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有机磷农药降解菌木霉FM10的生长条件研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付文祥 《生物磁学》2005,5(3):29-31
目的:研究敌敌畏降解菌木霉FM10的生长条件,为该菌的实际应用提供依据.方法:改变单一条件来测定菌株生长变化.结果:木霉FM10对敌敌畏有高效降解性.葡萄糖促进菌株的生长,敌敌畏浓度不高时对菌株影响不大,最适pH为8.0,最适温度是37℃.结论:木霉FM10在自然环境下生长良好,且降解率较高,可用于农药污染的防治.  相似文献   

有机磷农药降解菌及其基因工程研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙兰英  花日茂  唐欣昀 《激光生物学报》2010,19(2):278-284,F0003
有机磷农药是目前我国使用量最大的农药,对农业的发展有重要的作用,但同时造成了严重的环境污染.利用微生物及其产生的降解酶来降解农药是行之有效的方法.随着分子生物学技术的深入利用,农药的微生物降解已在基因工程领域取得了很大进展.本文综述了有机磷农药降解微生物的筛选、降解酶和基因的克隆、基因工程菌的构建以及应用等几个方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

有机磷农药的微生物降解研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
微生物因种类和代谢多样性在有机磷农药降解中表现出独特的优势。对微生物降解有机磷农药的机制、微生物的获得、基因工程菌的构建及研究展望进行了综述。  相似文献   

有机磷农药微生物降解研究进展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
王圣惠  张琛  闫艳春 《生物技术》2006,16(3):95-97,F0004
微生物降解是有机磷农药在环境中去毒降解的主要方式,是治理环境污染的一项有效手段。该文综述了有机磷农药降解菌的分离鉴定、降解机理与代谢途径、降解基因的克隆及表达、降解菌制剂和酶制剂的应用、以及有机磷农药微生物降解研究趋势五个方面的研究现状。  相似文献   

利用驯化获得的拟康宁木霉菌(Trichoderma koningii)处理甲基橙废水,以脱色率为指标探讨了反应时间、初始甲基橙浓度、pH、葡萄糖用量、不同培养时间等培养因素对拟康宁木霉生长前期降解甲基橙废水效果的影响;在较优条件下以脱色率为指标,探讨了酶在pH、温度、酶液投加量、初始甲基橙浓度、反应时间等条件下的酶促降解反应;并通过正交试验验证其脱色降解甲基橙染料的最佳反应条件,为染料废水的处理提供试验基础。试验表明,培养过程中拟康宁木霉菌降解甲基橙废水的最适条件为初始甲基橙浓度30 mg/L,培养时间72 h,葡萄糖浓度25 g/L,pH 6.5。在较优培养条件下提取的酶,在酶液投加量为0.6 mL,温度为25℃,pH为7.0,处理时间为6 h的处理条件下,其降解率可达85.48%,脱色效果较明显。本研究为拟康宁木霉对甲基橙染料废水的酶促降解条件提供了参考。  相似文献   

真菌的有机磷农药降解酶产酶条件和一般性质   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
刘玉焕  钟英长   《微生物学通报》2000,27(3):162-165
从受有机磷农药长期污染的土壤中通过富集培养,分离筛选到一株降解乐果活性较高的曲霉Z_58菌株,研究了该菌株的最适产酶条件。培养温度30℃,培养起始pH7.0,培养时间96h;酶反应的最适温度和pH分别为45℃和7.2,在40℃以下及60~9.0范围内稳定,主要作用底物为有机磷农药。  相似文献   

里氏木霉GXC木聚糖酶的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了里氏木霉GXC产木聚糖酶的条件和酶学性质。结果表明,适宜产酶碳源为乳糖、甘露糖、棉子糖、木聚糖和麸皮,氮源为牛肉膏和酵母膏;产酶的最适初始pH为4.0,30℃培养60h。对以麸皮为碳源的培养液进行纯化的酶特性研究表明,木聚糖酶的最适反应温度为50℃,pH为5.5,该酶在pH5.0-7.0和40℃以下相对稳定。Fe^2 和Mn^2 对木聚糖酶有较大的促进作用,Cu^2 、Fe^2 具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

微生物降解有机磷农药污染的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有机磷农药严重污染生态环境,微生物降解是治理有机磷农药污染的新技术,综述了降解有机磷农药污染的微生物种类、降解的机理、应用、存在的问题及今后研究方向。  相似文献   

柯为 《生物工程学报》2006,22(3):456-456
有机磷农药,因其具有杀虫效率高,防治范围广,成本低等特点,而成为我国目前使用量最大的农药,对农业的发展有着重要作用,但同时它也造成了严重的环境污染。利用微生物或酶制剂来降解有机磷农药,是近年来从事酶基因工程研究人员的又一重大课题。在我国,继研发基因工程植酸酶、乳糖酶等酶制剂取得重要突破并实现规模化生产之后,中国农业科学院生物技术研究所范云六院士、伍宁丰研究员课题组,在有机磷农药降解酶制剂基因工程研究方面也取得了重要进展。  相似文献   

