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Morris, C. J. O. R.; Morris, P.: Separation methods in biochemistry. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1964, 887 S., 155 Abb., Leinen, £ 5, 15 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Neuman, M.: Vade-mecum des antibiotiques et agents chimiothérapiques anti-infectieun. Paris, Librairie Maloine G. Doin et Cie Editeurs, 1962, 410 S., 8 Abb.; 15 Tab., Karton. 40,00 NF. Reviewed by Thren.

Umbreit, W. W.: Modern microbiology. San Francisco und London, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1962, 507 S., 307 Abb., Leinen, 48 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Gold, V.: pH-Measurements. Their theory and practice. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1963, 125 S., 11 Abb., Leinen, 10 s 6 d. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Horsfall, J. G. (Ed.): Annual review of phytopathology. Vol. 1, Palo Alto, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1963, 469 S., 6 Abb., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by M. Schmiedeknecht.

Rubin, B. A.; Artsikhovskaya, Ye. V.: Biochemistry and physiology of plant immunity. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1963, IX und 358 S., 68 Abb., Leinen, £ 5. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Nord, F. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. Vol. 24, New York und London, Interscience Publishers a division of John Wiley & Sons, 1962, 572 S., 23 Abb., Leinen, 120 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Nord, F. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. Vol. 25, New York und London, Interscience Publishers a division of John Wiley & Sons, 1963, 565 S., 56 Abb., Leinen, 115 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Forbes, J.: A laboratory manual for histology. 2. Aufl., New York, Fordham University Press, 1961, 132 S., 3 Abb., brosch., 3,00 $. Reviewed by J. H. Scharf.

Guaoliumi, P.: Las Plagas de la Caña de Azucar en Venezuela. Bd. 1 und 2, Maracay/Yenezuela, Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria Centro de Investigaciones Agronoinicas, 1962, 850 S., 212 Abb., 14 ganzs. Farbtafeln, brosch., 8,00 $. Reviewed by G. Fröhlich.

Clifton, C. E. (Ed.): Annual review of microbiology. Vol. 17, Palo Alto, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1963, 628 S., 19 Abb., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Ramschandran, G. N. (Ed.): Aspects of protein structure. Proceedings of a symposium held in Madras 14–18 January 1963 and organized by the University of Madras. London und New York, Academic Press, 1963, 380 S., 130 Abb., Leinen, 84 s. Reviewed by P. Hermann.  相似文献   


Burnett, J. H.: Fundamentals of Mycology. Edward Arnold, London, 1968. 546 S., 175 Abb., 96 Tab., 9 Taf., geb., £ 6 10 s. Reviewed by W. Kühnel.

Smith, R. F. (Ed.): Annual Review of Entomology. Vol. 14, Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, 1969, 478 S., 6 Abb., 25 Tab., 6 Tafeln, geb. $ 9.00. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Somogyi, J. C.; Francois, A. C.: Antibioties in Agriculture. Basel, S. Karger AG, 1968, 208 S., 28 Abb., 50 Tab., brosch., sF/DM 57,—. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Metlitskh, B. L.; Ozeretskovskaya, O. L.: Plant immunity: Biochemical aspects of plant resistance to parasitic fungi. Plenum Press, Now York, 1968, 114 S., 9 Abb., 18 Tab., geb., 12,50 $. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.  相似文献   

From Instinct to Intelligence/How Animals Learn by Gloria Kirshner. Grosset &; Dunlap Publishers, 51 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1970. 127 pp., $3.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

A Pictorial History of Oceanographic Submersibles by James B. Sweeney, Crown Publishers, Inc., 419 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1970. 314 pp., Indexed, Bibliography. $9.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Where the Winds Sleep: Man's Future on the Moon—A Projected History by Neil P. Ruzic. Doubleday &; Co., Inc., Garden City, New York, 1970. 236 pp., Indexed. $5.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Hunters and Collectors by George H. T. Kimble. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036. 1970. 48 pp., Indexed. $4.95 trade edn., $4.72 lib. edn. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Life in Ponds by Jean Gorvett. American Heritage Press, New York. 1920. 31 pp. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Discovering What Goldfish Do by Seymour Simon. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 1970. 47 pp. $3.95 trade edn. $3.83 lib. edn. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Building and Flying Scale Model Aircraft 3rd Edition by Walter A. Musciano. Herman Publishing Service, Division of Cahners Pub. Co., Inc., 221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. 02116. 1970. 245 pp. Glossary, $7.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.  相似文献   

Grant, J. K. (Ed.): Biochemical Society Symposia 23. Methods of separation of subcellular structural components. London, Cambridge University Press, 1963, 157 S., 31 Abb., Leinen, 35 s. Reviewed by H.-W. Wache.

