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Epigenetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic change are hypothesized to contribute to population persistence and adaptation in the face of environmental change. To date, few studies have explored the heritability of intergenerationally stable methylation levels in natural populations, and little is known about the relative contribution of cis- and trans-regulatory changes to methylation variation. Here, we explore the heritability of DNA methylation, and conduct methylation quantitative trait loci (meQTLs) analysis to investigate the genetic architecture underlying methylation variation between marine and freshwater ecotypes of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We quantitatively measured genome-wide DNA methylation in fin tissue using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing of F1 and F2 crosses, and their marine and freshwater source populations. We identified cytosines (CpG sites) that exhibited stable methylation levels across generations. We found that additive genetic variance explained an average of 24–35% of the methylation variance, with a number of CpG sites possibly autonomous from genetic control. We also detected both cis- and trans-meQTLs, with only trans-meQTLs overlapping with previously identified genomic regions of high differentiation between marine and freshwater ecotypes. Finally, we identified the genetic architecture underlying two key CpG sites that were differentially methylated between ecotypes. These findings demonstrate a potential role for DNA methylation in facilitating adaptation to divergent environments and improve our understanding of the heritable basis of population epigenomic variation.  相似文献   

The transition from marine to freshwater life in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is accompanied by complex morphological changes-including reduction in bony armor and change in body shape-but experimental evidence for the selective agents behind these evolutionary transitions is sparse. We investigated whether selection by predatory fish affects threespine stickleback morphology differentially when refuge is absent (pelagic lifestyle-ancestral condition) or present (benthic lifestyle-derived condition). Our results show that selection favors low numbers of lateral plates in habitats with refuge, whereas fully plated individuals have a selective advantage in habitats without refuge. We also found that a decrease in the length of the caudal peduncle increased survival probability, irrespective of habitat. The effect of spine lengths on survival was evident only in a multivariate analysis of selection, implying that it is essential to account for phenotypic and genetic correlations between traits before drawing conclusions about the effects of selection on single traits. Apart from uncovering targets and patterns of predator-induced selection on threespine stickleback morphology, our results provide direct evidence to support the hypothesis that differences in antipredator strategies in pelagic versus benthic sticklebacks could play a role in the repeated, independent cases of plate number reduction following freshwater colonization in this species.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, female three-spined sticklebacks(Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) show a mating preference for intenselyred-colored males. We verified this female choice in the fieldby observing a freshwater stickleback population in its naturalhabitat. During the egg collection phase, individual courtingmales were localized with the aid of a dummy of a ripe female,caught and photographed under standardized conditions, and released.After males had stopped collecting eggs, we counted the numberof eggs in the nests. The more intense a male's red breedingcoloration, the more eggs he received. Simultaneous female choiceexperiments in the laboratory suggested that ripe females ofthis population preferred redder males. Breeding activitiesof the males in the field were clustered and seem to be synchronizedwithin clusters. At one of the breeding sites, more intensered males were in better physical condition, but this was notthe case at another site. Although several synchronized breedingcycles were observed, the majority of males seem to completeonly one breeding cycle.  相似文献   

This study examined sexual dimorphism of head morphology in the ecologically diverse three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Male G. aculeatus had longer heads than female G. aculeatus in all 10 anadromous, stream and lake populations examined, and head length growth rates were significantly higher in males in half of the populations sampled, indicating that differences in head size increased with body size in many populations. Despite consistently larger heads in males, there was significant variation in size‐adjusted head length among populations, suggesting that the relationship between head length and body length was flexible. Inter‐population differences in head length were correlated between sexes, thus population‐level factors influenced head length in both sexes despite the sexual dimorphism present. Head shape variation between lake and anadromous populations was greater than that between sexes. The common divergence in head shape between sexes across populations was about twice as important as the sexual dimorphism unique to each population. Finally, much of the sexual dimorphism in head length was due to divergence in the anterior region of the head, where the primary trophic structures were found. It is unclear whether the sexual dimorphism was due to natural selection for niche divergence between sexes or sexual selection. This study improves knowledge of the magnitude, growth rate divergence, inter‐population variation and location of sexual dimorphism in G. aculeatus head morphology.  相似文献   

