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Site-directed mutagenesis is a powerful tool for altering the structure and function of proteins in a focused manner. Here, we examined how a model β-sheet protein could be tuned by mutation of numerous surface-exposed residues to aromatic amino acids. We designed these aromatic side chain “clusters” at highly solvent-exposed positions in the flat, single-layer β-sheet of Borrelia outer surface protein A (OspA). This unusual β-sheet scaffold allows us to interrogate the effects of these mutations in the context of well-defined structure but in the absence of the strong scaffolding effects of globular protein architecture. We anticipated that the introduction of a cluster of aromatic amino acid residues on the β-sheet surface would result in large conformational changes and/or stabilization and thereby provide new means of controlling the properties of β-sheets. Surprisingly, X-ray crystal structures revealed that the introduction of aromatic clusters produced only subtle conformational changes in the OspA β-sheet. Additionally, despite burying a large degree of hydrophobic surface area, the aromatic cluster mutants were slightly less stable than the wild-type scaffold. These results thereby demonstrate that the introduction of aromatic cluster mutations can serve as a means for subtly modulating β-sheet conformation in protein design.  相似文献   

To further disclose the underlying mechanisms of protein β-sheet formation, studies were made on the rules of β-strands alignment forming β-sheet structure using statistical and machine learning approaches. Firstly, statistical analysis was performed on the sum of β-strands between each β-strand pairs in protein sequences. The results showed a propensity of near-neighbor pairing (or called “first come first pair”) in the β-strand pairs. Secondly, based on the same dataset, the pairwise cross-combinations of real β-strand pairs and four pseudo-β-strand contained pairs were classified by support vector machine (SVM). A novel feature extracting approach was designed for classification using the average amino acid pairing encoding matrix (APEM). Analytical results of the classification indicated that a segment of β-strand had the ability to distinguish β-strands from segments of α-helix and coil. However, the result also showed that a β-strand was not strongly conserved to choose its real partner from all the alternative β-strand partners, which was corresponding with the ordination results of the statistical analysis each other. Thus, the rules of “first come first pair” propensity and the non-conservative ability to choose real partner, were possible important factors affecting the β-strands alignment forming β-sheet structures.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of bovine beta-casein was characterized using circular dichroism (CD) and FTIR spectroscopies under physiologically relevant conditions. Analytical ultracentrifugation technique was used to follow the highly temperature, pH and concentration dependent self-association behavior. CD measurements provide convincing evidence for short segments of polyproline II-like structures in beta-casein in addition to a wide range of secondary structure elements, such as 10-20% alpha-helix, approximately 30% turns, 32-35% extended sheet. Results obtained at extreme pH (10.5) revealed structural destabilization in the monomeric form of the protein. At least four distinct structural transitions at 10, 33, 40 and 78 degrees C were observed at pH 6.75 by CD analysis, compared to only two transitions, 26 and 40 degrees C, at pH 10.5. Calculations from analytical ultracentrifugation suggest that the transitions at lower temperature (< or = 30 degrees C) occur primarily in the monomer. It is hypothesized that the transition at 10 degrees C and neutral pH may represent a general conformational change or cold denaturation. Those middle ranged transitions, i.e. 33 and 40 degrees C are more likely the reflection of hydrophobic changes in the core of beta-casein. As beta-casein undergoes self-association and increases in size, the transition at higher temperature (78 degrees C) is perhaps caused by the apparent conformational change within the micelle-like polymers. It has been shown that beta-casein binds the hydrophobic fluorescent probe ANS with high affinity in much similar fashion to molten globular proteins. The effect of urea denaturation on the bound complex effectively supports this observation.  相似文献   

Use of model systems to explore the forces that control β sheet formation was stymied for many years by the perception that small increments of β sheet necessarily aggregate. Recently, however, a number of short peptides (9–16 residues in length) that fold into two-stranded antiparallel β sheets (‘β hairpins’) have been reported; several short peptides (20–24 residues in length) that fold into three-stranded antiparallel β sheets have also been described. These model systems are beginning to provide fundamental insights into the origins of β sheet conformational stability.  相似文献   

