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Small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) is confronted since 2000 to a drastic decline of captures in Tunisian northern areas where it formerly was quantitatively and qualitatively very abundant. A study conducted in the area showed that males and females sexually matured between 400–478 mm and 364–471 mm total length (TL), respectively. The largest male and female were 521 mm and 531 mm TL, respectively and weighed 449 and 445.5 g, respectively. There was a not significant relationship total mass vs. TL between males and females. Conversely, the relationship of liver mass vs. TL significantly differed between sexes. Both HSI and GSI values did not present significant differences between males and females. There was a not significant relationship total mass vs. TL between males and females. Both male and female HSI reached high values in adults, significantly higher than those of sub-adults. Both male and female GSI values increased with TL of specimens; additionally, they showed significant differences between juveniles and sub-adults and also between sub-adults and adults. The OSI values were significantly different between juvenile and sub-adult females, and also between sub-adult and adult females. Monthly mean values of adult male and female HSI did not significantly vary throughout the year. Significant monthly changes were recorded in mean values of adult male however no significant changes were observed in monthly mean of GSI and OSI for adult females. Vitellogenic activity and production of egg cases permanently occurred throughout the year. The diameter of largest yolky oocytes ranged from 20.1 to 23.0 (mean = 21.43 ± 1.07) and weighed from 0.64 to 0.90 g (mean = 0.78 ± 0.09). Some measurements were taken on egg cases: length with horns ranged 42.5-55.7 mm with mean = 48.9 ± 2.9, width ranged 13.6–19.7 mm with mean = 16.50 ± 0.9, while the total mass of complete egg case ranged between 1.8 and 4.6 g, with mean = 2.4 ± 0.4. An annual fecundity estimation based on production of egg cases and oocytes during one year counted in adult females, enabled us to consider it between 40 and 240.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid to the molecular phylogeny of holocephalan fishes during recent years, but sampling was very low and not all genera were examined. This study offers an extended sampling of species from all known genera to clarify their phylogeny and to provide an estimate of the time of origin of extant holocephalan taxa. Three mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA) were sequenced and analysed using a variety of phylogenetic methods (Bayes, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony). Callorhinchidae diverged from Rhinochimaeridae and Chimaeridae about 187?Ma ago. Chimaeridae and Rhinochimaeridae diverged from each other about 159?Ma ago. Within Rhinochimaeridae, Neoharriotta is the sister genus to the closely related Harriotta and Rhinochimaera. Eight species of the family Chimaeridae, belonging to the genera Hydrolagus and Chimaera, were examined. They probably had a common ancestor about 107?Ma ago and appear paraphyletic. These results indicate that the traditional morphological generic definition of the families Rhinochimaeridae and Chimaeridae has to be reinvestigated.  相似文献   

The external morphology of the egg capsule of Bythaelurus canescens and its fixation to the substratum are described. Bythaelurus canescens egg capsules are typically vase‐shaped, dorso‐ventrally flattened, pale yellow in colour when fresh and covered by 12–15 longitudinal ridges. The anterior border of the capsule is straight, whereas the posterior border is semicircular. Two horns bearing long, coiled tendrils arise from the anterior and posterior ends of the capsule. The presence of longitudinal ridges and long coiled tendrils at both anterior and posterior ends of the capsule readily distinguish these egg capsules from those of other chondrichthyans occurring in the south‐east Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Feeding and stable isotope analyses for Bythaelurus canescens individuals were conducted to describe the diet of B. canescens as well as infer their potential prey species in the community. Stomach content analysis and mixing models by ratio isotopes composition were used to infer the food habits and calculate the trophic level of the dusky catshark, B. canescens. The results showed siphonophores and cephalopods as the most important food in the diet (67.9 and 20.2%, respectively). Calculated trophic level was 3.9, indicating that B. canescens is a meso‐predator in the upper continental slope communities off Chile. By mixing models based on isotope data it can be inferred that the probabilities of the consumption cephalopods and siphonophores would be 36.7 and 15.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure in the marine bivalve order Anomalodesmata is considered in the light of new information for Australian Myochama anomioides and Cuspidaria latesulcata . In M. anomioides , the acrosomal complex lies posterior to the nucleus, in contact with the asymmetrical midpiece mitochondria – an unusual configuration reported from most of the studied Anomalodesmata. Spermatozoa of M. anomioides resemble those of Myadora brevis (both in family Myochamidae). Myochamid spermatozoa are considerably less modified than those of the Lyonsiidae or Laternulidae, and may prove a basal type within the non-septibranch anomalodesmatans. In contrast, C. latesulcata differs from other examined anomalodesmatans in having an anterior acrosomal complex and radial midpiece mitochondria (classic aquasperm features). Sperm data for the Anomalodesmata are limited but congruent with the most recent phylogenetic analyses that recognize distinct 'thraciid' and 'lyonsiid' clades. Results for C. latesulcata suggest septibranch origins before the development of a posteriorly positioned acrosomal complex and mitochondrial asymmetry.  相似文献   