Historically, six small lakes in southwestern British Columbia each contained a sympatric species pair of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). These pairs consisted of a 'benthic' and 'limnetic' species that had arisen postglacially and, in four of the lakes, independently. Sympatric sticklebacks are considered biological species because they are morphologically, ecologically and genetically distinct and because they are strongly reproductively isolated from one another. The restricted range of the species pairs places them at risk of extinction, and one of the pairs has gone extinct after the introduction of an exotic catfish. In another lake, Enos Lake, southeastern Vancouver Island, an earlier report suggested that its species pair is at risk from elevated levels of hybridization. We conducted a detailed morphological analysis, as well as genetic analysis of variation at five microsatellite loci for samples spanning a time frame of 1977 to 2002 to test the hypothesis that the pair in Enos Lake is collapsing into a hybrid swarm. Our morphological analysis showed a clear breakdown between benthics and limnetics. Bayesian model-based clustering indicated that two morphological clusters were evident in 1977 and 1988, which were replaced by 1997 by a single highly variable cluster. The most recent 2000 and 2002 samples confirm the breakdown. Microsatellite analysis corroborated the morphological results. Bayesian analyses of population structure in a sample collected in 1994 indicated two genetically distinct populations in Enos Lake, but only a single genetic population was evident in 1997, 2000, and 2002. In addition, genetic analyses of samples collected in 1997, 2000, and 2002 showed strong signals of 'hybrids'; they were genetically intermediate to parental genotypes. Our results support the idea that the Enos Lake species pair is collapsing into a hybrid swarm. Although the precise mechanism(s) responsible for elevated hybridization in the lake is unknown, the demise of the Enos Lake species pair follows the appearance of an exotic crayfish, Pascifasticus lenisculus, in the early 1990s.  相似文献   

Phenotypes may evolve to become integrated in response to functional demands. Once evolved, integrated phenotypes, often modular, can also influence the trajectory of subsequent responses to selection. Clearly, connecting modularity and functionally adaptive evolution has been challenging. The teleost skull and jaw structures are useful for understanding this connection because of the key roles that these structures play in feeding in novel environments with different prey resources. In the present study, we examined such a structure in the threespine stickleback: the opercular four‐bar lever that functions in jaw opening. Comparing oceanic and two fresh‐water populations, we find marked phenotypic divergence in the skull opercular region, and the major axes of morphological and functional variation of the lever are found to be highly correlated. All three populations share the same global skull integration structure, and a conserved, strongly‐supported modular organization is evident in the region encompassing the lever. Importantly, a boundary between two modules that subdivides the lever apparatus corresponds to the region of most prominent morphological evolution. The matched modular phenotypic and functional architecture of head and jaw structures of stickleback therefore may be important for facilitating their rapid adaptive transitions between highly divergent habitats. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 375–390.  相似文献   

Predation can promote divergence between prey populations and contribute to ecological speciation. In theory, predators can also constrain prey population divergence. In coastal British Columbia, Canada, Gasterosteus aculeatus (three‐spined stickleback) species pairs only occur in lakes with a single species of predatory fish: Oncorhynchus clarkii (the cutthroat trout). Similar lakes containing additional predatory fish species (Cottus asper, prickly sculpins; Oncorhynchus mykiss, rainbow trout) contain only single species of morphologically intermediate stickleback, suggesting that these predators prevent the coexistence of stickleback species pairs. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to investigate how prickly sculpins might constrain divergence, by quantifying their impact on survival and natural selection on antipredator (armour) traits in F2 stickleback from a cross between ecologically divergent populations. We tested three hypotheses: (1) sculpin predation on sticklebacks reduces survival in a way that could result in their exclusion from certain niches; (2) sculpins compete with stickleback; (3) sculpins respond to prey vulnerabilities in similar ways to cutthroat trout, tending to constrain rather than to enhance divergence. We found that sculpins significantly reduce stickleback survival, that their presence per se does not reduce growth in stickleback, and that predation did not result in selection on any of the armour traits measured, or on gill raker length, which is an important trophic trait. These results tend to refute hypotheses (2) and (3), while supporting hypothesis (1). © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 877–885.  相似文献   