Rhodnius prolixus Nitrophorin 4 (abbreviated NP4) is an almost pure β-sheet heme protein. Its dynamics is investigated by X-ray structure determination at eight different temperatures from 122 to 304 K and by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy. A comparison of this β-sheet protein with the pure α-helical protein myoglobin (abbreviated Mbmet) is performed. The mean square displacement derived from the Mössbauer spectra increases linearly with temperature below a characteristic temperature T c. It is about 10 K larger than that of myoglobin. Above T c the mean square displacements increase dramatically. The Mössbauer spectra are analyzed by a two state model. The increased mean square displacements are caused by very slow motions occurring on a time scale faster than 140 ns. With respect to these motions NP4 shows the same protein specific modes as Mbmet. There is, however, a difference in the fast vibration regime. The B values found in the X-ray structures vary linearly over the entire temperature range. The mean square displacements in NP4 increase with slopes which are 60% larger than those observed for Mbmet. This indicates that nitrophorin has a larger structural distribution which makes it more flexible than myoglobin.  相似文献   

Polyglutamine diseases are a class of neurodegenerative diseases associated with the accumulation of aggregated mutant proteins. We previously developed a class of degradation-inducing agents targeting the β-sheet-rich structure typical of such aggregates, and we showed that these agents dose-, time-, and proteasome-dependently decrease the intracellular level of mutant huntingtin with an extended polyglutamine tract, which correlates well with the severity of Huntington’s disease. Here, we demonstrate that the same agents also deplete other polyglutamine disease-related proteins: mutant ataxin-3 and ataxin-7 in cells from spino-cerebellar ataxia patients, and mutant atrophin-1 in cells from dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy patients. Targeting cross-β-sheet structure could be an effective design strategy to develop therapeutic agents for multiple neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecule, CD2, from the immunoglobulin superfamily, is comprised of antibodies and Ig-like domains and plays a fundamental role, not only in the immune system, but also in the interactions between cells, specifically in cell-cell adhesion. This study examines the N-terminal domain 1 of CD2 (CD2-1) at different pHs, and in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), using nears- and far-UV circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance to elucidate factors contributing to the Ig beta-structure. Contrary to the complete unfolding induced by guanidinehydrochloride, CD2-1 retains its native tertiary structure at pHs from 1.0 to 10.0. Like the effects of high temperatures that have previously been observed, TFE reduces the integrity of the tertiary structure, while reorganizing the secondary structure from a native all-beta-sheet to a significantly alpha-helical conformation. The induced helicity of CD2-1 correlates with the helicity inherent in its primary sequence. Our results suggest that electrostatic interactions are less important for the formation of the native secondary and tertiary structure of CD2-1, although they are crucial for CD2's adhesion function. Interference with the protein's hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen-bonding networks, however, causes significant changes in its conformation. Residues of CD2-1, with high conformational flexibility, may contribute for the formation of a metastable dimer by domain-swapping.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of almond β-glucosidase [EC] was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. The shape of the DSC trace was highly dependent on pH; two peaks were observed between pH 6–8, but only one peak between pH 4–5. All of the DSC curves were resolved into three components according to the model of independent two-state processes, and the thermodynamic parameters for the denaturation were evaluated. The dependence of the shape of DSC curves was accounted for mainly by the rapid changes of denaturation enthalpy and denaturation temperature of the third component in the acidic pH region.  相似文献   

