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The three-dimensional solution-state structure is reported for the zinc-substituted form of rubredoxin (Rd) from the marine hyperthermophilic archaebacterium Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C. Structures were generated with DSPACE by a hybrid distance geometry (DG)-based simulated annealing (SA) approach that employed 403 nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-derived interproton distance restraints, including 67 interresidue, 124 sequential (i-j = 1), 75 medium-range (i-j = 2-5), and 137 long-range (i-j > 5) restraints. All lower interproton distance bounds were set at the sum of the van Der Waals radii (1.8 A), and upper bounds of 2.7 A, 3.3 A, and 5.0 A were employed to represent qualitatively observed strong, medium, and weak NOE cross peak intensities, respectively. Twenty-three backbone-backbone, six backbone-sulfur (Cys), two backbone-side chain, and two side chain-side chain hydrogen bond restraints were include for structure refinement, yielding a total of 436 nonbonded restraints, which averages to > 16 restraints per residue. A total of 10 structures generated from random atom positions and 30 structures generated by molecular replacement using the backbone coordinates of Clostridium pasteurianum Rd converged to a common conformation, with the average penalty (= sum of the square of the distance bounds violations; +/- standard deviation) of 0.024 +/- 0.003 A2 and a maximum total penalty of 0.035 A2. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) of residues A1-L51 for all 40 structures afforded an average pairwise root mean square (rms) deviation value (+/- SD) of 0.42 +/- 0.07 A. Superposition of all heavy atoms for residues A1-L51, including those of structurally undefined external side chains, afforded an average pairwise rms deviation of 0.72 +/- 0.08 A. Qualitative comparison of back-calculated and experimental two-dimensional NOESY spectra indicate that the DG/SA structures are consistent with the experimental spectra. The global folding of P. furiosus Zn(Rd) is remarkably similar to the folding observed by X-ray crystallography for native Rd from the mesophilic organism C. pasteurianum, with the average rms deviation value for backbone atoms of residues A1-L51 of P. furiosus Zn(Rd) superposed with respect to residues K2-V52 of C. pasteurianum Rd of 0.77 +/- 0.06 A. The conformations of aromatic residues that compose the hydrophobic cores of the two proteins are also similar. However, P. furiosus Rd contains several unique structural elements, including at least four additional hydrogen bonds and three potential electrostatic interactions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic anaerobe Pyrococcus furiosus was found to grow on pyruvate as energy and carbon source. Growth was dependent on yeast extract (0.1%). The organism grew with doublings times of about 1 h up to cell densities of 1–2×108 cells/ml. During growth 0.6–0.8 mol acetate and 1.2–1.5 mol CO2 and 0.8 mol H2 were formed per mol of pyruvate consumed. The molar growth yield was 10–11 g cells(dry weight)/mol pyruvate. Cell suspensions catalyzed the conversion of 1 mol of pyruvate to 0.6–0.8 mol acetate, 1.2–1.5 mol CO2, 1.2 mol H2 and 0.03 mol acetoin. After fermentation of [3-14C]pyruvate the specific radioactivities of pyruvate, CO2 and acetate were equal to 1:0.01:1. Cellfree extracts contained the following enzymatic activities: pyruvate: ferredoxin (methyl viologen) oxidoreductase (0.2 U mg-1, T=60°C, with Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin as electron acceptor; 1.4 U mg-1 at 90°C, with methyl viologen as electron acceptor); acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP forming) [acetyl-CoA+ADP+Piacetate+ATP+CoA] (0.34 U mg-1, T=90°C), and hydrogen: methyl viologen oxidoreductase (1.75 U mg-1). Phosphate acetyl-transferase activity, acetate kinase activity, and carbon monoxide:methyl viologen oxidoreductase activity could not be detected. These findings indicate that the archaebacterium P. furiosus ferments pyruvate to acetate, CO2 and H2 involving only three enzymes, a pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, a hydrogenase and an acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP forming).Non-standard abbreviations DTE dithioerythritol - MV methyl viologen - MOPS morpholinopropane sulfonic acid - Tricine N-tris(hydroxymethyl)-methylglycine Part of the work was performed at the Laboratorium für Mikrobiologie, Fachbereich Biologie, Philipps-Universität, Karlvon-Frisch-Strasse, W-3550 Marburg/Lahn, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

The archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, grows optimally at 100 degrees C by a fermentative type metabolism in which H2 and CO2 are the only detectable products. The organism also reduces elemental sulfur (S0) to H2S. Cells grown in the absence of S0 contain a single hydrogenase, located in the cytoplasm, which has been purified 350-fold to apparent homogeneity. The yield of H2 evolution activity from reduced methyl viologen at 80 degrees C was 40%. The hydrogenase has a Mr value of 185,000 +/- 15,000 and is composed of three subunits of Mr 46,000 (alpha), 27,000 (beta), and 24,000 (gamma). The enzyme contains 31 +/- 3 g atoms of iron, 24 +/- 4 g atoms of acid-labile sulfide, and 0.98 +/- 0.05 g atoms of nickel/185,000 g of protein. The H2-reduced hydrogenase exhibits an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal at 70 K typical of a single [2Fe-2S] cluster, while below 15 K, EPR absorption is observed from extremely fast relaxing iron-sulfur clusters. The oxidized enzyme is EPR silent. The hydrogenase is reversibly inhibited by O2 and is remarkably thermostable. Most of its H2 evolution activity is retained after a 1-h incubation at 100 degrees C. Reduced ferredoxin from P. furiosus also acts as an electron donor to the enzyme, and a 350-fold increase in the rate of H2 evolution is observed between 45 and 90 degrees C. The hydrogenase also catalyzes H2 oxidation with methyl viologen or methylene blue as the electron acceptor. The temperature optimum for both H2 oxidation and H2 evolution is greater than 95 degrees C. Arrhenius plots show two transition points at approximately 60 and approximately 80 degrees C independent of the mode of assay. That occurring at 80 degrees C is associated with a dramatic increase in H2 production activity. The enzyme preferentially catalyzes H2 production at all temperatures examined and appears to represent a new type of "evolution" hydrogenase.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic archaebacterium Pyrococcus furiosus contains high levels of NAD(P)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase activity. The enzyme could be involved in the first step of nitrogen metabolism, catalyzing the conversion of 2-oxoglutarate and ammonia to glutamate. The enzyme, purified to homogeneity, is a hexamer of 290 kDa (subunit mass 48 kDa). Isoelectric-focusing analysis of the purified enzyme showed a pI of 4.5. The enzyme shows strict specificity for 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamate but utilizes both NADH and NADPH as cofactors. The purified enzyme reveals an outstanding thermal stability (the half-life for thermal inactivation at 100 degrees C was 12 h), totally independent of enzyme concentration. P. furiosus glutamate dehydrogenase represents 20% of the total protein; this elevated concentration raises questions about the roles of this enzyme in the metabolism of P. furiosus.  相似文献   

The structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the rubredoxin from the archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, have been determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.8 A. Crystals of this rubredoxin grow in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with room temperature cell dimensions a = 34.6 A, b = 35.5 A, and c = 44.4 A. Initial phases were determined by the method of molecular replacement using the oxidized form of the rubredoxin from the mesophilic eubacterium, Clostridium pasteurianum, as a starting model. The oxidized and reduced models of P. furiosus rubredoxin each contain 414 nonhydrogen protein atoms comprising 53 residues. The model of the oxidized form contains 61 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined with X-PLOR and TNT to a final R = 0.178 with root mean square (rms) deviations from ideality in bond distances and bond angles of 0.014 A and 2.06 degrees, respectively. The model of the reduced form contains 37 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined to R = 0.193 with rms deviations from ideality in bond lengths of 0.012 A and in bond angles of 1.95 degrees. The overall structure of P. furiosus rubredoxin is similar to the structures of mesophilic rubredoxins, with the exception of a more extensive hydrogen-bonding network in the beta-sheet region and multiple electrostatic interactions (salt bridge, hydrogen bonds) of the Glu 14 side chain with groups on three other residues (the amino-terminal nitrogen of Ala 1; the indole nitrogen of Trp 3; and the amide nitrogen group of Phe 29). The influence of these and other features upon the thermostability of the P. furiosus protein is discussed.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of glutamate dehydrogenase from the archaebacteriumPyrococcus furiosus has been determined. The sequence was reconstructed by automated sequence analysis of peptides obtained after cleavage with cyanogen bromide, Asp-N endoproteinase, trypsin, or pepsin. The enzyme subunit is composed of 420 amino acid residues yielding a molecular mass of 47,122 D. In the recently determined primary structure of glutamate dehydrogenase from another thermophilic archaebacterium,Sulfolobus solfataricus, the presence of some methylated lysines was detected and the possible role of this posttranslational modification in enhancing the thermostability of the enzyme was discussed (Maras, B., Consalvi, V., Chiaraluce, R., Politi, L., De Rosa, M., Bossa, F., Scandurra, R., and Barra, D. (1992),Eur. J. Biochem. 203, 81–87). In the primary structure reported here, such posttranslational modification has not been found, indicating that the role of lysine methylation should be revisited. Comparison of the sequence of glutamate dehydrogenase fromPyrococcus furiosus with that ofS. solfataricus shows a 43.7% similarity, thus indicating a common evolutionary pathway.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a universal phenomenon experienced by organisms in all domains of life. Proteins like those in the ferritin-like di-iron carboxylate superfamily have evolved to manage this stress. Here we describe the cloning, isolation, and characterization of a Dps-like protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (PfDps-like). Phylogenetic analysis, primary structure alignments and higher order structural predictions all suggest that the P. furiosus protein is related to proteins within the broad superfamily of ferritin-like di-iron carboxylate proteins. The recombinant PfDps protein self-assembles into a 12 subunit quaternary structure with an outer shell diameter of approximately 10nm and an interior diameter of approximately 5 nm. Dps proteins functionally manage the toxicity of oxidative stress by sequestering intracellular ferrous iron and using it to reduce H(2)O(2) in a two electron process to form water. The iron is converted to a benign form as Fe(III) within the protein cage. This Dps-mediated reduction of hydrogen peroxide, coupled with the protein's capacity to sequester iron, contributes to its service as a multifunctional antioxidant.  相似文献   

S Aono  F O Bryant    M W Adams 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(6):3433-3439
The archaebacterium Pyrococcus furiosus is a strict anaerobe that grows optimally at 100 degrees C by a fermentative-type metabolism in which H2 and CO2 are the only detectable products. A ferredoxin, which functions as the electron donor to the hydrogenase of this organism was purified under anaerobic reducing conditions. It had a molecular weight of approximately 12,000 and contained 8 iron atoms and 8 cysteine residues/mol but lacked histidine or arginine residues. Reduction and oxidation of the ferredoxin each required 2 electrons/mol, which is consistent with the presence of two [4Fe-4S] clusters. The reduced protein gave rise to a broad rhombic electronic paramagnetic resonance spectrum, with gz = 2.10, gy = 1.86, gx = 1.80, and a midpoint potential of -345 mV (at pH 8). However, this spectrum represented a minor species, since it quantitated to only approximately 0.3 spins/mol. P. furiosus ferredoxin is therefore distinct from other ferredoxins in that the bulk of its iron is not present as iron-sulfur clusters with an S = 1/2 ground state. The apoferredoxin was reconstituted with iron and sulfide to give a protein that was indistinguishable from the native ferredoxin by its iron content and electron paramagnetic resonance properties, which showed that the novel iron-sulfur clusters were not artifacts of purification. The reduced ferredoxin also functioned as an electron donor for H2 evolution catalyzed by the hydrogenase of the mesophilic eubacterium Clostridium pasteurianum. P. furiosus ferredoxin was resistant to denaturation by sodium dodecyl sulfate (20%, wt/vol) and was remarkably thermostable. Its UV-visible absorption spectrum and electron carrier activity to P. furiosus hydrogenase were unaffected by a 12-h incubation of 95 degrees C.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional X-ray structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of rubredoxin from Pyrococcus furiosus, determined at -161 degrees C, and the NMR structure of the zinc-substituted protein, determined in solution at 45 degrees C, are compared. The NMR and X-ray structures, which were determined independently, are very similar and lead to similar conclusions regarding the interactions that confer hyperthermostability.  相似文献   

The archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, is a strict anaerobe that grows optimally at 100 degrees C by a fermentative-type metabolism in which H2 and CO2 are the only detectable products. Tungsten is known to stimulate the growth of this organism. A red-colored tungsten-containing protein (abbreviated RTP) that is redox-active and extremely thermostable has been purified. RTP is a monomer of Mr = 85,000 and contains approximately 6 iron, 1 tungsten, and 4 acid-labile sulfide atoms/molecule. Titrations using visible spectroscopy were consistent with the oxidation and reduction of the protein each requiring two electrons/molecule, suggesting that these metals and the sulfide are arranged in two redox active centers. P. furiosus ferredoxin served as an electron acceptor for the protein. Dithionite-reduced RTP exhibited a remarkable and complex EPR spectrum at 6 K with g values ranging from 1.3 to 10.0. This was shown to arise from the spin-coupling interaction of two paramagnetic centers. One (center A) has a S = 3/2 spin system (effective g values: gx = 3.33, gy = 4.75, and gz = 1.92, where D = 4.3 cm-1 and lambda = 0.135), whereas the EPR properties of the other (center B) could not be deduced. Nevertheless, theoretical analyses show how the redox properties of both centers may be determined using EPR spectroscopy. Their midpoint potentials (Em) at 20 degrees C and pH 8.0 are -410 mV (center A) and -500 mV (center B) with an effective potential for the spin coupled system (Em, A + B) of -505 mV. The Em values are dependent on temperature (delta Em/delta T = -2 mV/degrees C between 20 and 70 degrees C) and pH with pK alpha values of 8.0 (A) and approximately 8.5 (B). The Em values at 100 degrees C, the growth temperature, were estimated at -590, -650, and -660 mV for centers A, B, and A + B, respectively. These data indicate that RTP catalyzes a dehydrogenase-type reaction of extremely low potential, which involves the transfer of two protons and of two electrons, to and from two adjacent and interacting but nonidentical metal centers.  相似文献   

Cell extracts from Pyrococcus furiosus were found to contain five proteases, two of which (S66 and S102) are resistant to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) denaturation. Cell extracts incubated at 98 degrees C in the presence of 1% SDS for 24 h exhibited substantial cellular proteolysis such that only four proteins could be visualized by amido black-Coomassie brilliant blue staining of SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The SDS-treated extract retained 19% of the initial proteolytic activity as represented by two proteases, S66 (66 kilodaltons [kDa]) and S102 (102 kDa). Immunoblot analysis with guinea pig sera containing antibodies against protease S66 indicated that S66 is related neither to S102 nor to the other proteases. The results of this analysis also suggest that S66 might be the hydrolysis product of a 200-kDa precursor which does not have proteolytic activity. The 24-h SDS-treated extract showed unusually thermostable proteolytic activity; the measured half-life at 98 degrees C was found to be 33 h. Proteases S66 and S102 were also resistant to denaturation by 8 M urea, 80 mM dithiothreitol, and 5% beta-mercaptoethanol. Purified protease S66 was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and diisopropyl fluorophosphate but not by EDTA, ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, or iodoacetic acid. These results indicate that S66 is a serine protease. Amino acid ester hydrolysis studies showed that protease S66 was hydrolytically active towards N-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester.  相似文献   