一株能高效降解几种有机磷农药的菌株JS018的鉴定   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从福建三明农药厂附近的土壤分离、筛选获得一株能够高效降解甲基1605、辛硫磷等有机磷农药的菌株JS018,在LB培养基中发酵36h,对甲基1605、辛硫磷、三唑磷、敌敌畏的降解率分别为96%、99%、98.9%和69.0%。该菌在LB平板培养基上形成的菌落为粉红色,圆形,有光泽;经电镜观察,为小球状菌,直径0.5μm~0.75μm;革兰氏染色为阴性;能够在30℃~38℃温度范围内和pH7.0~9.0范围内很好的生长,最适生长温度为32℃,最适pH7.5~8.0;在含有6%NaCl以上的培养基中,不能生长。抗生素敏感性实验表明:JS018菌对安比西林、青霉素、林肯霉素有抗性;对卡那霉素、四环素、庆大霉素等敏感。碳源发酵实验表明:该菌株能发酵葡萄糖、海藻糖、松三糖、乙醇;不能发酵阿拉伯糖、蔗糖、甘露糖、木糖、果糖、半乳糖、麦芽糖、乳糖等;不能利用棕檬酸盐,不能液化明胶,不产生硫化氢,能还原硝酸盐,不产生吲哚,接触酶阳性,脲酶阳性。根据其形态特征,生理生化特性1、6S rDNA序列分析,初步鉴定JS018为Roseomonas(玟瑰单胞菌属)。  相似文献   

Bioremediation using enzymes has become an attractive approach for removing hazardous chemicals such as organophosphate pesticides from the environment. Enzymes immobilized on solid carriers are particularly suited for such applications. In this study, the organophosphate degrading enzyme A (OpdA) was covalently immobilized on highly porous nonwoven polyester fabrics for organophosphate pesticide degradation. The fabrics were first activated with ethylenediamine to introduce free amine groups, and the enzyme was then attached using the bifunctional crosslinker glutaraldehyde. The immobilization only slightly increased the Km (for methyl parathion, MP), broadened the pH profile such that the enzyme had significant activity at acidic pH, and enhanced the stability of the enzyme. The OpdA-functionalized fabrics could be stored in a phosphate buffer or in the dry state at 4 °C for at least 4 weeks without a large loss of activity. When used in batch mode, the functionalized textiles could degrade 20 μM MP in un-buffered water at liquor to fabric ratios as high as 5000:1 within 2 h, and could be used repeatedly. The fabrics could also be made into columns for continuous pesticide degradation. The columns were able to degrade 50 μM MP at high flow rates, and could be used repeatedly over 2 months. These results demonstrate that OpdA immobilized on nonwoven polyester fabrics is useful in environmental remediation of organophosphate compounds.  相似文献   

The isolate NJ-101 obtained from agricultural soil was characterized and presumptively identified as Pseudomonas sp. The isolate exhibited efficient degradation of the insecticide carbofuran with a rate constant of 0.035 day(-1), following first-order rate kinetics. The ability of performing multifarious biological activities in tandem suggested the uniqueness of isolate NJ-101. The ability to produce hydrogen cyanide and siderophore stipulated its role in biological control. Furthermore, the growth inhibition of Fusarium sp. validated the antagonistic activity of NJ-101 against the common phytopathogens. Concurrent production of indole acetic acid, and solubilization of inorganic phosphate revealed its plant growth promoting potential. Thus, the innate capability of this novel isolate for parallel biodegradation, biocontrol and plant growth promotion has significance in management of the agro-environmental and phytopathological problems.  相似文献   

Four nerve agents and one therapeutic organophosphate (OP) anticholinesterase (anti-ChE) bind to acetylcholine (ACh) receptors, inhibit or modulate binding of radioactive ligands to these receptors, and modify events regulated by them. The affinity of nicotinic (n) ACh receptors of Torpedo electric organs and most muscarinic (m) ACh receptors of rat brain and N1E-115 neuroblastoma cultures for the OP compounds was usually two to three orders of magnitude lower than concentrations required to inhibit 50% (IC-50) of ACh-esterase activity. However, a small population of m-ACh receptors had an affinity as high as that of ACh-esterase for the OP compound. This population is identified by its high-affinity [3H]-cis-methyldioxolane ([3H]-CD) binding. Although sarin, soman, and tabun had no effect, (O-ethyl S[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl)] methyl phosphonothionate (VX) and echothiophate inhibited competitivel the binding of receptors. However, VX was more potent than echothiophate in inhibiting this binding and 50-fold more potent in inhibiting carbamylcholine (carb)-stimulated [3H]-cGMP synthesis in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells—both acting as m receptor antagonist. All five OPs inhibited [3H]-CD binding, with IC-50s of 3, 10, 40, 100, and 800 nM for VX, soman, sarin, echothiophate, and tabun, respectively. The OP anticholinesterases also bound to allosteric sites on the n-ACh receptor (identified by inhibition of [3H]-phencyclidine binding), but some bound as well to the receptor's recognition site (identified by inhibition of [125I]-α-bungarotoxin binding). Soman and echothiophate in micromolar concentrations acted as partial agonists of the n-ACh receptor and induced receptor desensitization. On the other hand, VX acted as an open channel blocker of the activated receptor and also enhanced receptor desensitization. It is suggested that the toxicity of OP anticholinesterases may include their action on n-ACh as well as m-ACh receptors if their concentrations in circulation rise above micromolar levels. At nanomolar concentrations their toxicity is due mainly to their inhibition of ACh-esterase. However, at these low concentrations, many OP anticholinesterases (eg, VX and soman) may affect a small population of m-ACh receptors, which have a high affinity for CD. Such effects on m-ACh receptors may play an important role in the toxicity of certain OP compounds.  相似文献   

