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Genome sizes vary widely among species, but comprehensive explanations for the emergence of this variation have not been validated. Lynch and Conery (2003) hypothesized that genome expansion is maladaptive, and that lineages with small effective population size (Ne) evolve larger genomes than those with large Ne as a consequence of the lowered efficacy of natural selection in small populations. In addition, mating systems likely affect genome size evolution via effects on both Ne and the spread of transposable elements (TEs). We present a comparative analysis of the effects of Ne and mating system on genome size evolution in seed plants. The dataset includes 205 species with monoploid genome size estimates (corrected for recent polyploidy) ranging from 2Cx = 0.3 to 65.9 pg. The raw data exhibited a strong positive relationship between outcrossing and genome size, a negative relationship between Ne and genome size, but no detectable Ne× outcrossing interaction. In contrast, phylogenetically independent contrast analyses found only a weak relationship between outcrossing and genome size and no relationship between Ne and genome size. Thus, seed plants do not support the Lynch and Conery mechanism of genome size evolution. Further work is needed to disentangle contrasting effects of mating systems on the efficacy of selection and TE transmission.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns of morphological variation have been useful in addressing hypotheses about environmental adaptation. In particular, latitudinal clines in phenotypes have been studied in a number of Drosophila species. Some environmental conditions along latitudinal clines—for example, temperature—also vary along altitudinal clines, but these have been studied infrequently and it remains unclear whether these environmental factors are similar enough for convergence or parallel evolution. Most clinal studies in Drosophila have dealt exclusively with univariate phenotypes, allowing for the detection of clinal relationships, but not for estimating the directions of covariation between them. We measured variation in wing shape and size in D. melanogaster derived from populations at varying altitudes and latitudes across sub‐Saharan Africa. Geometric morphometrics allows us to compare shape changes associated with latitude and altitude, and manipulating rearing temperature allows us to quantify the extent to which thermal plasticity recapitulates clinal effects. Comparing effect vectors demonstrates that altitude, latitude, and temperature are only partly associated, and that the altitudinal shape effect may differ between Eastern and Western Africa. Our results suggest that selection responsible for these phenotypic clines may be more complex than just thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Fluctuating environments are expected to select for individuals that have highest geometric fitness over the experienced environments. This leads to the prediction that genetically determined environmental robustness in fitness, and average fitness across environments should be positively genetically correlated to fitness in fluctuating environments. Because quantitative genetic experiments resolving these predictions are missing, we used a full‐sib, half‐sib breeding design to estimate genetic variance for egg‐to‐adult viability in Drosophila melanogaster exposed to two constant or fluctuating temperatures that were above the species’ optimum temperature, during development. Viability in two constant environments (25°C or 30°C) was used to estimate breeding values for environmental robustness of viability (i.e., reaction norm slope) and overall viability (reaction norm elevation). These breeding values were regressed against breeding values of viability at two different fluctuating temperatures (with a mean of 25°C or 30°C). Our results based on genetic correlations show that average egg‐to‐adult viability across different constant thermal environments, and not the environmental robustness, was the most important factor for explaining the fitness in fluctuating thermal environments. Our results suggest that the role of environmental robustness in adapting to fluctuating environments might be smaller than anticipated.  相似文献   

Few studies have determined whether formal estimates of selection explain patterns of trait divergence among populations, yet this is one approach for evaluating whether the populations are in equilibria. If adaptive divergence is complete, directional selection should be absent and stabilizing selection should prevail. We estimated natural selection, due to bear predation, acting on the body size and shape of male salmon in three breeding populations that experience differing predation regimes. Our approach was to (1) estimate selection acting within each population on each trait based on an empirical estimate of reproductive activity, (2) test for trait divergence among populations, and (3) test whether selection coefficients were correlated with trait divergence among populations. Stabilizing selection was never significant, indicating that these populations have yet to attain equilibria. Directional selection varied among populations in a manner consistent with trait divergence, indicating ongoing population differentiation. Specifically, the rank order of the creeks in terms of patterns of selection paralleled the rank order in terms of size and shape. The shortest and least deep-bodied males had the highest reproductive activity in the creek with the most intense predation and longer and deeper-bodied males were favored in the creeks with lower predation risk.  相似文献   

