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G Bailin  J R Huang 《FEBS letters》1990,260(2):254-256
A proton NMR study at 500 MHz of leiurotoxin I in water is presented. Nearly complete sequence-specific assignments of the individual backbone and side-chain proton resonances were achieved using through-bond and through-space connectivities obtained from standard two-dimensional NMR techniques. The secondary structure of this toxin is inferred from a combination of short-range nuclear Overhauser enhancements, scalar couplings and proton/deuteron exchange rates. Three disulflde bridges locate the N-terminal part (that is -helical from residue 6 to 16) on one side of a C-terminal two stranded antiparallel β sheet (from Leu18 to Val29). The latter features a tight turn at Gly23-Asp24.  相似文献   

The venom of the North African scorpion Androctonus amoreuxi (Aam) was analyzed using a combination of gel filtration, C18 reverse phase HPLC together with mass spectrometry analysis and bioassays. Three novel Birtoxin-like (BTX-L) peptides of 58 amino acid residues comprising three disulfide bridges were isolated and chemically characterized. One peptide, AamBTX-L3, induced serious toxic symptoms in mice and was lethal at nanogram quantities using intracerebroventricular injection. The three BTX-L peptides were tested in competition experiments on rat brain synaptosomes against the 125I-labeled “classical” α- and β-toxins of reference, as well as with the 125I-KTX, a voltage-gated potassium channel blocker. Only AamBTX-L3 was able to prevent the equilibrium binding of the β-toxin 125I-Css IV to its receptor site 4 with a IC50 value of 189 nM. Even if previous electrophysiological data allowed the classification of other BTX-L peptides among the β-type toxins, this report clearly shows that AamBTX-L3 is pharmacologically a β-toxin, which recognizes the voltage-gated Na+ (Nav) channels from central mammalian neurons. In order to uncover the residues functionally essential for interaction between the AamBTX-L3 with the putative receptor site of 125I-Css IV on Nav1.2, molecular models of the three novel Aam BTX-L molecules were made and their surfaces were compared to the already described Css IV biologically interactive surfaces. A hypothesis is given that in BTX-L3, three residues found in the α-helix play a key role during target binding.  相似文献   

The kappa-KTx family of peptides, which is the newest K+-channel blocker family from scorpion venom, is present in scorpions from the families Scorpionidae and Liochelidae. Differently from the other scorpion KTx families, the three-dimensional structure of the known kappa-KTxs toxins is formed by two parallel α-helices linked by two disulfide bridges. Here, the characterization of a new kappa-KTx peptide, designated kappa-KTx 2.5, derived from the Liochelidae scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum, is described. This peptide was purified by HPLC and found to be identical to OcyC8, a predicted mature sequence precursor (UniProtKB C5J89) previously described by our group. The peptide was chemically synthesized and the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of both, native and synthetic, conducted at different temperatures in water and water/trifluoroethanol (TFE), showed a predominance of α-helices. The kappa-KTx 2.5 is heat stable and was shown to be a blocker of K+-currents on hKv1.1, and hKv1.4, with higher affinity for Kv1.4 channels (IC50 = 71 μM). Similarly to the other kappa-KTxs, the blockade of K+-channels occurred at micromolar concentrations, leading to uncertainness about their proper molecular target, and consequently their pharmacologic effect. In order to test other targets, kappa-KTx2.5 was tested on other K+-channels, on Na+-channels, on bacterial growth and on smooth muscle tissue, a known assay to identify possible bradykinin-potentiating peptides, due to the presence of two contiguous prolines at the C-terminal sequence. It has no effect on the targets used except on hKv1.1, and hKv1.4 expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Since the only plausible function found for kappa-KTx2.5 seems to be the blockade of K+-channels, a discussion regarding the analysis of structure-function relationships is included in this communication, based on sequence alignments of members of the kappa-KTx toxin family, and on computational simulation of a structural model of the kappa-KTx2.5-Kv1.2 complex.  相似文献   

