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J.C. Shepherd notes that codons of the type RNY (R = purine, N = any nucleotide base, Y = pyrimidine) predominate over RNR in the genes for proteins. He has hypothesized that RNY codons are the relics of “a primitive code” composed of repeating RNY triplets. He found that RNY codons predominated in fourfold RNN codon sets (family boxes). These family boxes code for valine, threonine, alanine, and glycine. We argue that the proposed “comma-less” code composed of RNY never existed, and that, in any case, survival of such a code would have long since been erased by mutations. The excess of RNY codons in family boxes is probably attributable to preference for the corresponding tRNAs.  相似文献   

Herein, we rigorously develop novel 3-dimensional algebraic models called Genetic Hotels of the Standard Genetic Code (SGC). We start by considering the primeval RNA genetic code which consists of the 16 codons of type RNY (purine-any base-pyrimidine). Using simple algebraic operations, we show how the RNA code could have evolved toward the current SGC via two different intermediate evolutionary stages called Extended RNA code type I and II. By rotations or translations of the subset RNY, we arrive at the SGC via the former (type I) or via the latter (type II), respectively. Biologically, the Extended RNA code type I, consists of all codons of the type RNY plus codons obtained by considering the RNA code but in the second (NYR type) and third (YRN type) reading frames. The Extended RNA code type II, comprises all codons of the type RNY plus codons that arise from transversions of the RNA code in the first (YNY type) and third (RNR) nucleotide bases. Since the dimensions of remarkable subsets of the Genetic Hotels are not necessarily integer numbers, we also introduce the concept of algebraic fractal dimension. A general decoding function which maps each codon to its corresponding amino acid or the stop signals is also derived. The Phenotypic Hotel of amino acids is also illustrated. The proposed evolutionary paths are discussed in terms of the existing theories of the evolution of the SGC. The adoption of 3-dimensional models of the Genetic and Phenotypic Hotels will facilitate the understanding of the biological properties of the SGC.  相似文献   

Based on previous considerations published in J. theor. Biol., new analyses of the organization of the genetic system are reported in this paper. We show that theoretical considerations about the order observed in the genetic code table support the idea of a primitive self-aminoacylation process achieved by primordial tRNAs. The physico-chemical constraints connected with this process may explain why a primitive genetic system predominantly uses sequences with the codonic pattern RNN (R=purine; Y=pyrimidine; N=any of the four bases) to polymerize the amino acids into peptides through translation. These considerations lead us to propose the Translation --> Translation/Replication hypothesis, which may explain why only RNA sequences with the pattern RNY, instead of less restrictive RNN, are susceptible to amplification. Using these ideas, supported by properties of symmetry, features of the genetic code may be connected with the replication of specific RNA sequences in the RNA world.  相似文献   

Distances between amino acids were derived from the polar requirement measure of amino acid polarity and Benner and co-workers' (1994) 74-100 PAM matrix. These distances were used to examine the average effects of amino acid substitutions due to single-base errors in the standard genetic code and equally degenerate randomized variants of the standard code. Second-position transitions conserved all distances on average, an order of magnitude more than did second-position transversions. In contrast, first-position transitions and transversions were about equally conservative. In comparison with randomized codes, second-position transitions in the standard code significantly conserved mean square differences in polar requirement and mean Benner matrix-based distances, but mean absolute value differences in polar requirement were not significantly conserved. The discrepancy suggests that these commonly used distance measures may be insufficient for strict hypothesis testing without more information. The translational consequences of single-base errors were then examined in different codon contexts, and similarities between these contexts explored with a hierarchical cluster analysis. In one cluster of codon contexts corresponding to the RNY and GNR codons, second-position transversions between C and G and transitions between C and U were most conservative of both polar requirement and the matrix-based distance. In another cluster of codon contexts, second-position transitions between A and G were most conservative. Despite the claims of previous authors to the contrary, it is shown theoretically that the standard code may have been shaped by position-invariant forces such as mutation and base content. These forces may have left heterogeneous signatures in the code because of differences in translational fidelity by codon position. A scenario for the origin of the code is presented wherein selection for error minimization could have occurred multiple times in disjoint parts of the code through a phyletic process of competition between lineages. This process permits error minimization without the disruption of previously useful messages, and does not predict that the code is optimally error-minimizing with respect to modern error. Instead, the code may be a record of genetic process and patterns of mutation before the radiation of modern organisms and organelles. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

