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A previously reported cDNA clone encoding 34 kDa antigenic polypeptide of Dirofilaria immitis (lambda cD34) was studied to elucidate the mechanism of stage-specific gene expression. The 34 kDa polypeptide was a larva-specific antigen and the mRNA was detectable in microfilariae but not in adult worms and eggs. The lambda cD34 gene was not sex linked and was contained in the genome of D. immitis at each stage. The stage-specific expression of the developmentally regulated gene in D. immitis may be controlled primarily at the mRNA level.  相似文献   

Polygalacturonase (PG) was purified from Erwinia carotovora EC. A hybrid cosmid, pSH711, that encodes PG activity but not pectate lyase activity was identified from an E. carotovora genomic library by an immunological screening method. A cell extract of Escherichia coli cells containing pSH711 was able to produce plant tissue maceration when spotted on carrot, potato, or turnip slices. In addition, the E. coli strain containing this plasmid was able to macerate carrot, potato, and turnip slices. Our results suggest that PG plays an important role in soft-rot disease.  相似文献   

Analysis of the expression and assembly of the anion transporter by metabolic pulse-chase and steady-state protein and RNA measurements reveals that the extent of association of band 3 with the membrane cytoskeleton varies during chicken embryonic development. Pulse-chase studies have indicated that band 3 polypeptides do not associate with the membrane cytoskeleton until they have been transported to the plasma membrane. At this time, band 3 polypeptides are slowly recruited, over a period of hours, onto a preassembled membrane cytoskeletal network and the extent of this cytoskeletal assembly is developmentally regulated. Only 3% of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal-associated in 4-d erythroid cells vs. 93% in 10-d erythroid cells and 36% in 15-d erythroid cells. This observed variation appears to be regulated primarily at the level of recruitment onto the membrane cytoskeleton rather than by different transport kinetics to the membrane or differential turnover of the soluble and insoluble polypeptides and is not dependent upon the lineage or stage of differentiation of the erythroid cells. Steady-state protein and RNA analyses indicate that the low levels of cytoskeletal band 3 very early in development most likely result from limiting amounts of ankyrin and protein 4.1, the membrane cytoskeletal binding sites for band 3. As embryonic development proceeds, ankyrin and protein 4.1 levels increase with a concurrent rise in the level of cytoskeletal band 3 until, on day 10 of development, virtually all of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal bound. After day 10, the levels of total and cytoskeletal band 3 decline, whereas ankyrin and protein 4.1 continue to accumulate until day 18, indicating that the cytoskeletal association of band 3 is not regulated solely by the availability of membrane cytoskeletal binding sites at later stages of development. Thus, multiple mechanisms appear to regulate the recruitment of band 3 onto the erythroid membrane cytoskeleton during chicken embryonic development.  相似文献   

A chimeric plasmid containing about 2/3 of the rat skeletal muscle actin gene plus 730 base pairs of its 5' flanking sequences fused to the 3' end of a human embryonic globin gene (D. Melloul, B. Aloni, J. Calvo, D. Yaffe, and U. Nudel, EMBO J. 3:983-990, 1984) was inserted into mice by microinjection into fertilized eggs. Eleven transgenic mice carrying the chimeric gene with or without plasmid pBR322 DNA sequences were identified. The majority of these mice transmitted the injected DNA to about 50% of their progeny. However, in transgenic mouse CV1, transmission to progeny was associated with amplification or deletion of the injected DNA sequences, while in transgenic mouse CV4 transmission was distorted, probably as a result of insertional mutagenesis. Tissue-specific expression was dependent on the removal of the vector DNA sequences from the chimeric gene sequences prior to microinjection. None of the transgenic mice carrying the chimeric gene together with plasmid pBR322 sequences expressed the introduced gene in striated muscles. In contrast, the six transgenic mice carrying the chimeric gene sequences alone expressed the inserted gene specifically in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Moreover, expression of the chimeric gene was not only tissue specific, but also developmentally regulated. Similar to the endogenous skeletal muscle actin gene, the chimeric gene was expressed at a relatively high level in cardiac muscle of neonatal mice and at a significantly lower level in adult cardiac muscle. These results indicate that the injected DNA included sufficient cis-acting control elements for its tissue-specific and developmentally regulated expression in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Control of RNA turnover is a major, but poorly understood, aspect of gene regulation. In multicellular organisms, progress toward dissecting RNA turnover pathways has been made by defining some cis-acting sequences that function as either regulatory or cleavage targets (J. G. Belasco and G. Brawerman, Control of Messenger RNA Stability, 1993). However, the identification of genes encoding proteins that regulate or cleave target RNAs has been elusive (C. A. Beelman and R. Parker, Cell 81:79-183, 1995); this gap in knowledge has made it difficult to identify additional components of RNA turnover pathways. We have utilized a modified expression cloning strategy to identify a developmentally regulated gene from Drosophila melanogaster that encodes a RNase that we refer to as Clipper (CLP). Significant sequence matches to open reading frames encoding unknown functions identified from the Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome sequencing projects suggest that all three proteins are members of a new protein family conserved from lower eukaryotes to invertebrates. We demonstrate that a member of this new protein family specifically cleaves RNA hairpins and that this activity resides in a region containing five copies of a previously uncharacterized CCCH zinc finger motif. CLP's endoribonucleolytic activity is distinct from that associated with RNase A (P. Blackburn and S. Moore, p. 317-433, in P. D. Boyer, ed., The Enzymes, vol. XV, part B, 1982) and is unrelated to RNase III processing of rRNAs and tRNAs (J. G. Belasco and G. Brawerman, Control of Messenger RNA Stability, 1993, and S. A. Elela, H. Igel, and M. Ares, Cell 85:115-124, 1995). Our results suggest that CLP may function directly in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

