要组分与合成途径、虫害诱导水稻挥发物合成的调控机理、水稻挥发物的生态学功能及应用前景等方面,对国内外的最新研究成果进行综述,提出了今后的研究方向,并推动水稻挥发物在害虫防控中的应用。  相似文献   

天敌昆虫控害机制与可持续利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天敌昆虫是自然生态系统内抑制害虫种群的重要因子,利用天敌昆虫控制农业害虫是安全有效的害虫控制策略,也是未来害虫管理发展的方向.本文在系统总结国内外研究进展的基础上,提出害虫治理要从“被动应急控制”转变为内部助增的“主动促进自然调控”的新理念,创新多种天敌昆虫协同控制多种害虫的“网式协同调控”新途径,建立一个自我维持并可有效降低害虫种群水平的农业生态系统.未来的研究应针对“天敌昆虫调控害虫的内在机制”与“天敌昆虫在农业生态系统中持续发挥作用的生态学基础”等关键科学问题,从基因、个体、种群、群落和生态系统不同层次,重点开展:1)天敌昆虫寄生和捕食害虫的行为与适应机制;2)天敌昆虫大量繁育的营养与生殖生理基础;3)寄生性天敌昆虫与寄主互作的免疫机制;4)天敌昆虫协同控害的生态学机制;5)天敌昆虫可持续利用的生物防治新模式等方面的研究.  相似文献   

植物-昆虫间的化学通讯及其行为控制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在植物与昆虫间的化学通讯中植物气味物质起着决定性的作用,它调控着昆虫的多种行为,诸如引诱昆虫趋向寄主植物,刺激昆虫取食,引导昆虫选择产卵场所,进行传粉和防御昆虫等。有些植物则当受到食植性昆虫危害时会释出一些引诱害虫天敌的化学信号。这些化学信号是一些挥发性萜类混合物,天敌昆虫就以此来区分受害和未受害植株。尽管目前在害虫综合治理中,昆虫信息素的应用越来越显得比天然植物气味源更受重视,但是必须指出的是,昆虫信息化合物首次成功地使用于植物保护的却是天然植物气味源。在利用植物气味源作害虫测报和防治中,近年来一种简单价廉的粘胶诱捕器己成为多种害虫的标准测报工具。在害虫综合治理中利用植物气味源的技术显然是具有不可估量的潜力。文中提出了利用基因工程技术来改造植物,使植物能释放特定的驱避剂或其它控制昆虫行为的特殊气味物质的新概念。  相似文献   

中国农业害虫防治科技70年的成就与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立70年以来,随着农业生产方式的不断变革和科技进步,农业害虫的防治策略从20世纪50年代的农业防治发展到80年代的综合防治和现阶段的绿色防控,害虫防治越来越高效、科学和环保。中国农业昆虫学家先后研究明确了水稻、小麦、玉米、棉花、蔬菜和果树等作物主要害虫发生规律,创新了一系列监测预警、生物防治、物理防治、化学生态调控、抗药性治理和抗虫育种技术,构建了以重要作物生产过程和重大致灾害虫为对象的综合防治技术体系。研发的以农业防治为主的蝗虫防控技术体系、以异地测报治理为主的粘虫Mythimnaseparata防控技术体系、以化学农药应急防治为主的稻飞虱防控技术体系、以生物防治为主的玉米螟Ostriniafurnacalis防控技术体系和以转基因技术为主的棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera防控技术体系等害虫治理模式,已成为国际农业害虫防治的经典案例。展望未来,信息技术和人工智能技术、基因组技术、农业生物技术等高新技术发展正推动害虫智能化精准识别与监测预警、智能化精准对靶施药、基因诊断与快速检测、害虫种群遗传调控、区域性生态调控和转基因防治技术的不断创新与广泛应用。  相似文献   

鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器及其感受机理新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨慧  严善春  彭璐 《昆虫学报》2008,51(2):204-215
鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器是鳞翅目昆虫化学通讯的主要工具,将种间、种内及无机环境各种化学信息联系起来,从而使昆虫做出相应的行为反应。本文综述了鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器的类型及化学感受机理新进展, 包括嗅觉途径、嗅觉感受相关蛋白、信息传导、编码、加工处理、整合输出、感受谱及味觉感受机理,为探索利用鳞翅目昆虫行为控制剂来监测、防治鳞翅目害虫提供理论依据。  相似文献   

