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Human serum transferrin is an essential bilobal protein that transports iron in the circulation for delivery to iron-requiring cells. Obtaining the C-terminal lobe of human transferrin in verified native conformation has been problematic, possibly because its 11 disulfide bonds lead to misfolding when the lobe is expressed without its accompanying N-lobe. A recently reported method for preparing the C-lobe free of extraneous residues, with normal iron-binding properties and capable of delivering iron to cells, makes use of a Factor Xa cleavage site inserted into the interlobal connecting strand of the full-length protein. An inefficient step in this method requires the use of ConA chromatography to separate the cleaved lobes from each other, since only the C-lobe is glycosylated. Inserting a 6-His sequence near the start of the N-lobe enhances recovery of the recombinant transferrin from other proteins in the culture medium of the BHK21 cells expressing the mutant transferrin. The new procedure is more economical in time and effort than its predecessor, and offers the additional advantage of isolating C-lobe expressed with or without its glycan chains.  相似文献   

Liu R  Guan JQ  Zak O  Aisen P  Chance MR 《Biochemistry》2003,42(43):12447-12454
Human transferrin, a bilobal protein, with each lobe bearing a single iron-binding site, functions to transport iron into cells. While the N-terminal lobe alone does not measurably bind cellular transferrin receptors or serve as an iron donor for cells, the C-lobe is capable of both functions. We used hydroxyl radical-mediated protein footprinting and mass spectrometry to reveal the conformational changes that occur upon complex formation for the human transferrin C-lobe (residues 334-679) bound to the ectodomain of human transferrin receptor 1 (residues 121-760). Oxidation rates for proteolytic peptides in the C-lobe, the receptor, and their complex have been measured by mass spectrometry; upon formation of the complex, a dramatic decrease in modification rates, indicating protection of specific side chain groups, can be seen in C-lobe sequences corresponding to residues 381-401, 415-433, and 457-470. Peptide sequences experiencing modification rate decreases in the transferrin receptor upon C-lobe binding include residues 232-240, 365-371, 496-508, 580 and 581, 614-623, 634-646, 647-681, and 733-760. In addition, several peptides in the receptor exhibit enhancements in the rate of modification consistent with allosteric effects of complex formation. Using tandem mass spectrometry, the sites of modification with altered reactivity in the complex include Met382, Met389, Trp460, Met464, and Phe427 in the C-lobe and Tyr503, Pro581, Tyr611, Leu619, Met635, Phe650, Trp740, Trp754, and Phe760 within the transferrin receptor. Using available genetic, biochemical, and structural data, we confirm that the conserved RGD sequence (residues 646-648) in the helical domain of the transferrin receptor, including residues from Leu619 to Phe650, is a primary binding site for the transferrin C-lobe.  相似文献   

Iron-saturated human transferrin was digested with either chymotrypsin or trypsin to produce C-lobe and N-lobe protein fragments. Individual protein fragments were purified by a combination of gel filtration and Concanavalin A affinity chromatographic procedures. The C-lobe and N-lobe fragments of human transferrin were then used in binding assays to assess their ability in binding to the bacterial transferrin receptors. Competitive binding assays demonstrated that the C-lobe fragment of human transferrin binds as well as intact human transferrin to bacterial transterrin receptors from Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophlius influenzae. Using isogenic mutants of N. meningitidis deficient in either of the transferrin-binding proteins (Tbps), we demonstrated that both transferrin-binding proteins were able to bind to the C-lobe fragment of human transferrin.  相似文献   

A new method for obtaining Anabaena-free Azolla   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A simple method was described for the purification of serum transferrin (Tf) from human plasma and porcine serum with relative high yield and purity. The properties including purity, integrity, immunoreactivity and the receptor-binding ability of the proteins were studied by several assays, comprising spectrometry, SDS-PAGE, HPLC, Western blotting, urea electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and cytometry. Analysis from all the different aspects manifested that the proteins were of high purity. The two kinds of Tfs appeared to be iron-saturated as confirmed by their absorbance spectra and urea-PAGE mobility. The specific spectra of absorption of the two Tfs were both at around 465 nm. The relative molecular weights of human Tf (hTf) and porcine Tf (pTf) were determined by SDS-PAGE and further identified by MAIDI-TOF mass spectrometry with a result of 79,707 and 79,258, respectively. Immunoblotting assay showed that pTf could react with the anti-human Tf monoclonal antibody with a less level compared to hTf. FACS assays of their binding activities to Tf receptor-positive cell (K562 cell line) indicated that pTf could be recognized by the hTf receptor and internalized into cells, with a slightly less efficacy than hTf. All special property studies demonstrated that pTf was similar to hTf in physical and chemical characteristics, which gave a hint that pTf could substitute for hTf in some kinds of researches, such as using hTf as a carrier in drug targeting system.  相似文献   