Ts19 Fragment II (Ts19 Frag-II) was first isolated from the venom of the scorpion Tityus serrulatus (Ts). It is a protein presenting 49 amino acid residues, three disulfide bridges, Mr 5534 Da and was classified as a new member of class (subfamily) 2 of the β-KTxs, the second one described for Ts scorpion. The β-KTx family is composed by two-domain peptides: N-terminal helical domain (NHD), with cytolytic activity, and a C-terminal CSαβ domain (CCD), with Kv blocking activity. The extensive electrophysiological screening (16 Kv channels and 5 Nav channels) showed that Ts19 Frag-II presents a specific and significant blocking effect on Kv1.2 (IC50 value of 544 ± 32 nM). However, no cytolytic activity was observed with this toxin. We conclude that the absence of 9 amino acid residues from the N-terminal sequence (compared to Ts19 Frag-I) is responsible for the absence of cytolytic activity. In order to prove this hypothesis, we synthesized the peptide with these 9 amino acid residues, called Ts19 Frag-III. As expected, Ts19 Frag-III showed to be cytolytic and did not block the Kv1.2 channel. The post-translational modifications of Ts19 and its fragments (I–III) are also discussed here. A mechanism of post-translational processing (post-splitting) is suggested to explain Ts19 fragments production. In addition to the discovery of this new toxin, this report provides further evidence for the existence of several compounds in the scorpion venom contributing to the diversity of the venom arsenal.  相似文献   

Opisthacanthus cayaporum belongs to the Liochelidae family, and the scorpions from this genus occur in southern Africa, Central America and South America and, therefore, can be considered a true Gondwana heritage. In this communication, the isolation, primary structure characterization, and K+-channel blocking activity of new peptide from this scorpion venom are reported. OcyKTx2 is a 34 amino acid long peptide with four disulfide bridges and molecular mass of 3807 Da. Electrophysiological assays conducted with pure OcyKTx2 showed that this toxin reversibly blocks Shaker B K+-channels with a Kd of 82 nM, and presents an even better affinity toward hKv1.3, blocking it with a Kd of ∼18 nM. OcyKTx2 shares high sequence identity with peptides belonging to subfamily 6 of α-KTxs that clustered very closely in the phylogenetic tree included here. Sequence comparison, chain length and number of disulfide bridges analysis classify OcyKTx2 into subfamily 6 of the α-KTx scorpion toxins (systematic name, α-KTx6.17).  相似文献   

Scorpion toxin Ctri9577, as a potent Kv1.3 channel blocker, is a new member of the α-KTx15 subfamily which are a group of blockers for Kv4.x potassium channels. However, the pharmacological function of Ctri9577 for Kv4.x channels remains unknown. Scorpion toxin Ctri9577 was found to effectively inhibit Kv4.3 channel currents with IC50 value of 1.34 ± 0.03 μM. Different from the mechanism of scorpion toxins as the blocker recognizing channel extracellular pore entryways, Ctri9577 was a novel gating modifier affecting voltage dependence of activation, steady-state inactivation, and the recovery process from the inactivation of Kv4.3 channel. However, Ctri9755, as a potent Kv1.3 channel blocker, was found not to affect voltage dependence of activation of Kv1.3 channel. Interestingly, pharmacological experiments indicated that 1 μM Ctri9755 showed less inhibition on Kv4.1 and Kv4.2 channel currents. Similar to the classical gating modifier of spider toxins, Ctri9577 was shown to interact with the linker between the transmembrane S3 and S4 helical domains through the mutagenesis experiments. To the best of our knowledge, Ctri9577 was the first gating modifier of potassium channels among scorpion toxin family, and the first scorpion toxin as both gating modifier and blocker for different potassium channels. These findings further highlighted the structural and functional diversity of scorpion toxins specific for the potassium channels.  相似文献   

