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Many asymmetrically dividing cells segregate the poles of the mitotic spindle non-randomly between their two daughters. In budding yeast, the protein Kar9 localizes almost exclusively to the astral microtubules emanating from the old spindle pole body (SPB) and promotes its movement toward the bud. Thereby, Kar9 orients the spindle relative to the division axis. Here, we show that beyond perturbing Kar9 distribution, activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) randomizes SPB inheritance. Inactivation of the B-type cyclin Clb5 led to a SAC-dependent defect in Kar9 orientation and SPB segregation. Furthermore, unlike the Clb4-dependent pathway, the Clb5- and SAC-dependent pathways functioned genetically upstream of the mitotic exit network (MEN) in SPB specification and Kar9-dependent SPB inheritance. Together, our study indicates that Clb5 functions in spindle assembly and that the SAC controls the specification and inheritance of yeast SPBs through inhibition of the MEN.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic human pathogen belonging to basidiomycetous fungi and has unique properties in cell cycle progression. In the present study, dynamics of the spindle pole body (SPB) during the cell cycle was examined using freeze-substitution and serial thin-sectioning electron microscopy. The SPB was located on the outer nuclear envelope and appeared either dumbbell- or bar-shaped in G1 through G2 phases. At the beginning of prophase, globular elements of the SPB enlarged, associated with numerous cytoplasmic microtubules, and separated on the nuclear envelope. At prometaphase, the SPBs entered the nuclear region by breaking a part of the nuclear membrane, were located at the isthmus, and were associated with numerous nuclear microtubules. The nuclear division process was carried out in the daughter cell, though the nucleolus remained in the mother cell. At anaphase, one half of the nucleus returned to the mother cell. At telophase, the SPB element was extruded back to the cytoplasm from the nuclear region. By analyzing serial sections of 63 cells, duplication of the SPB was found to take place in the early G1 phase. Thus, the location, structure, and duplication cycle of the C. neoformans SPB are different from those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae , but have similarities to those of Schizosaccharomyces pombe .  相似文献   

The spindle pole body of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has served as a model system for understanding microtubule organizing centers, yet very little is known about the molecular structure of its components. We report here the structure of the C-terminal domain of the core component Cnm67 at 2.3 Å resolution. The structure determination was aided by a novel approach to crystallization of proteins containing coiled-coils that utilizes globular domains to stabilize the coiled-coils. This enhances their solubility in Escherichia coli and improves their crystallization. The Cnm67 C-terminal domain (residues Asn-429—Lys-581) exhibits a previously unseen dimeric, interdigitated, all α-helical fold. In vivo studies demonstrate that this domain alone is able to localize to the spindle pole body. In addition, the structure reveals a large functionally indispensable positively charged surface patch that is implicated in spindle pole body localization. Finally, the C-terminal eight residues are disordered but are critical for protein folding and structural stability.  相似文献   

Alignment of the mitotic spindle with the axis of cell division is an essential process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is mediated by interactions between cytoplasmic microtubules and the cell cortex. We found that a cortical protein, the yeast formin Bni1p, was required for spindle orientation. Two striking abnormalities were observed in bni1Delta cells. First, the initial movement of the spindle pole body (SPB) toward the emerging bud was defective. This phenotype is similar to that previously observed in cells lacking the kinesin Kip3p and, in fact, BNI1 and KIP3 were found to be in the same genetic pathway. Second, abnormal pulling interactions between microtubules and the cortex appeared to cause preanaphase spindles in bni1Delta cells to transit back and forth between the mother and the bud. We therefore propose that Bni1p may localize or alter the function of cortical microtubule-binding sites in the bud. Additionally, we present evidence that other bipolar bud site determinants together with cortical actin are also required for spindle orientation.  相似文献   

M Knop  G Pereira  S Geissler  K Grein    E Schiebel 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(7):1550-1564
Previously, we have shown that the gamma-tubulin Tub4p and the spindle pole body component Spc98p are involved in microtubule organization by the yeast microtubule organizing centre, the spindle pole body (SPB). In this paper we report the identification of SPC97 encoding an essential SPB component that is in association with the SPB substructures that organize the cytoplasmic and nuclear microtubules. Evidence is provided for a physical and functional interaction between Tub4p, Spc98p and Spc97p: first, temperature-sensitive spc97(ts) mutants are suppressed by high gene dosage of SPC98 or TUB4. Second, Spc97p interacts with Spc98p and Tub4p in the two-hybrid system. Finally, immunoprecipitation and fractionation studies revealed complexes containing Tub4p, Spc98p and Spc97p. Further support for a direct interaction of Tub4p, Spc98p and Spc97p comes from the toxicity of strong SPC97 overexpression which is suppressed by co-overexpression of TUB4 or SPC98. Analysis of temperature-sensitive spc97(ts) alleles revealed multiple spindle defects. While spc97-14 cells are either impaired in SPB separation or mitotic spindle formation, spc97-20 cells show an additional defect in SPB duplication. We discuss a model in which the Tub4p-Spc98p-Spc97p complex is part of the microtubule attachment site at the SPB.  相似文献   

