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As part of a comprehensive dental study of coastal and inland Alaskan Eskimos, information regarding the frequency of the shovel-shape trait in the maxillary incisors is presented. The findings are compared with the trait as found in other populations. Some degree of shovel-shape was demonstrated on all upper incisors and the semi-shovel and shovel grades were found most frequently. Marked shovel-shape was present in only about 5% of the material. These findings are in accordance with similar investigations on Eskimos. No sex difference in the shovel-shape trend was present. There was a general tendency toward a higher degree of shovel-shape in the inland group; this difference may be due to more admixture with white people along the coast. Comparing male Alaskan Eskimos with Aleuts a statistically significant lower degree of shovel-shape appeared in the central incisor in the former group. The same tendency was revealed for the lateral incisor. No difference between female Aleuts and Alaskan Eskimos could be demonstrated. Only one family studied showed a significant deviation from the others with a more marked shovel-shape. The genetics of the shovel-shape may be hard to reveal in a sample where the trait is so prevalent in the whole population as in the Alaskan Eskimos.  相似文献   

The Eskimos and Chuckchi of the Chuckotka Peninsula were studied at 13 loci of serum and erythrocyte proteins and enzymes by electrophoresis. Six loci-including albumin, transferrin, carbonic anhydrase I and II, monoamine oxidase, and superoxide dismutase-were monomorphic in the studied populations. The mean frequencies of alleles in nine polymorphic loci of Chuckotka Eskimos and Chuckchi, Eskimos of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, some Mongoloid populations of Siberia, American Indians, and Lapps of circumpolar areas of Western Europe were obtained. The genetic distances between these populations were calculated. The Eskimos of Chuckotka were closest to the Alaskan Eskimos. The relative heterozygosity of Chuckotka Eskimos was calculated and was the highest in Chuckchi. The average heterozygosity in Eskimo populations increased in the following order, from least to greatest: Chuckotka Eskimos, St. Lawrence Island Eskimos, Alaskan Eskimos, Greenland Eskimos, and Canadian Eskimos. The average heterozygosity of the Chuckchi was similar to that of Western Hemisphere Eskimos.  相似文献   

Crown morphology of 85 plaster dental casts from skeletal and living Ainus of less than 1/8 non-Ainu admixture is described and compared for microevolutionary and origins considerations. There is no significant sex dimorphism and few inter-sample differences through time. Inter-observer differences occur where observation standards are poorly established. Ainu teeth exhibit a simplified pattern and have trait frequencies more like those of Polynesians and Micronesians than like Chinese, Japanese or Europeans. There is no dental evidence in support of a Caucasoid origin or close relationship. Similarities outnumber differences between Ainu teeth and those of Micronesians and Polynesians suggestive of a past biological relationship.  相似文献   

A sample of Aleuts residing in the Pribilof Islands of St. Paul (N = 163) and St. George (N = 62) and Eskimo residents of Kodiak Island (N = 294) have been typed for genetic variation at 31 discrete genetic markers. Of these, 16 were polymorphic and 15 were monomorphic. Several private polymorphisms previously reported in Eskimo or Alaskan Amerindian populations were absent in both the Aleuts and Kodiak Island Eskimos. Genetic distance analysis shows considerable genetic differentiation between Aleuts and Kodiak Island Eskimos.  相似文献   

A study of coastal and inland Alaskan Eskimos revealed that a faintly developed Carabelli's cusp was present in 42.7%. No sex difference in the occurrence of Carabelli's cusp was evident and no family showed any difference in the distribution of the frequencies when each family was compared to the rest of the population. A general tendency toward a higher prevalence of Carabelli's cusp in the coastal Eskimos may be due to more admixture with white people along the coast. Alaskan Eskimos have a significantly higher frequency of Carabelli's cusp than do Aleuts. Statistical evaluation revealed that in the Alaskan Eskimo dentition the formation of Carabelli's cusp is independent of the size of the molars and the suppression of the third molars.  相似文献   