Smith, Audrey U.: Biological effects of freezing and supercooling. London, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1961, 462 S., 157 Abb., Leinen, 55 s. Reviewed by H. Wartenberg.

Loiseleur, J. (Ed.): Techniques de laborafoire. I. Chimie physiquechimie biologique, in 2 Bünden, 3. Aufl., Paris, Masson et Cie Editeurs, 381 Abb., Leinen, 190. Reviewed by F. H. Wolffgang.

Jirgensons, B.: Natural organic macro-molecules. Oxford, London, New York, Paris, Pergamon Press, 404 S., 103 Abb., Kunststoff, 63 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Laverack, M. S.: The Physiology of Earthworms. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1963, 206 S., 58 Abb., Lwd., 45 s. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Thorn, G. D.; Ludwig, R. A.: The dithiocarbamates and related compounds. (Elsevier Monographs-chemistry section.) Amsterdam, London, New York, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1962, 300 S., 6 Abb., Leinen, 20,- Dfl. (22,50 DM). Reviewed by P. Neubert.

Zweig, G. (Ed.): Analytical methods for pesticides, plant gowth regulators, and food additives. Vol. 1: Principles, methods, and general applications. New York and London, Academic Press Inc., 1963, 637 S., 95 Abb., Leinen, 24,- S. Reviewed by E. Heinisch.

Dufay, C: Faune terrestre et d'eau douce des Pyrénées-Orientales. VI. Lépidoptères. I. Macrolépidoptères. Paris, Hermann Verlag, 153 S., brosch., 12 NF. Reviewed by G. Friese.

Dethier, V. G.: The physiology of insect senses. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 266 S., 99 Abb., Kunststoff, 42 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Preston, R. D. (Ed.): Advances in botanical research. Vol. 1. London & New York, Academic Press, 384 S., 119 Abb., Leinen, 70 s. Reviewed by K. Schmelzer.

Horecker, B. L.: Pentose metabolism in bacteria. (CIBA Lectures in microbial biochemistry.) New York, London, John Wiley & Sons, 100 S., 54 Abb., Leinen, 30 s. Reviewed by H. Opel.

Knight, C. A.: Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung. Bd. IY/2, Wien, Springer-Verlag, 1963, 177 S., 27 Abb., brosch., DM 48,-. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Bailey, J. L.: Techniques in profein chemistry. Amsterdam, London, New York, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1962,310 S., 90 Abb., Leinen, 30,- Dfl. (33,50 DM). Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.): Botanique. Anatomie — Cycles Evolutifs — Systématique. Paris, Masson et Cie Editeurs, 1963, 1039 S., 618 Abb., Leinen, 98 F. Reviewed by K. Schmelzerm.

Schmitt, F. O. (Ed.): Macromolecular specificity and biological memory. Cambridge (Mass.), The M. I. T. Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1962, 119 S., Karton, 23 s. Reviewed by J. Segal.  相似文献   

Findley, James S.; Harris, Arthur H.; Wilson, Don E.; and Jones, Clyde Mammals of New Mexico Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1975 360 pp., $8.50 Reviewed by Vagn Flyger

Piers, Helen Grasshopper and Butterfly New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 80 pp., $5.95, library edition $5.72 Reviewed by N. N. Raghuvir

Gergely, Tibor Animals: A Picture Book of Facts and Figures New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 47 pp., $5.95, library edition $5.72 Reviewed by Theodore W. Munch

Johnsgard, Paul A. Waterfowl of North America Bloomington, Indiana University Press 1975,575 pp. Reviewed by Kate Curry Vahle

Jacobson, Daniel The Fishermen (Indians of North America) New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1975 87 pp., $4.90 Reviewed by Robert W. Boenig

Janzen, Daniel H. Ecology of Plants in the Tropics (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 58) London: Edward Arnold (Distributed by Crane, Russak &; Co., New York), 1975 65 pp., $3.75 Reviewed by Rex E. Kerstetter

London, Carolyn The Hospital Doctors, Nurses and Mystery Workers New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1976 86 pp., $5.72 Library Edition Reviewed by Philip C. Anderson

Buxton, Ralph Nature's Gliders Chicago: Children's Press, 1975 32 pp., individuals $6.60, institutions $4.95 Reviewed by Sue Hall

Clarke, H. T. (revised by B. Haynes) A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative (fifth edition) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 291 pp., cloth $35.00, paper $16.00 Reviewed by Lawrence Powell Eblin

