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Yuncai Hu  Urs Schmidhalter 《Planta》1998,204(2):212-219
Wheat leaf growth is known to be spatially affected by salinity. The altered spatial distribution of leaf growth under saline conditions may be associated with spatial changes in tissue mineral elements. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distributions of mineral elements and their net deposition rates in the elongating and mature zones of leaf 4 of the main stem of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Lona) during its linear growth phase under saline soil conditions. Plants were grown in an illitic-chloritic silty loam with 0 and 120 mM NaCl. Three days after emergence of leaf 4, sampling was begun at 3 and 13 h into the 16-h light period. Spatial distributions of fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), and Na+, K+, Cl, NO 3, Ca2+, Mg2+, total P, and total N in the elongating and mature tissues were determined on a millimeter scale. The patterns of spatial distribution of Na+, Cl, K+, NO3 , and Ca2+ in the growing leaves were affected by salinity, while those of Mg2+, total P, and total N were not. Sodium, K+, Cl, Ca2+, Mg2+, and total N concentrations (mmol · kg−1 FW) were consistently higher at 120 mM NaCl than at 0 mM NaCl along the leaf axis from the leaf base, whereas NO3 concentration was lower at 120 mM NaCl. Deposition rates of all nutrients were greatest in the elongation zone. The elongation zone was the strongest sink for mineral elements in the leaf tissues. Local net deposition rates of Na+, Cl, Ca2+, and Mg2+ (mmol · kg−1 FW · h−1) in the most actively elongating zone were enhanced by 120 mM NaCl, whereas for NO3 this was depressed. The lower supply of NO 3 to growing leaves may be responsible for the inhibition of growth under saline conditions. Higher tissue concentrations of Na+ and Cl may cause ion imbalance but probably did not result in ion toxicity in the growing leaves. Potassium, Ca2+, Mg2+, total P, and total N are less plausibly responsible for the reduction in leaf growth in this study. Higher tissue K+ and Ca2+ concentrations at 120 mM NaCl are probably due to the presence of high Ca2+ in the soil of this study. Received: 13 March 1997 / Accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula model legumes, which form determined and indeterminate nodules, respectively, provide a convenient system to study plant-Rhizobium interaction and to establish differences between the two types of nodules under salt stress conditions. We examined the effects of 25 and 50mM NaCl doses on growth and nitrogen fixation parameters, as well as carbohydrate content and carbon metabolism of M. truncatula and L. japonicus nodules. The leghemoglobin (Lb) content and nitrogen fixation rate (NFR) were approximately 10.0 and 2.0 times higher, respectively, in nodules of L. japonicus when compared with M. truncatula. Plant growth parameters and nitrogenase activity decreased with NaCl treatments in both legumes. Sucrose was the predominant sugar quantified in nodules of both legumes, showing a decrease in concentration in response to salt stress. The content of trehalose was low (less than 2.5% of total soluble sugars (TSS)) to act as an osmolyte in nodules, despite its concentration being increased under saline conditions. Nodule enzyme activities of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and trehalase (TRE) decreased with salinity. L. japonicus nodule carbon metabolism proved to be less sensitive to salinity than in M. truncatula, as enzymatic activities responsible for the carbon supply to the bacteroids to fuel nitrogen fixation, such as sucrose synthase (SS), alkaline invertase (AI), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), were less affected by salt than the corresponding activities in barrel medics. However, nitrogenase activity was only inhibited by salinity in L. japonicus nodules.  相似文献   

