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Selective pressure arising from sperm competition has been predicted to influence evolutionary and behavioural adjustment of ejaculate investment, but also may influence developmental adjustment of ejaculate investment. Immature males able to target resources strategically based on the competitive environment they will experience when they become sexually mature should be at a selective advantage. In our study we investigated how the presence of potential competitors or mates affects ejaculate and testes investment during development in the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea, a species where males control female remating via their ejaculate size (large spermatophores prevent females from remating and therefore function to avoid sperm competition for males) and females store sperm. Our aim was to determine whether the social environment influences developmental adjustment of ejaculate investment and the relative importance of ejaculate components with different functions; avoidance of or engagement in sperm competition. We conclude that the social environment can influence developmental and behavioural flexibility in specific ejaculate components that may function to avoid or engage in sperm competition.  相似文献   

Sperm competition was identified in 1970 as a pervasive selective force in post‐copulatory sexual selection that occurs when the ejaculates of different males compete to fertilise a given set of ova. Since then, sperm competition has been much studied both empirically and theoretically. Because sperm competition often favours large ejaculates, an important challenge has been to understand the evolution of strategies through which males invest in sperm production and economise sperm allocation to maximise reproductive success under competitive conditions. Sperm competition mechanisms vary greatly, depending on many factors including the level of sperm competition, space constraints in the sperm competition arena, male mating roles, and female influences on sperm utilisation. Consequently, theoretical models of ejaculate economics are complex and varied, often with apparently conflicting predictions. The goal of this review is to synthesise the theoretical basis of ejaculate economics under sperm competition, aiming to provide empiricists with categorised model assumptions and predictions. We show that apparent contradictions between older and newer models can often be reconciled and there is considerable consensus in the predictions generated by different models. We also discuss qualitative empirical support for some of these predictions, and detail quantitative matches between predictions and observations that exist in the yellow dung fly. We argue that ejaculate economic theory represents a powerful heuristic to explain the diversity in ejaculate traits at multiple levels: across species, across males and within individual males. Future progress requires greater understanding of sperm competition mechanisms, quantification of trade‐offs between ejaculate allocation and numbers of matings gained, further knowledge of mechanisms of female sperm selection and their associated costs, further investigation of non‐sperm ejaculate effects, and theoretical integration of pre‐ and post‐copulatory episodes of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and sexual conflict are considered important drivers of speciation, based on both theoretical models and empirical correlations between sexually selected traits and diversification. However, whether reproductive isolation between species evolves directly as a consequence of intrapopulation sexual dynamics remains empirically unresolved, in part because knowledge of the genetic mechanisms (if any) connecting these processes is limited. Here, we provide evidence of a direct mechanistic link between intraspecies sexual selection and reproductive isolation. We examined genes with known roles in intraspecific sperm competition (ISC) in D. melanogaster and assayed their impact on conspecific sperm precedence (CSP). We found that two such genes (Acp36DE and CG9997) contribute to both offensive sperm competition and CSP; null/knockdown lines both had lower competitive ability against D. melanogaster conspecifics and were no longer able to displace heterospecific D. simulans sperm in competitive matings. In comparison, Sex Peptide (Acp70A)—another locus essential for ISC—does not contribute to CSP. These data indicate that two loci important for sperm competitive interactions have an additional role in similar interactions that enforce post-mating reproductive isolation between species, and show that sexual selection and sexual isolation can act on the same molecular targets in a gene-specific manner.  相似文献   