Variability of the HLA class II genes (alleles of the DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 loci) was investigated in a sample of Aleuts of the Commanders (n = 31), whose ancestors inhabited the Commander Islands for many thousand years. Among 19 haplotypes revealed in Aleuts of the Commanders, at most eight were inherited from the native inhabitants of the Commander Islands. Five of these haplotypes (DRB1*0401-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0301, DRB1*1401-DQA1*0101-DQB1*0503, DRB1*0802-DQA1*0401-DQB1*0402, DRB1*1101-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301, and DRB1*1201-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301) were typical of Beringian Mongoloids, i.e., Coastal Chukchi and Koryaks, as well as Siberian and Alaskan Eskimos. Genetic contribution of the immigrants to the genetic pool of proper Aleuts constituted about 52%. Phylogenetic analysis based on Transberingian distribution of the DRB1 allele frequencies favored the hypothesis on the common origin of Paleo-Aleuts, Paleo-Eskimos, and the Indians from the northwestern North America, whose direct ancestors survived in Beringian/southwestern Alaskan coastal refugia during the late Ice Age.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 179 Aleuts from five different islands (Atka, Unalaska, Umnak, St. Paul, and St. George) and Anchorage was analyzed to better understand the origins of Aleuts and their role in the peopling of the Americas. Mitochondrial DNA samples were characterized using polymerase chain reaction amplification, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and direct sequencing of the first hypervariable segment (HVS-I) of the control region. This study showed that Aleut mtDNAs belonged to two of the four haplogroups (A and D) common among Native Americans. Haplogroup D occurred at a very high frequency in Aleuts, and this, along with their unique HVS-I sequences, distinguished them from Eskimos, Athapaskan Indians, and other northern Amerindian populations. While sharing several control region sequences (CIR11, CHU14, CIR60, and CIR61) with other circumarctic populations, Aleuts lacked haplogroup A mtDNAs having the 16265G mutation that are specific to Eskimo populations. R-matrix and median network analyses indicated that Aleuts were closest genetically to Chukotkan (Chukchi and Siberian Eskimos) rather than to Native American or Kamchatkan populations (Koryaks and Itel'men). Dating of the Beringian branch of haplogroup A (16192T) suggested that populations ancestral to the Aleuts, Eskimos, and Athapaskan Indians emerged approximately 13,120 years ago, while Aleut-specific A and D sublineages were dated at 6539 +/- 3511 and 6035 +/- 2885 years, respectively. Our findings support the archaeologically based hypothesis that ancestral Aleuts crossed the Bering Land Bridge or Beringian platform and entered the Aleutian Islands from the east, rather than island hopping from Kamchatka into the western Aleutians. Furthermore, the Aleut migration most likely represents a separate event from those responsible for peopling the remainder of the Americas, meaning that the New World was colonized through multiple migrations.  相似文献   

Variability of the HLA class II genes (alleles of the DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 loci) was investigated in a sample of Aleuts of the Commanders (n = 31), whose ancestors inhabited the Commander Islands for many thousand years. Among 19 haplotypes revealed in the Aleuts of the Commanders, at most eight were inherited from the native inhabitants of the Commander Islands. Five of these haplotypes (DRB1*0401-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0301, DRB1*1401-DQA1*0101-DQB1*0503, DRB1*0802-DQA1*0401-DQB1*0402, DRB1*1101-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301, and DRB1*1201-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301) were typical of Beringian Mongoloids, i.e., Coastal Chukchi and Koryaks, as well as Siberian and Alaskan Eskimos. Genetic contribution of the immigrants to the genetic pool of the proper Aleuts constituted about 52%. Phylogenetic analysis based on Transberingian distribution of the DRB1 allele frequencies favored the hypothesis on the common origin of the Paleo-Aleuts, Paleo-Eskimos, and the Indians from the northwestern North America, whose direct ancestors survived in Beringian/southwestern Alaskan coastal refugia during the late Ice Age.  相似文献   