An algebraic and geometrical approach is used to describe the primaeval RNA code and a proposed Extended RNA code. The former consists of all codons of the type RNY, where R means purines, Y pyrimidines, and N any of them. The latter comprises the 16 codons of the type RNY plus codons obtained by considering the RNA code but in the second (NYR type), and the third, (YRN type) reading frames. In each of these reading frames, there are 16 triplets that altogether complete a set of 48 triplets, which specify 17 out of the 20 amino acids, including AUG, the start codon, and the three known stop codons. The other 16 codons, do not pertain to the Extended RNA code and, constitute the union of the triplets YYY and RRR that we define as the RNA-less code. The codons in each of the three subsets of the Extended RNA code are represented by a four-dimensional hypercube and the set of codons of the RNA-less code is portrayed as a four-dimensional hyperprism. Remarkably, the union of these four symmetrical pairwise disjoint sets comprises precisely the already known six-dimensional hypercube of the Standard Genetic Code (SGC) of 64 triplets. These results suggest a plausible evolutionary path from which the primaeval RNA code could have originated the SGC, via the Extended RNA code plus the RNA-less code. We argue that the life forms that probably obeyed the Extended RNA code were intermediate between the ribo-organisms of the RNA World and the last common ancestor (LCA) of the Prokaryotes, Archaea, and Eucarya, that is, the cenancestor. A general encoding function, E, which maps each codon to its corresponding amino acid or the stop signal is also derived. In 45 out of the 64 cases, this function takes the form of a linear transformation F, which projects the whole six-dimensional hypercube onto a four-dimensional hyperface conformed by all triplets that end in cytosine. In the remaining 19 cases the function E adopts the form of an affine transformation, i.e., the composition of F with a particular translation. Graphical representations of the four local encoding functions and E, are illustrated and discussed. For every amino acid and for the stop signal, a single triplet, among those that specify it, is selected as a canonical representative. From this mapping a graphical representation of the 20 amino acids and the stop signal is also derived. We conclude that the general encoding function E represents the SGC itself.  相似文献   

V A Konyshev 《Genetika》1983,19(1):17-25
The correlations between genetic codes of amino acids and pathways of synthesis and catabolism of carbon backbone of amino acids are considered. Codes of amino acids which are synthesized from oxoacids of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and glyoxalic cycle via transamination without any additional chemical reactions, are initiated with guanine (alanine, glutamic and aspartic acids, glycine). Codons of amino acids which are formed on the branches of glycolysis at the level of compounds with three carbon atoms, begin with uracil (phenylalanine, serine, leucine, tyrosine, cysteine, tryptophan). Codes of amino acids formed from aspartate begin with adenine (methionine, isoleucine, threonine, asparagine, lysine, serine), while those of the amino acids formed from the compounds with five carbon atoms (glutamic acid and phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate) begin with cytosine (arginine, proline, glutamine, histidine). The second letter of codons is linked to catabolic pathways of amino acids: most of amino acids entering glycolysis and the Krebs cycle through even-numbered carbon compounds, have adenine and uracil at the second position of codes (A-U type); most of amino acids entering the glycolysis and the Krebs cycle via odd-numbered carbon compounds, have codons with guanine and cytidine at the second position (G-C type). The usage of purine and pyrimidine as the third letter of weak codones in most of amino acids is linked to the enthropy of amino acid formation. A hypothesis claiming that the linear genetic code was assembled from the purine and pyrimidine derivatives which have acted as participants of primitive control of amino acid synthesis and catabolism, is suggested.  相似文献   

A correspondence between open reading frames in sense and antisense strands is expected from the hypothesis that the prototypic triplet code was of general form RNY, where R is a purine base, N is any base, and Y is a pyrimidine. A deficit of stop codons in the antisense strand (and thus long open reading frames) is predicted for organisms with high G + C percentages; however, two bacteria (Azotobacter vinelandii, Rhodobacter capsulatum) have larger average antisense strand open reading frames than predicted from (G + C)%. The similar Codon frequencies found in sense and antisense strands can be attributed to the wide distribution of inverted repeats (stem-loop potential) in natural DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The codon table for the canonical genetic code can be rearranged in such a way that the code is divided into four quarters and two halves according to the variability of their GC and purine contents, respectively. For prokaryotic genomes, when the genomic GC content increases, their amino acid contents tend to be restricted to the GC-rich quarter and the purine-content insensitive half, where all codons are fourfold degenerate and relatively mutation-tolerant. Conversely, when the genomic GC content decreases, most of the codons retract to the AUrich quarter and the purine-content sensitive half; most of the codons not only remain encoding physicochemically diversified amino acids but also vary when transversion (between purine and pyrimidine) happens. Amino acids with sixfolddegenerate codons are distributed into all four quarters and across the two halves; their fourfold-degenerate codons are all partitioned into the purine-insensitive half in favorite of robustness against mutations. The features manifested in the rearranged codon table explain most of the intrinsic relationship between protein coding sequences (the informational content) and amino acid compositions (the functional content). The renovated codon table is useful in predicting abundant amino acids and positioning the amino acids with related or distinct physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

