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In this article, we propose a new learning method called "self-enhancement learning." In this method, targets for learning are not given from the outside, but they can be spontaneously created within a neural network. To realize the method, we consider a neural network with two different states, namely, an enhanced and a relaxed state. The enhanced state is one in which the network responds very selectively to input patterns, while in the relaxed state, the network responds almost equally to input patterns. The gap between the two states can be reduced by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the two states with free energy. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this method, we applied self-enhancement learning to the self-organizing maps, or SOM, in which lateral interactions were added to an enhanced state. We applied the method to the well-known Iris, wine, housing and cancer machine learning database problems. In addition, we applied the method to real-life data, a student survey. Experimental results showed that the U-matrices obtained were similar to those produced by the conventional SOM. Class boundaries were made clearer in the housing and cancer data. For all the data, except for the cancer data, better performance could be obtained in terms of quantitative and topological errors. In addition, we could see that the trustworthiness and continuity, referring to the quality of neighborhood preservation, could be improved by the self-enhancement learning. Finally, we used modern dimensionality reduction methods and compared their results with those obtained by the self-enhancement learning. The results obtained by the self-enhancement were not superior to but comparable with those obtained by the modern dimensionality reduction methods.  相似文献   

Synchronized oscillation in a modular neural network composed of columns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The columnar organization is a ubiquitous feature in the cerebral cortex. In this study, a neural network model simulating the cortical columns has been constructed. When fed with random pulse input with constant rate, a column generates synchronized oscillations, with a frequency varying from 3 to 43 Hz depending on parameter values. The behavior of the model under periodic stimulation was studied and the input-output relationship was non-linear. When identical columns were sparsely interconnected, the column oscillator could be locked in synchrony. In a network composed of heterogeneous columns, the columns were organized by intrinsic properties and formed partially synchronized assemblies.  相似文献   

The columnar organization is a ubiquitous feature in the cerebral cortex. In this study, a neural network model simulating the cortical columns has been constructed. When fed with random pulse input with constant rate, a column generates synchronized oscillations, with a frequency varying from 3 to 43 Hz depending on parameter values. The behavior of the model under periodic stimulation was studied and the input-output relationship was non-linear. When identical columns were sparsely interconnected, the column oscillator could be locked in synchrony. In a network composed of heterogeneous columns, the columns were organized by intrinsic properties and formed partially synchronized assemblies.  相似文献   

Gaussian processes compare favourably with backpropagation neural networks as a tool for regression, and Bayesian neural networks have Gaussian process behaviour when the number of hidden neurons tends to infinity. We describe a simple recurrent neural network with connection weights trained by one-shot Hebbian learning. This network amounts to a dynamical system which relaxes to a stable state in which it generates predictions identical to those of Gaussian process regression. In effect an infinite number of hidden units in a feed-forward architecture can be replaced by a merely finite number, together with recurrent connections.  相似文献   

The singing behavior of songbirds has been investigated as a model of sequence learning and production. The song of the Bengalese finch, Lonchura striata var. domestica, is well described by a finite state automaton including a stochastic transition of the note sequence, which can be regarded as a higher-order Markov process. Focusing on the neural structure of songbirds, we propose a neural network model that generates higher-order Markov processes. The neurons in the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) encode each note; they are activated by RA-projecting neurons in the HVC (used as a proper name). We hypothesize that the same note included in different chunks is encoded by distinct RA-projecting neuron groups. From this assumption, the output sequence of RA is a higher-order Markov process, even though the RA-projecting neurons in the HVC fire on first-order Markov processes. We developed a neural network model of the local circuits in the HVC that explains the mechanism by which RA-projecting neurons transit stochastically on first-order Markov processes. Numerical simulation showed that this model can generate first-order Markov process song sequences.  相似文献   

Brunel N  Hakim V  Isope P  Nadal JP  Barbour B 《Neuron》2004,43(5):745-757
It is widely believed that synaptic modifications underlie learning and memory. However, few studies have examined what can be deduced about the learning process from the distribution of synaptic weights. We analyze the perceptron, a prototypical feedforward neural network, and obtain the optimal synaptic weight distribution for a perceptron with excitatory synapses. It contains more than 50% silent synapses, and this fraction increases with storage reliability: silent synapses are therefore a necessary byproduct of optimizing learning and reliability. Exploiting the classical analogy between the perceptron and the cerebellar Purkinje cell, we fitted the optimal weight distribution to that measured for granule cell-Purkinje cell synapses. The two distributions agreed well, suggesting that the Purkinje cell can learn up to 5 kilobytes of information, in the form of 40,000 input-output associations.  相似文献   

