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在十九大生态文明建设方针的指导下,清华附中标本馆以人与自然和谐发展的展陈设计理念重新改建。标本馆通过精美的人文生态环境,培育学生热爱自然的生态情感、尊重自然保护自然的生态文明意识、习得相关的生态学知识和技能,在学校生态文明教育实践中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

利用转基因技术进行植物遗传改良   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
生物技术的发展为植物遗传改良开辟了一条新途径。论述了转基因技术在植物遗传改良中的应用及其与传统育种方法的关系。  相似文献   

利用套叠PCR技术进行基因突变和拼接   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
利用套叠PCR技术(又称重叠区扩增基因拼接法)对hGM-CSF基因内第28位氨基酸处的糖基化位点进行突变和进行人促性腺激素基因,腺苷酸激酶短肽与胰岛素样生长因子-基因三者之间的拼接,结果表明采用该技术能在体外实行有效的基因重组和定点突变,其成功率为100%,这一技术不需要内切酶消化和连接酶处理,技术操作员简单易行,在基因拼接,基因内部突变方面具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

利用rpoB基因芯片技术快速进行分枝杆菌菌种鉴定.以分枝杆菌rpoB基因编码序列为靶基因,用基因芯片技术检测21种分枝杆菌标准株;8种其它细菌标准株;126株临床分离株.分枝杆菌与其它细菌标准株经PCR扩增后,分枝杆菌标准株均扩增出360 bp DNA片段,在其它细菌中,除甲型溶血性链球菌和假白喉棒状杆菌出现同样片段外,其它细菌均未见扩增.21种寡核苷酸探针除海分枝杆菌与偶然分枝杆菌的探针有交叉杂交外,其余均为特异性杂交.对126株临床分离株进行鉴定,89株为结核分枝杆菌,占70.6%(89/126),非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)占9.2%(9/98).应用rpoB基因芯片技术鉴定分枝杆菌菌种,是一种快速、准确的方法,具有较高的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

转录组学的分析已成为基因表达调控研究的重要工具,而高通量测序技术的整合成为了转录组学研究的有利工具。  相似文献   

利用rpoB基因芯片技术进行快速分枝杆菌菌种鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用rpoB基因芯片技术快速进行分枝杆菌菌种鉴定。以分枝杆菌rpoB基因编码序列为靶基因, 用基因芯片技术检测21种分枝杆菌标准株;8种其它细菌标准株;126株临床分离株。分枝杆菌与其它细菌标准株经PCR扩增后, 分枝杆菌标准株均扩增出360 bp DNA片段, 在其它细菌中, 除甲型溶血性链球菌和假白喉棒状杆菌出现同样片段外, 其它细菌均未见扩增。21种寡核苷酸探针除海分枝杆菌与偶然分枝杆菌的探针有交叉杂交外, 其余均为特异性杂交。对126株临床分离株进行鉴定, 89株为结核分枝杆菌, 占70.6%(89/126), 非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)占9.2%(9/98)。应用rpoB基因芯片技术鉴定分枝杆菌菌种, 是一种快速、准确的方法, 具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

利用基因诱捕技术进行小鼠基因剔除的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对利用基因诱捕技术进行小鼠基因剔除做了初步的探索,为进一步应用该技术进行小鼠基因功能研究奠定了基础.利用基因诱捕载体转染小鼠ES细胞,获得了36株neo基因单拷贝整合的诱捕ES细胞,其中14株细胞表达有活性的β半乳糖苷酶.将3株诱捕ES细胞分别经显微注射引入到受体囊胚中,再植入假孕母鼠的子宫中使其发育成小鼠.两株细胞得到了程度不同的嵌合体小鼠,其中一株诱捕ES细胞整合至生殖系.利用质粒拯救实验获得了诱捕载体整合位点附近的基因组序列,通过序列比对发现被诱捕的基因可能是一个新基因.X-gal染色结果显示,该基因的表达局限于小鼠腹部及肢芽的部位.  相似文献   

利用RAPD技术进行植物性状标记及辅助选择   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
近等基因系、混合分离群体法是RAPD 标记的主要策略。目前,RAPD标记广泛用于抗线虫、抗病、雄性不育等辅助选择的研究中,取得了可喜的成绩。由于遗传距离的不同,使RAPD 标记具有基因型的差异。寻找无重组的RAPD 标记或将RAPD标记转化为RFLP标记,可以解决这一问题。随着连锁程度的降低选择效率也随着降低。相斥相的RAPD标注可提高选择效率将RAPD标记转化为SCARs、APSPs 标记,可以解决RAPD 标记稳定性差的问题。来源于RAPD 标记的SCARs 标记将在辅助选择中发挥巨大的作用。  相似文献   