The paradox of mutualism is typically framed as the persistence of interspecific cooperation, despite the potential advantages of cheating. Thus, mutualism research has tended to focus on stabilizing mechanisms that prevent the invasion of low‐quality partners. These mechanisms alone cannot explain the persistence of variation for partner quality observed in nature, leaving a large gap in our understanding of how mutualisms evolve. Studying partner quality variation is necessary for applying genetically explicit models to predict evolution in natural populations, a necessary step for understanding the origins of mutualisms as well as their ongoing dynamics. An evolutionary genetic approach, which is focused on naturally occurring mutualist variation, can potentially synthesize the currently disconnected fields of mutualism evolution and coevolutionary genetics. We outline explanations for the maintenance of genetic variation for mutualism and suggest approaches necessary to address them.  相似文献   

Hybridization can be an evolutionary creative force by forming new polyploid species, creating novel genetic variation or acting as conduits of potentially advantageous traits between hybridizing forms. Evidence for the latter is often difficult to find because alleles under positive selection can spread rapidly across a hybrid zone and sweep to fixation. In Western Panama, an avian hybrid zone between two species of manakins in the genus Manacus exists where the unidirectional introgression of bright, yellow plumage into a white population provides evidence for the importance of hybrid zones as conduits of advantageous traits. Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that sexual selection favoring yellow plumage drives this asymmetrical spread, but more direct evidence is lacking. Along the edge of the hybrid zone, both yellow- and white-collared manakins are found in the same mating arenas or leks and compete for the same females ("mixed leks"), providing us with a unique opportunity to understand the dynamics of yellow plumage introgression. We studied these mixed leks to determine whether yellow males have a mating advantage over white males and, if so, whether the mating advantage is driven by male-male interactions, female choice, or both. We found that yellow males mated more than white males, suggesting that sexual selection favoring yellow males can, indeed, explain the spread of yellow plumage. However, we found that this advantage occurred only in mixed leks where the frequency of yellow males is greater than white males. This suggests that the advantage of yellow males may depend on the presence of other yellow males, which may slow the rate of introgression in leks where yellow frequency is low such as in areas where yellow males are beginning to colonize the white population. This, along with the geographic barrier posed by major rivers in the hybrid zone, may initially limit or slow the spread of yellow plumage. Finally, we found that yellow and white males were similar in aggression and body size, and held comparable positions within leks. Because these traits or factors are often important in or dictated by aggressive male-male interactions, these comparisons indicate that male-male interaction is not the primary mechanism for the spread of yellow plumage. However, white and yellow males received similar numbers of courtship visits from females but differed in the number of matings, suggesting that females actively rejected white in favor of yellow males. Our results indicate that sexual selection by female choice has driven the unidirectional introgression of yellow plumage into the white population, providing a mechanism for how hybrid zones act as conduits of novel and advantageous traits.  相似文献   

Bergmann's and Rensch's rules describe common large-scale patterns of body size variation, but their underlying causes remain elusive. Bergmann's rule states that organisms are larger at higher latitudes (or in colder climates). Rensch's rule states that male body size varies (or evolutionarily diverges) more than female body size among species, resulting in slopes greater than one when male size is regressed on female size. We use published studies of sex-specific latitudinal body size clines in vertebrates and invertebrates to investigate patterns equivalent to Rensch's rule among populations within species and to evaluate their possible relation to Bergmann's rule. Consistent with previous studies, we found a continuum of Bergmann (larger at higher latitudes: 58 species) and converse Bergmann body size clines (larger at lower latitudes: 40 species). Ignoring latitude, male size was more variable than female size in only 55 of 98 species, suggesting that intraspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism does not generally conform to Rensch's rule. In contrast, in a significant majority of species (66 of 98) male latitudinal body size clines were steeper than those of females. This pattern is consistent with a latitudinal version of Rensch's rule, and suggests that some factor that varies systematically with latitude is responsible for producing Rensch's rule among populations within species. Identifying the underlying mechanisms will require studies quantifying latitudinal variation in sex-specific natural and sexual selection on body size.  相似文献   