Simon, Seymour Discovering What Garter Snakes Do New York: McGraw-Hill Junior Books, 1975 48 pp., $4.72 Reviewed by Carl Gans

Dobbs, Austen, ed. The Birds of Nottinghamshire: Past and Present North Pomfret, Vt.: David &; Charles, 1975 226 pp., $17.00 Reviewed by Gerald R. Rising

Ashworth, J. M., and Dee, Jennifer The Biology of Slime Moulds (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 56) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., Inc., 1975 67 pp., $3.75 Reviewed by Emanuel D. Rudolph

Exline, Joseph D. Individualized Techniques for Teaching Earth Science West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Co., 1975 230 pp., $10.95 Reviewed by Waring B. Hill

Stadtfeld, Curtis K. Whitetail Deer: A Year's Cycle New York: The Dial Press, 1975 163 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by Paul F. Connor

Carrier, Rick Fly: The Complete Book of Sky Sailing New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 128 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by A.D. Goddard

Duncan, Wilbur H. Woody Vines of the Southeastern United States Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1975 76 pp., $2.50 Reviewed by A. J. Sharp

Barnes, R. S. K. Estuarine Biology (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology no. 49) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 76 pp., $3.25 Reviewed by Brother G. Nicholas

Bendick, Jeanne How Heredity Works: Why Living Things Are As They Are (Finding-out books) New York: Parent's Magazine Press, 1975 64 pp., $4.59 Reviewed by Donald J. Nash  相似文献   


Hahn, E.: Chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel. 2. neubearb. Auflage, 300 S., zahlreiche Abbildungen, Berlin 1970: VEB Dt. Landwirtschafts-Verlag. Reviewed by H.-H. Schmidt.

Ahrens, G.: Die Giftprüfung. Leitfaden zum Ablegen der Prüfung im Umgang mit Giften. 9. neubearbeitete Aufl., 214 S., Leipzig 1971: Johann Ambrosius Barth. Reviewed by H. Reifenstein.

Schuster G.: Virus und Viruskrankheiten. 3., erw. Auflage, 295 S., 152 Abb., Wittenberg 1972: A. Ziemsen Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Fritsche, R.; Karl, E.; Lehmann, W.; Proeseler, G.: Tierische Vektoren pflanzenpathogener Viren. 1. Auflage 521 S., 88 Abb., 27 Tab., 27 Taf., Jena 1972: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Arlt, K.; Feyerabend, G.: Herbizide und Kulturpflanzen. 1. Aufl., 1. Bd., 170 S., 38 Abb., Berlin 1972: Akademie-Verlag. Reviewed by K. Schuhmann.

Popkova, K. W.: Fitoflora kartofelja. 1. Aufl., 176 S., 9 Abb., Moskau 1972: Kolos. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Liv?ig, I. Z.; Mitrofanov, V. I.: Kle??i roda Bryobia C. L. Koch, 1S36 (Acariformes, Bryobiidae). Bd. 51, 60 Abb., Jalta 1971. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Kirjanova, E. S.; Krall, E.: Paraziticeskie Nematody Rastenij i mery bor'ba s nimi. 1. Aufl., Band I und II, 447 S. (Bd. I); 522 S. (Bd. II); 357 Abb. (Bd. I); 491 Abb. (Bd. II), Leningrad 1969 (Bd. I), 1971 (Bd. II): Nauka. Reviewed by H. Decker.

Jermoljev, E. H.; Pozděna, J.: Serologie rostlinných patogenu. 261 S., 65 Abb., Praha 1972: Academia. Reviewed by L. Albrechtová.

Brcák, J.: Vztahy rostlinných viru k prenasecum. 318 S., 50 Abb., Praha 1971: Academia. Reviewed by J. Chod.

Kiraly, Z.; Szalay-Marzsó, L. (Editor): Biochemical and Ecological Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relations 1. Auflage, 1. Band. 425 S. Budapest 1971 Akademiaè Kiadó. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Horváth, J.: Növényvfrusok, vektorok, virusátvitel. 514 S., 89 Abb., 61 Tab., Budapest 1972: Akadémiai Kiadó. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Mededelingen van de faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Heft 35, Nr. 2, 402 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., Gent 1970: Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen. Reviewed by R. Zielke.

O'Brien, R. D.; Yamamoto, I.: Biochemical Toxicology of Insecticides. 218 S., 35 Abb., 44 Tab., New York, London 1970: Academic Press. Reviewed by H. Beitz.