Zak O  Aisen P 《Biochemistry》2003,42(42):12330-12334
Human transferrin, like other members of the transferrin class of iron-binding proteins, is a bilobal structure, the product of duplication and fusion of an ancestral gene during the course of biochemical evolution. Although the two lobes exhibit 45% sequence identity and identical ligand structures of their iron-binding sites (one in each lobe), they differ in their iron-binding properties and their responsiveness to complex formation with the transferrin receptor. A variety of interlobe interactions modulating these iron-binding functions has been described. We have now studied the kinetics of iron release to pyrophosphate from the isolated recombinant C-lobe and from that lobe in the intact protein, each free and bound to receptor. The striking finding is that the rates of iron release at the pH of the endosome to which transferrin is internalized by the iron-dependent cell are similar in the free proteins but 18 times faster from full-length monoferric transferrin selectively loaded with iron in the C-lobe than from isolated C-lobe when each is complexed to the receptor. The possibility that the faster release in the receptor complex of the full-length protein at endosomal pH contributes to the evolutionary advantage of the bilobal structure is considered.  相似文献   

Each homologous lobe of human serum transferrin (hTF) has one Fe(3+) ion bound by an aspartic acid, a histidine, two tyrosine residues, and two oxygens from the synergistic anion, carbonate. Extensive characterization of these ligands in the N-terminal lobe has been carried out. Despite sharing the same set of ligands, there is a substantial amount of evidence that the N- and C-lobes are inequivalent. Studies of full-length hTF have shown that iron release from each lobe is kinetically distinguishable. To simplify the assessment of mutations in the C-lobe, we have created mutant hTF molecules in which the N-lobe binds iron with high affinity or not at all. Mutations targeting the C-lobe liganding residues have been introduced into these hTF constructs. UV-visible spectral, kinetic, and EPR studies have been undertaken to assess the effects of each mutation and to allow direct comparison to the N-lobe. As found for the N-lobe, the presence of Y517 in the C-lobe (equivalent to Y188 in the N-lobe) is absolutely essential for the binding of iron. Unlike the N-lobe, however, mutation of Y426 (equivalent to Y95) does not produce a stable complex with iron. For the mutants that retain the ability to bind iron (D392S and H585A), the rates of release are considerably slower than those measured for equivalent mutations in the N-lobe at both pH 7.4 and pH 5.6. Equilibrium binding experiments with HeLa S(3) cells indicate that recombinant hTF, in which Y426 or H585 is mutated, favor a closed or nearly closed conformation while those with mutations of the D392 or Y517 ligands appear to promote an open conformation. The differences in the effects of mutating the liganding residues in the two lobes and the subtle indications of cooperativity between lobes point to the importance of the transferrin receptor in effecting iron release from the C-lobe. Significantly, the equilibrium binding experiments also indicate that, regardless of which lobe contains the iron, the free energy of binding is equivalent and not additive; each monoferric hTF has a free energy of binding that is 82% of diferric hTF.  相似文献   

Summary With one-dimensional electrophoresis or electrofocusing the selective demonstration of proteins and their genetically determined variants from complex compositions like the physiological body fluids often is possible only with specific staining techniques or immunofixation. By the method described here samples are separated by. PAG electrophoresis and a selected detail of the electropherogram is further resolved by PAG electrofocusing. The resulting pattern of bands after a usual protein stain can easily be interpreted due to the reduction of the number of bands. Informative bands hidden in a one-dimensional pherogram by overlapping with one or more other bands can be selectively visualized by the one-dimensional combination of two electrophoretic methods. With the double one-dimensional technique several hundred samples can be analyzed per person day. Thus the application in electrophoretic screening studies appears to be of special interest. The method is demonstrated by using the polymorphism of human serum transferrin as an example. A new variant of Tf-C with a high incidence in the German population is demonstrated.Essential details of this paper are part of the thesis of R. Hackler and W. Knoche and were presented by K. Altland at the Electrophoresis Forum, Munich, October 1978 and at a workshop for evaluation of paternity, Tübingen, February 1979  相似文献   