Cell extracts from Pyrococcus furiosus were found to contain five proteases, two of which (S66 and S102) are resistant to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) denaturation. Cell extracts incubated at 98 degrees C in the presence of 1% SDS for 24 h exhibited substantial cellular proteolysis such that only four proteins could be visualized by amido black-Coomassie brilliant blue staining of SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The SDS-treated extract retained 19% of the initial proteolytic activity as represented by two proteases, S66 (66 kilodaltons [kDa]) and S102 (102 kDa). Immunoblot analysis with guinea pig sera containing antibodies against protease S66 indicated that S66 is related neither to S102 nor to the other proteases. The results of this analysis also suggest that S66 might be the hydrolysis product of a 200-kDa precursor which does not have proteolytic activity. The 24-h SDS-treated extract showed unusually thermostable proteolytic activity; the measured half-life at 98 degrees C was found to be 33 h. Proteases S66 and S102 were also resistant to denaturation by 8 M urea, 80 mM dithiothreitol, and 5% beta-mercaptoethanol. Purified protease S66 was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and diisopropyl fluorophosphate but not by EDTA, ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, or iodoacetic acid. These results indicate that S66 is a serine protease. Amino acid ester hydrolysis studies showed that protease S66 was hydrolytically active towards N-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester.  相似文献   

The structure of Pyrococcus furiosus carboxypeptidase (PfuCP) has been determined to 2.2 A resolution using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) methods. PfuCP represents the first structure of the new M32 family of carboxypeptidases. The overall structure is comprised of a homodimer. Each subunit is mostly helical with its most pronounced feature being a deep substrate binding groove. The active site lies at the bottom of this groove and contains an HEXXH motif that coordinates the metal ion required for catalysis. Surprisingly, the structure is similar to the recently reported rat neurolysin. Comparison of these structures as well as sequence analyses with other homologous proteins reveal several conserved residues. The roles for these conserved residues in the catalytic mechanism are inferred based on modeling and their location.  相似文献   

The ribosome consists of small and large subunits each composed of dozens of proteins and RNA molecules. However, the functions of many of the individual protomers within the ribosome are still unknown. In this article, we describe the solution NMR structure of the ribosomal protein RP-L35Ae from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. RP-L35Ae is buried within the large subunit of the ribosome and belongs to Pfam protein domain family PF01247, which is highly conserved in eukaryotes, present in a few archaeal genomes, but absent in bacteria. The protein adopts a six-stranded anti-parallel β-barrel analogous to the "tRNA binding motif" fold. The structure of the P. furiosus RP-L35Ae presented in this article constitutes the first structural representative from this protein domain family.  相似文献   

Enzymatic transglycosylation of lactose into oligosaccharides was studied using wild-type beta-glucosidase (CelB) and active site mutants thereof (M424K, F426Y, M424K/F426Y) and wild-type beta-mannosidase (BmnA) of the hyperthermophilic Pyrococcus furiosus. The effects of the mutations on kinetics, enzyme activity, and substrate specificity were determined. The oligosaccharide synthesis was carried out in aqueous solution at 95 degrees C at different lactose concentrations and pH values. The results showed enhanced synthetic properties of the CelB mutant enzymes. An exchange of one phenylalanine to tyrosine (F426Y) increased the oligosaccharide yield (45%) compared with the wild-type CelB (40%). Incorporation of a positively charged group in the active site (M424K) increased the pH optimum of transglycosylation reaction of CelB. The double mutant, M424K/F426Y, showed much better transglycosylation properties at low (10-20%) lactose concentrations compared to the wild-type. At a lactose concentration of 10%, the oligosaccharide yield for the mutant was 40% compared to 18% for the wild-type. At optimal reaction conditions, a higher ratio of tetrasaccharides to trisaccharides was obtained with the double mutant (0.42, 10% lactose) compared to the wild-type (0.19, 70% lactose). At a lactose concentration as low as 10%, only trisaccharides were synthesized by CelB wild-type. The beta-mannosidase BmnA from P. furiosus showed both beta-glucosidase and beta-galactosidase activity and in the transglycosylation of lactose the maximal oligosaccharide yield of BmnA was 44%. The oligosaccharide yields obtained in this study are high compared to those reported with other transglycosylating beta-glycosidases in oligosaccharide synthesis from lactose.  相似文献   