This report describes the crystal structure of the K(+) channel-blocking toxin, BmBKTx1, isolated recently from the venom of the scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch. This is only the second structure of the short-chain K(+) channel-blocking toxin from scorpion solved by means of X-ray crystallography. Additionally, reductive dimethylation of folded BmBKTx1 employed to induce its crystallization and solution of the structure based on the anomalous signal from the sulfur atoms make this example quite unique. The monomer of BmBKTx1 is formed by 31 amino acid residues, including 6 cysteines connected in 3 disulfide bridges. Crystals of this toxin belong to the space group P2(1) with two molecules present in the asymmetric unit. The unit cell parameters are a = 21.40 A, b=39.70 A, c=29.37 A, and beta-94.13 grades. Based on the high-quality dataset (anomalous signal) collected to the resolution 1.72A using the conventional X-radiation generator (lambda Cu, K alpha = 1.5478 A), the positions of sulfur atoms contributed by 12 cysteine residues have been identified, and subsequent improvement of the experimental phases have allowed structure solution. The final model was refined to the crystallographic R-factor of 0.166. The methyl groups on several lysine residues could be easily modeled into the electron density.  相似文献   

The alpha-like toxin from the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus (Lqh III) binds with high affinity to receptor site 3 on insect sodium channels but does not bind to rat brain synaptosomes. The binding affinity of Lqh III to cockroach neuronal membranes was fivefold higher at pH 6.5 than at pH 7.5. This correlated with an increase in the electropositive charge on the toxin surface resulting from protonation of its four histidines. Radioiodination of Tyr(14) of Lqh III abolished its binding to locust but not cockroach sodium channels, whereas the noniodinated toxin bound equally well to both neuronal preparations. Radioiodination of Tyr(10) or Tyr(21) of the structurally similar alpha-toxin from L. quinquestriatus hebraeus (LqhalphaIT), as well as their substitution by phenylalanine, had only minor effects on binding to cockroach neuronal membranes. However, substitution of Tyr(21), but not Tyr(14), by leucine decreased the binding affinity of LqhalphaIT approximately 87-fold. Thus, Tyr(14) is involved in the bioactivity of Lqh III to locust receptor site 3 and is not crucial for the binding of LqhalphaIT to this site. In turn, the aromatic ring of Tyr(21) takes part in the bioactivity of LqhalphaIT to insects. These results highlight subtle architectural variations between locust and cockroach receptor site 3, in addition to previous results demonstrating the competence of Lqh III to differentiate between insect and mammalian sodium channel subtypes.  相似文献   

Besides classical scorpion toxin–potassium channel binding modes, novel modes remain unknown. Here, we report a novel binding mode of native toxin BmKTX towards Kv1.3 channel. The combined experimental and computational data indicated that BmKTX-D33H analog used the classical anti-parallel β-sheet domain as the channel-interacting interface together with the conserved channel pore-blocking Lys26. However, the wild-type BmKTX was found to use Arg23 rather than Lys26 as the new pore-blocking residue, and mainly adopt the turn motif between the α-helix and antiparallel β-sheet domains to recognize Kv1.3 channel. Together, these findings not only reveal that scorpion toxin–potassium channel interaction modes are more diverse than thought, but also highlight the functional role of toxin acidic residues in mediating diverse toxin–potassium channel binding modes.  相似文献   

A novel short-chain scorpion toxin BmP08 was purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch by a combination of gel-filtration, ion exchange, and reversed-phase chromatography. The primary sequence of BmP08 was determined using the tandem MS/MS technique and Edman degradation, as well as results of NMR sequential assignments. It is composed of 31 amino acid residues including six cysteine residues and shares less than 25% sequence identity with the known alpha-KTx toxins. BmP08 shows no inhibitory activity on all tested voltage-dependent and Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels. The 3D-structure of BmP08 has been determined by 2D-NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling techniques. This toxin adopts a common alpha/beta-motif, but shows a distinctive local conformation and features a 3(10)-helix and a shorter beta-sheet. The unique structure is closely related to the distinct primary sequence of the toxin, especially to the novel arrangement of S-S linkages in the molecule, in which two disulfide bridges (C(i)-C(j) and C(i+3)-C(j+3)) link covalently the 3(10)-helix with one strand of the beta-sheet structure. The electrostatic potential surface analysis of the toxin reveals salt bridges and hydrogen bonds between the basic residues and negatively charged residues nearby in BmP08, which may be unfavorable for its binding with the known voltage-dependent and Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels. Thus, finding the target for this toxin should be an interesting task in the future.  相似文献   


