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During a 13-month period, 64 lactating dairy cows of 2 genetic lines, Holstein and crossbred, housed indoors year-round were subjected to 2 superovulations and embryo collections within 112 days post partum. Half of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) treatments were given in a descending dosage regimen (Treatment A; 6.5 mg, 5.5 mg, 4.5 mg, and 3.5 mg, twice a day, total 40 mg) over 4 days; the remaining half of the treatments were administered in a constant dosage regimen (Treatment B) of 5 mg twice a day over 4 days. There were no significant differences due to treatment in the number of cows stimulated (more than 2 corpora lutea) nor in the number of ova/embryos collected. However, embryos were obtained from more cows (P<0.05) when treated with the descending dosage regimen. More cows (P<0.05) were stimulated by the superovulatory treatment during the first period than during the second period regardless of the regiment used, treatment A or B. More embryos (P<0.05) were obtained from the Holstein line than from the crossbred line. Fifty-two cows were inseminated at least once after the second embryo collection. Overall, 41 cows (79%) became pregnant after the second collection, requiring up to 4 services. These results suggest that the reproduction of dairy cattle housed indoors year-round is not adversely affected by 2 superovulation treatments and embryo collections within 112 days post partum. The question as to whether the administration of FSH is more efficacious in a descending dosage regimen or a constant dosage regimen was not resolved.  相似文献   

Structural development in the prime sector has led to increasing herd sizes and new barn systems, followed by less summer grazing for dairy cows in Denmark. Effects of grazing on single welfare measures in dairy cows – for example, the presence of integument alterations or mortality – have been studied under different conditions. However, the effect of grazing on welfare, conceptualised as the multidimensional physical and mental state of the animal, has not yet been studied in contemporary cubicle loose-housing systems. The aim of our study was to investigate, based on a Welfare Quality® inspired multidimensional dairy cow welfare assessment protocol, the within-herd effect of summer grazing compared with winter barn housing in Danish dairy herds with cubicle free-stall systems for the lactating cows. Our hypothesis was that cow welfare in dairy herds was better during summer grazing than during full-time winter housing. Furthermore, we expected improved welfare with an increase in daily summer grazing hours. In total, 41 herds have been visited once in the winter and once in the summer of 2010 to assess their welfare status with 17 different animal- and resource-based welfare measures. A panel of 20 experts on cattle welfare and husbandry evaluated the relative weight of the 17 welfare measures in a multidimensional assessment scheme. They estimated exact weights for a priori constituted severe compared with moderate scores of welfare impairment concerning each measure, as well as relevance of the measures in relation to each other. A welfare index (WI; possible range 0 to 5400) was calculated for each herd and season with a higher index indicating poorer welfare. The within-herd comparison of summer grazing v. winter housing considered all the 17 measures. The mean WI in summer was significantly lower (better) than in winter (mean 2926 v. 3330; paired t-test P = 0.0001) based on a better state of the integument, claw conformation and better access to water and food. Body condition and faeces consistence were worse in summer. Many daily grazing hours (range average above 3 to 9 h) turned out to be more beneficial than few daily grazing hours (range average above 9 to 21 h) for the welfare of the dairy herds. In conclusion, this study reports a positive within-herd effect of summer grazing on dairy cow welfare, where many daily grazing hours were more beneficial than few daily grazing hours.  相似文献   

In the present report we describe a case of cervical leiomyoma that was diagnosed at parturition in a Holstein cow. The tumor mass, which measured 25.5 cm x 21.5 cm x 14.5 cm in size and weighed 4.5 kg, was removed surgically. The tumor was solid, well circumscribed, whitish-pink colored, and encapsulated. The tumor was diagnosed as leiomyoma. The leiomyoma had no adverse effects on pregnancy. This is the first report of a bovine cervical leiomyoma during parturition.  相似文献   