Current sea anemone systematics is based on relatively few morphological characters, and potentially could benefit from the use of molecular characters. In this paper, the phylogenetic relationships of 12 species from 6 genera in the family Actiniidae have been investigated using electrophoretically separated isozymes. A numerical cladistic analysis has produced an estimated phylogeny. The implications of this phylogeny for the taxonomic use of certain morphological characters are discussed.  相似文献   

Cladistic relationships among fabriciids have to date been explored in the context of adult morphology, but resolution has been declining as more species are described. In this study, we incorporated data on the reproductive system, including features related to the male sperm and sperm storage by females, to supplement existing data on adult morphology (for a total of 50 characters). Three nuclear DNA markers (18S rDNA approximately 1800 bp, the D1 region of 28S rDNA approximately 320 bp, and histone H3 approximately 330 bp) were sequenced from 21 species of fabriciids. We assessed the phylogeny of Fabriciidae based on an integrative analysis of these morphological and molecular characters. Our results show that, in addition to three previously recovered apomorphies for Fabriciidae (absence of ventral lips, modification of abdominal uncini to an elongate manubrium, and presence of branchial hearts), six more apomorphies associated with the reproductive system can be used to support this clade—spermiogenesis only in the thorax, spermiogenesis in large clusters with a central cytophore, single dorsal sperm duct, sperm nuclear projection, thickening of the sperm nuclear membrane and the sperm extra‐axonemal sheath. The results require the erection of two new genera and two new species, which are described. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

