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The pelvis in the “Normalstellung” tends in man to tilt backwards. In primates, the pelvis shows a marked tendency to tilt into quadruped posture. In both the bodyweight intensifies those tendencies. Consequently, assuming erect posture and maintaining bipedal balance encounter, in primates, constant resistance from pelvis and bodyweight. In gibbons and ponginae loss of the tail, lengthening of the sacrum and broadening of the ilium combined with a pronounced development of the sacro-tuberous ligament furnish the gluteal muscles with a more powerful reflectory moment on pelvis and body. Moreover, the development of a short head of the femoral bicipital muscle, made the hip-joint to a greater degree independent of the knee-joint. Thus, maintenance of bipedal balance is better developed in gibbons and ponginae than in monkeys. In man broadening of the sacrum altered the position of the acetabulum. Together with ensuing changes of the ilium and the ischium this brought about in the pelvis a balance relationship so that the bodyweight not only causes no resistance to standing upright but even facilitates it. The essence of bipedalism, however, is not only the capacity to rise upright and to stand, but also to walk, that is, to keep the body balanced in the frontal plane on one leg. It is the ventralwards broadening of the ilium, and the sidewards bend of its middle segment, that allow, the strongest part of, the gluteus medius (and minimus) to produce a powerful abducent moment on the pelvis. The lack of a corresponding osteomuscular structure in monkeys as well as in gibbon and ponginae compels these primates to move faster and run straddle-legged, in a more or less forward-bending posture. Lastly it is found that in gibbons and ponginae, not only is the ilium markedly broadened laterally, but also that its sacral part is turned completely sidewards. This indicates that bipedalism in man has developed along quite other lines than in gibbons and ponginae.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the growth of the human bony pelvis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of individual patterns of longitudinal growth of the bony pelvic complex reveals the following findings concerning the sex differences in the growth of the bony pelvis. (1) The patterns of growth show the same individual variability and male-female overlap as the adult configuration of pelves. (2) The sex differences in the adult bony pelvis cannot be attributed to the differential response of one bone to sex hormone. (3) Sex differences develop from complicated variations in rates and direction of growth of local areas of the pelvic complex. (4) The superior functional division of the bony pelvis shows only one notable sex difference — the sexual dimorphism of the directional growth of the anterior one-half of the iliac crest. (5) The inferior functional division of the bony pelvis shows numerous local areas of sexually dimorphic growth, but the major sex differences result from the greater lateral migration of the ischia. (6) Of the regions showing definite sexual dimorphism in growth, the pelvic inlet and sciatic notch are the more variable because of their dependency on two separate anatomical systems for their final adult morphological configuration. The subpubic angle and length of the superior pubic ramus are directly associated with only one anatomical system, the enlargement of the pelvic cavity, thus, they show less variability and more definitive sex difference.  相似文献   

The hamster renal pelvis has been studied by means of low-power light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and morphometric analyses. The results of this study are highly suggestive that the contact of pelvic urine with the other medulla as well as with the inner medulla may be an important aspect of final urine formation. The outer medulla constituted nearly 50% of the total pelvic surface area, with the inner stripe of the outer medulla more than twice the pelvic surface area of the outer stripe of the outer medulla. The large outer medullary pelvic surface area was accounted for by the elaboration of the upper pelvic walls into peripelvic columns, opercula ("secondary pyramids"), fornices and secondary pouches. A thin simple-squamous to low cuboidal pelvic epithelium separated pelvic urine from outer medullary parenchyma. The inner medulla which constituted about one quarter of the total pelvic surface area was covered by a cuboidal to columnar pelvic epithelium which appeared morphologically similar to the papillary collecting duct epithelium. Tubules and capillaries of the inner medulla did not appear as closely juxtaposed to the pelvic epithelium as did those of the outer medulla. Cortical tissue comprised only 11.7% of the total pelvic surface area and was covered by transitional epithelium similar to that of ureter and bladder. The previously reported impermeability of this epithelium suggests that pelvic urine contact with the cortex is unimportant in final urine formation. The rich layer of smooth muscle under the transitional epithelium probably functions to move urine into and out of the pelvis during pelvic peristalsis, which has been observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent survey of the fossiliferous variegated mudstones of the PK1 locality (Sabapondaung) in the late middle Eocene Pondaung Formation (central Myanmar) has led to the recovery of a partial right innominate of a relatively large-bodied primate. Given its size and provenance, this bone probably belongs to the same individual represented by the NMMP 20 primate partial skeleton described previously from the same locality. The new fossil, which preserves the region around the acetabulum and the adjacent part of the ilium, clearly exhibits strepsirrhine rather than anthropoid affinities. This addition to our knowledge of the NMMP 20 partial skeleton allows us to reassess the different locomotor interpretations that have been proposed for this specimen. Aspects of pelvic morphology suggest that the NMMP 20 partial skeleton documents a primate that probably engaged in active arboreal quadrupedalism similar to that practiced by medium-sized Malagasy lemurids rather than lorislike slow moving and climbing. Given the conflicting phylogenetic signals provided by NMMP 39 (a talus showing anthropoid affinities) and NMMP 20 (a partial skeleton bearing adapiform affinities), it appears that two higher-level taxonomic groups of relatively large-bodied primates are documented in the Pondaung Formation. The recent discovery of two taxa of sivaladapid adapiforms from the Pondaung Formation indicates that the assumption that the NMMP 20 partial skeleton belongs to an amphipithecid can no longer be sustained. Instead, this specimen apparently documents a third large-bodied sivaladapid species in the Pondaung Formation.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism of the human pelvis is inferentially related to obstetrics. However, researchers disagree in the identification and obstetric significance of pelvic dimorphisms. This study addresses three issues. First, common patterns in dimorphism are identified by analysis of pelvimetrics from six independent samples (Whites and Blacks of known sex and four Amerindian samples of unknown sex). Second, an hypothesis is tested that the index of pelvic dimorphism (female mean x 100/male mean) is inversely related to pelvic variability. Third, the pelvic dimensions of the Neandertal male from Kebara cave, Israel are compared with those of the males in this study. The results show that the pelvic inlet is the plane of least dimorphism in humans. The reason that reports often differ in the identification of dimorphisms for this pelvic plane is that both the length of the pubis and the shape of the inlet are related to nutrition. The dimensions of the pelvis that are most dimorphic (that is, female larger than male) are the measures of posterior space, angulation of sacrum, biischial breadth, and subpubic angle. Interestingly, these dimensions are also the most variable. The hypothesis that variability and dimorphism are inversely related fails to be supported. The factors that influence pelvic variability are discussed. The Kebara 2 pelvis has a spacious inlet and a confined outlet relative to modern males, though the circumferences of both planes in the Neandertal are within the range of variation of modern males. The inference is that outlet circumference in Neandertal females is also small in size, but within the range of variation of modern females. Arguments that Neandertal newborns were larger in size than those of modern humans necessarily imply that birth was more difficult in Neandertals.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of human pelvic bone tissue according morphological parameters were few studied in anterior–posterior compression tests and few data are available to correctly validate finite element pelvis models. In order to reduce this gap, 12 pelvic bones were removed from male and female embalmed cadavers and compressed. Anatomic angles were measured and bone's density was calculated after each test.

