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DNA barcoding has become a useful system for linking different biological life stages, and for identification of species within a known taxonomic framework. In this study, we generated mitochondrial DNA COI barcodes using adult specimens of all 22 species of the hoverfly genus Merodon (Diptera, Syrphidae) occurring on Lesvos island (Greece). The generated COI barcodes could well discriminate between all Merodon taxa of Lesvos, except for M. loewi and M. papillus that shared the same haplotype, despite their clear morphological differences. In addition, the barcodes revealed two cases of hitherto unknown morphologically cryptic species close to M. avidus and M. nigritarsis, respectively. Because only few successful rearings of immature stages of Merodon hoverflies are available, the larval host plant remains unknown for these phytophagous taxa. The obtained COI barcode library for the Merodon spp. of Lesvos will constitute a tool to link any unknown immature stages with already known species, and thus provide important life-history information and promise for ecological studies.  相似文献   

Summary The Argyrotopos profile of the Oligocene Ayii Pantes Formation in the NW Greece was studied using litho- and biofacies-analysis. The exposed sequence is mainly composed of monotonous marls and sandy marls. A rich fossil content, e.g. calcareous nannoplankton, is recorded. Some sandstone beds and two graded limestone beds with abundant lepidocyclinids and globigerinids are intercalated. The nannofossil assemblages from the measured profile of the Ayii Pantes Formation are attributed to theSphenolithus distentus Zone (NP 24) which is equivalent to theCyclicargolithus floridanus Subzone (CP 19a) of the Chattian, Upper Oligocene. The deposition took place in an euphotic subtidal environment situated on the eastern margin of the Apulian Platform. The lepidocyclinids were derived from this platform and were transported basinwards. The formation of the marls is influenced by sediment flux from the west.  相似文献   

Summary The microfacies and palaeoenvironment of Lower Oligocene carbonates of the Gornji Gradbeds from Slovenia are investigated. These beds form part of a transgressive succession overlying both terrigenous sediments (sand-stones and conglomerates) and marine carbonates of Eocene age as well as transgressing directly over Triassic lime-stones. They are followed by foraminiferal rich marls. The carbonates were investigated using multivariate statistical techniques on point counts of thin sections. They are dominated by poorly sorted biogenic rudstones with pack-/wackestone matrix; pack- and grainstones are subordinate. The biogenic components of the carbonates are dominated by coralline red algae (9 genera with 11 species), corals, small benthic, large benthic, and encrusting foraminifera as well as bivalves. Gastropods, bryozoans, brachiopods, echinoderms, serpulids, and green algae are subordinate. The well preserved components allow details pertaining to taxonomy, growth-forms and taphonomic features to be observed. The following carbonate facies are distinguished: 1) nummulitic, 2) bivalve, 3) foraminiferal—coralline algal, 4) grainstone, 5) coralline alga, 6) coralline algal—coral, and 7) coral facies. All the carbonate facies represent fully marine conditions within the photic zone. They are interpreted with respect to substrate composition and stability, water turbulence, terrigenous input and light.  相似文献   

An early Oligocene (Rupelian) diagnostic larger foraminiferal assemblage is described and illustrated from marls and limestones of the Asmari Formation, at Jabals Hafit and Malaqet in the UAE. An equivalent assemblage is identified in the mudstones of the Tahwah Formation, Wadi Suq, Oman. Although Nummulites intermedius (D'Archiac 1846) and N. fichteli are fully synonymous (e.g. Roveda 1970; Schaub 1981; Sirel 2003), in this study both species are biometrically differentiated, distinct and both names are valid. N. fichteli Michelotti 1841, N. intermedius (D'Archiac 1846) and N. emiratus n. sp., which are index for the early Oligocene (Rupelian), and they are replacing each others competitively and environmentally.

The presence of Blondeauina bouillei n.gen., N. emiratus n.sp., N. intermedius, N. fichteli, Planoperculina complanata (Defrance 1822) and Austrotrillina asmariensis Adams 1968 ascribed the section of the Asmari Formation to the early Oligocene (Rupelian). The studied marls and limestones were deposited in outer and inner shelf environments, respectively. The Asmari Formation in the area studied consists mainly of marl in its lower portion and reefal limestone in its upper part, indicating a major marine regression. The Tahwah Formation in Oman is composed of bioturbated silty and muddy marls and is a facies equivalent to the Asmari Formation marls. The Asmari Formation facies change probably relates to a mid-Oligocene fall in global sea level.