纺锤体极体(spindle pole body,SPB)是酵母细胞的微管组织中心,它在细胞分裂及细胞遗传稳定性的维持过程中起着极其重要的作用,是细胞生物学领域热门的研究方向.Sfi1p是酿酒酵母SPB的必需蛋白并且横跨整个半桥,该蛋白与SPB的复制有关,它的缺失或突变会导致SPB复制失败,在哺乳动物的中心体也存在酵母Sfi1p的同源蛋白.本文系统的介绍了酵母Sfi1p及其在人类中心体中的同源蛋白hSfi1p的结构特征,并且阐明了Sfi1p在SPB复制与分离、核配及生孢等细胞周期过程中的作用.对Sfi1p的功能研究,将有助于解决SPB研究过程中重要的科学问题,同时为中心体中Sfi1p同源蛋白的功能研究提供良好的借鉴.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/proteasome pathway plays a key role in regulating cell cycle progression. Previously, we reported that a conditional mutation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene RPT4/PCS1, which encodes one of six ATPases in the proteasome 19S cap complex/regulatory particle (RP), causes failure of spindle pole body (SPB) duplication. To improve our understanding of Rpt4p, we created 58 new mutations, 53 of which convert clustered, charged residues to alanine. Virtually all mutations that affect the N-terminal region, which contains a putative nuclear localization signal and coiled-coil motif, result in a wild-type phenotype. Nine mutations that affect the central ATPase domain and the C-terminal region confer recessive lethality. The two conditional mutations identified, rpt4-145 and rpt4-150, affect the C terminus. After shift to high temperature, these mutations generally cause cells to progress slowly through the first cell cycle and to arrest in the second cycle with large buds, a G2 content of DNA, and monopolar spindles, although this phenotype can vary depending on the medium. Additionally, we describe a genetic interaction between RPT4 and the naturally polymorphic gene SSD1, which in wild-type form modifies the rpt4-145 phenotype such that cells arrest in G2 of the first cycle with complete bipolar spindles.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional organization of mitotic microtubules in a mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied by computer-assisted serial reconstruction. At the nonpermissive temperature, cdc20 cells arrested with a spindle length of approximately 2.5 microns. These spindles contained a mean of 81 microtubules (range, 56-100) compared with 23 in wild-type spindles of comparable length. This increase in spindle microtubule number resulted in a total polymer length up to four times that of wild-type spindles. The spindle pole bodies in the cdc20 cells were approximately 2.3 times the size of wild-type, thereby accommodating the abnormally large number of spindle microtubules. The cdc20 spindles contained a large number of interpolar microtubules organized in a "core bundle." A neighbor density analysis of this bundle at the spindle midzone showed a preferred spacing of approximately 35 nm center-to-center between microtubules of opposite polarity. Although this is evidence of specific interaction between antiparallel microtubules, mutant spindles were less ordered than the spindle of wild-type cells. The number of noncore microtubules was significantly higher than that reported for wild-type, and these microtubules did not display a characteristic metaphase configuration. cdc20 spindles showed significantly more cross-bridges between spindle microtubules than were seen in the wild type. The cross-bridge density was highest between antiparallel microtubules. These data suggest that spindle microtubules are stabilized in cdc20 cells and that the CDC20 gene product may be involved in cell cycle processes that promote spindle microtubule disassembly.  相似文献   