Relative elemental growth rates (REGR) and lengths of epidermal cells along the elongation zone of Lolium perenne L. leaves were determined at four developmental stages ranging from shortly after emergence of the leaf tip to shortly before cessation of leaf growth. Plants were grown at constant light and temperature. At all developmental stages the length of epidermal cells in the elongation zone of both the blade and sheath increased from 12 m at the leaf base to about 550 m at the distal end of the elongation zone, whereas the length of epidermal cells within the joint region only increased from 12 to 40 m. Throughout the developmental stages elongation was confined to the basal 20 to 30 mm of the leaf with maximum REGR occurring near the center of the elongation zone. Leaf elongation rate (LER) and the spatial distributions of REGR and epidermal cell lengths were steady to a first approximation between emergence of the leaf tip and transition from blade to sheath growth. Elongation of epidermal cells in the sheath started immediately after the onset of elongation of the most proximal blade epidermal cells. During transition from blade to sheath growth the length of the blade and sheath portion of the elongation zone decreased and increased, respectively, with the total length of the elongation zone and the spatial distribution of REGR staying near constant, with exception of the joint region which elongated little during displacement through the elongation zone. Leaf elongation rate decreased rapidly during the phase when only the sheath was growing. This was associated with decreasing REGR and only a small decrease in the length of the elongation zone. Data on the spatial distributions of growth rates and of epidermal cell lengths during blade elongation were used to derive the temporal pattern of epidermal cell elongation. These data demonstrate that the elongation rate of an epidermal cell increased for days and that cessation of epidermal cell elongation was an abrupt event with cell elongation rate declining from maximum to zero within less than 10 h.Abbreviations LER leaf elongation rate - REGR relative elemental growth rates  相似文献   

P. W. Gandar  A. J. Hall 《Planta》1988,175(1):121-129
Two methods are described for estimating position-time relationships (pathlines) in steady, one-dimensional growth zones. Pathlines can be used to provide a time base for spatial data in developmental studies. The methods apply within extension-only zones (zones of growth without cell division) and require data for cell-number densities, or cumulative cell numbers, or mean cell lengths, and for the overall elongation rate of an organ. The first method (continuous-pathline method) can be used to estimate spatial velocity fields within extension-only zones and pathlines can then be obtained by integration of the velocity data. This method is based on the continuity equation for cell-number densities. Pathlines can also be estimated using a simple graphical version of this method. The second method (pathline-coordinate method) is based on the approximation that a cell of mean length remains of mean length as it moves through the extension-only zone, and can be used to estimate the coordinates of wall pathlines at discrete intervals. The methods are illustrated using published data from studies of apical growth in Zea mays L. roots and of intercalary growth in Triticum aestivum L. leaves.  相似文献   

R. S. Pearce  E. N. Ashworth 《Planta》1992,188(3):324-331
Wheat leaf pieces were excised and freeze-fixed in the field, preparatory to low-temperature scanning electron microscopy to study distribution of ice within leaf blades, and associated cell shapes, during natural frosts. Pieces of leaf blades from wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. 7942H1-20-8) overwintering in Indiana, USA (January, 1991), were excised and immediately freeze-fixed by manually plunging in melting freon. Cells in controls were turgid and extracellular ice was absent. The leaves of the frost-stressed plants froze at about — 2.4° C, and at that temperature extracellular ice was mainly located sub-epidermally, including in the substomatal cavity, and occupied about 14% of the fracture faces. The frequency of ice particles per unit leaf area in two specimens was 14 and 210 · mm–2 (about 140 and 2100 · g–1 leaf fresh-weight basis). At -9.0° C, ice filled the extracellular spaces, occupying 61% of the fracture faces. Cells were somewhat collapsed at -2.4° C and were much more collapsed at -9.0° C. The epidermal cells were more collapsed than the mesophyll cells. Tissue structure (connections with adjacent cells), wall flexibility, and ice growth may all have influenced the shapes of the collapsing cells. The experiments demonstrate the feasibility of freeze-fixation in the field. The sub-epidermal location of most ice indicates that in the field either (i) ice is nucleated sub-epidermally (implying both the presence of nucleators and the presence of liquid water in the sub-epidermal spaces) or (ii) ice is nucleated on the leaf surface, then propagates into the leaf probably through stomata.Abbreviations LTSEM low-temperature scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