We examine phylogenetic relationships among salamanders of the family Salamandridae using approximately 2700 bases of new mtDNA sequence data (the tRNALeu, ND1, tRNAIle, tRNAGln, tRNAMet, ND2, tRNATrp, tRNAAla, tRNAAsn, tRNACys, tRNATyr, and COI genes and the origin for light-strand replication) collected from 96 individuals representing 61 of the 66 recognized salamandrid species and outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analysis are performed on the new data alone and combined with previously reported sequences from other parts of the mitochondrial genome. The basal phylogenetic split is a polytomy of lineages ancestral to (1) the Italian newt Salamandrina terdigitata, (2) a strongly supported clade comprising the "true" salamanders (genera Chioglossa, Mertensiella, Lyciasalamandra, and Salamandra), and (3) a strongly supported clade comprising all newts except S. terdigitata. Strongly supported clades within the true salamanders include monophyly of each genus and grouping Chioglossa and Mertensiella as the sister taxon to a clade comprising Lyciasalamandra and Salamandra. Among newts, genera Echinotriton, Pleurodeles, and Tylototriton form a strongly supported clade whose sister taxon comprises the genera Calotriton, Cynops, Euproctus, Neurergus, Notophthalmus, Pachytriton, Paramesotriton, Taricha, and Triturus. Our results strongly support monophyly of all polytypic newt genera except Paramesotriton and Triturus, which appear paraphyletic, and Calotriton, for which only one of the two species is sampled. Other well-supported clades within newts include (1) Asian genera Cynops, Pachytriton, and Paramesotriton, (2) North American genera Notophthalmus and Taricha, (3) the Triturus vulgaris species group, and (4) the Triturus cristatus species group; some additional groupings appear strong in Bayesian but not parsimony analyses. Rates of lineage accumulation through time are evaluated using this nearly comprehensive sampling of salamandrid species-level lineages. Rate of lineage accumulation appears constant throughout salamandrid evolutionary history with no obvious fluctuations associated with origins of morphological or ecological novelties.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of Zorotypus caudelli Karny (Zoraptera) is described with the main focus on its external features. A small heart‐shaped embryo is formed on the dorsal side of the egg by the fusion of paired blastoderm regions with higher cellular density. The orientation of its anteroposterior axis is opposed to that of the egg. This unusual condition shows the potential autapomorphy of Zoraptera. The embryo extends along the egg surface and after reaching its full length, it migrates into the yolk. After developing there for a period of time, it reappears on the surface, accompanied by a reversion of its anteroposterior axis, finally taking its position on the ventral side of the egg. The definitive dorsal closure completes, and the prelarva hatches after perforating the chorion with very long egg tooth formed on the embryonic cuticle. Embryological data suggest the placement of Zoraptera among the “lower neopteran” or polyneopteran lineage: features supporting this are embryo formation by the fusion of paired regions with higher cellular density and blastokinesis accompanied by full elongation of the embryo on the egg surface. The extraordinarily long egg tooth has potential synapomorphy with Embioptera or Eukinolabia (= Embioptera + Phasmatodea). Together with the results from our previous studies on the egg structure, male reproductive system and spermatozoa, the close affinity of Zoraptera with Eukinolabia appears likely, that is, a clade Zoraptera + (Embioptera + Phasmatodea). J. Morphol. 275:295–312, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A. Hore 《Genetica》1981,56(3):205-211
Cytotypes within the genera Seseli L. and Oenanthe L. show variation in chromosome number in pollen mother cells. A correlation of low chiasma frequency with meiotic irregularities and pollen sterility was noted. In addition to the meiotic irregularities in the two genera occurrence of polyspory and triple pollen formation during meiosis have been observed in Seseli diffusum (Roxb.) Sant. Wagh. The presence of different chromosome numbers in different populations of the same species and karyological investigation in 4 species of Oenanthe L. suggests that structural changes of chromosomes associated with numerical differences have possibly played a role in their evolution. Diminution in chromosome size and complete absence of metacentric chromosomes in Oenanthe lachenalli Gmel. suggest that probably this species is more evolved than 3 species of Oenanthe (i.e., O. benghalensis Benth., O. pimpinelloides L. and O. thomsoni Clarke). The interrelationships of the two genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The wasp family Heterogynaidae is described and previous phylogenetic hypotheses on its position within the Apoidea are discussed. The higher level phylogeny of the Apoidea based on sequence data of a nuclear gene, long-wavelength (LW) opsin, is analysed for the first time. Although preliminary because of limited taxon sampling and use of a single gene, the analysis reveals some significant results. Monophyly of the Apoidea, including the Heterogynaidae, is supported strongly, as is monophyly of Heterogynaidae. The monophyly of the bees is also confirmed, but support is rather weak. Monophyly of the Ampulicidae + Sphecidae, which is the sister group to the remaining Apoidea (Crabronidae + Anthophila + Heterogynaidae), is confirmed. Our results imply that Sphecidae may be paraphyletic with respect to Ampulicidae, and Crabronidae with respect to bees and Heterogynaidae. Remarkably, Heterogynaidae is well nested within the Crabronidae + Anthophila clade, which is in conflict with the morphological data. This result implies that Heterogynaidae may not have originated from a basal node within Apoidea, as previously considered, and that the character states presumed to be plesiomorphies may instead be homoplasies. Our analysis confirms the value of LW opsin in resolving deeper nodes within Apoidea. A new species, Heterogyna nocticola Ohl, from the Sultanate of Oman is described based on both sexes, with a diagnosis, information on distribution and collecting period. A key to the Palaearctic species of Heterogynaidae is presented.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the four East Asian freshwater crayfish species of the genus Cambaroides is not settled. Morphological phylogenetic analyses suggest close affinities of Cambaroides with North American Cambaridae. This view is based mainly on characters of the male and female reproductive organs. In contrast, the only molecular phylogenetic analysis so far available leaves the phylogenetic position of Cambaroides unresolved. The question of whether Cambaroides is monophyletic or paraphyletic has so far been neither addressed morphologically nor with molecular data sets. Here we present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all four currently described species of Cambaroides in the framework of Northern Hemisphere freshwater crayfish (Astacoidea) relationships based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes ( CO1 and 12S rRNA). Despite some evidence in favour of a monophyletic Cambaroides more data is needed to resolve this question. Our analyses suggest a close relationship of the North American Cambaridae and the European Astacidae, leaving the Asian Cambaroides basal to them. If these results hold true the similar reproductive organs of Cambaroides and American Cambaridae must be either homoplastic or ancestral for Northern Hemisphere Astacoidea.  相似文献   