The threespine stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus, is polymorphic for the arrangement of lateral bony plates. It is confirmed in this paper that four morphs (not three) should be distinguished in this species: low plated, low plated with a keel, partially plated and completely plated. A new model is proposed to explain the inheritance of these morphs which involves one major gene with three alleles displaying a dominance hierarchy withA (completely plated) dominant toa (low plated) which is dominant toa k (low plated with keel). The dominance of theA allele is modified to semidominance by a dominant alleleC at a second locus. This scheme explains all the results of relevant breeding experiments published so far. Field data also fulfill predictions derived from this model.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of the spectral characteristics of underwater light on spectral sensitivity of the ON and OFF visual pathways, compound action potential recordings were made from retinal ganglion cells of threespine stickleback from different photic regimes. In fish from a red-shifted photic regime (P50 680 nm for downwelling light at 1m), peak sensitivity of both the ON and OFF pathways was limited to long wavelength light (max 600–620). In contrast, the ON pathway of fish from a comparatively blue-shifted (P50 566 nm) photic regime exhibited sensitivity to medium (max 540–560) and long (max 600 nm) wavelengths, while the OFF pathway exhibited peak sensitivity to only medium (max 540 nm) wavelength light. In a third population, where the the ambient light is moderately red-shifted (P50 629 nm), the ON pathway once again exhibited only a long wavelength sensitivity peak at 620 nm, while the OFF pathway exhibited sensitivity to both medium (max 560 nm) and long (max 600–620 nm) wavelength light. These findings suggest that the photic environment plays an integral role in shaping spectral sensitivity of the ON and OFF pathways.  相似文献   

Synopsis Two sympatric morphs of threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus are found in Lake Azabachije (Kamchatka, USSR); resident low-plated leiurus and completely plated trachurus, migrating from the Bering sea into the Lake to spawn. The absence of the intermediate morph semiarmatus and significant differences in a number of characters are indicative of reproductive isolation. The results show that the leiurus morph is common in the regions other than those with mild climate and small seasonal fluctuations of temperature.  相似文献   

Parallel (or convergent) evolution provides strong evidence for a deterministic role of natural selection: similar phenotypes evolve when independent populations colonize similar environments. In reality, however, independent populations in similar environments always show some differences: some nonparallel evolution is present. It is therefore important to explicitly quantify the parallel and nonparallel aspects of trait variation, and to investigate the ecological and genetic explanations for each. We performed such an analysis for threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations inhabiting lake and stream habitats in six independent watersheds. Morphological traits differed in the degree to which lake-stream divergence was parallel across watersheds. Some aspects of this variation were correlated with ecological variables related to diet, presumably reflecting the strength and specifics of divergent selection. Furthermore, a genetic scan revealed some markers that diverged between lakes and streams in many of the watersheds and some that diverged in only a few watersheds. Moreover, some of the lake-stream divergence in genetic markers was associated within some of the lake-stream divergence in morphological traits. Our results suggest that parallel evolution, and deviations from it, are primarily the result of natural selection, which corresponds in only some respects to the dichotomous habitat classifications frequently used in such studies.  相似文献   

We compared the colour patterns of free swimming, reproductively active male threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus of the anadromous and stream ecotypes from three geographically distinct regions. Consistent with the hypothesis of environmentally mediated selection, our results indicate ecologically replicated differences in G. aculeatus coloration between anadromous and stream-resident populations, and that G. aculeatus probably have the visual acuity to discriminate colour pattern differences between anadromous and stream-resident fish.  相似文献   