Analysis of dentitions belonging to 324 prehistoric and protohistoric Aleuts, Eskimos and northern Indians, all of whom were regularly meat-eaters, reveals a significant difference between Eskimos and Aleut-Indians for a little known type of tooth wear. This wear is characterized by severe crushing and/or flaking of the crown surface of one or more teeth (termed “pressure-chipping”). It occurs chiefly in dentitions of high arctic Eskimos of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, and significantly less often in the teeth of Kodiak Island Eskimos, Aleuts and northern Indians. Sex differences do not exist but pressure-chipping occurs significantly more often in adult (21–x years) than in non-adult (0–20 years) Eskimos. The exact mechanism(s) responsible for pressure-chipping is unknown, although ethnographic accounts of Eskimo eating habits suggest that crushing of hard substances such as bone was involved. The severity of this wear could have contributed to the selection for, or preservation of, large and complex crowns in high arctic Eskimos. Pressure-chipping is offered as evidence favoring the view that tooth size (longevity) may have had in the past some adaptive value.  相似文献   

Hair exhibits many interesting anthropologic and genetic features such as thickness and cross-sectional morphology. Digital hair, though not adequately studied to date, has potential importance as an anthropologic trait. A digital hair score system was devised in which a number of dorsally haired digital segments (nine segments) of the left fingers, excluding onychogenic segments, was used as a measure of the trait. Thickness and cross-section of the parietal hair of the Ojibwas, a tribe of Canadian Indians, and European Canadians residing in Ontario were compared with those of Japanese and Koreans residing in their respective countries. Segmental distribution of the digital hair in both males and females was similar between Ojibwas and Japanese, Koreans or Formosans, and was significantly larger in British and other European Canadians. Parietal hair of Ojibwas, both males and females, was thinner than that of Japanese, and thicker than that of British Canadians. The parietal hair index was almost equal between Ojibwas and Japanese in both sexes. That of British Canadians was significantly smaller.  相似文献   

A study of 35 coastal and 64 inland Alaskan Eskimos revealed a reduction in the number of cusps from the first to the third maxillary molar. While 97% of the first molars had four cusps, only 39.6% of the second molars and 15.2% of the third molars had that number. The reduction occurs through elimination of the hypocone. No statistically significant sex difference in the trend towards reduction in the cusp numbers was found. In the inland female group the occurrence of four cusps in the maxillary second molar was statistically higher than in the coastal female group. This may be due to a more pronounced racial admixture of white people along the coast. A similar difference, although not statistically significant, was found in the corresponding male groups. Alaskan Eskimos have a tendency towards a lower frequency of four cusps on all three maxillary molars than Aleuts. Only the second molar exhibited a statistically significant difference in this respect. A statistical evaluation revealed that in the Alaskan Eskimo maxillary first and third molars the reduction of cusps is independent of the size and form of the molars and of the suppression of the third molar. For the second molar, however, the groups with four well-developed cusps showed significantly larger buccolingual diameter.  相似文献   

