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The arrangement of the stop codon and its 3′-flanking codon relative to the components of translation termination complexes of human 80S ribosomes was studied using mRNA analogs containing the stop signal UPuPuPu (Pu is A or G) and the photoreactive perfluoroarylazido group, which was linked to a stop-signal or 3′-flanking nucleotide (positions from +4 to +9 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon). Upon mild UV irradiation, the analogs crosslinked to components of the model complexes, mimicking the state of the 80S ribosome at translation termination. Termination factors eRF1 and eRF3 did not change the relative arrangement of the stop signal and 18S rRNA. Crosslinking to eRF1 was observed for modified nucleotides in positions +5 to +9 (that for stop-codon nucleotide +4 was detected earlier). The eRF1 fragments crosslinked to the mRNA analogs were identified. Fragment 52–195, including the N domain and part of the M domain, crosslinked to the analogs carrying the reactive group at A or G in positions +5 to +9 or at the terminal phosphate of nucleotide +7. The site crosslinking to mRNA analogs containing modified G in positions +5 to +7 was assigned to eRF1 fragment 82–166 (beyond the NIKS motif). All but one analog (that with modified G in position +4) crosslinked to the C domain of eRF1 (fragment 330–422). The efficiency of crosslinking to the C domain was higher than to the N domain in most cases. It was assumed that the C domain of eRF1 bound in the A site is close to nucleotides +5 to +9, especially +7 and +8, and that eRF1 undergoes substantial conformational changes when binding to the ribosome.  相似文献   

In universal-code eukaryotes, a single class-1 translation termination factor eRF1 decodes all three stop codons, UAA, UAG, and UGA. In some ciliates with variant genetic codes one or two stop codons are used to encode amino acid(s) and are not recognized by eRF1. In Stylonychia, UAG and UAA codons are reassigned as glutamine codons, and in Euplotes, UGA is reassigned as cysteine codon. In omnipotent eRF1s, stop codon recognition is associated with the N-terminal domain of eRF1. Because variant-code ciliates most likely evolved from universal code ancestor(s), structural features should exist in ciliate eRF1s that restrict their stop codon recognition. To find out amino acid residues which confer UAR-only specificity to Euplotes aediculatus eRF1, eRFI chimeras were constructed by swapping eRF1 E. aediculatus N-terminal domain sequences with the matching ones from the human protein. In these chimeras the MC-domain was from human eRF1. Functional analysis of these chimeric eRFI highlighted the crucial role of the two regions (positions 38-50 and 123-145) in the N-terminal domain of E. aediculatus eRF1 that restrict E. aediculatus eRF1 specificity toward UAR codons. Possibly, restriction of eRF1 specificity to UAR codons might have been an early event occurring in independent instances in ciliate evolutionary history, possibly facilitating the reassignment of UGA to sense codons.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic ribosomal protein S15 is a key component of the decoding site in contrast to its prokaryotic counterpart, S19p, which is located away from the mRNA binding track on the ribosome. Here, we determined the oligopeptide of S15 neighboring the A site mRNA codon on the human 80S ribosome with the use of mRNA analogues bearing perfluorophenyl azide-modified nucleotides in the sense or stop codon targeted to the 80S ribosomal A site. The protein was cross-linked to mRNA analogues in specific ribosomal complexes that were obtained in the presence of eRF1 in the experiments with mRNAs bearing stop codon. Digestion of modified S15 with various specific proteolytic agents followed by identification of the resulting modified oligopeptides showed that cross-link was in C-terminal fragment in positions 131–145, most probably, in decapeptide 131-PGIGATHSSR-140. The position of cross-linking site on the S15 protein did not depend on the nature of the A site-bound codon (sense or stop codon) and on the presence of polypeptide chain release factor eRF1 in the ribosomal complexes with mRNA analogues bearing a stop codon. The results indicate an involvement of the mentioned decapeptide in the formation of the ribosomal decoding site during elongation and termination of translation. Alignment of amino acid sequences of eukaryotic S15 and its prokaryotic counterpart, S19p from eubacteria and archaea, revealed that decapeptide PGIGATHSSR in positions 131–140 is strongly conserved in eukaryotes and has minor variations in archaea but has no homology with any sequence in C-terminal part of eubacterial S19p, which suggests involvement of the decapeptide in the translation process in a eukaryote-specific manner.  相似文献   