In this study, the Dabaa Formation, a subsurface unit of late Eocene–Oligocene marine shales in the north Western Desert of Egypt, was chosen to correlate with the Oligocene of Emirates and Oman. The Dabaa Formation comprises Spiroclypeus ornatus (Henson 1937) and Eulepidina dilatata (Michelotti 1861). The environment of deposition was inner shelf to littoral, which become estuarine towards the top in many areas. This Oligocene Dabaa sequence is correlatable with Wadi El Arish sequence recently discovered by Kuss and Boukhary (2008) from Risan Aneiza, Northern Sinai, Egypt.  相似文献   

Summary A local intraplatform basin developed in the Gartnerkofel-Zielkofel area of the Carnic Alps (southern Carinthia, Austria) during the Middle Triassic (Ladinian). This basin was filled with a transgressive basinal sequence composed of the Uggowitz Formation and overlying Buchenstein Formation. At the northwestern slope of the Gartnerkofel, the platform carbonates of the Schlern Dolomite interfinger with the Buchenstein Formation, causing the formation of two depositional sequences. The Uggowitz Formation consists of the Uggowitz Breccia and the Kühweg Member. Sediments of the Uggowitz Breccia were formed by different types of gravity induced processes. The Kühweg Member is a thin sequence of silt-and fine-grained sandstones which were deposited in a slope to basin margin environment by turbidity currents. The overlying Buchenstein Formation consists of hemipelagic to pelagic limestones of Fassanian age with intercalated pyroclastic rocks (Pietra verde). Nodular limestones were deposited under slow rates of accumulation during a relative sea-level highstand. The uppermost Buchenstein Formation is composed of hemipelagic limestone beds with intercalated graded calcarenites and breccias of platform-derived debris, showing characteristics features of a fore-reef slope of the prograding Schlern Dolomite. Uggowitz Formation and basal Buchenstein Formation are interpreted as a transgressive systems tract, nodular limestones from the middle part of the Buchenstein Formation mark an early highstand systems tract, forereef slope sediments of the upper Buchenstein Formation formed during the beginning regression of a late highstand systems tract, the basal part of the overlying Schlern Dolomite probably reflects a lowstand systems tract. The intercalated bedded limestone facies within the Schlern Dolomite is characterized by large, platform derived blocks, slump structures, breccia beds, graded calcarenites and hemipelagic limestones indicating a forereef slope environent. This intercalated facies belongs to the Buchenstein Formation and interfingers with the Schlern Dolomite. Conodonts from this intercalated slope facies point to Late Fassanian age. Therefore, the two Middle Triassic depositional sequences of the Gartnerkofel area can be correlated with the depositional sequences ‘Ladinian 1’ and ‘Ladinian 2’ of the Dolomites, proposed byDe Zanche et al. (1993). A brief comparison with the basinal sequences of similar age of the karawanken Mountains and the Carnia is presented.  相似文献   

The island of Lesvos, eastern Aegean, Greece is well known for the Neogene Petrified Forest of Sigri, situated in the southeastern part of island. The Miocene mammals were hitherto unknown in the island and the deinothere studied herein is the first evidence of their presence. The material was found near the village Gavathas in strongly silicified lacustrine marls. The morphological characters of the stutied teeth and their dimensions indicate that they belong to a primitive form of Prodeinotherium bavaricum. This fact together with the available radiometric ages of the volcanic rocks of the area suggests a minimum age of 18.4 Ma corresponding to the upper part of early Miocene or to late MN 3. The arrival and the dispersion of the deinotheres in Eurasia are also discussed and the Lesvos material represents the first known appearance of deinotheres in Europe. They arrived at the end of MN 3 (18.0-19.0 Ma) and they rapidly dispersed into Europe as their first occurrence in France and Spain is dated at the early MN 4 (18.0). Their first appearance in Asia seems to be earlier as they were traced in the Bugti fauna (Pakistan) dated at 20.5 Ma. This suggests an early connection of Africa and Asia before the final closure of the Tethyan Seaway.  相似文献   