There have been relatively few paleopathological studies of arctic populations to date, compared to other regions of North America. Studies aimed at elucidating patterns of health and disease in arctic peoples prior to contact and assessing inter- and intraregional differences in disease patterns have been particularly few. In the present study, five pre-contact skeletal samples (N = 193), representing 4 Eskimo populations from northern coastal Alaska and 1 Aleut population from the eastern Aleutian Islands, were examined macroscopically for the following indicators of health status: cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, trauma, infection, dental caries, abscesses, antemortem tooth loss, periodontal disease, and dental attrition. In addition, archeological and epidemiological data were used to help reconstruct the health of these populations. The goals of the analysis were 2-fold: 1) to assess the pre-contact health of North Alaskan Eskimos and Aleuts in order to provide a baseline comparison for the post-contact health of these groups, and 2) to determine if any differences in disease patterns exist between the Eskimos and Aleuts that might be related to differences in their physical environment, subsistence patterns, and cultural practices. The analysis revealed that both groups suffered from a variety of health problems prior to contact, including iron deficiency anemia, trauma, infection, and various forms of dental pathology. Statistical comparisons of the 2 groups revealed that Eskimos and Aleuts had different patterns of health and disease prior to contact. Most notably, the Aleuts had a significantly higher frequency of cranial trauma and infracranial infection than the Eskimos, while the latter had a significantly higher frequency of enamel hypoplasia. An examination of the physical and cultural environment of the 2 groups reveals several possible explanations for these differences, including warfare, subsistence pursuits, and housing practices. The documentation of these differences indicates that variability in pre-contact disease patterns can be identified between hunter-gatherer populations living in similar environments and exhibiting similar general lifestyles. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:51–70, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We summarize the results of a field and laboratory research program (1999-2006) in the Aleutian Islands on the origins of the inhabitants of the archipelago and the genetic structure of these populations. The Aleuts show closest genetic affinity to the contemporary Siberian Eskimos and Chukchi of Chukotka and differ significantly from the populations of Kamchatka (the terminus of the archipelago) and Alaskan Eskimos. Our findings support the hypothesis that the ancestors of the Aleuts crossed Beringia and expanded westerly into the islands approximately 9,000 years ago. The Monmonier algorithm indicates genetic discontinuity between contemporary Kamchatkan populations and western Aleut populations, suggesting that island hopping from Kamchatka into the western Aleutian Islands was highly unlikely. The primary determinant of the distribution of genes throughout the archipelago is geography. The most intimate relationship exists between the genetics (based on mtDNA sequences and intermatch/mismatch distances) and geographic distances (measured in kilometers). However, the Y-chromosome haplogroup frequencies are not significantly correlated with the geography of the Aleutian Islands. The underlying patterns of precontact genetic structure based on Y-chromosome markers of the Aleut populations is obscured because of the gene flow from Russian male colonizers and Scandinavian and English fishermen. We consider alternative theories about the peopling of the Americas from Siberia. In addition, we attempt a synthesis between archaeological and genetic data for the Aleutian Islands.  相似文献   

Three-rooted mandibular first molars (3RM1) are characteristic of Asian and Asian-derived populations, particularly Aleuts (whose 3RM1 frequency is the highest in the world) and Eskimos. Similarities in the frequency of these teeth between American Indians and contemporary peoples of southeastern Asia indicate a closer relation between these groups than between American Indians and Aleut-Eskimos. Three-rooted mandibular first molar frequency does not differ significantly in males and females except in Aleut-Eskimos. Bilateral asymmetry of 3RM1 is relatively frequent in both sexes and all groups. All American Indian groups examined have a low frequency of 3RM1 pointing to a single Asian origin, except Athabaskan-speaking Arizona Navajos, whose 3RM1 frequency approaches that of Aleut-Eskimos. There is no evidence at present of any significant local microevolution of 3RM1 in two testable prehistoric American Indian groups, although genetic drift had possibly occurred in a few series of 3RM1-deficient southwestern U. S. prehistoric Western Pueblo Indians. No adaptive value can be found for 3RM1 in Indians. In prehistoric western U. S. Indians geographic frequency variation is only slightly greater than the very slight (and non-significant) testable temporal variation. Three migrations from Asia seem best to explain New World 3RM1 frequency variation.  相似文献   

