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Biomass and production of plankton communities were investigated in two Chinese integrated fish culture ponds in August, Dianshanhu Pond (with high density of planktivorous carp) and Pingwang Pond (with low density of planktivorous carp). The plankton communities were composed of rotifers, protozoans, phytoplankton (<40 µm) and bacteria. The large phytoplankton (>40 µm), cladocerans and copepods were rare because of grazing pressure by the carp. The density or biomass of bacteria (1.93 × 107 and 2.20 × 107 cells ml–1 on average in Dianshanhu and Pingwang Ponds, respectively), picophytoplankton (24.6 and 18.5 mg m–3 Chla on average) and rotifers (5372 and 20733 ind. 1–1 on average) exceeded the maximum values reported for natural waters.The average [3H]thymidine uptake rates were 694 and 904 pmoles 1–1 h–1 (13.4 and 20.6 µgC 1–1) and the bacterial production by the >2 µm fraction amounted 21–28% of total [3H] thymidine uptake rate in both ponds. The mean chlorophylla concentrations were 59.1 and 183 mg m–3 in Dianshanhu and Pingwang Ponds, respectively. 82.4% and 65.3% of the total Chla was contributed by the <10 µm nano- and picophytoplankton in each pond, respectively. In particular, the picophytoplankton contribution amounted 41.2% of thtal Chla in Dianshanhu Pond. Primary production was 2.5 and 3.4 gC m–2 d–1 in each pond, respectively, and >50% of production was contributed by picophytoplankton. The mean biomasses of protozoa were 168 µg 1–1 and 445 µg 1–1 and those of rotifers were 763 µg 1–1 and 1186 µg 1–1 in Dianshanhu and Pingwang Ponds, respectively. The ecological efficiencies expressed in terms of the ratios of primary production to zooplankton production were 0.22 and 0.31, for the two ponds.  相似文献   

Fish larvae and fish eggs were sampled from the inshore waters of eastern Lake Michigan from 1978 through 1980, using a benthic sled and a plankton net towed within 0.5 m of the lake bottom. Differences between estimates of ichthyoplankton abundance based on the benthic sled and those based on the plankton net towed near bottom were examined along with interactions between gear, bottom depth, and time of day. Time of day was determined to be an important factor in comparing these two gear, but data were inconclusive as to the effect of depth on gear differences. Abundance of fish eggs calculated using sled tow data was significantly higher than that for the plankton net. For nighttime collections, density of alewife Alosa pseudoharengus larvae sampled in the plankton net significantly exceeded that for the sled, whereas density of spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius larvae based on sled data was significantly higher than that based on the plankton net for day sampling. Overall, the plankton net appeared to be adequate for sampling abundance of alewife larvae, while the sled was preferred for sampling fish eggs, spottail shiner larvae, and the following less common, but apparently demersal larvae: trout-perch Percopsis omiscomaycus, johnny darter Etheostoma nigrum, ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius, and slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus.  相似文献   

Marginal ice zones (MIZ) are known to be the most highly productive systems in the Arctic Ocean with large amounts of primary production reaching the deep seafloor. This study characterizes the effect of the ice-edge related primary production and subsequent phytodetritus sedimentation on deep-sea meiobenthic communities, particularly nematodes, along the Eastern Greenland continental margin in July 2000. Results were based on data from six stations along a depth transect crossing the MIZ with the shallowest stations under the ice-cover (656 and 1,198 m), intermediate stations at the ice-edge (1,560 and 2,129 m), and deepest stations in ice-free areas (2,735 and 3,033 m). The presence of the ice-cover significantly affected the availability of organic matter on the deep seafloor. The present results confirm a close bentho-pelagic coupling in the area of investigation. Enhanced flux of phytodetritus from primary production to the benthic system appears at stations underneath or close to the ice-edge and at the sampling sites in ice-free areas. The availability of phytodetritus at these stations enhanced bacterial activities, meiofauna abundances, and the number of nematodes species. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