An abundant fossil record of the snake clade Scolecophidia exists in Europe; however, the minute snake is noticeably absent in reports about the North American Paleogene and Neogene. Presented here are four localities from Florida, USA, that contain scolecophidian remains older than the Pleistocene: Thomas Farm (late Early Miocene, Hemingfordian Land Mammal Age, LMA), Live Oak (Oligocene-Miocene transition, latest Arikareean LMA), White Springs 3B (late Arikareean LMA), and Brooksville 2 (Late Oligocene, middle Arikareean LMA). These remains extend their known existence by about 26 m.y. and are now the oldest reported scolecophidian remains in North America. Molecular evidence on extant scolecophidians concludes that these tiny snakes have a Gondwanan origin. Interestingly, the oldest record of a scolecophidian is from Europe (Belgium) and dates back to the middle Paleocene (MP 1–5). The earliest African record of the snake clade comes from the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in Morocco. The clade is apparently absent from Europe and Middle East deposits dating from the latest Eocene through to the latest Oligocene (MP 19–30) and to the Early Miocene (MN 4). A portion of this time is known as the booid ‘Dark Period’ which represents an apparent response to global aridization and cooling. Scolecophidians appear to re-emerge into the southern Eurasian record in the Early Miocene (MN 4) and become widely dispersed throughout Europe and Middle East. The fossil record of these minute snakes is largely absent in southern Asia and South America. It is possible that the current lack of a decent fossil scolecophidian record outside of Europe and Middle East is due mainly to a bias in the methodology to recover fossils; wet sieving sediments through < 1.0 mm mesh is needed to recover the minuscule vertebrae.  相似文献   

Summary Modern carbonate sedimentation in the Caribbean Sea commonly occurs on banks that are surrounded and isolated by deep oceanic water. This depositional regime also occurred during the Tertiary, and many islands, such as Cayman Brac, have sequences that evolved in such settings. Cayman Brac is a small (about 39 km2) island, located on the Cayman Ridge, that has an exposed Oligocene to Pliocene succession which encompasses three unconformity-bounded formations. The upper Lower Oligocene Brac Formation is formed ofLepidocyclina limestones and sucrosis dolostones that locally contain numerous bivalves and gastropods. The overlying Lower to Middle Miocene Cayman Formation is formed of pervasively dolomitized mudstones to grainstones that contain an abundant, diverse biota of corals, gastropods, bivalves, foraminifera, and algae. Rhodolites are locally common. The Pliocene Pedro Castle Formation is formed of limestones, dolostones, and dolomitic limestones that contain a biota which is similar to that in the Cayman Formation. The unconformities between the formations represent substantial periods of time during which the previously deposited carbonates were lithified and eroded to produce karst terrains. All facies in the Brac, Cayman, and Pedro Castle formations on Cayman Brac developed on a bank that was no more than 20 km long and 3 km wide. There is no evidence of reef development other than isolated thickets ofStylophora and/orPorites and no systematic stratigraphic or geographic changes in the facies patterns of the formations. Comparison with modern Caribbean banks shows that the depositional regime was primarily controlled by water depth and energy levels. Limestones of the Brac Formation probably accumulated in low-energy conditions in water less than 10 m deep. The overlying Cayman Formation contains facies that formed in water 15 to 30 m deep with good cross-bank circulation. The Pedro Castle Formation formed in slightly shallower water (5–25 m) and lower energy conditions. The disconformities between the packages correlate with world wide eustatic drops in sea level.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive carbonate platform of predominately Middle Miocene age (Marmarica Formation) occupies the larger part of the northern plateau of the Western Desert of Egypt. The Marmarica Formation (up to 150m thick) exposed on the cliffs facing the Mediterranean coast consists mainly of alternating limestones and dolostones. Deposition took place in a shallow and normal marine environment. The limestones are dominated by algal boundstone, crossbedded packstone and bioturbated wackestone facies. The occurrence of the crossbedded packstone facies throughout the Marmarica Formation indicates that a shallow marine environment prevailed. Lithification of the precursor carbonates took place mainly in a meteoric environment. Replacement dolomitization ranged from fabric destructive to retentative and from fabric selective to pervasive. The presence of an abundant open marine fauna, the lack of evaporites, coupled with the contents of Sr and Na suggests that dolomitization took place in solutions more dilute than normal sea water. The limestone and dolostone facies cannot be separated into distinct types based on their major or trace element chemistry. Only Mn and Sr seem to be facially controlled. Both elements are particularly enriched in the lagoonal facies compared with the organic buildup facies. The difference in the Mn content is attributed to their proximity to continental areas at the time of deposition. The differences in Sr values are interpreted by an originally differing mineralogy (calcite versus aragonite) and different rates of diagenesis. Dolomitization did not appear to influence the Mn content as substantially as the Sr content. The amount of the acid insoluble residue is controlled by the distribution of Si, Ti, Al, Fe, k, Rb and Zr.  相似文献   