微生物入侵是引起奶牛产后子宫疾病的主要因素,产后子宫能检出丰富的微生物种群,主要包括公认的致病菌如大肠杆菌、隐秘脓杆菌、坏死梭杆菌等,机会病原菌如产气荚膜梭菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、微球菌等和潜在致病菌如消化链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等。近年来,运用分子微生态技术发现子宫中的微生物属于变形菌门、梭杆菌门、厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门和软壁菌门5个已知的门和一类未被培养的种群,其中拟杆菌属、梭菌属等种群与子宫疾病密切相关。细菌侵入子宫后,以大肠杆菌为代表的革兰氏阴性菌和以化脓隐秘杆菌为代表的革兰氏阳性菌可被子宫内膜细胞上的Toll样受体识别引起炎症反应,改变子宫前列腺素分泌类型,影响卵泡发育、黄体大小,降低血清中雌激素和孕激素浓度,造成奶牛不发情、不排卵,导致产犊间隔延长、产奶量和产犊数量下降,严重影响奶业经济效益。本文从产后奶牛子宫内主要病原菌的种类及其与子宫健康状态的关系、子宫内膜对病原菌的识别与先天免疫、子宫疾病对子宫和卵巢功能的影响等方面对国内外研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Magnesium in dairy cow nutrition: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


Magnesium (Mg) is an essential nutrient in animals and thus an adequate supply of dietary magnesium is important to safeguard animal health. It is generally accepted that the efficiency of Mg absorption is the critical determinant in Mg supply of ruminants. Insufficient absorption of Mg in ruminants leads to Mg deficiency which manifests in clinical signs such as tetany (grass tetany) or paresis (milkfever).


This overview aims to provide insight in the most relevant dietary factors that influence Mg absorption in ruminants and the state of the art knowledge on the mechanism of Mg absorption.


In practice, the use of manure to fertilize the soil is associated with an increased risk on grass tetany because it increases the K content of grass. A high K intake is the most important dietary factor that inhibits Mg absorption which entails the risk on Mg deficiency. The inhibitory effect of K on the effciency of Mg absorption can be counteracted by supplemental Mg. Magnesium oxide is commonly used to prevent Mg defiency but solubility of MgO varies greatly in practice. Thus, it is recommended to use only tested MgO sources. In the light of prevention of milkfever, supplementation in the form of Mg-chloride might be of interest as well. Due to its chloride ion, Mg chloride has a beneficial effect on the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD).  相似文献   

Dairy farming in western countries with cubicle housing is an efficient way of dairy farming. Though, a disadvantage is the high prevalence and incidence of foot disorders (clinical and subclinical), which cause high economic losses and also seriously impair the welfare of dairy cattle. To point out the importance of reducing the amount and severity of foot disorders, advice to farmers should include information about the scale of the problem and the consequences in terms of economics and animal welfare. To provide support in making decisions on implementing intervention measures, insight into costs and benefits of different measures should be available. The objective of this study, therefore, is to provide more insight into the costs and benefits, for farmer and cow, of different intervention measures to improve dairy cow foot health. Intervention measures were modeled when they were applicable on a dairy farm with cubicle housing and when sufficient information was available in literature. Net costs were calculated as the difference between the costs of the measure and the economic benefits resulting from the measure. Welfare benefits were calculated as well. Cost-effective measures are: improving lying surface (mattress and bedding, €7 and €1/cow per year, respectively), reducing stocking density (break even) and performing additional foot trimming (€1/cow per year). Simultaneously, these measures have a relative high welfare benefit. Labor costs play an important role in the cost-effectiveness of labor-intensive measures. More insight into cost-effectiveness and welfare benefits of intervention measures can help to prioritize when choosing between intervention measures.  相似文献   

The whole-animal model described in this paper is intended to be a research model with an intermediary structure between sophisticated and simple cow models. The mechanistic model structure integrates the main metabolic pathways of the lactating dairy cow. Milk yield and related feed intake for varying production potentials were considered to be the driving forces and were empirically defined. The model was designed to explain the main metabolic flows and variations in body reserves associated with the push of nutrients from dry matter intake and their pull by the mammary gland to synthesise milk components throughout lactation. The digestive part of the model uses either known feed unit systems (e.g. PDI system for protein) or published empirical equations for the prediction of digestive flows of organic matter, starch and fatty acids and ruminal volatile fatty acid production. The metabolic sub-system is made up of four tissue compartments (body protein, body lipid, protein in the uterus and triglycerides in the liver) and five circulating metabolites (glucose, amino acids, acetate + butyrate, propionate, and triglycerides and non-esterified fatty acids). A major original aspect of the model is its homeorhetic control system. It was assumed that flows relating to adipose and protein tissue anabolism and catabolism were driven by a couple of linked theoretical hormones controlling mobilisation and anabolism. The evolution in body composition and body weight were outcomes of this control. Another originality of the model is its suitability for milk yields varying from 10 to 50 kg at peak production. This was achieved by homeorhetic control of milk potential acting on several key metabolic flows. Homeostatic regulation was also introduced in order to confine the behaviour of the model within realistic physiological values. For some basic aspects (e.g. Uterine involution, standard kinetics of body protein and fat), it was necessary to build specific databases from the literature and interpret these by meta-analysis. Fairly realistic simulated kinetics were obtained for body composition, liver triglycerides, blood plasma metabolite concentrations, milk protein and fat contents, and also for major groups of milk fatty acids.  相似文献   