1. We conducted enclosure experiments in a shallow eutrophic lake, in which a biomass gradient of the filter-feeding planktivore, silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes, was created, and subsequent community changes in both zooplankton and phytoplankton were examined.
2. During a summer experiment, a bloom of Anabaena flos-aquae developed (≈ 8000 cells mL−1) solely in an enclosure without silver carp. Concurrent with, or slightly preceding the Anabaena bloom, the number of rotifer species and their abundance increased from seven to twelve species (1700–14 400 organisms L−1) after the bloom in this fish-free enclosure. Protozoans and bacteria were generally insensitive to the gradient of silver carp biomass.
3. During an autumn experiment, on the other hand, large herbivorous crustaceans were more efficient than silver carp in suppressing the algae, partly because the lower water temperature (≈ 24 °C) inhibited active feeding of this warm-water fish and also formation of algal colonies. Heterotrophic nanoflagellate and bacterial densities were also influenced negatively by the crustaceans.
4. Correspondence analysis (CA) was applied to the weekly community data of zooplankton and phytoplankton. A major effect detected in the zooplankton community was the presence/absence of silver carp rather than the biomass of silver carp, whereas that in the phytoplankton community was the fish biomass before the Anabaena bloom, but shifted to the presence/absence of the fish after the bloom.  相似文献   

Anisakis spp. larvae are parasitic, and potentially zoonotic, nematodes transmitted by marine fish and cephalopods, which are the main intermediate hosts of the third larval stage. The accidental consumption of infected raw or poorly cooked fish may cause gastroenteric diseases and allergies in humans. The aim of the present study was to use polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) to define the occurrence, species variability, and host preferences of Anisakis spp. larvae in fish caught off the coast of Sardinia. Necropsy was used on 285 samples; 552 Anisakis spp. L3 larvae were isolated from 87 fish that tested positive for this nematode. Anisakis pegreffii was most frequently encountered (90.6%), with a primary preference for Scomber scombrus, Zeus faber, and Trachurus mediterraneus. In contrast, the prevalence of Anisakis physeteris was only 1.3%. A hybrid genotype of Anisakis simplex sensu stricto and Anisakis pegreffii was also observed, which confirms the results of previous studies carried out in the western Mediterranean. Interestingly, no Anisakis simplex s.s. larvae were recovered. These results indicate that the diversity of Anisakis species is low in Sardinia waters, probably because of its geographic position.  相似文献   

Rask  Martti  Olin  Mikko  Keskitalo  Jorma  Lehtovaara  Anja  Ruuhijärvi  Jukka  Vesala  Sami 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):451-457
Hydrobiologia - Responses of plankton and fish communities to mass removal of cyprinid fishes were studied in a two-basin lake, Äimäjärvi, in southern Finland during 1997–2001....  相似文献   

Brenda Rashleigh 《Ecography》2008,31(5):612-619
The pattern of nestedness, where species present in depauperate locations are subsets of species present in locations with higher species diversity, is often found in ecological communities. Mussel communities examined in four rivers in the upper Tennessee River basin appeared significantly nested. Mussel species distributions were mostly unrelated to differences in immigration and only weakly related to downstream direction, giving some indication of structuring by differences in extinction. Mussel species distributions were not related to the number of fish species used as hosts for mussel larvae. Mussel species were more likely to overlap on common fish hosts; however, the host‐use matrix was not nested – groups of mussel species used different sets of host fish species in a pattern that appeared phylogenetically related. Sites with high fish host abundance may support high mussel diversity by promoting the survival of mussel species that are less able to attract and infect hosts. Thus, nestedness in freshwater mussel communities may be driven by the array of host fish resources, combined with differences in species’ abilities to use fish hosts. An understanding of the nested pattern in this region can aid conservation of this imperiled fauna.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing environmental gradients connected with variation in diversity is ecosystem productivity. The role of diversity in ecosystems is pivotal, because species richness can be both a cause and a consequence of primary production. However, the mechanisms behind the varying productivity-diversity relationships (PDR) remain poorly understood. Moreover, large-scale studies on PDR across taxa are urgently needed. Here, we examined the relationships between resource supply and phyto-, bacterio-, and zooplankton richness in 100 small boreal lakes. We studied the PDR locally within the drainage systems and regionally across the systems. Second, we studied the relationships between resource availability, species richness, biomass and resource ratio (N:P) in phytoplankton communities using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for testing the multivariate hypothesis of PDR. At the local scale, the PDR showed variable patterns ranging from positive linear and unimodal to negative linear relationships for all planktonic groups. At the regional scale, PDRs were significantly linear and positive for phyto- and zooplankton. Phytoplankton richness and the amount of chlorophyll a showed a positive linear relationship indicating that communities consisting of higher number of species were able to produce higher levels of biomass. According to the SEM, phytoplankton biomass was largely related to resource availability, yet there was a pathway via community richness. Finally, we found that species richness at all trophic levels was correlated with several environmental factors, and was also related to richness at the other trophic levels. This study showed that the PDRs in freshwaters show scale-dependency. We also documented that the PDR complies with the multivariate model showing that plant biomass is not mirroring merely the resource availability, but is also influenced by richness. This highlights the need for conserving diversity in order to maintain ecosystem processes in freshwaters.  相似文献   