To study positioning of the polypeptide release factor eRF1 toward a stop signal in the ribosomal decoding site, we applied photoactivatable mRNA analogs, derivatives of oligoribonucleotides. The human eRF1 peptides cross-linked to these short mRNAs were identified. Cross-linkers on the guanines at the second, third, and fourth stop signal positions modified fragment 31–33, and to lesser extent amino acids within region 121–131 (the “YxCxxxF loop”) in the N domain. Hence, both regions are involved in the recognition of the purines. A cross-linker at the first uridine of the stop codon modifies Val66 near the NIKS loop (positions 61–64), and this region is important for recognition of the first uridine of stop codons. Since the N domain distinct regions of eRF1 are involved in a stop-codon decoding, the eRF1 decoding site is discontinuous and is not of “protein anticodon” type. By molecular modeling, the eRF1 molecule can be fitted to the A site proximal to the P-site-bound tRNA and to a stop codon in mRNA via a large conformational change to one of its three domains. In the simulated eRF1 conformation, the YxCxxxF motif and positions 31–33 are very close to a stop codon, which becomes also proximal to several parts of the C domain. Thus, in the A-site-bound state, the eRF1 conformation significantly differs from those in crystals and solution. The model suggested for eRF1 conformation in the ribosomal A site and cross-linking data are compatible.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is mediated by two release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. eRF1 recognizes each of the three stop codons (UAG, UAA, and UGA) and facilitates release of the nascent polypeptide chain. eRF3 is a GTPase that stimulates the translation termination process by a poorly characterized mechanism. In this study, we examined the functional importance of GTP hydrolysis by eRF3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that mutations that reduced the rate of GTP hydrolysis also reduced the efficiency of translation termination at some termination signals but not others. As much as a 17-fold decrease in the termination efficiency was observed at some tetranucleotide termination signals (characterized by the stop codon and the first following nucleotide), while no effect was observed at other termination signals. To determine whether this stop signal-dependent decrease in the efficiency of translation termination was due to a defect in either eRF1 or eRF3 recycling, we reduced the level of eRF1 or eRF3 in cells by expressing them individually from the CUP1 promoter. We found that the limitation of either factor resulted in a general decrease in the efficiency of translation termination rather than a decrease at a subset of termination signals as observed with the eRF3 GTPase mutants. We also found that overproduction of eRF1 was unable to increase the efficiency of translation termination at any termination signals. Together, these results suggest that the GTPase activity of eRF3 is required to couple the recognition of translation termination signals by eRF1 to efficient polypeptide chain release.  相似文献   

Positioning of release factor eRF1 toward adenines and the ribose-phosphate backbone of the UAAA stop signal in the ribosomal decoding site was studied using messenger RNA (mRNA) analogs containing stop signal UAA/UAAA and a photoactivatable cross-linker at definite locations. The human eRF1 peptides cross-linked to these analogs were identified. Cross-linkers on the adenines at the 2nd, 3rd or 4th position modified eRF1 near the conserved YxCxxxF loop (positions 125-131 in the N domain), but cross-linker at the 4th position mainly modified the tripeptide 26-AAR-28. This tripeptide cross-linked also with derivatized 3'-phosphate of UAA, while the same cross-linker at the 3'-phosphate of UAAA modified both the 26-28 and 67-73 fragments. A comparison of the results with those obtained earlier with mRNA analogs bearing a similar cross-linker at the guanines indicates that positioning of eRF1 toward adenines and guanines of stop signals in the 80S termination complex is different. Molecular modeling of eRF1 in the 80S termination complex showed that eRF1 fragments neighboring guanines and adenines of stop signals are compatible with different N domain conformations of eRF1. These conformations vary by positioning of stop signal purines toward the universally conserved dipeptide 31-GT-32, which neighbors guanines but is oriented more distantly from adenines.  相似文献   