Nord, E. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. vol. 33, 595 S., 114 Abb., 52 Tab., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto 1970: Interscience Publishers, a division of John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Jager, K. W.: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin &; Telodrin. 234 S., 25 Abb., 55 Tab., Amsterdam, London, New York 1970: Elsevier Publishing Company. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.  相似文献   


Horsfall, J. G. (Ed): Annual Review of Phytopathology. Vol. 5, 1967, VII + 470 S., Leinen, 9,00 $, Palo Alto, Calif., Annual Reviews, Inc. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Clifton, C. E. (Ed.): Annual Review of Microbiology. Vol. 21, 1907, VII + 729 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Leinen, 9,00 $, Palo Alto (Ca.), Annual Reviews Inc. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Machlis, L.; Briggs, W. R.; Park, R.B. (Ed.): Annual Review of Plant Physiology. 19. Bd., Palo Alto, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1908, 555 S., 20 Abb., 22 Tab., Lw. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Gale, E. F.: Promotion and prevention of synthesis in bacteria. 1968, 99 S., 29 Abb., 6 Tab., Leinen, $ 5,75, Syracuse, Syracuse University Press Reviewed by L. Behr.

O. V.: Review of Applied Mycology, Plant Host — Pathogen Index to Vol. 1–40 (1922–1901). Kew, (Surrey), Commonwealth Mycologic. Inst., 1908, 820 S., brosch., 10 £ 10 s. Reviewed by M. Klinkowski.

Backhausz, R. (Ed.): Proceedings of the fourth Congress of the Hungarian Association of Microbiologists (Budapest 1964). 1966, XVIII + 405 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Leinen, 250 Ft., Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó Reviewed by P. Wolf.

Pepfler, H. J.: Microbial technology. 1907, 454 S., 45 Abb., 78 Tab., Leinen, S 15.50, Amsterdam, Reinhold Europe Reviewed by Erika Griesbach.  相似文献   

Bowden, Charles Killing the Hidden Waters Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977 174 pp., $9.96 Reviewed by Malcolm F. Farmer

Cogswell, Howard L. Water Birds of California Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977 416 pp., $5.75 paper Reviewed by Karl L. Trever

Grant, Edward Physical Science in the Middle Ages New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977 128 pp., $4.95 Reviewed by Emanuel D. Rudolph

Piltz, Albert, and Robert Sund Creative Teaching of Science in the Elementary School, 2d ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1977 310 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by Herbert H. Grossman

Lucas, David J., Harold I. James, John Simpson A First Science Dictionary: College Edition New York: Crane, Russak &; Company, Inc., 1977 206 pp., $8.50 Reviewed by Lawrence P. Eblin

Gribben, John, ed. Climatic Change New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978 280 pp., $37.50 cloth, $11.95 paper Reviewed by Waring B. Hill

Caroe, G.M. William Henry Bragg 1862–1942: Man and Scientist New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978 212 pp., $16.95 Reviewed by Gilbert Wright

Rowe, Mary Budd Teaching Science as Continuous Inquiry: A Basic New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1978 509 pp., $16.00 Reviewed by Elmer F. Kohlmiller

Branley, Franklyn M. Color: From Rainbows to Lasers New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1978 87 pp., $8.95 Reviewed by Van E. Neie

McNutt, Kristen W., and David R. McNutt Nutrition and Food Choices Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1978 506 pp., $10.36 Reviewed by Manfred Kroger

Allen, Arthur James A Whaler and Trader in the Arctic: 1895–1944 Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1978 213 pp., $5.95 paper Reviewed by Vagn Flyger

Coleman, William Biology in the Nineteenth Century: Problems of Form, Function, and Transformation, rev. ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978 187 pp., $13.95 cloth, $5.95 paper Reviewed by Donald J. Zinn  相似文献   