An extant population of the long-stalked pondweed Potamogeton praelongus is reported from West Greenland for the first time. However, endocarps of the species have been recovered from up to 3500 years old lake sediments, so the species has a long history in this region. The species must have arrived in West Greenland by long distance dispersal, probably by geese migrating from NW Europe.  相似文献   

1. The light-nutrient hypothesis (LNH) predicts that changes in light supply can alter the balance of nutrient and energy limitation in primary producers. We tested this prediction by examining temporal changes in vernal forest ponds, which are highly dynamic systems with respect to seasonal change in light and nutrient supply. In three vernal ponds that differ in productivity, we measured changes in light, total and seston nitrogen and phosphorus, and seston carbon and chlorophyll during the spring, before and after tree leaf-out. We also quantified changes in the population dynamics of the major zooplankton grazers in these systems.
2. In each pond, nutrient levels increased and light levels declined, creating a temporal shift in light-nutrient supply to the plankton. Results generally supported predictions of stoichiometric theory and the LNH, but there were notable exceptions.
3. Seston C : N : P ratios rapidly changed in response to dramatic increases in N and P supply rates. However, seston N : P was typically lower than values for total N : P in the water. Furthermore, as predicted, we observed a decline in seston C : P as the light : nutrient ratio declined, but seston C : N simultaneously increased. These results suggest an unexpected shift towards potential nitrogen limitation. Alternatively, this change in nutrient ratios may be driven by a seasonal change in phytoplankton composition or nutritional mode.
4. Seston carbon concentrations remained stable despite seasonal changes in grazing intensity associated with the phenology of large-bodied Daphnia grazers. However, chlorophyll concentrations declined dramatically as the season progressed, resulting in a simultaneous decline in the C : Chlorophyll ratio of seston. Both pond shading and increased grazing probably contributed to the decline in chlorophyll.  相似文献   

Chaotic dynamics appear to be prevalent in short-lived organisms including plankton and may limit long-term predictability. However, few studies have explored how dynamical stability varies through time, across space and at different taxonomic resolutions. Using plankton time series data from 17 lakes and 4 marine sites, we found seasonal patterns of local instability in many species, that short-term predictability was related to local instability, and that local instability occurred most often in the spring, associated with periods of high growth. Taxonomic aggregates were more stable and more predictable than finer groupings. Across sites, higher latitude locations had higher Lyapunov exponents and greater seasonality in local instability, but only at coarser taxonomic resolution. Overall, these results suggest that prediction accuracy, sensitivity to change and management efficacy may be greater at certain times of year and that prediction will be more feasible for taxonomic aggregates.  相似文献   