Summary The island of Cres is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. The island is built up of predominantly Cretaceous carbonates deposited in north-western part of extensive and long-lasting Adriatic Carbonate Platform. Owing to the influence of synsedimentary tectonics supported by eustatic changes during the latest Albian/Early Cenomanian, different sedimentary environments were established: from shallow intraplatform basin and related slope, across basin margin to protected shallow-platform. During the Early to Middle Cenomanian rudist communities (ichthyosarcolitid/caprinid/radiolitid)flourished along a relatively high-energy intraplatform basin margin. Fair amounts of coarse-grained bioclasts, derived almost exclusively from broken rudist shells, were deposited over a marginal depocenter. Contemporaneously, pithonellid wackestone-packstones containing microbioclasts and planktonic foraminifera were deposited basinward while marginal bioclastic sediments and limestone blocks of the basin margin origin were sporadically deposited within the basin. The opening of the Cres intraplatform basin was aborted and the basin was finally filled up during the Late Cenomanian. Since the Cres intraplatform basin was established at the beginning of the Cenomanian it probably represented the initiation phase in the north-western extension of the later Adriatic Trough development.  相似文献   

Icacinaceae are well represented in the modern tropical flora of East Asia, but this family has no confirmed macrofossils from this region. Most of the unambiguous fossils (e.g., endocarps) are from the Paleogene of North America and Europe, where the family is no longer present. Here we report a fossil endocarp of the liana genus Iodes from the Oligocene Wenshan flora, southwestern China. The fossil is relatively large (ca. 20 mm length, 11 mm width) and documents a vascular bundle inside the endocarp wall, a pattern of ridges enclosing few areoles, and an asymmetrical apex and rounded base. On the basis of these characteristics, we described a new species, Iodes elliptica, which represents the first Icacinaceae fruit fossil record from Asia. This fossil, consistent with recent reports of Iodes pollen from the Eocene of Hainan, indicates a long-standing presence of the genus in SE Asia, dating back to the Paleogene. Based on the climatic data of modern Iodes, and other fossil occurrences from Wenshan, we hypothesize that the climate in the region was subtropical during the Oligocene, supporting a rainforest, with an overall mixed regional flora of subtropical and tropical elements.  相似文献   

崇明东滩冬季水鸟生态位分析   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
依据2003年冬季对崇明东滩自然保护区越冬水鸟的种类、数量、生境类型分布的最新调查数据,以及上海农林局10年来积累的越冬水鸟食性与形态的数据,采取聚类分析方法对崇明东滩冬季鸟类的群落生态进行研究,从鸟类的取食空间生态位、食性生态位以及形态生态位三个维度确认其生态资源分配状况,并由此确认了占据优势种群地位的鸟类在不同生态位维度上的分离是群落结构处于稳定状态的主要原因。  相似文献   

Some relatively rare carnivore remains from Pikermi are studied. The present specimens include Simocyon primigenius(ROTH and WAGNER, 1854), Promeles palaeatticus(WEITHOFER, 1888), Martes woodwardiPILGRIM, 1931, Felis atticaWAGNER, 1857 and Machairodus giganteus(WAGNER, 1848), as well as some postcranial remains that resemble Enhydriodon? latipesPILGRIM, 1931 and are assigned to Mustelidae gen. et spec. indet. Some of these species were not known until now but from their holotypes as M. woodwardi and E.? latipes. Other species such as F. attica and M. giganteus are better known but from relatively scant material. Since the material of the earlier mentioned species comes from Pikermi, their type locality, it is of especial importance and improves our knowledge for the Pikermi carnivores and their relationships to other species. In some cases where the material comes from ossiferous blocks, the accompanying faunal context is discussed.  相似文献   

记述了产自广西南宁盆地渐新世早—中期的鲤科鲤亚科一新属种——伍氏南宁鲤(+Nanningocyprinus wui gen.et sp.nov).化石材料包括一些咽喉骨和咽齿.这些咽喉骨和咽齿的以下特征组合明显不同于其他鲤科鱼类:齿式-3·2·1,主行第一枚咽齿大小是第二枚的3~4倍,第二枚咽齿及第二行第一枚咽齿咀嚼面上各仅有一条沟纹,咽骨前角很发育.该属种的发现进一步证明鲤亚科是鲤科中较早的分支,中国南方很有可能是鲤亚科的起源和分化中心.  相似文献   