The roles of O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase (OASTL, EC and abscisic (ABA) acid in stress responses to NaCl and cadmium treatments were investigated in Typha latifolia L. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel plants. OASTL activity increased under stress (25-300 microM Cd, 100mM NaCl, 1 microM ABA) in both Typha and Phragmites mainly in roots, contributing substantially to satisfy the higher demand of cysteine for adaptation and protection. The earliest significant responses in intact roots were recorded after 12-24 h of Cd treatments, but different levels of stimulation were also observed after 3 and 7 days of exposure. The OASTL activity responses of Phragmites to salinity (100mM NaCl) were higher than those of Typha. Cysteine synthesis in Typha is much higher than in Phragmites, which supports the efficiency of the thiol-metabolism-based protection shown in Typha. Exogenous ABA increased OASTL activity in both species. Cd treatments led to increased ABA levels in roots. Phragmites showed higher ABA levels compared to Typha. The increase of ABA content indicates the involvement of this phytohormone in early stress responses, while the stimulation of OASTL following the ABA application suggests that ABA has a role in an OASTL activation pathway.  相似文献   

R. S. Pearce 《Planta》1988,175(3):313-324
Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy was used to examine transverse fracture faces through cereal leaf pieces subjected to frost. Specimens were studied before and after sublimation of the ice. The position of extracellular ice in the leaf was inferred from the difference between the specimen before and after sublimation and from ridges and points which occurred in the extracellular ice during sublimation. Steps in the fracture surface indicated that the fracture plane passed through the extracellular ice crystals as well as through cells and also helped identify extracellular ice. The cells in controls were turgid and extracellular ice was absent. Leaf pieces from hardened rye were excised and frost-stressed to-3.3°,-21° and-72°C, cooling at 2–12°·h-1. Cell collapse and extracellular ice were evident at-3.3°C and increased considerably by-21° C. At-21° and-72°C the leaf pieces were mainly filled with extracellular ice and there were few remaining gas spaces. The epidermal and mesophyll cells were laterally flattened, perpendicular to their attachment to adjacent cells, and phloem and vascular sheath cells were more irregularly deformed. Leaf pieces from tender barley were cooled at 2°C·min-1 to-20° C; they were then mainly filled with extracellular ice, and the cells were highly collapsed as in the rye. In rye leaves frozen to-3.6° C before excision, ice crystals occurred in peri-vascular, sub-epidermal and intervening mesophyll spaces. In rye leaf pieces frozen to-3.3° C after excision or to-3.6° C before excision, mesophyll cells were partly collapsed even when not covered by ice, indicating that collapse of the cell wall, as well as the enclosed protoplast, was driven by dehydration. No gas or ice-filled spaces were found between wall and the enclosed protoplast. It is suggested that this can be explained without invoking chemical bonding between cell wall and plasma membrane: when the wall pores are filled by water, the pore size would reduce vapour pressure so making penetration of the wall by ice or gas less likely.Abbreviations SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary In this report we review the history of growth theories. We show how classical growth models may be derived as special cases of a generic growth rate equation. We show how growth models may be modified to represent survival data. We use linear combinations of growth and survival models to represent complex growth/survival curves and give practical examples utilizing nonlinear regression analysis. We show that traditional methods of estimating D values are inappropriate for complex, multiphasic growth/survival data. We show how such data may be modeled mathematically and illustrate methods for estimating true D values from such data.  相似文献   