Eukaryote ribosomal translation is terminated when release factor eRF1, in a complex with eRF3, binds to one of the three stop codons. The tertiary structure and dimensions of eRF1 are similar to that of a tRNA, supporting the hypothesis that release factors may act as molecular mimics of tRNAs. To identify the yeast eRF1 stop codon recognition domain (analogous to a tRNA anticodon), a genetic screen was performed to select for mutants with disabled recognition of only one of the three stop codons. Nine out of ten mutations isolated map to conserved residues within the eRF1 N-terminal domain 1. A subset of these mutants, although wild-type for ribosome and eRF3 interaction, differ in their respective abilities to recognize each of the three stop codons, indicating codon-specific discrimination defects. Five of six of these stop codon-specific mutants define yeast domain 1 residues (I32, M48, V68, L123, and H129) that locate at three pockets on the eRF1 domain 1 molecular surface into which a stop codon can be modeled. The genetic screen results and the mutant phenotypes are therefore consistent with a role for domain 1 in stop codon recognition; the topology of this eRF1 domain, together with eRF1-stop codon complex modeling further supports the proposal that this domain may represent the site of stop codon binding itself.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is catalyzed by two release factors eRF1 and eRF3 in a cooperative manner. The precise mechanism of stop codon discrimination by eRF1 remains obscure, hindering drug development targeting aberrations at translation termination. By solving the solution structures of the wild-type N-domain of human eRF1 exhibited omnipotent specificity, i.e. recognition of all three stop codons, and its unipotent mutant with UGA-only specificity, we found the conserved GTS loop adopting alternate conformations. We propose that structural variability in the GTS loop may underline the switching between omnipotency and unipotency of eRF1, implying the direct access of the GTS loop to the stop codon. To explore such feasibility, we positioned N-domain in a pre-termination ribosomal complex using the binding interface between N-domain and model RNA oligonucleotides mimicking Helix 44 of 18S rRNA. NMR analysis revealed that those duplex RNA containing 2-nt internal loops interact specifically with helix α1 of N-domain, and displace C-domain from a non-covalent complex of N-domain and C-domain, suggesting domain rearrangement in eRF1 that accompanies N-domain accommodation into the ribosomal A site.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by two proteins belonging to class 1 (eRF1) and class 2 (eRF3) polypeptide release factors. eRF3 catalyzes hydrolysis of GTP to yield GDP and Pi in the ribosome in the absence of mRNA, tRNA, aminoacyl-tRNA, and peptidyl-tRNA and requires eRF1 for this activity. It is known that eRF1 and eRF3 interact with each other via their C-terminal regions both in vitro and in vivo. eRF1 consists of three domains—N, M, and C. In this study we examined the influence of the individual domains of the human eRF1 on induction of the human eRF3 GTPase activity in the ribosome in vitro. It was shown that none of the N, M, C, and NM domains induces the eRF3 GTPase activity in the presence of ribosomes. The MC domain does induce the eRF3 GTPase activity, but four times less efficiently than full-length eRF1. Therefore, we assumed that the MC domain (and very likely the M domain) binds to the ribosome in the presence of eRF3. Based on these data and taking into account the data available in the literature, a conclusion was drawn that the N domain of eRF1 is not essential for eRF1-dependent induction of the eRF3 GTPase activity. A working hypothesis is formulated that the eRF3 GTPase activity in the ribosome during translation termination is associated with the intermolecular interactions of GTP/GDP, the GTPase center of the large (60S) subunit, the MC domain of eRF1, and the C-terminal region and GTP-binding motifs of eRF3 but without participation of the N-terminal region of eRF1.  相似文献   

A study was made of the properties of the two structural models that had previously been constructed for the eukaryotic triple complex eRF1 · mRNA · tRNAPhe with eRF1 accommodated in the A site and tRNAPhe, in the P site of the ribosome. The structure of the complex was described using a high-resolution NMR structure of the human eRF1 M domain. The distribution of chemical crosslinks between mRNA and eRF1 was studied for the two models, which made it possible to decide about the positioning of eRF1 in the A site relative to the mRNA stop codon. Molecular dynamics was used to simulate the distribution of close contacts (<7 Å) between the photoactivatable azido group of modified mRNA analogs and eRF1 residues in the complex. Analysis of the structures of 12 analogs containing a modified nucleotide with the photoactivatable group in a position from +4 to +9 showed that only one model of eRF1 binding with mRNA in the A site well agreed with experimental data on chemical crosslinking. A new feature of the model selected is that the C domain of eRF1 is close to the mRNA stop-codon nucleotides, which explained the experimental findings.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic ribosomes, termination of translation is triggered by class 1 polypeptide release factor, eRF1. In organisms with a universal code, eRF1 responds to three stop codons, whereas, in ciliates with variant codes, only one or two codon(s) remain(s) as stop signals. By mutagenesis of the Y-C-F minidomain of the N domain, we converted an omnipotent human eRF1 recognizing all three stop codons into a unipotent 'ciliate-like' UGA-only eRF1. The conserved Cys127 located in the Y-C-F minidomain plays a critical role in stop codon recognition. The UGA-only response has also been achieved by concomitant substitutions of four other amino acids located at the Y-C-F and NIKS minidomains of eRF1. We suggest that for eRF1 the stop codon decoding is of a non-linear (non-protein-anticodon) type and explores a combination of positive and negative determinants. We assume that stop codon recognition is profoundly different by eukaryotic and prokaryotic class 1 RFs.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by two proteins, belonging to the class-1 (eRF1) and class-2 (eRF3) polypeptide release factors. eRF3 catalyzes hydrolysis of GTP to GDP and inorganic phosphate in the ribosome in the absence of mRNA, tRNA, aminoacyl-tRNA and peptidyl-tRNA but needs the presence of eRF1. It's known that eRF1 and eRF3 interact with each other in vitro and in vivo via their C-terminal regions. eRF1 consists of three domains - N, M, and C. In this study we examined the influence of individual domains of the human eRF1 on induction of the human eRF3 GTPase activity in the ribosome in vitro. It was shown that none of the N-, M-, C- and NM-domains induces eRF3 GTPase activity in presence of the ribosomes. MC-domain does induce GTPase activity of eRF3 but four times less efficient than full-length eRF1, therefore, MC-domain (and very likely M-domain) binds to the ribosome in the presence of eRF3. Based on these data and taking into account the data available in literature, a conclusion was drawn that the N domain of eRF1 is not essential for eRF1-dependent induction of the eRF3 GTPase activity. A working hypothesis is formulated, postulating that GTPase activity eRF3 during the translation termination is associated with the intermolecular interactions of GTP/GDP, GTPase center of the large ribosomal subunit (60S), MC-domain of eRF1, C-terminal region and GTP-binding domains of eRF3, but without participation of the N-terminal region of eRF3.  相似文献   