A new fossil species of Zelkova is described from the Oligocene Ningming Formation of Guangxi, South China. Zelkova ningmingensis sp. nov. is characterized by leaves with craspedodromous venation pattern and drupaceous fruit type. The new species possesses elliptical to ovate leaves, bearing 7–12 pairs of secondary and simple toothed margin, as well as epidermal cells with straight or rounded anticlinal walls. The species is compared with extant and other fossil species hitherto reported of the genus. It is most similar to the living Zelkova schneideriana in the leaf gross morphology and epidermal characters, which may be suggested to be the ancestral type of Zelkova schneideriana. The discovery of Zelkova ningmingensis sp. nov. in Guangxi indicates that Zelkova has already existed in southern China as early as the Oligocene. In combination with Zelkova material from the Oligocene of Europe, it can be inferred that Eurasian Zelkova had begun to diversify by at least the Oligocene. Because China is the biodiversity centre of modern Zelkova, the fossil herein provides new insights into Zelkova biogeography.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):643-662
Several systematic revisions of the Hegetotheriidae have been published in the last twenty years, but some important taxonomic work remains limited to unpublished studies. In one such thesis, the late Oligocene genera Prosotherium and Propachyrucos were revised, so that Prosotherium garzoni and Propachyrucos smithwoodwardi were considered the only valid species for each genus. Later authors loosely accepted these informal revisions, but recent phylogenetic coding has yet to accurately reflect these revisions, with character states often at odds with the known material for these genera. This study re-examines most of the fossil material assigned to Propachyrucos and Prosotherium, including both published and unpublished fossils, and contributes to a better understanding of the systematics, taxonomic diversity and early morphological evolution of the pachyrukhines. We conclude that Prosotherium garzoni and Propachyrucos smithwoodwardi are indeed the only valid species for each genus, confirming the influential but unpublished revisions that have become widely accepted. The known material for these species is clarified to aid future phylogenetic studies. At the same time, Propachyrucos aequilatus and Pr. robustus are herein considered nomina dubia. Additionally, Miocene species originally ascribed to Propachyrucos, along with unpublished material loosely assigned to the same genus, are here synonymized with other genera. Finally, several fossils previously recognized as Prosotherium sp. are here recognized as Pgarzoni.  相似文献   