The adsorption of proteins on inorganic surfaces is of fundamental biological importance. Further, biomedical and nanotechnological applications increasingly use interfaces between inorganic material and polypeptides. Yet, the underlying adsorption mechanism of polypeptides on surfaces is not well understood and experimentally difficult to analyze. Therefore, we investigate here the interactions of polypeptides with a gold(111) surface using computational molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with a polarizable gold model in explicit water. Our focus in this paper is the investigation of the interaction of polypeptides with β-sheet folds. First, we concentrate on a β-sheet forming model peptide. Second, we investigate the interactions of two domains with high β-sheet content of the biologically important extracellular matrix protein fibronectin (FN). We find that adsorption occurs in a stepwise mechanism both for the model peptide and the protein. The positively charged amino acid Arg facilitates the initial contact formation between protein and gold surface. Our results suggest that an effective gold-binding surface patch is overall uncharged, but contains Arg for contact initiation. The polypeptides do not unfold on the gold surface within the simulation time. However, for the two FN domains, the relative domain-domain orientation changes. The observation of a very fast and strong adsorption indicates that in a biological matrix, no bare gold surfaces will be present. Hence, the bioactivity of gold surfaces (like bare gold nanoparticles) will critically depend on the history of particle administration and the proteins present during initial contact between gold and biological material. Further, gold particles may act as seeds for protein aggregation. Structural re-organization and protein aggregation are potentially of immunological importance.  相似文献   

The capacity to form β‐sheet structure and to self‐organize into amyloid aggregates is a property shared by many proteins. Severe neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease are thought to involve the interaction of amyloidogenic protein oligomers with neuronal membranes. To understand the experimentally observed catalysis of amyloid formation by lipid membranes and other water‐hydrophobic interfaces, we examine the physico‐chemical basis of peptide adsorption and aggregation in a model membrane using atomistic molecular simulations. Blocked octapeptides with simple, repetitive sequences, (Gly‐Ala)4, and (Gly‐Val)4, are used as models of β‐sheet‐forming polypeptide chains found in the core of amyloid fibrils. In the presence of an n‐octane phase mimicking the core of lipid membranes, the peptides spontaneously partition at the octane‐water interface. The adsorption of nonpolar sidechains displaces the peptides' conformational equilibrium from a heterogeneous ensemble characterized by a high degree of structural disorder toward a more ordered ensemble favoring β‐hairpins and elongated β‐strands. At the interface, peptides spontaneously aggregate and rapidly evolve β‐sheet structure on a 10 to 100 ns time scale, while aqueous aggregates remain amorphous. Catalysis of β‐sheet formation results from the combination of the hydrophobic effect and of reduced conformational entropy of the polypeptide chain. While the former drives interfacial partition and displaces the conformational equilibrium of monomeric peptides, the planar interface further facilitates β‐sheet organization by increasing peptide concentration and reducing the dimensionality of self‐assembly from three to two. These findings suggest a general mechanism for the formation of β‐sheets on the surface of globular proteins and for amyloid self‐organization at hydrophobic interfaces. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most self-replicating peptide systems are made of α-helix forming sequences. However, it has been postulated that shorter and simpler peptides may also serve as templates for replication when arranged into well-defined structures. We describe here the design and characterization of new peptides that form soluble β-sheet aggregates that serve to significantly accelerate their ligation and self-replication. We then discuss the relevance of these phenomena to early molecular evolution, in light of additional functionality associated with β-sheet assemblies.  相似文献   