Eighty Holstein dairy cows were treated with 25 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) on Days 14 to 16 post calving. Eighty-four herd mates served as saline controls in the double blind study. The reproductive parameters used to measure fertility were mean days to first service on all cows and mean days open, first service conception rates and services per pregnancy on cows that became pregnant. Mean days to first service was similar in both groups (71.8 +/- 27, treated; 68.5 +/- 28.6, controls; P = 0.5352). The mean days open was 98.6 +/- 52.0 d for treated cows compared to 118.8 +/- 71.2 d for controls (P = 0.0680). First service pregnancy rates (treated, 41.3%; control, 35.7%) were not significantly different (P = 0.0630); however, the mean services per pregnancy (treated, 1.64; control, 2.33) were significantly (P = 0.0021) improved in the treated group. Ten cows in the treated group and twelve cows in the control group were diagnosed as having retained fetal membranes and/or metritis. For treated and control cows mean days to first service were 82.2 +/- 34.8 d and 82.8 +/- 58.7 d (P = 0.5652). Days open were 97.0 +/- 32.5 d and 133.4 +/-58.4 d (P = 0.3636); services per conception were 1.83 and 2.50 (P = 0.3178), respectively. In all treated cows reproductive parameters were similar whether cows had high serum progesterone ( > 1 ng/ml) or low serum progesterone ( < 1 ng/ml) on the treatment day. This study suggests that early postpartum treatment of lactating dairy cows with prostaglandin produces an improvement in fertility.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of a deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated ration with a concentrate proportion of 50%, on the performance of dairy cows (Period 1), and to examine the effects when the concentrate proportion was elevated to 60% compared to a ration with 30% concentrates (Period 2). In Period 1, 13 lactating German Holstein cows (Myco group, on average 29 days in milk) were fed the experimental diet (on average 5.3 mg DON/kg DM) as total mixed ration over 11 weeks, while another 14 cows (on average 33 days in milk) received a control diet. Both rations contained 50% concentrates (on DM basis). In Period 2 (18 weeks), the same 27 cows plus five additional cows were divided into four groups: Control-30 (30% concentrates), Myco-30 (30% concentrates, 4.4 mg DON/kg DM), Control-60 (60% concentrates), Myco-60 (60% concentrates, 4.6 mg DON/kg DM). The overall performance level was characterised by a mean daily DM intake of 17.9 kg and a mean daily milk production of 26.7 kg fat corrected milk (FCM) in Period 1 and 17.3 kg DM intake and 24.5 kg FCM in Period 2, respectively. In both periods cows fed the Fusarium toxin-contaminated diets consumed more DM (in Period 2 only significant for group Myco-30) resulting from stimulating effects on the ingesta passage rate of the natural contaminated Fusarium-infected triticale. In Period 1, cows fed the Fusarium toxin-contaminated diet had a significantly higher milk yield, milk urea and somatic cell count, whereas milk fat and protein concentration and fat-to-protein-ratio (FPR) were significantly lower. In Period 2, on a low concentrate level, FCM was significantly higher in group Myco-30. On a high concentrate level, group Myco-60 produced significantly more milk, but milk fat and protein concentration, FPR and milk urea were significantly lower. A concentrate proportion of 60% had a depressing effect on milk fat concentration but was significantly more pronounced in the presence of Fusarium toxin-contaminated and Fusarium damaged-triticale.  相似文献   