N-type Ca2+ channels (CaV2.2) are a nidus for neurotransmitter release and nociceptive transmission. However, the use of CaV2.2 blockers in pain therapeutics is limited by side effects resulting from inhibition of the physiological functions of CaV2.2 within the CNS. We identified an anti-nociceptive peptide (Brittain, J. M., Duarte, D. B., Wilson, S. M., Zhu, W., Ballard, C., Johnson, P. L., Liu, N., Xiong, W., Ripsch, M. S., Wang, Y., Fehrenbacher, J. C., Fitz, S. D., Khanna, M., Park, C. K., Schmutzler, B. S., Cheon, B. M., Due, M. R., Brustovetsky, T., Ashpole, N. M., Hudmon, A., Meroueh, S. O., Hingtgen, C. M., Brustovetsky, N., Ji, R. R., Hurley, J. H., Jin, X., Shekhar, A., Xu, X. M., Oxford, G. S., Vasko, M. R., White, F. A., and Khanna, R. (2011) Suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by uncoupling CRMP2 from the presynaptic Ca2+ channel complex. Nat. Med. 17, 822–829) derived from the axonal collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), a protein known to bind and enhance CaV2.2 activity. Using a peptide tiling array, we identified novel peptides within the first intracellular loop (CaV2.2(388–402), “L1”) and the distal C terminus (CaV1.2(2014–2028) “Ct-dis”) that bound CRMP2. Microscale thermophoresis demonstrated micromolar and nanomolar binding affinities between recombinant CRMP2 and synthetic L1 and Ct-dis peptides, respectively. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that CRMP2 association with CaV2.2 was inhibited by L1 and Ct-dis peptides. L1 and Ct-dis, rendered cell-penetrant by fusion with the protein transduction domain of the human immunodeficiency virus TAT protein, were tested in in vitro and in vivo experiments. Depolarization-induced calcium influx in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons was inhibited by both peptides. Ct-dis, but not L1, peptide inhibited depolarization-stimulated release of the neuropeptide transmitter calcitonin gene-related peptide in mouse DRG neurons. Similar results were obtained in DRGs from mice with a heterozygous mutation of Nf1 linked to neurofibromatosis type 1. Ct-dis peptide, administered intraperitoneally, exhibited antinociception in a zalcitabine (2′-3′-dideoxycytidine) model of AIDS therapy-induced and tibial nerve injury-related peripheral neuropathy. This study suggests that CaV peptides, by perturbing interactions with the neuromodulator CRMP2, contribute to suppression of neuronal hypersensitivity and nociception.  相似文献   

News Notes     
《Science activities》2013,50(5):39-43

Wyatt, John The Shining Levels: The Story of a Man Who Went Back to Nature Philadelphia and New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1974 209 pp., $6.95, Reviewed by Gilbert Wright

Banfield, A.F.W. The Mammals of Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974. 438 pp., $19.95, Reviewed by Paul F. Connor.

Mai, W. F., with H. H. Lyon, Photographer Pictorial Key to Genera of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Ithaca and London: Comstock Publishing Associates (a division of Cornell University Press), 1975, 4th ed., rev., 219 pp., $12.50 softcover, Reviewed by Victor H. Dropkin.

Bridges, William Gathering of Animals: An Unconventional History of the New York Zoological Society New York: Harper and Row, 1974 518 pp., $12.50, Reviewed by Robert Deitchman.

Palmer, E. Laurence, Revised by H. Seymour Fowler Fieldbook of Natural History, 2d rev. ed. New York: McCraw-Hill Book Company, 1975 779 pp., $14.95, Reviewed by J. P. Kennedy.

Cohen, Daniel Animal Nature: The Biology of Human Behavior New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1975 144 pp., $5.72, Reviewed by Julie Ann Miller.

Muus, Bent J., Illustrated by Preben Dahlstrom; Translated by Gwynne Vevers Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of Britain and North-Western Europe St. James's Place, London: Collins, 1975. 244 pp., $10.00, Reviewed by Robert W. Boenig.

Barbour, Roger W., and Wayne H. Davis Mammals of Kentucky (Kentucky Nature Studies: 5) Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1974 322 pp., $14.95, Reviewed by Theodore W. Munch.

Brandwein, Paul F., et. al. Concepts in Science (Newton Edition) New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975 376 pp., Reviewed by Malcolm F. Farmer.  相似文献   

L Powers  B M Kincaid 《Biochemistry》1989,28(10):4461-4468
Differences in the methods of analysis of X-ray absorption data used by Powers et al. [Powers, L., Blumberg, W. E., Chance, B., Barlow, C., Leigh, J., Jr., Smith, J., Yonetani, T., Vik, S., & Peisach, J. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 547, 520-538; Powers, L., Chance, B., Ching, Y., & Angiolillo, P. (1981) Biophys. J. 34, 465-498] and Scott et al. [Scott, R., Schwartz, J., & Cramer S. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 5546-5555] are clarified. In addition, we compare the X-ray absorption data and results for resting cytochrome c oxidase reported by both groups using the same analysis method and conclude apart from any assumptions that the data are not identical.  相似文献   

The Sun's Path     
Keith, Lawrence H., ed. Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., 1976 707 pp., $27.50. Reviewed by E. Lawrence Bahn

Baldry, Peter The Battle against Bacteria: A Fresh Look New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976 172 pp., $9.95. Reviewed by Donald F. Logsdon