Testes size, ejaculate quality and sperm competition in birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The relationship between testes size, ejaculate quality (volume, sperm concentration, number of sperm per ejaculate) and sperm competition in birds was analysed using data collected in artificial insemination studies. I hypothesized that ejaculate quality, because of natural selection, should be superior in species with intense sperm competition compared with other species. In regression analyses, testes weight increased with body weight, with an exponent less than one, and ejaculate volume increased with testes weight with an exponent not significantly different from one, whereas sperm number per ejaculate increased with testes weight with an exponent larger than one. Species with relatively large testes also produced ejaculates with a high sperm concentration. Monogamous species with a relatively low intensity of sperm competition copulate rarely, but deliver ejaculates with a relatively large number of sperm. Monogamous species with a high intensity of sperm competition copulate frequently, but produce ejaculates with a relatively small number of sperm. Males of polygynous species, which also experience intense sperm competition, copulate rarely with specific females, but produce many ejaculates per male each with a relatively small number of sperm.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is an important component of post‐copulatory sexual selection that has shaped the evolution of sperm morphology. Previous studies have reported that sperm competition has a concurrently directional and stabilizing effect on sperm size. For example, bird species that show higher levels of extrapair paternity and larger testes (proxies for the intensity of sperm competition) have longer sperm and lower coefficients of variation in sperm length, both within and between males. For this reason, these sperm traits have been proposed as indexes to estimate the level of sperm competition in species for which other measures are not available. The relationship between sperm competition and sperm morphology has been explored mostly for bird species that breed in temperate zones, with the main focus on passerine birds. We measured sperm morphology in 62 parrot species that breed mainly in the tropics and related variation in sperm length to life‐history traits potentially indicative of the level of sperm competition. We showed that sperm length negatively correlated with the within‐male coefficient of variation in sperm length and positively with testes mass. We also showed that sperm is longer in sexually dichromatic and in gregarious species. Our results support the general validity of the hypothesis that sperm competition drives variation in sperm morphology. Our analyses suggest that post‐copulatory sexual selection is also important in tropical species, with more intense sperm competition among sexually dichromatic species and among species that breed at higher densities.  相似文献   

The modern theories of sexual selection predict that male sexual ornaments may have evolved as reliable signals of male fertilization efficiency. However, among the studies of fishes with external fertilization, the results have yielded ambiguous evidence. In the present study, we present data on the phenotypic relationships between red spawning coloration and ejaculate quality (spermatocrit, sperm motility) from Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus. We studied two generations (F1 and F2) of males from a large lake population, reared in a standardized hatchery environment, to determine whether differential hatchery history, or duration of hatchery selection, affected the variation in ejaculate characteristics or abdominal coloration. After controlling for body length, there was no difference between the hatchery generations in these traits. However, the degree of redness increased with fish size. We found a positive correlation between sperm velocity and sperm longevity, indicating a functional integration between these sperm features across generations. Sperm velocity was also positively correlated with male redness. Therefore, the finding obtained in the present study suggests that the carotenoid‐based ornamentation in Arctic charr may provide information about differences between males in their fertilization potential. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 794–802.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are among the most diversified cells in the animal kingdom, but the underlying evolutionary forces affecting intraspecific variation in sperm morphology are poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that sperm competition is a potent selection pressure on sperm variation within species. Here, we examine intraspecific variation in total sperm length of 22 wild passerine bird species (21 genera, 11 families) in relation to the risk of sperm competition, as expressed by the frequency of extrapair paternity and relative testis size. We demonstrate, by using phylogenetic comparative methods, that between-male variation in sperm length within species is closely and negatively linked to the risk of sperm competition. This relationship was even stronger when only considering species in which data on sperm length and extrapair paternity originated from the same populations. Intramale variation in sperm length within species was also negatively, although nonsignificantly, related to sperm competition risk. Our findings suggest that postcopulatory sexual selection is a powerful evolutionary force reducing the intraspecific phenotypic variation in sperm-size traits, potentially driving the diversification of sperm morphology across populations and species.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a powerful and widespread evolutionary force that drives the divergence of behavioural, physiological and morphological traits. Elucidating the mechanisms governing differential fertilization success is a fundamental question of sperm competition. Both sperm and nonsperm ejaculate components can influence sperm competition outcomes. Here, we investigate the role of a nonsemen copulatory fluid in sperm competition. Male Japanese quail possess a gland that makes meringue‐like foam. Males produce and store foam independent of sperm and seminal fluid, yet transfer foam to females during copulation. We tested whether foam influenced the outcome of sperm competition by varying foam state and mating order in competitive matings. We found that the presence of foam from one male decreased the relative fertilization success of a rival, and that foam from a given male increased the probability he obtained any fertilizations. Mating order also affected competitive success. Males mated first fertilized proportionally more eggs in a clutch and had more matings with any fertilizations than subsequent males. We conclude that the function of foam in sperm competition is mediated through the positive interaction of foam with a male's sperm, and we speculate whether the benefit is achieved through improving sperm storage, fertilizing efficiency or retention. Our results suggest males can evolve complex strategies to gain fertilizations at the expense of rivals as foam, a copulatory fluid not required for fertilization, nevertheless, has important effects on reproductive performance under competition.  相似文献   