The growth rates of pikeperch (Lucioperca lucioperca L.) originating from two lowlands ponds in the north of Belgium, one of which is heated by the effluents of power plants, were compared by means of scalimetry and operculometry. The overall condition of the fish in both ponds was also investigated. The pikeperch grew significantly faster in heated water, although overall condition was comparable. Seasonal variations resulted in the heated pond arriving at a temperature higher than the optimum.  相似文献   

以杉木种子为材料,研究不同浓度(0.003、0.03、0.3、3、30、300 mg·L-1)哈茨木霉和绿色木霉溶液对杉木种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明: 各浓度木霉溶液处理对杉木种子萌发和幼苗生长均有一定的促进作用,其促进效果随着处理浓度的增加均呈先升后降的趋势.与对照相比,0.03 mg·L-1哈茨木霉和绿色木霉处理对提高杉木种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、根长、苗高和鲜质量效果最佳,分别提高了57.6%、125.0%、51.0%、209.2%、114.3%、16.1%、24.6%和42.7%、76.7%、43.9%、185.4%、113.8%、8.6%、22.6%;0.3 mg·L-1哈茨木霉和绿色木霉显著提高杉木幼苗超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性,分别增加了157.6%、179.9%和127.5%、116.2%,而丙二醛含量降低了86.1%和72.4%. 0.03~0.3 mg·L-1浓度的哈茨木霉和绿色木霉不仅能显著促进杉木种子的萌发和幼苗生长,而且能够提高其抗氧化酶活性,增强杉木幼苗的抗逆性.  相似文献   

Supplementary feeding to damselfish Acanthochromis polyacanthus larvae, at One Tree Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, led to increased growth in length and enhanced condition relative to unfed control larvae, although both groups dropped in body condition (measured as total lipids) over the experimental period. Survival of fry was enhanced in fed broods, with on average 60% survival over 20 days, compared to 46% survival in unfed broods. Growth, condition and survival were neither density-dependent nor body-size dependent within broods. This study suggests variation in food supply may strongly influence persistence of larvae to juvenile stages, and thus influence cohort size.  相似文献   

培养条件对海洋假单胞菌脂肪酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同温度条件下一株海绵附生假单胞菌(Pseudomonassp.)在不同碳源培养基中的生长情况及脂肪酸变化.结果表明,该海洋菌生长最适温度为30℃,在以淀粉作为外加碳源的培养基中生长最好;实验菌含13种脂肪酸,主要是c16:1(n7)、c15:0、c16:0、c17:0、c18:1(n6)、c18:1(n9)、9,10cp c17:0和其同分异构体.在30℃温度条件下,不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量急剧减少.在有外加碳源(葡萄糖和淀粉)的培养基中生长的细菌,奇数脂肪酸和环丙基脂肪酸含量远比未外加碳源的低.聚类分析结果表明,两种环境因子中,温度比碳源的影响更明显.  相似文献   

Abstract Analyses of condition data are conspicuous by their paucity in the extensive tropical reef-fish literature. Researchers typically quantify abundance at settlement, with little regard for the demonstrably variable quality of newly settled fishes. Condition may be functionally classified by indices of growth (e.g. the RNA-DNA index or peripheral growth increments of the otolith), starvation (e.g. height of midgut mucosal cells), storage (e.g. lipid content), or morphometry (e.g. dry weight/length’), all of which are variably correlated with each other. At present all indices are species-, stage-, technique- and therefore often investigation-specific, as laboratory-reared larvae for calibrating field-collected condition indices are often specific to the rearing procedure. RNA indices are particularly appropriate for estimating larval condition. In pelagic juveniles, or in recently settled juveniles, the width of peripheral growth increments of the otolith estimates average growth rate in length or dry weight during the previous few days, which discerns increasing from decreasing condition. Increment width changes in otoliths are particularly responsive to starvation events, and are correlated with RNA indices. Growth indices have great potential for determining which individuals were growing faster, thereby reducing their pelagic duration, and thus increasing their survival potential. The recent debate regarding whether bigger larvae have better survival could be re-addressed, by determining if larvae with faster growth indices have relatively enhanced survival.  相似文献   

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