Palmer, Ralph S., ed. Handbook of North American Birds, Volume 2: Waterfowl (Part 1), Volume 3: Waterfowl (Part 2) New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976 521 and 560 pp., $30 each, $60 set. Reviewed by Karl L. Trever

Hurlbut, Cornelius Jr., ed. The Planet We Live On: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Earth Sciences New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1976 488 pp., $37.50. Reviewed by Joaquin Rodriguez

MacGillavry, Caroline H. Fantasy and Symmetry: The Periodic Drawings of M. C Escher New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1976 84 pp., $15.00 Reviewed by John G. Harvey

Perrins, Dr. Christopher Birds: Their Life, Their Ways, Their World New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1976 157 pp., $19.85. Reviewed by J. P. Kennedy

Hoyt, William Graves Lowell and Mars Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1976 376 pp., $8.50 paper, $13.95 cloth. Reviewed by Van E. Neie

Dagg, Anne Innis, and Foster, J. Bristol The Giraffe: Its Biology, Behavior, and Ecology New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1976 115 pp., $13.95. Reviewed by Theodore W. Munch  相似文献   

Definition of anatomical reference frames is necessary both for in vitro biomechanical testing, and for in vivo human movement analyses. Different reference frames have been proposed in the literature for the lower limb, and in particular for the tibia–fibula complex. The scope of this work was to compare the three most commonly referred proposals (proposed by [Ruff, C.B., Hayes, W.C., 1983. Cross-sectional geometry at Pecos Pueblo femora and tibiae —A biomechanical investigation: I. method and general patterns of variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60, pp. 359–381.], by [Cappozzo, A., Catani, F., Della Croce, U., Leardini, A., 1995. Position and orientation in space of bones during movement: anatomical frame definition and determination. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 10, pp. 171–178.], and by the Standardization and Terminology Committee of the International Society of Biomechanics, [Wu, G., Siegler, S., Allard, P., Kirtley, C., Leardini, A., Rosenbaum, D., Whittle, M., D'Lima, D.D., Cristofolini, L., Witte, H., Schmid, O., Stokes, I., 2002. ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate system of various joints for reporting of human joint motion—part I: ankle, hip and spine. International Society of Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics 35, pp. 543–548.]). These three frames were identified on six cadaveric tibia–fibula specimens based on the relevant anatomical landmarks, using a high-precision digitizer. The intra-operator (ten repetitions) and inter-operator (three operators) repeatability were investigated in terms of reference frame orientation. The three frames had similar intra-operator repeatability. The reference frame proposed by Ruff et al. had a better inter-operator repeatability (this must be put in relation with the original context of interest, i.e. in vitro measurements on dissected bones). The reference frames proposed by Ruff et al. and by ISB had a similar alignment; the frame proposed by Cappozzo et al. was considerably externally rotated and flexed with respect to the other two. Thus, the reference frame proposed by Ruff et al. is preferable when the full bone surface is accessible (typically during in vitro tests). Conversely, no advantage in terms of repeatability seems to exist between the reference frames proposed by Cappozzo et al. and ISB.  相似文献   


Seed to Civilization/The Story of Man's Food by Charles B. Heiser, Jr., W. H. Freeman and Co., 660 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94104, 1973, 243pp., references and index, $7.50. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

A Guide to the National Parks/Their Landscape and Geology by William H. Matthews III, Doubleday/Natural History Press, Garden City, New York, 1973, 529pp., selected readings, glossary and index, $5.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

Wandering Lands and Animals by Edwin H. Colbert, E. P. Dutton, 201 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003, 1973, 32pp., bibliography, glossary and index, $12.50. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

Astronomy in Color by Peter Lancester Brown, The MacMillan Co., 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022, 1972, 265pp., appendices, glossary and index, $4.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

The Facts of Flight by Jerry Grey, a Franklin Institute book, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Penn., 1973, 135pp., glossary and index. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

Zoos are News/Conservation or Extinction? by Cyril Bracegirdle, Abelard-Schuman Ltd., 257 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10010, 1973, 176pp., index, $5.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden  相似文献   