In the frog Crinia georgiana, reproductive behavior comprisesa "guarding tactic," in which males defend spawn sites and attractfemales by calling, and a "sneak tactic," in which males joinspawning pairs. The aims of the present study were to (1) relateejaculate expenditure by "guarding" and "sneak" males to theirprobability of mating with other males present (sperm-competitionrisk), and (2) determine if males adjust their ejaculate expenditureaccording to the number of males involved in a spawning (sperm-competitionintensity). Theory predicts that because sneak males alwaysmate with other males present, they will experience a highersperm-competition risk and should release larger ejaculatesrelative to that of guarding males. However, as the proportionof sneaks in a population increases so does the risk of spermcompetition to guarders, so expenditure by each tactic shouldmove toward equality. Given that the incidence of sneak behavioris high in C. georgiana, guarders and sneaks were expected toexperience similar risks of sperm competition and show similarinvestment in spermatogenesis. Comparison of testes size andejaculate size showed no difference between tactics. Modelsof sperm-competition intensity predict that males should increasetheir ejaculate size when spawning in the presence of one othermale but decrease their ejaculate size when spawning in thepresence of multiple males. Here, males maintained a constantsperm number irrespective of whether a mating involved one,two, or three males. This result suggests that male C. georgianado not facultatively adjust ejaculate investment in responseto fluctuating intensities of sperm competition.  相似文献   

While early models of ejaculate allocation predicted that both relative testes and ejaculate size should increase with sperm competition intensity across species, recent models predict that ejaculate size may actually decrease as testes size and sperm competition intensity increase, owing to the confounding effect of potential male mating rate. A recent study demonstrated that ejaculate volume decreased in relation to increased polyandry across bushcricket species, but testes mass was not measured. Here, we recorded testis mass for 21 bushcricket species, while ejaculate (ampulla) mass, nuptial gift mass, sperm number and polyandry data were largely obtained from the literature. Using phylogenetic-comparative analyses, we found that testis mass increased with the degree of polyandry, but decreased with increasing ejaculate mass. We found no significant relationship between testis mass and either sperm number or nuptial gift mass. While these results are consistent with recent models of ejaculate allocation, they could alternatively be driven by substances in the ejaculate that affect the degree of polyandry and/or by a trade-off between resources spent on testes mass versus non-sperm components of the ejaculate.  相似文献   

Sperm production is a key male reproductive trait and an important parameter in sperm competition theory. Under sperm competition, paternity success is predicted to depend strongly on male allocation to sperm production. Furthermore, because sperm production is inherently costly, individuals should economize in sperm expenditure, and conditional adjustment of the copulation frequency according to their sperm availability may be expected. However, experimental studies showing effects of sperm production on mating behaviour and paternity success have so far been scarce, mainly because sperm production is difficult to manipulate directly in animals. Here, we used phenotypic engineering to manipulate sperm-production rate, by employing dose-dependent RNA interference (RNAi) of a spermatogenesis-specific gene, macbol1, in the free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano. We demonstrate (i) that our novel dose-dependent RNAi approach allows us to induce high variability in sperm-production rate; (ii) that a reduced sperm-production rate is associated with a decreased copulation frequency, suggesting conditional adjustment of mating behaviour; and (iii) that both sperm production and copulation frequency are important determinants of paternity success in a competitive situation, as predicted by sperm competition theory. Our study clearly documents the potential of phenotypic engineering via dose-dependent RNAi to test quantitative predictions of evolutionary theory.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females has been proposed to function as a form of mate-choice, which implies that males should show heritable variation in sperm-competitive abilities. In this study, repeatability and heritability of sperm competition success was estimated in the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini. Fertilization success of males was estimated in competition with sperm of two other males. Males differed consistently in their sperm competition success, with repeatability estimated at 0.22. The heritability of sperm competition success was estimated using parent-offspring regression, with the mean fertilization success from two matings used as a measure of each male's competitive ability. There was a significant association between the sperm competition success of fathers and sons. Narrow sense heritability (h2) was 0.284. This result supports the hypotheses proposing the multiple mating is selectively maintained in females by enhancing the reproductive success of their progeny.  相似文献   