CSPs(Chemosensory proteins)即化学感受蛋白,其在昆虫体内各个阶段均有表达,参与昆虫的多种生理过程,具有十分复杂的化学功能。CSPs基因介导昆虫抗药性是最新发现的害虫抗药性新机制,且近几年在几种昆虫中被报道。CSPs可以通过螯合作用大量结合农药,进而导致昆虫产生抗药性,但CSPs与杀虫剂的结合机理及其表达调控机制尚未被阐明。基于目前现状,本文系统综述了CSPs在昆虫抗药性中的功能以及抗药性相关酶的表达调控机制等方面的研究进展,分析其表达调控的可能机制,旨在为害虫抗药性机制研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

气候变化对农业害虫的潜在影响   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
气候变化对农业害虫的潜在影响张润杰何新凤(中山大学昆虫学研究所生物防治国家重点实验室,广州510275)PotentialEfectsofClimateChangeonAgriculturalInsectPests.ZhangRunjie,HeXi...  相似文献   

吕进  曹婷婷  王丽萍  蒋明星  程家安 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4680-4688
在人工气候室内比较研究了灰飞虱和褐飞虱在汕优63和秀水11上的种内和种间密度效应对其主要生物学参数的影响,结果表明两种稻飞虱均存在显著的种内竞争,主要表现为随着密度增加,若虫发育历期延长、若虫羽化率下降、雌成虫寿命缩短、每雌产卵量下降。种内密度效应与稻飞虱种类和寄主品种有显著互作关系,灰飞虱种内竞争较褐飞虱明显,二者在适宜寄主上种内竞争更为明显。同时,两种稻飞虱存在着显著的种间密度效应,主要表现为异种存在时的促进作用,即异种共存时若虫历期缩短、若虫羽化率提高、雌虫寿命延长、每雌产卵量增加。种间密度效应也与稻飞虱种类和寄主品种有显著互作关系,两种共存对灰飞虱的有利作用显著大于对褐飞虱的有利作用,在欠适宜寄主上种间互利效应更为明显。最后,本文对稻飞虱种内和种间密度效应的机制和进化意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. China has the second largest area of the rice growing in the world and the highest yield of rice produced. Infestation by insect pests, especially rice planthoppers, stem borers and leaf folders, is always a serious challenge to rice production in China. Current methods for controlling insect pests in China mainly include good farming practices, biological control, breeding and growing resistant varieties, and the use of chemical insecticides. However, for farmers, the favorite method for insect pest control is still the application of chemical insecticide, which not only causes severe environmental pollution and the resurgence of herbivores but also reduces populations of the natural enemies of herbivores. To control insect pests safely, effectively and sustainably, strategies encouraging biological control are currently demanded. Here we review the progress that has been made in the development and implementation of biological controls for rice in China since the 1970s. Such progress includes the species identification of the natural enemies of rice insect pests, the characterization of their biology, and the integration of biological controls in integrated pest management. To develop effective ecological engineering programs whose aim is to implement conservation biological controls, further research, including the evaluation of the roles of plants in non-crop habitats in conservation biological controls, volatiles in enhancing efficiency of natural enemies and natural enemies in manipulating insect pests, and education to increase farmers’ knowledge of biological controls, is proposed.  相似文献   

Many insect pests utilize plant volatiles for host location and untangling the mechanisms of this process can provide tools for pest management. Numerous experimental results have been published on the effect of plant volatiles on insect pests. We used a meta‐analysis to summarize this knowledge and to look for patterns. Our goal was to identify herbivore and plant traits that might explain the herbivores’ behavioral response to plant volatiles in field applications. We scored a total of 374 unique plant volatile‐insect herbivore interactions obtained from 34 published studies investigating 50 herbivore pest species. Attractants had a significant effect on insect herbivore abundance but repellents did not; this latter result could be a result of the comparatively small number of field studies that tested plant volatiles as repellents (3%). Females were significantly more attracted to plant volatile baits than males. The diet breadth of herbivores was independent of a behavioral response to plant volatiles, but more case studies show effects of volatiles on chewers, followed by wood‐borers and sap‐feeders. There are more demonstrations of attraction to plant volatiles in Lepidoptera than in Thysanoptera. The method of plant volatile application had a significant effect on herbivore abundance and increasing the number of chemicals in individual baits attracted more herbivores. The magnitude of the response of herbivores to plant volatiles in forest and agricultural habitats was similar. We explore consistent patterns and highlight areas needing research in using plant volatiles to manage insect pests.  相似文献   