The importance of haemocytes in mollusc defence mechanisms can be inferred from their functions. They participate in pathogen elimination by phagocytosis (Cheng, 1981; Fisher, 1986). Hydrolytic enzymes and cytotoxic molecules produced by haemocytes contribute to the destruction of pathogenic organisms (Cheng, 1983; Leippe & Renwrantz, 1988; Charlet et al., 1996; Hubert et al., 1996; Roch et al., 1996). Haemocytes may also be involved in immunity modulation by the production of cytokines and neuropeptides (Hughes et al., 1990; Stefano et al., 1991; Ottaviani et al., 1996). As a result, the literature dealing with bivalve haemocyte studies has increased during the last two decades. Most of these publications use microscopy for morphological analysis (Seiler & Morse, 1988; Auffret, 1989; Hine & Wesney, 1994; Giamberini et al., 1996; Carballal et al., 1997; Lopez et al., 1997; Nakayama et al., 1997), and functional analysis (e.g. phagocytosis) (Hinsch & Hunte, 1990; Tripp, 1992; Mourton et al., 1992; Fryer & Bayne, 1996; Mortensen & Glette, 1996). Flow cytometry represents a rapid technique applicable to both morphological and functional studies of cells in suspension. While the measurements based on autofluorescence provide information on cell morphology, the analyses with fluorescent markers including labelled antibodies, offer data on phenotyping and cell functions. As a result, its application has greatly contributed to the investigation of immunocyte functions and differentiation in vertebrates (Stewart et al., 1986; Rothe & Valet, 1988; Ashmore et al., 1989; Koumans-van Diepen et al., 1994; Rombout et al., 1996; Caruso et al., 1997). Some authors studied oyster haemocyte populations by flow cytometry based on cellular autofluorescence (Friedl et al., 1988; Fisher & Ford, 1988; Ford et al., 1994). However, no analysis using specific monoclonal antibodies has been reported to date. In this study, a protocol for studying European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, haemocytes by flow cytometry using a monoclonal antibody specific for granulocytes and an indirect immunofluorescence technique have been developed. European flat oysters, Ostrea edulis, 7-9 cm in shell length were obtained from shellfish farms in Marenne Oléron bay (Charente Maritime, France) on the French Atlantic coast. All individuals were purchased just before each experiment and processed without any previous treatment.  相似文献   


Horsfall, J. G. (Ed.): Annual Review of Phytopathology. Vol. 4. VII + 423 S. Palo Alto, 1966: Annual Reviews, Inc. Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Gregory, P. H. und Monteith, J. L. (Ed.): Airborne microbes. Seventeenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the Imperial College, London April 1967. XII + 385 S., mit Abb. u. Tab. London, 1967: Cambridge University Press, Leinenrücken, 75 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Raper, J. R.: Genetics of sexuality in higher fungi. VIII + 283 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., New York, 1966: The Ronald Press Company, Leinen, 12,00 $. Reviewed by M. Schmiedeknecht.

Albrecht, F. O.: Polymorphisme phasaire et biologie des acridiens migrateurs. X + 194 S., 52 Abb. Paris, 1967: Masson et Cie, Éditeurs, karton., 50 F. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Wigglesworth, V. B.: Insect physiology. VII + 134 S., 12 Abb., London, 1966: Methuen &; Co Ltd., brosch., 10 s 6 d. Reviewed by G. Schäller.

Machlis, L. (Ed.): Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. 18. VIII + 480 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Palo Alto, Ca., 1967: Annual Reviews, Inc., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Newton, B. A. und Reynolds, P. E. (Ed.): Biochemical studie of antimicrobial drugs. (Sixteenth symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the Royal Institution, London, April 1966). X + 349 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., London, 1966: Cambridge University Press, Halbleinen, 60 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Pilet, P.-É.: La cellule, structure et fonctions. 406 S., 310 Abb.; 32 ganzs. Abb., Paris 1966: Schwarz-Weiß-Tafeln. Masson et Cie, Editeurs, brosch. 38 F. Reviewed by K. Schmelzer.

Ciba (Ed.): Dimecron 257 S. Basle, Switzerland, 1967: P.O. Box — CIBA — Kunststoff Reviewed by Horst Beitz.

Bellamy, L. J.: Ultrarot-Spektrum und chemische Konstitution. 2. Auflage, 325 S., 11 Abb., 23 Tab. Darmstadt, 1966: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, kart., 28,— DM Reviewed by Volker Müller.