Neural networks are modelling tools that are, in principle, able to capture the input-output behaviour of arbitrary systems that may include the dynamics of animal populations or brain circuits. While a neural network model is useful if it captures phenomenologically the behaviour of the target system in this way, its utility is amplified if key mechanisms of the model can be discovered, and identified with those of the underlying system. In this review, we first describe, at a fairly high level with minimal mathematics, some of the tools used in constructing neural network models. We then go on to discuss the implications of network models for our understanding of the system they are supposed to describe, paying special attention to those models that deal with neural circuits and brain systems. We propose that neural nets are useful for brain modelling if they are viewed in a wider computational framework originally devised by Marr. Here, neural networks are viewed as an intermediate mechanistic abstraction between 'algorithm' and 'implementation', which can provide insights into biological neural representations and their putative supporting architectures.  相似文献   

Neural networks are considered by many to be very promising tools for classification and prediction. The flexibility of the neural network models often result in over-fit. Shrinking the parameters using a penalized likelihood is often used in order to overcome such over-fit. In this paper we extend the approach proposed by FARAGGI and SIMON (1995a) to modeling censored survival data using the input-output relationship associated with a single hidden layer feed-forward neural network. Instead of estimating the neural network parameters using the method of maximum likelihood, we place normal prior distributions on the parameters and make inferences based on derived posterior distributions of the parameters. This Bayesian formulation will result in shrinking the parameters of the neural network model and will reduce the over-fit compared with the maximum likelihood estimators. We illustrate our proposed method on a simulated and a real example.  相似文献   

Towards an artificial brain   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
M Conrad  R R Kampfner  K G Kirby  E N Rizki  G Schleis  R Smalz  R Trenary 《Bio Systems》1989,23(2-3):175-215; discussion 216-8
Three components of a brain model operating on neuromolecular computing principles are described. The first component comprises neurons whose input-output behavior is controlled by significant internal dynamics. Models of discrete enzymatic neurons, reaction-diffusion neurons operating on the basis of the cyclic nucleotide cascade, and neurons controlled by cytoskeletal dynamics are described. The second component of the model is an evolutionary learning algorithm which is used to mold the behavior of enzyme-driven neurons or small networks of these neurons for specific function, usually pattern recognition or target seeking tasks. The evolutionary learning algorithm may be interpreted either as representing the mechanism of variation and natural selection acting on a phylogenetic time scale, or as a conceivable ontogenetic adaptation mechanism. The third component of the model is a memory manipulation scheme, called the reference neuron scheme. In principle it is capable of orchestrating a repertoire of enzyme-driven neurons for coherent function. The existing implementations, however, utilize simple neurons without internal dynamics. Spatial navigation and simple game playing (using tic-tac-toe) provide the task environments that have been used to study the properties of the reference neuron model. A memory-based evolutionary learning algorithm has been developed that can assign credit to the individual neurons in a network. It has been run on standard benchmark tasks, and appears to be quite effective both for conventional neural nets and for networks of discrete enzymatic neurons. The models have the character of artificial worlds in that they map the hierarchy of processes in the brain (at the molecular, neuronal, and network levels), provide a task environment, and use this relatively self-contained setup to develop and evaluate learning and adaptation algorithms.  相似文献   