A new procedure is described for acquiring measurements of electrocardiographic parameters in unrestrained crocodilians. These measurements are difficult to obtain in freely moving animals; hence, electrocardiographic activity under natural conditions has not been previously quantified. In this investigation, twelve American alligators were equipped with subcutaneous electrodes. The lead wires were sutured to each animal's skin and the extracutaneous wires coiled and held in place against the animals' dorsal surfaces with waterproof elastic bandages. The electrodes were connected to an ECG analyzer only at the time of measurement. The presence of the leads and harness did not appear to interfere with the movements of the animals either in the animal room or during testing. This method allows for more precise measurements of cardiac activity under conditions which closely resemble those of crocodilians in their natural state.  相似文献   

A new method for obtaining bacteria-free cultures of blue-green algae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Blue-green algae are enriched and subcultured in a nitrogen-free medium. Portions of these cultures are kept at 47–48 C for 15, 30, 45 and more min. If akinetes are present and spore-forming bacteria absent — as is often the case — bacteria-free cultures of the algae are obtained.  相似文献   

1. A rare genetic variant of human serum transferrin (TfBSHAW) is reported. 2. The variant and normal transferrins have been purified. 3. The two proteins have been shown to be identical with respect to their molecular weights, heat stability, iron uptake and absorbance spectra. 4. The amino acid substitution is thought to be isoleucine replaced by asparagine at either position 378 or position 381. 5. The ferric iron bound to the C-site of TfBSHAW is unstable in the presence of protons or 6 M urea.  相似文献   

Human serum was subjected to chromatography on DEAE-Affi-Gel Blue which combines ion-exchange and pseudo-ligand-affinity chromatography in a 0.02 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. All serum proteins were bound with the exception of transferrin, IgG (immunoglobulin G) and trace amounts of IgA. After a second step of Sephadex G-100 gel chromatography, or affinity chromatography against goat anti-human IgG F(ab')2 coupled to AH-Sepharose 4B, IgG and IgA were removed. The transferrin obtained was homogeneous and of high yield (greater than 80%), and was unaltered as judged by analyses of molecular weight, isoelectric point, iron-binding capacity, antigenicity, and ability to bind to high-affinity specific cellular receptors. Thus, DEAE-Affi-Gel Blue chromatography may be used as the basis for a simple, rapid, two-step method for the purification of large amounts of native transferrin from serum.  相似文献   

A detailed method for obtaining preparations of human sperm chromosomes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A detailed technique is described for obtaining preparations of the chromosome complements of human sperm by fertilization of hamster eggs and analysis of the male pronucleus. Some of the more difficult aspects and important steps are emphasized. Technical data from 17 consecutive experiments are presented to provide an estimate of the number of karyotypes which can be obtained in an experiment.  相似文献   

A new method for fish chromosome preparation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for the preparation of fish chromosomes from abdominal cavity fluid has been developed. Cells were collected from fish abdominal cavity fluid after an in vivo PHA treatment, and cultured for a short time in medium with colchicine. After 30 min hypotonic treatment for marine fish and 35 min for freshwater fish, slides were prepared by the conventional air-drying method. The advantages ofthe method are: (1) it is technically simple; (2) it produces a reasonably high mitotic index; (3) chromosome spreading is good (4) there is very little cell breakage. Using this method, the chromosomes ofrainbow trout (2n=62); cod (2n=4546) and plaice (2n=46,47 and 48) were investigated.  相似文献   

A solid-phase immunoadsorbent was prepared by insolubilization of antibody during precipitation with Na2SO4. The polyaldehyde macromolecule created by periodate oxidation of dextran (macrofixative) served as the insolubilizing, crosslinking agent. After appropriate fixation, the precipitate was stable to removal of the precipitating salt, to washing, and, to a large extent, to heating in the denaturing detergent, sodium dodecyl sulfate. Under proper conditions, the precipitate retained satisfactory antibody activity, although very high molecular weight antigens were apparently excluded from the internal active sites of the solid-phase matrix. This method provides the advantage of insolubilization of the primary antibody in a small volume; for analytical work, the entire precipitate, with bound antigen, may be quantitatively applied to a polyacrylamide gel (tube or slab) and electrophoresed without overloading by the binding antibody. This method might also be extended for use in immunoisolation procedures employing standard eluting agents, as well as insolubilization of proteins other than immunoglobulin.  相似文献   

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