Sperm cells provide essential, if usually diminutive, ingredients to successful sexual reproduction. Despite this conserved function, sperm competition and coevolution with female traits can drive spectacular morphological change in these cells. Here, we characterize four repeated instances of convergent evolution of sperm gigantism in Caenorhabditis nematodes using phylogenetic comparative methods on 26 species. Species at the extreme end of the 50‐fold range of sperm‐cell volumes across the genus have sperm capable of comprising up to 5% of egg‐cell volume, representing severe attenuation of the magnitude of anisogamy. Furthermore, we uncover significant differences in mean and variance of sperm size among genotypes, between sexes, and within and between individuals of identical genotypes. We demonstrate that the developmental basis of sperm size variation, both within and between species, becomes established during an early stage of sperm development at the formation of primary spermatocytes, while subsequent meiotic divisions contribute little further sperm size variability. These findings provide first insights into the developmental determinants of inter‐ and intraspecific sperm size differences in Caenorhabditis. We hypothesize that life history and ecological differences among species favored the evolution of alternative sperm competition strategies toward either many smaller sperm or fewer larger sperm.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species, male reproductive success will at least partly be determined by males' success in sperm competition. To understand the potential for post‐mating sexual selection, it is therefore important to assess the extent of female remating. In the lekking moth Achroia grisella, male mating success is strongly determined by female choice based on the attractiveness of male ultrasonic songs. Although observations have indicated that some females will remate, only little is known about the level of sperm competition. In many species, females are more likely to remate if their first mating involved an already mated male than if the first male was virgin. Potentially, this is because mated males are less well able to provide an adequate sperm supply, nutrients, or substances inhibiting female remating. This phenomenon will effectively reduce the strength of pre‐copulatory sexual selection because attractive males with high mating success will be more susceptible to sperm competition. We therefore performed an experiment designed both to provide a more precise estimate of female remating probability and simultaneously to test the hypothesis that female remating is influenced by male mating history. Overall, approximately one of five females remated with a second male. Yet, although females mated to non‐virgin males were somewhat more prone to remate, the effect of male mating history was not significant. The results revealed, however, that heavier females were more likely to remate. Furthermore, we found that females' second copulations were longer, suggesting that, in accordance with theory, males may invest more sperm in situations with an elevated risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is widely recognized as a potent force in evolution, influencing male behavior, morphology, and physiology. Recent game theory analyses have examined how sperm competition can influence the evolution of ejaculate expenditure by males and the morphology of sperm contained within ejaculates. Theoretical analyses rest on the assumption that there is sufficient genetic variance in traits important in sperm competition to allow evolving populations to move to the evolutionarily stable equilibrium. Moreover, patterns of genotypic variation can provide valuable insight into the nature of selection currently acting on traits. However, our knowledge of genetic variance underlying traits important in sperm competition is limited. Here we examine patterns of phenotypic and genotypic variation in four sperm competition traits in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus. Testis weight, ejaculate volume, and copula duration were found to have high coefficients of additive genetic variation (CV(A)S), which is characteristic of fitness traits and traits subject to sexual selection. Heritabilities were high, and there was some evidence for Y-linked inheritance in testis weight. In contrast, sperm length had a low CV(A), which is characteristic of traits subject to stabilizing selection. Nevertheless, there was little residual variance so that the heritability of sperm length exceeded 1.0. Such a pattern is consistent with Y-linked inheritance in sperm length. Interestingly, we found that testis weight and sperm length were genetically correlated with heritable male condition. This finding holds important implications for potential indirect benefits associated with the evolution of polyandry.  相似文献   