白背飞虱为害对水稻产量的影响及防治指标的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
白背飞虱近年来已逐步上升为我国水稻上的最重要害虫之一。该文综述了白背飞虱以不同虫口密度、在水稻不同生育期、危害不同类型水稻品种和与其他病虫害复合危害对水稻产量的影响 ,以及允许产量损失率和各地制定的防治指标 ,并建议了进一步的研究内容。  相似文献   

1994~1996年研究了稻田13种可控因素对水稻病虫害、天敌和产量的综合效应以及分期混合施药技术。根据既控制病虫增产又保护生态的原则,综合评价了可控因素,提出了水稻病虫害系统最优控制为中国91或辐4-2,N150kg/hm  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫棉的生态风险及治理对策   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
评述了转Bt基因抗虫棉的生态风险及治理对策。其生态风险主要表现在目标害虫的抗性和对非目标生物群落的变化。目标害虫与转基因抗虫棉的互相作用和抗虫棉杀虫毒素的时空表达方式是目标害虫抗性发展的主要途径。在转基因抗虫棉田中,虽然对目标害虫的防治次数大为减少,但害虫和天敌群落的稳定性仍不如常规棉田,某种次要害虫大发生的可能性较大。认为将转基因抗虫棉纳入综合防治体系并培育更加高效的抗虫棉是治理目标害虫抗性和防止次要害虫上升的重要措施。  相似文献   

Induced resistance in rice against insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vaccinations are the mainstay of western preventive medicine, and they have been used to protect some crops against disease and insect pests. We consider rice as a model for protection using induced resistance since it is one of the most important staple crops and there have been significant new developments in: cross-resistance among rice insects, chemical pathways involved in induced resistance, sequencing the rice genome and expression of genes conferring resistance against rice insect pests. Insect attack has been found to cause lesions that kill planthopper eggs and early stages of gall midges. Damaged plants released volatiles that made them less likely to be chosen by planthoppers and more attractive to parasitoids. Chemical elicitors have been developed for dicotyledonous plants and these can induce resistance in rice, although rice does not fit models developed to explain signalling in dicots. For example, salicylic acid did not increase in rice after infection by pathogens and did not appear to be the mobile signal for induced resistance against pathogens although it was involved in induced responses to phloem-feeding insects. Jasmonic acid acted as a signal in some induced responses to pathogens as well as chewing insects. Many of the genes associated with induced resistance in rice have recently been mapped, and techniques are being developed to incorporate them into the genome of cultivated varieties. Attempts to control insect pests of rice will affect interactions with pathogens, predators and parasites, and other organisms in this agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of host plant resistance against insect pests can be manifold. Resistance screenings generally use single target insect pests, but the resistance thus screened may not always be specific to the target insect species. We conducted a test for non‐specific resistance in indica rice varieties with resistance genes against brown planthopper (BPH), by using the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. The test system was very simple, and only required the non‐pest moth to be reared on rice flour. We compared the survival rate, developmental period and adult weight of the moth on three rice varieties: ‘Nipponbare’, a BPH‐susceptible japonica variety, and ‘Thai Collection 11’ and ‘Pokkali’, two resistant indica varieties. Our results were straightforward and demonstrate that resistance in the two resistant rice varieties is not BPH specific, because development of the moth was retarded and adult body weight was reduced.  相似文献   

Progress on the research and development of insect-resistant transgenic rice, especially expressing insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), in China has been rapid in recent years. A number of insect-resistant transgenic rice lines/varieties have passed restricted and enlarged field testing, and several have been approved for productive testing since 2002 in China, although none was approved for commercial use until 2006. Extensive laboratory and field trials have been conducted for evaluation of the efficiency of transgenic rice on target lepidoteran pests and potential ecological risks on non-target arthropods. The efficacy of a number of transgenic rice lines currently tested in China was excellent for control of the major target insect pests, the rice stem borers (Chilo suppressalis, Scirpophaga incertulas, Sesamia inferens) and leaffolder ( Cnaphalocrocis medinalis), and was better than most insecticides extensively used by millions of farmers at present in China. No significantly negative or unintended effects of transgenic rice on non-target arthropods were found compared with non-transgenic rice. In contrast, most of the current insecticides used for the control of rice stem borers and leaffolders proved harmful to natural enemies, and some insecticides may directly induce resurgence of rice planthoppers. Studies for developing a proactive insect resistance management of transgenic rice in the future are discussed to ensure the sustainable use of transgenic rice.  相似文献   

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