Fricke W 《Planta》2004,219(3):515-525
The aim of the present study was to test whether rapid accumulation of solutes in response to salinity in leaf tissues of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) contributes to recovery and maintenance of residual elongation growth. Addition of 100 mM NaCl to the root medium caused an immediate reduction close to zero in elongation velocity of the growing leaf 3. After 20–30 min, elongation velocity recovered suddenly, to 40–50% of the pre-stress level. Bulk osmolality increased first, after 60 min, significantly in the proximal half of the elongation zone. Over the following 3 days, osmolality increases became significant in the distal half of the elongation zone, the adjacent, enclosed non-elongation zone and finally in the emerged portion of the blade. The developmental gradient and time course in osmolality increase along the growing leaf was reflected in the pattern of solute (Cl, Na and K) accumulation in bulk tissue and epidermal cells. The partitioning of newly accumulated solutes between epidermis and bulk tissue changed with time. Even though solute accumulation does not contribute to the sudden and partial growth recovery 20–30 min after exposure to salt, it does facilitate residual growth from 1 h onwards. This is due to a high sink strength for solutes of the proximal part of the growth zone and its ability to accumulate solutes rapidly and at high rates.Abbreviations EDX analysis Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis - LEV Leaf elongation velocity - LVDT Linear variable differential transformer - REGR Relative elemental growth rate  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫下棉花体内 Na~+ 、K~+分布与耐盐性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用盐化土壤方法 ,选择苗期耐盐性较强的陆地棉品种枝棉 3号和中棉所 1 9及耐盐性较弱的品种泗棉 2号和苏棉 1 2号 ,研究了盐胁迫下棉苗体内 Na+、K+的运输和分配与耐盐性的关系。结果表明 ,耐盐品种根系具有一定的截留 Na+作用。棉花地上部盐分器官水平上的区域化分布特征明显 :2 0 0 mmol/L Na Cl胁迫下 ,枝棉 3号叶片中的 Na+含量显著低于泗棉 2号 ,茎及叶柄中的 Na+含量显著高于泗棉 2号 ;棉株地上部茎、叶柄、叶片中的 Na+含量分别由下而上逐渐减小 ,相同节位的茎、叶柄中的 Na+含量大于叶片 ,枝棉 3号更显著。1 0 0 mmol/L和 1 50 mmol/L Na Cl胁迫下 ,枝棉 3号和中棉所 1 9K+/Na+显著高于泗棉 2号和苏棉 1 2号。Na+在茎和叶柄中滞留和积累 ,根中的 K+向地上部选择性运输 ,以维持叶片中较高的 K+/Na+,是棉花耐盐性的一个重要特点  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of different pH regimes on root colonization with four vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) isolates, and VAM effects on host plant growth and nutrient uptake. Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] was grown at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 (±0.1) in hydroponic sand culture with the VAM isolates Glomus etunicatum UT316 (isolate E), G. intraradices UT143 (isolate I), G. intraradices UT126 (isolate B), and an unknown Glomus isolate with no INVAM number (isolate A). Colonization of roots with the different VAM isolates varied differentially with pH. As pH increased, root colonization increased with isolates B and E, remained unchanged with isolate I, and was low at pH 4.0 and high at pH 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0 with isolate A. Isolates E and I were more effective than isolates A and B in promoting plant growth irrespective of pH. Root colonization with VAM appeared to be independent of dry matter yields or dry matter yield responsiveness (dry matter produced by VAM compared to nonmycorrhizal plants). Dry matter yield responsiveness values were higher in plants whose roots were colonized with isolates E and I than with isolates A and B. Shoot P concentrations were lower in plants colonized with isolates E and I than with isolates A and B or nonmycorrhizal plants. This was probably due to the dilution effect of the higher dry matter yields. Neither the VAM isolate nor pH had an effect on shoot Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, and Mn concentrations, while the VAM isolate affected not only P but also S, K, and Fe concentrations. The pH x VAM interaction was significant for shoot K, Mg, and Cu concentrations.  相似文献   