The investigation of seasonal changes in spatial structure of phytoperiphyton during succession was conducted at the lower reaches of Akulovsky water channel from April to August 2000. At the beginning of succession from April to June dominant forms were chain-forming diatoms and filamentous green algae, sedimented from plankton. Later, at the middle of June under increasing pressure of herbivorous, they were replaced by stretched unicellular diatoms and colonial cyanobacteria. In late June-August, when herbivorous predation was the most intensive, the relative abundance of typical periphytonic forms decreased while that of settled planktonic forms increased. The effect of planktonic algae sedimentation on periphyton composition was evaluated as similarity between phytoperiphyton and phytoplankton communities measured with Chekanovski--Sorensen index. The value of this index tends to decrease with the development of periphyton while showing some relation to intensity of herbivorous pressure. Minimal values of Chekanovski--Sorensen index were under moderate herbivorous density, whereas maximal values were observed in periods of extremely high or low herbivorous density.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the structure of fish communities along a transect from the Australian mainland to the Coral Sea, in the Central region of the Great Barrier Reef, were examined. Visual censuses of fish were made on the outer reef slopes (0 to 13 m deep) of two inshore reefs, approximately 10 km offshore, three reefs on the mid-shelf, 50 km offshore, three reefs on the outer shelf, 100 km offshore, and three reefs in the Coral Sea approximately 200 km offshore. The Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae, Acanthuridae and Scaridae were examined in detail—the Labridac, Siganidae and the lutjanid genus Caesio in less detail. Major changes in the composition of fish communities occurred along the transect (Fig. 3). There were differences in the composition of assemblages among replicate censuses within individual reefs and also differences between reefs at the same location on the transect but these differences were small compared to those among locations. The nature of the distribution of species across the transect differed between families (Figs. 4–6). Pomacentrid and chaetodontid species were significantly more restricted in distribution than acanthurids, scarids or labrids.  相似文献   

A diatom-based reconstruction of surface-water paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in Ameralik Fjord, southwest Greenland, is presented for the Holocene interval 8800 to 3600 cal yrs B.P. A minor episode of cold surface-water conditions is found at ca. 8000–7800 cal yrs B.P. This may be due to the local conditions in the fjord and linked to the culmination of a strong melt-water outflow rather than reflecting the widespread North Atlantic (8.2 ka) cooling event. Warming of surface-water condition from 7800 to 7100 cal yrs B.P., probably corresponding to the early and warmest part of the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) in this region, is reflected in the diatom assemblages and supported by other proxies. The West Greenland Current (WGC) influences the fjord strongly during this interval, indicating enhanced advection of Atlantic water-masses derived from the Irminger Current (IC). A major sedimentary change with a hiatus between 6800 and 4400 cal yrs B.P. prevents a reconstruction of mid-Holocene paleoceanograpy. The final and less prominent part of the HTM is found after 4400 cal yrs B.P. Previous studies from the same site have shown this final stage of the HTM to end at 3200 cal yrs B.P. with the onset of the ‘Neoglaciation’. Our study provides further evidence that the marine sedimentary record from West Greenland fjords yields paleoenvironmental information reflecting a significant link between local and large scale North Atlantic oceanographic and climatic changes.  相似文献   

To investigate whether phytoplankton is the main factor determining mesozooplankton distribution in a continental shelf affected by upwelling, oceanographic surveys were conducted off NW Portugal in 2002 and 2003. During four different seasons, we investigated how the mesoscale relationship between these two communities was forced by environmental conditions across the shelf. The horizontal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton was shaped by wind stress over the water. Diatoms dominated mixed and upwelled waters, whereas dinoflagellates prevailed with thermal stratification. Mesozooplankton was less influenced by wind forcing and concentrated mostly at mid-shelf, on the outer margin of main phytoplankton patches. We found that this pattern, under strong thermal stratification conditions, can be associated with localized grazing “hot spots”. Copepods were dominant, contributing to the mesozooplankton community variability between cruises whereas phytoplankton presented a clearer seasonal pattern. Nevertheless, the distribution and abundance of mesozooplankton were directly correlated with all phytoplankton groups at the inner-mid-shelf, while no correlation was observed offshore the outer-shelf. The relative composition of mesozooplankton did not vary between depth strata, whereas a cross-shelf separation occurred between nearshore and widespread clusters of species. This reflected a dependence on phytoplankton and reflected the high variability of oceanographic conditions of the study area.  相似文献   