Termination of protein synthesis (hydrolysis of the last peptidyl-tRNA on the ribosome) takes place when the ribosomal A site is occupied simultaneously by one of the three stop codons and by a class-1 translation termination factor. The existing procedures to measure the functional activity of this factor both in vitro and in vivo have serious drawbacks, the main of which are artificial conditions for in vitro assays, far from those in the cell, and indirect evaluation of activity in in vivo systems. A simple reliable and sensitive system to measure the functional activity of class-1 translation termination factors could considerably expedite the study of the terminal steps of protein synthesis, at present remaining poorly known, especially in eukaryotes. We suggest a novel system to test the functional activity in vitro using native functionally active mRNA, rather than tri-, tetra-, or oligonucleotides as before. This mRNA is specially designed to contain one of the three terminating (stop) codons within the coding nucleotide sequence. Plasmids have been generated that carry the genes of suppressor tRNAs each of which is specific toward one of the three stop codons. They were shown to support normal synthesis of a reporter protein, luciferase, by reading through the stop codon within the coding mRNA sequence. We have demonstrated that human class-1 translation termination factor eRF1 is able to compete with suppressor tRNA for a stop codon and to completely prevent its suppressive effect at a sufficient concentration. Forms of eRF1 with point mutations in functionally essential regions have lower competitive ability, demonstrating the sensitivity of the method to the eRF1 structure. The enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the full-size reporter protein is accompanied by emission of light quanta. Therefore, competition between suppressor tRNA and eRF1 can be measured using a luminometer, and this allows precise kinetic measurements in a continuous automatic mode.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translational termination is triggered by polypeptide release factors eRF1, eRF3, and one of the three stop codons at the ribosomal A-site. Isothermal titration calorimetry shows that (i) the separated MC, M, and C domains of human eRF1 bind to eRF3; (ii) GTP binding to eRF3 requires complex formation with either the MC or M + C domains; (iii) the M domain interacts with the N and C domains; (iv) the MC domain and Mg2+ induce GTPase activity of eRF3 in the ribosome. We suggest that GDP binding site of eRF3 acquires an ability to bind gamma-phosphate of GTP if altered by cooperative action of the M and C domains of eRF1. Thus, the stop-codon decoding is associated with the N domain of eRF1 while the GTPase activity of eRF3 is controlled by the MC domain of eRF1 demonstrating a substantial structural uncoupling of these two activities though functionally they are interrelated.  相似文献   

The integral structural parameters and the shape of the molecule of human translation termination factor eRF1 were determined from the small-angle X-ray scattering in solution. The molecular shapes were found by bead modeling with nonlinear minimization of the root-mean-square deviation of the calculated from the experimental scattering curve. Comparisons of the small-angle scattering curves computed for atomic-resolution structures of eRF1 with the experimental data on scattering from solution testified that the crystal and the solution conformations are close. In the ribosome, the distance between the eRF1 motifs GGQ and NIKS must be shorter than in crystal or solution (75 versus 107-112 A). Therefore, like its bacterial counterpart RF2, the eukaryotic eRF1 must change its conformation as it binds to the ribosome. The conformational mobility of eukaryotic and prokaryotic class-1 release factors is another feature making them functionally akin to tRNA.  相似文献   