The rate of cell enlargement depends on cell-wall extensibility (m) and on the amount of turgor pressure (P) which exceeds the wall yield threshold (Y). The difference (P-Y) is the growth-effective turgor (P e). Values of P, Y and P ehave been measured in growing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves with an isopiestic psychrometer, using the stress-relaxation method to derive Y. When rapid leaf growth is initiated by light, P, Y and P eall decrease. Thereafter, while the growth rate declines in maturing leaves, Y continues to decrease and P eactually increases. These data confirm earlier results indicating that the changes in light-stimulated leaf growth rate are primarily controlled by changes in m, and not by changes in P e. Seedlings incubated at 100% relative humidity have increased P, but this treatment does not increase growth rate. In some cases Y changes in parallel with P, so that P eremains unchanged. These data point out the importance of determining P e, rather than just P, when relating cell turgor to the growth rate.Abbreviations and symbols FC fusicoccin - m wall extensibility - P turgor pressure - P e effective turgor - RH relative humidity - Y yield threshold - w water potential - s osmotic potential  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris (cv. Hawkesbury Wonder) was grown over a range of NaCl concentrations (0–150 mM), and the effects on growth, ion relations and photosynthetic performance were examined. Dry and fresh weight decreased with increasing external NaCl concentration while the root/shoot ratio increased. The Cl- concentration of leaf tissue increased linearly with increasing external NaCl concentration, as did K+ concentration, although to a lesser degree. Increases in leaf Na+ concentration occurred only at the higher external NaCl concentrations (100 mM). Increases in leaf Cl- were primarily balanced by increases in K+ and Na+. X-ray microanalysis of leaf cells from salinized plants showed that Cl- concentration was high in both the cell vacuole and chloroplast-cytoplasm (250–300 mM in both compartments for the most stressed plants), indicating a lack of effective intracellular ion compartmentation in this species. Salinity had little effect on the total nitrogen and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase (EC content per unit leaf area. Chlorophyll per unit leaf area was reduced considerably by salt stress, however. Stomatal conductance declined substantially with salt stress such that the intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) was reduced by up to 30%. Salinization of plants was found to alter the 13C value of leaves of Phaseolus by up to 5 and this change agreed quantitatively with that predicted by the theory relating carbon-isotope fractionation to the corresponding measured intercellular CO2 concentration. Salt stress also brought about a reduction in photosynthetic CO2 fixation independent of altered diffusional limitations. The initial slope of the photosynthesis versus C i response declined with salinity stress, indicating that the apparent in-vivo activity of RuBP carboxylase was decreased by up to 40% at high leaf Cl- concentrations. The quantum yield for net CO2 uptake was also reduced by salt stress.Abbreviations and symbols A net CO2 assimilation rate - C a ambient CO2 concentration - C i intercellular CO2 concentration - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - 13C ratio of 13C to 12C relative to standard limestone  相似文献   

Cell enlargement in primary leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) can be induced, free of cell divisions, by exposure of 10-d-old, red-light-grown seedlings to white light. The absolute rate of leaf expansion increases until day 12, then decreases until the leaves reached mature size on day 18. The cause of the reduction in growth rate following day 12 has been investigated. Turgor calculated from measurements of leaf water and osmotic potential fell from 6.5 to 3.5 bar before day 12, but remained constant thereafter. The decline of growth after day 12 is not caused by a decrease in turgor. On the other hand, Instron-measured cell-wall extensibility decreased in parallel with growth rate after day 12. Two parameters influencing extensibility were examined. Light-induced acidification of cell walls, which has been shown to initiate wall extension, remained constant over the growth period (days 10–18). Furthermore, cells of any age could be stimulated to excrete H+ by fusicoccin. However, older tissue was not able to grow in response to fusicoccin or light. Measurements of acid-induced extension on preparations of isolated cell walls showed that as cells matured, the cell walls became less able to extend when acidified. These data indicate that it is a decline in the capacity for acid-induced wall loosening that reduces wall extensibility and thus cell enlargement in maturing leaves.Abbreviations and symbols FC fusicoccin - P turgor pressure - RL red light - WEx wall extensibility - WL white light - Pw leaf water potential - Ps osmotic potential  相似文献   