Both the spindle pole body (SPB) and the nuclear pore complex (NPC) are essential organelles embedded in the nuclear envelope throughout the life cycle of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the mechanism by which these two multisubunit structures are inserted into the nuclear envelope during their biogenesis is not well understood. We have previously shown that Ndc1p is the only known integral membrane protein that localizes to both the SPBs and the NPCs and is required for SPB duplication. For this study, we generated a novel temperature-sensitive (ts) allele of NDC1 to investigate the role of Ndc1p at the NPCs. Yeast cells carrying this allele (ndc1-39) failed to insert the SPB into the nuclear envelope at the restrictive temperature. Importantly, the double mutation of ndc1-39 and NPC assembly mutant nic96-1 resulted in cells with enhanced growth defects. While nuclear protein import and NPC distribution in the nuclear envelope were unaffected, ndc1-39 mutants failed to properly incorporate the nucleoporin Nup49p into NPCs. These results provide evidence that Ndc1p is required for NPC assembly in addition to its role in SPB duplication. We postulate that Ndc1p is crucial for the biogenesis of both the SPBs and the NPCs at the step of insertion into the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Centrosomes of vertebrate cells and spindle pole bodies (SPBs) of fungi were first recognized through their ability to organize microtubules. Recent studies suggest that centrosomes and SPBs also have a function in the regulation of cell cycle progression, in particular in controlling late mitotic events. Regulators of mitotic exit and cytokinesis are associated with the SPB of budding and fission yeast. Elucidation of the molecular roles played by these regulators is helping to clarify the function of the SPB in controlling progression though mitosis.  相似文献   

A genetic synthetic dosage lethality (SDL) screen using CTF13 encoding a known kinetochore protein as the overexpressed reference gene identified two chromosome transmission fidelity (ctf) mutants, YCTF58 and YCTF26. These mutant strains carry independent alleles of a novel gene, which we have designated CTF19. In light of its potential role in kinetochore function, we have cloned and characterized the CTF19 gene in detail. CTF19 encodes a nonessential 369-amino acid protein. ctf19 mutant strains display a severe chromosome missegregation phenotype, are hypersensitive to benomyl, and accumulate at G2/M in cycling cells. CTF19 genetically interacts with kinetochore structural mutants and mitotic checkpoint mutants. In addition, ctf19 mutants show a defect in the ability of centromeres on minichromosomes to bind microtubules in an in vitro assay. In vivo cross-linking and chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrates that Ctf19p specifically interacts with CEN DNA. Furthermore, Ctf19-HAp localizes to the nuclear face of the spindle pole body and genetically interacts with a spindle-associated protein. We propose that Ctf19p is part of a macromolecular kinetochore complex, which may function as a link between the kinetochore and the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity and intracellular localization of protein kinase C (PKC) are both highly regulated in vivo. This family of kinases contains conserved regulatory motifs, i.e., the C1, C2, and HR1 domains, which target PKC isoforms to specific subcellular compartments and restrict their activity spatially. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a single PKC isozyme, Pkc1p, which contains all of the regulatory motifs found in mammalian PKCs. Pkc1p localizes to sites of polarized growth, consistent with its main function in maintaining cell integrity. We dissected the molecular basis of Pkc1p localization by expressing each of its domains individually and in combinations as green fluorescent protein fusions. We find that the Rho1p-binding domains, HR1 and C1, are responsible for targeting Pkc1p to the bud tip and cell periphery, respectively. We demonstrate that Pkc1p activity is required for its normal localization to the bud neck, which also depends on the integrity of the septin ring. In addition, we show for the first time that yeast protein kinase C can accumulate in the nucleus, and we identify a nuclear exit signal as well as nuclear localization signals within the Pkc1p sequence. Thus, we propose that Pkc1p shuttles in and out of the nucleus and consequently has access to nuclear substrates. Surprisingly, we find that deletion of the HR1 domain results in Pkc1p localization to the mitotic spindle and that the C2 domain is responsible for this targeting. This novel nuclear and spindle localization of Pkc1p may provide a molecular explanation for previous observations that suggest a role for Pkc1p in regulating microtubule function.  相似文献   

Mitotic spindles were isolated from a cell division cycle mutant of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the lysis of sphateroplasts on an air:buffer interface and were negatively stained with 1% gold thioglucose. Isolated spindles were incubated under conditions which promoted the sliding disintegration of parallel preparations of Tetrahymena axonemes, namely the addition of ATP to 20 microM. In no experiment was a corresponding change in microtubule organization of the spindle observed even when spindles were first pretreated with either 1-10 microgram/ml trypsin or 0.2-2% Triton X-100. During these experiments a number of spindles were isolated from cells that had passed through the imposed temperature block, and from the images obtained a detailed model of spindle formation and elongation has been constructed. Two sets of microtubules, one from each spindle pole body (SPB), completely interdigitate to form a continuous bundle, and a series of discontinuous microtubules are then nucleated by each SPB. As the spindle elongates, the number of microtubules continuous between the two SPBs decreases until, at a length of 4 micrometer, only one remains. The spindle, composed of only one microtubule, continues to elongate until it reaches the maximal nuclear dimension of 8 micrometer. The data obtained from negatively stained preparations have been verified in thin sections of wild-type cells. We suggest that, as in the later stages of mitosis only one microtubule is involved in the separation of the spindle poles, the microtubular spindle in S. cerevisiae is not a force-generating system but rather acts as a regulatory mechanism controlling the rate of separation.  相似文献   