铵是植物吸收利用的主要氮源之一,而铵转运蛋白对铵的吸收、转运和代谢方面有重要的作用.为了深入研究水稻铵转运蛋白的结构功能特性,利用重叠PCR技术对OsAMT1.2蛋白质序列中保守的253 aa和257 aa的苯丙氨酸(F)和丝氨酸(S)分别突变为丙氨酸,成功获得了相应的2个点突变基因.因此,重叠PCR技术是一种简单有效的进行体外基因重组和突变的方法,对于研究高等植物功能基因的结构功能特性具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

本图以现实植被为表现对象,在编制过程中也应用了潜在植被的概念来处理地带性植被类型的残存片断。图例的划分是根据植物群落学的原则,共分三级,个别到四级。第一级根据群落的外貌,第二级是优势成分的生活型,第三级是优势种或标志种(此级相当于群系或群系的结合),第四级是群落中灌木层的优势种(此级相当于群丛组)。后两级为制图单位。在图斑的概括过程中,采取了三个措施:(1)突出实占面积较大的植被类型,(2)适当夸大地带性植被的图斑,(3)利用符号标志某些面积极小的植被类型。除正式图例44个外,另有附加图例7个,全图概略地反映广西植被地理分布的规律。  相似文献   

This study involves the adoption of the Geographic Information System (GIS) modeling approach to determine the quickest routes for fresh vegetable delivery. During transport, fresh vegetables mainly deteriorate on account of temperature and delivery time. Nonetheless, little attention has been directed to transportation issues in most areas within Kuala Lumpur. In addition, perishable food normally has a short shelf life, thus timely delivery significantly affects delivery costs. Therefore, selecting efficient routes would consequently reduce the total transportation costs. The regression model is applied in this study to determine the parameters that affect route selection with respect to the fastest delivery of fresh vegetables. For the purpose of this research, ArcGIS software with network analyst extension is adopted to solve the problem of complex networks. The final output of this research is a map of quickest routes with the best delivery times based on all variables. The variables tested from regression analysis are the most effective parameters to make the flow of road networks slower. The objective is to improve the delivery services by achieving the least drive time. The main findings of this research are that Land use such as residential area and population as variables are the effective parameters on drive time.  相似文献   

A retrospective study using a geographic information system (GIS) was conducted to capture, map, and analyze intake data of caregiver (owner)-surrendered kittens (aged 0–6 months) to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Tompkins County, NY, from 2009 to 2011. Addresses of caregiver-surrendered kittens during the study period were mapped (n = 1,017). Mapping and analysis of the resultant data set revealed that the distribution of kittens was nonrandom. Seventeen statistically significant (p = .001) clusters were identified, 1 of which was the SPCA of Tompkins County (due to anonymously surrendered nonhuman animals). The remaining 16 clusters were composed of 52 homes; 27.5% (280/1,017) of the kittens in the data set originated from these 52 homes. The majority of kittens within clusters were surrendered from high-density residential and manufactured residential home parks. Analyzing such clusters using GIS is a novel approach for targeting spay/neuter and educational programs to areas contributing disproportionately to shelter populations. This method may prove useful to help shelters more effectively allocate their limited resources, but further evaluation of this and other targeted approaches is needed to assess the long-term efficacy of such programs.  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)在动物生态学中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
地理信息系统作为一个输入、编辑、存储、分析以及表达空间信息的计算机工具,在生态学领域中得到越来越广泛的应用,并且与其他手段相结合而成3s技术-即GIS(地理信息系统)、RS(遥感)、GPS(全球定位系统)用于不同水平上的研究。文章就地理信息系统的基本原理作一简单的介绍,并总结分析了近年来其在动物生态学研究领域的主要应用:栖息地质量的评估;动物数量及其分布;保护区的建立与管理;生态模型;生物多样性研究方面,指出应该客观地对待地理信息系统在今后的发展。  相似文献   