The standard classification scheme of the genetic code is organized for alphabetic ordering of nucleotides. Here we introduce the new, “ideal” classification scheme in compact form, for the first time generated by codon sextets encoding Ser, Arg and Leu amino acids. The new scheme creates the known purine/pyrimidine, codon–anticodon, and amino/keto type symmetries and a novel A + U rich/C + G rich symmetry. This scheme is built from “leading” and “nonleading” groups of 32 codons each. In the ensuing 4 × 16 scheme, based on trinucleotide quadruplets, Ser has a central role as initial generator. Six codons encoding Ser and six encoding Arg extend continuously along a linear array in the “leading” group, and together with four of six Leu codons uniquely define construction of the “leading” group. The remaining two Leu codons enable construction of the “nonleading” group. The “ideal” genetic code suggests the evolution of genetic code with serine as an initiator.  相似文献   

The structure of the genetic code is related to a Gray code, which is a plausible theoretical model for an amino acid code. The proposed model implies that the most important factor in shaping the code was the effects of mistakes in translation, not effects of mutations. Another possible implication is that the preservation of stiffness and flexibility at appropriate places in a protein chain is as important in protein structure as the appropriate placement of hydrophilic (external) and hydrophobic (internal) residues. Other results are a simple conceptualization of the relationships among the 20 amino acids and their relations to their codons. The detailed relationships are summarized in the following ‘similarity alphabet’: ala, thr, gly, pro, ser; asp, asn, glu, gln, lys; his, arg, trp, tyr, phe; leu, met, ile, val, cys; (ATGPS DNEQK HRWYF LMIVC in the one-letter code). This alphabet falls into four groups of amino acids: small, external, large, internal. The approximate relation of the groups to their codons is expressed as: the first base of a codon controls size—a purine means a small amino acid, a pyrimidine means large; the middle base controls cloisterednes—purine means external, pyrimidine means internal. These relationships express the minimum change principle upon which the code appears to be founded.  相似文献   

Effect of structure of the initiator codon on translation in E. coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A set of plasmids carrying different initiator codons--either AUG, or GUG, or UUG, or CUG (as a control) in the hybrid gene lacIZ--was constructed by using synthetic oligonucleotides. GUG and UUG codons were demonstrated to be 2-3 times less effective than AUG in translation initiation. Furthermore, the correlation between the efficiencies of different initiator codons in translation initiation proved to vary, depending on the phase of bacterial growth. The rarely occurring usage in nature of the initiator codons GUG and UUG is supposed to be due to the particular role played by the initiator triplets in regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Two ideas have essentially been used to explain the origin of the genetic code: Crick's frozen accident and Woese's amino acid-codon specific chemical interaction. Whatever the origin and codon-amino acid correlation, it is difficult to imagine the sudden appearance of the genetic code in its present form of 64 codons coding for 20 amino acids without appealing to some evolutionary process. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to assume that it evolved from a much simpler initial state in which a few triplets were coding for each of a small number of amino acids. Analysis of genetic code through information theory and the metabolism of pyrimidine biosynthesis provide evidence that suggests that the genetic code could have begun in an RNA world with the two letters A and U grouped in eight triplets coding for seven amino acids and one stop signal. This code could have progressively evolved by making gradual use of letters G and C to end with 64 triplets coding for 20 amino acids and three stop signals. According to proposed evidence, DNA could have appeared after the four-letter structure was already achieved. In the newborn DNA world, T substituted U to get higher physicochemical and genetic stability.  相似文献   

With the three-letter alphabet [R,Y,N] (R = purine, Y = pyrimidine, N = R or Y), there are 26 codons (NNN being excluded): RNN,...,NNY (six codons at two unspecified bases N), RRN,...,NYY (12 codons at one unspecified base N), RRR,...,YYY (eight specified codons). A statistical methodology that uses the codon frequency and a reduced centered variable leads to similar results for a codon occurrence study, regardless of gene function and regardless of a particular protein coding gene taxonomic population. Therefore, this variable can be considered a new codon usage index, whose use removes certain nonsignificant results found with the frequency statistic. This methodology identifies the common and rare codons (i.e., the codons having the highest and lowest occurrence) and leads to a model of codon evolution at three successive states: RNN, then RNY, and finally RYY. Some biological relations between this model and the YRY(N)6YRY preferential occurrence are also presented.  相似文献   