Summary  Biohermal and biostromal buildups were investigated in late Early and Middle Devonian carbonate complexes of the Tamworth Belt. The buildup types and subtypes were studied in three regions (Yarramanbully, Sulcor and, Wyaralong') to clarify their paleo-environmental position. Two stages of development are recognized: Incipient bioherms and bioherms. Incipient bioherms are carbonate buildups with organisms which commonly form true bioherms. They dominate the sediment with small growth forms but are not prolific enough to build large bio-frameworks. Small nodular and globular stromatoporoids characterize the incipient bioherms and are interpreted as stunted growth forms. In one location (‘Wyaralong’) the coarse stromatoporoid calcarenite represents a fore-reef facies, at Sulcor a shallow subtidal setting with moderate water energy can be deduced. The bioherms can be sub-divided into stromatoporoid-, stromatoporoid-Stachyodes-, and stromatoporoid-rugose coral bioherms. Their variable composition probably reflects growth and deposition in different zones of a reef complex and/or different proximity to areas of denundation indicated by high siliciclastic input. In the Tamworth region true bioherms occur only in the Moore Creek Limestone Member (Middle Devonian), and not in older carbonate successions. Biostromes are sub-divided into (1) incipient biostromes with stromatoporoid-heliolitid biostromes and alveolitid biostromes; (2) aggregate biostromes withAmphipora andStachyodes biostromes; (3) stratified biostromes; (4) mixed aggregate/stratified biostromes. The different types of biostromes are not limited to specific time-intervals, but rather to environmental conditions.
(1)  Incipient biostromes are characterized by laminar stromatoporoids and tabulate corals. Their forms are interpreted as initial layers of skeletons which were hampered by adverse conditions in growth. The stromatoporoid-heliolitid incipient biostrome (Eifelian Moore Creek Ls. Mbr., Yarramanbully) is characterized by abundance of dislodged laminar, ragged and tabular colonies associated with small globular and nodular heliolitids. An unstable substrate may have caused the growth disruptions. Decreasing grain-size of skeletal debris and increasing mud-content suggests deposition on a bathymetric gradient with deepening to the south. The alveolitid incipient biostrome (Eifelian Moore Creek Ls. Mbr., ‘Wyaralong’) is composed of nodular limestone with laminar alveolitids, stromatoporoids andSphaerocodium. It grades eastwards into dark nodular limestone with siliceous sponges and westwards it interdigitates with mudrich calcarenite. Deepening from west to east is implied. The incipient biostromes are interpreted as foreslope facies deposited at depths ranging from shallow subtidal (coarse-grained calcarenite) to deeper subtidal (fine-grained mud-rich calcarenite).
(2)  The term ?aggregate biostromes? is chosen to characterize large mono-or oligo-generic aggregations of sessile colonial animals with calcareous skeletons with ramose growth habit examplified byAmphipora- andStachyodes biostromes. Both genera of ramose stromatoporoids lived in quiet shallow subtidal environments, withAmphipora apparently enduring higher mud contents and possibly hypersalinity and/or oxygen deficiency.
(3)  Stratified biostromes are built mainly by tabular and laminar stromatoporoids and tabulate corals. Only one example from the Sulcor Limestone Member can be recognized in the Tamworth region. These deep and quiet water buildups formed when sedimentation rate was low. Possibly they indicate drowning of the carbonate platform.
(4)  Mixed stratified/aggregate biostromes are also deep water carbonate buildups. They exhibit an alternation of growth forms (ramose and stratified) at different levels. The mixed biostromes at yarramanbully (Emsian) show alternating growth habits varying in 50 m to 60 m-intervals from stratified growth form-dominated to aggregate growth form-dominated to mixed buildup facies. Sea level changes due to tectonism or orbital changes may be the cause. Small scale cyclic alternations of growth forms occur in irregular (decimeter) intervals in the Yarramanbully biostromes and in more regular intervals in Eifelian mixed stratified/aggregate biostromes. Possible control factors include sea-level or climatic changes and faunal interactions.
Bioherms and aggregate biostromes with ramose stromatoporoids are interpreted as-shallow water deposits, whereas the biostromes formed in deeper water. This differentation is crucial for reconstruction of the depositional history of the basin. Association of biohermal limestone with aggregate biostromes (i.e.Amphipora- andStachyodes limestone) reflects differentiation of a carbonate platform into reef and quiet water off-reef depositional centres. The sporadic development of deep-water buildups signals deposition over an increasing relief possibly caused by tectonism.  相似文献   


The relationships are evaluated between the heavy metal species in sediments and the accumulation by the soft tissues of Saccostrea cucullata collected from the northern and southern coasts of Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf. The sequential extraction technique was employed to fractionate the sediment into non resistant and resistant fractions. Data from sequential extractions indicated that the metals were mainly associated with the residual fraction at the north coast and with non residual fractions at the south coast. The results showed that the best correlations were observed between heavy metals concentrations in soft tissues and the fractions in the southern sediment. Note that the bioavailability of trace metals is influenced by the chemical characteristics and properties of the sediment. Therefore, the present results generally supported the use of soft tissues of S. cucullata as a more accurate biomonitoring organism for Cu, Pb and Cd in sediments from the southern coast of Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf.  相似文献   

海南岛棕果蝠的活动节律与食性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈忠  蒙以航  周锋  李玉春 《兽类学报》2007,27(2):112-119
2005 年2 ~11 月对海南岛北部棕果蝠的日活动节律进行了逐月观测,并以直接观察法、食物残渣拾遗法、粪便分析法和人工饲养法研究了棕果蝠的食物组成。棕果蝠的野外活动时间以及出巢时刻和回巢时刻具有季节性变化(ANOVA,P<0.001),野外活动时间为春季(552.2±26.7 min)明显较秋冬季节(634.7±16.7 min)短LSD,P<0.05)。偏相关分析表明,棕果蝠的出巢时刻主要受光照强度和气温的影响,与相对湿度无关。作者认为,棕果蝠夜间野外活动时间长短的季节变化是对野外食物可利用量和人工种植水果成熟季节变化的响应。本次研究确定棕果蝠采食14 科21 种植物种类,并发现棕果蝠取食苦楝(Melia azedarach)、榄仁树(Terminalia catappa)、红瓜(Coccinia grandis)、假烟叶(Solanum verbascifolium)、甘蔗与木棉树(Bombax ceiba)的花蜜等11 种食物。  相似文献   

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