The packing of α-helices and β-sheets in six αβ proteins (e.g. flavodoxin) has been analysed. The results provide the basis for a computer algorithm to predict the tertiary structure of an αβ protein from its amino acid sequence and actual assignment of secondary structure.The packing of an individual α-helix against a β-sheet generally involves two adjacent ± 4 rows of non-polar residues on the α-helix at the positions i, i + 4, i + 8, i + 1, i + 5, i + 9. The pattern of interacting β-sheet residues results from the twisted nature of the sheet surface and the attendant rotation of the side-chains. At a more detailed level, four of the α-helical residues (i + 1, i + 4, i + 5 and i + 8) form a diamond that surrounds one particular β-sheet residue, generally isoleucine, leucine or valine. In general, the α-helix sits 10 Å above the sheet and lies parallel to the strand direction.The prediction follows a combinational approach. First, a list of possible β-sheet structures (106 to 1014) is constructed by the generation of all β-sheet topologies and β-strand alignments. This list is reduced by constraints on topology and the location of non-polar residues to mediate the sheet/helix packing, and then rank-ordered on the extent of hydrogen bonding. This algorithm was uniformly applied to 16 αβ domains in 13 proteins. For every structure, one member of the reduced list was close to the crystal structure; the root-mean-square deviation between equivalenced Cα atoms averaged 5.6 Å for 100 residues. For the αβ proteins with pure parallel β-sheets, the total number of structures comparable to or better than the native in terms of hydrogen bonds was between 1 and 148. For proteins with mixed β-sheets, the worst case is glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, where as many as 3800 structures would have to be sampled. The evolutionary significance of these results as well as the potential use of a combinatorial approach to the protein folding problem are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Linear heptapeptide surfactin was prepared by alkaline cleavage of the lactone ring of cyclic surfactin. The structure of linear surfactin was characterised and confirmed by FAB-mass-spectroscopy, FT-IR and HPLC analysis. It was found that linear surfactin easily forms micelles in aqueous solutions by coordinating -sheet formation from -helical monomolecules, and the cmc value found to be 1.28×10–5 M. The CD spectra indicates conformational change of linear surfactin from -helical below cmc to -sheet above cmc.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease is an age-related movement disorder characterized by the presence in the mid-brain of amyloid deposits of the 140-amino-acid protein AS (α-synuclein). AS fibrillation follows a nucleation polymerization pathway involving diverse transient prefibrillar species varying in size and morphology. Similar to other neurodegenerative diseases, cytotoxicity is currently attributed to these prefibrillar species rather than to the insoluble aggregates. Nevertheless, the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for cytotoxicity remain elusive and structural studies may contribute to the understanding of both the amyloid aggregation mechanism and oligomer-induced toxicity. It is already recognized that soluble oligomeric AS species adopt β-sheet structures that differ from those characterizing the fibrillar structure. In the present study we used ATR (attenuated total reflection)-FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectroscopy, a technique especially sensitive to β-sheet structure, to get a deeper insight into the β-sheet organization within oligomers and fibrils. Careful spectral analysis revealed that AS oligomers adopt an antiparallel β-sheet structure, whereas fibrils adopt a parallel arrangement. The results are discussed in terms of regions of the protein involved in the early β-sheet interactions and the implications of such conformational arrangement for the pathogenicity associated with AS oligomers.  相似文献   

Amphipathic peptides composed of alternating polar and nonpolar residues have a strong tendency to self-assemble into one-dimensional, amyloid-like fibril structures. Fibrils derived from peptides of general (XZXZ)(n) sequence in which X is hydrophobic and Z is hydrophilic adopt a putative β-sheet bilayer. The bilayer configuration allows burial of the hydrophobic X side chain groups in the core of the fibril and leaves the polar Z side chains exposed to solvent. This architectural arrangement provides fibrils that maintain high solubility in water and has facilitated the recent exploitation of self-assembled amphipathic peptide fibrils as functional biomaterials. This article is a critical review of the development and application of self-assembling amphipathic peptides with a focus on the fundamental insight these types of peptides provide into peptide self-assembly phenomena.  相似文献   

The sequence LPFFD (iAβ5) prevents amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) fibrillogenesis and neurotoxicity, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as previously demonstrated. In this study iAβ5 was covalently linked to poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and the activity of conjugates was assessed and compared to the activity of the peptide alone by in vitro studies. The conjugates were characterized by MALDI-TOF. Competition binding assays established that conjugates retained the ability to bind Aβ with similar strength as iAβ5. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed that iAβ5 conjugates inhibited amyloid fibril formation, which is in agreement with binding properties observed for the conjugates towards Aβ. The conjugates were also able to prevent amyloid-induced cell death, as evaluated by activation of caspase 3. These results demonstrated that the biological activity of iAβ5 is not affected by the pegylation process.  相似文献   