In the veterinary epidemiology, the advantage of mapping the locations of farms and other facilities with animals is obvious. In an outbreak of a disease it could make the management of the situation easier, and it could also provide a tool to evaluate different strategies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This paper aims to describe and give an overview of the possibilities and potential uses of a Geographical Information System (GIS) in the field of surveillance and monitoring of animal diseases. The following areas in which GIS and special GIS-functions could be incorporated are presented: recording and reporting information, epidemic emergency, cluster analysis, modelling disease spread, and planning control strategies. Different sources of data; geographical data, farm locations and disease information, used in the development of the GIS at the National Veterinary Institute in Norway are thoroughly described in the paper. Further, it presents a few examples where the GIS has been applied to studies of epidemiology and surveillance of animal diseases in Norway, which shows the significant value of GIS in these areas. At the same time, the incorporation of GIS in this field shows the scarcity of the data available, which should encourage improvement in the data recording and the quality of the registries.  相似文献   

Adequately evaluating the success of coastal tidal marsh restoration has lagged behind the actual practice of restoring tidally restricted salt marshes. A Spartina-dominated valley marsh at Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington, Connecticut, was tidally restricted in 1946 and consequently converted mostly to Typha angustifolia. With the re-introduction of tidal flooding in 1978, much of the marsh has reverted to Spartina alterniflora. Using a geographical information system (GIS), this study measures restoration success by the extent of geographical similarity between the vegetation of the restored marsh and the pre-impounded marsh. Based on geographical comparisons among different hydrologic states, pre-impounded (1946), impounded (1976), and restored (1988) tidal marsh restoration is a convergent process. Although salt marsh species currently dominate the restored system, the magnitude of actual agreement between the pre-impounded vegetation and that of the restored marsh is only moderate. Further restoration of the salt marsh vegetation may be limited by continued tidal restriction, marsh surface subsidence, and reduced accretion rates. General trends of recovery are identified using a gradient approach and the geographic pattern’ of vegetation change. In the strictest sense, if restoration refers only to vegetation types that geographically replicate preexisting types, then only 28% of the marsh has been restored. Restoration in a broader sense, however, representing the original salt marsh vegetation regardless of spatial position, amounts to 63% restored. Unrestored marsh, dominated by Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis, remains at 37%. By emphasizing trends during vegetation recovery, this evaluation technique aims to understand the restoration process, direct future research goals, and ultimately aid in future restoration projects.  相似文献   

A risk assessment model was developed for onchocerciasis distribution and its control in Ethiopia using Geographic Information System (GIS) methods. GIS data analysis was done to generate 3 separate risk models using selected environmental features of (1) earth observing satellite data on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and midday Land Surface Temperature (LST) prepared from AVHRR sensor data of the Global land 1-km project for the years 1992 and 1995, (2) FAO agroclimatic databases from the Crop Production System Zone (CPSZ) of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) sub-region of East Africa, and (3) a climate-based forecast index based on the growing degree days (GDD) and water budget concepts. Parasitological data used for the analysis were published and unpublished reports of onchocerciasis surveillance made between 1969 and 2000 in various parts of the country. Analysis of queries based on 1992 and 1995 annual wet and dry season data of the Global land 1-km project resulted in a predictive value of 95.1%, 94.0% and 96.3%, respectively, using data values extracted from buffers centered on sites above 5% prevalence. The model based on CPSZ data predicted an endemic area that best fit the distribution of sites over 5% prevalence; the query was based on CPSZ values of average altitude (442-2134 m), annual mean temperature (18-28 degrees C), annual rainfall (822-1980 mm), annual potential evapotranspiration (1264-1938 mm), rain minus potential evapotranspiration (-124 - 792 mm), average NDVI x 100 (2000-5000) and average terrain percent slope (9-34). The climate-based model based on GDD and water-budget predicted high risk to severe risk areas in the western and southwestern parts of the country. All three of the models predicted suitable areas for the transmission of onchocerciasis outside known endemic areas, suggesting the need for ground-based validation and potential application to current community-directed treatment programs with ivermectin (CDTI) for control of onchocerciasis in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

机构选址对机构的运营至关重要。通过分析影响产科医院选址的因素,研制了反映影响因素的竞争度指标及其计算方法,并借助地理信息系统软件对竞争度进行可视化表达,结合服务对象分布地图,为机构的选址提供合理建议,并在确定机构选址区域以后,进一步给出了确定机构规模的方法。  相似文献   

活植物收集圃信息系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了南京中山植物园活植物收集圃信息系统。该系统是利用关系数据库ORACLE及C语言开发的,具有安全、数据可共享及可维护性强等特点。适用于大、中、小植物园、树木园、自然保护区和其他活植物田间收集圃。  相似文献   

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