M. Höpfner  G. Ochs  A. Wild 《Planta》1990,181(2):155-161
Studies on the glutamine synthetases (GS, EC of green (GS2) and etiolated leaves (GSet) ofSinapis alba L. (cv. Steinacher) revealed striking similarities between the respective enzyme proteins. The enzymes showed corresponding chromatographic properties, both on dimethylaminoethyl-Sephacel and on hydroxylapatite columns. The purified GS proteins were also identical with regard to the molecular weight of their subunits. Isoelectrofocusing of pure GSet yielded two distinct polypeptide bands in the pH 5.6 region of the gels. This pattern corresponded to the two strong bands of GS2. Two charge variants of GS polypeptides could be detected by Western-blot analysis of the soluble protein of green leaves using antibodies against mustard GS2. In immunoprecipitation experiments, the holoenzymes of GS2 and GSet were recognized with identical affinities by this antiserum. We conclude that strong similarities exist between the proteins of the GS enzymes in green and etiolated leaves of mustard. Most probably only one GS form, namely the plastidic enzyme, can be found in the epigeal organs ofSinapis. The polypeptides of the GS2 subunits showed no differences in the hydrophobicity of the polypeptide chains. Neither glucosyl nor mannosyl residues could be detected. Dedicated to Professor Dr. H. Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the relative effectiveness of light quality and quantity and gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment on the elongation growth of the coleoptile and the first foliage leaf in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf. cvs. Cappelli and Creso). The cultivar Creso is a shortstrawed variety carrying the Gai 1 gene on chromosome 4A, which influences both plant height and insensitivity to applied gibberellins. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) coleoptile elongation growth appears to be modulated via the fluencerate-dependent action of a blue-light receptor and via a low energy response of phytochrome; 2) the inhibition of first-foliage-leaf growth depends on the operation of a single blue-light-responsive photoreceptor; 3) high energy blue light produces the same inhibitory effect on the two wheat cultivars, whereas at relatively low fluences of white and blue light, the cultivar Creso is more sensitive; 4) the insensitivity to applied GA3 exerted by the gene Gai 1 in Creso is independent of light; 5) in Cappelli, the action of light on coleoptiles appears to be independent of the applied GA3, whereas the hormone is able to change the pattern of growth inhibition of the first-foliage-leaf.Abbreviations BL blue light - FR far-red light - GA gibberellin - GA3 gibberellic acid - R red light - WL white light  相似文献   

R. S. Pearce  A. Beckett 《Planta》1985,166(3):335-340
Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy was used to examine fracture faces in leaf blades taken from well-watered or drought-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Mazurka) seedlings. The leaf blades were freeze-fixed while hydrated and were examined with or without gold-coating. There were droplets (with a smooth surface at the resolution achieved) on the surface of cell walls in leaf blades (0.91 g-1 water content) from well-watered seedlings grown in an environment of 67% relative humidity. These were mainly on the vascular bundle sheath, the guard and subsidiary cells, and on some mesophyll cells around the substomatal cavity and between the stoma and vascular bundle. The droplets occurred, more abundantly, in the same places in seedlings from 100% relative humidity. They occurred on a few guard cells from wilting leaf blades (0.81 g·g-1 water content) and were absent from severely drought-stressed leaf blades (0.15 g·g-1 water content). The droplets sublimed at the same moment as both water which was in leaf cells and water which was allowed to condense (after freeze-fixation) on the wall surface. It is suggested that the droplets are aqueous. Their possible origin and importance is discussed.  相似文献   

Karahara I  Ikeda A  Kondo T  Uetake Y 《Planta》2004,219(1):41-47
The Casparian strip in the endodermis of vascular plant roots appears to play an important role in preventing the influx of salts into the stele through the apoplast under salt stress. The effects of salinity on the development and morphology of the Casparian strip in primary roots of maize (Zea mays L.) were studied. Compared to the controls, the strip matured closer to the root tip with increase in the ambient concentration of NaCl. During growth in 200 mM NaCl, the number and the length of the endodermal cells in the region between the root tip and the lowest position of the endodermal strip decreased, as did the apparent rate of production of cells in single files of endodermal cells (the rate of cell formation being equal to the rate at which cells are lost from the meristem). The estimated time required for an individual cell to complete the formation of the strip after generation of the cell in the presence of 200 mM NaCl was not very different from that required in controls. Thus, salinity did not substantially affect the actual process of formation of the strip in individual cells. The radial width of the Casparian strip, a morphological parameter that should be related to the effectiveness of the strip as a barrier, increased in the presence of 200 mM NaCl. The mean width of the lignified region was 0.92 m in distilled water and 1.33 m in 200 mM NaCl at the lowest position of the strip. The mean width of the strip relative to that of the radial wall at this position was significantly greater after growth in the presence of 200 mM NaCl than in the controls, namely, 20.5% in distilled water and 33.9% in 200 mM NaCl. These observations suggest that the function of the strip is enhanced under salt stress.  相似文献   

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