Although degenerative joint disease is an old and exceedingly common problem, clinical investigators have not reached a consensus regarding the etiology of this disease. Comparative osteological analysis of the knee, hip, shoulder, and elbow joints of 798 individuals from four human skeletal populations (Black and White Americans, Pueblo Indians, and Alaskan Eskimos) indicates that age of onset, frequency, and location of degenerative changes are directly related to the nature and degree of environmentally associated stress, as reflected by the variable life styles of the populations sampled. Eskimos have the earliest onset and most severe involvement for all four joints studied, the right side is usually more affected than the left, and Blacks are more frequently involved than Whites in the knee, shoulder, and elbow. Functional stress, when constant and severe in nature, becomes the primary focus of degenerative disease, but other background contributing agents such as age, sex, and hormonal influence must not be ignored.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in population genomics, much remains to be elucidated with regard to East Asian population history. The Ainu, a hunter–gatherer population of northern Japan and Sakhalin island of Russia, are thought to be key to elucidating the prehistory of Japan and the peopling of East Asia. Here, we study the genetic relationship of the Ainu with other East Asian and Siberian populations outside the Japanese archipelago using genome-wide genotyping data. We find that the Ainu represent a deep branch of East Asian diversity more basal than all present-day East Asian farmers. However, we did not find a genetic connection between the Ainu and populations of the Tibetan plateau, rejecting their long-held hypothetical connection based on Y chromosome data. Unlike all other East Asian populations investigated, the Ainu have a closer genetic relationship with northeast Siberians than with central Siberians, suggesting ancient connections among populations around the Sea of Okhotsk. We also detect a recent genetic contribution of the Ainu to nearby populations, but no evidence for reciprocal recent gene flow is observed. Whole genome sequencing of contemporary and ancient Ainu individuals will be helpful to understand the details of the deep history of East Asians.  相似文献   

The Aleuts are aboriginal inhabitants of the Aleutian archipelago, including Bering and Copper (Medny) Islands of the Commanders, and seem to be the survivors of the inhabitants of the southern belt of the Bering Land Bridge that connected Chukotka/Kamchatka and Alaska during the end of the Ice Age. Thirty mtDNA samples collected in the Commanders, as well as seven mtDNA samples from Sireniki Eskimos in Chukotka who belong to the Beringian-specific subhaplogroup D2, were studied through complete sequencing. This analysis has provided evidence that all 37 of these mtDNAs are closely related, since they share the founding haplotype for subhaplogroup D2. We also demonstrated that, unlike the Eskimos and Na-Dene, the Aleuts of the Commanders were founded by a single lineage of haplogroup D2, which had acquired the novel transversion mutation 8910A. The phylogeny of haplogroup D complete sequences showed that (1) the D2 root sequence type originated among the latest inhabitants of Beringia and (2) the Aleut 8910A sublineage of D2 is a part of larger radiation of rooted D2, which gave rise to D2a (Na-Dene), D2b (Aleut), and D2c (Eskimo) sublineages. The geographic specificity and remarkable intrinsic diversity of D2 lineages support the refugial hypothesis, which assumes that the founding population of Eskimo-Aleut originated in Beringan/southwestern Alaskan refugia during the early postglacial period, rather than having reached the shores of Alaska as the result of recent wave of migration from interior Siberia.  相似文献   

Craniofacial variables for modern and prehistoric Japanese were subjected to multivariate analysis to test the relationships of the people of Japan with mainland Asian and Oceanic samples. The modern Japanese are tied to Koreans, Chinese, Southeast Asians, and the Yayoi rice agriculturalists who entered Japan in 300 B.C. Together they make up a Mainland-Asia cluster of related populations. The prehistoric Jomon foragers, the original inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago, are the direct ancestors of the modern Ainu, who made a recognizable contribution to the warrior class--the Samurai--of feudal Japan. Together, they are associated with Polynesians and Micronesians in a Jomon-Pacific cluster of related populations. Jomon-to-Ainu tooth size reduction proceeded at the same rate as that observable in the post-Pleistocene elsewhere in the Old World.  相似文献   

The incidence of jugular foramen and mylohyoid groove bridging was studied in a population of East Asian Indian skulls (125 males and 109 females). The criteria of Dodo (J. Anat. 144:153-165, 1986) was used in the identification of a jugular bridge. There was an overall incidence of 8.1% in jugular foramen bridging, with males showing a higher rate, though the difference did not reach statistical significance. The right side showed a statistically significant greater occurrence than the left, and the trait tended to be associated between sides. The overall incidence of mylohyoid bridging was found to be 2.6%, with no difference observed between the sexes. This frequency is less than the values reported for other Asian Indian studies. Studies concerned with the incidences of nonmetric traits such as bony bridging may be useful in population studies especially when utilized in combination, thereby enhancing the value of each trait as an anthropological tool.  相似文献   

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