The high producing dairy cow of the 21st century is subfertile during lactation. Our objectives are to characterize physiological periods limiting reproductive performance and to describe integrated management strategies to improve pregnancy rates. Ovarian recrudescence with normal re-occurring estrous cycles and restoration of fertility to first service are associated with a reduced occurrence of periparturient metabolic and reproductive disorders. Marked negative changes in energy balance and reduced immunocompetence influence gonadotropic and metabolic hormones. Induced ovarian inactivity was associated with enhanced uterine involution. Post-partum health and reproductive performance were improved when by-pass lipids enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids were fed in the pre- and post-partum periods. Pharmaceutical control of follicle, CL, and uterine function with PGF, GnRH and intravaginal progesterone releasing inserts, has permitted development of more optimal timed-insemination programs for first service. Likewise, resynchronization of nonpregnant cows coupled with the use of ultrasound for early pregnancy diagnosis provides the opportunity for a second timed-insemination within 3 days of a nonpregnant diagnosis. Bovine somatotropin (bST) increases embryo development and embryo survival when coupled with a timed-insemination program or cows detected in estrus. Presence of a conceptus alters endometrial expression of genes and proteins in response to bST and nutraceuticals (i.e., unsaturated fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid in by-pass lipids) to improve pregnancy rates. Postovulatory increases in progesterone may enhance pregnancy rates in targeted populations of lactating dairy cows, but timing and magnitude of the progesterone increases are pharmaceutically dependent.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine whether increased CLA in milk of dairy cows fed fresh pasture compared with alfalfa and corn silages was because of ruminal or endogenous synthesis. Eight Holsteins were fed a total mixed ration using alfalfa and corn silages as the forage source in confinement or grazed in a replicated crossover design. The proportion of total fatty acids as CLA (primarily c9, t11-18:2) in g/100 g was 0.44 v. 0.28 in ruminal digesta, 0.89 v. 0.53 in omasal digesta and 0.71 v. 1.06 in milk during confinement feeding and grazing, respectively. Blood plasma CLA was 0.54 v. 1.05 mg/l for the two treatments, respectively. The increased concentration of CLA in milk with grazing likely resulted from increased synthesis through desaturation of t11-18:1 in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

In order to maximize milk protein production, one must present sufficient amounts of the essential amino acids to the intestinal tract in forms that can be absorbed. We do not know the specific tissue-level amino acid requirements of lactating cows, but they are likely to be similar to the amino acid content of milk protein with requirements for other metabolic functions similar to those in nonruminants. Formulating diets to meet these amino acid requirements is complicated because much of the dietary crude protein is converted to rumen microbial protein. Knowing the amount of dietary crude protein converted to ruminal microbial protein and the amino acid content of the rumen microbes; and the proportion of ruminally undegradable protein, its postruminal digestibility and amino acid content will allow one to make a reasonable estimate of the quality of protein presented for gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. Hypothetical calculations indicate potential dietary differences in quality of protein presented for absorption. Many of these differences correspond very well with production responses observed in research trials. Failure of this system to explain production results in other studies points to areas where additional information is still needed.  相似文献   

A mature dairy cow was transitioned from a high forage (100% forage) to a high-grain (79% grain) diet over seven days. Continuous ruminal pH recordings were utilized to diagnose the severity of ruminal acidosis. Additionally, blood and rumen papillae biopsies were collected to describe the structural and functional adaptations of the rumen epithelium. On the final day of the grain challenge, the daily mean ruminal pH was 5.41 ± 0.09 with a minimum of 4.89 and a maximum of 6.31. Ruminal pH was under 5.0 for 130 minutes (2.17 hours) which is characterized as the acute form of ruminal acidosis in cattle. The grain challenge increased blood beta-hydroxybutyrate by 1.8 times and rumen papillae mRNA expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase by 1.6 times. Ultrastructural and histological adaptations of the rumen epithelium were imaged by scanning electron and light microscopy. Rumen papillae from the high grain diet displayed extensive sloughing of the stratum corneum and compromised cell adhesion as large gaps were apparent between cells throughout the strata. This case report represents a rare documentation of how the rumen epithelium alters its function and structure during the initial stage of acute acidosis.  相似文献   

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