274 N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced forward mutations in the lacI gene of an Escherichia coli RecA- strain were cloned and sequenced. Base substitutions accounted for 264 mutations and consisted of 261 G:C----A:T transitions (including one double mutant with two G:C----A:T transitions separated by 25 base pairs), two A:T----G:C transitions and one A:T----T:A transversion. Therefore, 263 of the 274 mutations (all the transitions) can be explained as a result of the direct mispairing of O6-methylguanine, and O4-methylthymine residues during DNA synthesis. The source of the transversion is not known. The remaining mutations, one 16-base pair deletion, two -1 frameshifts and 7 frameshifts at the lacI frameshift hotspot, are located in runs of identical bases or flanked by directly repeated DNA sequences and can therefore be explained by template slippage events during DNA synthesis. The observed distribution of mutations recovered is identical to that found in a RecA+ background indicating little involvement of RecA function in MNNG-induced mutation. Analysis of neighbouring base sequence revealed that the G:C----A:T transition was 6 times more likely to be recovered if the mutated guanine residue was preceded by a purine rather than a pyrimidine. A most striking aspect of this distribution concerns particular residues in the core domain of the lac repressor protein. Within this domain the great majority of mutations generate nonsense codons or alter Gly codons.  相似文献   

R Boeck  D Kolakofsky 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(15):3608-3617
Only rarely do GUG (or CUG or ACG) codons which precede the 5'-proximal AUG function as initiators of protein synthesis, even when they are within a context that contains a purine at position -3 and a G at +4. For example, the upstream GUG of the human parainfluenza virus type 1 (hPIV1) P gene is initiated by ribosomes at high frequency, whereas a seemingly similar GUG codon in the hPIV3 P gene is not used at all. We have examined the reasons for this by expressing chimeric hPIV3/hPIV1 mRNAs, both in vivo and in vitro. A major determinant for efficient GUG utilization was located downstream of the GUG, but this did not appear to be involved in the formation of secondary structure. Rather, the sequence immediately downstream was found to be critical; this determinant was mapped to positions +5 and +6. GUG could be used efficiently for ribosomal initiation when the second codon was GAU but not when it was GUA. Similar results were found when other non-AUG start sites, the Sendai virus P gene ACG and the c-myc-1 CUG, were examined. These results suggest that positions +5 and +6 are important determinants for initiation at non-AUG start sites, and that they are recognized independently of the overall secondary structure of the mRNA.  相似文献   

A new approach to the origin of the genetic code is proposed based on some regularities in the nucleotide distribution pattern of the code. The relative amounts of various amino acids in primitive proteins were possibly different from those in organisms living today. The primordial ratio was supposed to shift to the modern one guided by the action of primitive nucleotides. Each primitive tRNA had a discriminator site and, distinguished from it, an anticodon site. It also postulated that primordially each amino acid could correspond to a wide variety of codons. During the course of the evolutionary change, a selective mechanism worked among the protobionts so that less frequent nucleotides became associated with more abundant amino acids in the primordial conditions,thus finally leading to the present codon catalogue.  相似文献   

Sequences flanking the initiator codon in eukaryotic mRNAs are not random. Out of 153 messages examined, 151 have either a purine in position -3, or a G in position +4, or both. Thus, [A/G]XXAUGG emerges as the favored sequence for eukaryotic initiation sites. Nucleotides flanking nonfunctional AUG triplets, which occur in the 5'-noncoding region of a few eukaryotic messages, are different from those found at most functional sites. Whereas most authentic initiator codons are preceded by a purine (usually A) in position -3, most nonfunctional AUGs have a pyrimidine in that position. The observed asymmetry suggests that purines in positions -3 and +4 might facilitate recognition of the AUG condon during formation of initiation complexes. To test this idea, in vitro binding studies were carried out with 32P-labeled oligonucleotides. Binding of AUG-containing oligonucleotides to wheat germ ribosomes was significantly enhanced by placing a purine in position -3 or +4. The scanning model, which postulates that 40S ribosomal subunits attach at the 5'-end of a message and migrate down to the AUG codon, is discussed in light of these new observations. A modified version of the scanning mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   

A new approach to the origin of the genetic code is proposed based on some regularities in the nucleotide distribution pattern of the code. The relative amounts of various amino acids in primitive proteins were possibly different from those in organisms living today. The primordial ratio was supposed to shift to the modern one guided by the action of primitive nucleotides. Each primitive tRNA had a discriminator site and, distinguished from it, an anticodon site. It is also postulated that primordially each amino acid could correspond to a wide variety of codons. During the course of the evolutionary change, a selective mechanism worked among the protobionts so that less frequent nucleotides became associated with more abundant amino acids in the primordial conditions, thus finally leading to the present codon catalogue.Presented at The International Seminar: The Origin of Life held in Moscow, August 2–7, 1974.  相似文献   

The ale gene specifying the subtilisin YaB produced by alkalophilic Bacillus YaB, has an unusual start codon UUG. Changing this codon to AUG and GUG increasedexpression of the ale gene in B. subtilis DB104 and in an ale deficient mutant strain YaB-DEC4. The relative translational efficiency order of the threeinitiation codons is AU G > GU G > UUG in B. subtilis DB104 and in YaB-DEC4. These data suggest that the preferred initiation codon is AUG for ale gene expression in Bacillus .  相似文献   

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