A novel insecticidal peptide (LaIT3) was isolated from the Liocheles australasiae venom. The primary structure of LaIT3 was determined by a combination of Edman degradation and MS/MS de novo sequencing analysis. Discrimination between Leu and Ile in MS/MS analysis was achieved based on the difference in side chain fragmentation assisted by chemical derivatization. LaIT3 was determined to be an 84-residue peptide with three intrachain disulfide bonds. The sequence similarity search revealed that LaIT3 belongs to the scorpine-like peptides consisting of two structural domains: an N-terminal α-helical domain and a C-terminal cystine-stabilized domain. As observed for most of the scorpine-like peptides, LaIT3 showed significant antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, which is likely to be caused by its membrane-disrupting property.  相似文献   

目的:克隆东亚钳蝎毒素基因,以进一步研究其生物学和药理学功能。方法:利用已知蝎神经毒素基因序列,设计引物,用RT-PCR方法克隆从蝎毒腺组织蝎毒素cDNA。结果:成功地克隆了一个新的东亚钳蝎毒素基因,该基因开放阅读框架编码59个氨基酸残基,其中前22个为信号肽,成熟肽为37个氨基酸残基,经PCR扩增除去信号肽序列,克隆到pTreHisA质粒中,在E.coli中表达了分子质量为7ku左右融合蛋白,表达产物占菌体总蛋白的21%左右。结论:其结构中含有三对二硫链,6个Cys残基组成蝎K^ 通道毒素共同特征序列-CXXXC-、-GXC-、-CXC-,推断其为K^ 通道阻断肽,命名为KChTX1。已被Gene-bank收录,收录号为AY129234。  相似文献   



The peptide discrepin from the α-KTx15 subfamily of scorpion toxins preferentially affects transient A-type potassium currents, which regulate many aspects of neuronal function in the central nervous system. However, the specific Kv channel targeted by discrepin and the molecular mechanism of interaction are still unknown.


Different variant peptides of discrepin were chemically synthesized and their effects were studied using patch clamp technique on rat cerebellum granular cells (CGC) and HEK cells transiently expressing Kv4.3 channels.


Functional analysis indicated that nanomolar concentrations of native discrepin blocked Kv4.3 expressed channels, as previously observed in CGC. Similarly, the apparent affinities of all mutated peptides for Kv4.3 expressed channels were analogous to those found in CGC. In particular, in the double variant [V6K, D20K] the apparent affinity increased about 10-fold, whereas in variants carrying a deletion (ΔK13) or substitution (K13A) at position K13, the blockage was removed and the apparent affinity decreased more than 20-fold.


These results indicate that Kv4.3 is likely the target of discrepin and highlight the importance of the basic residue K13, located in the α-helix of the toxin, for current blockage.

General significance

We report the first example of a Kv4 subfamily potassium channel blocked by discrepin and identify the amino acid residues responsible for the blockage. The availability of discrepin variant peptides stimulates further research on the functions and pharmacology of neuronal Kv4 channels and on their possible roles in neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most highly diagnosed cancer in men worldwide. It is characterized by high proliferation, great invasion and metastatic potential. Sodium channel subtypes have been identified as highly expressed in different prostate cancer cell lines. In this study, we have screened the negatively charged fractions of Androctonus australis (Aa) scorpion venom to identify active peptides on DU145 prostate cancer cells proliferation. The most active compound was identified to be the sodium channel peptide AaHIV with an IC50 value of 15 μM. At this concentration, AaHIV had low effect on the adhesion of DU145 cells to fibronectin. When compared to other Na+ channel Aa toxins, AaHIV was found to be 2 times more active than AaHI and AaHII on DU145 cells proliferation and slightly less active than AaHII on their adhesion. The three peptides are inactive on DU145 cells migration. AaHIV was found to be 16 times more active than veratridine, asteroidal alkaloid from plants of the lily family widely used as a sodium channel activator. Electrophysiological experiments showed that the AaHIV toxin activates Nav1.6 channel, suggesting that this sodium channel subtype is implicated in the proliferation of DU145 prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