Recent studies with Drosophila have suggested that there is extensive genetic variability for phenotypic plasticity of body size versus food level. If true, we expect that the outcome of evolution at very different food levels should yield genotypes whose adult size show different patterns of phenotypic plasticity. We have tested this prediction with six independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster kept at extreme densities for 125 generations. We found that the phenotypic plasticity of body size versus food level is not affected by selection or the presence of competitors of a different genotype. However, we document increasing among population variation in phenotypic plasticity due to random genetic drift. Several reasons are explored to explain these results including the possibility that the use of highly inbred lines to make inferences about the evolution of genetically variable populations may be misleading.  相似文献   

Size increments following interindividual fusions appear as a general benefit for organisms, such as coalescing seaweeds and modular invertebrates, with the capacity to fuse with conspecifics. Using sporelings of the red algae Gracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, McLachlan et E. C. Oliveira and Mazzaella laminarioides (Bory) Fredericq, we measured the growth patterns of sporelings built with different numbers of spores, and the magnitude and persistence of the size increments gained by fusions. Then we studied three morphological processes that could help explain the observed growth patterns. Results indicate that in these algae, coalescence is followed by immediate increase in total size of the coalesced individual and that the increment is proportional to the number of individuals fusing. However, the size increments in sporelings of both species do not last >60 d. Increasing reductions of marginal meristematic cells and increasing abundance of necrotic cells in sporelings built with increasing numbers of initial spores are partial explanations for the above growth patterns. Since sporelings formed by many spores differentiate erect axes earlier and in larger quantities than sporelings formed by one or only a few spores, differentiation, emergence, and growth of erect axes appear as a more likely explanation for the slow radial growth of the multisporic sporelings. Erect axis differentiation involves significant morphological and physiological changes and a shift from radial to axial growth. It is concluded that the growth pattern exhibited by these macroalgae after fusion differs from equivalent processes described for other organisms with the capacity to fuse, such as modular invertebrates.  相似文献   

Mixed-mating strategies (i.e., intermediate levels of self-fertilization and outcrossing in hermaphrodites) are relatively common in plants and animals, but why self-fertilization (selfing) rates vary so much in nature has proved difficult to explain. We tested the hypothesis that parasites help maintain mixed-mating using a partially selfing fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus) as a model. We show that outcrossed progeny in the wild are genetically more diverse and less susceptible to multiple parasite infections than their selfed counterparts. Given that outcrossing in K. marmoratus can only be attained by male-hermaphrodite matings, our data provide an explanation for the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites in androdioecious species where hermaphrodites are unable to outcross among themselves. Moreover, our study provides evidence that parasites contribute to maintaining mixed-mating in a natural animal population.  相似文献   

A trend for larger males to obtain a disproportionately high number of matings, as occurs in many animal populations, typically is attributed either to female choice or success in male-male rivalry; an alternative mechanism, that larger males are better able to coercively inseminate females, has received much less attention. For example, previous studies on garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at communal dens in Manitoba have shown that the mating benefit to larger body size in males is due to size-dependent advantages in male-male rivalry. However, this previous work ignored the possibility that larger males may obtain more matings because of male-female interactions. In staged trials within outdoor arenas, larger body size enhanced male mating success regardless of whether a rival male was present. The mechanism involved was coercion rather than female choice, because mating occurred most often (and soonest) in females that were least able to resist courtship-induced hypoxic stress. Males do physically displace rivals from optimal positions in the mating ball, and larger males are better able to resist such displacement. Nonetheless, larger body size enhances male mating success even in the absence of such male-male interactions. Thus, even in mating systems where males compete physically and where larger body size confers a significant advantage in male-male competition, the actual selective force for larger body size in males may relate to forcible insemination of unreceptive females. Experimental studies are needed to determine whether the same situation occurs in other organisms in which body-size advantages have been attributed to male-male rather than male-female interactions.  相似文献   