The conformational parametersP k for each amino acid species (j=1–20) of sequential peptides in proteins are presented as the product ofP i,k , wherei is the number of the sequential residues in thekth conformational state (k=-helix,-sheet,-turn, or unordered structure). Since the average parameter for ann-residue segment is related to the average probability of finding the segment in the kth state, it becomes a geometric mean of (P k )av=(P i,k ) 1/n with amino acid residuei increasing from 1 ton. We then used ln(Pk)av to convert a multiplicative process to a summation, i.e., ln(P k ) av =(1/n)P i,k (i=1 ton) for ease of operation. However, this is unlike the popular Chou-Fasman algorithm, which has the flaw of using the arithmetic mean for relative probabilities. The Chou-Fasman algorithm happens to be close to our calculations in many cases mainly because the difference between theirP k and our InP k is nearly constant for about one-half of the 20 amino acids. When stronger conformation formers and breakers exist, the difference become larger and the prediction at the N- and C-terminal-helix or-sheet could differ. If the average conformational parameters of the overlapping segments of any two states are too close for a unique solution, our calculations could lead to a different prediction.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of rubredoxin from the hyperthermophilic archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, has been modeled from the X-ray crystal structures of three homologous proteins from Clostridium pasteurianum, Desulfovibrio gigas, and Desulfovibrio vulgaris. All three homology models are similar. When comparing the positions of all heavy atoms and essential hydrogen atoms to the recently solved crystal structure (Day, M. W., et al., 1992, Protein Sci. 1, 1494-1507) of the same protein, the homology model differ from the X-ray structure by 2.09 A root mean square (RMS). The X-ray and the zinc-substituted NMR structures (Blake, P. R., et al., 1992b, Protein Sci. 1, 1508-1521) show a similar level of difference (2.05 A RMS). On average, the homology models are closer to the X-ray structure than to the NMR structures (2.09 vs. 2.42 A RMS).  相似文献   

A chitinase is a hyperthermophilic glycosidase that effectively hydrolyzes both α and β crystalline chitins; that studied here was engineered from the genes PF1233 and PF1234 of Pyrococcus furiosus. This chitinase has unique structural features and contains two catalytic domains (AD1 and AD2) and two chitin-binding domains (ChBDs; ChBD1 and ChBD2). A partial enzyme carrying AD2 and ChBD2 also effectively hydrolyzes crystalline chitin. We determined the NMR and crystal structures of ChBD2, which significantly enhances the activity of the catalytic domain. There was no significant difference between the NMR and crystal structures. The overall structure of ChBD2, which consists of two four-stranded β-sheets, was composed of a typical β-sandwich architecture and was similar to that of other carbohydrate-binding module 2 family proteins, despite low sequence similarity. The chitin-binding surface identified by NMR was flat and contained a strip of three solvent-exposed Trp residues (Trp274, Trp308 and Trp326) flanked by acidic residues (Glu279 and Asp281). These acidic residues form a negatively charged patch and are a characteristic feature of ChBD2. Mutagenesis analysis indicated that hydrophobic interaction was dominant for the recognition of crystalline chitin and that the acidic residues were responsible for a higher substrate specificity of ChBD2 for chitin compared with that of cellulose. These results provide the first structure of a hyperthermostable ChBD and yield new insight into the mechanism of protein-carbohydrate recognition. This is important in the development of technology for the exploitation of biomass.  相似文献   

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