Bahr, G. F.; Zeitler, E. H. (Ed.): Quantitative electron microscopy. 1965, VIII + 605 (1340) S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Leinen, 16,00 $, Baltimore (Md.), The Williams &; Wilkins Company. Reviewed by H. B. Schmidt.  相似文献   

Ridgely, Robert S. A Guide to the Birds of Panama Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976 394 pp., $15.00. Reviewed by Karl L. Trever

Weiner, Michael A. Man's Useful Plants New York: Macmillan Co., 1976 137 pp., $6.95. Reviewed by Carolyn M. Levin

Bendick, Jeanne How Animals Behave New York: Parents Magazine Press, 1976 64 pp., $4.96. Reviewed by Robert Deitchman

Bayne, B. L., ed. Marine Mussels: The Ecology and Physiology New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976 506 pp., $49.50. Reviewed by Brother Nicholas Sullivan

Brown, Vinson The Explorer Naturalist Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 1976 288 pp., $10.00. Reviewed by Paul F. Connor

Sheldon, William G. The Wilderness Home of the Giant Panda Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1975 196 pp., $12.50. Reviewed by Harold W. Puffer

Rudolph, Joachim (translated by H. C. Grinter) Chemistry for the Modern Mind New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1973 359 pp., $8.95. Reviewed by Donald Schwartz  相似文献   

The authors present an annotated list of rare or otherwise interesting vascular plants collected in the mountains of northern Greece by themselves in 1979 and by Strid and Georgiadou in 1977. The following are apparently new to Greece: Thesium linophyllon L. ssp. montanum (Ehrh. ex. Hoffm.) Čelak., Moehringia pendulo (Waldst. & Kit.) Fenzl, Gypsophila glomerata Pallas ex. Bieb., Dianthus peiraeus Waldst. & Kit. ssp. noeanus (Boiss.) Tutin, Dianthus superbus L., Ranunculus fon–tanus C. Presl, Thlaspi arvense L., Potentilla apennina Ten. ssp. stoianovii Urum. & Jav., Trifolium badium Schreber, Rhamnus pumila Turra, Viola palustris L., Athamanta albanica Alston & Sandwith, Peucedanum oligophyllum ssp. aequiradium (Vandas) Tutin, Vaccinium gaultherioides Bigelow, Galeopsis speciosa Miller, G. bifida Boenn., Melampyrum sylvaticum L., Odontites lutea (L.) Clairv., Sambucus racemosa L., Symphyandra wanneri (Rochel) Heuffel, Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd., Centaurea grbavacensis (Rohlena) Stoj. & Acht., C. indurata Janka, Lactuca aurea (Schultz Bip. ex PanČić) Stebbins, Festuca gigantea (L.) Vill., F. pirinica Horvat ex Markgr.–Dannenb., Sparganium minimum (Hartm.) Fries, and Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl.  相似文献   


Determination of one century of East Africa's plants, collected by several students (Milchersich R., Romagnoli M., Cappelletti F., Nastasi V., Candusio R., Chiuderi A. Saccardo D., Capuano D., Jannone G. e Previeri O.) in Eritrea, Abyssinia and Italian Somalia during the yars from 1937 to 1951 and preserved in Erbario Coloniale at Florence.  相似文献   

Pettingill, Olin Se wall, Jr. Another Penguin Summer New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975 80 pp., $10.00 Reviewed by A. Gilbert Wright

Grant, Verne Genetics of Flowering Plants New York: Columbia University Press, 1975 514 pp., $20.00 Reviewed by Martin Labar

Gutnik, Martin J. Energy: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future Chicago: Childrens Press, 1975 46 pp., individuals $6.60, institutions $4.95 Reviewed by George G. Mallinson

Wild, Robin, and Jocelyn Wild How Animals Work for Us New York: Parents' Magazine Press 64 pp., $4.99, 1975 Reviewed by Harold W. Puffer

Morse, Roger A. Bees and Bee-Keeping Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press 295 pp., $13.50, 1975 Reviewed by W.L. Gojmerac

Heintze, Carl The Bottom of the Sea and Beyond New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1975 144 pp., $5.95 Reviewed by Albert C. Jensen

Cottrell, Alan Portrait of Nature New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975 236 pp., $9.95 Reviewed by Paul S. Cohen

Hart, Leslie A. How the Brain Works New York: Basic Books, 1975 260 pp., $10.50 Reviewed by Julie Ann Miller

Schneider, Herman Science Fun for You in a Minute or Two New York: McGraw-Hill Junior Books, 1975 64 pp., $4.72 Reviewed by Julian R. Brandou

Williamson, H.D. The Year of the Koala New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975 209 pp., $8.95 Reviewed by Austin T. Hyde

Heady, Eleanor B. Plants on the Go: A Book about Reproduction and Seed Dispersal (Finding-out books) New York: Parent's Magazine Press, 1975 64 pp., $4.59 Reviewed by Herbert Grossman

Durden, Kent A Fine and Peaceful Kingdom New York: Simon and Schuster 160 pp., $7.95, 1975 Reviewed by Robert Deitchman  相似文献   

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