The relationship between burst swimming performance and muscle metabolic capacities was examined in juvenile and adult threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). The absolute burst speed measured during startle responses increased markedly with growth of juveniles, but this positive allometry did not continue in adults. The allometry of phosphofructokinase (PFK), lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase activities and protein concentrations was positive in juveniles and became negative in adults. The lower activities in adults may reflect the mobilization of muscle proteins for reproduction. In juveniles, absolute burst swimming and muscle glycolytic capacity show a similar allometry. However, when the influence of factors such as size and age was removed by calculating residuals from multiple regressions, variation in muscle enzyme activities in juveniles did not explain variation in their swimming capacity. In adults, interindividual variation in PFK and cytochrome C oxidase activities was correlated with variation in the burst swimming capacity. Apparently, mobilization of muscle proteins in support of reproduction may lead muscle enzyme levels to limit burst performance. Accepted: 9 November 1998  相似文献   

Parasite communities of fishes are known to respond directly to the abiotic environment of the host, for example, to water quality and water temperature. Biotic factors are also important as they affect the exposure profile through heterogeneities in parasite distribution in the environment. Parasites in a particular environment may pose a strong selection on fish. For example, ecological differences in selection by parasites have been hypothesized to facilitate evolutionary differentiation of freshwater fish morphs specializing on different food types. However, as parasites may also respond directly to abiotic environment the parasite risk does not depend only on biotic features of the host environment. It is possible that different morphs experience specific selection gradients by parasites but it is not clear how consistent the selection is when abiotic factors change. We examined parasite pressure in sympatric morphs of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) across a temperature gradient in two large Icelandic lakes, Myvatn and Thingvallavatn. Habitat‐specific temperature gradients in these lakes are opposite. Myvatn lava rock morph lives in a warm environment, while the mud morph lives in the cold. In Thingvallavatn, the lava rock morph lives in a cold environment and the mud morph in a warm habitat. We found more parasites in fish living in higher temperature in both lakes, independent of the fish morph, and this pattern was similar for the two dominating parasite taxa, trematodes and cestodes. However, at the same time, we also found higher parasite abundance in a third morph living in deep cold–water habitat in Thingvallavatn compared to the cold‐water lava morph, indicating strong effect of habitat‐specific biotic factors. Our results suggest complex interactions between water temperature and biotic factors in determining the parasite community structure, a pattern that may have implications for differentiation of stickleback morphs.  相似文献   



The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) has become an important model species for studying both contemporary and parallel evolution. In particular, differential adaptation to freshwater and marine environments has led to high differentiation between freshwater and marine stickleback populations at the phenotypic trait of lateral plate morphology and the underlying candidate gene Ectodysplacin (EDA). Many studies have focused on this trait and candidate gene, although other genes involved in marine-freshwater adaptation may be equally important. In order to develop a resource for rapid and cost efficient analysis of genetic divergence between freshwater and marine sticklebacks, we generated a low-density SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) array encompassing markers of chromosome regions under putative directional selection, along with neutral markers for background.


RAD (Restriction site Associated DNA) sequencing of sixty individuals representing two freshwater and one marine population led to the identification of 33,993 SNP markers. Ninety-six of these were chosen for the low-density SNP array, among which 70 represented SNPs under putatively directional selection in freshwater vs. marine environments, whereas 26 SNPs were assumed to be neutral. Annotation of these regions revealed several genes that are candidates for affecting stickleback phenotypic variation, some of which have been observed in previous studies whereas others are new.


We have developed a cost-efficient low-density SNP array that allows for rapid screening of polymorphisms in threespine stickleback. The array provides a valuable tool for analyzing adaptive divergence between freshwater and marine stickleback populations beyond the well-established candidate gene Ectodysplacin (EDA).