Namy O  Hatin I  Rousset JP 《EMBO reports》2001,2(9):787-793
The efficiency of translation termination is influenced by local contexts surrounding stop codons. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, upstream and downstream sequences act synergistically to influence the translation termination efficiency. By analysing derivatives of a leaky stop codon context, we initially demonstrated that at least six nucleotides after the stop codon are a key determinant of readthrough efficiency in S. cerevisiae. We then developed a combinatorial-based strategy to identify poor 3′ termination contexts. By screening a degenerate oligonucleotide library, we identified a consensus sequence –CA(A/G)N(U/C/G)A–, which promotes >5% readthrough efficiency when located downstream of a UAG stop codon. Potential base pairing between this stimulatory motif and regions close to helix 18 and 44 of the 18S rRNA provides a model for the effect of the 3′ stop codon context on translation termination.  相似文献   

By a number of criteria, we have demonstrated that the translation termination factor eRF1 (eukaryotic release factor 1) associates with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Trimeric PP2A1 was purified from rabbit skeletal muscle using an affinity purification step. In addition to the 36 kDa catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) and established regulatory subunits of 65 kDa (PR65) and 55 kDa (PR55), purified preparations contained two proteins with apparent Mrs of 54 and 55 kDa. Protein microsequencing revealed that the 55 kDa component is a novel protein, whereas the 54 kDa protein was identified as eRF1, a protein that functions in translational termination as a polypeptide chain release factor. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, human eRF1 was shown to interact specifically with PP2Ac, but not with the PR65 or PR55 subunits. By deletion analysis, the binding domains were found to be located within the 50 N-terminal amino acids of PP2Ac, and between amino acid residues 338 and 381 in the C-terminal part of human eRF1. This association also occurs in vivo, since PP2A can be co-immunoprecipitated with eRF1 from mammalian cells. We observed a significant increase in the amount of PP2A associated with the polysomes when eRF1 was transiently expressed in COS1 cells, and eRF1 immunoprecipitated from those fractions contained associated PP2A. Since we did not observe any dramatic effects of PP2A on the polypeptide chain release activity of eRF1 (or vice versa), we postulate that eRF1 also functions to recruit PP2A into polysomes, thus bringing the phosphatase into contact with putative targets among the components of the translational apparatus.  相似文献   

Class-1 polypeptide chain release factors (RFs) play a key role in translation termination. Eukaryotic (eRF1) and archaeal class-1 RFs possess a highly conserved Asn-Ile-Lys-Ser (NIKS) tetrapeptide located at the N-terminal domain of human eRF1. In the three-dimensional structure, NIKS forms a loop between helices. The universal occurrence and exposed nature of this motif provoke the appearance of hypotheses postulating an essential role of this tetrapeptide in stop codon recognition and ribosome binding. To approach this problem experimentally, site-directed mutagenesis of the NIKS (positions 61-64) in human eRF1 and adjacent amino acids has been applied followed by determination of release activity and ribosome-binding capacity of mutants. Substitutions of Asn61 and Ile62 residues of the NIKS cause a decrease in the ability of eRF1 mutants to promote termination reaction in vitro, but to a different extent depending on the stop codon specificity, position, and nature of the substituting residues. This observation points to a possibility that Asn-Ile dipeptide modulates the specific recognition of the stop codons by eRF1. Some replacements at positions 60, 63, and 64 cause a negligible (if any) effect in contrast to what has been deduced from some current hypotheses predicting the structure of the termination codon recognition site in eRF1. Reduction in ribosome binding revealed for Ile62, Ser64, Arg65, and Arg68 mutants argues in favor of the essential role played by the right part of the NIKS loop in interaction with the ribosome, most probably with ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

A properties of atomic models of structure of eukaryotic triple complex eRF1 . mRNA . tRNAPhe containing human class-1 polypeptide release factor eRF1 at the A-site of human 80S ribosome, mRNA and P-site tRNAPhe, obtained before, are considered. The stricture of the complex is described using high resolution NMR structure of eRF1 M-domain. The structural properties of distribution of chemical cross-links are investigated, which allows us to choose correct model of positioning of the eRF1 molecule in ribosome A-site relative to stop codon of mRNA. A distributions of crosslinks between photoactivatable perfluoroaryl azide group of modified nucleotides of mRNA analogues and eRF1 molecule are modeled via molecular dynamics method. Twelve different mRNA analogues with modified nucleotides of stop signal in positions +4 to +9 with respect to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon are modeled. It was shown that only one of the two models of complex eRFI . mRNA . tRNA gives cross-link distribution in a good agreement with experimental data. A new features of the final structure of triple complex eRF1 . mRNA . tRNA is spatial proximity of stop-codon nucleotides to the C-domain of the eRF1, which explains previously obtained cross-link experimental data.  相似文献   

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