v-Src-induced increases in diglyceride are derived from phosphatidylcholine via a type D phospholipase (PLD) and a phosphatidic acid phosphatase. v-Src-induced PLD activity, as measured by PLD-catalyzed transphosphatidylation of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanol, is inhibited by GDP beta S, which inhibits G-protein-mediated intracellular signals. Similarly, v-Src-induced increases in diglyceride are also blocked by GDP beta S. In contrast to the PLD activity induced by v-Src, PLD activity induced by the protein kinase C agonist, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), was insensitive to GDP beta S. Consistent with the involvement of a G protein in the activation of PLD activity by v-Src, GTP gamma S, a nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP that potentiates G-protein-mediated signals, strongly enhanced PLD activity in v-Src-transformed cells relative to that in parental BALB/c 3T3 cells. The effect of GTP gamma S on PLD activity in v-Src-transformed cells was observed only when cells were prelabeled with [3H]myristate, which is incorporated exclusively into phosphatidylcholine, the substrate for the v-Src-induced PLD. There was no difference in the effect of GTP gamma S-induced PLD activity on v-Src-transformed and BALB/c 3T3 cells when the cells were prelabeled with [3H]arachidonate, which is not incorporated into phospholipids that are substrates for the v-Src-induced PLD. Similarly, GDP beta S inhibited PLD activity in v-Src-transformed cells much more strongly than in BALB/c 3T3 cells when [3H]myristate was used to prelabel the cells. The GTP-dependent activation of PLD by v-Src was dependent upon the presence of ATP but was unaffected by either cholera or pertussis toxin. These data suggest that v-Src induces PLD activity through a phosphorylation event and is mediated by a cholera and pertussis toxin-insensitive G protein.  相似文献   

The epididymis is a useful model system to understand the mechanisms that govern region-specific gene expression, as many gene products display spatially restricted expression within this organ. However, surprisingly little is known about how this regulation is achieved. Here, we report regulatory sequences from the Pem homeobox gene that drive expression in different subregions of the mouse epididymis in vivo. We found that the 0.3-kb 5'-flanking sequence (region I) from the Pem proximal promoter (Pem Pp) was sufficient to confer androgen-dependent and developmentally regulated expression in the caput region of the epididymis. Expression was restricted to the normal regions of expression of Pem in the caput (segments 2-4), but there was also aberrant expression in the corpus region. This corpus misexpression was extinguished when 0.6 kb of Pem Pp 5'-flanking sequence was included in the transgene, indicating that one or more negative regulatory elements exist between 0.6 and 0.3 kb upstream of the Pem Pp start site (region II). When heterologous sequences were introduced upstream of the Pem Pp, expression was further restricted, mainly to caput segment 3, implying that the Pem Pp has segment-specific regulatory elements. To our knowledge, the regulatory regions we have identified are the shortest so far defined that dictate regionally localized expression in the epididymis in vivo. They may be useful for identifying the factors that regulate region-specific expression in the epididymis, for expressing and conditionally knocking out genes in different subregions of the epididymis, for treating male infertility, and for generating novel methods of male contraception.  相似文献   

By Agrobacterium-mediated transformation we have demonstrated that a 1.10-kilobase promoter sequence from the tomato rbcS-3A gene confers light-inducible and organ-specific expression upon fusion to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. A biphasic expression profile was obtained by 5' deletion analysis of this promoter, indicating the presence of both positive and negative regulatory elements. A severe reduction in the level of expression was observed when the 5'-terminal 90 base pairs were deleted from the 1.10-kilobase promoter. DNA sequence elements responsible for light inducibility and organ specificity of the gene reside within the -374 base pairs of the proximal part of the promoter and the sequences spanning from -374 to -205 are essential for promoter function. The DNA sequences upstream from -374 modulate the level of expression in leaf tissue; this modulation is under developmental control.  相似文献   

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