A neural-model-based control design for some nonlinear systems is addressed. The design approach is to approximate the nonlinear systems with neural networks of which the activation functions satisfy the sector conditions. A novel neural network model termed standard neural network model (SNNM) is advanced for describing this class of approximating neural networks. Full-order dynamic output feedback control laws are then designed for the SNNMs with inputs and outputs to stabilize the closed-loop systems. The control design equations are shown to be a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) which can be easily solved by various convex optimization algorithms to determine the control signals. It is shown that most neural-network-based nonlinear systems can be transformed into input-output SNNMs to be stabilization synthesized in a unified way. Finally, some application examples are presented to illustrate the control design procedures.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of training layered neural networks to generate sequences of states. Aiming at application for situations when an integral characteristic of the process is known rather than the specific sequence of states we put forward a method in which underlying general principle is used as a foundation for the learning procedure. To illustrate the ability of a network to learn a task and to generalize algorithm we consider an example where a network generates sequences of states referred to as trajectories of motion of a particle under an external field. Training is grounded on the employment of the least action principle. In the course of training at restricted sections of the path the network elaborates a recurrent rule for the trajectory generation. The rule proves to be equivalent to the correct equation of motion for the whole trajectory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a mathematical foundation, including a convergence analysis, for cascading architecture neural network. Our analysis also shows that the convergence of the cascade architecture neural network is assured because it satisfies Liapunov criteria, in an added hidden unit domain rather than in the time domain. From this analysis, a mathematical foundation for the cascade correlation learning algorithm can be found. Furthermore, it becomes apparent that the cascade correlation scheme is a special case from mathematical analysis in which an efficient hardware learning algorithm called Cascade Error Projection(CEP) is proposed. The CEP provides efficient learning in hardware and it is faster to train, because part of the weights are deterministically obtained, and the learning of the remaining weights from the inputs to the hidden unit is performed as a single-layer perceptron learning with previously determined weights kept frozen. In addition, one can start out with zero weight values (rather than random finite weight values) when the learning of each layer is commenced. Further, unlike cascade correlation algorithm (where a pool of candidate hidden units is added), only a single hidden unit is added at a time. Therefore, the simplicity in hardware implementation is also achieved. Finally, 5- to 8-bit parity and chaotic time series prediction problems are investigated; the simulation results demonstrate that 4-bit or more weight quantization is sufficient for learning neural network using CEP. In addition, it is demonstrated that this technique is able to compensate for less bit weight resolution by incorporating additional hidden units. However, generation result may suffer somewhat with lower bit weight quantization.  相似文献   

We investigate the memory structure and retrieval of the brain and propose a hybrid neural network of addressable and content-addressable memory which is a special database model and can memorize and retrieve any piece of information (a binary pattern) both addressably and content-addressably. The architecture of this hybrid neural network is hierarchical and takes the form of a tree of slabs which consist of binary neurons with the same array. Simplex memory neural networks are considered as the slabs of basic memory units, being distributed on the terminal vertexes of the tree. It is shown by theoretical analysis that the hybrid neural network is able to be constructed with Hebbian and competitive learning rules, and some other important characteristics of its learning and memory behavior are also consistent with those of the brain. Moreover, we demonstrate the hybrid neural network on a set of ten binary numeral patters  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the brain''s computation relies on spatiotemporal activity of neural networks. In particular, there is growing evidence of the importance of continuously and precisely timed spiking activity. Therefore, it is important to characterize memory states in terms of spike-timing patterns that give both reliable memory of firing activities and precise memory of firing timings. The relationship between memory states and spike-timing patterns has been studied empirically with large-scale recording of neuron population in recent years. Here, by using a recurrent neural network model with dynamics at two time scales, we construct a dynamical memory network model which embeds both fast neural and synaptic variation and slow learning dynamics. A state vector is proposed to describe memory states in terms of spike-timing patterns of neural population, and a distance measure of state vector is defined to study several important phenomena of memory dynamics: partial memory recall, learning efficiency, learning with correlated stimuli. We show that the distance measure can capture the timing difference of memory states. In addition, we examine the influence of network topology on learning ability, and show that local connections can increase the network''s ability to embed more memory states. Together theses results suggest that the proposed system based on spike-timing patterns gives a productive model for the study of detailed learning and memory dynamics.  相似文献   



Appropriate definitionof neural network architecture prior to data analysis is crucialfor successful data mining. This can be challenging when the underlyingmodel of the data is unknown. The goal of this study was to determinewhether optimizing neural network architecture using genetic programmingas a machine learning strategy would improve the ability of neural networksto model and detect nonlinear interactions among genes in studiesof common human diseases.


Using simulateddata, we show that a genetic programming optimized neural network approachis able to model gene-gene interactions as well as a traditionalback propagation neural network. Furthermore, the genetic programmingoptimized neural network is better than the traditional back propagationneural network approach in terms of predictive ability and powerto detect gene-gene interactions when non-functional polymorphismsare present.


This study suggeststhat a machine learning strategy for optimizing neural network architecturemay be preferable to traditional trial-and-error approaches forthe identification and characterization of gene-gene interactionsin common, complex human diseases.