The Src-like adaptor proteins (SLAP/SLAP2) are key components of Cbl-dependent downregulation of antigen receptor, cytokine receptor, and receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in hematopoietic cells. SLAP and SLAP2 consist of adjacent SH3 and SH2 domains that are most similar in sequence to Src family kinases (SFKs). Notably, the SH3–SH2 connector sequence is significantly shorter in SLAP/SLAP2 than in SFKs. To understand the structural implication of a short SH3–SH2 connector sequence, we solved the crystal structure of a protein encompassing the SH3 domain, SH3–SH2 connector, and SH2 domain of SLAP2 (SLAP2–32). While both domains adopt typical folds, the short SH3–SH2 connector places them in close association. Strand βe of the SH3 domain interacts with strand βA of the SH2 domain, resulting in the formation of a continuous β sheet that spans the length of the protein. Disruption of the SH3/SH2 interface through mutagenesis decreases SLAP-32 stability in vitro, consistent with inter-domain binding being an important component of SLAP2 structure and function. The canonical peptide binding pockets of the SH3 and SH2 domains are fully accessible, in contrast to other protein structures that display direct interaction between SH3 and SH2 domains, in which either peptide binding surface is obstructed by the interaction. Our results reveal potential sites of novel interaction for SH3 and SH2 domains, and illustrate the adaptability of SH2 and SH3 domains in mediating interactions. As well, our results suggest that the SH3 and SH2 domains of SLAP2 function interdependently, with implications on their mode of substrate binding.  相似文献   

Three decades of research, both in vitro and in vivo, have demonstrated the conformational heterogeneity that is displayed by the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Understanding the distinct properties between Aβ conformations and how conformation may impact cellular activity remain open questions, yet still continue to provide new insights into protein misfolding and aggregation. In particular, there is interest in the group of soluble oligomeric prefibrillar Aβ species comprising lower molecular weight oligomers up to larger protofibrils. In the current study, a number of strategies were utilized to separate Aβ protofibrils and oligomers and show that the smaller Aβ oligomers have a much different conformation than Aβ protofibrils. The differences were consistent for both Aβ40 and Aβ42. Protofibrils bound thioflavin T to a greater extent than oligomers, and were highly enriched in β-sheet secondary structure. Aβ oligomers possessed a more open structure with significant solvent exposure of hydrophobic domains as determined by tryptophan fluorescence and bis-ANS binding, respectively. The protofibril-selective antibody AbSL readily discerned conformational differences between protofibrils and oligomers. The more developed structure for Aβ protofibrils ultimately proved critical for provoking the release of tumor necrosis factor α from microglial cells. The findings demonstrated a dependency on β-sheet structure for soluble Aβ aggregates to cause a microglial inflammatory response. The Aβ aggregation process yields many conformationally-varied species with different levels of β-structure and exposed hydrophobicity. The conformation elements likely determine biological activity and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

One of the most important and elusive goals of molecular biology is the formulation of a detailed, atomic-level understanding of the process of protein folding. Fast-folding proteins with low free-energy barriers have proved to be particularly productive objects of investigation in this context, but the design of fast-folding proteins was previously driven largely by experiment. Dramatic advances in the attainable length of molecular dynamics simulations have allowed us to characterize in atomic-level detail the folding mechanism of the fast-folding all-β WW domain FiP35. In the work reported here, we applied the biophysical insights gained from these studies to computationally design an even faster-folding variant of FiP35 containing only naturally occurring amino acids. The increased stability and high folding rate predicted by our simulations were subsequently validated by temperature-jump experiments. The experimentally measured folding time was 4.3 μs at 80 °C—about three times faster than the fastest previously known protein with β-sheet content and in good agreement with our prediction. These results provide a compelling demonstration of the potential utility of very long molecular dynamics simulations in redesigning proteins well beyond their evolved stability and folding speed.  相似文献   

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