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-867) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The hybrid sunflower species Helianthus paradoxus inhabits sporadic salt marshes in New Mexico and southwest Texas, USA, whereas its parental species, Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris, are salt sensitive. Previous studies identified three genomic regions - survivorship quantitative trait loci (QTLs) - that were under strong selection in experimental hybrids transplanted into the natural habitat of H. paradoxus. Here we ask whether these same genomic regions experienced significant selection during the origin and evolution of the natural hybrid, H. paradoxus. This was accomplished by comparing the variability of microsatellites linked to the three survivorship QTLs with those from genomic regions that were neutral in the experimental hybrids. As predicted if one or more selective sweeps had occurred in these regions, microsatellites linked to the survivorship QTLs exhibited a significant reduction in diversity in populations of the natural hybrid species. In contrast, no difference in diversity levels was observed between the two microsatellite classes in parental populations.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that increased telencephalon size has evolved in threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from structurally complex habitats using field‐caught samples from one sea‐run (ancestral) and 18 ecologically diverse freshwater (descendant) populations. Freshwater habitats ranged from shallow, structurally complex lakes with benthic‐foraging stickleback (benthics), to deeper, structurally simple lakes in which stickleback depend more heavily on plankton for prey (generalists). Contrary to our expectations, benthics had smaller telencephala than generalists, but the shape of the telencephalon of the sea‐run and benthic populations were more convex laterally. Convex telencephalon shape may indicate enlargement of the dorsolateral region, which is homologous with the tetrapod hippocampus. Telencephalon morphology is also sexually dimorphic, with larger, less convex telencephala in males. Freshwater stickleback from structurally complex habitats have retained the ancestral telencephalon morphology, but populations that feed more in open habitats on plankton have evolved larger, laterally concave telencephala.  相似文献   

The mysid shrimp Neomysis integer is a common invertebrate predator in brackish waters of Western Europe and is thought to play a central role in the food web owing to its predation on zooplankton. Neomysis distribution and abundance were investigated for 3 years in brackish, shallow and hypertrophic Lake Ferring (surface area: 3.2 km2, mean depth: 1.4 m, salinity: 3–6, total P: 0.29–0.78 mg P l-1, Secchi depth: 0.14–0.22 m). Mean summer abundance of Neomysis varied from 53 to 882 ind. m-2. Neomysis density within the lake was relatively uniform and not related to sediment type, but increased with increasing depth. The high abundance of Neomysis is considered to reflect a fish stock almost completely dominated by small-sized fish species (mainly three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus). Three-spined stickleback density was high and catch per unit effort ranged between 30 and 80 per gill net. Stomach analyses showed that the sticklebacks preyed on Neomysis, but preferred specimens smaller than 3–4 mm, and only occasionally consumed those larger than 5–7 mm. In summer, between 33 and 67% of the Neomysis ingested by sticklebacks were smaller than 3 mm, while in the lake as a whole, only 5–14% were smaller than 3 mm. The periods when Neomysis is vulnerable to stickleback predation are restricted to a few weeks in late May and late July, when the new generations emerge. Sticklebacks therefore have a limited capacity for controlling large Neomysis, including gravid females.  相似文献   

When two closely related species migrate to divergent spawning sites, divergent use of spawning habitats can directly reduce heterospecific mating. Furthermore, adaptations to divergent spawning habitats can promote speciation as a by‐product of ecological divergence. Here, we investigated habitat isolation and ecological divergence between two anadromous forms of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), the Japan Sea and Pacific Ocean forms. In several coastal regions of eastern Hokkaido, Japan, these forms migrate to the same watershed to spawn. Our field surveys in a single watershed revealed that segregation of distinct spawning sites between the two forms was maintained within the watershed across multiple years. These spawning sites diverged in salinity and predator composition. Morphological and physiological divergence between the forms also occurs in the direction predicted by ecological differences between the spawning sites. Our data indicate that migration into divergent spawning habitats can be an important mechanism contributing to speciation and phenotypic divergence in anadromous fishes.  相似文献   

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