Summary ShK toxin, a 35-residue peptide isolated from the Caribbean sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus, is a potent inhibitor of the Kv 1.3 potassium channel in lymphocytes. The natural toxin contains three disulfide bonds. The disulfide pairings of the synthetic ShK toxin were elucidated as a prerequisite for studies on its structure-function relationships. The toxin was fragmented at pH 6.5 using either thermolysin or a mixture of trypsin and chymotrypsin followed by thermolysin. The fragments were isolated by RP-HPLC and were identified by sequence analysis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The three disulfides were unambiguously identified in either proteolytic digest: Cys3 to Cys35, Cys12 to Cys28 and Cys17 to Cys32. The Cys3-Cys35 disulfide, linking the amino- and carboxyl-termini, defines the characteristic cyclic structure of the molecule. A similar disulfide pairing motif is found in the snake venom-derived potassium channel blocker dendrotoxin and the mammalian antibiotic peptide defensins.  相似文献   

δ-Atracotoxins (δ-ACTXs) are peptide toxins isolated from the venom of Australian funnel-web spiders that slow sodium current inactivation in a similar manner to scorpion α-toxins. We have isolated and determined the amino acid sequence of a novel δ-ACTX, designated δ-ACTX-Hv1b, from the venom of the funnel-web spider Hadronyche versuta. This 42 residue toxin shows 67% sequence identity with δ-ACTX-Hv1a previously isolated from the same spider. Under whole-cell voltage-clamp conditions, the toxin had no effect on tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant sodium currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurones but exerted a concentration-dependent reduction in peak TTX-sensitive sodium current amplitude accompanied by a slowing of sodium current inactivation similar to other δ-ACTXs. However, δ-ACTX-Hv1b is approximately 15–30-fold less potent than other δ-ACTXs and is remarkable for its complete lack of insecticidal activity. Thus, the sequence differences between δ-ACTX-Hv1a and -Hv1b provide key insights into the residues that are critical for targeting of these toxins to vertebrate and invertebrate sodium channels.  相似文献   


In this study, structural model of the pore loop region of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1 from human Homo sapiens was constructed based on the crystallographic structure of KcsA by structural homology. The pore loop region of Kv1.1 exhibits similar folds as that of KcsA. The structural feature of the selectivity filter of Kv1.1 is nearly identical to that of KcsA, whereas most of the structural variations occur in the turret as well as in the inner and outer helices. Molecular docking experiments of the scorpion toxin Tc1 from Tityus cambridgei to the outer vestibule of KcsA as well as Kv1.1 were subsequently performed with various initial Tc1 orientations. Tc1 was found to form the most stable complexes with these two K+ channels when the side chain of Lys14 occupies the pore of the selectivity filter through electrostatic interaction. Tc1 binds preferentially towards Kv1.1 than KcsA due to stronger hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions formed between the toxin and the selectivity filter and outer vestibule of Kv1.1. Furthermore, surface complementarity of the outer vestibules of the channels to the Tc1 spatial conformations also plays an important role in stabilizing both the Tc1/KcsA and Tc1/Kv1.1 complexes.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA viruses of Ustilago maydis encode secreted killer toxins to which other cells of the same species and closely related species are sensitive. KP6 toxin consists of two polypeptides, and , produced from a single precursor preprotoxin. In this work, we cloned complementary DNA for the toxin-encoding segment of two of the KP6 nonkiller mutants NK3 and NK13 that secrete the and polypeptides, respectively. Both sequence analysis of the cDNA clones and in vitro translation of the toxin-encoding double-stranded RNAs showed that both mutants can produce full-length preprotoxins. Cys51 in is converted to Arg in NK3 and Thr25 and Lys42 in are changed to Pro and Arg, respectively, in NK13. Although and are encoded in a single prepropolypeptide, only the polypeptide is secreted by NK3 and only the polypeptide is secreted by NK 13. This differential expression of peptides from one precursor is a unique phenomenon. Neither of the nonsecreted polypeptides accumulated in the cytosol. The possible effects of these mutations on pre-protoxin folding and their consequences for toxin secretion are discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution crystal structures of AB5 toxins in their native form or in complex with a variety of ligands have led to the structure-based design and discovery of inhibitors targeting different areas of the toxins. The most significant progress is the development of highly potent multivalent ligands that block binding of the toxins to their receptors.  相似文献   

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