Harwood K 《Bioethics》2009,23(1):39-46
This article describes the relatively new technology of freezing human eggs and examines whether egg freezing, specifically when it is used by healthy women as 'insurance' against age-related infertility, is a legitimate exercise of reproductive autonomy. Although egg freezing has the potential to expand women's reproductive options and thus may represent a breakthrough for reproductive autonomy, I argue that without adequate information about likely outcomes and risks, women may be choosing to freeze their eggs in a commercially exploitative context, thus undermining rather than expanding reproductive autonomy.  相似文献   

Bak and Bax are the essential effectors of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Following an apoptotic stimulus, both undergo significant changes in conformation that facilitates their self-association to form pores in the mitochondrial outer membrane. However, the molecular structures of Bak and Bax oligomeric pores remain elusive. To characterize how Bak forms pores during apoptosis, we investigated its oligomerization under native conditions using blue native PAGE. We report that, in a healthy cell, inactive Bak is either monomeric or in a large complex involving VDAC2. Following an apoptotic stimulus, activated Bak forms BH3:groove homodimers that represent the basic stable oligomeric unit. These dimers multimerize to higher-order oligomers via a labile interface independent of both the BH3 domain and groove. Linkage of the α6:α6 interface is sufficient to stabilize higher-order Bak oligomers on native PAGE, suggesting an important role in the Bak oligomeric pore. Mutagenesis of the α6 helix disrupted apoptotic function because a chimera of Bak with the α6 derived from Bcl-2 could be activated by truncated Bid (tBid) and could form BH3:groove homodimers but could not form high molecular weight oligomers or mediate cell death. An α6 peptide could block Bak function but did so upstream of dimerization, potentially implicating α6 as a site for activation by BH3-only proteins. Our examination of native Bak oligomers indicates that the Bak apoptotic pore forms by the multimerization of BH3:groove homodimers and reveals that Bak α6 is not only important for Bak oligomerization and function but may also be involved in how Bak is activated by BH3-only proteins.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change in New World Monkey (NWM) skulls occurred primarily along the line of least resistance defined by size (including allometric) variation ( gmax ). Although the direction of evolution was aligned with this axis, it was not clear whether this macroevolutionary pattern results from the conservation of within population genetic covariance patterns (long‐term constraint) or long‐term selection along a size dimension, or whether both, constraints and selection, were inextricably involved. Furthermore, G ‐matrix stability can also be a consequence of selection, which implies that both, constraints embodied in gmax and evolutionary changes observed on the trait averages, would be influenced by selection. Here, we describe a combination of approaches that allows one to test whether any particular instance of size evolution is a correlated by‐product due to constraints ( gmax ) or is due to direct selection on size and apply it to NWM lineages as a case study. The approach is based on comparing the direction and amount of evolutionary change produced by two different simulated sets of net‐selection gradients ( β ), a size (isometric and allometric size) and a nonsize set. Using this approach it is possible to distinguish between the two hypotheses (indirect size evolution due to constraints or direct selection on size), because although both may produce an evolutionary response aligned with gmax , the amount of change produced by random selection operating through the variance/covariance patterns (constraints hypothesis) will be much smaller than that produced by selection on size (selection hypothesis). Furthermore, the alignment of simulated evolutionary changes with gmax when selection is not on size is not as tight as when selection is actually on size, allowing a statistical test of whether a particular observed case of evolution along the line of least resistance is the result of selection along it or not. Also, with matrix diagonalization (principal components [PC]) it is possible to calculate directly the net‐selection gradient on size alone (first PC [PC1]) by dividing the amount of phenotypic difference between any two populations by the amount of variation in PC1, which allows one to benchmark whether selection was on size or not.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Wright et al. (2003) argue for the hypothesis that greater biologically available energy elevates the rate of molecular evolution. However, their results are also consistent with alternative hypotheses that invoke either environmentally driven variation in effective population sizes, or natural selection, or both. The available energy gradient cited by Wright et al. is linearly correlated with temperature fluctuations, and the observed rate heterogeneity could be a consequence of this environmental variability. The distribution of phylogenetic branch lengths alone is insufficient to distinguish between the hypotheses, and complementary approaches are suggested.  相似文献   

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