Multiple mating or group spawning leads to post‐copulatory sexual selection, which generally favours ejaculates that are more competitive under sperm competition. In four meta‐analyses we quantify the evidence that sperm competition (SC) favours greater sperm number using data from studies of strategic ejaculation. Differential investment into each ejaculate emerges at the individual level if males exhibit phenotypic plasticity in ejaculate properties in response to the likely risk and/or intensity of sperm competition after a given mating. Over the last twenty years, a series of theoretical models have been developed that predict how ejaculate size will be strategically adjusted in relation to: (a) the number of immediate rival males, with a distinction made between 0 versus 1 rival (‘risk’ of SC) and 1 versus several rivals (‘intensity’ of SC); (b) female mating status (virgin or previously mated); and (c) female phenotypic quality (e.g. female size or condition). Some well‐known studies have reported large adjustments in ejaculate size depending on the relevant social context and this has led to widespread acceptance of the claim that strategic sperm allocation occurs in response to each of these factors. It is necessary, however, to test each claim separately because it is easy to overlook studies with weak or negative findings. Compiling information on the variation in outcomes among species is potentially informative about the relevance of these assumptions in different taxa or mating systems. We found strong evidence that, on average, males transfer larger ejaculates to higher quality females. The effect of female mating status was less straightforward and depended on how ejaculate size was measured (i.e. use of proxy or direct measure). There is strong evidence that ejaculate size increased when males were exposed to a single rival, which is often described as a response to the risk of SC. There is, however, no evidence for the general prediction that ejaculate size decreases as the number of rivals increases from one to several males (i.e. in response to a higher intensity of SC which lowers the rate of return per sperm released). Our results highlight how meta‐analysis can reveal unintentional biases in narrative literature reviews. We note that several assumptions of theoretical models can alter an outcome's predicted direction in a given species (e.g. the effect of female mating status depends on whether there is first‐ or last‐male sperm priority). Many studies do not provide this background information and fail to make strong a priori predictions about the expected response of ejaculate size to manipulation of the mating context. Researchers should be explicit about which model they are testing to ensure that future meta‐analyses can better partition studies into different categories, or control for continuous moderator variables.  相似文献   

Ejaculate size varies with socio-sexual situation in an insect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 Males operate within a finite energy budget and cannot produce limitless supplies of sperm. On the other hand, when a female mates with a second male while still containing fertile sperm from a rival male, selection should favour the male that inseminates more sperm. Optimal strategy should thus be for males to exercise discretion in the allocation of sperm to individual females. Assuming the outcome of sperm competition to be based on either the raffle or kamikaze principles, the sperm competition hypothesis predicts a positive association between the probability that the sperm will find themselves in competition with sperm from rival males and the number of sperm inseminated.
  • 2 The beetle, Tenebrio molitor L., behaves in accordance with this hypothesis. Males accompanied by a rival male before and during mating inseminate more sperm per ejaculate than unaccompanied males. Accompanied males are also faster to initiate mating and more likely to show post-copulatory guarding. Adjustment of number of sperm inseminated was shown by males subjected to both long-term (5 days) and short-term (5 min) exposure to potential intrasexual competitors. Individual males exposed to both levels also demonstrated the ability to adjust their ejaculate according to socio-sexual situation.
  • 3 We conclude that male T.molitor adjust the number of sperm they inseminate according to some perception of the risk of sperm competition.

Correlations between male body size and phenotypes impacting post-copulatory sexual selection are commonly observed during the manipulation of male body size by environmental rearing conditions. Here, we control for environmental influences and test for genetic correlations between natural variation in male body size and phenotypes affecting post-copulatory sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Dry weights of virgin males from 90 second-chromosome and 88 third-chromosome substitution lines were measured. Highly significant line effects (p<0.001) documented a genetic basis to variation in male body size. No significant correlations were identified between male body size and the components of sperm competitive ability. These results suggest that natural autosomal variation for male body size has little impact on post-copulatory sexual selection. If genetic correlations exist between male body size and post-copulatory sexual selection then variation in the sex chromosomes are likely candidates, as might be expected if sexually antagonistic coevolution was responsible.  相似文献   

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