Bernard Hugueny 《Oecologia》1989,79(2):236-243
Summary Some factors influencing the species richness of West African fish communities were studied in a sample of 26 rivers using four habitat and hydrologic variables. Analysis of a larger sample of 39 rivers showed that species richness was positively related to area. A power function with an exponent of 0.32 gave the best fit. As the surface area used was that of the catchment area and not that (unknown) of the river, the biological significance of this relationship and the possibilities of comparison were limited. Ridge regression analysis and forward stepwise selection indicated that a model that explained ln(species richness) as a function of ln(mean annual discharge) and ln-(catchment surface area) was best, accounting for 90% of the variance of the dependent variable. The combination of surface area and discharge was presumed to act through the volume of water available for the fishes and habitat productivity. Habitat diversity, measured by the diversity of the terrestrial vegetation covering the catchment area, had no significant positive effect when surface area was used in the regression. Rivers (islands) should have fewer species than tributaries of similar size since, for fishes within a river system (continent), there is free circulation between all its branches. The model derived from the river data underestimated the species richness of a sample of 11 tributaries. This was compatible with the hypothesis of higher population extinction rates in insular biotopes. The residuals of the linear model did not show random geographical distribution; the rivers in some areas had more species than expected. The possibility that historical factors, especially Quaternary climatic variations, might cause this distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing direct human pressures on the marine environment, coupled with climate‐driven changes, is a concern to marine ecosystems globally. This requires the development and monitoring of ecosystem indicators for effective management and adaptation planning. Plankton lifeforms (broad functional groups) are sensitive indicators of marine environmental change and can provide a simplified view of plankton biodiversity, building an understanding of change in lower trophic levels. Here, we visualize regional‐scale multi‐decadal trends in six key plankton lifeforms as well as their correlative relationships with sea surface temperature (SST). For the first time, we collate trends across multiple disparate surveys, comparing the spatially and temporally extensive Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey (offshore) with multiple long‐term fixed station‐based time‐series (inshore) from around the UK coastline. These analyses of plankton lifeforms showed profound long‐term changes, which were coherent across large spatial scales. For example, ‘diatom’ and ‘meroplankton’ lifeforms showed strong alignment between surveys and coherent regional‐scale trends, with the 1998–2017 decadal average abundance of meroplankton being 2.3 times that of 1958–1967 for CPR samples in the North Sea. This major, shelf‐wide increase in meroplankton correlated with increasing SSTs, and contrasted with a general decrease in holoplankton (dominated by small copepods), indicating a changing balance of benthic and pelagic fauna. Likewise, inshore‐offshore gradients in dinoflagellate trends, with contemporary increases inshore contrasting with multi‐decadal decreases offshore (approx. 75% lower decadal mean abundance), urgently require the identification of causal mechanisms. Our lifeform approach allows the collation of many different data types and time‐series across the NW European shelf, providing a crucial evidence base for informing ecosystem‐based management, and the development of regional adaptation plans.  相似文献   

Korponai  János  Mátyás  Kálmán  Paulovits  Gábor  Tátrai  István  Kovács  Nóra 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):211-221
In 1995 the authors studied the effect of differentfish communities on the structure of the cladoceranplankton in a shallow hypertrophic lake. After a fishkill of 1991, different fish communities developedin the Kazetta and the outer area of the Kis-Balatonreservoir. In the outer area of the reservoir, thedensities of plankton feeding fish species wereconsiderably higher than in the Kazetta. Thesedifferences induced changes in the structure anddynamics of the cladoceran plankton. The biomass ofsmall-bodied cladocerans (mainly Bosmina longispina)was higher and the biomass of the large-bodiedcladocerans (D. hyalina, D. magna) was lower in thewestern and eastern part of Kis-Balaton reservoir thanin the Kazetta. A peak in cladoceran biomass in theKis-Balaton reservoir was observed during the summer,close or during a bloom of filamentous cyanobacteria,whereas in the Kazetta a peak was observed during thespring, before the bloom of cyanobacteria. The adultfemales of D. hyalina were larger and produced moreeggs in the Kazetta than in the outer area of thereservoir.  相似文献   

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