Summary Thymic small lymphocytes of dd-mice were qualitatively and quantitatively studied by electron microscopy. Differences in fine structure were revealed between cortical and medullary small lymphocytes. Cortical small lymphocytes are rounded in cell outline with a round nucleus. The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus as a narrow rim is scanty and appears relatively dense due to an abundance of free ribosomes. The cell organelles are not well developed. On the other hand, medullary small lymphocytes are more irregular in shape with uneven cell membranes. Their nuclei are also more irregular in outline with frequent infoldings of the nuclear membrane. The cytoplasm is more abundant and paler with less numerous ribosomes. The cell organelles are better developed.Quantitative analysis was made of both cortical and medullary small lymphocytes by means of the point counting method. The nuclei of both cortical and medullary small lymphocytes are almost the same in size (a diameter of 4.9 ). The cell sizes are different between cortical and medullary lymphocytes: cortical small lymphocytes with a diameter of 5.5 were smaller than medullary ones with a diameter of 6.4 .Cortical small lymphocytes are very sensitive to the destructive effects of hydrocortisone, whereas the medullary ones are resistant.Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath in the splenic white pulp, which is known to be a thymus-dependent area, contains small lymphocytes that were similar in cytological details to medullary small lymphocytes of the thymus.In the light of the recent knowledge about a recirculating long-lived small lymphocyte pool, it appears probable that medullary small lymphocytes represent a contribution to the pool and that small lymphocytes with a long life span can be cytologically identified by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated nuclei of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were incubated with five restriction nucleases. Out of the twenty-one recognition sequences for these nucleases in the centromere region of chromosome XIV, only five are accessible to cleavage. These sites map 11 by and 74 by to the left and 27 bp, 41 by and 290 by to the right, respectively, of the boundaries of the 118 by functional CEN14 DNA sequence. The distance between the sites accessible to cleavage and closest to CEN14 is 156 bp, suggesting this is the maximal size of DNA protected in CEN14 chromatin. The DNA in CEN14 chromatin protected against cleavage with DNase I and micrococcal nuclease overlaps almost completely with this region. Hypersensitive regions flanking both sides are approximately 60 by long. Analyses of other S. cerevisiae centromeres with footprinting techniques in intact cells or nucleolytic cleavages in isolated nuclei are discussed in relation to our results. We conclude that structural data of chromatin obtained with restriction nucleases are reliable and that the structure of CEN14 chromatin is representative for S. cerevisiae centromeres.  相似文献   

Abstract Cells of the pell mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were found to contain an extremely low content of cardiolipin, a decreased level of phosphatidylcholine and an increased level of phosphatidylinositol. Disruption of the PELL gene in cells containing a null mutation in the CHO1 gene was lethal. Despite its putative functional homology with CHO1 , the overexpression of the PELL gene in the chol null mutant did not restore the wild-type properties of the transformed cells and failed to stimulate the incorporation of l-[3-3H]serine into total lipids of the intact yeast cells.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of collagen fibrils in the rat sciatic nerve was studied by scanning electron microscopy after digestion of cellular elements by sodium hydroxide treatment, and by conventional transmission electron microscopy. The epineurium consisted mainly of thick bundles of collagen fibrils measuring about 10–20 m in width; they were wavy and ran slightly obliquely to the nerve axis. Between these collagen bundles, a very coarse meshwork of randomly oriented collagen fibrils was present. In the perineurium, collagen fibrils occupied the interspaces between the concentrically arranged perineurial cells; in each interspace, they formed a sheet of characteristic lacework elaborately interwoven by thin (about 3 m or less in width) bundles of collagen fibrils. In the subperineurial region, there was a distinct sheet of densely woven collagen fibrils between the perineurium and underlying endoneurial fibroblasts. In the endoneurium, collagen fibrils surrounded individual nerve fibers in two layers as scaffolds: the inner layer was made up of a delicate meshwork of very fine collagen fibrils, and the outer one consisted of longitudinally oriented bundles of about 1–3 m in width. The collagen fibril arrangement described above may protect the nerve fibers against external forces.  相似文献   

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