Fractures observed during those tests were coherent with those observed in real life. Bone's density and percentage of mineralisation were not significantly different between the male and female groups. The retropubic angle was significantly larger in the female group (p < 0.05). Mean load necessary to obtain the collapse was significantly higher in the male group (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that talar trabecular microarchitecture reflects the loading patterns in the primate ankle joint, to determine whether talar trabecular morphology might be useful for inferring locomotor behavior in fossil hominins. Trabecular microarchitecture was quantified in the anteromedial, anterolateral, posteromedial, and posterolateral quadrants of the talar body in humans and non-human primates using micro-computed tomography. Trabecular bone parameters, including bone volume fraction, trabecular number and thickness, and degree of anisotropy differed between primates, but not in a manner entirely consistent with hypotheses derived from locomotor kinematics. Humans have highly organized trabecular struts across the entirety of the talus, consistent with the compressive loads incurred during bipedal walking. Chimpanzees possess a high bone volume fraction, consisting of plate-like trabecular struts. Orangutan tali are filled with a high number of thin, connected trabeculae, particularly in the anterior portion of the talus. Gorillas and baboons have strikingly similar internal architecture of the talus. Intraspecific analyses revealed no regional differences in trabecular architecture unique to bipedal humans. Of the 22 statistically significant regional differences in the human talus, all can also be found in other primates. Trabecular thickness, number, spacing, and connectivity density had the same regional relationship in the talus of humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and baboons, suggesting a deeply conserved architecture in the primate talus. Australopithecus tali are human-like in most respects, differing most notably in having more oriented struts in the posteromedial quadrant of the body compared with the posterolateral quadrant. Though this result could mean that australopiths loaded their ankles in a unique manner during bipedal gait, the regional variation in degree of anisotropy was similar in humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. These results collectively suggest that the microarchitecture of the talus does not simply reflect the loading environment, limiting its utility in reconstructing locomotion in fossil primates.  相似文献   

Recent excavations in northwestern Kenya have recovered a vertebrate fauna of late early or early late Oligocene age. Among the mammal remains, a fragmentary lower jaw and an isolated upper molar have been attributed to a small primate, Lokonepithecus manai gen. et sp. nov. Lokonepithecus is a primitive member of the Parapithecidae and possibly most closely related to Apidium from the Fayum. The new primate from Kenya is the youngest parapithecid known and its occurrence in the Oligocene of Kenya suggests that sub-Saharan Africa probably played a major role in the evolutionary history of several groups of mammals.  相似文献   

A fifth anthropoid (= anthropoidean, simian or simiiform) genus and species from the late Eocene Fayum Quarry L-41, Abuqatrania basiodontos gen. et sp. nov., further augments the already remarkable primate diversity from this locality and provides the first convincing extension of the enigmatic family Parapithecidae into the oldest productive vertebrate fossil-bearing stratum of the Jebel Qatrani Formation. A. basiodontos exhibits no clear autapomorphies nor any apomorphies that are shared exclusively with any other parapithecid species, and it is most parsimoniously interpreted as the sister taxon of a Qatrania-Parapithecus-Apidium clade. Reevaluation of two contemporaries of A. basiodontos, Serapia and Arsinoea, suggests that neither genus should be ranked as a basal parapithecid. Serapia is more derived than primitive parapithecids in the morphology of the lower fourth premolar and exhibits greater overall similarity to Proteopithecus in cusp placement and the shape and proportions of its lower teeth; accordingly, we place Serapia in the family Proteopithecidae. Arsinoea is much more problematic and does not fit well with any hitherto known Afro-Arabian anthropoid group; we place this genus in a new anthropoid family, Arsinoeidae.  相似文献   

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