Dynamic recurrent neural networks composed of units with continuous activation functions provide a powerful tool for simulating a wide range of behaviors, since the requisite interconnections can be readily derived by gradient descent methods. However, it is not clear whether more realistic integrate-and-fire cells with comparable connection weights would perform the same functions. We therefore investigated methods to convert dynamic recurrent neural networks of continuous units into networks with integrate-and-fire cells. The transforms were tested on two recurrent networks derived by backpropagation. The first simulates a short-term memory task with units that mimic neural activity observed in cortex of monkeys performing instructed delay tasks. The network utilizes recurrent connections to generate sustained activity that codes the remembered value of a transient cue. The second network simulates patterns of neural activity observed in monkeys performing a step-tracking task with flexion/extension wrist movements. This more complicated network provides a working model of the interactions between multiple spinal and supraspinal centers controlling motoneurons. Our conversion algorithm replaced each continuous unit with multiple integrate-and-fire cells that interact through delayed "synaptic potentials". Successful transformation depends on obtaining an appropriate fit between the activation function of the continuous units and the input-output relation of the spiking cells. This fit can be achieved by adapting the parameters of the synaptic potentials to replicate the input-output behavior of a standard sigmoidal activation function (shown for the short-term memory network). Alternatively, a customized activation function can be derived from the input-output relation of the spiking cells for a chosen set of parameters (demonstrated for the wrist flexion/extension network). In both cases the resulting networks of spiking cells exhibited activity that replicated the activity of corresponding continuous units. This confirms that the network solutions obtained through backpropagation apply to spiking networks and provides a useful method for deriving recurrent spiking networks performing a wide range of functions.  相似文献   

Market impact cost is the most significant portion of implicit transaction costs that can reduce the overall transaction cost, although it cannot be measured directly. In this paper, we employed the state-of-the-art nonparametric machine learning models: neural networks, Bayesian neural network, Gaussian process, and support vector regression, to predict market impact cost accurately and to provide the predictive model that is versatile in the number of variables. We collected a large amount of real single transaction data of US stock market from Bloomberg Terminal and generated three independent input variables. As a result, most nonparametric machine learning models outperformed a-state-of-the-art benchmark parametric model such as I-star model in four error measures. Although these models encounter certain difficulties in separating the permanent and temporary cost directly, nonparametric machine learning models can be good alternatives in reducing transaction costs by considerably improving in prediction performance.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework of reinforcement learning plays an important role in understanding action selection in animals. Spiking neural networks provide a theoretically grounded means to test computational hypotheses on neurally plausible algorithms of reinforcement learning through numerical simulation. However, most of these models cannot handle observations which are noisy, or occurred in the past, even though these are inevitable and constraining features of learning in real environments. This class of problem is formally known as partially observable reinforcement learning (PORL) problems. It provides a generalization of reinforcement learning to partially observable domains. In addition, observations in the real world tend to be rich and high-dimensional. In this work, we use a spiking neural network model to approximate the free energy of a restricted Boltzmann machine and apply it to the solution of PORL problems with high-dimensional observations. Our spiking network model solves maze tasks with perceptually ambiguous high-dimensional observations without knowledge of the true environment. An extended model with working memory also solves history-dependent tasks. The way spiking neural networks handle PORL problems may provide a glimpse into the underlying laws of neural information processing which can only be discovered through such a top-down approach.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于卷积神经网络和循环神经网络的深度学习模型,通过分析基因组序列数据,识别人基因组中环形RNA剪接位点.首先,根据预处理后的核苷酸序列,设计了2种网络深度、8种卷积核大小和3种长短期记忆(long short term memory,LSTM)参数,共8组16个模型;其次,进一步针对池化层进行均值池化和最...  相似文献   

Nonassociative learning is an important property of neural organization in both vertebrate and invertebrate species. In this paper we propose a neural model for nonassociative learning in a well studied prototypical sensory-motor scheme: the landing reaction of flies. The general structure of the model consists of sensory processing stages, a sensory-motor gate network, and motor control circuits. The paper concentrates on the sensory-motor gate network which has an agonist-antagonist structure. Sensory inputs to this circuit are transduced by chemical messenger systems whose dynamics include depletion and replenishment terms. The resulting circuit is a gated dipole anatomy and we show that it gives a good account of nonassociative learning in the landing reaction of the fly.Supported by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health  相似文献   

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