The antennae of Lepidoptera Neopseustidae were examined with the scanning electron microscope. The studied species, Nematocentropus cfr. omeiensis, Neopseustis meyricki, Synempora andesae, Apoplania valdiviana and Apoplania penai possess nine types of antennal flagellum sensilla: multiporous large sensilla basiconica, multiporous thin sensilla basiconica, multiporous small sensilla basiconica, multiporous sensilla trichodea, multiporous sensilla coeloconica; uniporous sensilla chaetica; aporous sensilla chaetica, aporous stylus-shaped sensilla chaetica, aporous sensilla styloconica.The multiporous sensillum type here termed “multiporous large sensillum basiconicum” is unknown from other Lepidoptera and probably constitutes an autapomorphy of the family Neopseustidae. This sensillum type is remarkable by having a single base in female Apoplania and Synempora while in male Apoplania it has a bifid or trifid base, and in male Synempora it is composed of two or three incompletely separated hairs. This may be the first recorded example of a sexually dimorphic lepidopteran sensillum type. The stylus-shaped sensillum chaeticum is a primitive type which occurs only in some lower Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA external and internal transcribed spacer region (ETS and ITS) sequences for Sidalcea (Malvaceae) resolved five major, well-supported lineages, three of which represent species groups that have each been noted for complex patterns of morphological variation: the oregana, malviflora, and glaucescens clades. Very low variation within each of the three groups in the sequenced regions is consistent with recent radiation of each clade. We reject the previously suggested hypothesis of monophyly for the annual species of Sidalcea. Based on our findings, the annual habit in Sidalcea arose at least four times, probably as an adaptation to seasonally dry habitats. The hypothesis that the perennial species S. hickmanii and S. malachroides represent basally divergent groups within Sidalcea is supported, but the more recently discovered S. stipularis represents an additional basally divergent lineage. The previous suggestion that the genus spread northward from Mexico along two major routes (through the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada foothills), with the Rocky Mountain species S. candida and S. neomexicana representing basally divergent lineages, is not supported. Sidalcea neomexicana is nested within the malviflora clade and is likely a lineage of relatively recent descent that originated in California and subsequently spread to the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

A parsimony analysis of parts of the mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S (722 base pairs) from 43 species of the advanced snakes (Caenophidia) resulted in two most parsimonious topologies. Based on a strict consensus of these the following objectives were addressed: (1) Which groupings of caenophidian taxa can be recognized? (2) Is Acrochordus sister group to, or included in, Caenophidia? (3) Are boigine snakes (sensu stricto) a monophyletic grouping and where do these taxa belong in a broader caenophidian context? (4) What are the systematic affinities of the African egg-eating genusDasypeltis ? The phylogeny was then used to discuss: (5) the evolution of the posterior maxillary dentition and the composition of the retinal visual cells. The results reveal that, when using Boa constrictor as outgroup,Acrochordus is the sistergroup to the remainder of the ingroup, and a further eight clades are defined. Five genera of elapids did not appear to be monophyletic and a number of colubrids (sensu lato) such as Mehelya,Lycodonomorphus , Lamprophis, Atractaspis, and Buhoma (formerly Geodipsas), which have traditionally been problematic to place systematically, did not group with any of the larger clades. These taxa are together with the elapids representatives of very early radiations in the evolution of the Advanced snakes. The homalopsine Enhydris enhydris appears as a sistergroup to the viperine clade (Clade 1). When plotted onto the topology the posterior maxillary dentition appear to express three, maybe four, independent origins of the Opistoglyph State. The retinal evolution also appeared very complex. The suggested very primitive placing of the Boigine snakes (sensu stricto) due to their lack of double cones in the retina of the eye was not supported here; instead the sequence data suggests this observation to be the result of a secondary loss.  相似文献   

To establish a basis for future taxonomic revisions and to infer the evolutionary traits of Trichomanes s.l. , one of two large filmy fern genera, molecular phylogenetic analyses were conducted using chloroplast rbcL sequences. Sampling covered most of the global distribution range of this genus throughout the tropical and temperate zones, as well as all taxonomically significant species by the addition of 51 samples principally from Asia. The evolution of eight selected characters, which were adopted as taxonomic keys and/or putatively reflect morphological regression, was optimized on the retrieved most parsimonious rbcL trees, together with new observations on the stem anatomy of 45 species. The eight robust clades retrieved within Trichomanes in the rbcL phylogeny conflict with the existing classifications. Our results also suggest that the cup-shaped sorus, the primary diagnostic character of the genus, appears in parallel in the Hymenophyllum lineage, as demonstrated by Pleuromanes (typified by Trichomanes pallidum ) included in the lineage. The suggestion that the regressive character states are homoplastic apomorphies in the evolution of the frond size, stem thickness, root system, and stem anatomy (stele and cortex) probably illustrates a strong tendency towards adaptive evolutionary transition in Trichomanes . © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 1–27.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the species composition of free‐floating Ulva that cause green tide in several bays in Japan, and to clarify the generic status of Ulva and Enteromorpha (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae), the nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region including the 5.8S gene and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose‐1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxgenase (rbcL) gene sequences for 15 species were determined. Both ITS and rbcL analyses indicate that free‐floating Ulva samples are divided into four different lineages that correspond to Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman, U. armoricana Dion etal. and U. fasciata Delile. These four species are distinguished by cell morphology including the arrangement of cells, the shape and size of cells and the position of chloroplasts. Molecular data also indicated that Ulva and Enteromorpha are not separated as respective monophyletic groups within a large monophyletic clade and congeneric as shown by previous molecular studies using the ITS sequences alone. This strongly suggests that these genera are congeneric and Enteromorpha should be reduced to the synonym of Ulva.  相似文献   

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